Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 3/27/03
Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya
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[Beginning missing]
Remy: …led Mel picked him up at medical school. He's been in the attic at the house, and thought he'd fit in.
Marah: Yeah, he can live in your room.
Remy: I was thinking that lectern over there.
Ben: Hey, it's fine with me, man as long as he pays rent.
Remy: Not your share. You're still on the hook for that one, Reade. And you better be on time for once.
Ben: It is handled. Relax. Besides, we might even get a break with one of the landlords living here.
Tony: Yeah, that's funny. Danny's charging me, too. We need every dime to clean up this neighborhood. Where's the gym? Where should we put this?
Marina: You guys have a gym?
Marah: We have a gym?
Tony/Remy/Ben: Yeah.
Remy: Hey, Tony, what about over there?
Tony: That looks solid. It should hold the weights and the bench. Let's put it there.
Marah: You know what? Can we have a little house meeting on this subject?
Tony/Remy/Ben: No.
Marah: You know Bill hasn't voted yet.
Bill: Bill hasn't voted on what yet?
Marah: Here you are.
Bill: No.
Marina: You know, I think you need me to move in here-- like immediately or you're not going to stand a fighting chance. Before you know it there is going to be a foosball table, clothes line in here for gym socks, maybe a bike rack in the living room.
Ben: Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to nail this up in the kitchen.
Marah: No, you don't. Look, squirt drop it right now.
Ben: I know you didn't just call me that.
Marah: Oh, yeah, you heard me call you that. You'll always be a squirt. Okay, guys, guys, guys. Can we just take a step back for second and get organized about this whole thing.
Tony: I think it's going quite well.
Marah: You bought the foosball table, didn't you?
Ben: Of course I did.
Bill: We will put it in the basement.
Tony: We can't. The pool table is already going in there.
Bill: Oh.
Marah: No, guys, guys, guys, please, please. All right. I just want the living room. That's it. I have some really good ideas for it. Just one room. One room.
Tony: Babe, you have our room. You can do whatever you want in there.
All: Oh!
Bill: Oh, no, man. No. That's my cousin.
Remy: How you doing? (Laughter)
Marah: All right, you know what? That's it. I'm leaving.
All: Come on. Come on.
Ben: Marah, we're yours.
Tony: Excuse me.
Remy: Okay, your his. But you want this house?
Marah: Yeah.
Bill: Come on, we're not total slobs.
Ben: Yeah, it would be nice to have some class in here.
Tony: Baby, it's all yours. Whatever you want. It's okay.
Marah: Okay.
(Knock at the door)
Tony: Okay.
Marah: Okay. I wonder who that is. (Laughter) Get out of the way.
Reva: Okay, everybody freeze!
Phillip: Hey.
Olivia: Hi.
Phillip: Whoa!
Olivia: Somebody's been shopping in the gift shop.
Phillip: Yeah, well, somebody had no choice. Ran out of the house so fast, I forgot to pack many important things. All I brought were work clothes.
Olivia: Oh, oh. So you thought this was a better idea than the suit?
Phillip: Today?
Olivia: Yeah.
Phillip: Absolutely.
Olivia: Oh.
Phillip: Absolutely.
Olivia: Cute. Well, you know that the t-shirt is one of the fight's I lost with Cassie.
Phillip: Oh, yeah?
Olivia: Yeah.
Phillip: Oh, so you're loving this then. What is this? When I walk out on my family and steal off with you in the night and now you don't even want to be with me.
Olivia: What? Did I say that? I didn't say that. No.
Phillip: Well...
Olivia: You look... you look great.
Phillip: Yeah?
Olivia: Mm-hmm.
Phillip: Hmm. Okay. Hey, this is a fresh start for both of us.
Olivia: It is. And one of the first things I'm going to do is banish all the tacky things from the gift shop.
Phillip: (Laughs) Now see that’s what I'm going to do. I'm planning on really embracing my tacky side.
Olivia: Don't say that while you're embracing me, okay?
Phillip: (Laughs) What are you, taking that the wrong way?
Olivia: Yeah. A little bit sensitive.
Phillip: Mm-hmm. Okay. Where were you this morning?
Olivia: I had a doctor's appointment.
Phillip: You did?
Olivia: Yeah.
Phillip: You didn't tell me that.
Olivia: I just didn't want to disturb you.
Phillip: That's what I'm here for. How did it go? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?
Olivia: Fine. We're both fine. Clean bill of health.
Phillip: Yeah?
Olivia: Mm-hmm.
Phillip: Okay, great.
Olivia: Listen, the baby?
Phillip: Mm-hmm.
Olivia: Is it the only reason you're here?
Phillip: Certainly not the only reason.
Olivia: Oh. Well, then let's celebrate your new life.
Harley: There you are. What did you sneak out at the crack of dawn or something?
Gus: Yeah. I had to go over some, you know, files and stuff and I didn't want to wake you up. I just didn't know where to go.
Harley: Yeah, right. You making an arrest?
Gus: I wish I was making an arrest. Did you know that Alan Spaulding was in jail several times? Did you know that?
Harley: Yeah.
Gus: You cannot believe the stuff that I am finding in here. I mean I know these people-- they're a ruthless bunch of people, but there is stuff in here that would embarrass Idi Amin Dada.
Harley: (Laughs)
Gus: And that's just the stuff from public record. Imagine what I would find if I started digging around?
Harley: Yeah, I can. I probably know some of it. But this doesn't have anything to do with you. Right? I mean, that's what you said. That's what you want.
Gus: That's what I said. That's what I want. Just because Alan Spaulding slept with the nanny a hundred years ago, that does not make me a Spaulding.
Harley: No. Absolutely does not.
Gus: Right. My, God, who am I kidding?
Alexandra: Is this Mr. Spaulding's tea?
Lloyd: Yes. Apparently he didn't finish it. He must have gotten drowsy and dozed off.
Alexandra: Well, drowsy isn't the idea, is it? Is he asleep?
Lloyd: No, he's not in his room.
Alexandra: Well, please go make another cup of tea, and with the proper attitude and I'll go find him.
Alan: Ah, here's my sister now. Sister, we have a visitor. She says it's very important.
Reva: This is going to be quick and painless, and then we'll be out of your way.
Marah: Mom?
Reva: What? Holly, what do you want to do?
Holly: You said there are bedrooms?
Reva: Ah-huh.
Holly: Let me try those.
Reva: Yeah, over there. Cassie.
Cassie: Yes.
Reva: What? Where?
Cassie: Kitchen.
Reva: Great.
Cassie: I will do the kitchen and you guys owe me, okay?
Ben: We got it.
Reva: Yeah, well, I won't leave you there alone.
Remy: Mom?
Felicia: Yeah?
Remy: What are you doing?
Felicia: What I've been doing your whole life, baby boy. Cleaning up after you. Here you go.
Marah: Mom, we can handle this. You don't have to do this, really.
Reva: But we want to.
Bill: Okay, wait a second. I see a roomful of accomplished professionals-- not to mention very beautiful women-- (laughter) with mops.
Cassie: Yes, it's sad, isn't it?
Felicia: I feel so demeaned and yet so at home. (Laughter)
Ben: Holly, I never seen you actually clean a room before.
Holly: And you never will again. So watch me closely.
Tony: You know, you guys really don't have to do all this. We can handle it ourselves.
Cassie: Oh, you can?
Tony: Yes.
Cassie: You can handle all of this? Okay, what about those marble floors up there with the weights laying right on top if it? How are you going to get those smudges off? How are you going to get the scratches out? Come on. Come on. Come on.
Tony: We sweep and--
Cassie: (Buzzer sound) No, I don't think so.
Josh: Hello, everybody.
All: Hi.
Josh: Hey, sweetheart, Daddy's here and he brought the alarm system, huh? Hey, Bill, can you run out to my car and get the toolbox please.
Felicia: Oh, boys, look, an event with tools. (Laughter)
Bill: All right, I'll be right back. I'll be right back.
Josh: Shayne, can you get some pry boards out of the car too? Thanks.
Marah: Pry bars? For what?
Josh: Well, I figured we'd get the wood off these windows here when we put in the alarm system.
Tony: You know, Josh, I was thinking, we're not really going to need one since I'm living here.
Josh: Really?
Tony: Yeah.
Josh: Well, what's going to happen when your reputation changes? What's going to happen when this whole neighborhood changes? You're going to need this alarm system.
Marina: All right. If you want me to help, I can because I do happen to be really, really good at this.
Marah: Yeah, Mom, you know what? We can totally take care of this.
Reva: Mm-hmm. You probably can.
Felicia: All yours.
Reva: And you will. Okay, everybody line up. I'm going to give you your assignments. Don't be scared.
Tony: I got mine.
Reva: You got yours. (Laughs)
Harley: It doesn't... it doesn't change who you are. You are Joe and Angela August's little boy, okay? You have nothing in common with those people.
Gus: Mm-hmm.
Harley: Right? You don't owe the Spaulding's anything. And you certainly don't have to say or do anything...
Gus: Right, right.
Harley: ...You don't want to.
Gus: Right. Let me ask you this. Do you think that Alexander Spaulding is the only one that knows?
Harley: I think you can count on it. That woman has worked so hard to keep this thing quiet, she's not going to open her mouth now.
Gus: Right. So I get to stay their dirty little secret up in the attic.
Harley: No. That was me.
Gus: Huh?
Harley: You know what? Honey, you don't have to choose to look at it that way.
Gus: You know, the truth is, I can call the Spaulding's pigs all day long. But the bottom line is, they're not going to want anything to do with me either. I mean, I'm not even good enough for the people that I hold in total contempt. And they brought me into this world? Yeah.
Alexandra: Alan, you should be in bed. Please. He has not been well.
Lucia: Oh, this won't take long.
Alexandra: Sister, please. If it's a donation you're looking for, I can handle that. Please. But Mr. Spaulding does need his rest. Alan.
Alan: (Sighs) Don't... I know you.
Lucia: Yes.
Alan: Don't I know you?
Lucia: Yes, you do. I was here yesterday.
Alan: Oh, yeah.
Alexandra: Truly, Alan, I can handle this. Now please rest.
Alan: All right.
Lucia: Mr. Spaulding?
Alan: Sister, please, I just lost my son, and things are very strange. I am exhausted. I am going to get some rest. You can count me in for $1,000.
Alexandra: Please, Alan. Lloyd? Will you help Mr. Spaulding? All right, what on earth do you think you're doing?
Lucia: Honestly? I don't know. I only know the lies have got to stop.
(Piano-roll music playing)
Phillip: Gee, this is my new life. This may be the best part yet.
Olivia: Maybe? Does that mean I'm competing with a t-shirt?
Phillip: I really like that t-shirt.
Olivia: I know.
Phillip: (Laughs) Oh, God. No, I just... I... it's the first time I felt free and clear from everything.
Olivia: Yeah.
Phillip: No Alan hanging over my head-- or yours. Feels good.
Olivia: It does. You know, this could be more than just taking care of my baby if that's what you want.
Phillip: I know. I know.
Olivia: Okay. If I could just get clear of those stupid charges, I'm going to be nice, too.
Phillip: You're going to be cleared. You're going to be fine.
Olivia: Yeah?
Phillip: Yeah. Don't worry about it. Ross is going to take it to the D.A. You may not even have to go through a trial.
Olivia: Yeah, well, I'd like to hope for that.
Phillip: Hope. Why not hope? What can it possibly hurt to be hopeful? Everything you have could be gone tomorrow. Hope.
Olivia: (Laughs) Aren't you tempting the God’s by saying all this?
Phillip: Hey, you know what? I just walked out on my father and the family fortune. I'm living real dangerously.
Olivia: Wow! What are you going to do now?
Phillip: I'm going to burn my clothes...
Olivia: (Screams)
Phillip: I'm going to burn... no I am. I'm going to burn every suit that I have, I'm going to sell the car, I'm going to buy a truck. I always wanted to have a truck. Every guy wants to have a truck...
Olivia: A truck?
Phillip: ...At least once.
Olivia: Wow!
Phillip: Yeah.
Olivia: I hope I look good in it.
Phillip: And get a new place to live.
Olivia: A new place to live?
Phillip: Mm-hmm.
Olivia: What's wrong with my hotel?
Phillip: I love your hotel. It's great. But it's not... it's not right.
Olivia: It's not?
Phillip: No. I want to get a little distance between work and home. You don't want to have a baby here.
Olivia: Cassie's done it.
Phillip: Yeah, and that worked out real well, didn't it? I seemed to recall you really enjoying having her kids run around here.
Olivia: Yeah.
Phillip: No. I want to get some place that's more interesting to live. (Phone rings)
Olivia: Excuse me?
Phillip: Mm-hmm.
Olivia: Hi, Olivia Spencer. Yeah, I will. Where's Cassie? Oh. Oh. No, no, no. I'll be right down. I'll handle it. Okay. Thanks. Well, I have to... I have to go downstairs and do some business, but I won't be long.
Phillip: Okay.
Olivia: Okay.
Phillip: I'll be in the bar. (Laughs)
Olivia: Yeah, I was worried about where to find you. Okay. Well, you're obviously really playing hooky today.
Phillip: You better believe it. I'm playing today and until further notice. Hurry. Martini bar in one hour.
Gus: Look, Jimmy... look, no I'm going to meet you. Yeah. The martini bar in 15 minutes. Just pull it together, Jimmy, okay? I'll be there. Yeah. This guy's got an attitude. He's my snitch on the Miller case.
Harley: Did you get a break?
Gus: Yeah. I don't... well, maybe. I don't know. I've been playing phone tag with this moron for two weeks during my big quest.
Harley: Gus.
Gus: No, no. I'm doing my work. I'm doing my job. Working on my case. I can be a real cop on my spare time.
Harley: Well, this is pretty real.
Gus: No, it's all right. It's just going to have to wait. That's all.
Harley: Exactly. That's the point. It can wait. Remember that, you know. You don't have to decide anything for sure right now. You don't owe the Spaulding's anything.
Gus: (Sighs) So you think I should just not speak up?
Harley: I think that... I think that you should be careful. Because you know what? Once you say it, it is out there and you can not take it back. And look how they were with Zach. I mean, boom, they put a Spaulding label on it and they own it.
Gus: Oh, please. They're never going to own me.
Harley: Well, they're certainly going to try.
Gus: No, well, I can handle it, all right? I got to go. I got a date with a snitch.
Harley: Okay. You want me to come?
Gus: No, no. Because if this jerk sees two cops there, he's just going to bolt. He's jumpy like that, okay? I'll call you.
Harley: Hey, it'll be okay. Really.
Alexandra: Lucia, I warned you, I begged you not to tell Gus about Alan, and you did it anyway. Now you want to tell Alan that Gus is his son. Are you truly out of your mind?
Lucia: I tried, Alexandra. I tried to keep Alan a secret, but Gus found out anyway. Only now on top of everything else, he's been lied to again. Do you know the consequences to that?
Alexandra: Consequences. You don't know the half of it.
Lucia: No, I don't. I haven't known for years. I left my baby boy with two parents who loved him. Only they died and my son had to grow up on his own. But I never knew about it, because I abandoned him and I'm not going to do it again.
Alexandra: All right, all right, you want to protect Gus. Do you really think telling Alan anything will help?
Lucia: I'm putting Alan on warning. I know who he is. I know what he can do. He won't hurt my son. I won't allow it.
Alexandra: You're giving Alan fair warning?
Lucia: Yes, I am.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Do you really think you can stop Alan Spaulding?
Lucia: I will if I have to.
Alexandra: Oh, Lucia, Lucia, if you really want to protect Gus, the last thing in the world you will do is tell Alan anything, because you could ruin his life then.
Alan: Nolan? Nolan! I've got to get some rest.
Phillip: Dad, I got to thank you for sending her
straight over. I owe you. Because she is the best.
She is the best!
Alan: Stop!
(Olivia laughing)
Olivia: We can't.
Your son's insatiable. No wonder he got me pregnant. (Laughter)
Alan: Stop. (Laughter) Stop!
Marina: (Laughing) I'm sorry.
Remy: Marina says you're leaving the Spaulding gig. You have a new job.
Ben: Yeah, maybe. I don't want to say anything about it until I know more about it. But do not worry, I will have the rent.
Remy: Okay.
Felicia: So what did Josh say?
Reva: About what?
Felicia: Reva, last time we talked you were ready to hop on a plane to Europe. Have you stopped sensing?
Reva: No. In fact the only thing that's keeping me sane right now is the fact that there's so many folks in my head. It's like a party. I can't really focus in any one thought.
Felicia: You know the people I know could really help you get a handle on things.
Reva: I'm sure they can. It's just telling Josh...
Felicia: What? You don't think he'd understand it?
Reva: It means leaving again. And I've done that so many times that the idea of trying to explain it... Maybe you can help me with that.
Josh: Actually I think you're doing a pretty good job all by yourself.
Alexandra: All right. All right. I know you want to protect Gus, yes?
Lucia: Right.
Alexandra: We both agree that keeping him away from Alan is the best thing?
Lucia: Yes, but I don't know what Gus wants.
Alexandra: Then why tell Alan anything? Anything. He may never find out.
Lucia: Gus will tell him.
Alexandra: You don't know that. And I don't think he will.
Lucia: My son is a good, honest man.
Alexandra: And he's no dummy.
Lucia: But it's the truth. He'll want to set the record straight.
Alexandra: (Laughs slightly) All right, all right. Maybe Gus will want to tell him the truth. But that's his decision to make isn't it? Lucia, I know that you feel terrible about the way you hurt him, and I know that.
Lucia: Yes, it's killing me.
Alexandra: All right, all right. Then please, please don't do it again. I mean, Gus was a kid. He had no control over his life then, but he does now. Do you want to take that right away from him?
Lucia: You think I should just let Gus deal with Alan on his own terms?
Alexandra: Yes, yes, yes, I do. Oh, Lucia. Alan can come back any moment. Please go.
Lucia: I know what you're doing, Alex.
Alexandra: I'm only trying to save everyone from--
Lucia: No. You have your own reasons for not telling Alan, right? Don't let the habit fool you, Alex. I'm not a CEO or a politician, but I'm a mother who has 30 years of betrayal to make up to my son. Maybe you don't remember what that's like.
Alexandra: And maybe I do.
Lucia: If your agenda is bad to Nicky, if you even try to hurt my son, you're going to have to go through me first.
Gus: Where are you Jimmy? I'm here already. What are you talking about? I was not late. Look, just get down here... Listen, mouth, this is not the day to tick me off, okay? Oh, yeah? Oh, yeah, well, think about this. Think about who's going to bail you out the next time you dent up Morris? Because it ain't going to be me!
Phillip: Well, Gus Aitoro, my long lost kindred spirit. How the hell are you?
Gus: What? What? What was that?
Phillip: It's good to see you, Gus?
Gus: It is?
Phillip: Yeah.
Gus: What did you just call me before?
Phillip: (Laughs) Don’t... don't worry. I was just referring to the fact that you and I now have something in common beyond my ex-wife and son. Can I buy you a drink?
Gus: You want to buy me a drink?
Phillip: Yeah, I'd like to buy you a drink. I'm having a good day. I'm celebrating. Deal with it.
Gus: Why you want to buy me a drink?
Phillip: I don't know. Why not? I'm waiting for somebody, killing a little time.
Gus: Oh, that's it. That's it, okay.
Phillip: In or out?
Gus: Yeah, I'm in.
Phillip: Good enough. You can catch me up on Zach.
Gus: All right, you can catch me on why you're such a good mood sort of fella today, Mr. Spaulding?
Phillip: Don't call me that. Actually I’m celebrating some rather large changes that I've made in my life.
Gus: Really? Me, too. Except I didn't ask for mine.
Phillip: Hmm. Well, you're in a bar. You got something you want to get off your chest, this is the place to do it. I'm all ears. What's up?
Reva: You think I’m crazy, don't you?
Josh: I know you're crazy. (Laughs) It seems like something else. How are these people going to be able to help you?
Reva: Well, Felecia thinks that they'll be able to help me understand why it's happening now, you know. And maybe find a way to control it, to be able to tune into it when I want to and be able to block it out the rest of the time. It sounds wacky, doesn't it?
Josh: You know if you use frequent flyer miles, you can fly when you want and come back when you want.
Reva: You're okay with this?
Josh: Sure I'm okay with it. You're allowed to travel.
Reva: You won't miss me?
Josh: No. Not at all. Marah's going to be busy. Shayne's starting his sport. So I’ll just have to find some way to amuse myself that's all.
Reva: I don't think I like the sound of that.
Josh: Well, that's good. Then you'll come back quicker.
Reva: Come with me.
Josh: I can't. I got too much going on at work.
Reva: So you really think you'll be okay? What am I saying? You were okay with me for years when I was gone.
Josh: Stop it. Stop. We're going to miss you, but we will be okay.
Tony: Excuse me. Hey, Marah, where do you want me to put this?
Marah: Why don't you do as my mom.
Tony: Well, no, we gave you this room, remember?
Marah: Yeah, that was until the cavalry showed up.
Tony: Come on, they did all the grunt work. Did you and Marina really want to clean this place all by yourselves?
Marah: It's not like we would have been doing it all by ourselves.
Tony: You're ticked.
Marah: No, I'm not.
Tony: Yeah.
Marah: No. No, you're right. You know, we probably would have gotten stuck cleaning just by ourselves.
Tony: And you're ticked.
Marah: No, it was a really nice gesture.
Tony: Look, you don't want to tell me, fine. But at least admit it to yourself.
Harley: Don't. Don't you dare.
Frank: Pop, they have groups for this sort of thing, don't they? They have to.
Buzz: If they don't, she and Blake could start one. I mean after all they both been married to two Spaulding’s. (Laughter)
Frank: Hey, listen, she almost has her beat.
Harley: I'm out of here.
Buzz: Whoa, whoa.
Frank: Oh, come on.
Buzz: Oh, come on. Come on.
Frank: Take it easy.
Buzz: We had to get it out of system.
Frank: Yeah, really. Listen, we'll be good boys. I promise.
Harley: It isn't funny.
Frank: No, you're right, it isn't funny.
Buzz: It's not like you haven't thought of it. Come on.
Harley: I have. That's the problem. Gus is really torn up about this. He's really wondering who he is, you know, searching the globe literally. And when he finally gets his big answers, what’s the first thought in my head? How did I do this again? Don't you think that makes me this selfish hypocrite.
Buzz: Oh, stop that. You're neither one of those.
Harley: I am. Because I want him to be quiet. I do. How's that? Me. Harley Cooper always in search of the truth and I want him to be quiet. I'm saying that to him. How can we keep it quiet? How can we make it just go away? That's terrible. That does not speak well of me.
Frank: Will you stop being so hard on yourself. You're only human, you know. Besides who will ever really volunteer to be a Spaulding much less be hitched to one?
Harley: Me. Obviously three times.
Buzz: Gus is not a Spaulding. It's not a gene thing. It's about proximity.
Frank: Like an infection.
Buzz: Look at Phillip, you know. I mean not a drop of Spaulding blood and yet he's a total jerk. Gus is, you know, he's Gus. He doesn't have anything to do with them.
Harley: That's what I keep telling him.
Buzz: And you're right.
Harley: But it's why I keep telling him, Dad. Because I... I don't want him to get sucked into that Spaulding vortex-- or me. I'm afraid.
Gus: I always thought that's a good question. Where do I start. First of all, what I say has got nothing to do between me and Harley and Zach, is that a deal?
Phillip: You treating them well?
Gus: Oh, yeah.
Phillip: Are they happy?
Gus: As clams.
Phillip: You've got nothing to worry about from me.
Gus: All right.
Phillip: What's up?
Gus: Well, I had to kind of start digging into my life. You know, the whole custody thing with you and Harley. And what that did was it took on a life of it's own. I'm adopted. My mother's not my mother. My father's not my father. And it's... It just kind of opens up the whole thing.
Phillip: Yeah. Been there, done that. Trashed the Country Club when I found out. What have you broken?
Gus: Nothing yet.
Phillip: Yeah. I was a teenager when I found out. You're probably more mature than I am anyway. Not that it's any of my business, but do you know anything about your biological family?
Gus: I'm working on that.
Phillip: Well, let me ask you something. The parents that you knew, they were good people?
Gus: They were excellent people.
Phillip: Then my advice to you would be to go with that. Good family is hard to find whether you're born into it or you fall into it. Just count your blessings.
Gus: So you don't think I should bother with my birth parents?
Phillip: I can't tell you that. That's your choice. I can tell you to be careful what you wish for.
Gus: No, but you said, Spaulding, you said if it was you...
Phillip: You know, you really got to stop calling me that.
Gus: Why?
Phillip: Because I'm not. I'm not a Spaulding.
Gus: Oh, you're not a Spaulding because you're adopted. Why is that different from my thing then?
Phillip: No, it's not because I’m not adopted. It's because the Spaulding’s are rotten to the core. Which is something that I knew all those years ago when I trashed the County Club-- actually knew it for a few years after that. But somewhere along the line I managed to talk myself into forgetting it. However, in the last few months, I have really remembered it again. And I'm done.
Gus: You're done?
Phillip: I'm done. I am finished with being a Spaulding. Barkeep, can we do this again please? You know the interesting thing? I never really was a Spaulding, no matter how hard Alan tried to mold me into one, I never really was one and I knew it. The thing I can't figure is how can it take a grown man so long to remember something that he knew in his bones when he was ten years old? Why would I stick around so long? Why would anybody want to be apart of this family that didn't have to?
Marah: It's fine, really.
Tony: No, it's not. It should be, but it's not. You were feeling all independent, like you're bossing us all around. You were queen of the joint.
Marah: I wasn't bossing you guys around.
Tony: Yes, you were. And you know what? We were your willing slaves. At least I am, you know.
Marah: (Laughs) Well, you better be.
Tony: Then your mom came in and she took over. It's a turf thing. I know.
Marah: It's not a turf thing.
Tony: Yeah, yeah. You're ticked. You're ticked.
Marah: Okay, okay. Well, can you understand why?
Tony: Yes. And no.
Marah: So why yes?
Tony: Because obviously you're a grown woman. You should be able to do things on your own without your mom butting in.
Marah: Right. So why no?
Tony: Because she came in and she helped. Relax. Enjoy it. You have parents who can help you out.
Marah: I'm sorry. I know it must seem insensitive. You lost your parents at a young age...
Tony: Yeah, you did, too, remember? Be happy that she can help you out now. Just don't give her a key so she can drop in, okay? I'm going to go help Remy out, all right?
Marina: (Screams) Foods here!
Reva: Yes.
Marah: I got it. No, Mom. Mom, I got it. I got it, okay?
Tony: Nice.
Marah: Thank you.
Bill: Here I have some...
Tony: I got it. I got it. I got money.
Reva: Okay, everybody, we're out of here. Let's go, Felecia.
Marah: No, no, no, no. Wait. You guys can't leave. Remy.
Remy: Tunes?
Marah: Oh, exactly. You guys, we want to thank you. You did such a good job here today and the least we could do is pay for the food, so...
Reva: Sweetheart, that's fine. It's fine. But this is your place, your thing, your...
Marah: No, Mom. Nobody's leaving until we party, okay? Yeah! Okay.
Buzz: Now back up, give yourself credit. You've been a Spaulding.
Harley: Twice.
Frank: Well, twice and a half.
Buzz: Frank. And it hasn't killed you yet. You're pretty swell. No matter what Gus does, you'll be fine. It's just... It's new.
Harley: Yeah, yeah, that's it. I just... I just need to get my arms around this thing, you know.
Frank: Look I think you're just freaking out because this is all so weird. Not too mention saying something pretty frightening about yourself, but uh...
Harley: Shut up.
Frank: Look, Gus is Gus. I doubt very much he's going to change as a person.
Harley: No.
Buzz: No. And chances are knowing Gus, now that he has his answers, he'll let it alone, you know. Maybe forever.
Lloyd: Here we go.
Alexandra: And this is a nice hot cup with the proper dosage.
Lloyd: Measured it myself.
Alexandra: Good. Good. Well, this time I'm going to sit with him until he downs every last drop. (Knock at the door) Alan? Are you resting?
Gus: So you're serious. You're going to just walk away from it all?
Phillip: Yes, from all things Spaulding. That shocks you? How is that possible knowing my family?
Gus: But if I was honest, I know you.
Phillip: No, actually you don’t. (Laughs)
Gus: Then you've been doing an amazing impression of a Spaulding since the day I met you.
Phillip: No, Gus, I was just trying to protect my son. And that's something I would do all over again.
Gus: Oh, so...
Phillip: I might use slightly different methods.
Gus: Spaulding-esque, you'd be kind of just a little bit of a jerk.
Phillip: No, I'd probably still be a big jerk at least in your eyes. (Laughter) Gus, I don't think we ever have to worry about being best friends, but I’m not going to lose a whole of sleep over that, are you?
Gus: No.
Phillip: No. But things will be different. I actually did this once before. I left that house, I was going to be a writer.
Gus: A writer.
Phillip: Mm-hmm.
Gus: You? Really?
Phillip: Yeah. Because I always knew it was poison, but I didn't get far enough, fast enough and they sucked me back in. See that's... that's what they do. They suck you back in. It's okay. I'm older and wiser. I'll be all right. Although it's nice of you to appear so concerned.
Gus: It's not that.
Phillip: Well, then what is it? Because you don't look well. As matter of fact, you haven't looked well since you sat down.
Gus: Yeah.
Olivia: Alan, what are you doing here?
Alan: I'm looking for my son. I'm looking for my son!