GL Transcript Monday 3/31/03

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 3/31/03

Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya

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Marah: Hey.

Remy: What up?

Marah: What are you doing here?

Marina: Don't ask me.

Remy: Or me.

Bill: Or me.

Marah: Yeah, this was all Tony's idea. Honey, you care to explain?

Tony: I'm going to wait till Ray gets here.

Ray: Wait no longer. This is for you and for what's-his-face.

Marah: Thanks. What's this for?

Ray: It's a housewarming present. I mean, this is a housewarming party, right? That's why you guys called me over here? It's not?

Tony: Yo, Remy, why don't you explain?

Remy: No, no, no, no, no, no. I just told the story. You're the guy who thought we needed to do something about it.

Marah: I believe his exact words were, "We need a priest."

Tony: All right.

Ray: Please.

Tony: I thought we could have a little fun, that's all. Okay, according to Remy's dad, this new house of ours, in addition to once being a history museum, well, it has a pretty wild history of its own.

Bill: How wild?

Tony: Lots of unexplained stuff.

Marah: Of the paranormal type.

Ben: What, ghosts? You guys think this place is haunted?

Tony: Well, the point is other people do.

Ray: Whoa, whoa, back up there, little brother. You called me over here to perform an exorcism? (Laughter)

Tony: Basically, yeah. (Laughs)

Ray: Listen, I came here to party, to celebrate. And you want me to work?

Tony: We... we can celebrate, too.

Danny: Yeah, you've got that right. Michelle and I have got great reason to. Check it out.

Michelle: We're getting married!

(Cheers and applause)

Danny: Again, again, again.

Marina: That is so great.

Michelle: Thank you.

Tony: Congratulations.

Eden: So, when did you start drinking in the middle of the day?

Gus: Since I have a lot on my mind.

Eden: Yeah, like what happened in Chicago? Did you find Lucia?

Gus: Yeah, I found her.

Eden: Well, what did she say?

Gus: She said a lot more than I want to know.

Josh: Hi, there.

Cassie: Hi, there.

Josh: Sorry I'm late.

Cassie: That's okay. So, did Reva get off all right?

Josh: Yep, she is winging her way to Vienna as we speak.

Cassie: Oh, to go check out her psychic powers, huh? (Laughs)

Josh: Listen, whatever my incredibly beautiful, whacked-out wife wants to do, it's fine with me. I'm behind her 100%.

Cassie: Really?

Josh: Yeah.

Cassie: Wow, because before I thought you were just being abnormally calm about Reva's latest notion. And now you are really starting to scare me.

Josh: Well, there's no point in fighting it. You know, Reva's going to do what Reva wants to do-- whether I support it or not. So, I just need to stay focused on other things. Things I need to stay focused on.

Cassie: Right. Like the Fifth Street development project.

Josh: The what? Oh, I'm sorry, yes, the... (laughs) ...Fifth Street project, yes. Um... in fact, that's what this meeting is about, right?

Cassie: Right.

Josh: You're waiting to hear whether or not Lewis Construction is going to be on board with you and the Santos boys.

Cassie: Yeah.

Josh: Well, we are.

Cassie: Yes! I'm so excited. This is going to be great.

Josh: Good.

Cassie: Oh, my gosh, now I know this project is going to be a huge success.

Josh: Well, I'm counting on that. Now, listen, you and Danny, you did some nice design work. But we're going to have to tweak just a few things, just a little bit. Just to get things to conform to the zoning codes...

Cassie: Okay, how much is a "little bit"?

Josh: Just... just... just... just... just a tiny, tiny bit.

Cassie: (Laughs) Okay.

Josh: It's all in this report here. There's a copy for Danny...

Cassie: Oh, great.

Josh: ...A copy for Tony. Look those over and we'll set up another time to go into more detail.

Cassie: Wonderful. Okay. So, when do you want to get together? What's good for you?

Josh: Well, I can do... let's see, I can do... breakfast Wednesday.

Cassie: I can't do that. I already have a meeting with... Edmund.

Josh: (Laughs) Yeah, that's funny. That's very funny. You're serious? You have a meeting with Edmund? Why?

(Cassie sighs)

Alan: How'd you get in here?

Edmund: Nolan, man. What on earth is wrong with you?

Alan: You're lying! You're lying. You snuck in here and you're going to rob me blind! I know you are!

Edmund: Wait a minute!

Alan: Yes.

Alexandra: What? Alan! Oh.

Ray: I knew the man upstairs would get you guys together somehow. Congratulations, man. And you, welcome to the family.

Michelle: Again.

Ray: Again.

Michelle: Thank you.

Tony: You are the man, Danny. I'm so happy for you.

Danny: Listen, Tony, I could not have pulled this off without your help. I mean it. Thank you.

Tony: You're welcome.

Ben: All right, come on you two. We all want to know how'd you two get back together?

Marina: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We want every single romantic detail, okay? Yeah, maybe not every detail, but you know.

Ray: Yeah, come on you guys, spill the beans. Let's go.

Danny: I'm not good at boasting. Honey, why don't... why don't you do it?

Michelle: Well...

Marina: Oh, come on, come on, stop being shy. Tell us.

Michelle: Well...

Danny: You're much better at this thing.

Michelle: ...First off, Danny had the gall to buy me the house of my dreams and expected me to be happy about it.

Marah: Are you saying you weren't happy about it?

Danny: Thank you, thank you.

Michelle: Of course not. I was ecstatic, but I couldn't let him know that. I had to make him beg a little.

Danny: "A little"? Please.

Michelle: All right, a lot.

Danny: Please. No, she was ruthless, merciless. But, finally, she admitted that she cannot live without me. So, I popped the question, the big one...

Michelle: Excuse me, I popped the question.

Danny: All right, okay, all right, I'll let her have it. I'll let her have that one. And here we are.

Michelle: Yeah.

Danny: Long story short. (Applause)

Tony: Good stuff.

Marah: Hey, so, you knew about this?

Tony: Well, yeah, I was helping Danny coordinate the surprise for Michelle.

Marah: And you didn't tell me?

Tony: Well, he swore me to secrecy.

Marah: Well, he shouldn't have. And still, you shouldn't have listened.

Tony: Excuse me, wait a minute. Are you serious right now? This was a... this was a good thing. This was for Danny.

Marah: I know. But we should keep no secrets from each other. All right? You got it, mister?

Tony: (Laughs) Marah, are you serious? Come on. This was... this was something special.

Marah: I know, but you remember what happened when we kept secrets from each other in the past?

Tony: Baby, that was like a whole other lifetime ago. That was...

Marah: I know, I know, I know. But we're living together now, right? And we're in this for the long haul, right? Right?

Tony: As long as you'll have me.

Marah: So, we should be able to share everything. I mean, everything.

Tony: You got it. You got it. Excuse me, guys. The kissing will have to stop for a while, until after the ghost story.

Marina: Oh, yeah, ghost story!

Ben: Ghost story.

Ray: You opened up this can of worms.

Marina: Ghost story!

Tony: You're going to help me out, right?

Remy: Sure.

Tony: Okay. (Laughter)

Ray: I got to hear this.

Tony: Okay, so y'all know that this house that we're living in used to be a museum for a long time.

Remy: Well, not an art museum, but a history museum.

Tony: Right. And according to Remy's father, a lot of weird stuff happened around here. Back...

Remy: In 1930.

Tony: 1930.

Remy: That's when they mounted the big Egyptology exhibit.

Tony: Right, they brought in all these Egyptian artifacts from these pyramids.

Marina: Mummies?

Tony: Yes.

Marina: Cool.

Tony: "Cool," yeah. Well, when this really cool Egyptian stuff came through those doors, accidents started happening.

Ray: Oh, come on.

Tony: Stuff started breaking around here. The curator turned out to be this whacko. They found him in a sarcophagus.

Marina: What?

Tony: Yeah.

Remy: Yeah. The second curator had a terrible accident and was in traction the rest of his life.

Danny: You guys are making this up.

Tony: No, no, no, no. And when the people finally realized that this place was haunted, they shut it down. We are the first people to live here ever since then. Yeah.

Ray: This sounds like a bad movie.

Tony: No, no, and so... and so I was thinking that maybe a little spiritual cleansing...

Ray: Oh, okay...

Tony: ...Would be in order. You know, just to get all the bad vibes out. You know what I'm saying?

Danny: Come on, Ray.

Ray: Danny, get this. Tony... Tony wants me to perform an exorcism or something approximating one.

Tony: Hey, it wouldn't hurt, right? It wouldn't hurt.

Ray: Let me educate you here, little brother.

Michelle: I think it's a good idea.

Ray: An exorcism... an exorcism is used to dispel pure evil, namely the devil himself. A priest has to be specially certified by Rome, which I am not. And even if I was, I would need ten gallons of holy water, a large wooden stake, lots of garlic, kosher salt and a couple of chickens. (Laughs)

Danny: Oh, here you go.

Ray: Preferably virgins.

Tony: Oh, you know, you can be so bizarre sometimes, Ray.

Ray: Okay, okay, listen, okay. All kidding aside, I can't and won't do what you're suggesting. But if you want, I can bless this house, or museum, or landmark, or whatever you want to call it. If you guys would like that. (All agreeing)

Marah: We would love that, Ray. Thank you.

Ray: All right, then, let's get it on.

Tony: Let's go.

Ray: Let's form a circle right here in the center of the room.

Danny: Let's get it on. Come on, Ray.

Tony: Old school.

Ray: Circle. Old school. Okay, everybody hold hands.

Marina: Okay.

Tony: Boy, your hands are cold.

Ray: Warm heart. Are we ready?

Marina: Yes.

Ray: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen. Peace be to this house, O Lord. Come to your servants who move into their new home and ask for your blessing. Be their shelter when they are at home, their companion when they are away, and welcome them when they return. And at last, receive them into the dwelling place which you have prepared for them in your father's house where you live forever and ever. Amen.

All: Amen.

Ray: Right on. (Laughter)

Danny: Not bad for a priest.

Ray: Hey.

Gus: (Sighs) So, yeah, and she admitted it. Lucia said she's my mother. She gave birth to me and she gave me to our folks to raise.

Eden: Wow. Are you okay with this?

Gus: Oh, yeah, I'm great with it. I love finding out that my mother's the flying nun and my father's...

Eden: Wait, your father. She told you who your father is?

Gus: A little bit.

Eden: Well, who is it? Don't tell me it's Miguel Santos.

Gus: No, it's not Miguel Santos.

Eden: Then who is it?

Gus: Can we just save the story for another day, please?

Eden: No, are you crazy? You've got to tell me right now. Nicky?

Gus: Fine. It's somebody that you know.

Eden: Who?

Gus: Alan Spaulding.

Eden: Alan Spaulding?

Gus: Yeah. Lucia had an affair with him a million years ago when she was Phillip's nanny. Now, Alan doesn't even know that she got pregnant. Alan does not know that he is my father. Listen, now that you know this, okay, you keep this under your hat. You do not use this for personal gain no matter how tempted you are. You hear me?

Eden: Okay, all right.

Gus: Yes.

Eden: I guess I deserve that.

Gus: Yeah, and I don't want any kind of explanation from you or apologies. I just need to know... I just need to know that you're on my side, okay?

Eden: Of course. Wow. You're a Spaulding.

Gus: Maybe it was better when I thought I was a Santos. I don't know.

Eden: So, what are you going to do about this?

Gus: I don't know what I'm going to do about it.

Eden: Well, they... they've got to accept you into the family. I mean, if that's what you want.

Gus: I don't know if that's what I want.

Eden: Well, you let me know when you decide, because...

Gus: Because what, you want me to be a Spaulding?

Eden: No.

Gus: You want that?

Eden: No. I don't want you to be a Spaulding. What, you think this is about the money? Nicky, I do not care how much money those people have. They are the scum of the earth. I just dissed your family.

Gus: Uh, no. (Scoffs) They are not my family. You are my family. You're the only family I got.

Alexandra: Alan, is everything all right here?

Edmund: No, everything is not all right here. Your brother's just threatened me with a letter opener and called me a thief.

Alan: You've been called far worse.

Alexandra: Well, please forgive my brother. It's been one crisis after the other this week. First, he and Phillip were on a huge row and then Phillip moved out...

Edmund: I suppose...

Alan: Alexandra...

Edmund: ...I should offer my sympathies, but since Phillip is hardly one of my favorite people...

Alan: And you're not one of mine either.

Edmund: Well, the feeling is completely mutual. But you did like and respect my brother, Richard, didn't you?

Alan: What does he have to do with anything?

Edmund: He's the reason I'm here. I'm a building a library in San Cristobel to honor him. And I'm wondering what Spaulding Enterprises is willing to do its part?

Alexandra: "Do its part"?

Edmund: The construction fund. It's entirely tax deductible.

Alan: (Chuckles) You're here to ask for money. I'm shocked.

Edmund: Well, you should be because I'm not asking it for myself personally. I'm asking it for Richard, the memory of Richard, and the people of San Cristobel. Here. Here's a brochure with all the information. It will give you all the donation levels. Starting first with...

Alan: We'll take the highest. Now get him out of here, Alexandra.

Edmund: Highest? The highest? Did you say the highest?

Alexandra: All right, come with me. I'll make out a check to you.

Edmund: Alexandra, something is wrong with your brother.

Alexandra: No, no, nothing wrong with...

Edmund: No, he is shaking, and he's flushed. I think he could be having another heart attack.

Alexandra: I'm telling you, there is nothing wrong, I know it. Now, if you'd just...

Edmund: You seem curiously unconcerned about your brother, Alexandra.

Alexandra: That's because there's no reason to be concerned. He is merely exhausted.

Edmund: No. The man is completely unhinged. And I think that's exactly the way you want it.

Ray: Okay, guys, on a personal note, I'd like to say how happy I am that Danny, Tony and Cassie Winslow have come out with such an outstanding plan to revitalize this part of town. Michelle's dad and I have seen a lot of sad stuff down here since we opened up the free clinic a year ago. There's a lot of misery in this neighborhood: Drugs, poverty, homelessness. And I'm sad to say our family had a hand in making that happen. But now the Santos family has an even bigger part in making that right. So, today, we're not just here to bless this house, we're here to celebrate a rebirth. A rebirth of this neighborhood. A rebirth of Danny and Michelle's union as husband and wife. And the hope for redemption is there for all of us, when we love one another and strive to do what's right. So, please, bless this house O Lord and its inhabitants, and Danny and Michelle. And while you're at it, pretty please, keep away the little green hobgoblins from my little brother... (laughter) ...our little brother would really appreciate it. Amen.

All: Amen.

Tony: I'll get some champagne.

Remy: All right.

Ray: Tony can chill out now. You guys don't have to worry about that bogeyman anymore.

Marah: He was so cute about the whole ghost thing.

Ray: He never told you, huh?

Marah: Told me what?

Ray: As a kid, Tony was deathly afraid of ghosts. No pun intended.

Marah: Really? That's very interesting.

Marina: I think it's so cool that this place could actually be haunted. I want to live here with you, Ben.

Ben: No. Me, too. But you know your dad. He is not...

Marina: My dad wants me to be a little kid forever. And, you know, I'm sick of it. I'm just so over it I could scream.

Michelle: Hey, Marah, at some point I'm going to need a minute alone with you, okay?

Marah: Sure.

Michelle: Bill. Hi.

Bill: Hi. So, we can avoid talking about this all day, or we can just get it out in the open.

Cassie: So, Edmund wants to have the gala here, and I told him that I would help him host it.

Josh: You are a pod. You look like Cassie. You sound like Cassie...

Cassie: Oh, get out of here.

Josh: ...But you could not possibly be my sister-in-law, because the real Cassie Winslow would never knowingly collaborate with the Prince of Darkness.

Cassie: I know and I fought it at first. I did. I told him I wanted no part of this plan. And then Tammy made me rethink it.

Josh: Oh, Tammy?

Cassie: Yes. Because she reminded me how much Richard would love to have a library in his name. And if I am suspicious of Edmund doing something...

Josh: "If"?

Cassie: Okay, look, if Edmund is going to do something, the best place for me to be is involved, don't you think?

Josh: Maybe.

Cassie: Well, I told him that that is as far as it's going to get. I'm not going to go to the gala in D.C. with him, so what does he do? He moves the gala here. So, now, I'm past...

Josh: So, he's bullying you.

Cassie: No, I wouldn't... say that.

Josh: Well, he made it impossible for you to say no, right? Because clearly this project is very important to him. But I think you and I both know that it's not because of any great love he had for Richard.

Cassie: I know, I know. You know, he's the ambassador now, and he needs to clean up his image.

Josh: Right, he's got to, you know, look good even though he's still the same psychopath he's always been.

Cassie: I know that. He locked me in a tower, remember?

Josh: He's using you, Cassie. He's using your name. He's using your reputation, your contacts, everything.

Cassie: I know that. I do. But... I don't know, is it worth it, you know? It's for Richard.

Josh: Does that make it okay?

Cassie: If I go into this with my eyes wide open and I watch Edmund every step of the way, and I get this beautiful memorial for my husband, and it's something that my children can be really proud of, yeah, then it's okay.

Josh: You're going to have to watch him very carefully.

Cassie: I know. I know that.

Josh: And don't forget, no matter how hard you're watching him, he's going to try to pull something over on you.

Alexandra: (Chuckles) I'm sorry. I thought for a moment I heard you say...

Edmund: I did. Your brother is entirely not himself. And this is completely your doing. But that's not going to end there, go ahead and write the check.

Alexandra: (Chuckles) Well, how much is it for?

Edmund: A hundred.

Alexandra: Thousand?

Edmund: Your brother did say he wanted to give at the highest level.

Alexandra: (Chuckles) Oh, yes, of course, that was before he knew what the amount was.

Edmund: Oh, Alexandra, how could this possibly matter at all to you? It's coming out of a corporate account. And, besides, it's for a good cause. You can ask my sister-in-law.

Alexandra: Oh, really? Cassie's involved with this, too?

Edmund: Hmm, we're full partners. Getting along famously I might add. As a matter of fact, we're co-hosting a benefit at the Beacon. And with your generous donation, I'm sure you'll have a complete full Spaulding table.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Well, with my generous donation, I think there should be a complete entire Spaulding wing in this library.

Edmund: Well, I'm sure we can discuss that.

Alexandra: (Sighs) What the heck. It's a good cause.

Edmund: Yes, it is. So, does anyone else know?

Alexandra: Know what?

Edmund: What you're doing to your brother? Which hallucinogen are you using?

Alexandra: (Inhales) What do you want, Edmund?

Edmund: "Want"? What would I want? I want nothing. I'm merely curious.

Alexandra: Yes, well, you're never merely anything, darling.

Edmund: You're hoping to have him declared incompetent for the next Spaulding board meeting, which is coming up very soon, I think. But you need to be careful, Alexandra. Because if anyone finds out what you're doing, you will be brought up on criminal charges.

Alexandra: Here's your donation from Spaulding Enterprises. And, well, may I make another donation, a personal one.

Edmund: To the library?

Alexandra: Or whatever, you know, you might deem necessary or worthy, Mr. Ambassador. Shall I make it out to "cash"?

Edmund: "Cash" is so much more convenient.

Alexandra: Same amount. Will that do?

Edmund: Tad more I think.

Alexandra: (Chuckles) You really are a scoundrel, aren't you?

Edmund: Thank you. But I haven't done anything.

Alexandra: No, but you would.

Edmund: This is really very generous.

Alexandra: Yes. And it's so you will stay quiet about whatever you think you know.

Edmund: Alexandra, I will never ever forget this.

Alexandra: Oh, neither will I.

Alan: Beth, it's Alan. I need to speak with you before the upcoming board meeting. Now, I know you sided with Alexandra last time, but you and I have always had a very special connection and understanding, Beth. And I think if you'll allow me to make my case, I'll be able to change your mind. So, call me as soon as possible. If I'm resting, have one of the servants get me up.

Alexandra: Alan, you're still in here.

Alan: Did you get rid of Edmund?

Alexandra: Yes, he's all gone. I still don't quite understand what that ruckus was about.

Alan: Well, he just rubbed me the wrong way, that's all.

Alexandra: Yes, I know, darling, but to call him a thief.

Alan: I was in a bad mood and I reacted. Now, let's not make an issue out of it, all right?

Alexandra: (Stammers) Alan, where are you going?

Alan: It's all right, I'm just... suddenly feeling tired so I'll... I'll go rest.

Alexandra: Fine, yes, go.

Gus: So, are you okay?

Eden: Yeah, I told you, don't worry about me. I mean, come on, after all the lousy things I've done to you this year, and everything you're going through right now, just... will you for once let me care about you? What?

Gus: It's just nice to hear you talk like that, you know.

Eden: Yeah? Happy to have your little sister back?

Gus: Yeah, I was beginning to wonder.

Eden: Well, don't put me on a pedestal because I am no angel. And let me tell you something, I am going to kick the living daylights out of anyone that hurts you. And you know who's first on my list?

Gus and Eden: Alexandra Spaulding.

Gus: Yeah, well, you just... you let me handle her, okay?

Eden: All right. Well, then that will give me more energy to go after witch number two, Lucia.

Gus: All right, okay, you can beat up Lucia after we have some coffee.

Eden: Okay.

Gus: Deal?

Josh: Okay, so we are set for 2:00 P.M. That's good. Now, since I have this thing out, when's the library fundraiser? I assume Reva and I are invited to that?

Cassie: Of course you are. But you don't have to come.

Josh: Cassie, we will support you any time, any place. I just hope you know that. And besides, somebody's got to be there to protect you from his ruthlessness.

Cassie: (Laughs)

Edmund: I just started a file on my computer, "Epithets for Edmund." I'll have to be sure to add that one to my list. I trust Cassie has invited you and your lovely wife to the benefit?

Josh: Yes, she has. Wouldn't miss it.

Edmund: Good. Good. Cassie, when you have a minute, I'll be right over here.

Cassie: That's okay, we're done here. Are we done? Do we have anything else?

Josh: You tell me.

Cassie: I think we're good.

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: Okay? Can you please give Reva my love?

Josh: I will, absolutely. Good seeing you.

Cassie: Thanks. See you, Josh. What do you want?

Edmund: Well, I would like you to take a look if you please, at this.

Cassie: What is this?

Edmund: Our RSVP to date.

Cassie: This many people have said yes already? We just sent out the invitations.

Edmund: Well, obviously, a great many people care a lot about this benefit and what it stands for. And if you look at the last page, you'll see how much money's been pledged so far.

Cassie: Oh, my goodness.

Edmund: (Chuckles)

Cassie: Why are you showing me this?

Edmund: Because it's good news, Cassie. And there's more. Have you ever heard of the sculptor Rolf Hurst?

Cassie: Didn't he just win some big award?

Edmund: Yes, he did. One of many. I contacted him and he's going to create a sculpture of Richard for the library's entrance. It is going to be the first thing people see when they come into the building.

Cassie: Is he going to donate it?

Edmund: Well, no. (Laughs) No, we're going to have to pay for it, but it's quite something that he's agreed to the commission at all.

Cassie: Okay, but an artist of that stature is going to cost us an arm and a leg, Edmund.

Edmund: Well, $125,000.

Cassie: $125,000? We do not have that kind of money in the budget.

Edmund: (Laughs) I know, Cassie. I know. That's why I'm going to underwrite this expense myself.

(Knock at door)

Alan: (Groggily) Go away. (Knocking continues) What?

Alexandra (disguising her voice): Alan, it's me, Beth.

Alan: Who?

Alexandra: Beth. I came because you called me. And I just couldn't stay away.

Alan: Beth.

Alexandra (disguising her voice): No, no, don't get up. I can't stay. I just wanted you to know how much you meant to me.

Alan: You?

Alexandra: Yes, Alan, on the phone, when you said we'd always had such a connection. I've waited so long to hear those words from you. Because it's you I've always wanted, Alan.

Alan: Beth, no, no... don't... don't say that. What are you talking about?

Alexandra: Even when I was with Phillip, I... I wanted you, Alan.

Alan: No, you and Phillip belong together.

Alexandra: But Phillip's with Olivia. Because he stole her from you. But I'm glad, really, because now you and I can be together.

Alan: Beth, you can't mean that. What are you talking...

Alexandra: Soon, we will be together, Alan.

Alan: No.

Alexandra: Soon.

Alan: Beth, Beth. Beth! Beth!

Alexandra (in proper voice): Alan! Alan! Alan, are you all right? I heard you yelling.

Michelle: Listen, Bill, I didn't know that you were going to be here. And I didn't realize we were going to make such a public announcement.

Bill: I knew something was up. Cassie told me that Danny bought you that house.

Michelle: I'm sorry.

Bill: It's not your fault. So, do I ask you the question or not?

Michelle: Ask me what?

Bill: Are you happy?

Michelle: Well, if I am, it has nothing to do with you.

Bill: Ouch! (Laughs)

Michelle: No, no, I didn't... I didn't mean it like that. What I meant was Danny and I, we're separate from you and me. I mean, one never had anything to do with the other.

Bill: Yeah, that became pretty clear.

Michelle: (Sighs) I did it again.

Bill: No, look, I'm just giving you a hard time. That's all, okay. It's so seldom that I get to make you feel bad about something, so I figured I'd milk it for all it's worth.

Michelle: Bill, you're my best friend in the whole world. And I really hate it that things have gotten so weird between us.

Bill: Yeah, me, too.

Michelle: Do you think we can ever go back to the way we were?

Bill: You mean right away?

Michelle: No, but soon.

Bill: All right, I can see it now, what you're going to do. You're going to keep pestering me until I become your best bud again. Is that what's going to happen here? (Laughs)

Michelle: And you know, I do always get what I want.

Bill: What you think you want.

Danny: You guys, did you get some champagne, honey?

Michelle: No.

Danny: Here, take mine.

Michelle: Thanks.

Danny: I'll have some more.

Bill: So, Danny.

Danny: Yeah.

Bill: If this place really does have ghosts, do we get a break in the rent?

Danny: (Chuckles) Well, I'm sure we could work something out. So, in the meantime, let's... here's to your new home, enjoy.

Bill: No, you know what, I'd rather drink to the happy couple. Cheers.

Danny: Thank you.

Bill: Now, I'm going to do something about the music.

Michelle: (Sighs)

Danny: You okay?

Michelle: Yeah. It's him I'm worried about.

Tony: What up? So, you know what, Marah's got some great ideas for this place. Danny and I are going to let her do whatever she wants with it, because we are going to be totally, totally consumed with this neighborhood.

Ray: You're really loving this, aren't you? Doing something really good for a change. Making a positive impact.

Tony: Yeah, kind of.

Ray: "Kind of"?

Tony: All right, a lot.

Ray: I'm really proud of you, kid.

Tony: Yeah, but you're going to still keep an eagle's eye on me, aren't you? Just in case I screw up.

Ray: No, no more eagle eye.

Tony: No?

Ray: I'd say you're on your own. Just nothing but love and support from now on.

Marah: Hey, so what's up?

Michelle: Okay, Danny really pulled a fast one on me with this house. Not without good results, mind you, but no good deed goes unpunished.

Marah: Uh-oh, you're so bad. What are you going to do?

Michelle: Okay, I just want to pull a little surprise on Danny on our wedding day. But I can't pull it off without your help.

Marah: Okay. You can count me in.

Michelle: Excellent, thanks. (Crashes)

Tony: Whoa.

Ben: Whoa. Nice going, Boudreaux.

Remy: I... I did not touch that, I swear. It... one minute the bottle is in the middle of the table, and the next it's... it's like somebody picked it up and threw it across the room.

Cassie: You're going to pay for the statue of Richard out of your own pocket?

Edmund: Well, it's drawn on my personal account, Cassie.

Cassie: Which I heard was next to nothing. So, how did you come up with the money, Edmund?

Edmund: Well, I liquidated a few assets. Besides, I'm making a salary now.

Cassie: I know the salary.

Edmund: It's a sizable chunk of my retirement savings. And I think I'm going to be ordering less than the most expensive bottles of champagne for quite a while. But the important thing is it's what I've chosen to do with my money, Cassie. And Rolf Hurst has already accepted the commission. So, it's entirely out of your hands. So, how would you like to look at a few drawings?

Cassie: Of what?

Edmund: The library. Architect's renderings. See? Think... no, one more back. There it is. Library's entrance. And right there is where the statue of Richard is going to be.

Cassie: It's amazing.

Edmund: Um-hmm.

Cassie: This is absolutely beautiful. I love the windows. And these columns, I mean, they're so...

Edmund: It's all so Richard, isn't it?

Cassie: (Softly) it is. Is there going to be a garden?

Edmund: Umm, filled with bougainvillea.

Cassie: Richard's favorite flower. What is this?

Edmund: That is detail of the entrance wall.

Cassie: It looks like something's inscribed.

Edmund: Yes. That is a quotation from Richard's inaugural speech. That was my idea, Cassie. If you don't like it, we can easily...

Cassie: No, no, it was... it was an amazing speech. It was an amazing day. I think that was the happiest day of his life.

Edmund: No, I think the happiest day of his life was the day he married you.

Cassie: Edmund!

Edmund: I'm... I'm sorry.

Cassie: What was that?

Edmund: I don't know. You... you looked sad. I thought... I don't know. Um... why don't you... why don't you keep the portfolio? Keep the check, too. And... I'll... I'll be in touch with you.

Gus: Do you forgive me?

Eden: Okay. But you've got to promise me one thing.

Gus: What?

Eden: Whatever you decide about the Spaulding's...

Gus: Yes, yes, yes. I'll keep you in the loop. I'll keep you in the loop.

Eden: Okay.

Gus: Well, Lucia.

Alexandra: Alan, are you all right?

Alan: I'm not sure. Did you... did you...

Alexandra: Did I what?

Alan: Did you see anyone out in the hallway?

Alexandra: Who?

Alan: Right before you came in?

Alexandra: Who?

Alan: Anyone!

Alexandra: Well, you mean like one of the servants or something?

Alan: No, just answer my question!

Alexandra: No, Alan, no, I did not see anyone out in the hall. No, I only came in because I heard you yell. You must have had a bad dream, dear. That's all right. That's all right. Just... just go right back to sleep, okay? Because what you clearly need, darling, is your rest, all right?

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