GL Transcript Wednesday 4/2/03

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 4/2/03

Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya

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Frank: Listen, we need your place for a little while. It's really important.

(Phone rings)

Harley: You know what? If you're not going to answer it, maybe you can just unplug it so we don't have to listen to it ring.

Steve: Just shut up. I'm trying to think.

Marie: A little late for that now, don't you think?

Steve: Oh, and you always with the mouth.

Marie: Maybe I've got things to say.

Steve: Oh, well, you didn't have squat to say to me about having a son! For nine years you kept that to yourself.

Marie: Can you blame me?

Steve: What did you say to me? Huh? I'm talking to you damn it!

Marie: Go ahead. Get off on it.

Harley: Marie, shut up! The man has a gun. Let's try to be polite to the man with the gun.

Steve: Yeah, remember that.

Harley: Look. Look, look, Mr. Getery, it's obvious that you are not going to talk to the police negotiator. That's fine. But I'm here. Why don't you talk to me?

Steve: What is this, you being polite? No, this is you working me.

Harley: This is me trying to stay alive. I know how the department works. I know how the officers think. So maybe I can help you figure out a way to get out of this thing, you know, so nobody gets hurt. Does that work for you? That was the most important thing right you would have no reason to trust me but you're the one with the gun, right?

Steve: Get away from there.

Harley: I heard something.

Steve: We all heard it. Sit down and shut up. They have a swat team in the room.

Harley: What did you expect? It's a hostage situation. It doesn't have to stay that way. You can still make a deal.

Steve: What do you get out of it, what's in if for you?

Harley: I have three kids that I would like to see again.

Steve: That is so sweet. Why should you watch your kids grow up when I didn't see mine.

Harley: Killing me isn't going to bring back the years that you missed with Darren.

Steve: You're right. She ought to die.

Harley: Wait. I know what it's like to lose time with your kid. I lost an eternity with my older child. I know how that feels.

Steve: At least you knew you had a kid.

Harley: That made it worse because I gave her up for adoption. I was always sitting there wondering, what is she doing? Where is she? I gave her up, because I was a kid myself. I was barely a teenager.

Steve: Made a mistake, huh?

Harley: Well, I don't know if bringing a beautiful little baby in the world is a mistake. I was too young to be a mother.

Steve: So bye-bye baby.

Harley: There is a miracle in the whole thing, Steam. ... Steve. She came back to me. Found her way back to me, maybe five years older than your boy is now.

Steve: That is a sweet little story.

Harley: The reason I'm telling you this is because I will never get back the time that I have lost with her. The time I have had with her since has been such a blessing. You can have that, too. You can have that with Darren, time, together. But, Steve, first thing, you have to get out of here alive.

Frank: Hey Gus, surveillance camera speeds up.

Gus: It's all fuzzy. Come on, Tommy can you sharpen the images? Who's focusing this thing. Who are they? There. Looks like Coop’s trying to talk him down. What's he carrying?

Frank: I can't tell.

Gus: At least he's listening to her. It should be me in there Frank.

Frank: Come on, Gus. Who's the guy?

Gus: His name is Steve Getery. Armed robbery and assault with a warrant out for his arrest.

Frank: His girlfriend looks scared to death.

Gus: Why he would get his old lady mixed into this.

Frank: Pick up the phone and maybe we can get answers. You don't smoke anymore, remember.

Gus: I don't. It's a shape. I hope he smokes.

Frank: So you can bum some cigarettes off of him?

Gus: Maybe if he smokes he'll ask for cigarettes even.

Frank: Or food. All we can do is sit tight and wait. That's it.

Gus: My God. That is your sister there, Frank.

Frank: I'm aware of that.

Gus: Do you want to sit like tight while this guy goes crazy. We have a swat team. Let them do their job.

Frank: They are but I'm giving my sister a chance to do her job. So you just sit tight and wait. Keep an eye out here, do you understand with me? I'm going to check in with my family and let them know the situation.

Buzz: You know, your thumb could actually end up in the next crumb cake if you're not careful.

Marina: Sometimes I really hate working here, like now, for example, what is that?

Buzz: I'll tell you what, five more minutes of brutal child labor and you can either drop on Ben and the angel of darkness to your heart's content.

Ben: Do you know how much I can miss in five minutes?

Eden: You keep looking at that paper. What is it, the obituary to your trust fund?

Ben: You're funny. No that it's any of your business it's my share of the moving expenses. I can't believe it's this high. I haven't even moved in yet. I slept in the carriage house last night. Amazing what life can hit you with sometimes.

Eden: Ramona can change that and make your life comfortable and never want for more and she called again and wants to see you today.

Ben: Is everything so spur of the moment with her

Eden: What? She can't hear us. Look, if you don't want to spend a very profitable afternoon with a very rich and beautiful woman that thinks you're a total hottie, that's fine. That's your choice, and your loss. Ramona Hendon can spend thousands on you. But she won't wait forever.

Ben: I just don't think I can go through with this.

Eden: With what? Sex with Ramona?

Ben: Shhh.

Eden: What is it with you? Are you a virgin? Are you saving it for Marina?

Ben: None of the above.

Eden: Oh, well, what? Don't tell me it's your pride. You can't afford pride anymore, Ben.

Ben: I care about Marina, all right? (Phone rings) And I do not want to hurt her.

Eden: The don't tell her.

Buzz: Company. Hey, Frank. There's only one guy? They can make contact? All right. Jude is with the Bauer's, and Zach I think is with Phillip. I don't know. Should I call them now or wait till we hear more?

Phillip: Hey, buddy, don't do that. Come here. Come on play with me. Play with Daddy.

Olivia: Does Zach always wake up at first light?

Phillip: Most of the time, yeah. Not your favorite time of day.

Olivia: Not lately. Crackers help.

Phillip: Yeah, I seem to remember the morning sickness eases off around week 16, something like that.

Olivia: Oh, please come on, week 16.

Phillip: That's also... I mean I got some shades in here. Block some of this light. That'll be better.

Olivia: Like the one's at the mansion?

Phillip: Yeah.

Olivia: It seemed like a thousand years that I didn't see the sunlight. That was another lifetime.

Phillip: Yeah, well, everything changes. Sometimes very, very fast.

Olivia: Are you all right?

Phillip: Yeah, I'm... I don't know. I just... I don't know. You know, yesterday... yesterday I felt so positive without all this and about leaving the family and about being here. And yesterday I felt like a whole new world was opening up.

Olivia: Well, you certainly opened up to Harley about my pregnancy.

Phillip: Was I out of line?

Olivia: I was so surprised that you blurted it out like that.

Phillip: Sorry.

Olivia: You know what? Never mind. It was exuberance. You've obviously come back down to earth.

Phillip: Well, being around my family will definitely do that.

Olivia: What exactly is wrong with Alan?

Phillip: Where should I start? He just seems a little off, you know? He's belligerent and confused and... Whatever is wrong with him, it came on incredibly fast. And of course, in true Spaulding fashion, Alexandra's trying to use to her advantage.

Olivia: Did she say something to you?

Phillip: No, not really, because she didn't have time. But she sort of pointedly talked her way around the subject.

Olivia: You got the message though?

Phillip: Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah, she wants me back. Back in the family, back in the company. All of it. She just never quits.

Olivia: Well, would you go back? Because it wouldn't be the worse thing in the world. Did you get Zach down for his nap?

Phillip: Yes.

Olivia: Wow. Hey, does every little boy have the innate ability to use a paper towel core as a tunnel for his toy truck?

Phillip: Everyone that I've ever known.

Olivia: You know, I wasn't suggesting that you should go back to Spaulding.

Phillip: Just that if I did it would be fine with you.

Olivia: Yeah. Why do you think I'm here? I love you. I want to share your life with you.

Phillip: No matter where and how I choose to do it?

Olivia: Why are you giving me a hard time about this?

Phillip: Maybe it's got something to do with how fast you jumped on the idea of me going back to Spaulding.

Olivia: Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's how you took it. I was just trying to be supportive. I'm sorry if the gimmick crosses the goading of a greedy witch.

Phillip: All right. I'm sorry. I'm just... I'm a little thin-skinned about my family right now.

Olivia: Agreed. So what did Alexandra say that tipped you off that she had hopes for you?

Phillip: She said that after I moved out, Alan asked to see Brandon's will. And she made a couple of cracks about my future. Nothing specific, just... I got the feeling. Why?

Olivia: I just think you should draw her out a little bit, see what's on her mind. Knowledge is power, whether you choose to act on it or not.

Phillip: Don't you understand? See, no, this is exactly why I left.

Olivia: I do understand. But it couldn't hurt to...

Phillip: Yes, it can. It can. That's the point, it can. Because this is probably just a trap. It's probably just a trap that's she's setting using Alan as bait.

Olivia: You're worried about him.

Phillip: If he as sick as he seems to be, it's not good news.

Olivia: Okay. You said that everything changes. What if Alan's problem forces him to step down from Spaulding? Alexandra's going to need you more than ever. And say you did decide to go back. You wouldn't have to run Spaulding alone. We could do it together.

Phillip: You're being supportive again? Or is that what you want?

Eden: Ben, you can say no if this doesn't feel right, but I'm not going to ask again. Look, I have a business to run, and I have clients to take care of. That is my priority. Not trying to convince you that this is one hell of a way to make a ton of money. Have fun with your little kitchen maid.

Ben: Is she at the Beacon?

Eden: Room 604. Just call first.

Ben: Do me a favor, all right? Just tell Marina I had to go to work.

Eden: Well, that is the truth, isn't it?

Marina: Well, do they know who the guy is?

Buzz: A career criminal wanted for armed robbery.

Marina: How... how did this happen? I mean, I don't understand. Stuff doesn't happen to her?

Buzz: I don't know, I don't know. I only know what Frank told me.

Marina: This is just so weird. You know what I mean? She was just right there yesterday.

Buzz: I'll tell you what. You want to be treated like an adult? Take care of this place until I get back from talking to Frank.

Marina: Okay.

Buzz: The keys.

Marina: Keys. Go.

Eden: Thank you. You know you're really good at this.

Marina: Uh-huh. Where's Ben?

Eden: I don't know. He said something about work. Sorry, you had such bad news.

Marina: Bad news is that my Aunt Harley is being held hostage, and I need his help here.

Eden: Harley's in trouble. Buzz. Buzz, what happened? Buzz, what happened?

Buzz: My daughter's being held at gunpoint.

Eden: Well, where is Gus?

Buzz: I don't know.

Eden: Well, he's her partner.

Buzz: Come on.

Steve: Now who's kidding who? I'm not getting out of this place alive.

Harley: That's not true. You know why? Because killing you isn't worth the hassle.

Steve: That's a good one.

Harley: No, I'm dead serious. I'm dead serious. An officer discharges their weapon when they kill someone, first thing they have to deal with, all that paperwork. And then the reporters, and then the grand juries, and the lawyers. It is just a nightmare.

Steve: You are... you are so full of it.

Harley: I'm not. And you know what? You haven't even used that weapon yet. There's still a chance for you, Steve. (Phone rings)

Maria: Steve, talk to them please.

Harley: You should give it a try. I mean, hey, if you're a dead man like you say you are, what do you have to lose?

Gus: Pick up the... yes.

Steve: Who's this?

Gus: Hi, this is Gus Aitoro, Springfield Police Department. How are you doing there, Steve?

Steve: Oh, just great. We're having a party over here.

Gus: You're kidding me. And you didn't invite me. That's a shame.

Steve: Well, no worries. It's not going to be going on for too much longer.

Gus: Well, do you guys need anything over there, like food or something? There is three of you, right?

Steve: Like you don't know.

Gus: I'm just being polite there, Steve.

Steve: (Laughs) You're starting to sound like my lady cop here. She's got this thing about being polite, too.

Gus: Well, I'm just asking. If you're hungry or thirsty or if you want any cigarettes or something, now is the time.

Steve: How about a helicopter on the roof in 20 minutes?

Gus: Well, now, see, Steve, when you start asking for fancy things like helicopters and stuff, things get a little complicated. You know, people get hurt, and that's my partner you got in there. I'd like to see her get out in one piece, if you know what I mean. So I'm sorry, I'm going to have to nix the chopper. I'm sorry about that.

Steve: Well, then how about a hot air balloon?

Gus: Yeah. That's good. I don't know. Let me ask the Chief. But on a more reasonable note, if you ask for something that I could get you, you know, I could try to... I could try to put something together for you. Please keep talking. Please. Please.

Steve: Are you still there?

Gus: Yes. Yes, I am.

Steve: So how come you got a woman for a partner? Couldn't find a guy to work with you?

Gus: Well, it's funny you should ask that. You know, Steve, when they first put us together I said to myself, "There is no where in hell this is going to work." But you know something? I was wrong.

Steve: You got a thing for her?

Gus: Well, she's a first rate cop. She's got more going for her than half the guys on the force.

Steve: Yeah, like what?

Gus: Patience for starters. She's lasted longer with me as a partner than anybody in history.

Steve: You trust her with your back?

Gus: Yeah, I do actually. What you've got against women, Steve?

Steve: They're liars.

Gus: Well, my friend, I can't really argue with that.

Steve: Oh, now, I thought your partner was such a prize.

Gus: Well, no, she is. She's very special. But I'm talking about a whole bunch of other women that have fed me a lot of garbage. You know what I can't stand about their lies?

Steve: What?

Gus: I can't stand the way they twist them. You know, Steve, they twist them to make it seem like it's for you. It's for your own good or someone's good.

Steve: Yeah, I hear you. You know my so-called girlfriend? She never told me that I had a son with her. For nine years, she kept that a secret. Said it was for his own good. Now how's that for a lie?

Gus: Wow. Yeah, I can relate, Steve. You know, my mother, she only told me who my father is this week.

Steve: What, are you serious?

Gus: Believe me, pal, I wish that was the lie.

Steve: Yeah, so what are you going to do about it?

Gus: Honestly, I don't know, Steve. Because I got this little problem, you see, I got to clean up. There's this guy holding a couple of women against their will.

Steve: Well, I'm sorry I'm taking up your time.

Gus: Well, I'll tell you what, Steve. Why don't we just clean this thing up, you know? You play nice with me, I'll play nice with you. If you play nice, Steve, we could get rid of this whole idea of hostage and I can call the DA and maybe get the charges busted down to menacing. What do you say?

Steve: What's that going to do for me?

Gus: I don't know. That would be maybe one extra year tacked on to your armed robbery sentence. What do you say?

Steve: No way.

Gus: Listen to me, Steve. This is a guaranteed out, okay. I would take it. You're not going to get a better offer than this.

Steve: I am not going back to Vailsburg.

Gus: All right, well, then, Steve, what is the alternative? What would you like me to do, huh? Suicide by cop? Is that the way you want to go out?

Steve: Well, it's better than going to the joint.

Gus: All right, look. Okay, so we will go in there and we'll fill you with a bunch of holes, okay? That's going to be a hell of a first impression on your kid.

Steve: Don't you dare lay that on me. This is all your fault!

Gus: Steve! I lost him. Oh.

Frank: That's okay. We'll get him next time.

Gus: No. If there is a next time, Frank. Pushed him too hard.

Buzz: Frank, any progress?

Frank: Maybe. I'm not sure.

Eden: Nicky, thank God, you're okay.

Gus: Oh, God. All right. I'm not okay, okay? Harley's in there. I got to get her out.

Eden: Promise me you won't do anything stupid.

Gus: No, no promises.

Phillip: Pregnancy certainly hasn't affected your ambition any.

Olivia: You're the one who seems hormonal.

Phillip: Okay. Let's look at our options. Go ahead.

Olivia: Alan's not himself, agreed?

Phillip: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: There is the possibility that he might have to step down. If he's not there to interfere with you, why would you object to taking his place?

Phillip: Because it's not just about Alan. Don't you understand? It's about the business. It eats into your time. It eats into your day and your life, day after day after day.

Olivia: Any challenge is demanding.

Phillip: Okay. Where's the line between demanding and destructive? See, that's what happens. There's so many meetings, there's so many out of town trips. Eventually you miss an anniversary or you miss one of your kids' birthday. First time it happens, you say "That's okay, just this one time." But it'll happen again, and it will happen again, because you have to keep the company rolling. And then before long, you end up being a stranger in your own home with a wrecked marriage and a lifetime of missed opportunities behind you. That is what happens.

Olivia: Whoa! You certainly had us all pegged, don't you?

Phillip: I don't want to risk being right.

Olivia: You wouldn't be if I were in on those meetings and if I took those trips with you.

Phillip: You're about to have a child.

Olivia: So?

Phillip: So unless you're planning on getting some incredible nanny and kissing your kid good-bye a lot, I don't really see how the corporate power couple idea works.

Olivia: We make it work.

Phillip: How do we do that? You... I mean, you want to be a parent? You want to know your child, right?

Olivia: All right, look. I'm more than willing to open myself up to your life. I want to, you know, to play trucks with Zach and get along with Harley, but you have to share my life, too. And I am ambitious, and there's nothing wrong with that. And I have dreams and goals.

Phillip: I know that you do, but isn't one of them to have a safe place to share with somebody that you love? Hasn't that always been one of your goals?

Olivia: You know it has. But we can have both.

Phillip: Can we? Look, do I think that money and power are automatically curses that ruin people lives? Of course not. But I know they are in my family's hands, and we are better off having nothing to do with them.

Olivia: So we just start over?

Phillip: That we can make work.

Olivia: You're starting to sound like a pioneer who wants to go out and build a sod hut.

Phillip: This is a reality check. You're about to have a baby. We maybe about to have a baby. And the only way to protect it and to protect ourselves is to stay away from anything Spaulding.

Marina: All right, here you guys go. Thanks a lot.

Man: Thank you.

Marina: I am so sorry. Your pizza is going to be out in like five seconds, okay?

Rick: Hey, Marina. Working alone tonight?

Marina: Yeah, yeah. What do you need?

Rick: Just four coffees. That's it. Two regular, two black.

Marina: Okay.

Rick: Is something wrong?

Marina: Yeah. It's Harley.

Rick: What happened?

Marina: She's being held hostage by the Fifth Street museum. It's... it's...

Shayne: Marina, I heard.

Marina: About Harley.

Shayne: Yeah, Marah filled me in. So is there anything I can do?

Marina: Yeah. How are you with pizza?

Shayne: I'm better at eating it than making it.

Marina: Okay, well, great. This one is going to be pepperoni and onion...

Shayne: It's okay. It's okay. It's going to be okay. I promise.

Marina: Where is Ben when I really need him?

Eden: What are you thinking about doing?

Gus: I am doing my job. I need you to get out of here, okay.

Eden: He's got a gun.

Gus: I got a gun. Marah? Can you do me a favor, please? Can you take my sister back over to Company get her a nice, little cup of soup. Just anything.

Eden: I just came back from there.

Gus: Then go back there. Go back!

Marah: Eden, don't. Don't, don't.

Eden: He could get killed.

Marah: You have to trust that he's going to do his job right.

Frank: You know, I think Gus has the right idea. I think you ladies, should go home, all right?

Eden: I am not going anywhere.

Frank: This is not a suggestion. It's an official request. Is there any way you can go up and be with your family, hang out till this is all settled?

Marah: Yeah, sure. You know, the guys are pretty good about not coming home until I call them anyway. Let me just go grab my stuff.

Frank: Thank you.

Eden: Your father is staying here. Is that because he's a man?

Frank: My father's an ex-marine. He knows how to handle a crisis situation. Thank you for your cooperation.

Marah: Look if you really want to help Harley, you'll just let them do their job. Come on.

Eden: It's Gus I want to help.


Steve: None of this would be happening if you had this much honesty in you.

Harley: Steve! Steve! Listen, listen.

Steve: What?!

Harley: Look at me. Look at me. You're not looking at this the right way. You are looking a gift horse in the mouth.

Steve: What?

Harley: What he offered you? Did he just offer you a year for menacing, right? That's what he said? Okay, I mean you get the guy, you know, throw in a pizza, you're going to be living large, man.

Steve: Yeah, behind bars.

Harley: No, no. Only for a while. Only for a while. Not forever. Dead is forever.

Steve: How do I call him?

Harley: That officer is 555-2300. Do you want me to do it?

Steve: No.

Harley: I can... I can square things away. You know, I can get the guys to back off, get the timing so it's right.

Steve: Make the call. And you keep it straight.

Harley: Absolutely.

(Phone rings)

Gus: Yeah?

Harley: It's getting stuffy in here. We're coming out for air.

Gus: Baby, it's so good to hear your voice. How are you holding up?

Harley: My neck's kind of sore from sleeping wrong, but yeah.

Gus: Listen I am so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Frank: What's going on?

Harley: Look right now, I just... I want to make sure that we're on the same page, okay? You got to get the boys to back off. We're coming out. Nice and slow. Just like the Pulaski case.

Gus: Yeah. Yeah. Frank, she says the perp is like a Pulaski type.

Frank: Then we got a nut out there that can lose it at any second and start shooting. I hope she's wrong.

Steve: All right, let's do this before I start feeling like a sucker. Marie, come here.

Marie: What do you want?

Steve: I said come here!

Harley: Marie. You heard him.

Steve: Now I may be going be back to Vailsburg, but I'm going to be out in five to seven, and then I come looking for you for real.

Marie: Leave me alone.

Steve: No, no, no, no. See I'm going to be your shadow. That way if there's some cop out there wants to take a shot at me, I want you to catch it. Come on. You come.

Marie: Kill him! (Gunshot)

Gus: He's losing it. He's losing it, Frank.

Frank: Shots fired. Shots fired.

Gus: He's going south, this guy.

Steve: That was not very polite.

Harley: I'm trying to save you from a murder charge.

Steve: Shut up.

Harley: I'm just trying to help.

Steve: I said shut your mouth. You are like every other damn woman I know, a stinking liar. Now, no one is going out there. Not me, not you and not alive.

Gus: I'm going in. I'm going in.

Frank: You're not going anywhere. Don't even think about it. That's an order. That's better. Aitoro! He's gonna blow it. He's gonna blow it. I know it.

Marah: Eden, I know how you feel. I have a brother, too.

Eden: Oh, you haven't heard? It turns out that Gus and I aren't related.

Marah: Oh, my God.

Eden: Yeah, here I thought he was the only family I had left in the world. Now I've got nobody.

Marah: Eden, I'm sorry.

Eden: No, it's okay.

Marina: Do you guys have anymore news?

Marah: No, not yet. Not anything.

Shayne: Marah, keep an eye on the place for a couple of minutes, okay? She needs a break.

Marina: No. No, you guys, I'm fine. I'm totally fine.

Shayne: No. You're coming with me. You're coming with me. Come on.

Marina: You know, I think I really did need this. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for helping me today.

Shayne: It's nothing.

Marina: Yeah, well, it is something to me. It means a lot to me.

Ben: Hey.

Marina: Where have you been? Have you heard about what happened?

Ben: No. What happened?

Marina: It's Harley. She's being, like, held hostage by some guy.

Ben: Are you serious?

Marina: Yes.

Ben: What do you need? Can I do anything for you?

Shayne: No, we pretty much got things covered here.

Ben: All right. Thanks. Thanks for that. Are you sure? Look, I know this is horrible timing and I'm so sorry, but I have to go back to work.

Marina: Ben. Right now? I mean I'm here alone. Buzz left me. What could possibly be more important than that?

Rick: Frank? Is Harley okay? What the hell is going on? I just saw Gus climb up a fire escape across the street. What's going on, Frank?

Frank: What? Alpha unit, I got a man coming up the fire escape. Hold your fire. Repeat, hold your fire. Aitoro, you better come down from that fire escape right now or I'll tell the swat team to take you out with one shot. Do you copy?

Gus: Frank, I'm staying right here. I got a perfect sight-line of the perp. Let me take him out.

Frank: Does he have the gun on Harley?

Gus: The officer is in clear and present danger. Just let me take the shot.

Frank: You're not doing anything. You hold your fire! Do you hear me? That's an order. Let Harley do her job.

Harley: Wait, wait. Nobody's hurt yet. Nobody's hurt yet. We could still work out the deal.

Steve: Do not talk to me like I'm an idiot!

Harley: I don't think you're an idiot, Steve.

Steve: Yeah, lies. Lies, lies, lies.

Harley: No, no, no. Marie, I know she took off, I know that she's lied to you, but shooting me or anybody, that's not going to help you.

Steve: That is the last lie you're ever going to tell. (Glass breaking)


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