Guiding Light Transcript Friday 4/4/03
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Rick: Crash cart! Let's get it in here. Come on, folks. You know the drill. Let's move it. Come on! Let's go.
Mel: Give me the Ambu.
Rick: Get the meds ready. I want an Epi, right away. Come on, let's go. Let's get it set up. Let's go. Give me the Epi. Give me the Epi. All right, you set? Charge at 200. Clear. (Monitor beeps, then flat lines) 300, let's go!
Mel: Come on, let's go! Move it!
Rick: Clear. (Monitor beeps, then flat lines)
Nurse: We're losing her.
Rick: No, we're not losing her. Come on, 360. Let's go.
Mel: Give her a milligram of Epi, let's go.
Rick: 360. Get another Epi.
Nurse: Charged at 360.
Rick: Come on. Get it in there, now. Clear.
Nadine: Harley?
Harley: Who's calling me? Mommy?
Nadine: Oh.
Harley: It can't be. You're dead.
Nadine: That makes two of us, honey.
Phillip: Ah! Ah! Man, this is the life. I have no Thomas, no Nolan walking around picking stuff up. Nobody fixing my martini. I'm fixing my own damn martini. I didn't even really like martinis, but when I want one, I'm going to fix it myself. And you know what? This is a good, old American beer. The last time I had an American beer... Let there be basketball. Oh. Olivia, you shouldn't have. You really shouldn't have. Hey!
Olivia: Hi.
Phillip: I love what you did. It's great. It's those nesting hormones kicking in. Oh, I'm sorry. Cardinal rule: Never mention the word "hormones" to a pregnant woman.
Olivia: Where's Zach?
Phillip: I left him over at Blake’s to play with the boys for a while. We had the best day. We spent the whole day at the zoo. It was so much fun. I think he's got a little crush.
Olivia: On Clarissa?
Phillip: No. Blake. Apparently, they both like to color outside the lines. To each his own. Hey.
Olivia: What?
Phillip: You okay? What is it? What?
Olivia: Well, it's Alan.
Phillip: What did he do?
Olivia: It was awful.
Phillip: What? Tell me. Obviously, he upset you.
Olivia: No, he had no reason to.
Phillip: Huh?
Olivia: He has absolutely no animosity toward me whatsoever. I mean, what reason does he have to be angry with his loving wife and his partner in the San Cristobel project?
Phillip: He thinks...
Olivia: He thinks that we're happy and that we're still married and that none of this ever happened. He can't fathom why I'm not living at the mansion with him.
Phillip: So what did you do?
Olivia: I did what I thought I should do. I took him to Alexandra and told her to get him help or I would.
Phillip: Well, hopefully that's what she's doing right now. (Knock on door)
Alexandra: Well, I assume Olivia’s filled you in.
Phillip: Mm-hmm. Yeah. How is he?
Alexandra: Alan's in a bad way. This family needs you more than ever before, you know.
Phillip: What does he need?
Alexandra: He needs you to lead the family.
Ben: Marina, did you hurt yourself? Let me see your hand. Let me see your hand.
Marina: Ooh.
Ben: Okay, okay, okay. All right, you're okay.
Marina: I can't even pour a stupid glass of water.
Ben: All right, come on.
Marina: I mean, my aunt is across the street fighting for her life. My dad asked me to do one thing. He asked me to stay here and watch this place and I can't even do that. So no, no Ben, I’m not okay.
Ben: I'm sorry. I'm not very good at this.
Marina: Shayne's great at it.
Ben: Shayne is still here?
Marina: Yeah, he's in the back running the grill. He saved me from doing some serious damage in here, though.
Ben: Well, that's real nice of him. I wish I could help you like that.
Marina: You running the grill? (Laughs) Somehow I just kind of don't see that.
Ben: I want to help you.
Marina: Be honest with me.
Ben: About?
Marina: You think my dad told me to stay here because he didn't think that I could handle it there? I mean, things just break around me?
Ben: You're not going to break your Aunt Harley.
Marina: You know what I mean.
Ben: Have you ever seen your dad cry?
Marina: My dad? No. No. My dad doesn't cry. He's just too... He's too my dad. He doesn't.
Ben: I'm no authority on your dad, we both know that. But if anything is going to crack him, I have a feeling that it's this. And if you're a guy who prides himself on being the backbone of your family, the last thing you want is to show your little girl that you can't deal with something you want to help her through.
Marina: So, he's protecting me.
Ben: Yeah.
Marina: Because he needs me. Thank you.
Ben: Ah, come on. I didn't do anything.
Marina: No, you did. You set me straight. God, even Eden is over there. I don't know why I thought I couldn't be.
Ben: Eden is there?
Marina: Hey, Shayne, we're going to leave, okay? All right, come on, let's go.
Ben: Hey, listen. I promise you everything's going to be okay.
Marah: Hey. How is she doing?
Eden: Um, we don't know yet. It doesn't look good. Thanks for staying around.
Marah: Harley's like my family. I mean, we grew up together. So you really think it's that bad?
Eden: It's bad.
Marah: My mom had a premonition.
Eden: About Harley?
Marah: Yeah, I think so.
Eden: Is she usually right?
Marah: Yeah, but she can't be this time. She has to be wrong.
Eden: Please don't break my brother's heart.
Rick: Clear. (Monitor beeps and then flat lines) No response.
Gus: Come on, Rick. You've got to save her. You've got to save her, Rick!
Mel: Get out. Get out, Gus.
Rick: Give me 360. Let's go.
Gus: Wake up! Just wake up!
Rick: Come on. Clear. (Monitor flat lining)
Harley: Is that really you?
Nadine: Who else could it be?
Harley: (Laughs happily)
Nadine: Of course it's me. I like your hair long. It suits you. I've been wanting to tell you that for ages.
Harley: That's what you've been wanting to tell me?
Nadine: For starters. You are really beautiful. Not that you weren't always, but now you're grown-up beautiful.
Harley: Oh, Mommy, you are. As always. This is so weird.
Nadine: I know.
Harley: I liked to think that you got everything you wanted. I would tell Frank that there's probably a Hollywood in heaven and that you finally got to be the star that you always wanted to be.
Nadine: Oh, I wasted so much time wanting to be someone else when I should have been satisfied with you and Frankie. I was so lucky to have two such wonderful kids.
Harley: Well, there's nothing wrong with dreams, Mommy. They just always took you away from us.
Nadine: Now I get to watch over you. Much better than I ever did when you were kids. You and Frankie, Buzz, little Marina and all your precious babies.
Harley: Mommy. Mommy, I have so much here.
Nadine: I know.
Harley: Tell me it isn't my time.
Nadine: Oh, honey. I'm sorry. I can't do that.
Harley: Mommy, wait. Wait, don't leave me here alone!
Rick: Clear! (Monitor beeps and then flat lines)
Alexandra: May I have a moment alone with Phillip?
Phillip: Oh, she can stay. There are no secrets.
Alexandra: All right. As I said, Alan’s in a very bad way. You've seen that for yourself.
Phillip: Right. But his fall from sanity is not your chief concern at this point. What your concerned about is the company, right?
Alexandra: Yes. Well, being concerned about Spaulding is being concerned about Alan.
Phillip: Alan doesn't know what day it is. The company is last on his list of priorities, but apparently it's first on yours.
Alexandra: You know these people-- the board members, down to the secretaries, their families, their names, their stories. You just want to abandon them? Your own family, Phillip. Your children depend on this company.
Phillip: You know what? Don’t... I have given my all to this company for years. I have treated it like family. And you know what? I'm not doing it anymore. Now I'm going to focus on my real family, on my children. No, let me finish, because I want them to get more from me than a trust fund. I want them to know me. You take care of the damn company. I'm not interested anymore.
Alexandra: You are the future of this company, you do realize that, don't you?
Phillip: No, I'm not.
Alexandra: Oh, God, Phillip, if you don't do this, it will fall into the hands of the worst possible person.
Phillip: And who is that?
(Monitor beeping)
Nurse: More atropine?
Rick: Yeah, let's switch it now. Come on, let's move.
Nurse: 90 over 50.
Gus: They can't get her.
Frank: She can't leave me, Pop.
Buzz: She's not going anywhere, Frank. She's tough.
Frank: She's not as tough as she pretends to be.
Marina: Hey. What's going on? How is Aunt Harley?
Marah: She was stabilized for a while, but now there's a problem.
Eden: Hey, sorry if work kept you.
Ben: Don't, okay? This makes everything else pretty much not matter.
Eden: Yeah. Pretty much. Hey. How are you? Can I go get you some food? Some coffee? Nicky, do you need anything?
Gus: What I need, you cannot get me, okay?
Rick: Clear.
Harley: Is this heaven?
Nadine: Oh, no, honey. This is some sort of waiting area, for people like you who are teetering. I've never been here myself.
Harley: Teetering?
Nadine: Mm-hmm.
Harley: But they're working so hard to save me.
Nadine: I know, honey. And you've been fighting so hard. I can feel it.
Harley: Sometimes I feel like all I do is fight.
Nadine: Well, you've been through so much, starting with me and your dad, and it never stopped. But you always made it through. Every time. You always managed to keep yourself and your family together. I am so proud of you.
Harley: But I'm so tired. I'm so tired, Mommy. What if I just can't fight anymore?
Nadine: Oh, baby.
Mel: I thought we had a response. We're losing her.
Nadine: I know you're tired, honey, but you're strong-- stronger than I ever was. If you just reach down deep enough.
Harley: I don't know if I can.
Nadine: Look at all you have down there, Harley. That's a lot worth fighting for.
Harley: I know, I know. Gus and Daddy and Frank and my babies. Mostly my babies. I can't leave them. I know what that's like. I can't do that to them.
Nadine: But if you have to, Frankie will take care of them. You know that.
Harley: Then who will take care of Frank? I can’t. I can’t. I can't let go now.
Nadine: Then fight, Harley. There is still time. But if you want to stay, I’ll take care of you. I promise.
Harley: You will?
Nadine: Well, of course I will. I'm not going anywhere. But you still have time.
Harley: You mean there's a way for me to go back?
Nadine: Well, you can't just click your heels three times and wish for it.
Harley: Well, what can I do?
Nadine: Honey, it's not in my power to take you back, because if it were, you'd be there already. I guess I'm some sort of cheerleader to help you understand that either way, it's all right.
Harley: But I have to choose.
Nadine: That's right. Choose. Before it's taken out of your hands.
Gus: Coop, don't you dare leave me. Don't you dare leave me!
Rick: Four, five... Let us do our work, please.
Gus: Don't let it all be for nothing, Coop! God!
Rick: Get the door for him.
Gus: Don't stop now, okay? Don't let it all be for nothing.
Phillip: So, who is it that wants to take over the company?
Alexandra: Well, I thought you didn't care.
Phillip: No, I'm just curious. Because I know that none of the heirs are clamoring for the presidency anymore. Neither Nick or Alan-Michael want it any more than I do. God knows, the economy the way it is, there's no company out there that's waiting to take us over. That's why you're here. You're out of options. That's why you keep coming back to me. Can't you do better than this? Can't you do better than trying to spark my sense of loyalty and competition?
Alexandra: Look, Phillip, you'll be able to run this company with me until you've gained the board's approval, their confidence and then you can run it exactly as you wish, as it should be. But don’t... (Laughs) ...Don't make your children pay for Alan’s and my sake.
Phillip: You know what? Don't worry about my children, Aunt Alex, because I am going to take care of them. I'm actually going to teach my children what is important in life.
Alexandra: Oh, really? And what would that be?
Phillip: To be a free, productive, healthy human being that is not tied down by some sick legacy. And you know what? There's nothing that you can say to me, there's nothing that you can offer me, that will make me trade that in.
Alexandra: Not even Olivia’s freedom?
Olivia: What are you talking about?
Alexandra: Well, she's not free. And she won't be until you put back on the suit, the tie, the name. There's the key to getting her out of this mess that she is in, Phillip. Unless your precious freedom is far too important-- and more important than the woman you love or the woman who just might possibly be carrying your child.
(Monitor flat lining)
Gus: You look so little. Like a little girl. I wish we knew each other when we were small. I bet we would have been best friends. But of course, Frank wouldn't have wanted us to hang out together. Kind of the way he wishes that I would disappear right now. But you don't have to worry about that, because I'm not going anywhere. And neither are you. Because we have a lot of things to do together, me and you. I haven't taken you to a Cubs game yet. So... And of course, there's Europe, because we didn't do that right. I bought you one of those little Europe-on-$10-a-day things when I got back from Germany. I haven't had a chance to give it to you yet. I haven't had a chance to do a lot of things. (Sobs) I get knocked out when I think about what you've done, how you've opened up your life for me. You let me love you and the kids. You were there for me when the going got tough. I know you're tired, babe, but I’ll carry you. So don't give up. Please. Just don't give up. Those kids need you more now than they ever have, and you and I both know what it's like to be kids fending for yourself. That ain't no fun. So stick around, okay? Please. They need you. ( Sobs) I need you. I love you. Please.
Harley: Gus is so upset.
Nadine: Well, of course he is. It must be so wonderful to have a man love you the way Gus loves you.
Harley: It is, Mommy. He's wonderful. I mean, some people think he's weird, and I guess he is sort of weird, but in a great way, you know? He's fierce and he's loving and he's loyal.
Nadine: Just like you.
Harley: And he knows how to stand up to Daddy and Frank.
Nadine: Buzz. Frankie.
Harley: Aw, you miss them.
Nadine: Yes, I do. Well, I mean, who wouldn't miss Frankie? And Buzz is the most romantic man on the whole earth. And it's like... Well, it's just plain wrong that he's alone, that's all.
Harley: You're still in love with Daddy.
Nadine: Oh, honey. I always will be.
Harley: So, if you could go back... I mean, if you got the chance to go back, then you would go back?
Nadine: To have one more chance with Buzz? Oh. I would love to have that chance. And use what I know now to make things better between us. Oh, what I wouldn't give to see him smile that smile of his, in his own sweet way. Oh, yeah. I would love the chance to have one more dance with your father. But we should be talking about you and your chance.
Harley: Maybe we're talking about both of us.
Nadine: Oh, honey, my train left the station a long time ago, but yours...
Harley: No, I don't believe that. Mommy, I think we both have unfinished business down there. Come on. It can't be too late. It can't be! (Monitor beeps)
Gus: Is that something? What was that?
Rick: We've definitely got something.
Gus: What does that mean, Rick?
Mel: Pulse is rising.
Gus: What does it mean?
Rick: She's fighting like hell. She's not out of the woods yet. This is good.
Mel: You're going to have to leave. You're going to have to leave, okay? She's in good hands.
Gus: She is on her way back to us. And anybody who doesn't believe that really should leave.
Phillip: Alex, what the hell are you talking about? She doesn't need you or anything from Spaulding. She's got a very good case.
Alexandra: Really? She wouldn't even be out of jail right now if it wasn't for me and my connections, and those very same connections can help her now.
Phillip: Ross is going to get her off with no problem whatsoever.
Alexandra: Only if you hang Alan out to dry.
Phillip: Well, you know what? Alan needs help. And if you won't get it for him, maybe the courts will.
Alexandra: Oh, really?
Phillip: Yeah.
Alexandra: Or maybe the courts will look at this as you're trying to pin Olivia’s crime on a poor, deluded man whose only crime really was falling in love with the wrong woman.
Phillip: Oh, come on. You know he did this.
Alexandra: Do I?
Phillip: Yes.
Alexandra: You are either a member of the family or you're against us.
Phillip: You know, you're unbelievable, you really are.
Alexandra: And if you happen to be one of us, I can take care of this. I can make sure she goes free. I can make sure Alan is taken care of properly, and that all the people of Spaulding are protected, too.
Phillip: I'll take my chances.
Alexandra: Oh. You want to take Olivia’s, too? You want to risk hurting her and the life you're trying to build together just to get a little revenge? ( Cell phone rings)
Phillip: Yeah. Gus, listen, this is not a... What? Wait a minute. What are you telling me? That's not possible.
Gus: There was a shooting, and they have to get the bullet out and Rick and Mel are working on that right now.
Phillip: Um, I'll be right there.
Olivia: What? What happened?
Phillip: Harley. Shot.
Olivia: What?
Phillip: I've got to go.
Olivia: Do you want me to go with you?
Phillip: No. You don't need any more stress right now. I'll call you.
Alexandra: Oh, my God. I need to come with you. Buzz must be absolutely out of his mind.
Olivia: It's one thing after another for her.
Alexandra: It certainly makes you realize how precious life is, doesn't it?
Olivia: Yeah. So were you just saying all that, to get Phillip back, or can you really get rid of these charges?
Alexandra: Anything's possible for a price.
Marina: Hey.
Buzz: Hey, kiddo.
Marina: You okay?
Buzz: Oh, yeah. I'm as tough as nails. It's him I’m worried about.
Marina: Oh, yeah. Me, too. Hey, Daddy.
Frank: Hey, baby. Thanks for being here.
Marina: Of course.
Frank: Listen, why don't you just go home, all right?
Marina: Oh, no, please.
Frank: There's nothing really else you can do.
Marina: No. Harley would want me to be here, okay? Somebody has got to keep you in line. I was thinking about you and Harley, how you guys are like those twins who feel exactly what the other person is feeling. It's kind of like when Harley was shot, you were shot, too.
Frank: Yeah. Your old man will be fine, you know?
Marina: I know.
Frank: I love you.
Marina: I love you, too.
Ben: Hey.
Marina: Hey.
Ben: How's your dad?
Marina: He's a mess, but I got my eye on him.
Ben: All right.
Marina: Yeah.
Ben: Okay, whatever you're thinking, don’t.
Marina: You know what Gus said about only people who care about Harley being here? I think he was right.
Ben: Yeah, but Marina, causing trouble is not going to help Harley.
Marina: Oh, come on. Harley would get a kick out of seeing me kick the... Hey. So is Florence Nightingale part of your repertoire?
Eden: Excuse me?
Marina: You know, role-playing or whatever exactly it is that you do with your little escort service. I mean, that's where you learned to pretend to care, isn't it?
Ben: Okay, come on. Let's go get you a soda.
Marina: No. You know what? I don't want a soda, Ben. I want her out of here. She hates Harley.
Eden: Gus loves Harley and that's all that matters.
Marah: Look, Marina, I know you want to help, but this isn't the way to go about it.
Marina: Why are you defending her? Look, she does not belong here. Everything is just so screwed up right now. It's like the world is just, you know, out of whack. This isn't the way that things should be.
Ben: Let's take a walk.
Marina: No, I don't want to take a walk, Ben! I want her gone. Look, we need to create, like... We need to create a force field right now of positive energy around Harley so that none of the bad... I just said "force field," didn't I? I'm completely... I'm completely losing it.
Ben: How about that walk?
Marina: I am...
Ben: How about that walk?
Marina: Okay. When I get back, I want you gone.
Marah: Don't worry, she didn't mean it.
Eden: Yes, she did.
Marah: Okay, she did. But you know what? She's angry. We all are a little upset right now.
Frank: Yeah, she's hanging in there. Thanks for asking, Jimmy, I appreciate it. You know, listen, there's something you can do for me. I'd like to report a serious breach of conduct by an officer which may have led to Harley getting hurt. Do I want him to pay? You bet I do. His name's Gus Aitoro.
Olivia: You know, it's not that I don't trust you.
Alexandra: (Laughs)
Olivia: You know, actually, that's what it is.
Alexandra: Well, I've set up a meeting with the D.A. for you and Ross to introduce new evidence in the case.
Olivia: What new evidence?
Alexandra: Alan, on a silver platter.
Olivia: You would sacrifice Alan to get Phillip back in the fold?
Alexandra: No. No. But he can't go on like this. The family can't go on like this. This is just the first step in setting everything right for all of us.
Olivia: You realize you'll be helping me in the process.
Alexandra: Well, just consider the Spaulding child you're carrying a free pass to get out of jail.
Olivia: Oh, but I won't be free of you. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't take my chances in court, because I could win this case, and Phillip could stay away from this family.
Alexandra: Well, the baby? Shouldn't it be one of the happiest times in your life? Do you want to sit in a courtroom waiting to find out what kind of jail sentence you get? You should be, what, knitting booties, planning a nursery...
Olivia: What exactly would you want me to do?
Alexandra: Convince Phillip to head the family again. Head of Spaulding.
Olivia: I think there's a few things we have to get straight first.
Buzz: Harley Davidson Cooper. Such a big name for such a little girl. But you handled it. The way you handled everything. But I wasn't there to see it. Come on. I haven't talked to you for a long time. You know, the truth is, I didn't like you very much after you took Deena and Jenna away from me. And I didn't think you liked me much, either, probably just because I'm me. I know why you want her. She's great. She loves her kids. She's gotten her life together; she's happy. Can't you let her be happy just a little while longer, you can take me instead. (Sobbing) I know it's not a fair trade. Well, I'm offering.
Marina: Hey, Grandpa.
Buzz: Hi, kiddo.
Marina: Don't worry, it's clean. Tell me about her.
Buzz: I can't. I wasn't there.
Marina: I'm sorry. I just can't say anything right today. You know, she turned out really great.
Buzz: I didn't have anything to do with that.
Marina: Yeah, well, you're here now. You've been here as long as I can remember.
Buzz: Well, that hasn't been very long.
Marina: Long enough to see how much she loves you.
Buzz: (Sighs) Oh, God. We've come such a long way. I couldn't quite make it up to her. She just wouldn't let me close enough to help. Now I can't help her.
Marah: Hey.
Ben: I'm a lousy excuse for a human being.
Marah: Well, Marina doesn't seem to think so.
Ben: What do you think?
Marah: I think you're okay. So come on. What's wrong? You want to elaborate on this?
Ben: No.
Marah: Well, you know what? I'm going to head over to the chapel. If you want to wash away your sins or anything, you're more than welcome to come.
Ben: Not right now, thanks. Listen, Eden, Marina didn't mean to go off on you before.
Eden: Whatever.
Ben: But I'm glad she did.
Eden: Thanks.
Ben: Because it made me realize that I can't work for you anymore.
Eden: Okay.
Ben: It's not you, all right? I just feel guilty, I feel...
Eden: Look, I said okay, all right? Save the breakup speech. It's a job. Work for me, don't work for me. Sleep with the clients, don’t. At this point, I really don't care. I mean, do you really think it matters what you say right now, even to a shallow, callous person like me?
Nadine: Oh, honey, this isn't about me.
Harley: Maybe we could go back together.
Nadine: There's some things you can't change. Some things are just meant to be.
Harley: All right, fine. Fine, I'll go back then. You stay. I have to go back, for my babies and for Gus and Frank and Dad. (Bell chiming) What's that?
Nadine: I'm sorry.
Harley: No.
Nadine: Your time to choose has come and gone, Harley. When the bell rings, it's your time. Time to accept the things you can't change.
Harley: Mommy.
Nadine: It's all right, Harley. You won't be alone. You'll never be alone. (Monitor beeps)
Mel: We're going to need more blood.
Rick: She has no spontaneous respiration. (Monitor beeps frantically) We have to get her in surgery right away. (Monitor flat lines)
Mel: Well, don't you think we should stabilize her first?
Rick: We don't have time! And no one is going to stand in my way. The more she tries to take control.