GL Transcript Wednesday 4/9/03

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 4/9/03

Provided by Linda
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Michelle: Wow, after all this time!

Danny: I know. Our first official trip across our first official threshold.

Michelle: Well, we have to do it again. After we get married.

Danny: Okay. Deal.

Michelle: That was fun.

Danny: Yeah, I could be a pretty fun guy when I want to be.

Michelle: Mm-hmm.

Danny: Let me get the rest of the stuff. This it? Yeah. We got everything we need for our first night in our very first home?

Michelle: I just can't believe that you agreed to do this. I thought, you know, you had to have the whole bedroom set up before we spent the night here.

Danny: Are you kidding? I could not wait that long. I had to get you here all to myself.

Michelle: Mm-hmm.

Danny: As soon as possible.

Michelle: Speaking of being all to yourself.

Danny: No, no. No, no. No.

Michelle: Just one more call.

Danny: No. I'm not going to call.

Michelle: Please.

Danny: Robbie is fine with your dad.

Michelle: Do you think? Really?

Danny: Yeah, I know.

Michelle: All right. I guess we do have a little... few things to do around here...

Danny: Yeah. Just a couple.

Michelle: ...Before he can spend the night, huh?

Danny: Yeah.

Michelle: Whoa.

Danny: This place is not exactly toddler proofed.

Michelle: Yeah, and this place is going to take, I don't know, 50 years to furnish?

Danny: You got a problem with that? You got other plans?

Michelle: Me?

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Michelle: Well... no.

Danny: That's a good answer. (Laughter)

Marah: Marina, are you okay, because, you know, if you want to go back to the hospital...

Marina: You know what? You know what? I really need to stay busy right now. Besides, my dad said he would call if he had any news.

Marah: You know what? I'm afraid to ask. What...

Marina: Yeah, don't bother. I can tell you. Michelle.

Marah: Ouch. Uh, you think I can help.

Marina: Unlikely. You'll probably just make him feel worse. But, you know, that's what families are for, isn't it?

Marah: Absolutely. Bad nail! Bad, bad nail! (Laughs)

Bill: What?

Marah: Well, that nail must have done something pretty bad for you to be punishing it like that.

Bill: Oh, I'm sorry. I just...

Marah: Don't be sorry. Just... are you okay?

Bill: Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

Marah: I don't know. Why wouldn't you be?

Bill: Listen, I just have big responsibilities right now, okay? Agreeing to move into this cave with you guys. This is definitely not the carriage house, okay? It's a big, drafty old museum in bad neighborhood. I know Tony’s the one that's suppose to be protecting you from all things bad, but when he's not around, I'm picking up the slack, okay? So I'm a little weighed down. Your parents will have my head if something bad happens to you because you're living here.

Marah: Okay, well, I will let you get used to the weight of the world on your shoulders, and I'll back off.

Bill: Thank you. Actually, I don't think you need to worry about me. I think it's these two you should be worried about.

Marah: Yeah. You know what? You're right. Guys, what... what's this little thing here?

Shayne: This is the coolest thing you've ever seen. Check it out. Come on show 'em, Remy. Do your thing. Come on, show them.

Remy: Yeah. I think I can muster up something.

Bill: What are you doing? Whoa! Hold on. Hold on.

Shayne: Do what you did? Let me hear it. This is awesome.

Bill: Now are you stretched out properly for this? What's going to happen here? Oh.

Marah: Wow.

Shayne: Check it out.

Bill: Remy.

Marina: Remy, that was really cool.

Shayne: Just totally show me how to do that...

Marah: That is really cool...

Remy: Thank you.

Marah: ...But you know, we have to figure out another place to put this, because this is no gym.

Shayne: Oh, come on, lighten up.

Marah: All right, you know what? We'll deal with it later. Marina?

Marina: Yes?

Marah: Why are you here doing all Ben’s work?

Marina: Ben is working really late. It's fine. He's going to be here soon.

Shayne: Work is important, right? That's one of the main things your dad never liked about Ben. He's not hardworking enough.

Marah: Yeah, yeah, I know. But I just...

Shayne: Look I'm going to fill in for Ben, okay? I'm going to help unpack. And then when it's time for you to get home, I'll make sure, okay, all right?

Ben: Thanks, Shayne. But no thanks. I'm here now and I can take care of my girl. Hey.

Frank: Your union rep's on his way over here. He's up to date with the situation. There's also a guy from Internal Affairs that's coming over here. He wants to talk about the events that lead up to Harley’s shooting.

Gus: Well, you know, bring on the I.A., because I don’t... I've got nothing to hide, Frank.

Frank: All right, good. So we can hurry up and get over this then.

Gus: Does this really matter to you? I mean, because all that matters to me is Harley, you know.

Frank: I'll tell you what matters to me. If it wasn't for you, she wouldn't be here.

Phillip: Harley, we were talking about Gus, remember?

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Phillip: Remember him? Your boyfriend, the one I can't stand. He's not my brother.

Harley: Hmm.

Phillip: I think you're woozy. You're drifting at the moment.

Harley: Right. Phillip, I know what I mean.

Phillip: No. No, you don’t. You know what? I think you're thinking of Alan-Michael. Alan-Michael is my brother. Don't worry about it. Your all over the place right now, which is perfectly natural.

Harley: It's not Alan-Michael. It's not Alan-Michael. Stop that. It's Gus.

Phillip: Stay with me for just a second here. It's not Gus, okay? Gus is not my brother.

Harley: Phillip, I'm telling you.

Phillip: You're telling me what?

Harley: Gus is your brother.

Phillip: Harley.

Harley: (Moans)

Phillip: I'm getting the feeling like there's something that you're trying to tell me, but I can't understand what it is. (Knock at the door) Just try to... hey.

Rick: Hey, don't mind me, I'm just the doctor.

Phillip: In your skivvies, huh? You're on your way out?

Rick: Yeah, I am. Actually, Mel are I are tag-teaming right now just for a little while.

Phillip: Oh. Oh, hey, Harley, Rick’s here. You want to say hi real quick?

Rick: Phillip, Phillip, Phillip, just let her be. She needs to get some rest. Listen I'm going to check a little bit later. I really got to get some air, okay.

Phillip: Okay. All right.

Rick: Are you coming?

Phillip: No. I'm going to hang out here for a little while.

Rick: Okay. Why?

Phillip: She was trying to tell me something before, but she couldn't quite get it out before she drifted off. So I'm...

Rick: You know, buddy, whatever it is, it can wait. She really needs to get some rest. And, you know, I'm just going to go out and shoot some hoops. I really need to get some air, okay. Let her get her rest, okay?

Phillip: I will.

Harley: Phillip? Phillip. No, I know you don't want to admit it, but Gus is your brother. He's Alan’s son. You have to be good to him.

Mark: Straight answers.

Gus: Right. Yeah, what else? What else?

Mark: Don't get defensive, he's just investigating. But if you give him attitude...

Gus: Mark, I'm not going to give him any attitude, all right? The last couple days, it sucked the life out of me. I'm not going to do that.

Danny: See, I can boil water. (Laughs) I'm getting into this. It's kind of fun, this roughing it.

Michelle: Oh, please.

Danny: What?

Michelle: You hate roughing it. You hate camping.

Danny: That's not true. That's not true.

Michelle: You don't even like the cabin.

Danny: Well, I'm a city kid, give me some slack, will you?

Michelle: Yeah.

Danny: Please? But I am making myself open to new challenges. It's all part of my new life. Camping, nature, bring it on. As long as you're my tour guide.

Michelle: Oh, if you need a guide, I'm your girl, you know.

Dan : Yeah?

Michelle: I didn't spend two weeks out of every year at Camp Iroquois for nothing.

Danny: Is that right?

Michelle: Mm-hmm. This is so nice.

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Michelle: But I am cold.

Danny: You are?

Michelle: Mm-hmm.

Danny: Well, maybe you're just hungry. You need some of Danny’s chili.

Michelle: And maybe I'm cold.

Danny: Oh, well, then maybe I should focus my attention on warming you up before dinner. Is there room for me under there?

Michelle: Well, it might be a little close.

Danny: Whoa! No wonder you're cold.

Michelle: (Laughs)

Danny: Hello.

Michelle: Well, if we're going to warm each other up, we got to have direct flesh-to-flesh contact here.

Danny: Oh, is that right?

Michelle: So this is going to have to come off. Clothes just get in the way.

Danny: Is that right?

Michelle: Hmm. Now it's getting...

Danny: So are we breaking any Camp Iroquois rules right now?

Michelle: Several.

Danny: Mm-hmm. Is this something you did at camp all the time?

Michelle: Oh I wish. (Laughs) Now I'm getting nice and warm.

Danny: I'm a little ahead of you there.

Ben: Oh. Ow, yeah.

Marina: I feel so bad, you have to work all the time. You look great, though. You don't even look tired.

Ben: Yeah, well, you know, it's a different kind of work. It's not like putting in a full day at Company.

Marina: Ugh. Please, do not even talk to me about that. Look at my hands. They're just disgusting.

Ben: It just feels good to be good at my job, you know, and finally appreciated for what I do.

Marina: I appreciate you. I always appreciate you.

Ben: For a while there, you were the only one.

Marina: That's not true.

Ben: And for that, I got you something.

Marina: Hey. You got me a present!

Ben: Yes.

Marina: You didn't have to do that. What, is it like an early birthday present or something?

Ben: No, no. The birthday comes in May. This is just a "Sorry I've been working so much, I've missed you" present.

Marina: Mm.

Ben: Go ahead.

Marina: Ben?

Ben: You like it?

Bill: Ah, call the "Journal." "Marina Cooper struck speechless"-- that's front-page news right there.

Remy: What's the occasion?

Ben: No occasion. It's just a gift for somebody who stood by me when I was having a tough time of things.

Marah: Wow! That is a serious piece of jewelry.

Marina: You picked this out all by yourself?

Ben: All by myself.

Shayne: What a hero.

Ben: You haven't said whether you like it or not.

Marina: I... I... I love it. Ben, I love it. You are just, like, the best, best, best boyfriend in the entire world.

Shayne: That's great. So how am I supposed to top that?

Remy: I don't know.

Marah: Hey, guys? Marina, congratulations. Ben, go to work. And speaking of work?

Bill: Yeah, break's over.

Ben: No! (Groans)

Marah: Remy?

Remy: Marah.

Marah: This is all very interesting, but I have definite plans for this place, and this is not included in them.

Marina: It is kind of cool, though. Sorry.

Remy: Not only is it cool, it's very retro in an art deco kind of way.

Marah: You better quit while you're ahead.

Remy: It also serves a very practical purpose: That we mean business; we're not going to be scared away by the previous owners.

Marah: Oh, please. I'm so not buying that. I loved your whole little story about the curator and all the evil stuff that's happened here, and it'll be great to tell people when they come over. It'll be great on Halloween to scare away the kids, but...

Ben: Great. And you're the handy one of the group. What is this?

Bill: Wow. This looks like an underground tunnel that was all boarded up or something?

Marina: Yeah, to what?

Bill: (Screams) It's just me, the crazy curator.

Marina: You guys, we have got to go in here. It looks so cool!

Ben: Literally. There's a major draft coming out of there.

Shayne: Watch out, let me take a look. Wow.

Marah: What? What is it?

Shayne: Nothing, I don't know, but Marina was right. We have got to go in there.

Ben: Yeah, I think we need to board it up and forget we ever saw it.

Marina: What? You're not even curious? You don't even want to know what's in there?

Ben: No!

Marina: All right, come on, Bill. Bill, you're one of those Indiana Jones kind of guys, right? Don't you think we should go in?

Bill: Um, no. Indiana's feeling not too curious about this one. In fact, I'm going to get some sheet rock and put it ...

Marah: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait just a second.

Marina: Yes! An ally.

Marah: See, I don't know if we should go in there, but I think we might have something here.

Marina: Absolutely.

Ben: Ladies, you guys go right ahead. We'll be waiting here for you.

Shayne: Oh, please. I'll go in there with you.

Remy: Okay, why do I feel like I'm watching that scene in every horror movie when you're yelling at the screen saying, "Don't go in there! Don't go in there!"

Marah: I should think you would be the first one to want to go in there. I mean, your dad would be fascinated by this.

Remy: He'll have to hear it from you guys. I'm late for class.

Shayne: Come on, man. Don't be chicken. Come on.

Remy: That, too. Hey, good luck, guys. I will be sure to tell your parents you were thinking of them right before you disappeared. (Everyone groans)

Marina: Bye.

Marah: So, come on. Are you really going to let us go in there all alone?

Marina: Yeah.

Bill: All right, fine. Let's just go and get this over with. Come on. Come on, man. Last and first train moving out into the tunnel.

Shayne: Choo-choo!

Bill: Come on, Shayne. Give me a hand with this.

Phillip: Excuse me. Have you got a second?

Gus: What's up? Is Harley okay?

Phillip: Yeah, she's fine. She's sleeping.

Gus: Well, I'm in the middle of a meeting.

Phillip: It'll just take a second.

Moses: Gus? I'm Walt Moses, Internal Affairs.

Gus: Yeah. Maybe we can do this later?

Moses: As you know, Detective, we are called in to investigate every time an officer's gun discharges. Standard procedure. But this case is a little bit more complicated, if you will. Detective Cooper was almost killed in the line of duty.

Gus: Yeah, I know that. She's my partner.

Moses: She's a little bit more than that, isn't she?

Gus: Yeah, a little bit.

Moses: I can understand there was even more pressure on you than there would have been if your partner was just a partner.

Gus: Look, I would protect my partner no matter what the relationship is.

Moses: Protect, of course. But from what I've been told, you got a little carried away. In fact, you broke every rule of protocol because of your inappropriate relationship with Detective Cooper. In fact, your impulsive actions are the reason she's in that hospital bed right now; the reason she almost died.

Rick: Whoa. (Laughter)

Phillip: High score! High score. High score.

Rick: There you are, sneaking behind me as always.

Phillip: Are you ever going to watch your back?

Rick: Sneaking behind me as always.

Phillip: There you go. Try it again.

Rick: Come on, let's see what you've got, old man.

Phillip: What I've got? I think I hurt my shoulder.

Rick: Me, too.

Phillip: You know what? You were trying so hard to kick me out of Harley’s room, I didn't even get a chance to ask you. She's going to be okay?

Rick: Yeah, she's going to be fine. For a moment there, I was...

Phillip: I know. It was scary.

Rick: For a moment there, I didn't think I was going to be able to do the surgery.

Phillip: I know it's tough when it's a friend. It's got to be.

Rick: Yeah, that and it's my first surgery since I've been back to work.

Phillip: You're kidding.

Rick: Talk about pressure cooker, man. I'll tell you, my heart was beating out of my chest when I was walking to the O.R. I had this moment of panic, and I thought, "Oh, my gosh, is my heart going to be able to hold up under this?" But, you know, thank God everything turned out fine.

Phillip: Didn't leave anything in there, did you? Scalpel or a sponge?

Rick: Mel was assisting. I think everything's okay. She would have found...

Phillip: You saved her life. I guess that means you are still a doctor.

Rick: I guess it does.

Phillip: Um, let me ask you something.

Rick: Sure.

Phillip: I know that she just got out of surgery, really, but, um, how lucid would you say she is right now?

Rick: Why, was she professing her undying love for you?

Phillip: No, nothing like that. No, I was just wondering with the medication and all, is it possible that she's a little confused? Maybe hallucinating?

Rick: She seemed fine to me. I mean, it's possible, but every time I saw her, she seemed lucid. And every time she woke, we actually had a very coherent conversation.

Phillip: So she knew that it was you every time?

Rick: Yeah, . So what did she say that spooked you? Let it go. Tell Uncle Rick.

Phillip: It just doesn't make any sense. It was just bizarre. It was weird.

Rick: Maybe you just misunderstood.

Phillip: I was kind of hoping that that was it, but as I was leaving, she said it again before she drifted off.

Rick: What were you guys talking about?

Phillip: We were talking about Gus. (Laughs) You're going to love this.

Rick: Gus?

Phillip: Yeah. She told me that I should be nice to my brother.

Rick: I'm sorry, I'm lost.

Phillip: Gus...

Rick: Yeah. Yeah.

Phillip: ...Like Gus was my brother. I should be nice to Gus because he's my brother.

Rick: I've definitely got to check her meds. This is not good.

Phillip: You know... let’s... forget it. This doesn't make... never mind. Actually saying it and getting it out of my mouth, I realized, it's just stupid. It wasn't worth a second thought.

Rick: Well, I'll tell you something, buddy, it's a scary thought. You and Gus Aitoro, brothers?

Marina: It's the strangest feeling. I can't see a thing.

Ben: Often the can’t in the dark.

Marina: Yeah, how about a little light from that flashlight?

Ben: Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's a lot better.

Shayne: This is so cool.

Marina: Yeah, it is. Hey, Marah? Are you with us?

Marah: Yeah. But I'm starting to feel like that girl in the movie.

Shayne: "Ooh, spooky! Don't go in there! What is that? What is that?"

Bill: All right. Do you want to go back? Do you want to go back?

Shayne: No. We've already come this far. Come on.

Marina: Yeah. We are going to go completely crazy if we don't figure out where this place leads.

Marah: Do you think we'll find our way back, though?

Bill: Um, sure, sure.

Ben: Yeah.

Bill: No problem.

Rick: All right, let's get down to brass tacks here. Explain to me how Gus could possibly be your brother.

Phillip: He's not. That's the... he's not. Harley was obviously delirious. She's dreaming, that's all it was. I'll tell you, you know what I think happened? I don't know if I told you this or not, last time I ran into Gus, it was at the Beacon. He was... he was whacked out of his mind because he had just found out that he was adopted.

Rick: Well, you were adopted. You can relate to that.

Phillip: Yeah.

Rick: Well, then, who are his parents?

Phillip: I don't know. And I don't care. Forget it. Forget I mentioned the whole thing. I'm just... Rick, there has been so much craziness going on lately. Everywhere I turn around, there's something weird happening.

Rick: Like what?

Phillip: Well, my father is... I don't know. I don't know what the hell is wrong with him. Alexandra is acting like a lunatic with me lately.

Rick: What's Alex up to now?

Phillip: She's desperate to get me back behind the wheel at Spaulding. Yeah.

Rick: You know the two of them. I mean, Alan and Alex have been at these games for years, man. You know every one of their moves.

Phillip: No. No, no, no, no this is a very different thing. She's frantic about it. It's like she's up against a deadline, like she's got to get me in place before something big happens.

Rick: Ah-ha. Like the surprise appearance of another Spaulding kid, perhaps?

Phillip: Yeah. Like that.

Rick: Well, so what? Who cares? Say if he is the missing link, the prodigal son? Do you care? You don't care about the Spaulding crown, buddy. You haven't for a long time. And so what would it matter if he is a Spaulding and you're not?

Phillip: Well, of course it would matter. I mean, even if I changed my name and I never set foot in that house or went into another board meeting again, it would still matter.

Moses: Aitoro, I'm going to need your gun. And your badge.

(Monitors beeping)

Harley: Hi, Frank. (Laughs)

Frank: Sis. Oh, honey. Oh, my God. How you doing?

Harley: I'm sorry.

Frank: What?

Harley: I messed up.

Frank: Oh, no, you didn’t. No, you didn’t. No, trust me. You don't have to be sorry about anything.

Harley: You look terrible. (Laughs)

Frank: Well, it's not like I was worrying about my sister or anything, you know? I know somebody that looks like they're feeling better.

Harley: I'm alive, aren't I?

Frank: Yeah. Sure beats the alternative.

Harley: You know, in some ways, Frank, I feel more alive than I have ever felt before. Really. I can't wait to get out of here. I can't wait to see my kids. I can't wait to spend time with them. I'm going to take them up to see Susan in school, and I want to help you plan that graduation party for Marina.

Frank: No, no, no. Hold on a second. You're not eve out the hospital and you're making all these plans already.

Harley: I've got a lot of plans. (Laughter) That's what I told Mommy.

Frank: You did what?

Harley: I saw Mommy. She was there, Frank. I saw her. And she saw you.

Michelle: Definitely the best camping experience I've ever had.

Danny: Mm-hmm. You know, maybe we don't need any furniture. I’m thinking that we should just keep it simple. In fact, maybe we just made a big mistake with this big old house.

Michelle: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no.

Danny: No?

Michelle: Uh-uh. No.

Danny: What do we really need, as long as we've got each other? I love you.

Michelle: (Sighs) Finally, nothing but peace and quiet.

(Mysterious crash in background)

Bill: Everybody having fun?

Marah: Oh, yeah.

Ben: Can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be.

Shayne: Yeah, I'd be doing great if I hadn't bumped into that wall.

Marina: Yeah, look, guys, guys. We're coming upon a... (bangs into wall) Oh, great.

Ben: Great.

Marina: Great. (Gasp)

Ben: You didn't turn that light off on purpose, did you?

Bill: Oh, come on, come on, come on, come on. Oh, there we go! There we go. Come on, got it coming.

Ben: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hit it. We're in serious trouble, aren't we?

Bill: (Sighs) Very possibly.

Phillip: Good, you're alone.

Gus: I'm really not in the chatty kind of mood right now.

Phillip: Well, you know, Gus, I'm not real concerned about what kind of mood you're in. I've got a question to ask you. Are you telling people that you're my brother?

Gus: What the... what are you talking about?

Phillip: When I was in with Harley a little while ago, she told me to be nice to you because you were my brother. Now, I figured, you know, she's just out of surgery, medication, whatever. And I started thinking about it and I started wondering. You just found out you were adopted. Do you for some reason think...

Gus: No, no! No, no. Look, I don't know... she's going through a lot. No. And my family situation has nothing to do with your fam... you know, it's funny with you, man. This is your world, right? Why does everything always end up being about you?

Phillip: Yeah, great talking to you Gus. You've been a big help.

Frank : Okay. Help out your brother here a little bit, okay? Let's just kind of go back a little bit. All right, so now you're under and...

Harley: I saw Mommy.

Frank: Okay. How did she look?

Harley: Beautiful. Beautiful. (Laughs) Like she always did. And at first, at first I was afraid, because I thought her being there meant, you know... but she took me in her arms and held me. She held me the way... the way I always wanted her to when we were kids, you know? And I felt so safe, Frank. She misses us.

Frank: I know. I miss her, too. You said she saw me?

Harley: She sees all of us all the time. She's always with us. And we went... we went everywhere together and we could see everyone. She was here to help me with my decision about... about whether I should stay or go.

Frank: Well obviously, there wasn't any decision to make, right? You're not going anywhere.

Harley: I don't know, Frank. For a little while there... Frank, I was tired, you know? And it hurt. It really hurt. And I was tired of fighting, too, you know? Our whole life, back when we were kids, trying to get what we could get, trying to just know our parents, and fighting now for a great guy and fighting to get my kids back. It's always a fight. Everything. And it was so easy to let go. But I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it to my kids.

Frank: No, you couldn’t. You couldn't do that to me either.

Harley: She's proud of you. She wants you to know that. (Laughs) She's so happy that you' the rock of the family, the one who keeps us all together. She loves you so much.

Frank: She was here, wasn't she? You know, when you were in surgery, we were all waiting outside, and I felt so helpless, I felt so frustrated. I... I walked around the corner and waited by the door, you know? There was a time I... when we honestly thought that you weren't going to make it. And I was standing there and I felt a breeze. I felt like a... something like go across my cheek. Like someone touched me. It made me feel better and I wasn't scared anymore.

Harley: It was Mommy. Frank, she sent me back. She gave me back to my children. I cannot wait for the rest of my life with those babies, and I will not let them, or her, down.

Rick: Well?

Phillip: Nothing.

Rick: Hm. So what's next?

Phillip: I'm not sure. But there's something weird going on. I think I may find the answers a little closer to home. I'll see you.

Rick: See you.

Michelle: Danny.

Danny: What?

Michelle: I just heard a crash.

Danny: What's the matter?

Michelle: I just heard a huge crash, like somebody's trying to break into the house and they're not being very careful about it. Get dressed.

Danny: What? Are you sure?

Michelle: Yes, yes.

Danny: What did you hear? Maybe it was just a squirrel. Are you sure? (Crashing and footsteps)

Michelle: What do you think it is?

Danny (whispering): I don't know. It sounds like it's a person-- or people. It sounds like somebody's behind the walls.

Michelle: Time to call the police. Time to call the police.

Danny: Shh. I think it's coming from right over here.

Michelle: (Gasps)

Marina: Wow. Uh, hi, guys.

Phillip: Aunt Alex, got a moment to talk?

Harley: I would do it for you.

Frank: Well, that's very nice of you, but...

Gus: Hey.

Harley: Hey. (Laughs)

Frank: I'm going to go, okay?

Harley: Where are you going?

Frank: I've got some work to do. You rest. Okay, sweetheart? We'll talk later.

Gus: How you doing?

Harley: How are you doing?

Gus: Frank all right? He kind of looks like he's freaked.

Harley: Oh, I just kind of gave him a lot to think about. Listen, did you... you didn't happen to see Phillip out there, did you?

Gus: Yeah. Why?

Harley: I'm... you know, I'm sort of in and out. I think I might have been saying some stupid stuff.

Gus: Hm. No. He didn't mention anything.

Harley: Oh, good. I was probably just hallucinating. So, did you talk to the I.A. guys yet?

Gus: Yeah. Just routine, you know.

Harley: You sure?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Where's your gun?

Gus: You want me to get you a little food from the outside world? Maybe something from your father's place.

Harley: I cannot believe they took your badge and your gun.

Gus: Baby, it's okay.

Harley: It's not okay. I cannot believe those guys. I get shot, I almost die, you shoot the guy, saving my life, and they take your badge and gun?

Gus: Stop. Stop it. Stop. You almost died.

Harley: But you saved me.

Gus: No. I was the one that almost killed you. I shot you.

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