GL Transcript Wednesday 4/16/03

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 4/16/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

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Gus: You sleeping? Decided to sleep in, did you? I'll open this up, give you some air, okay? Don't want to go to work today? Is that the problem?

Harley: (Laughs) I was just up half the night.

Gus: Are you in pain?

Harley: The pain of missing you. (Laughs)

Gus: Yes.

Harley: No, I just, you know, I don't sleep so good when I’m not in my own bed with my own guy. Good morning.

Gus: Good morning.

Harley: How are my kids?

Gus: You're kids are fine.

Harley: Yeah?

Gus: Blake said they're acting like angels, if you can believe that.

Harley: Really?

Gus: Mm-hmm.

Harley: What's that?

Gus: Wow, you noticed that.

Harley: I saw it.

Gus: Some stuff, some surprises maybe.

Harley: (Gasps) Surprises.

Gus: Mm-hmm.

Harley: For me?

Gus: That's right.

Harley: You know that's so weird. Because they told me I’m suppose to have surprises. Well, actually I peeked. It was in my chart.

Gus: Ah-huh. Well, I wouldn't want to slow down the healing process. Got some good smelly stuff there.

Harley: Oh, thank you.

Gus: Got you some fresh clothes.

Harley: Oh, lovely.

Gus: It's one of those things. So you know, it's better than the thing that ties in the back.

Harley: That's pretty.

Gus: And I figured I'd get some flippity, flippity flip flops.

Harley: (Gasps) (laughs)

Gus: And this here. By Zach. Now that's you and me taking down the bad guy, you see? Me heroes. I didn't know... I think that's my influence on him.

Harley: My, M-I heroes. M-I heroes. (Laughs) I love this.

Gus: I'm not really feeling much like a hero. I disobeyed a direct order-- from your brother, no less.

Harley: You saved my life. Twice. Once when I was in that apartment, the second time when I was slipping away on that table. I would not be here if it weren't for you.

Gus: Well, you never would have just left all us alone like that, would you?

Harley: I don't know, hon. It was a little while there, that I thought that would be my destiny. Sort of the way that's it's your destiny to be a Spaulding.

Phillip: Hi. Didn't wake me before you left this morning. Figured you let sleeping dogs lie.

Olivia: I don't want to fight with you. Look, you may be able to wash your hands of Alan and all things Spaulding; I can't do that for a lot of reasons. And someone has to look out for our interest and that pretty much leaves me. So you should know that I asked Ross to act as our advocate. And he's going to be here in a few minutes to pick me up.

Phillip: Wait a minute. There's no need for us to fight. Because I'm going to protect my interests, namely my children and you and the baby. So what happens today does affect all of us and I will be there.

Olivia: Good. Do you want to drive over together?

Phillip: Actually, I can’t.

Beth: Phillip. Geez, I'm so glad I caught you. I came over as soon as I got your message.

Phillip: Thanks. Are you sure you're okay with this?

Beth: Of course. Now you know that I would do anything for you.

Phillip: Appreciate it.

Josh: You don't have to do this.

Reva: Yes, I do.

Josh: No, you don't. This is a competency hearing, it's not a trial. Nobody's going to call you to the stand. The D.A. said you didn't have to be here.

Reva: Oh, I know that. But I want to find out why Alan would do something so malicious.

Josh: Come here. I still don't think it has a whole lot to do with you.

Reva: You're theory that I was a target of convenience.

Josh: Yeah. So he could get to Olivia. I mean think about it, Reva. She did the worst thing to him that she could possibly do. She threw him aside for his own son. Now what does Alan do to people he thinks are disloyal? He destroys them. Or at least he tries to.

Reva: By conceiving a nasty stalking to pin on Olivia.

Josh: Yes. But it back fired. And now he's doing whatever he can do to avoid prison time.

Reva: The mental instability defense.

Josh: Yes. And hopefully the judge will see through that and send him off to trial.

Reva: Well, if Alan’s faking emotional problems, then he's a lot more dangerous than I ever thought he was.

Alan: Come to see them put the loony on public display?

Josh: Save it for the judge, Alan. You're as sane as anybody in this building.

Alan: Of course I am. It's the people around me who are sick. People who call themselves my friends. And worse: Family, who said they care about me. That's insanity.

Alexandra: Alan. I'm so sorry. I hope he wasn't bothering you. But, Alan, we have to go inside.

Alan: I can find my own way, Alexandra. There's nothing wrong with me that a new family and set of friends wouldn't cure.

Reva: Is that what you're going to tell the judge, Alan? That you're fine and you can stand trial?

Alexandra: Really, Alan--

Alan: There's one reason that I am here and one reason only.

Josh: Really, what's that?

Alan: To make all of this go away. And to let them know the truth about... about... Reva.

Josh: Hey, hey, hey. Back away.

Reva: No, no, it's all right. What? What are you trying to tell me?

Alexandra: Reva, this is not the time.

Reva: Come on, Alan, talk to me.

Alan: I know... I know what they're saying.

Reva: Who?

Alan: The people. They're saying I did something to hurt you, but I didn't do that. I wouldn't do that. You've got to believe me.

Randall: Sorry I'm late. I was filing papers with the court clerk. How are we today, Mr. Spaulding?

Alan: Do I know you?

Randall: It's me, Alan, Randall. We need to discuss some things before the hearing begins. If you don't mind.

Alan: I must make this go away.

Randall: That's what we're here for. This is going to be easier than I thought.

Alexandra: Don't get cocky. You haven't been paid yet, remember? And I'm the one who's signing the checks now.

Randall: I'm not likely to forget that.

Alexandra: Lloyd, are you sure that Mr. Spaulding got his medication this morning? And you said you put it in the orange juice that Nolan fed him, right? Well, so far he seems pretty damn levelheaded. So if this stuff doesn't kick off very soon, we're in big trouble-- well, especially you.

Josh: Are you okay?

Reva: I don't know. I mean that look in Alan’s eyes. He seem so lost.

Josh: Maybe that was just a guilty conscious.

Reva: No. That's not the feeling I got. In fact, I’m suddenly not so sure he is guilty.

Phillip: I really appreciate you doing this.

Beth: It's fine. I'm ready to testify.

Olivia: You've asked Beth to testify?

Phillip: Yeah. She's known Alan, the good and the bad, for a very long time.

Beth: And I care about what happens to him just like you do.

Olivia: Good. That makes three of us. Personally, I find this whole thing painful. Either Alan’s going to be declared mentally incompetent, or tried for trying to frame me. Although I guess there's justice in all that.

Beth: I wonder if Reva would agree with you. After all, she is the one to suffer the most in all of this.

Olivia: Well, Holly and I have been to hell and back having being accused of stalking her.

Beth: Yes, yes. But the real story came out pretty quickly. And you're certainly fine now. Your name is cleared. You're living with Phillip. You're starting to show.

Olivia: This baby is the reason I need all of this to be over with. It's... it's too much stress for the both of us.

Phillip: When you were pregnant with James, you were showing when you were this far along, weren't you?

Beth: Oh...

Olivia: Well, this is very familiar then? Pregnant with Phillip’s baby, married to another man.

Beth: Yeah... Well, it was a difficult situation.

Olivia: And you weren't really part of that pregnancy. Not like you will be with this one.

Ross: Well, good morning, ladies. Phillip.

Phillip: Ross.

Ross: Olivia, ready to go?

Olivia: Sure. Shall we all drive over together?

Ross: You're coming, too?

Phillip: Of course I'm coming.

Ross: Well, actually, Olivia, I thought it would be better if you and I went separately so I could discuss a few things with you in case the judge ask you to testify. Sorry.

Phillip: Sorry. That's not... Beth and I will go over in my car. That's fine.

Ross: All right.

Phillip: We'll see you there. You all set?

Beth: Yes, yes. Let's go. I'll see you in court.

Ross: Yes.

Rick: All things considered, you're a very lucky girl. No concussion, no serious tissue damage. But I can't help but wonder what kind of household accident could have done to this to you?

Eden: We told you. She fell down the stairs.

Rick: Fell down the stairs. So you said. I'd like to hear it from Ginger.

Ginger: I'm just going to say the same thing she did.

Rick: That must have been one serious flight of stairs.

Ginger: Look, I went out partying last night, got a little buzzed. When I came home, I tripped on the top step. Next thing I know I'm waking up next to the bottom one.

Rick: You were knocked out?

Ginger: For a while. But then I called Eden and she came over.

Rick: This morning?

Eden: No, that was last night.

Rick: Why didn't you call an ambulance, or at the very least bring her in so she could be examined?

Ginger: It was my fault. I didn't want to come to the hospital.

Rick: Why not?

Ginger: Because I felt okay. Okay enough. But this morning Eden said I had to come get checked out.

Eden: She had... Was having a headache, so I was a little worried.

Rick: Is there anything else you want to tell me about this?

Ginger: No. Why? It was just a stupid accident.

Rick: Okay. Well, you can go see the nurse for some pain killers and some salve for those bruises.

Ginger: Thanks.

Eden: (Clears her throat) I appreciate your help.

Rick: Eden, I wasn't about to twist that poor girl's arm to find out what really happened last night.

Eden: What are you talking about?

Rick: She didn't hurt herself falling down a flight of stairs, did she?

Eden: What? She told you. She was partying. She was...

Rick: You know, you can save your breath. I've seen enough cases like this. Look if you really care about your friend, you'll convince her to go directly to the police and tell them the real story. So whoever it was who left these bruise on her won't do it again-- to her or to anybody else.

Gus: I am looking at my destiny.

Harley: I am looking at a Spaulding. I know how weird it sounds, but you can't deny it.

Gus: It is not my fault. It was because it happened at birth. Nothing more than that, okay? Accident at birth.

Harley: We'll see.

Gus: We'll see. What is we'll see? Cocky like that.

Harley: Honey, the pull of a family is very big-- even if you don't like the people, even if they're not the people you would have chosen-- that's just the way it is. That's the way people are wired.

Gus: That just sounds to final to me.

Harley: Don't down play your connection to Alan, okay? Family is forever.

Gus: Big Al has been nothing but a pain in my neck.

Harley: You've been nothing but a pain in his neck and a bunch of other people's too, if I remember correctly. Hey, you guys have a lot more than just chromosomes in common.

Gus: Well, thank you.

Harley: Come on. Aren't you... Are you curious? Just a little? You must be.

Gus: No. You know what I'm curious about?

Harley: What?

Gus: I'm curious. How could you marry two of big Al's sons?

Harley: (Moans)

Gus: You lived in big Al's castle.

Harley: Yeah.

Gus: So you just tell me honestly, is he the billionaire jerk that I really think that he is and everybody else does?

Harley: He's a tyrant. He is. And he's a pussycat. I mean he's ruthless and he's a gentleman. He is the kind of guy who'll... He'll stab his best friend in the back and the next minute, he's bouncing his grandson on his knee.

Gus: So you think there's a heart in there somewhere?

Harley: I've seen him be tender, yes. And when it happened, it didn't come as a surprise to me.

Gus: They guy is such a difficult man to understand.

Harley: (Laughs) Alan Spaulding is an original. You know, love him or hate him, the guy is unique, you know. He reminds me a lot of one of his sons.

Gus: You're acting like you're okay with this.

Harley: I'm not. I mean the whole Spaulding thing, I have to tell you I sort of need to process it. But my mother told me that I should live for and with the people that I love every day of my life.

Gus: Did she tell you this recently?

Harley: My point is, you know, I fought so hard to come back to be with my family. How can I tell you to ignore yours?

Gus: Oh, please. Because mine, their last name is Spaulding.

Harley: So we'll deal with it, okay? We'll deal with it. Together, you and me. Because we got this thing, you and me. You know, what's mine is yours, what's yours is mine. It's all good. Don't you always say that to me.

Gus: Mm-hmm.

Harley: It's all good. It's all good. (Laughs) (knock at the door)

Gus: Talk about yours. Here's yours now.

Harley: Hello. Good morning.

Frank: Hey. Good morning.

Harley: You didn't bring any donuts or anything?

Frank: Um, no I’m afraid no donuts. We're... we're here on official business. You remember Detective Moses from Internal Affairs?

Harley: Detective.

Gus: Hard to forget that guy?

Harley: What's up?

Frank: We got the ballistic report back from the bullet that you took. The results could not have been clearer. We analyzed the slug that Rick removed from you during surgery.

Moses: It was fired from your own gun, Detective Cooper.

Gus: Not from mine. You're sure?

Moses: Positive. The striations don't lie. That round came from Detective Cooper's weapon.

Frank: You must have gotten hit when you tried to rustle the gun away from Guidry.

Moses: Not when Detective Aitoro fired at him.

Harley: You're in the clear.

Gus: So what else?

Frank: It's not quite that simple.

Harley: The bullet that hit me didn't come from his gun. That's pretty simple.

Frank: He disobeyed a direct order and jeopardized the operation.

Harley: He jumped through a window to save my life.

Gus: Coop, Coop, Coop...

Harley: No, you did. You did. I called that heroism.

Gus: Internal Affairs calls it recklessness.

Frank: He disobeyed a direct order, and did not stay put on the fire escape. Then he broke through the window on his own and put your life at risk.

Gus: The perp had a gun to her head.

Harley: The man had a gun at my head.

Gus: It was her own gun. I saw everything from where I was. You couldn't see what was happening, Frank.

Frank: You saw what you wanted to see.

Harley: No, I was there, too. He had a gun to my head.

Frank: He forced the issue. He didn't even give the swat team enough time...

Gus: God, there was no time to wait for swat..

Frank: You want to know something?

Moses: Hold on, Frank. My advice? Get yourself a lawyer. A good one. You're facing an official inquest.

Harley: You know what? He's right. We should get a lawyer. We'll get Ross. Because you know what? Now, not only do I want to clear your name, I want an apology from I.A.

Frank: I just want you to understand that I'm doing what I have to do.

Harley: Sure, Chief, whatever you say.

Frank: Let's go.

Gus: I'll see you later, all right?

Harley: See you. Wait, Frank. We're not done yet.

Rick: Look if you really care

about your friend, you'll

convince her to go directly to

the police and tell them the

real story.

So whoever it was that left

these bruises on her won't do

it again-- to her or to anybody

else. (Knock at the door)

Eden: Go away.

Bill: That's not what I wanted to hear!

Eden: What are you doing here?

Bill: Are you surprised?

Eden: Yeah.

Bill: Well, that is what I wanted to hear. Look, I got a day off from work, so I thought you and I could pick up from where we left off. Or not.

Eden: Look, I’m sorry. I'm just...

Bill: What? Come on, you can tell me.

Eden: I've been at the hospital all morning.

Bill: Hospital? What happened?

Eden: One of my girls got hurt. It's what I, you know, left to do the other night.

Bill: Well, is she okay?

Eden: Yeah, she will be.

Bill: Good. Good. And what is this... This girl's name?

Eden: Ginger.

Bill: Ginger. Well, Ginger's got a pretty great boss. You obviously care about the girls you got working for you.

Eden: Well, she's lucky to be alive... At least according to Rick Bauer.

Bill: Rick... You mean it was that serious?

Eden: Well, if it would have been any worse, he would have said it was my fault. But you know what? He's right.

Judge: Mr. Spaulding, do you understand the nature of these proceedings?

Randall: Your Honor, my client would like to...

Alan: I'm perfectly capable of speaking for myself. I understand what's going on here. You see, these people are trying to strip me of everything that is precious to me, so that they can divvy up the spoils. But don't let them take you in.

Judge: Actually, our purpose here is to determine whether or not you're capable of understanding the charges against you and whether you can reasonably participate in your own defense.

Doris: But to that end, your Honor, the people would like to submit a psychiatric evaluation of Mr. Spaulding.

Judge: I read it Ms. Wolfe. as well as one distributed by Mr. Randall. Not surprisingly, the two paint very different pictures of Mr. Spaulding.

Alan: Assassins.

Judge: Mr. Spaulding, please. You will have your chance to speak. But I would like to hear from those closet to you first. Ms. Wolfe, will you proceed?

Alan: Out with the knives.

Alexandra: Well, I first noticed the change in my brother a few weeks ago. He was distracted. He was disoriented. And he became so volatile. He really couldn't control himself. It was... It was really heart breaking to watch.

Olivia: I knew something was wrong when my ex-husband stormed into my bar at my hotel in a rage and he was very confused. And the next day he acted as if we were still married, when if fact the divorce papers were signed weeks ago.

Beth: I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Alan had gotten it into his head that I was infatuated with him.

Doris: What did Mr. Spaulding actually say?

Beth: That despite the feelings he knew I had for him, he thought of me as a daughter and he wouldn't make love to me no matter how much I wanted him to.

Phillip: Paranoid is really the only word I could think of to describe how suspicious he has become. He blows up. You know, he's confused. He goes on about how he's lost everything, how I'm trying to drive him insane. He sees enemies everywhere. Maybe that's what Reva was to him. Or I don't know. Maybe she was just a means to an end.

Doris: How so?

Phillip: Well, he may have just been trying to strike back at Olivia Spencer for rejecting him.

Alan: She didn't reject me; you stole her out of my bed!

Judge: Mr. Spaulding.

Alan: And it's not paranoia, they're really out to get you, Phillip.

Phillip: Dad, stop it.

Alan: You're damn right, I'll stop it. I'm going to stop it right now.

Harley: What are you doing?

Frank: I was only trying to...

Harley: What? What? Protect me?

Frank: Yeah, I think it's kind of known that I’ve done a pretty good job in the past.

Harley: Yes, you have. Yes, because in the past I have needed your help. Because maybe my choices weren't the best. But Gus is an exception.

Frank: Can we not do this?

Harley: Do you hate him?

Frank: I don't trust him.

Harley: You still don't trust him?

Frank: Has he ever given me a reason to trust him?

Harley: Hey, look, let me just tell you something about that guy, okay? That is the first man that I’ve ever felt like I could completely be myself with you.

Frank: Oh, Harley, here we go again.

Harley: I'm serious. He keeps me centered. He keeps me grounded. And he keeps me on my toes. It's because he pushed me and he goaded me that I became a better cop. Because I needed to be.

Frank: It would've been nice if he'd did it by the book.

Harley: Yeah, he bent the rules. We all know that. We know he's impulsive. We know that he's reckless at times.

Frank: I'm not just your brother anymore. I'm the Chief of Police. Now, what message does that send to the rest of the cops out there if I let him slide by, huh? That it's okay to go out and be a cowboy?

Harley: I don't know, Frank. That's burden of leadership.

Frank: Well, I honestly believe that you wouldn't be sitting in this bed right now if you guys weren't partners in bed beside being partners on patrol.

Harley: I can not believe you just said that to me.

Frank: How can you possibly be objective about this guy and what he does, huh? Because you have stars in your eyes. You know, I don't have those stars in my eyes. What I have is the best interest for the department at hand. I know what's good for the department and what's not.

Harley: Oh, oh, I’m... What's good for the department? Oh. Well, of course then you'll have... I'm so sorry. You'll have to forgive me for being blind.

Frank: Let's not do this, okay? Let's not do this.

Harley: No, no, no. No, no, Gus, he's not good enough for your precious department. Well, what does that say about me, huh? Maybe you should take both of our badges, huh? Here, there's mine.

Eden: So go on. Now that you know what really happened, go ahead and tell me what a horrible human being you think I am.

Bill: Now do you really blame yourself? Or you're just saying all of this because you think you should?

Eden: Truthfully, I’m angry. I don't feel guilty. I mean, who is Rick Bauer, you know, get off guilt-tripping me? Like I wanted this guy to go off on her?

Bill: I mean it's a sick thing to do, to beat up a girl like that?

Eden: Yeah, no kidding. But I run a legitimate business. I mean, I introduce young beautiful girls to usually very well off older men.

Bill: To socialize-- that's all.

Eden: Yeah, and that's it. I mean does being a C.E.O.'s escort mean that the girl is going to be better off down the road? No.

Bill: And neither does playing the lottery, right?

Eden: Yeah, no kidding. But people play the lottery every day. They get slapped upside the head for it.

Bill: Wait a minute. What are you doing? Where are you going?

Eden: I've got a loser to find. He is not going to get away with what he did to Ginger. If he thinks he's so tough? Let's see what he thinks after Detective Gus Aitoro gets through with him.

Alexandra: Oh my God. Phillip!

Judge: Order! Order!

Alan: Get your hands off of me! He deserves more.

Gus: Excuse me, I was told that I could find Ross Marler in Judge Hazen's court.

Clerk: This is it. But forget going in. It's a zoo today. A Spaulding-only circus.

Gus: Spaulding only, huh?

Judge: Mr. Randall, you will control your client or I will have him removed from this courtroom.

Alan: The God-like voice of Brandon!

Judge: Brandon?

Phillip: His father.

Alan: Are you happy now? Are you happy? Look at me. Look what you've done to this family.

Judge: Mr. Spaulding...

Alan: You browbeat us until we did everything your way.

Judge: Sit down.

Alan: Well, it was never enough though, was it? I was never enough. And I hate for it! I hate you for making me feel this way!

Randall: Your Honor, I think it's painfully clear that my client is incapable of...

Alan: I am capable of talking and making my own defense.

Judge: Mr. Spaulding...

Alan: I am capable of talking and making my own defense. And listen to me here. These people... These people. I am surrounded by monsters here. These people want to rip me to pieces. They're the real criminals here. Take my wife for example. She looks perfectly normal on the outside, but on the inside she's a harpy, someone who promises to love and honor till death do us part.

Judge: Sir, I must insist that you sit down now.

Alan: Then she runs off with my son the first opportunity she has! Then my sister, sister dearest who came back to Springfield to heal the family. And you've done nothing but poison everybody against me. Everyone in this... Where did you go? What's happening here? What are you doing to me? What are you trying to do to me? (Crying) Tell me. Why do... Why do you hate me? Why? Why? What have I done?

Judge: Under these circumstances, there's only one decision this court can make. And that's the humane one.

Ginger: Okay. So you'll call me with the results?

Nurse: Absolutely.

Eden: Ginger. I thought they let you go?

Ginger: Oh, Dr. Bauer wanted to run a few more test just to be on the safe side.

Eden: And ask you a few more questions?

Ginger: It doesn't matter. Even if he brings the cops in, I'm sticking to my story.

Eden: Don't.

Ginger: What?

Eden: I want you to tell the truth to the cops, to the doctors, to whoever asks. I want to nail the...

Ginger: Eden.

Eden: ...The guy that did this to you.

Ginger: You know I can't tell them what happened. I'm married.

Eden: Ginger, we can not let this guy walk free.

Ginger: I am not going to let my husband know I'm working for an escort service.

Eden: He assaulted you.

Ginger: I fell down a flight of stairs.

(Knock at the door)

Harley: Problem?

Eden: Nothing I can't handle. Where's Gus?

Judge: Ms. Wolfe. Mr. Randall.

Olivia: What's the matter?

Alexandra: What could possibly be the matter?

Judge: From the psychiatric reports this court has read and more importantly from what we've seen and heard today, it's obviously apparent that Mr. Spaulding is not fit for trial. Moreover, the charge of stalking Reva Lewis seems to be somewhat in doubt.

Josh: Don't do this.

Judge: In light of this, the District Attorney has agreed to drop the charges.

Beth: Good. It's for the best. It is.

Phillip: He just looks like a zombie.

Josh: This is ridiculous.

Reva: No. I don't think Alan’s faking it. I think something in him snapped and it's not fair to send someone... someone in his condition to prison.

Judge: This ruling is not complete. Mr. Spaulding is not a well man and he represents a danger to the community. In light of this, the court directs that he be confined to a mental institution until such time as he shows improvement. This court is adjourned.

Alexandra: No, you can't send him to an asylum! No.

Ross: Alex, sit down.

Alexandra: No, my brother very claustrophobic. He couldn't tolerate being locked up.

Randall: Your Honor, may we suggest an alternative plan? Treat Mr. Spaulding at home with the assurance from his family that he'll be monitored 24 hours a day.

Josh: What?

Reva: No, I think that can work.

Josh: No. Reva, I'm sorry he's going through a tough time, but my only concern is your safety.

Reva: I don't feel threatened. I think this is the way to do it.

Doris: Looking at dropping the charges is one thing, but letting him stay at home is another. No way. I will fight you on this.

Phillip: No, wait a minute, wait a minute. He will do much better at home than he will in an institution.

Beth: Yes. The idea is to get him well.

Phillip: Right.

Beth: Not to torture.

Doris: Absolutely not. No deal.

Olivia: We can reason this out.

Alexandra: I'm sorry but I'm going to take this all the way to the supreme court. I will not have my brother locked up.

Josh: Granted, he's a sick man, but that doesn't mean he gets some kind of special treatment.

Phillip: Well, what difference does it make as long as your family is safe from Alan?

Josh: But how do you know that you could monitor him?

(Everyone talking over one another)

Harley: Gus isn't here.

Eden: How are you feeling?

Harley: Better every day.

Eden: I wish I could say that.

Harley: Well, Gus, told me that you were here practically the whole time I was being operated on.

Eden: Yeah, I was. But you know, don't think I was, like praying or anything like that.

Harley: Oh, no. Well, I mean thank goodness you weren’t. Who knows what damage your prayers might have done. (Laughter)

Eden: You know, even though I never really doubted it, seeing the way Gus reacted the last few days, there's no doubt in my mind how much he loves you.

Harley: Well, he loves you too. And he might need some of that back.

Eden: What are talking about?

Harley: Internal Affairs has decided to make an example of him.

Eden: Why?

Harley: Because he didn't wait for a direct order to save my life. And if they go after him, he'll need both of us on his side, Eden.

Eden: So what, that's what they're paid for is to punish heroes?

Harley: It's politics. But I'll tell you something, if they go after him, they're going to wind up losing two cops.

Eden: Yeah, well, their loss.

Harley: Thank you. I think so, too. But hey, you know, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if we both lost our badges. You know, I mean, we still got my kids to take care of. We're still together. No inquiry board can take that away from us. What are you thinking about?

Eden: Nothing.

Harley: Uh-huh. Why did you want to see Gus? Tell the truth.

Eden: Because I need a cop.

(All talking at once)

Gus: Excuse me! Does anybody notice anything strange at all?

Alexandra: What are you doing here? This has nothing to do with you. So please leave.

Gus: I've got to hand it to you, honey. I've got to hand it to you. You've actually succeeded in making me feel sympathy for big Al. With a family like this, I think he's got the right idea.

Alexandra: Where's Alan? Where is my brother?

Judge: Mr. Spaulding?

Alexandra: Where...

Phillip: He's gone.

Judge: Find him. Search the building!

Josh: So much for the idea of you're being able to monitor Alan yourselves.

Alexandra: You can't send him to an asylum!

Randall: Treat Mr. Spaulding at home with family assurance that he'll be monitored 24 hours a day.

Doris: No way. We will fight you on this.

Beth: The idea is to let him get well, not torture him.

Josh: I'll grant you the man is sick after what he's done, he doesn't deserve special treatment.

Phillip: What difference does it make as long as your family is safe from Alan?

Alan: I won't let them lock me up! I'm not an animal. I don't know who I am anymore. I have nothing. Who can I trust? Who can I love? Who will miss me? No one.

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