Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/1/03
Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya
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Phillip: There's my big guy. There he is. Oh, you're getting so big, you're going to break my back. How was his checkup?
Harley: Mel said he passed with flying colors.
Phillip: Oh, good. That's what I want to hear. That's what I want to hear. How are you? Can I get you something? You want something to drink?
Harley: Wow. First this place, and then you, not some butler, offering to get me a drink.
Phillip: Very funny. What's the matter? You don't like the place?
Harley: Well, it's just not what I expected when you said you had moved out of the Spaulding mansion.
Phillip: Well, you know what? I needed a change, for many reasons, including the fact that you were right.
Harley: I was, huh?
Phillip: Yeah, you were, when you said that the Spaulding mansion was no place for you- know-who.
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Phillip: Of course, God knows it's long since time for me to have been out of there, too, so...
Harley: Well, good for you.
Phillip: Listen, I want to make sure that you're going to be okay dropping him off here. Um...
Harley: Oh, well, I mean, you know, it seems like a nice place. He's got his own room, right?
Phillip: Yeah, he does. That's not what I mean. I mean, I want to be sure that both of you, actually, are okay with the situation.
Harley: What situation?
Olivia: ...That would go great in Zach's room. Hi.
Gus: Lucia.
Lucia: Eden! Oh, I'd recognize that beautiful face anywhere. Look at you! You've grown up to be such a lovely lady.
Eden: Sorry if I'm not all warm and fuzzy.
Lucia: It's all right.
Gus: Why don't we go inside, shall we? Eden, you want to give us a second?
Lucia: Eden knows I'm your mother?
Gus: Yes, she does. She also knows that Alan Spaulding is my father. I want to talk to you about that.
Lucia: What, about Alan?
Gus: Yeah. I was thinking maybe it's time to reach out to dear old dad.
Beth: Alan? Oh, Alan. I love you. I have always loved you.
Alan: No, you don't, Beth.
Beth: Yes, yes. I always have. But Phillip... Phillip wouldn't let me tell you. I love you.
Alan: No!
Alexandra: Alan? Alan, what is it? What's wrong?
Alan: Alexandra, it's Beth. She's gone crazy!
Harley: (Clears throat) He's out.
Phillip: Already? Wow. That's good. I guess he's feeling comfortable, feeling right at home. That's good.
Olivia: Phillip, did you offer Harley something to drink?
Phillip: Mm-hmm. I did.
Harley: He did. I'm fine.
Phillip: Is something wrong?
Harley: I just think it's interesting, that's all.
Phillip: Interesting?
Harley: That you and I were arguing for months because you didn't want Zach in the same house as Gus all because Gus has a juvie record for a crime he didn't even commit.
Phillip: I can see where this is going.
Harley: Here you are, living with the woman who's facing charges for stalking Reva Lewis. I find that interesting.
Olivia: I'm not the stalker.
Phillip: Olivia, I'm sure Harley had an opinion of you long before you were arrested. Actually, you have got nothing to be worried about. Olivia is great with Zach. And she's great with Lizzie. She's great with James. She's going to be a great mother.
Harley: A great moth...
Phillip: Yeah.
Harley: You're pregnant. This would be the emergency at the station, right? ( Crashing from other room)
Zach: Uh-oh!
Olivia: You know what? You guys need to finish your conversation. Let me get him, okay?
Phillip: Thanks.
Harley: Thanks. So Olivia is pregnant.
Phillip: She is.
Harley: Is it yours? I should not have asked that. It's none of my business.
Phillip: She's pregnant. She's living here. That's all anybody needs to know.
Harley: Whatever you say. You know, it's funny, I never saw Olivia as the kind of woman who wanted to have kids, but then I don't know her at all.
Phillip: Well, you know what? I think the old maternal instincts are really kicking in, because she's very excited about having this child.
Harley: Good.
Phillip: She is. And she's not going to do something stupid to put this child's future at risk, like stalking Reva Lewis. Yeah, she's made her share of mistakes. But I honestly think that she is finally figuring out what she wants out of life. I’ll tell you the truth, I wouldn't be surprised if once this baby comes, I... I could even see her just saying to hell with work for a while, and just devoting herself to being a full-time parent.
Harley: Well, what does Alan think about all this?
Phillip: Don't know, don't care. Didn't Gus tell you? Oh, yeah, I dropped out of the family.
Harley: You dropped out?
Phillip: Mm-hmm.
Harley: Well, it's not really like a soccer team. You can't drop out when you feel like it.
Phillip: No, yeah... yeah, you can. Sometimes you can, and that's what I've done. And not just the family, the company. I'm out of all of it. I'm done. But mostly with Alan.
Harley: But you're his golden boy. You are the family heir.
Phillip: I guess he'll just have to find another heir.
Gus: So, you don't think I should contact my father.
Lucia: Oh, you know what kind of a man Alan Spaulding is.
Gus: Yes, I know exactly what kind of man he is. But you and Alan brought me into this world, right? I think that merits at least one conversation, don't you?
Lucia: Right, right. But you'll only be creating trouble for yourself by inviting Alan into your life.
Gus: Alan's already in my life. I've been at war with him and his family for over a year. Look, I'm not going to call the guy up and invite him to a son-father picnic or something. I just think maybe I should tell him that I'm his kid.
Lucia: Well, listen, listen to me.
Gus: No.
Lucia: If you...
Gus: You know, Angela used to read a little story to Eden and me when we were small about this chick that hatched too close to the pond and fell in with a duck family. The chick didn't know any better, thought he was a duck. He thought he was a duck. He couldn't quack like a duck and he couldn't swim like a duck, but he was never missing anything and he never felt out of place. You know why? Because that chick loved those ducks. And those ducks loved that chick. You see? Nothing else mattered.
Lucia: That's right. Joe and Angela Augustino loved you and you loved them, and nothing else matters.
Gus: Yeah, yeah, yeah, but see, in this story here, the chick grows up. Later in life he finds out, "Whoa, I'm not a duck. I'm a full-fledged chicken." And even though he's a duck in his heart, and that will never change with him, he can't help himself. He's... he's got to go down to the hen house and just, you know, find out what's going on.
Lucia: Why do you think I made sure you had nothing to do with the Spaulding's?
Gus: Look, I understand why you did what you did. And don't get me wrong, I think I'm a very lucky guy. I had lovely parents. My only regret is I lost them too soon in life. But now I find out I'm a Spaulding, and I got to do something about that. I can't let it go. You see, Lucia, if you knew me better, you'd know I'm the type of guy that can't let anything go. If I was, you wouldn't be standing here right now.
Lucia: How do you mean?
Gus: (Sighs) Look, the reason that I started looking into my own past in the first place was to help Harley out with her custody case. Okay? That thing got all settled; I could have left it alone.
Lucia: But you didn't.
Gus: No, I couldn't. I couldn't.
Lucia: And I'm grateful for that, Nicky.
Gus: Lucia, look, you know I'm trying to get to know you better.
Lucia: I know.
Gus: I'm trying to give my sister a second chance. I'm in love with the most fantastic woman in the world. But still for me, it's not enough. I need to know. Okay? Alan Spaulding's my father, Lucia. My father.
Alan: No...
Alexandra: Alan. Alan, Alan, calm down. It's all right. You just had another nightmare.
Alan: No, no, no, Alexandra. It was real. Beth was here. She wanted me just like she did when I was in the bedroom.
Alexandra: Alan, Beth is not here.
Alan: She was here. She was here. I swear she was.
Alexandra: I promise you. Beth is not here. I'm the only one out here. Now, please, I want... I want you to sit down. I want you to calm down, darling. All right? And I'll be right back.
Beth: Alexandra, hi. I'm just here to see Alan. He left a message that he wanted to see me.
Alexandra: I can't imagine that he'd ask to see you today. He's a little bit under the weather.
Beth: He is? Well, what's wrong with him?
Alexandra: Well, go on, go on in. I mean, maybe it will do him some good to see you.
Beth: Okay. Alan, I got your message, but Alexandra says you're feeling under the weather.
Alan: Stay away from me! Stay away from me!
Beth: Alan!
Alan: I'm sorry, Beth. I'm sorry, but... I can't sleep with you.
Cassie: I didn't know that you came here to fence.
Edmund: Well, I don't. Well, not lately, at least. Richard invited me once, but I didn't...
Cassie: Of course you didn't. What?
Edmund: What? (Stammers) I'm sorry. What do you mean, "What?"
Cassie: Why are you looking at me like that?
Edmund: I... I just wasn't aware that you practiced yoga. It's a fine discipline.
Cassie: Yes, it is.
Edmund: It's good for the body. It's good for the mind, too. It's very good for the mind.
Cassie: Uh-huh.
Edmund: So, how long have you been at it?
Cassie: A few years. Just picked it up again. And if you don't mind, I'd really like to get started here. What is going on, Edmund?
Edmund: I'm just trying to make conversation, Cassie. I think that it's about time we start being civil to one another. After all, we're going to be working on Richard's library project together; it seems to make sense to me.
Cassie: I'm going to be working on the project and you're going to be working on the project, but we're not going to be working together, okay? What now?
Edmund: (Laughs) I guess I just never pegged you for the yoga type.
Cassie: Really? What'd you peg me for?
Edmund: I don't know. The kick boxing, mud wrestling type. Something you have to hit a heavy bag.
Cassie: Would you like to volunteer?
Edmund: Oh, now, please, please don't be insulted, Cassie. I meant it in the very best possible way.
Cassie: Right.
Edmund: (Laughs) Peace and serenity are not things I think about when I think of you.
Cassie: So don't think of me. And don't talk to me.
Edmund: Cassie, please, I didn't mean to offend. I just... When I think of you, I think about a fiery passion. Have a good workout.
Harley: You know, Phillip, it is one thing for you to leave the Spaulding company, but it's a whole other thing when it's the Spaulding family. You've really cut off all ties from Alan?
Phillip: Curb your enthusiasm, Harley. Wow.
Harley: I'm not poking fun. I'm just surprised.
Phillip: Well, I'm just... I'm surprised. I thought you'd be really happy about this. Weren't you the one that was always pushing me to walk away from the family when we were married?
Harley: Yeah. And we both know how hard I can push. And if I couldn't get you to do it... This is a big step for you. Who's... who's going to be taking your place?
Phillip: As Alan's son?
Harley: No. No, I meant at... at Spaulding Enterprises, at the company. Do you know if Alan Michael's planning to come back?
Phillip: I don't think he is. Last I heard, he and Lucy were ecstatically happy living in France.
Harley: So where does that leave Alan?
Phillip: Alone. Maybe he'll actually stop and try to figure out how he ended up that way, but probably not. And to tell you the truth, I really don't care. It doesn't matter. Why does it matter to you? You never gave a damn about Alan or the business or any of that stuff.
Harley: Well, because when someone I love has a stake in it, your business suddenly becomes my business.
Lucia: Joe and Angela Augustino were incredible people, Gus.
Gus: Yes, they were.
Lucia: And I... I understand how you must miss them every day. I imagine it's the same way I've missed you since the day I left for that convent. Finding you again has filled a huge hole in my heart. But turning to Alan won't fill the same hole for you...
Gus: I'm not trying... I'm not trying to fill a hole, you understand? I just need information.
Lucia: Then ask me.
Gus: What is there to ask you, honestly? You haven't seen this man, Alan, for almost 30 years. I'm sorry, but things change, Lucia.
Lucia: No.
Gus: They change.
Lucia: All right, you're right. But according to Alexandra, things haven't changed. Alan never knew what love was then, and he still doesn't know what it is. Look, I know you have no reason to trust me, but I beg you to listen to me about this. The worst possible thing you could do right now is to tell Alan Spaulding that he is your father.
Beth: Alan, it's me. It's Beth.
Alan: I know who you are. And I know what you want, Beth, but I cannot make love to you.
Beth: What?
Alan: I know how you feel, but... It's wrong. You're like a daughter to me.
Beth: Alan, Alan...
Alan: No, no, no. Stay back, please.
Beth: You asked me to come here. You don't remember that?
Alan: To talk about a board meeting, but it's not what you think.
Beth: Okay, Alan, I'm obviously upsetting you, and I'm sorry. Just... Excuse me. God, what's wrong with him?
Alexandra: Well, I wish I could say. He's been like this for days. He's paranoid, he's spouting nonsense, and every time I try to do something to calm him down, it seems to make him worse.
Beth: Has he seen a doctor?
Alexandra: No, not yet.
Beth: Well, what does Phillip say?
Alexandra: Oh, you don't know.
Beth: Know what?
Alexandra: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I thought he would have told you. Phillip moved out of the house yesterday. Well, out of the house, out of the family, out of Spaulding Enterprises. He's cast aside everything Spaulding, including his father.
Beth: Well, where did he go?
Alexandra: I think he and Olivia moved somewhere locally. I'm sure he would have called you otherwise to talk about arrangements for Lizzie and for James.
Beth: So Phillip doesn't know about any of this? I don't understand. Phillip and Alan have certainly had their differences, but for Phillip to just pack up and leave, that's not like him at all.
Alexandra: (Laughs) I know. Nobody's acting like themselves these days. I think it's the stress of losing Phillip and Olivia, and though it pains me to say, I think I'm part of that problem too, taking the company the way I did. My poor brother.
Alan: Beth? Beth?
Beth: Should I go back in there?
Alexandra: No, I don't think so. I think it'll only upset him more. I'll keep you informed. I'll keep you informed of everything, every change that goes on, I promise. But Beth, please don't mention this to anyone. I mean, I've already postponed the board meeting, but if word gets around of Alan's condition, it could jeopardize his corporate reputation, let alone his personal embarrassment. So please, if you will, don't tell anyone.
Beth: No.
Harley: I am interested in Spaulding because Zach is a Spaulding. Now, I don't want our son in your corporate shark tank for the rest of his life, but he will always be connected to that company somehow.
Phillip: Not if I can help it. (Cell phone ringing) Excuse me. Excuse me for a second. Hello?
Beth: Phillip, hi. It's me.
Phillip: Beth. Hey. Is something wrong?
Beth: It's Alan.
Phillip: Beth, um...
Beth: Now, just hear me out. Alexandra filled me in on your situation.
Phillip: Look, I was going to give you a call tomorrow.
Beth: And I'm sure that you were. Actually, that doesn't matter right now. The only thing that matters is Alan. There is something terribly wrong with him mentally, and you have to come over to the house right away.
Phillip: Beth, I am through being jerked around by Alan.
Beth: This is different. This is different, Phillip. I'm telling you, I've never seen him like this. He's delusional.
Phillip: Delusional?
Beth: Please, come right away.
Phillip: Let me think about it. Thanks.
Olivia: What is it?
Phillip: Alan.
Olivia: You know, Phillip, if something's wrong, you should probably go and check it out.
Phillip: He's going to drive me nuts. I'll be back. Oh, wait a minute. Could you watch Zach for...
Olivia: Yeah. Sure.
Phillip: I'll be back as soon as I can. See you.
Alexandra: Alan. Alan.
Alan: Damn it, Alexandra. What's...
Alexandra: Sit down.
Alan: What's... what's happening to me?
Alexandra: Sit down and relax. You're fine. You're going to be fine. Sit down. I'm going to fix you a nice cup of tea. You're going to be just fine. Okay, darling?
Harley: (Grunting)
Olivia: Look, I know you're not exactly thrilled that I'm going to be spending time with Zach.
Harley: Well, I know his father, and he's very protective of who spends time with his son.
Olivia: You're right, he is very protective.
Harley: To a fault. Hey, go get your... Go get your cars. We'll play good guys and bad guys. I'm not saying it's necessarily a bad thing, but it is if you're getting the brunt of it, and Gus and I got the brunt of it for months and months during the custody case. But why bring that back up?
Olivia: No, I understand that.
Harley: On the other hand, I'm not crazy about the chief suspect in a major stalking case spending time with my child.
Olivia: Okay. I know you don't trust me, but I would never...
Harley: You know what, Olivia? You are only a suspect, right? And I have to trust Phillip, and frankly, I don't want World War III over my child again, so... Hey, come on over here. Play with us. We can have the dinosaurs eat the good guys and the bad guys. (Laughter) Which one do you want Mommy to be? A-ha!
Olivia: Oh, he knows his mommy. Well, you know what? Then I'll play this part. Drive the big black sedan. Absolutely.
Zach: I'm this one.
Harley: All right. Okay. (Cell phone ringing) Let Mommy get this call. Vroom, vroom!
Olivia: Oh, the dinosaur's eating the car.
Harley: Detective Cooper. No, it's okay, what... I've been looking for him for weeks. Are you serious? No, no, no, no, no. I'll take it. I'll take it. Thanks.
Olivia: (Laughs) You're totally eating me. My gosh. Everything okay?
Harley: Yeah. I just... I've got a lead on a guy I've been looking for for weeks. There's a warrant out for him, and I should really send somebody else to take care of this, but he is not too far from here.
Olivia: I'll watch Zach.
Harley: Are you sure?
Olivia: Yeah. No, I'd love to. Go. Go catch the bad guys.
Harley: Okay. Mommy's got to go to work. Come here. Give me a kiss. Give me a kiss here. Give me a kiss here. (Laughs) Give me a big hug. Okay, you stay with Olivia. Daddy's going to be right back, okay?
Olivia: So, it's just me and you. You want to play with...
Zach: No, mommy! No, Mommy!
Olivia: It's okay. It's okay.
Zach: No, Mommy! No, Mommy!
Olivia: It's okay. I know, I know. She's going to come back.
Zach: No, Mommy!
Olivia: She's going to come back. She's going to come back. It's okay. Okay? Okay?
(Cell phone rings)
Gus: Sorry. It's Aitoro.
Harley: It's me.
Gus: Oh, hey, you. What's going on? You still with Zach over at Phillip's?
Harley: Well, Zach is at Phillip's. I'm on Fifth Street. You know that run-down apartment building across from the museum?
Gus: Yeah, I know it.
Harley: Well, I got a tip that Steve Getery is there. His ex-girlfriend lives in the building.
Gus: All right, well, I'll tell you what. I'll meet you at the museum, okay? Just wait for me. Don't go in that building without me.
Harley: You got it.
Gus: No, I'm serious, Coop. You wait for me. Don't go in alone, okay? I'm on my way. I've got to go.
Lucia: Oh, of course. You won't forget what I said about approaching Alan?
Gus: I heard what you said, okay, but I can't make any promises.
Lucia: Nicky. Be safe.
Gus: Yeah.
Eden: So. It's been a long, long time, Lucia.
Lucia: Yes, it has.
Harley: Boy, I hope somebody is home at that museum across the street. I don't want to wait here for Gus.
Woman: No, no! Please don't hit me again! No, no!
Harley: This is Detective Cooper. My location is 501 Fifth Street across from the old museum. In pursuit of a suspect, Steve Getery. I'm going in. Send backup.
Alexandra: Phillip. I'm surprised to see you.
Phillip: Okay, so where's Alan?
Alexandra: He's upstairs taking a nap. But I don't think it's a very good idea to disturb him.
Phillip: Well, from what I hear, I'm a little late for that.
Alexandra: Beth told you. I asked her not to.
Phillip: Oh, come on, just be straight with me. What's the deal? Is he... I mean, is there something really wrong with him, or is he just acting?
Alexandra: This is not an act. Phillip, come in. Believe me, I wish this were just another stunt of his, but he has been so distraught since you left and Olivia...
Phillip: Uh. Don't even try. Don't.
Alexandra: No, no, no. It's not just you. It isn't just you and it isn't just Olivia. It's the business as well. He is totally obsessed with every angle of it and I'm afraid this board meeting that's coming up is liable to push him over the edge if he isn't already...
Phillip: So that's what this is? This is a little scam that the two of you cooked up to try to bring me back into the fold? I already told you, I'm not interested in the board meeting. I'm not interested in anything Spaulding, Aunt Alex. I'm not. I don't care. I'm gone. I don't know how I have to say this to you. How many...
Alan: It can't be you. It can't be.
Phillip: It's me.
Alan: No. You left. You're not here. Alexandra, I'm seeing things again.
Phillip: Dad, look at me. It's me. I'm here. I came to see you.
Alan: No, you're gone. Everyone's gone. You just came here to hurt me. You're trying to make me think I'm crazy. I'm not going to let you do that. Stay away from me. Stay away! Get back!
Lucia: Angela would be so proud of how you've grown up.
Eden: Oh, would she? Would she be proud that I was raised on the streets?
Lucia: No. I know life has been hard for you, Eden. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry you lost your parents so young.
Eden: Well, if you're so sorry, then why did you just disappear?
Lucia: I didn't know.
Eden: Well, you could have checked up on us, and then you would have known. Instead, you've been lying all these years, and my brother is hurting because of you.
Lucia: I did what I did to protect Nicky.
Eden: I pushed a guy off a roof to protect him. And I took a bullet for him. Where were you?
Lucia: Look, Eden, I'm not here to make excuses.
Eden: Well, good, because you know what? I don't want to hear them. And you know, I don't care if you're a nun, because I am telling you to get the hell out of town before you hurt anyone else.
Lucia: Boy, you haven't changed since the last time I saw you, have you, Eden? You were a scared little girl then, and you're a scared little girl now.
(Knock at door)
Harley: Marie Clark? Detective Cooper, Springfield P.D.
Marie: What can I do for you?
Harley: Looking for an old boyfriend of yours, Steve Getery. You seen him around? Can you open the door, Marie? I'd just like to talk to you for a minute, if you don't mind.
Marie: Um, okay.
Harley: Hey, there. What's your name?
Darren: Darren.
Harley: Hey, Darren. I'm a police officer. Everything's going to be okay. Okay, sweetie?
Steve: Give me the gun, Detective, or you die right now.
Edmund: Beth.
Beth: Edmund. What are you doing here?
Edmund: Well, what is that supposed to mean?
Beth: Nothing. I was just wondering what you were doing here.
Edmund: Well, I suppose I could ask the same question of you.
Beth: I'm here to work out. I needed to clear my head. It's been a difficult day.
Edmund: Right. Sorry. How are the kids?
Beth: They're... they're well.
Edmund: Good. Good. How's your mother?
Beth: Fine. Edmund, are you okay?
Edmund: I don't know, Beth. I really... I don't know. You look great. Excuse me.
Eden: You don't even know who I am.
Lucia: No, you're right. I don't. But let me tell you something about me: I'm not going anywhere, not without a fight. Now, I prefer a truce.
Eden: Well, sometimes we don't get what we want. Bye.
Lucia: That's right. Walk away. I did the same thing. Never regretted anything more in my life. You know, I think you and I have more in common than you think. Eden, you have no reason to trust me and every reason to be suspicious of me, but what it comes down to is this: You love your brother, blood or not, and I have loved my son since the day I left him. Now, we can both waste time competing for Nicky's love or...
Eden: Or?
Lucia: Or we can join forces and give him the support he needs.
Eden: What makes you think he even wants your support?
Lucia: It doesn't matter if he wants it. He's going to need it. Especially if he decides to tell Alan Spaulding that he's his father.
Alan: I'm not foolish, Alexandra and don't try to make me think I'm crazy!
Alexandra: Alan. Alan! Stop. Alan, Phillip is here.
Alan: No. He's gone. Everyone's gone.
Alexandra: Lloyd. Good. Take Mr. Spaulding to his room. Make sure he gets some rest.
Phillip: Why didn't you tell me that he was like this?
Alexandra: I didn't think you wanted to know.
Phillip: Well, what are you doing? Have you called in some doctors?
Alexandra: They're going to run some tests. I guess it could be psychosis, mild stroke, brain tumor.
Phillip: Brain tumor?
Alexandra: And there's something else, Phillip. Please, please sit down. The minute you left, Alan called for a copy of Brandon's will.
Phillip: Why?
Alexandra: This is something we have to talk about. We have to talk about it soon.
Phillip: What? Why do we have to talk about grandfather's will? What has that got to do with him being sick?
Alexandra: It's really about your future.
Phillip: What the hell are you talking about? I don't understand.
Alexandra: I can't go into it now.
Phillip: Well, now, wait a minute. You can't... Aunt Alex, you can't...
Alexandra: Phillip, really, I thank you for coming.
Steve: Darren. Darren! Get up. Give me that chair. Go on. That's a good boy.
Harley: All right, all right. Your son looks like you. He's got your eyes, Steve.
Steve: Did you hear that, Marie?
Harley: Did she keep him from you? You didn't know you had a son?
Steve: Nine years she kept him from me.
Harley: Yeah, I know how hard that is. One of my kids was kept from me, and it was really tough. I didn't know what I was going to do when I got him back, but you know, as a parent, you just want to love them and keep them safe. You know how to do that, right? Look, Steve, I know you got a problem with Marie and you got a problem with me, but little Darren here, he hasn't done anything, right? And you haven't seen him for nine years, but you can be a parent to him now. You can take care of him now. Why don't you let Darren go, and then we can all talk. We'll just talk, right?
Steve: Darren.
Harley: You did the right thing.
Steve: Well, I'm glad you think so, Detective, because from now on, I am calling the shots in here.
Gus: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. What is the matter? What?
Darren: There's this guy, and he's got a gun. My mom's in there, and a lady cop, too.
(Cell phone ringing)
Steve: Is that your phone? Give me the phone. Give me the phone! Get up.
Harley: (Whimpers)
Steve: (Laughs)
Harley: (Groans)
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