GL Transcript Tuesday 4/8/03

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/8/03

Provided By Eric
Proofread by Tanya

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Ross: On your behalf.

Olivia: Apparently she found some evidence that Alan was talking with her, not me.

Ross: What evidence?

Olivia: She didn't say. But I believe her, Ross.

Ross: Olivia, how can you say that? You were part of the Spaulding family long enough to know how they operate. They always protect their own.

Olivia: That's what she thinks she's doing.

Ross: By going out of her way to send her brother to prison? 

Olivia: All right, I'm sure it's more complicated than it sounds, but I'm sure she has her reasons, too.

Ross: Yeah, I'm sure she does, and I can tell you what they are. Now, Doris wants us to tip our hand at this meeting, and that will give them enough ammunition to sink us when it comes to trial.

Olivia: No, I don't believe that. I believe that if we follow her suggestion, there won't be a trial.

Ross: Well, their going to know something.

Olivia: (Sighs)

Alexandra: Lloyd, try to make sure that Mr. Spaulding doesn't leave the house today. And if he fusses, you give him something to calm him down.

Lloyd: More tea, madam?

Alexandra: When was the last time he had some?

Lloyd: Last night, before bed.

Alexandra : None yet this morning? Fine. Then you see if you can get another cup down him. Alan. Well, good morning, darling. How did you sleep?

Alan: Sleep? I'd nod off and on, and then nightmares, one right after another. I dreamed I was wandering through the halls, and all the walls turned into mirrors, and out of them popped monsters. Horrifically chilling, hideous... (screams)

Alexandra: Alan, Alan.

Alan: Stay away from me! No! Don't touch me! Don't touch me!

Alexandra: Alan, it's me, Alexandra.

Alan: Alex? What's happening to me? What is going on?

Alexandra: Shh. Shh, darling, listen, I'm right here now. I know you're scared and you're confused, but I'm going to help you. I'm right here now, all right? Don't worry, darling. The worst is going to be over very soon.  

Phillip: No, no. A nurse did come out and tell us that Harley made it through the surgery, but we're waiting to get some more details from Rick. How's Zach doing? Okay. Well, just tell him that his mom's going to be there soon, because she will be. She has to be. Hey, Blake, it's Rick. I've got to go. Hey. How is she Rick?

Rick: The good news... the good news... the good news is that we did get the bullet out. Harley made it through a very long and difficult surgery. The bad news, unfortunately, is that the laceration of the liver is much more severe than we thought. She's lost a lot of blood and she's very weak right now.

Gus: Is she going to make it? Is she going...

Rick: We've got her on a high dose of antibiotics. The next 24 hours are very critical.  

Gus: Is she going to make it? Yes or no. Just yes or no.

(Monitor beeping)

Nadine: So much worry. So much pain.

Harley: So much love.

Nadine: And you deserve every bit of it, honey. You're such a brave girl, the way that you have fought and struggled last night to stay alive. How are you feeling now?

Harley: Tired.

Nadine: Still?

Harley: I hurt so much. There's a crushing pain in my chest and breathing takes such effort.

Nadine: You could stop. There's no shame in it, Harley. A person can only fight so long, even someone strong as you. Don't hang on if it's torture, honey. Let go.

Harley: I can't. I can't give up.

Nadine: Don't think of it as giving up. Think of it as moving on.

Harley: It's too soon. I'm not ready.

Nadine: I didn't think I was ready, either, but the good Lord took me just the same. You won't be alone, Harley. I'll help you cross over.

Harley: Does it hurt?

Nadine: Not the dying itself, just the thought of it. But don't worry. Honey, I'll hold your hand, and I’ll sing to you. We can sing together, some of the songs that I taught you when you were just a little girl. Do you remember? And then before you know it, we'll be in a whole other place, a safe place, and the pain will be all gone.

Harley: No more pain? No more pain. All right.

Nadine: You'll come with me? You're sure?

Harley: But first, I have to say good-bye. I can't leave them without saying good-bye first.

Nadine: Well, of course, honey. I understand. Would it help if I come with you? All right, then. Here we go.

Olivia: All right, yes, there is something that Alexandra wants so much, and she thinks that I'm the only person who can supply her with it.

Ross: And what is it?

Olivia: I can't say. But her going to the D.A. is conditional on me doing this thing for her.

Ross: Maybe that's what she wants you to believe. I mean, what if this is a set-up and we get into this meeting with Alex and Doris and we show our hand, which we'll be obliged to do, and then Alexandra suddenly forgets this so-called evidence of hers?

Olivia: Wait a minute, back up. What do you mean we would be obliged to show our hand?

Ross: Well, the District Attorney will want full disclosure from both sides, and if we get into that and Alex doesn't cooperate, we will be at a disadvantage.

Olivia: No, not necessarily. We have evidence that implicates Alan.

Ross: We do? Why don't you tell me what it is.

Olivia: The phony cell phone that Phillip and I found in his briefcase.

Ross: Phillip, who has renounced his father and is now shacking up with you. I don't think that we want to go there. And how do you know that that cell phone actually belongs to Alan. I mean, do you have any proof? Do you have a receipt? A statement from a salesperson?

Olivia: No, but it was programmed exactly like my phone. Whoever received a call from that phone would think it was coming from me, and the auto- dial was activated by Alan’s voice, not mine, so he had to have been the one who programmed it.

Ross: Prove it.

Olivia: I can't, but it's a logical assumption.

Ross: Yeah, it is. I can give you another assumption, though: You bought that phone and you had it programmed, and then you had it planted in Alan’s briefcase to get yourself off the hook.

Olivia: You know what? That's absurd.

Ross: It is no more absurd than what we will be claiming Alan did. Olivia, I know you don't want to hear this, but if it goes to trial, you're going to hear it in court, and it's my job to prepare you.

Olivia: All right. What do you think we should do? 

Ross: I think that we should agree to have this meeting with the District Attorney on one condition: Alex has to share this evidence with us prior to the meeting, and we have to have a way to verify it. If she can't do that, no dice.

Alexandra: Well. All set for our little pow wow with Doris?

Lucia: Let me guess: Mother superior is concerned about me.

Ray: Well, sister, apparently she hasn't heard from you since you left the convent  under somewhat stressful circumstances.

Lucia: I know. I've been meaning to call her, but I've been so confused, I wouldn't know what to say.

Ray: That's what she's there for, sister, to help you sort through your confusion.

Lucia: Did Bishop Rainey tell you why I left the convent?

Ray: No. You can talk about it, if you like... in confidence, of course.

Lucia: I've kept it bottled up inside me for so long, I wouldn't know where to start. Shall we call this a confession?

Ray: Let's just call it coffee and a muffin, and take it from there.

Lucia: All right, sounds doable.

Ray: Good. Lynn, when you get a chance, a couple of coffees, please?

Waitress: Be with you in a minute.

Ray: Thank you. 

Lucia: Where do I begin?

Ray: The beginning's a good place.

Lucia: All right. My story starts with a little boy named Nicholas who's all grown up now. You may know him as Gus Aitoro.  

Rick: We're doing everything we can, Gus.

Gus: I know you are. I know and I know that you love her almost as much as I do.

Rick: If anybody can pull through this, she can. She's a fighter, okay? So hang in there. I've got to get back in there.

Nadine: Rick looks exhausted.

Harley: Well, he was fighting all night, too, to keep me alive. Rick understands what I'm feeling right now. He came this close himself to...

Nadine: I know. But he never gave up.

Harley: Because he had people who loved him-- me and Phillip, Ed, Michelle, Mel, and Jude.

Nadine: Yes. It helps when you have people who love you, especially when you love them back.

(Monitor beeping)

Harley: I love every single one of these people. Even Eden’s been okay since she came back.

Nadine: Harley, do you want to sit down? You're allowed to rest, Harley. You've had a tough life.

Harley: And these guys certainly haven't made it any easier.

Nadine: They're a rascally bunch, all right.

Harley: Daddy, left you and Frank to fend for yourselves. he didn't even stick around long enough to find out about me.

Nadine: Have you forgiven him?

Harley: Yes. Even though I don't act that way sometimes. My Frank. (Laughs) He's just the best big brother anybody could ever ask for.

Nadine: Yes, he is, even though he can be a little overprotective sometimes.

Harley: Frank was just a little boy when you left, Mommy. Any mistakes he made are understandable.

Nadine: Do you think he's making the same mistakes with Marina?

Harley: Yes, sometimes, because she knows how to push his buttons, because she's so much like me it's scary. I can't leave. I can't leave yet.

Nadine: Honey, I thought you already made up your mind.

Harley: No. No! I said I would leave if I could say good-bye to everyone, but my boys aren't here. My beautiful boys. And Susan. Mommy, I have to... I have to hold them one more time. What will they do without me?

Nadine: They'll be in good hands.

Harley: No. No. Because once your mother is gone, she can never be replaced, and there’s a hole that will never be filled.

Nadine: Oh, baby. I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice.

Harley: And Gus. I can't leave him. I'm all he has. Eden is more of a curse than a blessing. I have to help him with her.

Nadine: Eden may not be in the picture much longer, now that Gus knows she's not his sister.

Harley: No. He would never desert her. And I understand why.

Nadine: Well, you never know. Gus may decide to turn over a whole new leaf and decide to become a Spaulding now. Well, come on, Harley. You've married how many of them? They can't be that bad. And you still have a soft spot for Phillip, don't you?

Harley: Phillip is Zach’s father. Besides, he's not even really a Spaulding. What's Gus doing?

Gus: Break into her house and get pictures of Jude and Zach, okay? I need them for something.

Marina: Yeah, okay, absolutely.

Harley: Gus? He's talking to Phillip? Why?

Nadine: Maybe Gus thinks now is the time to tell Phillip they're brothers. At a moment like this, people often feel the need to share the truth and make connections.

Harley: No. Not now. Now is a terrible time!

Gus: Phillip?

Harley: Gus, don't.

Gus: There's something I need to tell you, something you deserve to know.

Alexandra: Is there something wrong?

Ross: I don't think so. Olivia just told me of your offer, and we respectfully reject it.

Alexandra: Well, may I ask why?

Ross: Well, you claim that you have evidence that exonerates Olivia and implicates Alan.

Alexandra: Oh, Ross, please. There is evidence. I mean, you know, just Alan’s behavior in the last few days is enough. Multiple people have witnessed that.

Ross: Well, that... in and of itself, proves nothing. Alex, we've known each other a long, long time. Let's not do this, now don't stall, just tell us what you have. (cell phone rings) I'm sorry. I have to take this.

Olivia: That's okay.

Ross: Be right back. Ross Marler.

Alexandra: I thought we had a deal, Olivia, that I clear you and you convert Phillip to run Spaulding Enterprises.

Olivia: I want to honor that deal, Alexandra, but Ross is right. All I have is your word, that you could blindside us when we get into the D.A.'s office, and that isn't good enough for me.

Alexandra: Well, you know, It didn't really sit well with me, which is exactly why I invited someone else to join us. (Laughs) Leonard Whiting, Olivia, Ross. Mr. Whiting here has some very interesting stories to tell Doris, don't you, dear? (Laughs)

Phillip: What's up?

Gus: You and I never agree on anything. There's something major that we share.

Harley: Gus, don't do this.

Gus: You and I both love Harley and the kids, of course, and I just want you to know if anything should happen to her, God forbid, this is something I need to let you know.

Phillip: You know what? Nothing's going to happen to her, Gus, because she's going to pull through this.

Gus: Yeah. I still need you to know this, okay? She might be in there fighting for her life because of me.

Phillip: Why?

Gus: Well, I had a way out of the hostage situation and Frank told me not to go in there without backup, but I disobeyed and I went in anyway.

Phillip: So you did something to directly cause...

Gus: Well, I don't honestly know the answer to that. I saw Harley wrestling with the perp over the gun, and it just all happened so quickly.

Phillip: Can you guarantee that things would have turned out better if you hadn't done what you did?

Gus: No.

Phillip: So it might have turned out worse.

Gus: What could be worse than this?

Phillip: I think we both know the answer to that. There's no point beating yourself up for something that you can't change. Just put all your energy into trying to get her through this.

Harley: I've never seen Gus and Phillip so real with each other.

Nadine: See? Things have a way of working themselves out, even without your help.

Harley: I know. They fight like crazy, but they'll be fine. What’s happening? What's happening? You said this was my decision. You said it was my choice!

Nadine: Honey, baby, sometimes God has other plans for us.

Harley: No! No, I'm not ready. Mommy, I'm not ready to go.

Mel: BP's dropping again, Rick. This isn't good.

Harley: Mommy, I hurt.

Mel: This is not good.

Rick: Coop, you've got to keep fighting, okay? You've got to fight with everything you've got. Jude’s counting on you. He wouldn’t want you to give up.

Harley: I'm trying. I'm trying.

Nadine: You want to live, right baby?

Harley: I do, but it's hard, Mommy. The pull is so strong. Please hold my hand. Please help me.

Marina: Hey. Is this kind of what you wanted?

Gus: That's perfect.

Marina: Here's the keys.

(Monitor beeping)

Rick: It's all right.

Gus: Just have a minute? Just a few minutes. Baby. Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Just open your eyes and look at your amazing children. These are your children that you brought into this world, and you promised them... you promised them that you would stay by their side, okay? Now, you don't... you don't go back on your promise. We don't do that, okay? Don't go back on your promise.

Harley: I don't want to. I don't want to leave you.

Ross: But as you can see, that is not Olivia’s phone, it is a copy. It is an electronic duplicate, programmed so that whatever call comes from the phone can be traced right back to Olivia.

Doris: Fascinating. But it still doesn't prove anything.

Ross: Even if Alan Spaulding's voice is the only voice that can activate that phone?

Doris: Well, not necessarily. Someone could have taped Alan's voice and then made a duplicate in order to frame him. Why are you party to this, Alexandra?

Alexandra: Well, Doris, because I'm afraid what they're are telling you might be true, that Alan did do these terrible things. But only because he's been under enormous pressure.  

Doris: Well, you think this is going to get him off the hook, and you're going to help Olivia because she's pregnant with his child... or some Spaulding child.

Ross: Doris, come on.

Doris: I don't buy any of this.

Whiting: well, in a moment, you'll have no choice.

Doris: Who is this?

Ross: Why don't you tell Ms. Wolfe your name?

Whiting: My name is Leonard Whiting. I work at Spaulding Enterprises.

Alexandra: And Leonard, you had no idea that you were doing anything wrong, and I'm sure Ms. Wolfe will understand once you explain things to her.

Whiting: Mr. Spaulding-- Alan Spaulding-- came to me one day after work and asked me to create a cell phone that was an exact electronic duplicate of his wife's cell phone. He said it was okay. He's the boss. I set up a phone for him, and we programmed it to dial using his voice. And then...

Ross: Go on, Mr. Whiting.

Whiting: Okay. Then once I'd done that, Mr. Spaulding said he had another job for me. He wants me to get him a device that will distort his voice when he talks so no one will recognize it. We did a couple of trial runs with the gizmo and taped them to make sure it was okay. I have the tape with me.

Ross: Very good. Will you play this tape for us?

Whiting: Mr. Spaulding was going to this.

Alexandra: Leonard, it's all right.

Whiting: Okay. It's cued up. This is what Mr. Spaulding actually said.

Alan: I'm watching you, Reva.

Whiting: This is how it sounded after we routed it through filter. (Distorted voice): I'm watching you, Reva.

(Monitor beeping)

Mel: Gus. Gus.

Gus: Please?

Marina: Hey. Daddy, are you okay?

Frank: I don't know.

Phillip: Frank? Has something happened?

Ray: Buzz. How's Harley?

Buzz: She's hanging on. We've just got to wait now.

Ray: We can pray.

Frank: Yes, Father. Please.

Gus: Your kids need you. Think about how hard you have fought to keep them. How you got to get Zach back? Remember? How hard it was to give birth to Jude in that stupid, stupid prison cell? Well, you did that. You did it. And you can do this. You can do it.

Harley: I don't want to go. Don't make me.

Nadine: Oh, honey. I'd never... I came here to support you in whatever you need to do. The last thing I'd want is to take you away from your children and make them suffer the way I made you and Frankie suffer.

Harley: But that wasn't your fault, right?

Nadine: Not the dying, no. I let stupid things get in the way, things that didn't matter in the long run. But you're better than I was. You won't make the same mistakes will you? You know where your heart lies. So go back, Harley. Honey, go back.

Gus: Don't you dare leave me! I love you.

Harley: I love you, too.

Gus: Harley? Listen, if you can hear me, do you remember how I told you I'd take you to Las Vegas? Well, if you open your eyes for me, I will take you to Paris, okay? And I know that you hate my old clunky car, and even though I love it, I'll sell it and I'll buy you a station wagon for you and the kids, okay? And I will... I'll give up pro football on Sundays, okay? But I know you hear me. I know you hear me, so you say something.

Harley: (Coughing) Liar.

Doris: All right. Now I'm here. Where's Alan?

Alexandra: Doris, you and I had an agreement in your oath that you'd go... well, you'd be lenient with my brother.

Doris: And I will be, if this truly is as sick as you say, we all know Alan and his shenanigans. Faking mental illness is at not the way to beat a rap.

Alan: Did I hear someone calling my name? Well, Olivia. Doris, Ross. Don't tell me you've changed your mind.

Alexandra: Alan.

Alan: It's about time you realized jig was up.

Doris: Mr. Spaulding, I've heard a rumor that you haven't been feeling well lately?  

Alan: Me? Hogwash. I had a heart attack a few months ago, but I feel fit as a fiddle.

Doris: So I see. Alexandra.

Alexandra: Look, Doris.

Doris: Ross, your client's off the hook. And your brother needs a lawyer.

Mel: So things are looking up. Harley is conscious.

Rick: Her heartbeat is strong and steady. She's not completely out of the woods yet, but things are looking a lot better.

Phillip: That's so great.

Harley: I

Gus: Ssh. Baby, just take it easy.

Harley:  I could feel you pull me back. You saved my life, you're my hero.

Nadine: I love you, Harley. Remember, I'm always with you.

Harley: I love you, too. You're my hero. Hey, handsome. Just in case you were wondering, I'm okay.

Nadine: Take care of them all, Buzz. They need you. And you need them.

Marina: Hey, Grandpa. You okay?

Buzz: I'm fine.

Phillip: Thank you so much for being here.

Ray: My pleasure.

Phillip: I really appreciate it. And this is very rude, I'm sorry, I don't even think I introduced myself. Hi. Have we met before?

Alan: I need a lawyer, Alexandra, what's going on here?

Alexandra: My brother is ill. He really... don't leave yet.

Alan: I told you, I feel perfectly fine.

Alexandra: Alan...

Doris: You heard him, Alexandra. Now, if you'll excuse me...

Alexandra: No, Alan.

Alan: What, Alexandra?

Alexandra: When you came down to breakfast this morning, you said that you'd had nightmares all night. Do you remember that?  

Alan: Yes. So what? Look, I don't know what's going on here, but I really don't have time for this. I'm preparing for a very important board meeting.

Doris: This man is perfectly rational.

Alan: Yes, I'm working on a plan. It's right here in the file.

Ross: Doris, I think you may want to stay.

Olivia: Hey, those are playing cards.

Alan: Yes. In a magnificent corporate game. I am the king-- the king in every suit, of course. Alexandra is the queen of hearts; Phillip, the jack of them all and you, my adulterous wench, are the joker that tips the game. (Chuckles) It's brilliant.

Alexandra: Lloyd!

Alan: And you know why it's brilliant? Because any time things are not going my way, all I have to do is reshuffle the deck. Did you not hear me? I said I am in control here! Now get back into the deck!

Alexandra: Alan.

Alan: Queen of hearts, get back into the deck! I am in control here!

Alexandra: Lloyd, help him.

Lloyd: Why don't you come along with me, sir?

Alan: Arrest the queen of hearts!

Olivia: Oh, poor Alan.

Ross: I had no idea.

Doris: Olivia, the charges against you are hereby dropped.

Olivia: What about Alan?

Alexandra: Well, surely you can't think he's stable at all after witnessing that.

Doris: I'll have one of our psychiatrists evaluate him and we'll take it from there.

Alexandra: Oh, but...

Doris: Ross, should we go to my office and wrap things up?

Ross: I'll be in touch very soon.

Olivia: Thank you. How did this happen?

Alexandra: I'll take care of Alan. You take care of Phillip, all right? I want him back in control of Spaulding tomorrow!

Buzz: Hey, you. You gave us a scare.

Harley: I'm sorry. Gave myself a scare.

Buzz: I'll bet

Harley: Daddy?

Buzz: What? 

Harley: I saw Mommy.

Buzz: Yeah?

Harley: Yeah.

Buzz: Yeah.

Gus: Well, I see you two have met each other.

Lucia: Yes. I was just explaining to Mr. Spaulding that I'm new in town and that I used to know you when you were a little boy.

Phillip: Are you Italian?

Lucia: You speak my language?

Phillip: No, I heard it a lot when I was a child.

Lucia: Hm.

Gus: Harley's looking for you.

Phillip: Oh, okay. Great, thanks. It was a pleasure to meet you.

Lucia: Yes, you too.

Gus: (Clears throat) Did you tell him?

Lucia: No, of course not. It was just good to see him, though. Phillip has grown into such a charming young man.

Gus: That's debatable.  

Phillip: Hey.

Buzz: I'll get Frank.

Phillip: My presence was in here requested.

Harley: How are the boys?

Phillip: They're fine. They're fine.

Frank: I know you spent a lot of time with Harley, but she never would have been here in the first place if it wasn't for you. So I just wanted you to hear this from me personally, that I filed a report on your serious breach of conduct.

Gus: You do what you've got to do, Frank, because I really don't care about my career right now, all right?

Frank: Well, then you better start, because I just got a ballistics report back on the bullet that hit Harley. It came from a service revolver, just like yours.

Phillip: I'm going to let you get some sleep, okay. Zach’s at Blake’s, remember?

Harley: Where's Jude?

Phillip: He's with his brother. Everybody’s fine.

Harley: Brothers. (Laughs weakly)

Phillip: You're fading fast. Just close your eyes.

Harley: Promise me. Promise me that you will take care of him.

Phillip: I'm going to take care of Zach, don't worry. He's fine.

Harley: No. Gus. Your brother, Gus. He needs you.

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