GL Transcript Thursday 4/17/03

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 4/17/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Cassie: Hey. I'm glad you're here.

Edmund: You are?

Cassie: Yes, I am. I have a check for you from Danny for Richard's memorial.

Edmund: Really?

Cassie: Mm-hmm. I can bring in the big bucks, too.

Edmund: What does Danny think he's buying?

Cassie: What?

Edmund: Why is he keeping you on a string when he's clearly moved on to familiar pastures?

Cassie: He's not keeping me on a string, Edmund. Why would you... you know what? Forget it. Forget it. I can not believe that I was going to apologize to you.

Edmund: Apologize?

Cassie: Edmund, Danny out of respect was giving that money for Richard's memory.

Edmund: Now wait a minute. Wait a minute. Let's go back just a moment. Did I hear lurking in all of what you just said from you to me, an apology?

Michelle: Mm, yeah. It's nice to get out of the house, isn't it?

Danny: Mm-hmm. What? You tired of it already?

Michelle: No.

Danny: Are you just scared that the floors are going to open up and that there will be more tunnels leading who knows where?

Michelle: Well, maybe we should get it inspected just in case now.

Danny: I know. I know. I'm going to do that as soon as I get back.

Michelle: Back?

Danny: Yeah.

Michelle: Where are you going?

Danny: I told you I got to go out of town for a business meeting.

Michelle: What?

Danny: Yeah. Honey, it's just a meeting for the Fifth Street project. What's the matter?

Michelle: Nothing.

Danny: You scared? You scared that you have to be home alone tonight? Since Robbie is with his grandfather, little man's not going to be there to protect you.

Michelle: Well, I would be.

Danny: What do you mean?

Michelle: But I don't have to be because you're going to take me with you.

Danny: No, honey, you can't come with me. You can't. Not this time.

Harley: Why do you need a cop right now?

Eden: A girlfriend's in trouble.

Harley: One of your girls you mean? I know about your business, but Gus doesn't. And this is not the week to give him the good news.

Eden: The woman was beat up, Harley.

Harley: You know, Eden, if you have a problem, you should go down to the station file a report and let the police handle it.

Eden: Ginger's married. Her husband doesn't know that she's got a job.

Harley: Quite a job it is.

Eden: You know, just tell me where Gus is.

Harley: I'm not kidding. I don't want you bothering him with your mess.

Eden: You know what? It's not my fault that some psycho decided to beat up one of my girls.

Harley: Isn't it? You're the one who sends these girls out there, Eden. You must have known something like this would happen sooner or later.

Alexandra: I'm sure that the guards will find Alan. He just can't have gone that far.

Josh: Yeah, the point is he went.

Olivia: Josh, he wanders now. He's not--

Josh: He's not what? Right in his mind? Safe on the streets? What?

Phillip: He's not in any of the restrooms.

Beth: Or in the stairwells.

Alexandra: What about the rest the building?

Phillip: Guards are on that right now.

Josh: I think it's a little bit too late for that.

Reva: Joshua.

Olivia: Thomas said that all the family cars are accounted for except the ones we drove here.

Josh: Which are still in the parking lot.

Olivia: Then if he's on foot, he can't have gone far.

Josh: But we don't know that. In fact the only thing that we do need for sure is that you all can't keep an eye on Alan even in a guarded building. Now how is Reva suppose to feel safe if he's staying in your home?

Phillip: We'll work that out, Joshua.

Josh: Great. Terrific.

Phillip: First we have to find him.

Alexandra: Yes, we have to.

Alan: I'm not crazy. I won't let them have me. I won't go back there.

Gus: Hey, big Al! Steady there.

Alan: Who are you?

Gus: Just a guy.

Alan: You know me?

Gus: Of course I know you. Everybody in town knows you. You're Alan Spaulding. You're the Mac daddy.

Alan: I don't know you, do I?

Gus: No, no. I'm just a guy taking a walk.

Alan: I won't go back there. I won't!

Gus: You're safe. I'm not taking you anywhere.

Alan: Well, stop. Stop right there. I won't let you take me anywhere.

Gus: Of course you're not going to let me take you. You're Alan Spaulding.

Alan: That's right. That's right.

Gus: You're the man. Nobody messes with you.

Alan: What are you, a cop or something?

Gus: No. No. Well, I used to be one, okay, yes, but not anymore.

Alan: All right. Just don't come any closer, do you hear me?

Gus: I am just up here for the view. I like the view myself. I like the water. I need to take in the air. I got suspended today. I got suspended. All these creeps are after me.

Alan: You too, huh?

Gus: Oh, yeah. Unbelievable. Unbelievable.

Alan: I'm burning up.

Gus: Well, see now that's good. That's good. You're cooling off. I might do the same in a minute.

Alan: That's better.

Gus: Ah-huh. Oh, yeah. Because I got to tell you, this water is iceberg cold. I wouldn't go swimming. It's not the day to swim.

Alan: Yeah, well, it's better than the alternative.

Gus: Depends on what the alternative is you know. Is it a bunch of servants, upstairs maids, downstairs maids?

Alan: Maybe it is one of the servants? That's right. Maybe it's one of the servants. No, it's my family. Someone in my house is trying to make me think I'm crazy.

Gus: You really think so?

Alan: Yes, I know so.

Gus: Well, how would they do that? Why would they do that?

Alan: Because my mind gets foggy at times and I start to have nightmares and see things like monsters...

Gus: Whoa! I have that sometimes. Who are your monsters? Huh?

Alan: My family. My family. Monsters.

Gus: Well, I got to disagree with you there. If it's family, they probably care about you very much. They probably want what's best for you.

Alan: No, no, no, not at all. You see Brandon put me on trial!

Gus: Hold up. Wait. Who's Brandon? Who's Brandon?

Alan: There was a trial and Brandon put me on trial, and I... No. It wasn't Brandon. It was another man. It was another man. He tried to make me think I was crazy, but I'm not.

Josh: Why are you trying to talk me down, Reva?

Reva: Yelling now isn't going to work. I mean you saw them. They're just as worried about this as you are.

Josh: They're just trying to keep Alan from having to go to jail. That's the... That's the only thing they care about. He's dangerous.

Reva: Not to me. Joshua, I looked at him. I really looked at him. Alan is sick. He's not dangerous. It's like he's in a black cloud and there's sadness.

Josh: Is this one of those feelings of yours?

Reva: Yes.

Josh: And we're going to back off?

Reva: Yes, it's so strong.

Josh: Okay, maybe you're right. He needs care, but it's got to be in a locked facility.

Alexandra: Frank, did you find Alan?

Frank: I just got the call that he's missing. I've got all the guards searching the building right now.

Josh: He's got to be locked up, Frank.

Frank: Well, no argument here.

Alexandra: No, no, please. Come on, this is my fault. No, I mean watching what's happened to Alan, not knowing exactly what to do. Look, but I'm learning. I'm learning that there is a way that I can keep Alan at home. And you tell me whatever it is you need, that you feel safe with. You just tell me, all right? And, Frank, you know about this. You know, I can get security 24 hours a day. Just tell me exactly what you want and it's done. Promise you it's done. You tell me, all right. We can get the ankle chains, you know, the thing, you know, track someone like this.

Frank: I can't put an ankle bracelet on him if I can't find him, Alex.

Josh: Yeah, well, there is that.

Alexandra: Well we will. We will. And I'll do whatever it takes... Whatever it takes to keep Alan at home.

Reva: Why?

Alexandra: What?

Reva: What do you care so much, Alex, about keeping him at the house
instead of in the hospital?

Alexandra: Because I know I can help him. And I need him.

Reva: You've never needed anyone.

Josh: Frank, just find him, all right? And call us when you do. We'll be at the house. Let's go, okay?

Phillip: I'm trying to think of who he might call. He doesn't really have any friends. He's got business associates. But I don't think in his present state... What?

Olivia: Nothing. You're doing exactly what we need. If it weren't for you, it would be chaos.

Phillip: With this family is always chaos. And I'm not getting sucked back in. I'm making a list, that's all.

Olivia: Because you love your father.

Phillip: Because I want him taken care of someplace under a lock and key, because that's obviously what he needs. Then I'm done.

Olivia: You're done?

Phillip: I'm done. Finished. Free. Then we can take care you and the baby without any interference.

Olivia: Phillip, the only way we're going to free is if you set the boundaries and you know the way to do that. You have to step in and take charge. You make the rules, okay? Not Alan, not Alex.

Phillip: What makes you think anybody in this family gives a damn about the rules?

Olivia: Well, they will if you make some. Think about it. Do you really want your Aunt Alex running this company? Or maybe a corporate raider will come in and throw the company into chaos, too. Everyone will be better off if you're calling the shots.

Eden: There is no excuses to beat up on a woman.

Harley: And no excuse to set one up for it either.

Eden: I don't. Harley, you know you may not believe this, but all I do is set up these girls to meet nice rich guys for companionship. That's it. They can say no. Everyone that works for me understands that.

Harley: That they won't make the real money unless they put out. Isn't that the way it works? They get their cut directly from the John on the side, so it doesn't end up in your books?

Eden: I don't know what people do.

Harley: Don't try to sell me this. I'm not interested in the story that you tell yourself, okay? You send those girls out there to men who expect them to deliver. And if they say no...

Eden: What? What, they deserve to get beaten up? What? Don't you care about women that are victims?

Harley: I took a bullet protecting a woman.

Eden: I know. I know that you... That you don't think it's right that she got beat up, just as much as I don't.

Harley: You know I don't.

Eden: Look, Harley, I tried to go to the police. I begged Ginger to go, but she's scared. And you know that if she won't file a complaint, then there's nothing I can do.

Harley: I know. I know. I know. I do know. I've seen it too many times.

Eden: Yeah, but I don't want this guy to get away with this, because then he'll do it again.

Harley: I don't... I don't want you bothering Gus with this, okay?

Eden: Well, then how's this guy ever going to learn his lesson?

Harley: Give me the name.

Eden: You...

Harley: I don't know. I... I... I don't even know when I'm getting out of here. Tomorrow. I hope. I don't know. When I do, I'm on sick leave, so I can't do anything official.

Eden: You can scare the hell out of him.

Harley: Something like that.

Eden: Thank you, Harley.

Harley: I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for that girl, and for Gus.

Danny: Okay.

Michelle: Why?

Danny: I got to go. I'm going to be late.

Michelle: Why can't I come?

Danny: Honey, come on, what are you going to do? I'm going to be sitting in a room talking to a bunch of guys about legal junk and building regulations.
It'll be so boring for you. What, are you going to take dictation for me?

Michelle: Well, I could if you needed me to.

Danny: Yeah, that would be a lot of fun. Come on.

Michelle: Yeah, I guess that would be kind like watching the paint dry or secret panels flying open in your walls.

Danny: Hey, if you're really nervous about spending the night alone, why don't you just get a room here? I'm sure the owner will give us a fair rate on a room.

Michelle: That's not a bad idea. I can call Marah. We could have a girl's night.

Danny: Yeah, that seems good. Okay. I'm sorry I've got to go.

Michelle: Right now?

Danny: Yes, I'm catching an earlier flight so that I can get back to you as soon as possible. Come here.

Michelle: Oh. I want you to hurry back. Okay?

Danny: I will. I promise.

Michelle: Hey, you know, I'm having fun. That's good, right?

Danny: Yeah, that's really good. I'm having fun, too.

Michelle: Good. When are you going to be back?

Danny: We'll have a lot more fun together, I promise. I will be back as soon as I can.

Michelle: Where? Where are you going to be?

Danny: Honey, I'm going to be on my cell phone the entire time. I'll be reachable. So you call me if you need me, okay?

Michelle: Okay.

Danny: All right. I have to go.

Michelle: I love you.

Danny: I have to go. I love you, too.

Michelle: I love you. Bye.

Danny: Bye.

Cassie: I'm not proud of the way I behaved the other day. Slapping you was...

Edmund: Very dramatic.

Cassie: Silly.

Edmund: Dramatic.

Cassie: And you're right, using a quote from one of Richard speeches, it keeps a part of him alive. So...

Edmund: Of course. And of course I'll attribute the speech to Richard.

Cassie: Yeah, well, you better.

Edmund: It bothers you doesn't it? The idea of someone seeing me honoring Richard and actually thinking well of me.

Cassie: If it happens...

Edmund: Well, if it happens, I'll probably mess it up anyway and then you'll feel better.

Cassie: Well, the thought did cross my mind.

Edmund: Then I will do my very best to disappoint you.

Cassie: I'm going to get that check of Danny's. I'm on board with this, okay?

Edmund: All right.

Cassie: No, but I can't do this.

Edmund: Do what?

Cassie: I told you, Edmund, that I can't do this, okay? Every time I look at you, I see Richard and it's like reliving his death all over again.

Edmund: That's too bad. Every time I look at you and your children, I feel as I'm reliving the very best part of my life.

Cassie: Okay, wait. That is the second time in one week that you've made me feel like an idiot. So either you're doing something right, or I'm doing something wrong. I'm doing a lot wrong.

Edmund: I don't think so, Cassie.

Cassie: I honestly believe that you are trying to honor Richard the best way that you can. And I'm... I just shouldn't give you grief about it.

Edmund: Well, you see to me it's the other way around. Cassie, I don't mean to set you off, and I'm sorry that... That seeing me has the effect it does. So if you want me to go, I will. I'll pack my bags, I'll take the gala to Washington and just stay.

Cassie: No, I don't want you to do that. Okay, I don't. It's just that I want...

Edmund: What?

Cassie: I don't know. I just want...

Edmund: Cassie, you want the pain to go away.

Cassie: Yeah.

Edmund: Well, I think the pain is going to be there whether I'm here or not, isn't it?

Cassie: I have ached for Richard for so long that I don't know what normal feels like, Edmund.

Edmund: Cassie, I think normal is actually living with the ache. It's what most people do, isn't it? We all have one thing, something that makes us feel incomplete. Something that makes us feel as if there's just a hole inside. You just look at it. Most people don't.

Cassie: I can't help it.

Edmund: Well, I think that is the curse of a truly honest person. At least that's what I've heard. All the feelings, Cassie, you just face them head-on. So that being said, well, let's have it.

Cassie: What?

Edmund: Let's have it. One feeling you're holding back.

Cassie: What are talking about?

Edmund: Come on, Cassie. Every time you look at me, you think if God had to take a Winslow, why on earth didn't he take me? Really? I mean you think I'm the one who should have died, not Richard.

Frank: I'd like to put APB out on Alan Spaulding. We think he left the courthouse out on foot, but we're not sure. We're also not sure if he's armed or not. But one thing that we definitely know is that he's mentally disturbed. So he's to be considered dangerous to himself or to others. Keep me informed.

Beth: There are reporters circling outside.

Alexandra: Of course.

Beth: And there are more in front of the building. And, Phillip, a reporter called Lizzie's school.

Phillip: What?

Beth: Yes.

Phillip: How did they know where the hell she was?

Beth: I don't know. Luckily, they only got as far as the switchboard. The operator wouldn't put them through. They called to inform me and I obviously told them that they did the right thing, but you know it's just a matter of time before they get through to her.

Olivia: They're not going to stop until they get an answer.

Phillip: Yeah, I know the game. Okay, let's put a stop to this.

Reporter: Mr. Spaulding, can you confirm or deny the statement?

Phillip: As you already know this is very sad day for Spaulding. My father, Alan Spaulding who has stepped back from the day-to-day operation of the company a number of months ago is going to be taking an extended medical leave. In his absence and effective immediately, I will be assuming the role as CEO of Spaulding Enterprises. Our investors may be assured that the company will function at the same high level and that their investments and their profits will be secure. And we all look forward to having Alan Spaulding back where he belongs as soon as his health permits.

Reporter #1: Is it true that Mr. Spaulding was in a stalking...

Reporter #2: Alan Spaulding was found mentally incompetent. What is that?

Phillip: My father is suffering from exhaustion. That's all it is. He's been working too hard to give you all mergers and acquisitions to write about. He's just tired. That's it. Thank you.

Gus: I don't think you're crazy.

Alan: I'm not crazy.

Gus: You know what? Let's go have a drink.

Alan: What?

Gus: Let's have a drink me and you. It's cold out.

Alan: No, no, no, you're not taking me back to that house. Do you hear me? There are monsters in the house.

Gus: Just calm down.

Alan: I...

Gus: Calm down.

Alan: My real family. My real family is gone.

Gus: And these are the family members that are making you crazy, right?

Alan: No, no. My son. My son hid my grandchildren from me and took everything. Everyone I... Everyone that matters to me in my life is gone. I have... I have nothing to live for. Let go!

Gus: Oh, come on, man!

Alan: You promised!

Gus: Too much.

Alan: No, let me go! You promised you wouldn't take me back.

Gus: Come on. Stop! I'm not... I'm not taking you back, okay? I'm not taking you back. We're not going swimming today. We're not going swimming.

Alan: I can't. I can't go back. I can't.

Gus: Take a deep breath. I get it. I get it.

Alan: Help me. Help me.

Gus: Okay. All right. I know... I know a safe place where I can take you.

Rick: Hey.

Harley: Hey, it's my favorite doctor.

Rick: Yes, I bet. Where is your juice? I specifically asked them to bring you juice.

Harley: What do you mean?

Rick: Well, you see I had a very interesting conversation with your insurance company this morning. They're very concerned about you. They want you to leave by tomorrow morning. So I said to this guy, I said, listen, dude, this woman... This woman is a hero cop injured in the line of duty. And more importantly, she is the mother of my son. She is not going anywhere. So you're welcome to stay here and have breakfast in bed for another week if you want.

Harley: You're the best.

Rick: Yeah. Have you had breakfast here before?

Harley: Many times.

Rick: Yeah.

Harley: It stinks. I want to go home. When can I leave?

Rick: Well, you can leave anytime you want. But are you sure you're up to it?

Harley: I have stuff I have to take care of.

Rick: The first person you take care of is yourself. You bust those stitches, Cooper, and you're going to sew them up yourself.

Harley: I got it. I got it.

Rick: Mm-hmm. So I noticed your friend Eden just left a couple of seconds ago.

Harley: Yeah, she was looking for Gus.

Rick: She was?

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Rick: Well, that's good. Because I was actually going to go to the cops myself when she brought her so-called girl in. But, yeah, the woman stuck to her story, so what could I do?

Harley: So you treated her.

Rick: Yeah, she was really roughed up.

Harley: Yeah. Boy if I wasn't stuck in this bed, I'd... I'd like a piece of that guy myself.

Rick: Yeah. The only... The only people you're going to be able to take care of is those two toddlers. You'll have your hands full with those two.

Harley: Hey, I can take Jude.

Rick: Mm-hmm.

Harley: I'm pretty sure I can take Zach. (Laughter) So can I... Can I leave? Really? Please?

Rick: I'll get the paperwork done.

Harley: Thank you.

Rick: I'm just happy you're okay. I'll get it taken care of.

Harley: Thanks, Dr. Rick.

Rick: You're welcome.

Cassie: Why are you asking me to say horrible things to you when you know it's so easy?

Edmund: Because you need to. Cassie, quite frankly I'd rather have it all out at once than to have it shoot at me at drips and drabs when you can't help it. So come on, just say it.

Cassie: Okay. When I think about all the wonderful things Richard did with his life and I think about you and all the misery you caused, it makes me sick. And I get angry, Edmund. I get angry at God and-- it should have been you. And the fact that Richard's dead and you're not is some sick cosmic joke.

Edmund: Well, would it surprise you if I told you I felt pretty much the same thing?

Cassie: Oh, come on, don't tell me you have a conscious, okay?

Edmund: Well, not a full blown one. We know that's not possible. But I do experience guilt, Cassie, in much the same way you do. But I don't think you're quite through yet.

Cassie: Through with what? What are you talking about?

Edmund: You haven't finished. I mean you... you think I should have died and not Richard, fine. But there someone else you think should be dead, too. Cassie, you think you should have been in that car with Richard. You can't stand it that you're not only still alive, but flourishing without him.

Michelle: Hey.

Bill: Hey.

Michelle: You look nice tonight.

Bill: Oh, yeah. I'm meeting someone.

Michelle: Oh.

Bill: Yeah, in fact, I've got to go. So I'll see you later.

Michelle: Okay, have a nice night.

Marah: Michelle, hey! Girl's night! I'm sorry Danny had to go out of town, but Tony's working too, so it... What's wrong?

Michelle: I'm just looking at the happy couple.

Marah: Oh, Bill.

Michelle: Yep.

Marah: Well, he's a guy. Forget about it. So what's up? Where did Danny go?

Michelle: He had a business meeting.

Marah: Oh. Where?

Michelle: He didn't say.

Marah: And you let him get away with that?

Michelle: Well, it doesn't matter. He's got his cell phone. I trust him.

Cassie: Richard would want me to be alive.

Edmund: Well, I suppose that helps if you say it a few thousand times.

Cassie: Will you stop it, Edmund.

Edmund: Come on, Cassie, just say it. I thought the same thing and worse. Who better to admit it to, than me?

Cassie: I have children, and I have a business to run, so I can take care of my children.

Edmund: Of course you do. You keep on, because you have to. And the quiet moments, Cassie. And the quiet moments and the exhausted moments right before you go to sleep at night.

Cassie: Okay, fine. I admit it. In spite of my children and my family or anything else, yeah, I sometimes wish I was dead. And I sometimes still do. Are you happy?

Eden: So thank you for meeting me here. I'm sorry that I had to take off earlier.

Bill: That's all right. I understand. Did you help out your friend?

Eden: Yes. I went to the police.

Bill: Wow.

Eden: Yeah, I feel like it's the right thing to do. Feeling better already. But you can make me feel even better.

Marah: You can't break the guy's heart and then get mad at him when he dates.

Michelle: I know. I know. But, you know, Bill's my friend. And that girl...

Marah: Yeah, Eden's a piece of work.

Michelle: See you don't think he should be hanging out with a girl who runs an escort service either.

Marah: I think Eden would probably be trouble for him no matter what.

Michelle: Yeah, but an escort service? Come on, don't that skeeve you out when you think about it?

Marah: I don't know. I mean she says it's legal and I think that I believe her.

Michelle: No way. No way.

Marah: I don't know. Eden's a smart girl. And I don't think that she would be stupid enough to get involved with pimps and gangsters.

Salerno: That's him. The kid. Have a seat. Rob, get Mr. Santos some antipasti and Chianti. Then we'll--

Danny: Oh, no, no, I'm all right. I've eaten. Let's get down to business.

Salerno: I heard you were... A man in a hurry.

Danny: Already got an agreement on the table.

Salerno: So what, we have nothing left to discuss, do we? You got to try some of this sauce.

Danny: (Speaking in Italian) No, I'd rather just discuss the terms of our deal, face to face so that there's no misunderstandings.

Salerno: Oh, I understand you, Danny.

Danny: Good. Of the Santos business, you'll take the drugs, the track, the gambling, the laundering. You run them however you see fit as long as you get them out of Springfield.

Salerno: That's very generous of you.

Danny: I'm going to keep sanitation and construction. They'll be run as legitimate businesses.

Rico: You think you can make a living with sanitation running it legit?

Salerno: Rico, that's Mr. Santo's problem. Go on, Danny, we're listening.

Danny: You keep the profits from all the businesses you run--

Salerno: Minus your cut.

Danny: Exactly. Now if you come across any problems with this transition, I want you to contact me and only me. I'll have people that are ready to help you out. But my other business partners are not to be touched. They're strictly legit and they're--

Rico: That hotheaded cousin of yours is legit.

Salerno: Rico.

Danny: He's off limits.

Salerno: You have such terrible listening skills. Please let the man speak.

Danny: Salerno, I think this is going to be a very profitable partnership. Everyone wins.

Salerno: I agree.

Danny: As long as we keep the line straight, it'll be a beautiful thing. Your people stay away from my partners, I'll keep up my end of the deal. And if we need to meet again, I'll contact you.

Phillip: I understand that, Nolan, but this is an emergency and I need you to look through my father's bedroom to see if there's anything that might give us a clue as to where he was going.

Olivia: Hey, you know what? He has a personal date book in his bedside table.

Phillip: Look in his night stand. I don't know if 's been in any shape to make appointments, but apparently there's a personal calendar there.

Frank: Okay, I'm going to get a squad car and I'm going to go look myself.

Phillip: Frank, hold on a second. Nolan, I'm going to call you back. You going up to the house?

Frank: Yes.

Phillip: I'll go with you.

Olivia: Maybe I should go and do some damage control.

Phillip: You know what? You look exhausted.

Olivia: I'm fine. Don't worry about me.

Phillip: No, you need to go home. I'm going to take you home and then I'll come over and I'll me you at the house.

Beth: Phillip, I'll go with Frank, okay? Maybe Alan will be easier to handle if he sees a family member and I can serve that purpose.

Phillip: Okay, thanks, Beth, I appreciate it.

Beth: No problem.

Phillip: All right.

Alexandra: Phillip, thank you for handling the reporters. You calmed them down and answered all the... All the medical questions brilliantly.

Phillip: I backed them off a little, that's all I did.

Alexandra: Well, you did what needed to be done. And now we're free to focus on finding Alan.

Phillip: And that's the only reason I did it, okay. I handle a little bit of business in a crises. Don't think this means anything about me and the family because I'm not going to get sucked back in.

Alexandra: I won't push you, Phillip.

Harley: Hey, it's me. Where have you been? I have great news.

Gus: I... I... I've been around, you know. Zach's in the park still with the sitter and Jude is over with Mel. So I had a little time.

Harley: Well, I can't wait to see them because I might be getting out of here later today. (Laughs)

Gus: You're kidding? So... so... So soon? Are you sure?

Harley: Well, Rick seems sure, so he must be right, right? (Laughs)

Gus: Okay.

Harley: You sound thrilled.

Gus: No, I am. What are talking about? I can't wait to see you. No, I'll pick you up right now. You want me to pick you up right now?

Harley: No. You know, gosh, it could be hours actually before the paperwork is even done. Rick said that he would give me a lift.

Gus: Are you sure?

Harley: Absolutely.

Gus: Okay.

Harley: So you can, you know, clean up the house, get it ready for my homecoming. (Laughs)

Gus: Yeah, I got my hands full right now. I'm Lucky that I got a few days off work, because things are crazy here.

Harley: Why? What's going on?

Gus: I'll explain it to you when you get here.

Rico: Can I ask a question now? How do we know that we are getting our full cut if we can't keep an eye on what's going on in Springfield?

Danny: You won't. Because you can't. Just like I won't know if you're taking a bigger cut than you're suppose to. I have to trust you; you have to trust me.

Salerno: Trust is the glue of every good business relationship, isn't it? You know why we could trust him, Rico?

Rico: No, I don't.

Danny: Because when I went to the Feds, I kept you out of it. I took my mother down. I put my family out of business.

Rico: They think.

Danny: But I didn't turn on you. Why would I screw you now?

Salerno: You wouldn't. He wouldn't. He's taking a risk, too.

Danny: Not really. We just know each other too well. It'll keep us in line. Otherwise, think of it as a mutually assured destruction.

Salerno: Salude.

Danny: Salude.

Michelle: Here's to happily ever after.

Marah: It does happen, doesn't it?

Michelle: It does to us.

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