Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/29/03
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Proofread by Tanya
Josh: Looking for this?
Shayne: Ugh.
Josh: I'm guessing Marah’s looking for it, too.
Shayne: I know, I was supposed to bring it to her, and I forgot.
Josh: Well, at least you remembered you forgot. That's a good thing.
Shayne: You know what? I'll bring it to her first thing tomorrow, okay?
Josh: Yeah, you know, we need to talk about that, son.
Shayne: What do you mean?
Josh: Well, there's a lot of things around here that keep, you know, important things for instance... (Clears throat)... I spoke to your coach today.
Shayne: What, you called him?
Josh: Yeah.
Shayne: Why?
Josh: To talk to him about baseball. Why else would I call him? And he told me that you cut out of practice pretty quick and didn't stay for your weight training.
Shayne: Well, I had stuff to do.
Josh: What stuff?
Shayne: Dad, I don't know, just stuff, okay. I mean, today's been a busy, crazy day. Can we just not do this now?
Josh: Well, this won't take long. Sit down. Sit.
Shayne: (Sighs)
josh: Son, baseball is a golden opportunity for you. You have a lot of talent. You love the game. But only the guys who really work at it hard make it.
Shayne: Dad, it's not like I’m slacking off.
Josh: I know that, but it's... It's not like you're doing a whole lot to improve your game either. I mean, don't get me wrong, fun is great. Fun is a lot of fun. I love it. But... But... But fun isn't going to get you where you want to be in the long run.
Shayne: Well, Dad, if you're worried that I’m having fun anywhere else besides the ball field, you can relax, because I’m not.
Josh: Okay. What's going on? Come on, I’m your dad. You can talk to me.
Shayne: Yeah, okay, you want to talk? Let's talk about how long am I going to be kept prisoner in this house, huh?
Gus: Hi.
Lucia: Nicholas.
Gus: You moving to a better place?
Lucia: Yes, I hope so.
Gus: I mean, you're not just leaving town or anything, are you?
Lucia: I, um... I don't think there's any point in me staying here.
Gus: Well, we haven't even got to... To know each other yet.
Lucia: Right, I know, exactly. I've been here for several weeks now and we've seen each other two, maybe three times. I... I took that as a sign.
Gus: But I'm just saying you can't just leave, especially now. I was just... I was just coming to ask you for some help.
Lucia: For some help? And if I hurt you the way I already have, all these years? No, Nicholas, trust me, it's time for me to go.
Gus: Why did you come to Springfield in the first place? It's because you wanted me to know that you were my mother, right? Well, why don't you start acting like my mother?
Harley: Sit down. Get comfy. He won't be long.
Alan: It doesn't matter how long it takes him. I won't be here when he gets back.
Harley: You're not leaving this house, Alan.
Alan: Look, I don't take orders from you or your boyfriend.
Gus: That's your son. Try to remember to call him that.
Alan: I prefer calling him "Con artist."
Harley: Gus does not want your lousy money. Okay? All he wants is for you to look him in the eye and say, "It's true, you are my son."
Alan: It's not true.
Harley: Oh, my God. You know, I would like nothing better than to toss your pompous butt out of here. But Gus wants you here, so this is where you will stay.
Alan: The hell I am!
Harley: What are you going to do? You're going to go back to Alexandra? The woman who drugged you and made you look like a head case in front of the whole world? The woman who took everything away from you in the name of sisterly concern? Now, that's a con.
Alan: I know how to deal with Alexandra.
Harley: Yeah, go ahead. It's all right. The cops will pick you up about 100 yards down the sidewalk anyway, whisk you off to some loony bin.
Alan: You wouldn't dare.
Harley: The judge said you were "dangerously unstable." That's right. I'd just be doing my civic duty, protecting the people of this fair city. But you go ahead. Hey, nobody can give you orders, Alan, that's for sure. Go ahead. Just make sure you shut the door on your way out. (Door shuts)
Alexandra: What is it, Lloyd?
Lloyd: There's no further news on your brother's whereabouts. About your situation, madam.
Alexandra: I'm fine. You can go.
Lloyd: Excuse me, but the longer Mr. Spaulding remains missing, the more problematic it becomes.
Alexandra: I said you can go...
Lloyd: He'll have recovered from his medication by now, and almost certainly be clear-headed.
Alexandra: I realize that.
Lloyd: And he may be staying away on purpose. To plot revenge?
Alexandra: Is this what this little speech is all about, protecting yourself?
Lloyd: You said you wanted to wean your brother off the drugs slowly so that he and everybody else would think he'd regained his faculties naturally. But if clarity comes too soon, he's sure to wonder why the change was so sudden.
Alexandra: (Laughs) And why we were giving him all those cups of tea, is that it?
Lloyd: I just thought you'd want to know what might happen.
Alexandra: Fine! "What might happen"? You don't think I know what might happen? Now I know damn well what might happen! (Glass breaking)
Phillip: Bad time?
Alexandra: Well, I should have thrown it at Lloyd’s head.
Phillip: What did Lloyd say that upset you so much?
Alexandra: He thinks he's being helpful, you know, by reminding me of all the places that Alan might be found, like bus stations, train stations, I mean, homeless shelters. And so I had them check those places and double check those places. I mean, my God, I hate this! I... I...
Olivia: It's been a very stressful time for all of us.
Alexandra: Well, of course, it is. I mean, not knowing where Alan is is...
Olivia: Ow, God.
Phillip: Hey, you all right?
Olivia: No, it's just a twinge, it's all right.
Phillip: Well, sit down.
Olivia: No, it's passing. It's okay.
Phillip: No, no, no, get off your feet.
Olivia: It's just a little cramping, it's fine.
Alexandra: Cramping? Cramping's not normal.
Phillip: I think it is if you've just had an amniocentesis.
Alexandra: You just had that done today?
Olivia: I think the problem is I haven't eaten since this morning, and I’m sure cook can take care of that.
Phillip: I'll get her to fix you something.
Olivia: No, it's all right. I can walk to the kitchen.
Alexandra: (Laughs) For heaven's sake, Olivia, if you don't feel well, sit down.
Olivia: If I'm not back in two weeks, come look for me, okay?
Alexandra: Well, I really do worry about her, you know.
Phillip: You do?
Alexandra: Oh, come on, Phillip, please, let's not you and I quarrel. I mean, at a time like this with Alan missing, you and I don't need to go...
Phillip: Oh, please, don’t. Just spare me the olive branch. I'm not buying it. And the little routine with the throwing of the vase, that didn't sell me either.
Alexandra: What, you don't think I care about my own brother?
Phillip: Oh, no, I... No, you care about him. You're very deeply concerned about him, just not in the way you would have me believe.
Alexandra: (Sighs) How can you be quite so cynical?
Phillip: It's easy. It gets a lot easier over time, a little practice. No, it occurs to me you're... It's not the thought that Alan may never come back, it's the thought of what he may do to you when he does.
Sandy: Well, this is a bona fide mystery. Alan Spaulding is missing. I mean, it's not every day a billionaire disappears.
Mole: Well, unless he's involved in an international sex scandal. But not Alan Spaulding. No, this cat's just loony tunes.
Sandy: He is loony tunes, officially. But moving right along, have you heard the other big news? Living in the Fifth Street neighborhood is hip now.
Mole: Only in America. Well, you know what? I heard that the Fifth Street's got everything. They got a grocery store, a video store, a pimp and a drug dealer. (Laughs)
Sandy: Come on, Mole, it's not that bad.
Mole: Ooh, it's not that bad if you a rat.
Marah: Excuse me?
Sandy: I actually think it's extremely cool.
Mole: You would.
Sandy: I mean, so far, it's mostly kids from the college who've moved in down there. And guess whose idea it was to rent that old museum and use it as a living space?
Mole: Uh, the Easter bunny?
Sandy: Marah Lewis.
Marah: Thank you.
Mole: Marah Lewis! (Howls) You know, I hear it gets cold on Fifth Street during the wintertime. I would not mind keeping Marah Lewis warm. (Laughs)
Sandy: Moley, watch it. Watch what you say about my Marah.
Mole: Your Marah? Uh-uh, listen. Anybody out there know that Fifth Street beautification project Marah Lewis? If you do, give me a call because I would love to take that drum from the trunk and give it some funk.
Marah: You better be careful what you wish for.
Josh: I didn't realize I was running a prison.
Shayne: Maybe that wasn't exactly the right word to use. I just mean that sometimes I just feel a little bit, like, caged in here, you know?
Josh: So you need your freedom?
Shayne: Yes.
Josh: And where exactly do you think you might feel free?
Shayne: At the museum.
Josh: (Laughs) At the museum with Marah?
Shayne: Yeah. It would be perfect. Look, there's plenty of room. The place is big. It's an awesome house.
Josh: Yes, it sounds perfect, son, it really does, except for one problem: You're still in high school.
Shayne: So what?
Josh: So, it's out of the question, Shayne.
Shayne: Are you hearing this, huh?
Reva: Enough to figure out what's going on.
Shayne: I'm not a kid anymore!
Josh: Yeah, but you're not 18 yet either.
Shayne: So what? I'm going to graduate in, like, two months. I'm a senior!
Josh: That's exactly the point. Why... Why rock the boat now, son, with your finals and your last pitching start's coming up?
Shayne: Dad, that's ridiculous. I'm... Moving out would never affect the way I pitch. And you know what? It might even... It might even help me with my finals.
Josh: (Laughs)
Reva: How? How's that?
Shayne: Because I’d be... I'd be living with college kids, you know? Smart ones. And I could... I could keep an eye on Marah. I could make sure she's not...
Josh: That’s...
Shayne: ...Tony's treating her right...
Josh: That's not your responsibility, son. All you should be thinking about right now is your schoolwork and baseball, that's it.
Shayne: Okay, and what, do you really think I’m being so outrageous here?
Reva: No, no, sweetheart, I... I certainly understand your thinking. But your father has some very strong points, too.
Shayne: Okay, so then you're basically just taking his side.
Reva: Shayne, most 17-year- olds do live at home.
Shayne: Yeah, and what's good enough for them is good enough for me, right?
Josh: Son, there's a time for everything, and this is not the time for what you're asking.
Reva: I... I can't add anything to that.
Shayne: All right, fine, fine.
Josh: Where are you going?
Shayne: I'm going to be a good little boy and drop this off at Marah’s place.
Reva: Shayne...
Shayne: Don't want to forget my chores.
Reva: Shayne!
Shayne: And you know what? Don't worry because I'm not going to move in while I’m there. And I'll be sure to hurry along home, and I won't have any fun along the way, okay? I promise.
Josh: You got to love those teenage years. Thank you for backing me up. I appreciate that.
Reva: Well, I really didn't have much of a choice. You pretty much already laid down the law.
Gus: I think that it might be possible you're the only person in the world that can help me.
Lucia: Me? All right. Tell me. What's wrong?
Gus: You heard about Alan?
Lucia: Yes, I’ve heard that he's missing. They say that he's mentally unstable. You know, it's all over the news.
Gus: Well, here's a little update: He's not missing, not anymore.
Lucia: Where is he?
Gus: I have him stashed at Harley’s house. He's safe.
Lucia: What?
Gus: But the problem... The problem is he doesn't understand that I’m... I'm actually trying to help him.
Lucia: Oh, I don't know, Nicholas. I think you should let him fend for himself.
Gus: Well, it's a... It's a little too late for all of that, okay?
Lucia: Oh, no. You told him that you're his son?
Gus: I really didn't have a choice. His family is trying to nail him to the wall. And I know that he's an arrogant jerk, but I... I still can't let that happen. Again, the problem is he thinks that I’m trying to scam him.
Lucia: Yes, right, of course. He would never believe that... That he's your father.
Gus: Well, he thinks I'm feeding him a bunch of garbage and I'm sort of angling to get some sort of inheritance that is not due to me, and everything.
Lucia: Oh, boy. I have always wondered how he would handle this news.
Gus: Yeah, and that's the thing. I was thinking maybe it would be better coming from you.
Lucia: No. No, I've already seen Alan.
Gus: You've seen Alan? When?
Lucia: Yes, I saw him weeks ago right when I first came to town...
Gus: Did you... Did you tell him about me?
Lucia: No, Nicholas, how could I? He didn't even recognize me. He... He acted as if he'd never even laid eyes on me before.
Gus: Okay, well, that's... That's probably not his fault, because, see, Alexandra’s been drugging him up with... With dope and whatever, and she's... He's acting crazy. That's why.
Lucia: Oh, my Lord. Is that the truth? Well, whatever the reason, it still worries me that if he could block me out of his memory for so many years, then he won't care about you either. No matter how much you try to help him, he will shut himself off to you. He will use you and he will spit you out.
Gus: Kind of like he did to you.
Lucia: Yes. And I will not let that happen to you. So, no, I will not be the one to tell Alan the truth.
Gus: Listen, I'm not afraid of Alan Spaulding. In fact, I’m not afraid of any of the Spaulding’s. What I am afraid of is becoming the kind of man that could actually turn his back on his own father.
Lucia: Yes, but don't you see? Those rules don't apply with a man like Alan Spaulding.
Gus: Don’t... Please, don't talk to me about rules, not you, okay, somebody that left me high and dry for 30 years, please.
Lucia: Oh, Nicholas, that's not fair. How many times do I have to explain to you? If I had known that Joe and Angela Augustino had died so soon, I would not... Never have stayed away as long as I did.
Gus: Okay... Okay, so, well, then great, this is your chance. You can make it up to me.
Lucia: No, I can’t.
Gus: You owe me. You hear me? You owe me.
Lucia: I need to protect you.
Gus: I don't need your protection. Don't you get it? I need your help. Don't you have any... Any faith in your son?
Lucia: Yes, of course, I have faith in you.
Gus: Well, then you come with me to Harley’s house. Come with me right now.
Lucia: (Sighs) Oh, God. I love you, Nicholas. I pray for you.
Gus: Please. Please!
Lucia: I'll get my car. I'll follow you.
Alexandra: Oh. You know, Phillip, I think you're the one that should be worried about what happens when Alan comes back.
Phillip: Really? Why is that?
Alexandra: Because you're the one that has his company, his wife and quite possibly his child. And he's not going to be happy about that, not one bit.
Phillip: Well, you know, he hasn't been happy with me in a long time. I'm used to that.
Alexandra: Well... (Chuckles) ...You wear righteous indignation almost better than anyone I know.
Phillip: No, but there's so much to be indignant about in this family.
Alexandra: Well, now, how convenient of you to be able to see all the people around you as evil and yet view all your own worst traits as nothing but a natural response to the wrongs done you.
Phillip: Aunt Alex, what is this all about? I thought a few days ago, I was the Spaulding savior.
Alexandra: I want you to take Alan’s place in the company, all right? I want you to raise this child. I even want you to be with Olivia.
Phillip: Oh, you do?
Alexandra: If that makes you happy.
Phillip: Okay, well, then why the lecture?
Alexandra: You are not the victim here, Phillip, you know. And I think... I think you'd feel good about being in the power position again. You won't give it up, will you?
Phillip: We'll see.
Alexandra: Ah, well. I won't be the only one to have a fight on my hands with Alan, you know. Nor will I be the only one to fight back.
Phillip: I think I'll see how Olivia’s making out.
Alexandra: Oh, so, did you get the paternity test while you two were at the hospital?
Phillip: That's none of your business.
Alexandra: So, the answer is no, huh? Because otherwise you'd either be more content or more upset.
Phillip: Aunt Alex, this child is going to be a Spaulding, and I am going to protect it. That's enough for you to know.
Alexandra: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. It won't be enough for Alan.
Phillip: Don't start.
Alexandra: So, why haven't you had the test done?
Phillip: Because Olivia’s not ready to have it done.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Does that matter if Olivia’s ready or not, does it really?
Alan: If I'm going to be your hostage, the least you can do is feed me.
Harley: I am. Cottage cheese, mmm.
Alan: Very funny.
Harley: Just kidding, Alan. Here you go.
Alan: What's that?
Harley: It's dinner.
Alan: It smells.
Harley: Like tomato and beef and onions. Yeah, yeah, it's all in there.
Alan: Does it have a name?
Harley: It's casserole.
Alan: Hmm.
Harley: That's what people on a budget throw together to stretch their food dollars.
Alan: Hmm, well, I've never heard of it. Now, tell me, is your boyfriend going to stay out all night?
Harley: He's your son. Try to remember that.
Alan: Of course. And that's chateaubriand.
Harley: You know, Alan, personally I don't give a damn what you think about anything, but Gus does, so I have to care.
Alan: Well, then you are a fool.
Harley: You know, I’m not sure how this whole thing will end up, but I do know one thing: Gus will not wind up hurt. I am through seeing him suffer.
Alan: His suffering is inevitable.
Harley: Not this time, it's not. He has been through too much. He needs a break.
Alan: (Laughs) You're expecting me to give him a break?
Harley: You're his father. It's the least you can do. Alan, if you do anything to make this worse for him, I will make you pay. Now, eat up.
Alan: Your girlfriend's holding me hostage here...
Harley: Oh...
Gus: Hold on a minute, hold. I brought somebody here who'd like to have a word with you.
Alan: Who?
Gus: My mother.
Lucia: It's nice to see you, Alan.
Marah: Tony, I'll be right back.
Shayne: Don't say I never gave you anything.
Marah: Hey, wait, what... What's going on?
Shayne: I'm just following orders. Big daddy told me to drop off the book. There it is.
Marah: Come here. I mean, earlier tonight, you were here, you were having a great time with Marina. Now, what's going on? And you just left.
Shayne: Yeah, well, the mood kind of changed when Ben gave Marina a car.
Marah: A car?
Shayne: Yeah.
Marah: You mean as a gift?
Shayne: I mean, she looked like she won the lottery. It's all right, though, you know what, because I learned a lesson. I leaned a good lesson.
Marah: What do you mean?
Shayne: Well, if you're trying to impress a girl, no need to just have a lot of great laughs together, and, you know, listen to what she has to say, try to come up with fun things to do, just... Just buy her stuff.
Marah: Shayne.
Shayne: You know, preferably... Preferably big stuff, you know, that's real expensive. You know what? I ought to thank... I'm going to thank Ben next time I see him for the tip.
Marah: Wait a minute. Are... Are you telling me that you're interested in Marina?
Shayne: Are you seriously asking me that? Are you that clueless?
Marah: Well, I knew you guys were friends, but...
Shayne: Friends? I've wanted to be more than that for, like, a year now.
Marah: Wow.
Shayne: Wow. You know what, you can save the "Wow," okay, because nothing's happening with her. And you know what? Thanks to the wardens... Oh, I’m sorry, Mom and Dad, nothing is going to.
Josh: So, you actually think it would be a good idea for Shayne to move in to the museum with Marah and all of her friends?
Reva: Well, I actually think Shayne made a pretty good case for moving into the museum.
Josh: (Sighs) Come on, Reva, really.
Reva: No, Joshua, you come on. Look, Shayne has... He's grown up so much these past few years. Look at everything's he's been through. He's more mature than a lot of 25-year-olds I know, and he's going to be moving out to go to college soon anyway. It will be like a practice run.
Josh: You know what? He's not as responsible as you think he is. Really. He missed his weight training today for no good reason at all. I mean...
Reva: Oh, no.
Josh: He's got a good future in baseball, but he's got to work at it. And he... He just had stuff he had to do, that's all he said...
Reva: Sweetheart, missing one weight training session is not going to derail his...
Josh: If he misses one session, he'll miss another session, and that will lead to another...
Reva: Not Shayne.
Josh: ...And another and another.
Reva: He lives and breathes baseball.
Josh: He's got talent, he's got desire to play, but he doesn't have the dedication yet, Reva.
Reva: And that's where you come in. Is that what you're saying?
Josh: That's where we both come in. We have to jump on him about this. That's how good he could be.
Reva: Fine, we can encourage him and guide him no matter where he's living.
Josh: But if he's not living here, it's going to make our job 100% worse, and it'll be that much easier for him to slack off.
Reva: Not Shayne. I know Shayne. And I have the feeling that if we don't allow him to make some of his own decisions, it may curb his enthusiasm for baseball.
Josh: Okay, all right, fine, I get it, I get it. Is that it? Do you have any other, you know, reasons or any other ideas on this?
Reva: One.
Josh: Oh, good.
Reva: But you're not going to like it.
Josh: Well, hey, bring it on.
Reva: I think that there's a good reason why Shayne wants to move out. Perhaps he needs a break from you.
Phillip: Change of plans. How about I take you back to the loft, pick up some takeout on the way?
Olivia: Oh, that sounds good but, you know, cook is already slicing and dicing. I should probably stay. Be patient, sweetie.
Phillip: Mm, um... Okay. Well, you know what, why don't you have your feast? I'm going to make a quick run over to the office.
Olivia: You have to work now?
Phillip: Yeah, there's something that I just remembered that I need to take care of.
Olivia: Can it wait?
Phillip: I've actually let it wait too long already, but that's okay. I'll be back before dessert, all right?
Olivia: Okay. I'll have it served up in two spoons.
Phillip: Okay.
Olivia: Bye.
Phillip: Hi, this is Phillip Spaulding. I want to have that meeting as soon as possible. Great. Do you know where Company is? Right, right across from the hospital. Good, I'll see you there in about ten minutes. Thanks.
Lucia: You didn't recognize me when I came to your house a few weeks ago. But you do now, don't you? Don't you? I can see it in your face.
Alan: You're...
Lucia: Regina. Regina. I mean, I go by Lucia now, but I was Regina when I lived with your family in Chicago.
Alan: That was a long time ago.
Lucia: Yes, yes. And so much has happened to the both of us. Oh, Alan, it's Regina. I... I've heard that... That you've been going through a terrible and confusing time, and I know that the truth might not seem clear to you.
Alan: Yes. It seems that everyone is lying to me.
Lucia: Well, I won't lie to you. I can't, because the truth is literally right in front of us. Alan, this is our son. This is our son. We had a child together.
Alan: You were the nanny.
Lucia: Yes. And you were the son who was being pressured and forced into being just like his father. But you tried so hard not to become the kind of man that Brandon was. You must remember.
Alan: No.
Lucia: You have to. Alan, Alan, you would... You would come to my room late at night and pour out your anguish to me. And I would hold you until your bitterness turned into... Into talking about the life you really wanted. You were going to be the Spaulding who would choose his own path. I'm sorry if I... If I hurt you when I left without word, without a warning. I was... I was pregnant and I was confused, and your sister said that the only thing to do was to leave.
Alan: Alexandra, huh?
Lucia: Yes. She was the one person that I felt I could talk to. Oh, don't be angry with her. She was... She was convinced that your life would be ruined. Your father would never accept it. You already had a wife and son. If it came out that there was another woman, another child... (Crying)
Gus: It's okay. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. It's all right.
Lucia: Alan, you can't deny that what we had was special anymore than you can change the past. We have to both be glad that we can acknowledge the truth now. No more secrets!
Gus: I didn't want to do it like this, you know. But at least now you know the truth. You are my father.
Alan: How gullible do you think I am?
Marah: What made you think that moving in here would make Marina interested in you?
Shayne: Well, at least I wouldn't be the dork living with his parents.
Marah: Marina lives with Frank.
Shayne: Yeah, but I’m not competing with Frank. I'm competing with Ben and his cars. I mean, Ben’s supposed to be broke. Where does he get the money to buy Marina a car like that anyway?
Marah: Look, it's not exactly hopeless.
Shayne: Yes, it is. Mom and Dad are going to make me live at home forever. I'm serious. No, ever since you went to college, I’m, like, their new project.
Marah: I know they can be kind of intense sometimes.
Shayne: I just wish it was the way it used to be, when they were worried about you all the time. I mean, you were dating the mob guy. That let me fly under the radar for years.
Marah: (Scoffs) Well, you know, I could ask Tony to go back to the dark side for you.
Shayne: Ha-ha.
Marah: All right, I understand where you're coming from, and, look, there is one thing you can do. All right, you can... You can play Mom against Dad or vice versa.
Shayne: No, I tried that tonight. It didn't work.
Marah: Well, then try again tomorrow, harder.
Shayne: You don't understand. With you, you were like daddy's little girl. With me, they're always a united front. So, what does that mean? I lose.
Josh: So, Shayne needs a break from me because I'm, what, overbearing, unreasonable, unenlightened?
Reva: I know you don't mean to be that way on purpose.
Josh: (Laughs)... Oh, well, thank you. This is just getting better and better.
Reva: But it's not all you. I mean, it's Shayne, too. He's a teenager. He's testing our limits. But you have to admit he's been a pretty darn easy kid.
Josh: So, we're back to my faults now.
Reva: I'm not attacking you.
Josh: No, it's just constructive criticism.
Reva: Well, that's what you do with Shayne, isn't it? You point out his flaws in pitching. His batting stance. His weight training attendance.
Josh: I thought we were in agreement that this would be a good opportunity for him.
Reva: We are, but I think that there's another approach to all of this.
Josh: Another approach that I need to take.
Reva: I heard you on the phone with Coach Hazlett. And if I didn't know better myself, I would have sworn that it was you that was on the team. I mean, you were calling him "Coach," Josh. You were talking about the crummy infield at Sharpton High. You were talking about the... The... The infield play against Newberry and how it would have gone our way-- your way. We would have been better off had we gotten the call from the ump.
Josh: And you find this disturbing because...?
Reva: Because I get the feeling that maybe you're more interested in Shayne’s career in baseball than he is.
Josh: Right, I see, I get it. So, this is about me wanting to live my life through Shayne, is that right?
Reva: You used to always talk about baseball when you were Shayne’s age. You talked about how great it would be to be a pro.
Josh: Yeah, I know that. But I didn't go there, you know? I never made it. I never even made the attempt. But... But... But that's okay. We can just add that to my list of faults. In fact, maybe that's where that saying, you know, "Strikes against you," that kind of thing comes from.
Reva: Why is this making you so angry? Question, okay?
Josh: Do you really think... Do you really think that my being tough on Shayne in this way is about me pursuing a dead dream as opposed to just trying to make him the best player he can possibly be?
Reva: I... I don't know.
Josh: Thank you. That's a great answer. Thanks.
Reva: Joshua. (Door slams)
Gus: How can you not believe her?
Alan: I should take the word of this... This nobody who says I got her pregnant? It's absurd!
Lucia: Alan, the truth can't hurt you now, not if you won't let it.
Alan: I'll tell you what the truth is. The truth is you are as much a con artist as your son. Now, did you coach him, or was it the other way around?
Harley: You do remember her, Alan. You can't deny that.
Alan: Oh, yes, I remember her-- the poor, little Italian girl that came to watch Phillip; the hired help that took one look at the way the other half lived and said, "This is for me." Oh, I could smell your ambition.
Lucia: I loved Phillip. (Crying) I loved that baby so much.
Alan: Oh, Lucia, oh, you were nothing but a gold digger, plain and simple.
Gus: Shut up, Alan! How dare you talk to her that way?
Alan: She was always wanting to be so understanding. She wanted to be my friend. Oh, you weren't interested in me. You were only interested in my money.
Lucia: How can you say that about me?
Alan: You would have done anything to replace my wife and grab all the money. Well, let me tell you something. I never slept with you. I never touched you. And I can smell a leech when they come into my life. Now, you may be his mother, but I am not your father.
Gus: Now, hold on a minute, Alan. Let me ask you something. If I was after your money, don't you think I'd come up with a better plan than this? I took you off a bridge. You were going to kill yourself. I brought you here. I protected you because I cared. And you still don't believe a word that I'm saying?
Alan: No, I don't.
Gus: After all the criminal garbage that Alexandra has done to you, you're going to take her word over mine? You're going to take her word over the truth?
Alan: Don't talk to me about Alexandra.
Harley: Gus.
Gus: You know what? Forget it. Come on, Lucia, I'll take you home.
Harley: You are the liar, Alan.
Alan: My God, it's true.
Phillip: Okay. So, we're clear, right?
Lab tech: Well, as soon as we get the results, I’ll call you with them.
Phillip: Great. And that will be when?
Lab tech: Well, it's hard to say exactly.
Phillip: Look, I know that DNA testing takes some time. Just don't let it take too much.
Harley: Ingrate. I cannot believe he called Lucia a liar.
Gus: He's ashamed.
Harley: Of himself?
Gus: No, he's ashamed that I... That I'm his son. It doesn't matter, though. He's going to admit it when I bring out the big guns.
Harley: DNA test?
Gus: Better believe it. Genes don't lie. Alan, can you come down here? Alan!
Harley: I'll check upstairs.
Gus: Alan!
Harley: Alan?
Gus: Alan!
Harley: Alan?
Gus: No.
Harley: Nothing.
Gus: Nothing. Great. He's gone. (Sighs)
Alexandra: So, there's been no spotting of Alan anywhere near the lakefront at all? Well, yes, I suppose it is good news, huh? Yes, Officer. You know, the next time I get a call from... I hope it will be Chief Cooper telling me that he has located Alan, right? I do. I do. Thank you. Thank you. Alan now could be almost anywhere.
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