GL Transcript Wednesday 4/23/03

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 4/23/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Tony: Hey.

Michelle: Hey.

Tony: Is Danny here? We've been trying to track you guys down.

Michelle: Yeah, yeah, what happened?

Marah: Some guy broke into the museum and threatened Marina.

Michelle: What?

Tony: She said that it sounded like the guy that stashed loot or drugs in there before we moved into the place.

Danny: Well, did you call the cops?

Tony: No, we didn't have to. Shayne tagged the guy with a baseball bat. And when he came to, I convinced him to leave.

Danny: All right, let me talk to you for a minute. Excuse us. What are you saying, you recognized him?

Tony: It was Ernie.

Danny: Salerno's guy?

Tony: Hm-hmm. At first I thought, you know what, maybe he's on his own. But just before he left, he told me to deliver a message to you.

Danny: Me?

Tony: Hm-hmm.

Danny: Well, what was the message?

Tony: "Don Salerno sends his regards."

Danny: Did... Did Marah hear that?

Tony: No, just me. I don't get it, Danny. I mean, I thought all the families were out of Springfield when you took Carmen down.

Danny: Yeah, well, I thought so, too.

Tony: Then what the hell's going on? And why would Salerno send you any kind of message? You're out of the business.

Danny: Tony, it must be some misunderstanding. It must be. Don't worry about it. I'll... I'll straighten it out.

Alexandra: You know, Frank, what do you mean you have nothing to report?

Frank: My men haven't come up with any sign of Alan.

Alexandra: You and your men have been dragging your feet since yesterday when you should have been dragging the lake.

Frank: Well, if you just gave us the name of your source, then we'd come up with a little bit more information to work with.

Alexandra: They said... They saw Alan near the water. Isn't that all you need to know?

Frank: Does any of this have to do with Reva Lewis?

Alexandra: Why would you say that?

Frank: Because I know she was here yesterday, right before that little tip of yours came in.

Alexandra: Well, Frank, I’m focusing on trying to find my brother, not Reva Lewis, okay? When Alan walked out of that courtroom, he was not himself. He was out of his mind and... And then he disappeared. Now, anything could have happened to him.

Frank: Dispatch, this is unit one. I'm going to need a boat and a team of divers. We're going to have to drag the lake.

Phillip: Why?

Alexandra: Because your father may be at the bottom of it.

Harley: (Softly) Good morning.

Gus: Good morning. That is a very weird sight first thing in the morning.

Harley: At least you went out and bought him some clothes. He's not wearing your sweatpants anymore. That man used to be my father-in-law. He's sleeping on my couch. That's weird.

Gus: And very peacefully, I might add.

Harley: Well, at least somebody got some rest last night.

Gus: I know. You were up half the night worried about me getting caught just having him here. And I was up half the night thinking, "Oh, my God, that's my father on the couch."

Harley: Shhh! You don't want him to hear you say that.

Gus: It doesn't make a difference. I already told him.

Harley: What?

Gus: Mm-hmm.

Harley: You told him that he's your...

Gus: Yes, yes, yes. The first night that he was here. But don’t... I don't think it registered because his brain is like mush. So I just don't think it matters.

Harley: Are you sure?

Gus: All right.

Harley: Come here, come here. Why? Why did you feel you needed to tell him that you're his son?

Gus: All right, all right, all right. It was a bad idea.

Harley: Honey, think about it, okay? It would be all Alan could do to process that information in his right mind, let alone when he's as confused as he is now.

Gus: Confused? His brain is like scrambled eggs, okay? And I know who did this to him and I... I just got to confront it.

Harley: Sooner rather than later, okay? If he's messed up because somebody's been feeding him drugs...

Gus: Yeah, Alexandra, Alexandra.

Harley: Whoever. They're going to wear off very, very soon, no matter how large the dose he was given.

Gus: That's... That's a good thing.

Harley: You think it's a good thing if he wakes up here in the house of the people he hates more than anybody else in the world?

Gus: No, he likes it here. He likes it here. We were sharing a bowl of ice cream last night. He was acting like a little...

Harley: Like a little kid. Were you going to say that? Is that what you were going to say?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: You have just proven my point. Alan Spaulding, the real Alan Spaulding is not a kid. He's barely human. Wait till he is back to his old self. You better watch out.

Gus: Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, okay?

Harley: Honey, you can't hide him here forever. Half the Springfield P.D. is out there looking for him, not to mention the entire Spaulding family.

Gus: Yeah, and who is running the Spaulding family? Alexandra. She drugged him into lunacy. That is why I have to keep him here, stashed and safe. Get it?

Harley: Until you can prove what happened to him.

Gus: Yeah and I will. I will. I am not letting Alexandra get away with this.

Phillip: Can't be.

Alexandra: I don't want to believe it either.

Phillip: Why would he go to the lake, let alone wind up in it?

Alexandra: Well, Alan was so confused. He was... He was addled. You've seen how he's been lately.

Phillip: Yeah, and more and more I’m wondering why.

Alexandra: Oh, do I look happy about this? You know this is the worst thing in the world that could have happened to Alan.

Phillip: Wait a minute. Why... Tell me again why... Why you believe that he's dead.

Alexandra: Oh, because I'm not sure he really wanted to live anymore.

Phillip: So suicide?

Alexandra: (Sighs) God, he was so unhappy.

Phillip: What is all this based on?

Alexandra: Look...

Phillip: Did someone actually see Alan at the lake?

Alexandra: Oh, come on, Phillip. Normally I don't put any stock in parapsychology.

Phillip: What?

Alexandra: It's just that... Yesterday, Reva was here. She was drawn to Alan’s desk. She was touching some of the items on it. I mean, she... She had this vision.

Phillip: Reva had a vision?

Alexandra: I don't know. She had a feeling. It was a sense. It was something. You call it whatever you want, but she saw Alan near water.

Phillip: And so you assumed that that means that he somehow must have ended up in the lake, because she has a vision.

Alexandra: Do have any better explanation, Phillip...

Phillip: Unbelievable. I just... I assumed, stupid me, that this somehow, this was based on some sort of real evidence.

Alexandra: Come on, I think that... Reva was really feeling what that...

Phillip: You know what? This is... This is getting more ridiculous by the moment. In the first place, Alan would never commit suicide, because even sick, his ego is too big to cut short the great Alan Spaulding saga before its time.

Alexandra: Phillip, Phillip, you weren't here. You did not see the look in Reva’s face.

Phillip: I don’t...

Alexandra: And you don't know... Alan... Our Alan is not the same Alan Spaulding.

Phillip: Maybe not, but the fact that Reva has a vision doesn't mean anything.

Frank: We have a new development.

Alexandra: What?

Frank: They found Alan’s raincoat. It washed up on the lake shore right under the bridge.

Alexandra: Oh, no, Lord, oh.

Phillip: Alex, that does not automatically mean that Alan has drowned. Did they find anything else?

Frank: No, no, they didn’t. I need to go supervise the divers, so I'll be in touch.

Tony: How are you going to straighten this out, Danny? You going to talk to Salerno?

Danny: Got no choice, Tony.

Tony: Danny, look, you've been out of the business ever since you took Carmen down. You got tons of government dollars tied into Fifth Street. Every nickel of it legit.

Danny: I know.

Tony: If you start talking to Salerno or any of the other bosses, it's going to seem like you're getting your hands dirty. Even if it is just to get their people out of our place.

Danny: All right, and what do you suggest I do? Nothing?

Tony: No, you send somebody else, a go-between.

Danny: There's nobody I trust, Tony, or that Salerno would respect.

Tony: I don't like this, Danny.

Danny: Look, Tony, it's probably nothing.

Tony: (Sighs)

Danny: You know your first thought about Ernie is probably right.

Tony: What, that he was on his own?

Danny: Yeah, and he was probably using Salerno's name to boost himself up or try to rattle us.

Tony: I guess it could be possible.

Danny: It's more than possible. So I’ll make a call, I’ll work it out. You just talk to the girls, okay?

Tony: Are you sure about this?

Danny: Will you trust me? Got to make a call.

Michelle: Hey, is everything okay?

Tony: Yeah, it's fine. We were just talking business.

Danny: How's the weather in New York?

Salerno: Queens ain't New York, Danny, but it's nice. How are things in Springfield?

Danny: A little cloudy.

Salerno: That so?

Danny: At least in my head. I thought you understood me when I visited the other day.

Salerno: I did.

Danny: Then what are your people still doing in Springfield? Unless Ernie Peterson’s a free agent now.

Salerno: No, he's my man. Look, Danny, you really didn't expect me to fold up shop and walk away without some... Transition time.

Danny: I know this game. You mess with my property, mess with my friends, push me to see how far I'll go to protect them. I don't think you want to know the answer.

Salerno: Danny, come on, don't be mad.

Danny: As for this transition time, you take as much as you need, as long as your business is shut down in Springfield by tomorrow. And as for my family and friends, they're off limits. This is not negotiable.

Michelle: Tony, have some toast. Eat something. I have lots more coming.

Tony: Oh...

Michelle: And I want to show you upstairs before you leave, too. We have lots of new improvements.

Tony: That's great.

Danny: What do we got?

Michelle: So did everything get resolved?

Danny: Yep.

Michelle: Well, what exactly was wrong?

Danny: Honey, it's too complicated to get into right now. Especially before breakfast.

Michelle: Oh, that's why you went into the foyer to spare us the pre-meal details?

Danny: That's right. I'll fill you in later. Right now I want to make sure nobody else is in that tunnel. Give me a hand, Tony.

Tony: Mm-hmm.

Marah: Just be careful.

Tony: Yeah.

Danny: That's his middle name.

Tony: There you go. (Whispering) So I’m going to call in my security guys and make sure they enter from the museum end. Okay.

Michelle: So it seems that our house and your new abode are connected by tunnels that house drug dealers. Toast?

Marah: I'm glad you think it's funny.

Michelle: Well, it's not funny ha-ha, but it's funny like, "Oh, boy, here we go again."

Marah: Well, I'm sure Danny didn't know there were tunnels in this place once he bought this house.

Michelle: Well, I hope not. You know, maybe it is a coincidence, but tunnels, drug dealers, the Santos’s. My only question is now: Do we sit here and enjoy our toast and let the guys handle this?

Marah: Well, there would be only one way to go.

Michelle: And how well has that worked for us in the past?

Marah: Not very.

Michelle: So I have a proposal to make. I know Danny and Tony are out of the family business, but things happen.

Marah: Like these drug dealers showing up.

Michelle: Right. So I say from now on we compare notes. Anytime you hear about anything, you tell me and I'll tell you.

Marah: Yeah, perfect. It sounds like a deal. What?

Michelle: Something's going on.

Marah: So you want to go back to the museum.

Michelle: Uh-huh.

Marah: Through the tunnel?

Michelle: No, that part I’m willing to be left out of.

Marah: Good, let's go.

Frank: Jerry, tell the divers that I want them to make another pass directly under the bridge, and let me know if there's any word from the boat, all right? Thanks.

Rick: Hey, Alex.

Alexandra: Hi.

Rick: Hey, buddy, how you... How you... How you doing, buddy?

Phillip: What are you doing here?

Rick: Frank just called me in.

Phillip: Called you in? Sounds official.

Rick: It... It is official.

Phillip: Why? Why does he need another doctor? If Alan turns up hurt, he's got an E.M.S. unit out here.

Rick: New job, buddy. I'm the temporary medical examiner.

Phillip: What?

Alexandra: Oh, God. He... He called a coroner?

Rick: It's all right. Do you got her?

Phillip: Sit down.

Alexandra: No.

Phillip: Maybe you should go home.

Alexandra: No. No. I've got to be here in... In case... Oh, God, Alan, none of us wanted it this way.

Phillip: Not even me.

Alexandra: Come on, Phillip, don't blame yourself. You know you had nothing to do with this.

Phillip: Well, that certainly wasn't only me. But I should have seen how bad off he was. I should have done something. Even if I couldn't stand to be with him, I shouldn't have just left him alone.

Frank: I expected to get Harley.

Gus: Ah, Frank, I’ll get her for you, okay?

Frank: No, no... It can wait. This involves you, too. It's about Alan.

Gus: Do you know where he is?

Frank: We've got a pretty good idea. We got a tip that he was spotted at the lake.

Gus: Really?

Frank: Yeah, I'm at the old ferry dock right now. We believe that he might be in the water.

Gus: On his own or with some help?

Frank: It's hard to know. We... We found his raincoat. It was washed up onshore. Are you there?

Gus: Yeah. So are you... Are you going to drag the lake?

Frank: We're doing it right now as we speak. We got a team of three divers down there.

Gus: Wow, you've been a very busy chief.

Frank: Look, man, I just thought you should know, all right? Being that Alan’s your...

Gus: Yeah. Thanks. Whatever. Have you told Alexandra?

Frank: She's with Phillip.

Gus: Is she upset?

Frank: Yeah, she's pretty shaky.

Gus: All right, Frank, well, thanks for the update, okay. I will tell Harley everything. They just pulled Alan’s raincoat out of the lake. Poor guy.

Harley: They think he's drowned?

Gus: Yeah. They're dragging the lake right now. I think I should go down there and console Alexandra. She's all torn up.

Harley: Wait a minute. You're not going to tell them that he's here, right? You're not going to tell them...

Alan: Tell who? The lizard people, the monsters? No, you can’t... They're... They're not my family! They want me dead!

Gus: Calm down, shh. Take it easy. You're going to stay here... You're going to stay here with Harley and you will be safe, okay? I promise, okay? And I'm just going to go for a little while and I’ll be back.

Alan: Where are you going to go?

Gus: I... I've got to go find out a couple of things. Kind of like going to the library, just a little trick here, you know?

Alan: Okay. I want you to take this with you then. It may bring you luck

Gus: The Spaulding crest? All right. Maybe it will protect me.

Harley: Wait. How about a little good luck charm for me? I'm the one who's stuck here alone with him.

Gus: Honey, you're going to be fine. You're great with children. Listen, Alexandra is riddled with guilt. It is the perfect time to get a confession out of her.

Harley: So how are we feeling?

Alan: I'm hungry.

Danny: And after you check the tunnels, I want you to scan them with infrared. Every time you do your rounds, okay? Got it?

Security man #1: Not a problem.

Danny: That's what I want, no problems. Let's talk about these entrances.

Tony: Well, that door works.

Danny: What are you two doing here?

Michelle: We were more curious than hungry.

Danny: Well, everything's fine, really. You can go back home.

Michelle: Or we could stay and find out the whole story. Don't we get a choice?

Danny: Carl, do me a favor and make sure all the basement windows are secure.

Carl: Will do.

Danny: Thanks. Okay, what do you want to know?

Michelle: Well, who this drug dealer really is?

Tony: Michelle, it was just some creep.

Michelle: Okay, so are we talking about a street creep or like a made-man creep?

Danny: Is it really important, Michelle?

Michelle: I don't know. Tony showed up at our house all fired up this morning about somebody harassing Marina. It seemed important to you.

Tony: He... He... He broke into our home. He threatened a teenage kid. I don't know anybody that wouldn't be hot about that.

Michelle: Right, right. Well, we all know what you guys did before you got into the neighborhood reclamation business. And I just wondered if maybe this guy really was wandering in off the street, or if he's part of your past that won't go away.

Danny: Okay, he didn't wander in. It's not an accident that he was here.

Marah: What?

Danny: Yeah, it turns out that this guy works for one of the bosses back east, and his showing up here was more about sending a message to me and Tony than an issue about drugs or stashed loot.

Michelle: I had to ask.

Danny: Michelle, I know it's not the answer you wanted, but you of all people can appreciate how difficult it is to leave that life.

Michelle: You're right, I’m a veteran, all right.

Tony: The New York bosses don't want to believe that we want out, right?

Danny: Right, much less the fact that we want nothing to do with them now.

Tony: But Danny talked to them.

Michelle: So that's who you were on the phone with this morning?

Danny: Yes, I made it clear that this neighborhood is off limits to the families. No drugs, no hookers, no protection rackets, no nothing.

Marah: So do you think that they listened?

Danny: They heard me. Whether they listened or not is... Remains to be seen.

Michelle: So in other words this might not be the last incident.

Danny: Michelle, it's going to take some time for Fifth Street to turn around. But it's going to. It's going to happen. You know why?

Tony: Because we're here now.

Danny: Right. We're here. The four of us, your friends, this entire neighborhood, everybody in this neighborhood, and we've invested too much in bringing this neighborhood back to life, to let them scare us off.

Marah: Just don't let my parents find out about this.

Danny: Believe me I won't. You okay?

Michelle: Well, I’m not surprised. I guess that's progress.

Danny: Michelle, I know. Look, I know that this is not your idea of a good time.

Michelle: Well, you know, the first night that you took me to our house, and you were gushing about our newest new life together, this ongoing mob pressure really wasn't part of the picture that you drew for me. And I think you left it out on purpose.

Danny: You're right, I did.

Rick: Hey, how's she doing?

Phillip: I don't think anybody's doing too well right now. (Sighs)

Rick: What?

Phillip: How did I let this happen? I fought with him my entire life. I hated him for most of it, but I never... Never thought that it would end up like this. So much of this I could have done differently. Better. Not at all.

Rick: You're obviously talking about Olivia. Right?

Phillip: Maybe if I’d just been honest with him in the beginning. At least then, they weren't married. Maybe he wouldn't have felt as betrayed and undermined. Of course, if I hadn't been so busy trying to dance around the truth, maybe I would have seen that he was slipping... Into... Darkness.

Rick: Phillip...

Phillip: Or being pushed.

Rick: Oh, come on. You did what you thought was best at the time.

Phillip: Yeah, well, this is how it ended up.

Rick: Yes, you made some horrible choices, but don't make your father out to be some long suffering saint because he's not, buddy. He did horrible things to you and Olivia, and you know that.

Phillip: I know that.

Rick: Then it's time for an attitude adjustment, buddy. Because no matter how this turns out, Alan Spaulding does not cast well as a victim.

Alan: You're a nice lady. What'd you say your name was again?

Harley: It's Harley.

Alan: Harley.

Harley: Listen, I didn't really have a chance to go food shopping this week, being in the hospital and all.

Alan: Well, are you all right?

Harley: Yeah, I’m... I'm better, thank you. I'm just telling you that because I'm a little short on supplies, if you know what I mean. (Laughs) (whispering ) I could probably give you drain cleaner and you'd eat that, but... Okay. So let's see what I do have. Here's some franks and beans. Mmm. I have leftover egg rolls. And here's cottage cheese. That's sort of... That's... That's breakfasty. Don't you think, cottage cheese? It's a couple of days past the expiration date.

Alan: Why are you smelling it?

Harley: I'm just making sure it's okay. It is. Smells good.

Zach: Mommy!

Harley: Here, you dig right into this, okay? I'm just going to get Zach. I'm coming!

Alan: You're lying. This is poison. Yeah. Why do you hate me? Why are you doing this?

Harley: Did you miss me?

Frank: All right, you're calling the boat and tell them that, you know, for another report. Let's see what's going on here. Sally, how many guys... Hey, Steve, come back in!

Olivia: Hi, I got your message. Why did you want to meet me? Oh, my God. Alan?

Phillip: They haven't found anything yet, but...

Olivia: I don't know what to say.

Phillip: Isn't much to say, is there? Did you go to your doctor's appointment?

Olivia: No, it's later today. Dr. Sedwick called to say that she scheduled an amnio.

Phillip: Good. They do that, they can do the paternity test.

Olivia: No, they don't have to do that now. Not with Alan missing.

Phillip: No, that's exactly why we do have to do it now.

Alexandra: (Crying) Alan, I'm... I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Gus: Sorry about what?

Danny: Michelle, look, I... I felt that if you knew that there might still be some of the old garbage going on, then you would back away from me again.

Michelle: Danny, I already knew.

Danny: What... What do you mean? How... How could you...?

Michelle: How many times have I seen you try to break away from your old associates? I know how hard they hold on, and I know how hard some habits are to break.

Danny: Right. Right.

Michelle: Not that long ago, I would have thought if you wanted out, you just leave and that's that. But I'm not that naive girl anymore. I know that they're going to try to push you and test your resolve, which is why I haven't complained about the guards you have watching me.

Danny: You know about the guards?

Michelle: Yes, I've seen them shadowing me when I was taking Robbie to the park, and, you know, when you have gardeners that are paying much more attention to who's in the house than what's in the ground.

Danny: You're amazing, you know that? You're amazing.

Michelle: It wasn't that tough to figure out.

Danny: No, I mean... That you haven't flipped out.

Michelle: Well, I mean, do I worry about Robbie in all this? Yeah, of course, I do. I mean, but I would worry about him even if we were on an uninhabited island, because that's just how it goes when you're a mom. Just like these traces of the old life or sort of how it goes with being your wife.

Danny: I'm sorry.

Michelle: Look, I love you, and that's what I know most of all. And if I’m going to be with you, I'm going to have to accept that there are going to be some scary, nasty things that we're going to have to go through for you to finally be free. And I'm willing to accept that on one condition.

Danny: Name it.

Michelle: That you don't keep anything from me. Danny, we've been through hell. And I don't want to find out about any of these problems after the fact. I want to know everything that's going on up front. Because if I’m going to trust you, which I am, you need to trust me.

Gus: You ever see a body come out of the water? It ain't pretty. That's what you're sorry about, isn't it? That your brother, my father, might be dead? Half the time when these bodies come out of the water, the corpse comes out of the water, even if it's just a couple of days you can't recognize them anymore because they're all bloated and... And discolored.

Alexandra: Why... Why are you doing this?

Gus: Because big Al shouldn't have ended up at the bottom of the lake. He didn't jump off that bridge because he was having a bad hair day, you know?

Alexandra: He could have slipped. He could have been pushed.

Gus: Oh, let's not... Let's not kid ourselves, shall we? Now, we both know that big Al wasn't completely in his right mind, but he wasn't crazy. He wasn't having a stroke. He didn't have a brain tumor or anything, did he?

Alexandra: No.

Gus: No, which means only one thing, Alexandra: That somebody was messing with him. With his body and his mind. Pumping him full of drugs, enough drugs to make him crazy, feel crazy, crazy enough to just kill himself, right?

Alexandra: Fine, that's your theory?

Gus: You ever wonder if a jumper has a last moment of clarity right after they've jumped? Right before they hit the water, they're thinking, "Oh, God, no, I don't want to do this. No, I don't want to do this." Then, bang! They hit the water. They go deeper and deeper into the water, and they're gasping for air, and their lungs fill up with water and they die.

Alexandra: Please, I... (Crying)

Olivia: Why is it so important to do the paternity test now? You said that you would love this baby no matter who the father was.

Phillip: If the baby's mine, I'll... I'll be happy. But if it's Alan’s, it may be all that I have left of my father.

Frank: Oh, Rick, it looks like we came up empty.

Cop: Chief, we got something in the net!

Frank: It's a body.

Harley: Something wrong? Okay. I'm going to get you some juice. Okay, I think you guys will be okay out here entertaining yourselves.

Alan: I want to tell you something. Your mom thinks I'm crazy, but I’m not. No, I was pretty clouded there for a while. It was kind of dark, but I’m much lighter now. I woke up this morning feeling like myself again. Yeah. I don't understand why they're keeping me here. Because Gus and your mom, they don't like me. They want to hurt me, I think. Do you know why they hate me? I don't trust your mom. I'm not crazy. I mean, I'm not stupid. And I'll tell you what I’m going to do. I'm going to stay here and find out what they're trying to do to me, okay?

Harley: Are you okay?

Zach: Mommy, Grandpa's not crazy.

Harley: No, honey, no, he isn’t. No, no, no. Sweetie. Kids say the darnedest things. (Laughs)

Tony: You know, maybe you should think about moving out of here for a while. Just until this thing with the New York bosses disappears.

Marah: No.

Tony: Marah...

Marah: Babe, I'm not afraid of the bosses, okay? I've got you around and Danny and all these security guys. Besides, what he said was right. We've invested too much in this place now to just leave. Don't you think that he meant that?

Tony: Yeah, I think he meant that, but it doesn't mean I want you in the middle of a war zone.

Marah: Babe, the real war is against poverty and homelessness, not these mob guys. If we leave now, we would just be succumbing to the same fears that ruined this neighborhood in the first place. Come on, we'd be losing the battle.

Tony: You sound so much like your mother sometimes.

Marah: Well, you know what, sometimes she's right. Look, I know that if we leave and we let the lowlifes and dealers come back in, it's just going to take that much longer...

Tony: (Sighs)

Marah: ...To get this place safe again...

Tony: Babe...

Marah: ...For anyone.

Tony: Babe, I am not asking you to move out of here forever.

Marah: Sorry. Babe, I knew this place was going to be funky when we moved in for a while and... I'm in this for the long haul.

Danny: Right, that's the spirit. Don't worry, nothing's going to happen to you. Nothing's going to happen to any of you.

Tony: Danny, what if these goons come back in here and start sniffing around again?

Danny: Tony, we've got plenty of protection. But I'm betting they're going to steer clear. I just have a feeling about it.

Salerno: That was Danny Santos. He got Ernie’s message and he wasn't happy about it. Danny says we have to be out of Springfield by tomorrow. He gave me another little ultimatum. He says to stay away from his family and his friends. The thing is, you know me, Roberto, I don't like ultimatums. They rub me the wrong way. Plus, I'm not so sure that Danny can walk the walk. So we're going to find out.

Frank: All right, here we go, one, two, three, go.

Olivia: Ugh, it's not Alan.

Frank: This guy's been in the water a lot longer than two days. Hey, Rick, it's Jed Simmons.

Rick: What?

Frank: It's Jed Simmons.

Phillip: You know who that is?

Rick: Jed Simmons was the medical examiner. He disappeared a week ago.

Frank: Looks like your job just went from temporary to permanent.

Phillip: Where'd Alexandra go?

Gus: Alexandra, let me ask you something before you run away. That's what you're trying to do, isn't it, run away?

Alexandra: Just keep away from me, please.

Gus: You're just upset because Alan is dead and it's all your fault. You're the reason why.

Alexandra: I've asked you to stay away from...

Gus: What did he do to deserve being driven crazy? What was it?

Alexandra: All right, you just stop it.

Gus: The man is at the bottom of the lake because of you, because you thought, what, you wanted complete control of the company? Is that it? Or maybe you didn't want him to know that he had a son named Gus, is that it? Whatever it was in your mind, it made complete sense. All the sense in the world, didn't it? Didn't it!?

Alexandra: What are you, a monster?

Gus: Oh, honey, if I'm a monster, what are you? Feeding Alan all those drugs, frying his brain till you pushed him over the edge. Oh, they can call it a suicide all they want to, but you and I know differently, don't we? It was murder, just admit it. Admit it. You killed your brother. Just say it. Just say it!

Alexandra: Oh, God, Lord, help me. I did. I did. I... I...

Alan: He's a very nice boy.

Harley: He's your grandson.

Alan: Where did he go? I mean, where did you take him?

Harley: Oh, he's just right upstairs. He's watching his favorite video.

Alan: Oh.

Harley: He's fine.

Alan: You know what, I really like this bed.

Harley: Good. I'm... I'm really glad.

Alan: Yeah, it's working out.

Harley: You really... You really like Gus, too, huh?

Alan: Oh, yeah, he's another nice boy.

Harley: Yeah. You guys are sort of becoming friends.

Alan: Yeah.

Harley: Alan, what are you doing?

Alan: What?

Harley: You have to eat some breakfast. Come on. This is going to help you keep up your strength. Look, mmm. Yummy. Good cottage cheese, huh? You try to eat some of that, okay. I just have to make a phone call.

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