Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/22/03
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Proofread by Tanya
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Reva: Hey, no playing ball in the house, young man.
Josh: Well, actually I was looking for the other young man at the house. You know, he sort of fell off of his practices while you were away. So... Hey, son. You got an early practice today?
Reva: Hey, sweetie.
Shayne: Hey. No it's spring break.
Josh: Okay, well, you want to go out and throw the ball around a little bit?
Shayne: No, I’m supposed to rest my arm today.
Josh: Well, how about hitting? Pitchers hit, right?
Shayne: I'm on vacation.
Josh: Yeah, from school, but not from baseball.
Shayne: Yeah, baseball's supposed to be a game. It's suppose to just be fun.
Reva: Where are you going?
Josh: Son...
Shayne: I'm going to Marah’s.
Reva: Oh, okay. Have fun.
Josh: Good-bye.
Reva: Why are you so intent on him practicing?
Josh: Because he should practice.
Reva: Or is it that he should be somewhere where you can keep your eye on him? Like you won't let me go shopping.
Josh: Reva, we don't know where Alan is right now. (Knock at the door) So, yes, I would like to keep all of you close, okay? Hey, Frank.
Frank: Hey, Josh.
Josh: Did you find him?
Frank: No, I haven’t. But he's out there somewhere.
Alexandra: So no admissions overnight? No, I understand. Thank you, Dr. Grant.
Lloyd: The morning papers, madam. I'm afraid Mr. Spaulding's disappearance is on page one in all of them.
Alexandra: That's good.
Lloyd: It is?
Alexandra: Yes, if there's been admissions to hospitals overnight, no one seen him. Maybe now that it's in the paper, someone will spot him.
Lloyd: You look tired.
Alexandra: I really didn't sleep that well.
Lloyd: Alexandra, what if Mr. Spaulding's never found?
Alexandra: Don't even think that way.
Lloyd: Yes, it would be horrible, but if he has... Disappeared in some sort of permanent way, he'd be out of the picture. Isn't that what you wanted?
Alexandra: No! Alan is not an inconvenience. He is my brother.
Ben: Yeah, of course I'm planning to be there.
Ramona: I'm just making sure that you don't have a date at the mall with your young friend.
Ben: Don't make fun of Marina, all right?
Ramona: Well, I wouldn’t. I like the girl.
Ben: I'm on my way. I’ll see you shortly. Hey.
Marina: Ha, you're doing the tie.
Ben: Yeah.
Marina: That means work, right?
Ben: I'm sorry. Mrs. Hendon can be really demanding.
Marina: Oh, yeah? So is that how she got the handkerchief I gave you? She demanded it? Or did you just give it to her?
Michelle: I feel bad leaving Robbie overnight.
Danny: Why? He loves staying with your dad. You know that.
Michelle: I know, I know. But I guess I am feeling guilty for having so much fun.
Danny: Well, you better get used to it.
Michelle: Well, I might need a little practice, you know? I think maybe we should make this a regular event, you know.
Danny: Mm-hmm.
Michelle: Every time you go out of town, we meet back at the Beacon for a welcome home party.
Danny: That sounds good. I like the sound of that.
Tony: Get a room.
Danny: Hey, hey, hey.
Marah: I guess I know what happened to girl's night.
Michelle: I'm sorry, Marah.
Danny: I got back early.
Marah: That's okay. I was only kidding.
Tony: You got back... Where'd you go?
Danny: I had to go out of town for business. Just a little business.
Michelle: Then he got an early flight back from New York and surprised me.
Tony: New York?
Danny: Yeah.
Tony: What were you doing in New York?
Danny: Well, there's an investor interested in Fifth Street. So I flew to New York to pitch it.
Marah: Wow.
Danny: Yeah.
Marah: I can't believe that anyone in New York would have even heard of Fifth Street.
Tony: Neither would I.
Danny: Well, we put out some feelers and Cassie’s been getting us some good press in the business journals. So...
Tony: Really. So is this like an investment group?
Danny: Yeah, pretty much.
Michelle: Yeah, and Danny rode in and in one night, totally sold the guy.
Marah: So you got an investor?
Danny: Yeah, it looks... It looks that way.
Marah: Wow, that's awesome. So now when they come into town, we can show them what a great job we've been doing. We could show them the museum once it's all fixed up.
Danny: Don't knock yourself out. I mean, this guy has got a lot of investments. He's not going to be coming here. I mean it's a big deal to us, but it's not a big deal to him.
Michelle: Yeah, as long as the money's helping out, who cares anyway?
Danny: Right. Right. We didn't call you guys here to talk business.
Michelle: No way.
Tony: Really? What did you have in mind?
Michelle: Wedding. See, the thing is we need a maid of honor and a best man, and we wanted to know if you could recommend a young gorgeous couple who might be available?
Marah: Yes. (Laughter)
Michelle: Thank you.
Danny: So what do you say? You want to be my best man or what?
Tony: Sure.
Ben: Oh, the handkerchief. That's right, Marina. I am so sorry about that.
Marina: You said you lost it, Ben.
Ben: I did. I did. Mrs. Hendon must have found it and thought it was hers, you know? I didn't want anyone to make a big stink about it. I mean, unless it's a big deal to you.
Marina: No. No, it's not the biggest deal of the day.
Ben: Okay. Good. Have you seen my keys anywhere?
Marina: Table down there.
Ben: Thank you. So did you just want to hang out or...
Marina: No. Actually, Ben, I need to talk to you about something, okay? There's something I've been meaning to hash over with you.
Ben: Listen, listen. Once I’m done with work, I’m all yours, but can this wait till later?
Marina: Sure.
Ben: Thank you. You're the best. See you.
Marina: Oh, and, you know, just by the way, honey, a man broke into your house and threatened to hurt me unless I find his stuff. Whatever his stuff is. Okay, Marina, let's get to it.
Buzz: Thanks.
Blake: Hey, Buzz.
Buzz: Hey.
Blake: What the heck are you doing here?
Buzz: Why is everyone always surprised to see me without an apron? I got to get out more, mix it up some, you know.
Blake: Don't we all. No, I'm just surprised to see you in bar, you know, at this hour.
Buzz: Why it's business, Beacon and Company have the same, you know, supplier of wine, beer. I'm bringing back their expensive stuff and they're looking for my cheap stuff. You look... Important.
Blake: Do I?
Buzz: Yeah.
Blake: That's good. That's good. That's what I'm going for. Confident. Ready to take on the world.
Buzz: Check.
Blake: It's not too much though, right? Because if it's too much I would appear pathetic and desperate.
Buzz: No. No, actually it’s... it's just right.
Blake: Just right for what?
Buzz: Don't do that to me.
Blake: Look, I'm here on a job interview. I'm meeting somebody in the lobby, and I got here early because I wanted to try out my pitch on Cassie, and I can't find her anywhere. (Laughs) You'll do. I'll practice on you.
Buzz: Huh? I have no idea what you're pitching for.
Blake: No problem. You just have to listen.
Buzz: Don't you have a husband for just this purpose?
Blake: No, no. I can't tell Ross about this. And neither can you.
Alexandra: Everything I’ve done has been for Alan’s own good. For the good of the family, for the good of the company. And that does not include Alan being permanently damaged in anyway. So you can stop that kind of talk right now, Lloyd.
Lloyd: I'm sorry.
Alexandra: Well, you should be.
Lloyd: I suppose I feel responsible, too, and compromised.
Alexandra: Nobody knows what you've done except me.
Lloyd: And no one knows what you've done except...
Alexandra: (Gasps) What is this, Lloyd? You're trying to shake me down?
Lloyd: No, not at all. I'm just saying with Mr. Spaulding gone, Phillip is taking his place as you intended. And if Mr. Spaulding doesn't return, we both will be held responsible.
Alexandra: Well, I want Alan found. And whether we do it or the police do it, you are going to have every bit of Spaulding resources available to you. And I wanted him found, do you understand?
Lloyd: Of course.
Alexandra: Good. Because I want Alan home with me, whatever it takes.
Reva: Here, Frank.
Frank: Thank you, Reva.
Reva: You know, I don't know how Alan could just disappear. Everybody in town would recognize him.
Josh: He's in hiding.
Frank: Possibly.
Josh: He's probably planning his next move against you.
Reva: No, I don't think Alan’s capable of something like...
Josh: Do you have any leads at all, Frank?
Frank: No, Josh, I don’t. Not yet. But he was spotted leaving the courthouse on foot.
Josh: What about after that?
Frank: Nothing. But I did order an unmarked patrol car to, you know, patrol your neighborhood 24/7.
Josh: One car.
Frank: Josh, that's all I can spare right now. Now if you need more protection, I'll be more than happy...
Reva: Hold on please. Hold on. You saw Alan at the courthouse, Joshua. I mean, I don't think he's capable of planning to hurt me or anyone. The man's in trouble.
Josh: Yes, he is.
Reva: And he's sick. I mean, I could feel... And I could see it. I mean, everybody in the courthouse could see it, even the judge. I mean, if Alan’s a danger to anyone, it's to himself. Would you let me help please?
Josh: What?
Frank: Reva, I appreciate your efforts, but that's a bad idea.
Reva: Why? Have you gotten anywhere so far?
Frank: Reva, the last thing I need to do right now is worry about you roaming around the neighborhood unprotected. Now if you want to help me now, you can stay here at your home and next to your husband's side. Thank you for the coffee.
Josh: Thank you.
Reva: (Sighs)
Frank: I will be in touch if I find out anything.
Josh: I'm going to talk to him for just a minute.
Reva: I bet you are.
Marah: So are you guys thinking like a big bash? The whole town, bridesmaids, the works?
Michelle: We're not really sure yet.
Danny: Yeah, it's not like we've done this before. Once or twice.
Michelle: Yeah, once or twice. We should be getting frequent flyer miles for all our trips down the aisle.
Marah: Yeah, you guys might even have my parents beat by now.
Michelle: I know. And we'll still young.
Danny: Oh, no, no. Don't, don't, don’t. This is the last time.
Michelle: Definitely.
Danny: I mean it.
Marah: Well, then you have to throw a huge bash. The dress, the flowers, the organ. Or maybe you guys can have a string quartet.
Michelle: I'm just not sure about the dress. You know, like a big white gown, I think might be a little silly now.
Marah: Okay, well, whatever you do it's going to be fabulous.
Michelle: Will you go shopping with me, because you have such good taste?
Marah: Yes, yes. I think that's, like, my job as the maid of honor. And I have great ideas for the bridesmaid's outfits if you just let me know the colors.
Michelle: Well, that's going to depend on where it's going to be.
Marah: (Sighs) Have you thought about where you want it? This place? Or Father's Ray's church? Or at your house?
Michelle: Maybe. And that way instead of walking down the aisle, we can just emerge out of the tunnel. (Laughter)
Danny: Oh, no, no.
Michelle: Just kidding. We're going to have that thing boarded up before we do any weddings.
Marah: Your new place is perfect. It's such a beautiful space.
Danny: Tony? Tony?
Marah: Hello? We haven't even gotten to the invitation design, you can't be bored yet.
Danny: Well, hello. Maybe I've got some big wedding plans of my own that I need to discuss with my best man.
Michelle: Well, you guys, just go on ahead, because you'll slow us down anyway.
Marah: Right.
Danny: Is that right? Okay. (Laughter) Hey what's up?
Tony: Nothing. Everything's fine, right?
Danny: Yeah. Well, what is it? You're not happy about me and Michelle?
Tony: You know... You know that I am.
Danny: Then what's the matter?
Tony: Tell me something. Does Salerno still have that grease ball Rico carrying his train for him? That's why you were in the city, right? Our new investor?
Danny: Tony...
Tony: Danny, what the hell is going on? Are you still in the business? Or maybe you never got out of it.
Ben: Excuse me. I'm looking for Suite 604. Thanks.
Marina: This is ridiculous. Somebody's expecting just, you know, stuff to come jumping up out of me. What? Get me my stuff. Get me my stuff. What stuff is he talking about? Oh. Well, I guess it's got be in there, all right. I hate this, I hate this, I hate this. I really hate this. I really, really, really hate this. I really hate this. Okay. (Screams)
Blake: So what do you think? Do I get the job?
Buzz: Why, if I had a job available. The only one I have available is, like, part-time busboy and I just thought... (Laughs) The thought of you and my granddaughter working together, that scares me.
Blake: Actually I think we would be a good team. But other than that, if you were looking for a public relations person, would I get the job?
Buzz: If I were looking for that, yes, you would. Why aren't you telling this to Ross?
Blake: He just thinks I have enough to do, you know, with the radio show and the kids. And we're shopping for a new house.
Buzz: That's a lot.
Blake: Yeah. Why do I feel so empty though? The radio show is just not doing it for me. And I like living in an apartment. I'm not big on home maintenance.
Buzz: Well, houses... The house is, what, it's good for the kids. Better for, you know...
Blake: Oh, kids are flexible. They go with the flow.
Buzz: Well, this type of job would take time away from them.
Blake: I think the kids would be fine. We have a wonderful sitter.
Buzz: Mm-hmm.
Blake: And kids do well with a working mom as long as the mom loves her work. I know they don't want to see me frustrated all day long.
Buzz: I'm sure Ross doesn't want to see you frustrated.
Blake: Well, after this past year, you know, with everything that happened, he's just so protective me and of us as a family. He doesn't want to see me out there, and I can't wait to get back on the fast track. I know we talked about this, didn't we?
Buzz: Yeah, I have some vague memory talking about P.R.
Blake: Whatever. Anything. As long as it gets me back into the world again. Hey, you know, I have a couple of minutes. I'm going to make a few phone calls and go to the ladies room, and I'm going to wait. Thanks for your company. You know what? You know what? I'm going to stop by later and pick up some take-out for dinner, I think.
Buzz: Hey, you know, what about cooking classes?
Blake: Never. Wish me luck on my interview.
Buzz: Go get 'em, girl. Oh, no.
Ross: Buzz.
Buzz: Hey.
Ross: What a stroke of good luck.
Buzz: Yeah, speak of the devil. How are you?
Ross: I'm well. Thank you. Thank you. Who were you talking to about me?
Buzz: Me. I was talking to myself. I was thinking, you know, I wonder how Ross is doing? I haven't seen much of him lately?
Ross: Oh, how nice. I'm glad to see you, because I’m thinking of pitching an idea to Blake and I need to try it out on someone. Now it wouldn't take very long. Do you have a few minutes?
Buzz: Fire away.
Ross: Okay. Well, as you know, Blake and I sold the carriage house for any number of reasons, and I am subleasing Olivia’s apartment.
Buzz: Yeah, how's that going?
Ross: Not well. In fact it's rather dismal. You know, apartment life with three kids, it's comfortable at best. I mean, Buzz, they need a yard. They need room to run. And it's breaks my heart to think about what they're missing.
Buzz: Well, you know, kids are flexible. They just... They go with the flow. You know... At least that's what I’ve heard. Your kids always seem happy to me.
Ross: Yeah, yeah, they're happy, but I know they would be ecstatic if I could get Blake to go along with my plan.
Buzz: Does it involve cooking classes?
Ross: No, it doesn't, but that is another very, very good idea. Anyway here's my plan. I know for fact that Cassie and her kids are not going back to the Jessup farm to live. And I recently heard Cassie saying that she's thinking about putting it on the market. So I started thinking, Buzz, what better place to raise three kids than a farm? A real working farm. What do you think?
Buzz: Well, I’m sort of a city kid myself. I get nervous when there's not sidewalks.
Ross: I have always thought that the country was the ideal place to raise kids.
Buzz: Yeah. What does Blake think about this?
Ross: Well, I don't know, of course. But I think that she'll love it. It's exactly what she needs. Now, I'm not saying that there's not going to be a period of adjustment, but she needs someplace to pour her energy. Something to put it into. Like a farm. That's a full-time project.
Buzz: Oh, yeah, I bet that... You know, I can't picture Blake out there, you know? Way out there.
Ross: What are you talking about way out there? The Jessup farm is not very far from where we're sitting, Buzz. And you know, she'll see Cassie almost everyday and then Harley and the kids and anybody else's kids, they can come over and have really nice play days, because, you know, I’ve been thinking about buying a couple of ponies and some chickens and goats.
Buzz: Goats?
Ross: I like goats. Buzz, if you're going to make a change like this, you may as well go all the way. I can't believe how pumped I am about this, and to top that, Blake has been talking about meeting a new challenge. Well, this could be it. This could do it for her, Buzz.
Alexandra: Oh, good.
Reva: Don't blame the butler, Alexandra, I bullied my way in.
Alexandra: No doubt. Lloyd, thank you. I can handle this.
Reva: Thanks, Lloyd.
Alexandra: What is it, Reva? Things not exciting enough at home? You want to put yourself right in the middle of our troubles?
Reva: I'm afraid I already am.
Alexandra: Well, didn't you bring a camera crew? Face your little stalker head on? There's a ratings grabber for you.
Reva: I want to help.
Alexandra: Well, then leave. That always helps me.
Reva: I want to help find Alan. He's sick. I sensed that the moment I spoke to him.
Alexandra: Then why are you here harassing us?
Reva: I want Alan to get treatment. I don't think he belongs in jail anymore than you do.
Alexandra: How noble of you.
Reva: Would you just stop?
Alexandra: What are you going to do next? Sniff the furniture?
Reva: Have the police found Alan?
Alexandra: God...
Reva: Are they even close?
Alexandra: So far they're incompetent fools.
Reva: No. But they do need all the help they could get.
Alexandra: All right, all right. But this is nonsense.
Reva: So then what have you got to lose? Unless you don't want Alan to be found.
Alexandra: Oh, my God. That's ludicrous.
Reva: It is. Unless you're the reason Alan’s missing in the first place.
Alexandra: I have tried to help Alan. Watched him ever since his illness began. I've sat with him for hours and hours and hours. And now that Phillip’s taken over the company it won't be a problem...
Reva: Just pipe down. Are all of these things Alan’s?
Alexandra: Most of them, yes.
Reva: And this?
Alexandra: Yes, he collects them. Don't you remember?
Reva: Alexandra, this one, did he get this overseas?
Alexandra: Yes, London, I think. What? What is it? You saw something. Reva, you know what's happened to Alan.
Marina: You jerk! What were you thinking? You scared me half to death.
Shayne: I was trying to say hi. What are you doing in there anyway?
Marina: Nothing.
Shayne: Marina, you're shaking. What is it?
Marina: Okay, I’ve got to find stuff for this guy or he's going to come after me.
Shayne: What?
Marina: It was the other day... The other day here when I put in the tape to scare you guys and you all ran off, and I was in here by myself, this guy came in. He started threatening me.
Shayne: What? In there?
Marina: Yes. Yes, he told me that I needed to get his... Stuff back or everyone would have to pay. And if I told anyone that he'd kill them.
Shayne: Okay, so did you tell Ben yet?
Marina: No. I mean, no. I was going to, but... but...
Shayne: But you'd rather the guy came after me?
Marina: No. It's just... You know, Ben... Ben was busy. He was working all the time, you know? So I figured I just find the stuff and that would be it.
Shayne: All right, look, just breath, okay?
Marina: I'm looking. Obviously I'm...
Shayne: Take a deep breath. Breathe, relax. Breathe. It's okay. Breathe. It's okay.
Marina: What are you doing?
Shayne: I'm calling the police.
Marina: No. No! Shayne, do not call the cops. You know what happens if you call the cops?
Shayne: Yeah, then they find the guy. Maybe.
Marina: Okay, yeah, maybe. But then after that, they're going to make everybody move out of here, because it's not going to be safe or something, and everybody's going to be mad, and it's going to be all my fault.
Shayne: Man, you are wired. So what? You care more about being popular than some thug after you, huh?
Marina: No. No, it's just... It's a self-respect thing. You know, I just don't want some low life to intimidate me.
Shayne: Okay, fine. So we find the stuff and we give it to the guy.
Marina: We?
Shayne: Yeah, what? You think I'm going to let you do this by yourself? And what do you think's here anyway? What, stolen jewelry? Drugs? Money? What?
Marina: I don't know. I mean I don't know. I don't know. I guess what we've got to do... You know, look for something that doesn't look like it could belong to anybody else here, all right?
Shayne: Yeah, real easy. You know what? They threw out all the junk when they moved in here.
Marina: I know. I know. That's what I told the guy. That's kind of why I was figuring the tunnel, you know?
Shayne: No way. No way. We save that for last, okay? Listen, anything that didn't get thrown out probably got shoved into one of the storage rooms upstairs. I'm going to go check it out. Stay here. Do not go into that tunnel without me.
Marina: Okay.
Shayne: Okay?
Marina: Okay. Sorry, Shayne. I just want to check out the front, okay?
Ramona: You look happy with yourself.
Ben: Shouldn't I be?
Ramona: It was nice.
Ben: Nice. That's it?
Ramona: And fast.
Ben: Fast? That was passionate and...
Ramona: It was passionate, Ben. But it's not a race. You'll learn that in time. And experience with someone other than high school girls.
Ben: I'm not sleeping with...
Ramona: (Sighs) Well, that's good. Because Marina's too young. This way with a little tutoring, by the time you finally do make love, you will make her the happiest girl in Springfield. You see, it's a conversation, Ben. You listen to my body and I listen to yours.
Ben: I'm a good student.
Ramona: So show me.
Danny: Keep your voice down please.
Tony: No, no.
Danny: Take it easy.
Tony: We are out of this thing remember?
Danny: Tony...
Tony: Or at least I am.
Danny: So am I.
Tony: Really?
Danny: So am I.
Tony: Then how come you're lying to Michelle?
Danny: Tony, if I can't make you understand, how the hell am I going to make Michelle understand?
Tony: You want to make me understand. Make me understand that by cutting Salerno into this deal of ours...
Danny: Hold up.
Tony: ...We're not going to be up to our eyeballs in mob, huh?
Danny: Wait, I did not cut him in.
Tony: I don't know. That's who you went to go see, isn't it?
Danny: Yeah. I... Will you stop. Just think about this for a minute. We cannot just walk away, and then that's it. There were loose ends. Tony, all the guys that we worked with are still on the street. They don't just... They don't just shut down the minute you and I shut down.
Tony: They can go to other families.
Danny: To the other families.
Tony: They can go to the other families. What do we care?
Danny: I want them out of the Fifth Street neighborhood all together. That's why I went to Salerno. I had to strike a deal with him personally. I gave him all of Carmen’s business, and in return, they're leaving us and our business alone.
Tony: So what? He went for it? He's out of our territory?
Danny: Well, yeah. I mean, it wasn't easy, but yeah. In the end it's in Salerno's best interest. He knows that.
Tony: So that's it?
Danny: Yeah, that's it. I stood him down, man.
Tony: Yeah, then why didn't you tell me about it?
Danny: What?
Tony: I mean, that's the part that I’m going to...
Danny: Right. Exactly. Rico sends his regards.
Tony: Rico. Rico. That orderly punk. That orderly punk. I can not stand the sight of him.
Danny: Tony, that's what I'm talking about now. Tony, no offense. This was a very delicate situation, and that guy was chomping at the bit to go after you. I could not...
Tony: I would have... You know, I would have handled this calmly, okay? It's different now. I'm different now.
Danny: I know you are, but why would you even want to get yourself into that kind of situation?
Tony: Because we're partners, man.
Danny: Right. That means we split the jobs. This one was mine. Carmen's my mother. I was next to her in line. I had to be the one to go to them and tell them that we're out, and that's what I did. Tony, we're done. We're free and clear now. Relax, okay? All right?
Tony: That's great, man.
Danny: Just trust me. Come on, we got to get inside before the girls start asking questions.
Michelle: Hey. That's more like it. Here we go.
Marah: You guys, look way too intense.
Danny: Yes. We got very big wedding plans, right?
Michelle: Well, I need you to drop them for a second and help me out. Tony, how good are you at persuading your girlfriend to do things?
Tony: Oh, you know, Michelle, that is not something that I like to discuss in public. (Laughter) I am 100% behind Marah whatever she does. Fully supportive. Never questioning her.
Danny: (Making a whip sound) He's whipped. He's completely whipped.
Michelle: We prefer to call it well trained, Daniel.
Danny: Daniel? Excuse me.
Michelle: Because I need your help, because I'd like her to design my wedding dress, and she's being all modest about it.
Tony: Hey...
Marah: Because it's a big deal. I mean, what if you don't like it? I'll do the bridesmaids' dresses, but...
Danny: Marah...
Tony: Come on. Come on, baby. I'm sure you've already had ideas, right? I mean, I bet if I’d look under one of these napkins...
Marah: No.
(All): Oh!
Tony: Oh, what do we have here?
Danny: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Busted.
Tony: Look at that. That's cute.
Marah: I was just thinking out loud.
Danny: Come on, Marah, please. I want my wife... My future wife to have everything she wants.
Marah: Okay, okay. But you have to promise that if they stink, you'll go get another dress.
Michelle: Oh, I promise you. I promise.
Marah: Okay, and it won't hurt my feelings.
Michelle: You'll really do it?
Marah: Yes.
Michelle: Thank you so much. I know I’m going to love them. I know it.
Marah: Well, wait till you see it first and then decide, all right.
Michelle: Okay. (Laughs)
Marah: We should get back to the museum, baby, so I can work on some ideas.
Tony: Yes, let's do that. Okay, we're going to go.
Michelle: Okay.
Tony: We'll catch, you guys, later.
Danny: All right.
Tony: Bye bye, Michelle.
Marah: Oops. Sorry.
Michelle: Bye, sweetie.
Danny: All right, see you guys.
Michelle: I'm so excited. I'll see you, okay?
Tony: All right. I'll see you later.
Danny: Later.
Michelle: So what was up with Tony?
Danny: Oh, nothing. He's fine. He's fine.
Michelle: Well, what was up with the two of you, because it looked like you guys were in a fight?
Danny: Honey, you know, Tony. He gets intense over, you know...
Michelle: Mm-hmm.
Danny: ...A pimple.
Michelle: And you looked pretty intense as well.
Danny: I just want everything to go well.
Michelle: What everything?
Danny: Hey, you know, you don't get to be so nosey before a wedding. I have the right to surprise you every once in awhile.
Michelle: Oh, you always surprise me. Come on, tell me. Tell me. Please tell me.
Danny: Shhh. Stop it.
Michelle: (Laughs)
Ben: Now, you look happy with yourself.
Ramona: I am. (Laughs) You are a good student, Ben. What's wrong?
Ben: Ramona, this would be the most amazing thing that ever happened to me.
Ramona: Except for Marina.
Ben: Yeah.
Ramona: She thinks you're a virgin?
Ben: Of course not.
Ramona: Oh, but she thinks you're waiting for her? And you are in all the important ways, Ben. Just think about how much more you'll be able to offer her in every way. I will make sure of that. It's time for you to move up in the world, Ben Reade, starting with that hunk of junk you're driving.
Ben: Hey. Come on, the lease expired on my convertible. That's all I could afford.
Ramona: Yes, well, my husband owns a string of dealerships. I want you to go in and see Max in sales. Tell him I sent you. He'll treat you right.
Ben: Whoa. Would your husband freak out if I...
Ramona: Listen, my husband and I have an understanding. Don't worry.
Ben: (Laughs nervously) Thank you.
Ramona: It's my pleasure. You remember that, and all good things will come your way.
Marina: What are you doing back here already?
Ernie: You don't have forever. Now where is my stuff?
Marina: I don't know, okay. I'm looking.
Ernie: I'm tired. I'm tired of this dance, little girl.
Marina: Okay. Okay, look, it would really help me if you could tell me what your stuff is, because obviously I do not know.
Ernie: I don't play this. You know exactly what I'm...
Marina: I don't. I really don't.
Ernie: Don't make me mad. It's a bad idea.
Marina: You need to let go of me right now. My boyfriend is upstairs and he will come down here and he will tear you apart.
Ernie: (Laughs) Nice try. Now we're going into this tunnel, and we're not coming out until I get my stuff.
Marina: All right, last chance, creep. My boyfriend is right behind you with a baseball bat and he swings for power.
Ernie: That's an old trick, honey. You need to rent some more movies.
Marina: Oh, Shayne. Oh, Shayne, thank God, you were here.
Shayne: Where else would your boyfriend be?
Ben: Hello? Hey.
Alexandra: Reva, I don't care how strange it sounds. You saw something.
Reva: It's more a feeling. I'm not sure.
Alexandra: Yes, you are. I saw it in your face. You know something.
Reva: Maybe.
Alexandra: Don't make me beg. If you know anything at all, any little bit...
Reva: I'm not really sure I understand it. I'm just not sure.
Alexandra: Just tell me. Just tell me.
Reva: Okay. I saw water. And the sound of rushing water or water hitting rocks.
Alexandra: What? Like a lake? Maybe Alan’s in the lake.
Reva: I didn't say that.
Alexandra: Oh, no, my God. You saw the condition he was in. You know if he jumps in...
Reva: Alexandra, I didn't mean to...
Alexandra: My, God, what have I done to you? Alan, no.
Michelle: Oh, you know what? It's such a nice day; we should go get Robbie and, like, have a picnic.
Danny: If you want a picnic, we got a picnic. Sounds good.
Michelle: You know, this is going to be one of the first weddings that he's old enough to remember.
Danny: I... I don't know if I like the sound of that. I...
Michelle: Oh, he's going to be so cute as a ring bearer, though, and he'll be so excited. Hey, you tell him there's cake and he's there.
Danny: Just like his mommy.
Michelle: That's right.
Danny: You've got this all planned out in that pretty head of yours, don't you?
Michelle: Pretty much.
Danny: What about Ed? Are you going to have your father give you away?
Michelle: I hope so.
Danny: Not sure?
Michelle: Well...
Danny: Hmm?
Michelle: We kind of got into it a little the other day.
Danny: Right. He doesn't want you anywhere near me, does he?
Michelle: No, he understands that we love each other.
Danny: But?
Michelle: But he's just, you know, stuck on the love isn't always enough, and you got to find something to get you through the day-to-day in the real world and...
Danny: Well, who asked him anyway, huh?
Michelle: And we already know that. Anyway, we've fallen in all those traps before. We're not going to do it again.
Danny: No, we're not.
Michelle: Promise not to laugh?
Danny: Okay.
Michelle: I feel like this is my first wedding.
Danny: Today? This here?
Michelle: I'm serious. No, I mean it; I really do. I feel like everything... All the old is gone, and everything is just all new.
Danny: Me, too. Me, too.
Tony: Well, he'll live, but he's hurt pretty bad.
Marah: All right, I’m going to call the police.
Tony: Don't!
Shayne: No way!
Marina: No!
Marah: The guy broke in, and from what Marina said, he probably has drugs or something stashed here.
Shayne: Right, okay, so you tell Dad? What do you think Dad's going to say, huh?
Marina: Yeah, you guys are going to be out of here so fast.
Tony: Not to mention that Shayne is going to have to talk about assault. It was self defense, but still, I mean...
Marah: Well, we can't let him get away with this.
Tony: He's not. Don't worry. I'm going to take care of this. Shayne, will you help me out with this?
Shayne: Yeah.
Tony: Oh, come on. Come on, Ernie. Get up.
Marah: You know him?
Tony: In a past life. All right, I’m going to handle this. Go on. Go ahead. You listen to me. You don't come back here. You leave this place. You don't come back to this house. You don't walk down these streets, or I'm going to be waiting for you. No, do you understand me?
Ernie: Give Danny a message. Tell him Don Salerno sends his regards.
Josh: Look, if you hear anything from her at all... Never mind. She just walked in. Thank you.
Reva: Hello.
Josh: "Back soon. Don't worry."
Reva: That's because I didn't want you to worry.
Josh: What did you do, Reva?
Reva: I tried to find Alan.
Josh: Really? That's perfect.
Reva: I thought maybe if I went to the Spaulding house, I could sense a clue or...
Josh: You went to the house of the person who's been stalking you?
Reva: Well, we knew he wasn't there.
Josh: Reva, we don't know anything right now. In fact, for all we know, Alexandra might be hiding him there so he doesn't have to go to jail.
Reva: Joshua, he wasn't there, and Alexandra is beside herself. (Phone rings )
Josh: Hello.
Frank: Hey, Josh. Seen your wife lately?
Josh: Well, as a matter of fact I have. Why?
Frank: I'm at the Spaulding house. It seems that, well, somebody gave the feeling to Alexandra that Alan may have ended up in the lake.
Josh: Really?
Frank: We'll check it out, but... Josh, I know it's a losing battle, but do me a favor. Please try to keep Reva out of this, will you?
Josh: I'll do my best, Frank. Thank you. Call me if you hear anything.
Frank: Yeah, you got it.
Josh: Well, it seems that Alexandra called Frank, saying something about Alan going into the lake.
Reva: I told her that wasn't what I was thinking.
Josh: Right, but you feel it's possible?
Reva: Maybe. I don't know. The only thing I know for sure right now is that whatever happened to Alan, Alexandra is involved.
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