GL Transcript Friday 4/11/03

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 4/11/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

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(Isley brothers' "Between The Sheets" playing)

Hey, girl, ain't no mystery at least as far as I can see

I wanna keep you here layin' next to me sharin' our love between the sheets

ooh, girl, let me hold you tight and you know I’ll make you feel alright

oh, baby girl, just cling to me and let your mind be free

while makin' love between the sheets...

Eden: Forget about it. It's mine.

Bill: Well, don't you have to... Don't you have to check it out?

Eden: I'm busy, Bill. They'll call back.

Marina: Remy, you should have seen it. It was so funny. (Laughs) Like Shayne completely smashed up his knee and Ben whacked his hand. (Laughs)

Ben: Yeah, it was a great time. Can't wait to do it again.

Marah: You should gave seen look on Danny and Michelle’s faces when we broke their wall. It was so priceless.

Remy: Great story, but I'm not falling for it. No way this tunnel goes all the way from our place to theirs.

Marah: Yeah, it does. And who knows where else it leads to? I mean it broke in a couple of places. (Shayne making spooky noise) (laughter)

Ben: Okay, can we please talk about something else? Like what we're going to eat?

Marah: Why are you looking at us when you're saying that?

Marina: Oh, because they don't even know how to boil water. All right, come on. Let's see what you guys have in this place. Wait. Hold up. Did you guys hear that?

Ben: Come on, Marina. Seriously.

Marina: No, listen.

Remy: I came home right before you guys did. Place was empty.

Ben: Look Bill left Danny and Michelle’s way before we did... Are you sure?

Remy: Positive.

Shayne: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Come back here. What do you think you're going to do? You're going to kill somebody?

Marina: Maybe...

Shayne: Give me this thing. Here, you can have this.

Ben: Marina, let me handle this, all right?

Marina: Oh, that's such a guy's thing to say.

Ben: Well, I'd like to see my girlfriend in one piece.

Marina: Will you chill out? Okay, I have this under control. (Grunts)

Ben: Oh, my God.

Remy: Oh.

Ben: Oh, no. Is he okay?

Phillip: Holly, hi.

Holly: Phillip, hello.

Phillip: Hi.

Holly: I'm looking for Olivia.

Phillip: Oh, I guess you haven't heard.

Holly: Heard what?

Phillip: She moved out. Actually so have I. I'm just passing through.

Holly: Oh. That makes sense. She's trying to avoid me. She wouldn't tell me she's about to move out.

Phillip: I don't know why that would be the case, but I'll tell her that you're looking for her.

Holly: Please do. And tell her I can't sit on the story anymore.

Phillip: Story?

Holly: The story. Alan's condition, the future of the company. I'm in the news business. I have to run with this. And she thinks I’m not going to because she keeps giving me the slip.

Phillip: I don't understand. What does any of that have to do with Olivia?

Holly: She asked me not to run a story. And I have a distinct impression it had something to do with you.

Olivia: All right, Alexandra, I'm going to be blunt.

Alexandra: Oh, goody.

Olivia: It's not happening.

Alexandra: What, Olivia? We had an agreement.

Olivia: And agreements are subject to change. Look, I know how much you want Phillip back in the family business. I do, too. But after talking to him, it's not the right time. We'll try again once he's had a break from all this.

Alexandra: (Sighs) No, not good enough, Olivia. I promised to get you off of Reva’s stalking case and I delivered.

Olivia: I will deliver. I just can't do it now. What's... what's the big rush? It's not like there's competition for his role in the family. Come on, give him a year or two. You know, let him miss the Spaulding life. I'm sure he'll come running back on his own before you could say dysfunctional family.

Alexandra: No. The time for Phillip is right now. And don't play games with me, Olivia.

Olivia: From where I’m sitting, you're the one who's playing games. What's the big emergency, Alexandra. Why can't this wait?

Frank: Oh, boy. It's going to be a big one.

Marina: Oh, Daddy, I'm so sorry. Here. Okay. We didn't know that you were an intruder.

Shayne: Or a ghost.

Frank: What?

Shayne: Oh, nothing.

Frank: Oh, man. You know what, honey? I don't think this thing is working.

Remy: It's the kind you have to smash first, Marina.

Marina: Oh, okay.

Frank: Ow! Marina, honey, take it easy.

Marina: Oh, I’m sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just that you were kind of asking for this though.

Frank: What?

Marina: I mean, you broke into our house. You were creeping around. What did you expect?

Frank: What are talking about? I didn't break into your house. And second of all, you left the front door wide open. I came to tell you that your Aunt Harley’s feeling much better.

Ben: Oh, good.

Marina: Really?

Frank: Yeah, I know, it is great. But anyway I came looking for you and I just naturally assumed that you were here.

Ben: Actually we weren’t. There's a ton...

Frank: There's a ton of what Ben?

Ben: There's a ton of fun outside.

Marina: Yeah.

Shayne: Yeah, it was...

Marah: We were outside having fun.

Frank: All right. Well, there's nothing wrong with having good, clean fun, right? Just next time make sure that you lock the front door. This neighborhood has totally, totally changed.

Marina: Yeah, I guess, um... (Clearing her throat)

Shayne: What?

Marina: What it was is that everybody was... Got a little freaked out. A little freaked out. Because Remy was telling us this story, right? About how there was this curator guy that lived here. He got locked in the basement with all these mummies. He went, like insane. He, like died in an insane asylum. Everyone thought when he died all this weird stuff would stop happening around here, but it didn't. It kept happening. So it's like this museum has been cursed. Cursed ever since. And then there's these wooden carving and we saw them...

Frank: Honey, honey, honey... honey, is there a point to your story?

Marina: I mean I guess I was trying to protect everybody from the bad guy and I kind of overreacted. So...

Frank: That's okay. That's okay. I guess it just runs in the family. Next time be careful, all right?

Marina: Of course. Of course. It's not like this place is actually dangerous. I mean, Mr. Lewis installed like a state-of-art system here. Apparently there's a cop living next door. So it is safe. It is very safe.

Frank: What are you talking about safe? I walked right in the front door. Listen to what I’m saying here. This neighborhood has totally, totally changed.

Marina: Well, Danny and Cassie are fixing up Fifth Street.

Frank: Well, I certainly hope so being that I can't keep from this place. But speaking of which, you know what? You guys, did a great job with this place. It really looks awesome.

All: Thank you.

Frank: Really. It's incredible. It'd be a lot of fun to live here. Really.

Marina: Do you really think so?

Frank: Of course. Yeah. Absolutely. It's... Marina.

Marina: Oh, Dad. Oh, Dad, please? It would be so cool to live here with everybody. Please. Don't you think so. Or, you know, maybe not.

Phillip: Back up. Start at the beginning.

Holly: You're not serious. You and Olivia haven't discussed this?

Phillip: No, we haven't.

Holly: Okay, a reporter from the "Journal" called and asked her questions about Alan’s condition. She hung up on him.

Phillip: Sounds like a no comment to me.

Holly: No, because then she tracked me down and asked me to hold off until things slide into place. I agreed to give 24 hours.

Phillip: As a favor to her.

Holly: As a favor to me. I don't want to print a story that's going to be moot because of something I don't know. And I got the impression there is something I don't know.

Phillip: Like?

Holly: Like, you tell me. There are rumors everywhere. Alan's lost his marbles. The company is going down. If Spaulding Enterprises is about to tank, the public needs to know. A lot of them have their livelihoods tied up in your stock.

Phillip: You said that you got the impression that the thing that she wasn't telling you was about me.

Holly: Come on, it's your family's company, your future. What is your comment on this story?

Phillip: When did you talk to Olivia?

Holly: Yesterday. I'll ask one question. Are you planning to step up and take over the company?

Phillip: I'm sorry, Holly. I have to go.

Holly: Wait a minute. We can set this straight right here. This has got nothing to do with Olivia.

Phillip: Yes, it does.

Holly: If you don't talk to me, I will have to run what I have.

Phillip: Run anything you'd like, Holly. I couldn't care less.

Holly: Fine. You had your chance.

Alexandra: Olivia, I thought I made myself very clear why I need Phillip back in the company and in the family.

Olivia: I've got that. That's wasn't my question. My question is why now?

Alexandra: Because it happens to be in everyone's best interest. And I thought you agreed with me.

Olivia: That doesn't explain why it has to happen right away.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Because Alan is in no condition to run the company.

Olivia: Alexandra, you've been running the company for months. There's no rush to have Phillip back.

Alexandra: Yes, well, I've been in and out of the company so much. Alan and Phillip represent a stability to the stockholders. I need one of them front and center. And right now it has to be Phillip. Just call it familial duty.

Olivia: I call it a crock.

Alexandra: Oh, God! Now why can't you accept the fact that I do know what's right for my family and the company? Why won't you understand...

Olivia: I think I understand perfectly, Alexandra.

Alexandra: This is an urgent situation. I have chosen Phillip. And that is it.

Olivia: You've chosen him. Who are the other candidates?

Alexandra: There is no... It has to be Phillip.

Phillip: Because if Gus was Alan’s first born, this will all be his. He'd be running the show. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine Alan and Alex jumping through hoops to please Gus? (Laughs) I'd almost pay to see that.

Olivia: You know what? Let's forget this.

Alexandra: What in the devil does that mean?

Olivia: It means I'm in this with Phillip for the long run. I want him back in the family business, too. But if he wants to walk away from all of this, I'm going to walk away with him.

Alexandra: (Laughs)

Olivia: You think this is funny. We're both set for life. We don't need this.

Alexandra: Oh, yes, you do, my dear. You have no idea how much.


Bill: That was something.

Eden: That's all you're going to say?

Bill: How about... Wow?! (Laughter) Yeah.

Eden: Wow. Okay, I'll take a wow.

Bill: Okay, good. (Eden laughs) What? What is so funny?

Eden: Did you ever think that you would score when you were shooting earlier? (Laughs)

Bill: Hey, wait a minute now. I hope you're not knocking my basketball skills.

Eden: Well, as long as you're not thinking of going pro.

Bill: Like you? Come on.

Eden: What?

Bill: Basketball, right? I mean you missed just as many shots as I did.

Eden: Right.

Bill: Wait a minute. What do you think I meant?

Eden: Nothing. Hey, what time is it?

Bill: Wait. What are you doing? Are you leaving?

Eden: It's late.

Bill: Yeah, but this is your place. I mean where do you have to be?

Eden: Come on, that was fun, Bill, but we can't just lounge around here all night.

Bill: Well, why not? What just happened here? Eden, listen to me. I know you're wrapped up in your work, but I hope that you don't think that...

Eden: Look, Bill. Just chill. This had nothing to do with my work, okay?

Bill: Really. Because I'm starting think it has everything to do with it.

Marina: Come on, Daddy. Why wouldn't you want me living here? It's Fifth Street! It's Fifth Street. It's like, you know, Cooper haven. We could get all nostalgic, we can reminisce and...

Frank: Nostalgic. Sweetheart, have you looked outside the window? This is not the same neighborhood that I grew up in, okay? Okay, not the same neighborhood that your grandfather started the diner on Fifth Street. I think it's great that Danny and Cassie want to change the place around, because I have some really nice memories here, but this place is a hell hole and you're not going to live here.

Marina: Any chance at all that the lump on your head could be slightly affecting your judgment?

Frank: You want to talk about judgment, that's fine with me. Let's look past the neighborhood then.

Marina: Great.

Frank: Okay, great. Let's look at your potential roommates here. Like your boyfriend... Your older boyfriend, your older boyfriend that's been trying to get you into the sack ever since you guys met.

Ben: Excuse me, Chief Cooper, I had no idea she was going to ask this question, and I am just as surprised as you...

Marina: You know, Dad, I just thought it'd be a really cool idea. I mean, look, we're all friends, right? The rent is right. I figure I’ve got to live on my own someday, you know.

Frank: We're not going to have this conversation right now. So...

Marina: Okay. But maybe... maybe you'll consider...

Frank: There are no buts.

Marina: Maybe like a trial.

Frank: There are no buts. There are no maybes. There's not even "I'll think about it," okay? Great. Now I got to get back to the station. Consider yourself a very lucky girl.

Marina: Oh, yeah, I feel really lucky. Really...

Frank: Well, you should because if I didn't have to get back to the station, then I would have to march you straight home. Now can you just be home, like, by 11:00, all right?

Marina: 11:00? Dad, this isn't prison.

Frank: Okay, you're right. Make it ten. (Laughter)

Remy: Smooth, Marina. Very smooth.

Marah: Bravo. (Laughter) Practically kill him and then ask him if you could move in.

Shayne: Yeah, and you know what? I'm actually looking to shave a few hours off my curfew. Got any tips?

Marina: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Can we forget about that please and can we focus on my brilliant save?

Ben: Okay.

Shayne: Remind us.

Marina: The tunnel. Ben, you almost blew it. My dad would have like completely freaked out if he knew we were getting around Springfield through a hole in your wall.

Ben: Oh. Oh, that would have freaked him out. Not the fact that you hit him over the head with a frying pan and asked if you could live with me? (Laughter )

Remy: Oh, we're just busting on you, Marina. I think you went about it the right way.

Marina: Thank you, Remy.

Remy: But next time, I ding his car before you hit him on the head. Really set the right mood.

Marina: Ha-ha-ha. It's you guys that lost, because I think I'd be the best roomy ever, okay?

Remy: Well, we'd all have to wear helmets around the house. But yeah, it'd be great.

Marina: Mm-hmm. Okay, here's what I'm going to do right now. I'm going to go, I’m going to make all you wretched people some popcorn. To show what a good sport I am.

Ben: You're the best.

Marina: And I know I am.

Remy: So, who wants the ghost update?

Ben: Not me.

Remy: Too bad. I did some research at the library.

Shayne: Oh, man, you are just as bad as my sister.

Marah: Oh, be quiet, Shayne. Come on, I’m interested. Tell me.

Remy: Let's just say Marina's dad did her a favor by nixing her big plans to live here. Easily. This place just about invented things that go bump in the night. (Laughs)

Alexandra: Did you hear what I said, Olivia?

Olivia: Oh, sure, I heard you. I'm just waiting for you to spin your next story.

Alexandra: Oh, who's spinning a story now? What? You think you and Phillip are wealthy? You think you're fixed for life, hmm? You think you can run off and live happily ever after without any help from the big bad Spaulding’s?

Olivia: Yes, I do.

Alexandra: Well, you're wrong, my dear. You're totally wrong, because I happened to do my research. You see, I know that all of your money is tied up right here in the Beacon and some cockamamie project of the harbor of that San Cristobel or something. (Laughs) No, I know that you're leveraged right up to your ears.

Olivia: Well, if you've done your homework right, you know that I stand to make a hefty profit from all of this.

Alexandra: Well, yes, if those numbers are on paper. And they're before the stock market decided to take a little downturn.

Olivia: Maybe you're right about my business. But you're wrong about everything else. Phillip and I will be just fine, because we have each other.

Alexandra: Well, that's touching. But I've never known true love to pay the rent. Do you think Phillip’s wealthy? Hmm? Someone else ought to do their research.

Olivia: Excuse me. Phillip has money.

Alexandra: Ah, well, most of his money is all tied up in Spaulding Enterprises, stock option, dividends. Maybe he has a little bit of his inheritance left from his birth mother, but I don't think it's enough to take care of you. You know, this family and company put that silver spoon in Phillip’s mouth and it could just as easily yank it out.

Bill: All right, all right, listen to me. Listen, listen, listen. I know we haven't known each other long, all right. But I would not be here unless I wanted to be. And unless I thought you wanted to be, okay. Okay, your work...

Eden: Listen, I told you this has nothing to do with my work.

Bill: Your work is entirely your business. Okay, how you deal with it, that is up to you. But I don't want you to feel weird about it when you're with me, okay? And I definitely don't want you to bring it to bed with us. All right, because I’ll tell you something. That could be a challenging enough terrain as it is. All right, so come on.

Eden: I guess I just wanted to do it to you before you do it to me.

Bill: Do what?

Eden: Leave.

Bill: Why would I do that?

Eden: Why not?

Bill: Hey, come on. I like you, all right. And I'm not going to play games with you.

Eden: What? Are you like Mr. Perfect or something?

Bill: Not by a long shot.

Eden: Well, if you’re anything like your jump-shot...

Bill: Mm-hmm. (Eden laughs)

Bill: Seriously, I am far from perfect. And I can give you the names of a couple of ex's who would love to count the ways.

Eden: Oh, I do not want to talk to any of your ex's tonight.

Bill: Well, good, because I wasn't going to give you the chance to talk to any of them tonight. (Laughs)

Eden: Wait. Will you just promise me one thing?

Bill: Mm-hmm.

Eden: If you turn out not to be Mr. Perfect, just tell me tomorrow. Not tonight.

Bill: Okay.

Frank: Freeze!

Rick: Don't shoot!

Marina: All right, what did I miss?

Ben: Oh, another one of Remy’s tales from the crypt.

Marina: Oh, yay. Well, please, do fill me in.

Marah: He was just getting to the good part. So, there was a theft?

Remy: It may have been a theft. It may have been something else.

Shayne: (Laughs evilly)

Ben: Dude, you've got to quit it with the sound effects.

Shayne: Oh, what, are you scared, Ben?

Ben: No, are you?

Marina: Boys! Remy, please continue.

Remy: Okay. So, it was right around the end of the museum's Egyptology exhibit and the show was wrapping up. The details are kind of sketchy but right after they packed up all their stuff, there was one small mummy missing.

Shayne: Duh-duh-duh.

Remy: Save the sound effects, Shayne, it gets better. That mummy? A child. He was supposed to grow up to be king, but he never made it to the throne.

Marah: Because he died?

Remy: Or because someone killed him.

Shayne: Duh-duh-duh.

Remy: Thing about it is, that mummy is one valuable piece of history. I am talking ka-ching! But, it never made it to the black market. Anyhow, if our little mummified friend was snatched, whoever swiped him never cashed in.

Ben: So what's your point?

Remy: It's more of a question. Was the mummy stolen? Or did it just take up residence, here, in the museum? Shayne?

Shayne: Duh-duh-duh!

Ben: Okay, okay. This is too much. Marina, will you pass me the popcorn, please?

Marina: Mm-hmm.

Marah: I think that's more active imagination than library research.

Marina: You know, Remy, have you ever thought of doing this professionally? "Million Dollar Mummy?" I'd pay to see it.

Shayne: No, I wouldn’t. (Mysterious noise)

Marah: Did you guys...?

Ben: That was the wind blowing.

Marina: Right.

Shayne: Are you sure?

Remy: It has to be. (Woman screams in the distance)

Alexandra: Well, I can see the little wheels turning in that brain of yours now, Olivia. "Is Alexandra lying? Is my prince really a pauper?"

Olivia: I'm glad you find this so funny.

Alexandra: Oh, please. I don't find financial peril funny at all. And that's exactly what you and Phillip will discover if you walk away from the family and the company. Now, I know you don't want to believe me, Olivia. Go ahead, try to prove me wrong. Mm-hmm. It'll just be another misadventure, a big disappointment in the life and times of Olivia Spencer.

Olivia: Oh, yes, life and times. Let's talk about time.

Alexandra: Hm.

Olivia: Something that Phillip has plenty of, with which to come around and make his return to Spaulding.

Alexandra: Now, you're dead wrong there again, because he has no time. No time at all. Besides, I set the timetable. My brother is mad as a hatter. I've got to leave this family and the company fortune in better shape than when I found it. (Sighs) So if I can't have Phillip, then I’m going to be forced to consider some other options I have, which I am thinking of at this moment.

Olivia: Really?

Alexandra: Honestly, do you really think I would strike up a deal with you without having a contingency plan?

Olivia: No, of course not. What contingency plan?

Alexandra: Well, I really would be an idiot if I told you. (Laughs) After you've been such a disappointing ally-- all talk, no go. (Laughs) No. We're down to the wire. Are you the kind of person that's really going to walk away from all this? Oh, don't bother to answer. I can read it on your face.

Olivia: It's going to be okay.

Phillip: Finished with Alexandra?

Olivia: Hi. What are you doing here?

Phillip: Waiting in line. Now it's my turn to talk.

Phillip: I had a visitor up at the house tonight.

Olivia: At the loft?

Phillip: No, at my father's house. Holly dropped by after you left. Something about a Spaulding line-of-succession story. Something about you trying to forestall it until you could get all your ducks in a row. Does that sound familiar to you?

Olivia: Phillip...

Phillip: Then I walk in here and I see you chatting it up with Alexandra. So much for standing by my decision.

Olivia: Is that what you think?

Phillip: Give me a reason to think otherwise.

Olivia: Well, you're not completely wrong, no. I told you that I was tempted when Alexandra first came to me, not just because of me, but because of you, and then you told me that Gus could possibly be Alan’s son.

Phillip: Which you said was ridiculous, and you were right.

Olivia: Well, there could be another Spaulding floating around out there.

Phillip: With Alan, anything is possible. Sure.

Olivia: I need to know how this affects your future.

Phillip: You mean our future.

Olivia: Yeah. Yours, mine, this baby's.

Phillip: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: You're the one who keeps telling me we're in this together. I thought if I could meet Alexandra here, I might be able to figure out if she's pulling our strings out of fear that the hand that had them by the throat had been released.

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