GL Transcript Friday 4/25/03

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 4/25/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Thug #1: What's your hurry?

Cassie: Look, I really need to get by.

Thug #2: Oh, where you headed?

Thug #1: Probably meeting her partner, Danny Santos.

Cassie: What is this? Do you guys know Danny?

Thug #2: Oh, we know him. And we got a message for him.

Cassie: Don't touch me.

Thug #1: Run but you can't hide.

Danny: Voice mail. Cassie should have been here by now.

Tony: Let's give her a couple of more minutes.

Danny: We should have picked her up at the Beacon. Tony, having her meet us down here at night, it was not a good idea.

Michelle: Hi.

Ed: Hey.

Michelle: How are you? Come on in.

Ed: Fine, how are you?

Michelle: Good. Hey, where's Rick?

Ed: He's at the hospital. He'll be along soon.

Michelle: I hope so.

Ed: Oh, you know your brother and a free meal. He's not going to pass it up.

Michelle: (Laughs)

Ed: So where's Danny?

Michelle: Oh, he'll be back soon.

Ed: Wow. This place is huge. Hello. (Imitating echo) Hello, hello, hello.

Michelle: I guess it is a little bit bigger than what we're used to, huh?

Ed: "A little"? I'm going to need a road map if I go to the bathroom later on.

Michelle: (Laughs) Okay, out with it. What's really on your mind?

Ed: Uh, no, nothing. The place is great.

Michelle: Mm-hmm. It is. It is. It's beautiful. But you don't throw out silly one-liners unless something's really bothering you.

Ed: Transparent yet again, right?

Michelle: Yep. Dad, Danny and I have been living here for weeks, and this is the first time you've come to visit. I know you have something to say, so you might as well just say it.

Frank: What is going on here?

Harley: Nothing. Nothing's going on.

Gus: Yeah. We're having a friendly conversation.

Frank: Well, I know her tone of voice, and there was nothing friendly about it.

Harley: I guess you know my big mouth, too.

Frank: Oh, so I guess that means you're not going to say anything.

Gus: Look, it was my fault. I'm the one with the big mouth, you know. I snapped at your sister. You know how she gets when you snap at her.

Harley: Oh, he knows. So what are you doing here, Frank?

Frank: Well, I came to check up on my sister. You know, you've been running around pretending like nothing happened here. And you know, you should be resting and healing up.

Harley: I'm... I'm fine. I am. There's nothing for you to worry about.

Frank: Really?

Harley: Really.

Gus: Frank is right. Come on, stop it. I... You should be resting. You're recuperating. You shouldn't be getting all stressed out. My fault. My bad. I'm sorry, okay. So, tell us, Frank, what... Any news on Alan?

Frank: None.

Gus: Oh. Well, no news is good news, right? I'm going to check on Zach, okay, and make sure everything's okay. Would you... Are you thirsty? Want a drink, anybody? No? Okay. (Crashing) He must be up. I'll take care...

Harley: I'll get it...

Gus: I got it. I got it.

Frank: Hey, what was that?

Gus (whispering): Al, you got to be quiet, okay? Cooper's brother is out there, Frank. He's the Chief of Police now. If he finds you here, you're going to have to go home and live with Alexandra. Is that what you want? Is that what you want? Get in there. Okay, everything's fine. I got to clean it up and everything, so...

Harley: Do you need help?

Gus: No, I'm fine. I got it. You talk to your brother, you know.

Frank: Hey, are you sure you don't want to go in there and check on Zach?

Harley: I will, in a minute. But first... I want you to know that I’m not... I'm not angry at you anymore.

Frank: Well, I wouldn't blame you if you were, okay? I mean, I just want you to understand why I did what I did.

Harley: I do. I think I do.

Frank: Sis, this job... It took me by complete surprise, okay?

Harley: But you know, you deserve it, Frank.

Frank: Thanks. But I have to prove myself. I have to do everything by the book.

Harley: To the letter; I get that. But I... And I don't want to jeopardize anything for you. I don't want you to feel like you have to pick favorites.

Frank: Exactly. You're my sister; Gus is...

Harley: Your sister's boyfriend.

Frank: Yeah, yeah, that's right. You know what, and that internal happened anyway, and there's no way I could have stopped that.

Harley: Yeah. But did you have to start it? That's my...

Frank: Sis, he almost got you killed.

Harley: You were scared.

Frank: I thought I was going to lose you.

Harley: You were scared, so you blamed Gus.

Frank: Yeah, I blamed Gus, but...

Harley: Listen, listen, do you remember when I was in the hospital and you told me that I had no objectivity?

Frank: What are you saying? Are you making this personal now?

Harley: I'm saying that you love me and you wanted to protect me. Well, Gus wanted to protect me, too.

Frank: I can't change what's happened. All I can say is that he's a very lucky guy to have you by his side.

Harley: I'm on your side, too, Frank, always. And I miss you.

Frank: Sis, I miss you, too.

Harley: I'm sorry.

Frank: I love you. I really do.

Harley: (Laughs)

Frank: Now let's go in there and let me see my nephew, please.

Harley: Okay. Of course you can. No, wait! (Laughs) We can't go inside.

Buzz: I need a break. You want to share?

Marina: Ah, yes, please, always, sit.

Buzz: Homework?

Marina: (Laughs)

Buzz: What was I thinking?

Marina: I don't know. Actually, you know what? I could really use your input here.

Buzz: Yeah?

Marina: All right, so I’m planning the birthday party, but I don't just want it to be all about me. You know, I want to do something, like, for the whole family, just because so much stuff has happened lately. I mean, we never even had so much as a cake for Dad's promotion, which is ridiculous. Aunt Harley’s on the mend, and I just feel as if there's a lot to celebrate.

Buzz: Did I ever tell you what a great kid you are?

Marina: Ah, well, you know. You don't want to really forget about the birthday thing. I mean, presents are still a requirement.

Ben: Well, I've been thinking about having the whole month of May declared Marina Cooper

Marina: This is what I like about you. You think very big.

Ben: Well, I got to keep up with you. Hi, Buzz.

Buzz: Ben.

Marina: You know, I’d be really happy if you could find some time in the future for Ben and Marina day. Can't think of the last time we spent a day together.

Ben: I've been working overtime to afford the birthday month.

Marina: Ah, birthday month-- you hear that? I like it. Sit. I'll get you something to eat.

Eden: Hi. Has Lana checked in yet? What, she's not back yet? She should have been back from her date by now. Well, will you do me a favor and have her call me as soon as she gets in? Thanks a lot, Tracy.

Bill: Problem?

Eden: I hope not.

Bill: You know what? You're thinking about the girl that got beat up. What was her name?

Eden: Ginger.

Bill: Well, you shouldn't worry, because I’ll bet you anything, it's nothing.

Eden: I hope not. You know, sometimes these guys just won't take no for an answer, even though I tell them explicitly otherwise.

Bill: Well, there's a lot of jerks out there.

Eden: Yeah, tell me about it.

Bill: Yeah. Can I make a suggestion? You had Harley take care of the last guy, right? Why don't you hire someone else in the same capacity? You know, somebody permanent.

Eden: I already tried that, and easier said than done. I mean, I can't have some burly guy following people around on dates.

Bill: Yeah, I guess that would be bad for business, huh?

Eden: Uh, yeah. I mean, how would you like it if someone was watching us right now?

Bill: Uh, wait a minute, you and I-- that is not the same thing.

Eden: Well, you know what I mean.

Bill: All right, well, would I get away with this?

Eden: Yeah. It's harmless enough.

Bill: How about this?

Eden: Okay, okay, wait, well, no, just not until Lana calls back, okay?

Bill: Well, you obviously don't need a bodyguard.

Eden: Yeah, that's right. I can say no when I need to.

Bill: Yeah, I don't doubt it, because you got a fire in your eye. In fact, I’ll bet you Harley had the same kind of resolve when she put the heat on Ginger's attacker.

Eden: Okay, you know what? I really appreciate what Harley did, but please, please do not compare me to Harley.

Bill: No, look, look, you are missing the point. Hire a woman. I think they can be just as tough as any guy.

Thug #1: What, you don't want to play?

Thug #2: Oh, come on, what's wrong, baby, huh?

Thug #1: Hey.

Danny: Hey, hey, hey.

Tony: Whoa, easy, easy, easy. It's just us. It's just us.

Danny: It's just us. It's okay.

Tony: Damn, Cassie, talk about cleaning up the hood.

Danny: Yeah, well, you thought wrong. Time's up.

Harley: (Yawns) I'm sorry. God, I’m just... I'm tired, you know? And you're right, you said I should probably get some rest.

Frank: Yes, I did.

Harley: So I'll call you.

Frank: Little sister, you're trying to get rid of me, aren't you?

Harley: Don't be silly.

Frank: Oh, no, no. I know this whole little routine of yours. A guy hurts you a couple of times and then you try to push him away.

Harley: That is not what I'm doing.

Frank: Who do you think you're talking to here? You're talking to your big brother, the guy that's been beside you since day one. And you know what happens here. You know, we fight, we make up, things are great. That's the way it always is.

Harley: Oh, Frank.

Frank: Sis. Hey. I miss you. You know, I want to... I want to be here for you. You've had a rough couple days. Let me help you, okay? Now, turn yourself around, open the door, and let me see my nephew. Come on. You're a big girl, here we go. We're going in the door, push the button, and here we go.

Gus: Did you have a nice chat?

Frank: We did.

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Frank: We're good. You two, however, are acting a little weird.

Gus: Wired, maybe. I had a lot of caffeine earlier...

Harley: He's so tired.

Gus: And stressed. I'm... I'm stressed out, you know, over the whole job thing.

Frank: Yeah, well, you can't change what happened. You disobeyed a direct order.

Gus: Ah, Frank, please, you can talk about it till you're blue in the face...

Frank: Can I finish, please? I understand what you tried to do for my sister, here. You wanted to get her out safe and sound. I also know that you love her very much.

Gus: Yes, I do, Frank. I love your sister more than anything.

(Door closes)

Frank: What is going on around here?

Harley: Wait, wait, Frank!

Frank: Okay, sis, get out... Of... My... Way. Now, who's inside here?

Zach: Frank!

Frank: Oh-ho, hey big man, come here. Hey. Aren't you supposed to be upstairs in bed?

Zach: No.

Frank: No?

Harley: (Laughs) That's not what mommy says. My Zacharoo, Zach. (Laughs) Okay, big man. You get upstairs, start getting in your jammies. I'll be right up to tuck you in.

Gus: Get up. I'm timing you. Go, go, go, go. Yeah.

Frank: You know, you've been acting a little jumpy today.

Harley: Have I?

Frank: Yes, you have. (Cell phone rings) Uh, excuse me. Cooper here.

Rick: Do you ever answer your damn messages?

Frank: Uh, sorry, I haven't checked them lately.

Rick: I just finished the preliminary autopsy on my very dead predecessor.

Frank: What'd you get?

Rick: You need to get down here right away, Frank.

Frank: Yeah, I can be there in 15 minutes. I got to go. I'm working on the Simmons case with Rick, so...

Harley: Oh. Okay. Bye.

Frank: I love you, sis. All right, rest, okay? I want you to heal. And you will be taking care of her?

Gus: Well, of course, I will.

Frank: Okay.

Harley: I hate lying to him. I hate it.

Gus: I know. And I'm sorry.

Alan: I'm sorry, too, Harley. I just... I just thought you were going to tell your brother about me, that's all.

Harley: Oh, so you remember my name. And you remember that Frank is my brother. That's good. That's very good. It means that the drugs are wearing off, which makes me very happy. Because it means this whole thing will finally be over.

Buzz: Birthday month. It's pretty ambitious.

Ben: I just want Marina to feel special, sir. She deserves it.

Buzz: Yes, she does.

Ben: I guess you think she deserves better than me. I know you don't like me all that much, Buzz.

Buzz: No, Frank doesn't like you. I... Me... I look at you and I’m sort of... I... Recognize you.

Ben: I'm not following.

Buzz: Small-town guy that wants it all; you'll do anything to get it, you know. I just... Unfortunately for you, you remind me of me.

Ben: Really?

Buzz: I think that's sort of what drives Frank nuts about you. Because he looks at you and he sees a, you know, a slick hotshot who's going to leave somebody brokenhearted. You know, and I think about it... None of the Cooper’s are very lucky in love. I mean, we love, we love, we love like it's... Every day's the Fourth of July. Till it's not. And I think that's why Frank wants to protect his daughter. But it's her birthright. She's going to love with her whole heart, and... If it gets broken...

Ben: Well, I don't want to break Marina's heart.

Buzz: Maybe not. But maybe you won't have a choice, though. Maybe you'll see something bigger and shinier out there, and you just got to have it and want it, you need it, you know. So you run after it. You leave behind all you care about, thinking it's going to be there down the line if you need it, you know. Then one day you realize that all your hopes and dreams could have been fulfilled by holding onto that hand, and looking into that pair of eyes. But they're gone. I haven't seen those eyes in a long time. I'm rambling, I know. I just want you to know, I know where you're coming from. I know what it's like to want everything. And sometimes that's the fastest way to end up with nothing.

Ben: Listen, I got to go.

Buzz: Marina?

Marina: Yeah?

Ben: I have to go.

Marina: Oh, no.

Ben: Hey, come on. I got to put in all the overtime I can. Marina Cooper month is coming up sooner than you think.

Marina: Yeah.

Ben: Bye.

Marina: Bye.

Ben: Nice talking to you, Buzz.

Buzz: Take it easy.

Marina: "Nice talking to you"?

Buzz: Do you doubt my charms? My conversational skills?

Marina: Well...

Buzz: I told him he reminded me of some idiot I used to know.

Marina: Mm-hmm. Well, that's nice. Probably was the first normal conversation he's had with anyone in my family. Thank you, Grandpa.

Eden: So, Lana called. She's home, safe and sound.

Bill: See, what did I tell you?

Eden: All my girls are very important to me.

Bill: I know, I know they are. And that's why I’m telling you, I think you should hire someone else to look out after them. You know, a little protection. You never know. Maybe Harley could do it for you on the side.

Eden: You know, I think Harley would rather clean toilets than come work for me. Besides, she only did that once, and she did it for Gus.

Bill: Well, it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Eden: You know what? Can we quit talking about business? I mean, weren't you, like, saying something to me...

Bill: Yes, something like this...

Eden: Uh-huh. (Laughs)

Cassie: Get a room. I can give you a really good rate.

Tony: So, Lewis, you and Eden, huh? Good luck.

Cassie: Thank you so much for making sure I got here okay. But you can go ahead and go. I'm going to go to the gym.

Tony: Feeling pretty good, huh? You're pretty pumped up?

Cassie: You know, I’m ready for anything.

Tony: That's the adrenaline.

Cassie: I was so cool. Let me show you. Give me your hand. I want to show you what I did to the guy...

Tony: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's okay. You know, I was there, I saw it. I don't need an instant replay.

Cassie: All right, get out of here before I kick your butt. (Laughs)

Tony: I'm going to see you later, okay?

Edmund: Cassie.

Cassie: I did everything right.

Edmund: It's okay.

Cassie: I did everything right.

Edmund: I know.

Cassie: Everything they taught me, I did everything right.

Edmund: It's all right.

Danny: Yeah, it's going great. Several sponsors have already committed. And Jennifer Larson at First National...

Ed: Oh, yeah.

Danny: ...She gave me the green light just this afternoon. She says hi, by the way, so... Yeah, it's great. Everything... The whole thing should be up and running by the time the mayor comes in for the groundbreaking.

Ed: Well, the neighborhood is definitely under-served-- I mean, medically-- and I think the mobile clinic is... It's a good thing.

Danny: I agree. It's going to be great.

Michelle: Robbie went out like a light. What, Rick’s not here yet?

Danny: No, not yet.

Ed: Danny was just updating me on the progress at Fifth Street.

Michelle: Yeah, I’m very proud of him.

Ed: Well, you should be. I just hope it doesn't take up so much of your time, you know, that you don't have time for your family.

Danny: Oh, no, that will never happen, Ed.

Ed: Glad to hear that.

Michelle: Oh, you don't have to worry about us finding time together. We got plenty to do right here.

Ed: Yeah, she was telling me about all the projects, filling me in. I've already had the rundown.

Danny: Really?

Michelle: Oh, don't play dumb, mister. You know we're redoing that master bath in a weekend.

Danny: See, Michelle read this article in one of those home improvement magazines: "How to torture your husband in two days or less."

Michelle: You bought the magazine.

Danny: Hey, I don't know the difference between a washer and a lug nut. I don't see myself replacing the entire plumbing system anytime soon.

Michelle: All right, well, we're talking about the plumbing in one room, one very small room. And a lug nut is on a tire, by the way.

Danny: See? See, that's why you hire contractors. Look, honey, I... You're going to hate this. I hate doing it. I just didn't realize it was getting so late. I have another meeting.

Michelle: Tonight?

Danny: Yeah. I thought we'd be done with dinner by now. I'm really sorry, Ed. Do this another time?

Ed: Sure. Sure.

Danny: I hope soon. Okay. All right, good night. I'm sorry. Will you save my dessert? I'll be back quick, I promise.

Michelle: Okay.

Danny: Do you need me to pick up anything while I'm out?

Michelle: Uh, yeah, we're out of milk.

Danny: Milk it is.

Michelle: All right, hurry back. Are you starving?

Ed: I am kind of hungry. I would have thought Rick was going to be here by now.

Michelle: Yeah, me, too. And Danny never has to work this late. I guess... I guess I should have planned this thing for another night.

Harley: So how you feeling, Alan?

Alan: I'm a little tired. But I'm feeling better because I’m not hearing the voices like I used to.

Harley: It's good. It means you're coming out of it. And because he was hiding, he went into hiding because Frank was here, that proves it.

Gus: Doesn't prove anything, babe. I had to coax him. He didn't do it on his own.

Harley: But he stayed where he was. That says something.

Gus: Yeah, he's getting a little better, but he's not out of it yet. He's not.

Harley: He will be soon. And then what do we do? We need a plan.

Gus: I have... I have a plan. What I’d really like to do is coax a confession out of Alexandra. You know, she's about to crack.

Harley: She's a tough broad.

Gus: Yeah, but she's not so tough when she thinks that she killed her brother, understand? We keep her wondering, if we keep her off balance. And if we expose Alan, the pressure's off.

Harley: Really, Sherlock?

Gus: Come on, please. Please.

Harley: Do you see what's happening here?

Gus: Yeah, I see exactly what's happening. We're fighting the bad guys.

Harley: No, we are fighting each other. We're lying. We're sneaking around. We are hindering an official police investigation. For who? Who is in the middle of this whole thing? The Spaulding’s.

Gus: We don't have a choice.

Harley: Really? I think we could hand the investigation over to the police. Let Frank and our coworkers do their job. You keep your nose clean.

Gus: No.

Harley: You keep a low profile till they reinstate you, Gus.

Gus: I think that what we're doing, is justified.

Harley: Really?

Gus: Yes.

Harley: Well, you tell that to Frank when he loses his job.

Gus: He's not going to lose his job. We kept Alan away from him, didn't we?

Harley: Because I shoved him out the door.

Gus: Come on, please.

Harley: I never lie to my brother. And what did I do? I lied to him.

Gus: No, you didn't.

Harley: I lied! I lied. For who? For what?

Gus: Do I really have to spell it out for you?

Alan: Yes. I want to know why you're doing this, why Harley didn't turn me over to her brother.

Gus: Al, when I saw you on the bridge, you know, you were losing it. I mean, you weren't your rude, egotistical self.

Alan: But what... Why did you help me? What... You didn't like me, did you?

Gus: No, not really.

Alan: Then why are you doing this? I don't understand.

Ed: All right, so you got to tell me the truth.

Michelle: About what?

Ed: I'm turning into a meddlesome father, aren't I? A real pain?

Michelle: No, no, no.

Edmund: Well, you answered that way, way too quickly.

Michelle: Because I didn't even need to think about it. You're neither of those things.

Ed: Yeah, but I am... You're not going to hurt my feelings if you tell me the truth. Go ahead, say it.

Michelle: I like you involved in my life. Do you know what it was like being without you all those years? Have I not told you this? I can take your opinions. You just keep dishing them out.

Ed: But I’m lecturing you all the time, aren't I?

Michelle: Well, I mean, you're my dad. It's kind of in the job description, don't you think?

Ed: But I’ve turned into sort of an overbearing father, haven't I?

Michelle: Is that what you really think?

Ed: What I think is I should just butt out. I mean, you're a grown woman now. You've got a life of your own. You're smart. You're independent. You don't need me sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong.

Michelle: Yeah, but I’m not too old to get advice every now and then, am I?

Ed: Yeah, but I see you trying so hard to convince me that you made the right choice, and you shouldn't have to do that. You're perfectly capable of making decisions on your own, and I should just learn to respect them.

Michelle: Thank you.

Ed: I mean, a little while ago, you asked me if I could accept Danny’s, what, not-so-normal ways. Well, if you can, I can. The only thing that matters is your happiness.

Michelle: And I am happy. I love our life together.

Ed: Well, then I'm happy, too.

Tony: You ready?

Cassie: My kids. What if something went wrong, you know? What if... What if it happened differently?

Edmund: But it didn't, Cassie. You're strong. You "kicked butt," as you so eloquently put it.

Cassie: (Laughs) Sorry. Oh, God, I’m sorry for falling apart like this.

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