Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 4/3/03
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
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Alan: Olivia?
Lloyd: She's not here, sir.
Alan: Right.
Lloyd: Master Phillip and Miss Olivia moved out yesterday.
Alan: I am aware of that Lloyd. But I heard voices and I thought... Well, it must have been the maids. I have some legal documents and I need her address. Do you know where she might be?
Lloyd: I'll be happy to take them over for you, sir.
Alan: No, that won't be necessary. Matter of fact, why don't you go and find your cohort Alexandra. Go.
Olivia: (Laughs)
Alan: Oh, boy!
Olivia: Oh, they're
Thank you.
Alan: Olivia.
Olivia: All right, let's see what I have to do today. Okay, I have to vacuum the living room, mop the bathroom floor, iron, do laundry and make a fabulous, romantic dinner. Fabulous. (Phone rings) Hello? Hi. I was hoping it would be you. Oh, you went to the zoo with Zach. Cool. No, stay and have lunch with him. I'll be fine. Yeah, could you just... Could you hurry home once you drop him off. Because I have a surprise for you. Well, if I tell you it won't be a surprise. (Laughs) Okay. I'll see you then. I love you, too. Okay, well, I'd better get busy or it won't be a surprise. All right, what am I going to do... How about... How about you? Wait, wait, wait. Oh. Ow! Oh. I want hazard pay.
Marina: Ben, I am so scared. What if this guy... What if he's just, you know, he's a complete psycho or what if gets sick of...
Ben: Shhh. Shhh. Nothing is going to happen to your aunt. Nothing is going to happen to your aunt, all right. Frank and Buzz are both down there. Harley is a cop. She's been trained to deal with this kind of situation, okay?
Marina: Do you know how many cops die on the job every year?
Ben: Too many. I feel terrible about this. I want to stay here with you but...
Eden: Ramona Hendon can spend
thousands on you.
But she won't wait forever.
Shayne: You know what? Don't worry about Marina. Okay, I'll look out for her.
Marina: Yeah, we're going to be fine. All right, look.
Ben: What?
Marina: Just take it so you can think about me while you're at work.
Ben: Are you sure you don't want me to stay here with you.
Marina: Yes, I'm sure. We're going to be fine. Look, I know my aunt. She is really tough. And she is going to be just fine. Go. Get out of here.
Ben: Okay. Bye.
Marina: Bye.
Ben: Take care of her.
Steve: That is the last lie you're ever going to tell. (Screams) (glass breaking)
Gus: Cooper. Coop. You're done. It's over. It's over. Very brave. God. We have an officer down. We have an officer down.
Alexandra: Well... Alan, you should be in bed. The doctors want you to rest.
Alan: I know what you're trying to do, Alexandra. You and Phillip are conspiring to destroy me.
Alexandra: Yes, you're right, Alan. We were holding these secret meetings and we're devising all kinds of ways to drive you absolutely insane.
Alan: You stole my company and Phillip stole my wife.
Alexandra: Well, your ex-wife dear. And she only left you because of your bright and cherry personality.
Alan: Yes, and she left with my son, with my grandchildren. She left with everyone.
Alexandra: Well, not everyone, darling. I... I could never leave you, Alan, no matter how insufferable you may become. And Phillip will be back. He'll come to his senses.
Alan: You know ever since you stepped foot in this city, my life has begun to unravel. First, it was the company and then the house, my wife, my son. Tell me what else are you planning on taking from me?
Alexandra: Come on, darling, you're sounding downright paranoid.
Alan: I know what this is about, Alexandra. It's like the game we played when we were children. The last one who's standing wins.
Alexandra: No, Alan, this is no game. I want to do what's best for you, for the family.
Alan: Yes, yes, of course you do.
Alexandra: I'll promise you one day you'll understand.
Alan: Don't count on it. I'll tell you what I would like. I would now like some tea. Would you be so kind as to make me some of that tea?
Alexandra: Of course I will, dear? I know exactly how you like it.
Olivia: I'm not doing well.
Peggy: Take a moment. Close your eyes. Envision your husband coming home to an oasis. Can you do that?
Olivia: No.
Peggy: Well, I'm going to show you how to create a tropical paradise, a romantic getaway right in your own home. Today we're going to make con tiki napkins...
Olivia: You do that, Peggy.
Peggy: ...Out of cardboard, toilet paper cores. All you need is scissors, glue, material, any old shirt or blouse will do. Then we're going to make an edible centerpiece to go with it. A sumptuous, tantalizing array of cucumbers, fruit and parsley nestled in a melon love boat. Or life raft depending on what type of cook you are.
Olivia: Damn good cook, thank you.
Peggy: Naturally, we'll want to decorate our napkin holders. I use beans, glitter, pine needles. Whatever I have around. The object is to make your table look luscious, seductive so that man of yours would want to drop his anchor and stay a while. Ready to begin? First we cut the material to fit around the toilet paper cores.
Olivia: Peggy, you got to slow down. Slow down, Peggy.
Peggy: Simple enough?
Gus: Frank.
Frank: Oh, my God! Clear the area. Brandy, get the table out of here. Help me with the gurney. Pull her over. I need backup. I need backup immediately. Here we go.
Harley: (Moaning)
Frank: Sis? It's me. Harley, it's me. It's your brother.
Harley: Frank... Frank.
Frank: I'm here, honey. Yeah, it's me.
Harley: Frank...
Frank: You're going to be okay, honey. I promise. I'm here. Rick, help her.
Rick: Honey, can you hear me?
Harley: (Moans)
Rick: Huh? Can you open your eyes?
Frank: Okay, I need to secure the area. All right, I need somebody at the door. Nobody comes in. You got that, Peter. So I need you to check the closets and all the other rooms. Jennings, get the wagon. Get it immediately.
Rick: Pulse is very rapid.
Paramedic one: I'll get an I.V. going.
Rick: I want ringers running wide open.
Gus: What does that mean?
Paramedic one: You want to help? Get the hell out of the way. She's got a BP going here.
Rick: Quickly. I'm pressing the wound. All right, somebody call the hospital.
Buzz: Frank! Frank...
Rick: Let them know that we need a team.
Frank: He's okay. Let him in. Let him in.
Buzz: Where is she?
Rick: Did you get the make on the weapon, Frank?
Frank: Yeah, we did. It looks like Harley痴 gun. The perp must have grabbed it.
Gus: I thought I had him, Frank. I never even heard a shot.
Frank: You thought you had him. I gave you a direct order to stay away, to back off.
Buzz: Frank, Frank, save it. Save it.
Frank: I hope to God we can save her.
Rick: You're going to be okay.
Harley: (Moans)
Rick: She's stable. We're going to move her soon.
Gus: Okay, I'm coming with you, all right.
Frank: The hell you are.
Gus: Frank, you got something to say to me, say it at the hospital, all right?
Rick: Put pressure on it. I need a gurney. Come on. Come on. Help.
Gus: You know, it's going to be okay. Okay, you got hit. But Rick is here. He's going to patch you up like new.
Paramedic one: One, two, three.
Harley: (Moans)
Gus: You were very brave, babe. You're very, very brave. You saved a woman and a child. They're going to give you a medal for that. And I'm going to pin the medal on you myself at the ceremony. All right, just be... Just be strong. Don't try to talk. I love you, Harley. I love you. Just be tough, baby. Just be tough.
Rick: Let's get her in the ambulance. Get another line going. Let's go. Move it. Stat. Come on. One, two, three.
Olivia: Is this made to order? Hi. Yeah, my name is Olivia Spencer and I need somebody who can cook, clean, iron, and make, you know, really cute little tiki napkin holder things. And I need them now. You can? That's great. No, that' fine. I'll be at 1430 Harbor View. Yeah. No, I'll be here. Thank you. (Knock at the door) That was quick. Oh.
Alan: Well, I was hoping you would be home.
Olivia: Uh... I'm not. Okay.
Alan: Olivia, don't be embarrassed. You look fine.
Olivia: What? Alan, what do you want?
Alan: Well, you forgot this. No beautiful woman should be without her jewelry. I want you to have it.
Olivia: Thank you. Thank you.
Alan: Fingers. Fingers. Whatever are we going to do with you?
Marah: Gus will call. Don't worry. As soon as they know something, he'll call.
Eden: I just hope he doesn't try to be a big hero and step in the line of fire for anyone.
Marah: You really don't like Harley that much, do you?
Eden: Not enough to sacrifice my brother. I don't like anyone that much.
Marah: I know what you mean. Shayne can be annoying sometimes, but I couldn't really imagine not having him around. You know, every time my mom was gone, my dad was always at work. So basically Shayne and I were together most of the time. It wasn't my choice, it was by default.
Eden: You're different than I thought you'd be.
Marah: Yeah, so are you. I'm just sorry that it took a disaster like this for us to realize that. (Phone rings)
Eden: Hello? Nicky. What happened? Where you there... Harley got shot?
Shayne: What?
Marina: Oh, my God!
Eden: How bad is it? Okay. All right. Okay. Bye.
Marina: Wait. What did he say?
Eden: Harley got shot. He didn't say how bad it was. But I'm going to go to Cedars Hospital.
Marina: Yeah, I知 going to go with you.
Marah: No, you guys stay here and hold down the fort. Watch the place.
Marina: No, Marah...
Marah: Somebody needs to watch this place. We'll call you guys as soon as we find out anything, okay?
Marina: Harley can't die. She just can't. I mean...
Shayne: She won't. She won稚.
Marina: Because she's really tough. She's really tough, right?
Shayne: Exactly.
Marina: Why did I let Ben go to work? I really need him here.
Shayne: You know what? He would have gone anyway.
Marina: Yeah. Yeah. I just hope whatever he's doing is worth it.
Ben: Ramona? It's Ben Reade.
Ramona: Well, hello, Benjamin. I'm glad you decided to keep our appointment.
Ben: I hope you know, it's not that I don't find you attractive or desirable, because I do. I mean, you're very desirable.
Ramona: Will you pour us some wine?
Ben: Yeah. It's just that I never really seen myself as a ... As a paid companion. I have goals and ambitions in my life.
Ramona: And I wouldn't be interested if you weren't loaded with potential.
Ben: Wine?
Ramona: You seem a little nervous.
Ben: (Laughing nervously) I am. You know, I just checked my watch and we're going to be late. The lunch reservations.
Ramona: It's been cancelled. I took the liberty of ordering in. We could share it afterward.
Ben: After?
Ramona: Just how ambitious are you, Ben?
Ben: Very.
Ramona: Don't tell me. Show me.
Mel: Rick?
Rick: GSW to the upper right ab.
Paramedic one: BP 70 palp, pulse 116 when we arrived.
Paramedic two: We ran 1500 ringers, got her BP up to 120.
Rick: Get blood sent for a type and cross match, right away.
Harley: (Moans)
Gus: I'm right here.
Rick: Upper right quad. She's got a lot of bleeding going on. Possible liver, too.
Paramedics: One, two, three. Go!
Rick: Get an NG tube and a Foley right away.
Mel: Let's set for DPL.
Rick: Where is my surgical counsel? I called 15 minutes ago.
Nurse: He's on his way and I notified the O.R.
Rick: Let's get it out.
Gus: Coming through. Coming through. You're going to make it.
Rick: Get back and let them do their work.
Gus: I just want her to know that I知 here, okay?
Rick: Just get back. Take him across the street and get him some coffee.
Buzz: Is she going to make it?
Rick: We got to get her in surgery so we can stop the bleeding. But I can not be interrupted. I can not be interrupted.
Gus: I just... I know. I'm going to stay here.
Rick: I am not going to let Jude grow up without his mother. Leave and let me do my job.
Buzz: Let's go.
Gus: I just want you to know that I知 outside. They're making me wait outside. I'm not going anywhere. Okay, I'm not going anywhere. Neither are you. Are we clear on that? Are we clear on that, baby?
Buzz: Come on, kiddo, okay. You give them hell. Hang on there. I'm here with you.
Frank: You're going to be fine.
Buzz: Don't try to talk.
Frank: We love, you, sis. We love you.
Buzz: Harley?
Frank: What's wrong?
Buzz: Rick?!
Frank: Rick?! Rick?!
Nurse: Her blood pressure is falling. 90 palp and her respiration's are shallow.
Rick: Clear the room.
Gus: What does that mean?
Rick: Clear the room.
Gus: What does that mean?
Rick: Everybody clear the room.
Mel: Where's radiology?
Rick: Who called the surgical counsel?
Alexandra: Alan, here's your tea, and it's just the way... Alan? Lloyd, have you seen my brother?
Lloyd: I just came from there.
Alexandra: He's not there. Fine. Well, check the garage, check the grounds. My brother shouldn't be wondering off anywhere unsupervised. I know what I'm doing. If anything happened to Alan, I would never forgive myself.
Olivia: Alan, thank you, really for dropping this by, I...
Alan: May I come in? Just... just for a few minutes. That's all.
Olivia: Just for a minute. That's it.
Alan: Okay.
Olivia: As you could see the place is a mess, and so am I.
Alan: You never looked lovelier. Aren't you going to try these on? I remember when I got them for you. You loved them so much.
Olivia: Alan...
Alan: Allow me. Turn around. No, please, please...
Olivia: Please. Okay fine.
Alan: Turn around.
Olivia: Then you have to go. I don't really feel right about keeping these, okay?
Alan: They were meant for you. Just like I was meant for you.
Olivia: Oh, don't do this. Please don't.
Alan: It's true. We love each other, Olivia. We will always love each other until death do us part.
Olivia: It wasn't death. It was divorce.
Alan: (Laughs) Divorce. You could always make me laugh.
Olivia: You think this is funny?
Alan: I know what you're doing. This is a test, isn't it? You want to see how big of a settlement you would get in case something did happen like a divorce. Well, I will never leave you, because I love you too much.
Olivia: Oh, gosh. I have had a really hard day and this isn't going to work, okay? This is my home now. I live here with your son.
Alan: Son, I don't have a son.
Olivia: Yes, you do. You and he are fighting. But he's your son. And he's also the father of my baby.
Alan: Your baby? You're pregnant?
Olivia: No. No, I'm not pregnant.
Alan: Oh, well, that's good. I mean, I want us to have a family, but you have so much traveling to do before we start our family. We can start it when we get back from San Cristobel.
Olivia: You're really not faking it, are you?
Alan: Faking... faking what?
Olivia: Alex and Phillip said that you were acting... God. What happened to you?
Alan: The same thing that always happens to me when I get close to you. I want to get into the nearest bed and...
Olivia: Alan. Listen, I have an idea. Why don't we go out for a while? Why don't we go for a ride? Just the two of us.
Alan: Okay. Sounds like a good idea.
Olivia: Okay.
Alan: And then when we return, I will order a big bottle of champagne.
Olivia: Okay. Big bottle of champagne.
Alan: Yes.
Olivia: That's great.
Alan: And remind you of why you married me.
Eden: Nicky. I was so worried about you. Is Harley okay?
Gus: They're working on her. They're working on her.
Eden: Look, have you eaten? Come on, let's go down to the cafeteria and get some food.
Gus: I don't really... I can't eat anything right now, okay? I got to stay here just in case. So you go if you want to eat. That's fine.
Eden: It's okay if I stay here?
Gus: Yeah, do whatever you want to do.
Marah: Buzz, are you okay? Can I get you anything?
Buzz: No thanks. Marina?
Marah: Yeah, she's holding down the fort at Company. What did the doctors have to say?
Buzz: Not a lot.
Marah: She's going to be okay?
Buzz: She better be. (Phone rings)
Marah: Excuse me. Hello?
Reva: Marah, honey, is that you? We have a bad connection.
Marah: Mom, where are you?
Reva: I'm still in Vienna. I'm seeing that specialist in the paranormal. And surprise, surprise, I'm not a witch. Or crazy.
Marah: Wait. There's something I have to tell you.
Reva: Honey, you're going to have to wait a second. Have you by any chance seen Harley, or do you know where she is. Because I can't seem to get her out of my mind. I feel like she's in some sort of trouble, or she's going to be. And I need you to find her so that I...
Marah: Mom, wait, how did you know about that?
Reva: Oh, no.
Marah: Okay, there's been a hostage situation and there was a shoot-out and Harley...
Frank: How is she doing, Pop?
Buzz: She's hanging in.
Frank: She's going to make it, Dad, trust me. She's going to make it. No thanks to you.
Gus: I was just trying to get her out of there, Frank.
Frank: No, what you were trying to do was be the hero.
Gus: No, that is not true.
Eden: Frank, my brother was trying to save your sister.
Gus: It's all right. It's all right. Look, Frank, you do whatever you want to do, okay? Because I don't care. I only care about your sister. And if something happens to her, God forbid, she doesn't make it, you can take my gun and shoot me in my head, okay?
Marina: Hey, did my dad call?
Shayne: No. Look, I know you're worried about Harley, but like my sister said the best thing you could do right now is just to stay here and take care of things.
Marina: Yeah, except I keep breaking dishes.
Shayne: Don't worry about the restaurant right now. I was hoping you could help me out. You know, practice my pitching, strengthen my arm up a little bit.
Marina: You want me to play catch?
Shayne: Unless you'd rather play with your dollies.
Marina: Okay. Ha-ha. Very funny, Shayne. Just give me the ball.
Shayne: All right, don't scare me now.
Marina: I'll try not to.
Shayne: Right here. What was that? What was that? You pitched like a girl.
Marina: Okay. Okay, just give me the ball again. Give it to me.
Shayne: Let me see your hands.
Marina: Why?
Shayne: Because the size of your hands determines how many fingers you put on the ball.
Marina: Okay.
Shayne: Okay. Your hands are nice. Really nice.
Marina: Yeah, maybe for somebody who scrubs counters all day.
Shayne: Come on, don't put yourself down like that. When somebody gives you a compliment, you're suppose to say thank you.
Marina: Thank you. Now show me how to throw a curve ball.
Shayne: All right. So, your second and middle finger go on this seam right here like this, okay?
Marina: Like that?
Shayne: Yeah. Now to get the spin, you're going to snap your wrist down like this. Like that. No, like this. All the time keeping pressure with your middle finger, okay? So when you release, it's like... like that, okay? Let's try it again. How did that feel? Okay, let's play ball.
Marina: Okay.
Shayne: Right back here. Come on. Ow! Ow! (Marina laughs) I'm going to get you. You! You tricked me. You know how to pitch.
Marina: Yeah, like a boy.
Shayne: No, better than a boy. A lot better than a boy.
Marina: Shayne, I知 serious. Stop it.
Ramona: Would you hand me my other stocking, Ben? It wasn't like taking castor oil, now was it?
Ben: You were great. Amazing.
Ramona: For an old lady?
Ben: There's nothing old about you.
Ramona: Well, thanks. But I think I'll have to double up on my Pilates sessions to keep up with you. (Both laugh) So next week, same time, same place?
Ben: Today was... I don't know what it was. But as to making it a regular thing...
Ramona: Afraid, I値l corrupt you?
Ben: No. No. It's not... No.
Ramona: Well, that's good because I had an incredible time today and I would love to make it a regular occurrence. But that's up to you. I don't want you to feel pressured. So I got to run, okay? The room is paid for till the morning, so feel free to stay as long as you like.
Ben: Mrs. Hendon... Ramona.
Ramona: Yes, Benjamin?
Ben: I had a nice time.
Ramona: Well, that's great to hear. And if you could think of this as a beginning, you know where to reach me.
Alexandra: Yes, I want you to search every inch of Spaulding. I want you to check the rooftop patio. I want you to check... Yes, every office there. Yes. My brother's been missing for over an hour. I... Never mind. He's here.
Alan: Alexandra. Isn't it wonderful? Olivia has come back home.
Alexandra: Wonderful. Where did you find him?
Olivia: He found me.
Alexandra: Well, listen, darling, why don't you go up and make sure that the maids have changed all the linens...
Alan: Will you come up there?
Olivia: Give me just a minute, okay? Then I知 going to have to hurry back to work.
Alan: Okay. But don't forget to bring the plans. San Cristobel. It's going to be an amazing project. Almost as amazing as you are. Five minutes. Don't be long.
Olivia: I don't believe this. Phillip said he was under a lot of stress, but he's completely delusional.
Alexandra: Alan needs rest. A lot of rest.
Olivia: No, Alexandra, he needs a doctor. And if you don't call one, I will.
Alexandra: Dr. Mel Boudreau, please. It's Alexandra Spaulding calling and this is an emergency. Yes, Dr. Boudreau.
Mel: I'm going to have to get back to you. I'm in the middle of something.
Alexandra: Yes, but this is important. Look my brother has become irrational. He doesn't know what day it is, what month it is. He doesn't even know where is, what he's doing.
Mel: Look, discontinue all medication and bring him in. We'll have somebody run some blood work.
Alexandra: Blood work? Is that absolutely necessary? I mean, you have some... You have plenty of blood work on him, don't you?
Mel: We have to determine whether it's physical or chemical. Just get him in here.
Alexandra: I'm afraid my brother's in no condition to leave the house.
Mel: Well, we'll send a nurse as soon as we can. But I'm in the middle of an emergency.
Alexandra: Well, no, don't worry. You know, I think I can get our doctor to get these blood samples and get them over to you right away. Oh, God, think fast, Alex. Alan, don't be a baby about this. It's all for your own good.
Nurse: All finished.
Alexandra: Now make certain that Dr. Boudreau gets these samples right away.
Nurse: First the lab then Dr. Boudreau.
Alexandra: Oh, good. Well, thank you for coming over and thank Dr. Kirby for his cooperation.
Nurse: It was nice meeting you. You too, Mr. Spaulding.
Alexandra: Sorry about that, Lloyd. It's all for a good cause. If anyone should suspect that Alan痴 condition is artificially created, we'd have a big problem on our hands, wouldn't we?
Marina: Yeah, I used to play in the sandlot all the time with the boys when I was a kid. And the coach actually told me that I needed to, like, go learn how to bake cookies or do ballet. Which was so ridiculous, because I was clearly like one of the best players on the team. I mean around the horn, long toss, double pump. I was born to play ball. I was just, you know, born in the wrong body.
Shayne: If that's the wrong body, I don't know what to tell you.
Marina: Oh, shut up. You know what I mean. I just had so many ideas about the way the game should be played.
Shayne: Maybe you could teach me a thing or two.
Marina: Yeah, maybe I could.
Ben: Hey.
Marina: Hey, Ben, where have you been? Look, Harley got shot. She's in the hospital.
Ben: What? I knew I should have stayed here with you. Are you...
Marina: It's fine. It's fine. I mean, Shayne was here.
Ben: Right. Thanks.
Shayne: Yeah. I guess I'd better go check on stuff in there. See how things are.
Marina: Yeah.
Ben: You okay?
Marina: Yeah, so how did it go with Mrs. Hendon? Did she give you something challenging to do?
Ben: Yeah, you could say that.
Marina: Good. Where's my handkerchief? Ben, the one I gave you.
Ben: Oh, man. I must have left at the ho... At the office.
Ramona: Benjamin? Ben, are you still here? Oh, I forgot my... I guess it's just as well.
Gus: I can't take this. I can't wait anymore.
Eden: Wait. No, wait. Wait.
Gus: I can't wait anymore.
Eden: The doctors...
Gus: What is wrong with you...
Buzz: Hey.
Mel: We're getting ready to move her to the O.R. to remove the bullet.
Frank: She's okay, right, Mel?
Mel: I'm going to check the room, okay?
Frank: Mel?
Buzz: Rick.
Rick: There's possible liver involvement. The good news is that we got the bleeding under control and she's stabilized for now.
Frank: Okay, once she has the surgery she's going to be fine, right?
Rick: That's what we're hoping for, Frank. But we're still worried about infection. There's a possibility that the bullet could move and cause further damage.
Gus: But her chances, how are they? They're good.
Rick: She's tough, Gus. I have all the faith in the world in her.
Frank: You know, would you look at him. He doesn't have a scratch on him and my sister is laying in there. You know what? If he wasn't such a cowboy, he wouldn't be there right now.
Buzz: He didn't mean for her to be hurt like this.
Frank: That's why he's so dangerous. I know he didn't mean for that to happen that way. But you know what? That's what ends up happening.
Buzz: Frank, Harley doesn't need this.
Frank: What do you know what she needs? I should have done a better job protecting my own sister.
Buzz: You know, you would have taken that bullet for her. Everybody knows that.
Frank: He disobeyed a direct order. I swear, if anything happens to sis, losing his badge will be the least of his worries.
Eden: You know, this probably isn't my place, but...
Gus: Well, has that ever stopped you before?
Eden: Look, it wasn't your fault. If the situation was reversed, Harley would have done the same thing to save you.
Gus: Yeah, but I didn't save her, did I?
Eden: She's going to be fine. You heard Dr. Bauer.
Marah: Mom? Good news. Rick just came out and he said that Harley chances look good. So it looks like she's going to be...
Reva: No. Something's gone wrong.
Marah: What?
Reva: Harley is in terrible trouble.
Marah: Mom, what are you talking about? Are you okay?
Reva: Can't breath. She can't breath. It's dark. Everything is so dark. Oh, no, Harley...
Rick: V-fib.
Mel: She's arrested.
Rick: Crash cart. Let's get her in here. Come on, folks, you know the drill. Let's move it. Come on. Let's go.
Mel: Give me the Ambu.
Rick: Get epi. I want an Epi right away. Come on, let's go. Let's get it set up. Let's go. Give me the Epi. Give me the Epi. All right, you set? Charge to 200. Clear. 300! Let's go.
Mel: Come on, let's go. Move it.
Rick: Clear.
Nurse: We're losing her.
Rick: Come on. No, we're not losing her. 360. Let's go.
Mel: Give her a milligram of Epi. Let's go.
Rick: Give her another Epi. That's good.
Mel: Up to 360.
Rick: Come on, get it in there now.
Mel: Epi done.
Nadine: Harley?! Harley?! Harley?
Harley: Who's calling me? Mommy?