Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 3/26/03
Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya
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[Beginning missing]
Gus: And the quicker we can get to Chicago, the quicker we can question her.
Harley: Gus, Gus. I don't think we have to wait that long.
Ben: Whoa!
Marina: This is where you're going to live? Ben! Ben, this place is amazing!
Ben: Look how high these ceilings are. And the marble. Man.
Marina: Is this parquet on the floor under all this grime?
Ben: Yeah, looks like it. Marah was right. This place is amazing. It's perfect.
Marina: I'm so jealous. I want to live here, too-- with you.
Ben: Oh, yeah. I'm sure your dad would love that.
Marina: When I turn 18, I can live anywhere I want, and he can't stop me.
Ben: Marina, you know how hard I’ve worked to get your father and your grandfather to like me. You really think I’m going to go out of my way to alienate them now?
Marina: I guess not. It just really bugs me.
Ben: What does?
Marina: Your roommates get to spend so much more time with you than I do.
Ben: Mm-hmm. All my roommates? Or one female roommate in particular? Hey, you know, I don't mind. It shows you still care if you're jealous.
Marina: Still?
Marah: Oh, yeah.
Shayne: You've got to be kidding me.
Marah: We've got a lot of work to do, but...
Marina: You're saying jealousy is a good thing?
Shayne: This is insane.
Marina: Hey, Shayne. Let me help you with the box. What do you have in there? Ooh.
Danny: Wait. Please, Michelle, wait. Don't leave. Don’t.
Michelle: Leave? Don't leave? Love me, don't love me. You're dead, you're alive. We're together, we're apart. I'm tired of it. I am sick and tired of living our life on your terms.
Danny: So am I. So am I. That's why I did this, so that we can try something that we've never tried before. Please, just hear me... Hear me out. Please. Michelle, when we first got married... Well, we didn't even know each other's middle name or birthday or favorite color. And then, from that day forward, it was like we were on this roller coaster ride that never seemed to stop. Everything that happened to us happened in this huge, dramatic way. We never got to make any decisions together, because there were always these outside forces controlling our lives. And I know that was mostly my fault. It felt like we were twisting ourselves into pretzels to try to fit into each other's world. I tried so hard to become a Bauer.
Michelle: That's not what I wanted.
Danny: I know. I know you didn’t. I know. And you tried to make yourself a Santos. We were both trying so hard that we never stopped to think that maybe the best thing for us would be to find our own place in the world, together, as a couple.
Michelle: So you decided to buy us a house without even mentioning it to me first?
Danny: Okay, maybe I got a little carried away. I saw the place was for sale, and I remembered you telling me that you have always loved this place since you were a little girl, and so, that was it. I had to do it.
Michelle: You had to sweep me off my feet, right?
Danny: Is that such a bad Michelle, I never got the chance to do that. I never... We never got the chance to date or court, or whatever you want to call it. And then you started seeing Bill, and I saw you... (Sighs) I saw you going on these dates with him and having so much fun, and I wanted us to have that. I wanted us to have that so much, but I thought it was too late. And then I decided that there was no way in hell that I was going to stand by and watch him take you away from me.
Michelle: So you decided to be the fun guy, too, starting with presents in a pizza box.
Danny: Well, yeah. I mean, I thought that was pretty clever. I was just trying to be, you know, a little imaginative and light-hearted in my own way.
Michelle: I liked it, Danny. I liked it, okay? But I tried to thank you, and you started playing games with me.
Danny: No, I was not playing games with you. I wasn't, I swear. I was just so scared that you would say no to me. Michelle, I couldn't live with myself if you said no to me one more time. Look, if you don't... If you want to leave, I'm not going to stop you. I mean, in fact, maybe you should get out of here before you see what else I've done. (Laughs)
Michelle: What?
Danny: Forget it. I don't want to freak you out any more than I already have.
Michelle: Well, it's too late now, Danny. What else is there besides the house? Show me. It's beautiful, Danny. The orchid is...
Danny: You like that? It's fresh from the greenhouse. There's a greenhouse in the back. Well, I guess you already know that. Well, that's it. No more surprises. So, easy come, easy go.
Michelle: No, no, no, no. Don't hurt it, don't hurt it. It's really beautiful.
Danny: You can have it if you like it.
Michelle: I love it. I love all of it. Don't you understand? I love the house. I love the idea of us having a future here. But I...
Marina: Ah! Stop! Whoa! (Giggles)
Marah: You know, if my brother is horning in on your girlfriend, you can just tell him to stop.
Ben: Marina is not really interested in Shayne, all right? It's a game we play: "I bet I can make you jealous."
Marah: Oh, yeah? Who's winning? Does it work?
Marina: Yay! We can finally have some music. Where are the CD's?
Shayne: In the bottom of some box. I don't know, don't even ask me which one.
Marina: I guess we'll just listen to the radio then.
Sandy: So, let's talk campus news, my mole.
Mole: Let's not and say we did.
Marina: Oh, you guys, it's Sandy and the Mole.
Ben: Yes.
Sandy: Hello, they're trying to find a new president for the university, and they've narrowed down the search, down to the just two candidates.
Mole: Both of them chicks. I think both the ladies should sign on with the hottest new business in town.
Sandy: And he's back to his favorite topic again. Holy moley, you're obsessed.
Mole: Well, excuse me, but it's not every day a little burg like ours gets its very own upscale escort service. The Garden of Eden. I'm seeing fig leaves and nothing else.
Ben: Hey, let's see if there's some music on.
Marina: No! These guys are hysterical.
Sandy: ...Escort service, where the babes and boy toys do not put out.
Mole: And if you believe that, I just saw Elvis. What do you think all those horny businessmen and frustrated housewives are paying the big bucks for, my naive friend? Stimulating conversation?
Sandy: Well, stimulating something. So back to the presidential search, Mole man. You had an idea? Miracle.
Mole: Yeah. And I'll tell you all about it right after this commercial.
Shayne: Those guys are great. I love it.
Marina: They sure weren't too flattering about Eden, though, huh?
Eden: Like I care what they say. There's no publicity that's bad publicity. Right, Ben?
Gus: How did you know that she was here?
Harley: I spoke to my father earlier. Listen, I know you're angry. You have every right to be angry, but you want answers from her, right, so... Take it easy.
Lucia: Nicky. Nicky, when I saw you yesterday, and when I told you that I was your mother, for the first time-- something I’ve been longing and dreading for so long, never knowing when the day would come-- I realize that now that I’ve seen you grown up and thought about all the years that we've missed together, I just couldn't walk away from you.
Gus: Well, that's good. I didn't want you to go, either, you know?
Lucia: You didn't? Oh. Then you don't mind if I stay on in Springfield a little while? I just took a room here in the boarding house.
Gus: That's good.
Lucia: Great. We could spend some time together, get to know each other a little? I'd like that. You too, Harley. I know how important you are to Nicky.
Gus: I just... I have so many questions that I don't know where to begin.
Lucia: Ask me anything. I'll do my best to answer.
Gus: All right. You can start by telling me who my biological father is.
Lucia: Miguel.
Gus: No. No, not the guy that you said it was-- my real father. The one you haven't told me about yet.
Lucia: No, I don't understand.
Gus: Oh, no, you don't understand? Let me spell it out for you, sister. You've been lying to my face ever since I met you. I know that Miguel Santos is not my father. So you lied to me about that. Maybe you lied about being my mother. And if you did, who are you?
Harley: Gus and Danny Santos both submitted blood samples for DNA testing. The test confirmed they're not brothers, which means Miguel is not his father.
Gus: So you have a little explaining to do.
Lucia: All right, all right. I lied. Miguel Santos was not your father.
Harley: Then why did you say he was?
Lucia: For the same reason that I’ve done everything since they day you were born: To protect you.
Gus: More like to protect yourself.
Lucia: No, I know, say what you want, believe what you want, but I did what I did to save you. Miguel Santos was just the lesser of two evils. Better that you should think he was his father than...
Gus: Than what? Than who, Miguel Santos, who killed Joe August in cold blood?
Lucia: Oh, my God.
Gus: Oh, you didn't know that? Oh, you didn't know that?
Lucia: He killed Joe?
Gus: Yeah. Who would be worse than Miguel Santos.
Lucia: Somebody who's still alive. Somebody who is still alive and could still hurt you-- who's already hurt the both of you more than you ever will know.
Harley: "Already"? It's someone we know?
Lucia: His name is Alan Spaulding.
Marah: Eden, what are you doing here?
Eden: Oh, I was in the 'hood, and I just wanted to stop by and see if you had contacted my friend. You know, the designer? Oh, you guys can turn that back on. I don't care. People have taken shots at me my entire life.
Ben: No thanks. I think we've heard enough for today.
Marina: I thought you liked Sandy and the Mole.
Ben: I do, I do. They're great. But, you know, we've got a lot of work to do, and it's kind of distracting.
Eden: Oh, and here I thought you were being chivalrous and coming to my defense, Ben.
Ben: I'm sure you can defend yourself just fine. Marina, you want to come check out my new room, or would you rather keep helping Shayne?
Marina: Yeah, you got a bed in there, yet?
Ben: Let's find out.
Shayne: Marah, what's up with this box? Do you want it in your room or what?
Marah: Yeah, please. That would be great. Thanks.
Eden: Your brother's a hottie.
Marah: He's still in high school.
Eden: So did you call my friend that's the designer?
Marah: No, not yet.
Eden: Marah, you've got to strike while the iron is hot.
Marah: Okay, and I'm still wondering why you want me to strike at all.
Eden: I don't understand.
Marah: Well, I just don't understand why you care so much about me hooking up with your friend.
Eden: You don't understand? Or Tony doesn't understand?
Marah: Both of us.
Eden: Well, I think it's Tony that's more concerned. See, the world that he comes from, everybody uses everybody.
Marah: He's just trying to protect me.
Eden: And you like that?
Marah: He doesn't want me to get hurt.
Eden: And where Tony’s coming from, not really knowing a lot about art or self-expression, he probably doesn't understand that part of you, or maybe he just doesn't realize how important your work is to you. Yes, no, or all of the above?
Danny: Michelle, the house is yours if you want it. I'm yours if you want me. If you don't, you can leave. Leave and don't ever look back.
Michelle: I don't want to leave.
Danny: What do you want?
Michelle: I want you to kiss me. Can you handle something that simple?
Danny: I think so. Now what?
Michelle: Again.
Danny: Now what?
Michelle: Again. Again.
(Music playing)
come away with me in the night
come away with me and I will write you a song
come away with me on a bus
come away where they can't tempt us with their lies
and I want to walk with you on a cloudy day
in fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high
so won't you try to come come away with me
and we'll kiss on a mountaintop
come away with me and I'll never stop loving you
and I want to wake up with the rain falling on a tin roof
while I’m safe there in your arms
so all I ask is for you to come away with me
in the night come away with me.
Marah: Tony is totally supportive of my work. Whatever I want to do, he's fine with it.
Eden: Well, you're a lucky girl. Most guys aren't like that. Usually they're okay as long as they're successful, but once you start becoming successful, then they get, like, all insecure and possessive.
Marah: Well, not Tony.
Eden: Then why is he so negative about me hooking you up with my designer friend?
Marah: Because it's you. Because he doesn't trust you. Anything else I want to do, he's okay with.
Eden: Really? Like what?
Marah: Like I have an idea for a local event, and I want to organize it and produce it, and he is all for that.
Eden: So what kind of event?
Marah: Well, it's mostly a fashion show, but I also want to bring in some local artists and musicians and sort of have a showcase for them, and I’m going to try and get the design center at the university involved, too.
Eden: Wow. Well, how are you going to get the money to produce all of this?
Marah: I have a couple options in mind.
Eden: Well, if you, you know, want a local sponsor, count me in.
Marah: Thanks. I'll think about it.
Eden: Translation: "Dream on, Eden, I don't want an escort service sponsoring my event."
Marah: You know, if you're ashamed of the work you do, then don't do it.
Eden: No, I’m not ashamed. I don't have anything to be ashamed of. And I was just leaving. Oh, and congratulations on your new digs.
Marah: Thanks.
Tony: How did she know you were here?
Marah: I didn't ask.
Tony: What did she want?
Marah: She wanted to know if I had called her friend about the job.
Tony: And you told her no, and that you never would, right? Marah, come on. We've been over this, baby. This girl doesn't care about you or your work. She's just playing head games with you to get closer to me.
Marah: Yeah, and what if you're wrong?
Eden: Yeah, remember my friend that I told you about that had the great sketches? Yeah, Marah Lewis? I just wanted to give you the heads up: She's going to be giving you a call, and please take the time for this. It's important.
Gus: Alan Spaulding.
Harley: I... I'm just going to give you guys a minute.
Buzz: Hey, you. Get stuck with traffic duty again?
Harley: Daddy, no questions right now, okay?
Buzz: Okay.
Lucia: When I first came to work at the Spaulding house as their nanny, I was just a young girl fresh off the boat from Italy. It was a strange house, a strange town. It was a strange country. Brandon Spaulding...
Gus: That's Alan’s father.
Lucia: Right. He treated the family dog better than he treated me. But Alan was so sweet and kind to me. He told me I was pretty, helped me with my English. I was lonely.
Gus: And one thing led to the other.
Lucia: I did what nice girls don't do.
Gus: What did Alan do?
Lucia: It was all just an act. Once he'd had me, he treated me worse than his father. But by then, it was too late.
Gus: You got pregnant.
Lucia: Yes.
Gus: And then you went to your buddy Alexandra, and you said you needed a whole pile of money, otherwise you were going to take the family down?
Lucia: No.
Gus: No?
Lucia: No, just the opposite. I told her that I didn't want anything to do with that hideous family. I told her I’d do anything and everything I could to make sure that Alan Spaulding never even saw my baby. And she agreed with me. She helped me get out of town. You don't believe me, do you?
Gus: I just have one question.
Lucia: Tell me.
Gus: It's not like I was some nameless child that you gave up at birth. You knew me until I was six years old. You took me to the park. You tied my shoes. You gave me milk and cookies. You loved me. And then you abandoned me. What kind of person does that?
Marina: That would be such an amazing place for me and my band to practice.
Shayne: Yeah, if you had a band.
Marina: Yeah, well, maybe I’d have a band if I had a basement like that.
Ben: Sorry, babe. You're going to have to find another place to become a Grammy winner because the basement is already taken.
Marina: Oh, why is that?
Ben: Bill and Remy and I have been talking about getting a pool table, and the basement is the perfect place for it. You turn one end into a bar, get a great sound system. Party central.
Marah: Oh, yeah, that's mature.
Ben: Whoa, I'm sorry Princess Lewis, I thought you liked the idea.
Marah: Yeah, okay, sorry. It's a really good idea. Really.
Shayne: Yeah, why don't we go get some more stuff.
Marina: Yeah.
Ben: Yeah.
Tony: Marah, look, if I made you feel that I wasn't on your side, I take it back a thousand times, because I am, okay? Look, I think that you are the most amazing person that I have ever met. And whatever you want to do with your life, I’m with you.
Marah: You mean that?
Tony: Yes.
Marah: Okay. Thank you.
Bartender: One corpse reviver.
Eden: Thank you.
Bartender: Sir?
Bill: I'll take one of those.
Eden: Are you sure?
Bill: Well, if it can revive the dead, I'm all for it.
Eden: You know, you better try it first.
Bill: Tastes even better than it looks.
Eden: I taught the bartender how to make it so he can do it right.
Bill: Ah, so you must have done this professionally.
Eden: I did. But now I've moved on to bigger, better things.
Bill: Well, I’m all for moving on. What exactly have you moved on to?
Eden: Would you like my card?
Bill: You've got to network. "Garden of Eden." Hm. And you are?
Eden: Eden.
Bill: Oh. Oh, I see. That's cute. That's cute. Bill. Bill Lewis.
Eden: Nice to meet you, Bill.
Bill: So, Eden, what do you do? Are you a florist?
Eden: No. People come to me who are lonely and I make them less lonely.
Bill: Oh, so you're like a matchmaker, a dating service?
Eden: Not quite. It's an escort service.
Bill: (Laughs) Ah. Are you the only one on staff? (Clears throat)
Eden: You think I’m a call girl.
Bill: Gee, let's see: In a bar, in a hotel, coming on to me the first two seconds after we meet. No, you're right. That's a dumb question.
Eden: No, it's a logical assumption, but it's a wrong one. I own the escort service, and it is purely about companionship. There is no sex involved.
Bill: (Laughs) You really expect me to believe that, hmm?
Eden: Okay, all right. Now it's my turn to ask you a question. So why are you so interested in what I do for a living, Bill? Do you happen to be lonely?
Harley: Are you okay?
Gus: Yeah, I'm fine.
Harley: Fine, huh?
Gus: It doesn't matter. Nothing... Nothing's changed.
Harley: You can tell yourself that as much as you like, but I think we both know everything has changed.
Gus: It doesn't matter. I don't care about the Spaulding’s, okay? We'll never tell anyone.
Lucia: I'm sorry.
Buzz: What's going on?
Lucia: It's not my place to say, not my place to talk for Harley.
Buzz: Well, then speak for yourself.
Lucia: I tried to change history, Buzz. I couldn't do it.
Gus: I want no part of them, and believe me, they're not going to want any part of me.
Harley: Do you think Alan even knows you're his son? No way. Alexandra's keeping it a secret from him, too. Don't you wonder why? Don't you wonder why she's working so hard to keep this connection a secret?
Gus: I don't care, I don't care, I don't care. I don't care.
Harley: I think you do.
Gus: Look, I got the story that I need, okay? Yeah, okay, so big Al and me, we have a DNA connection, but that's it. As far as I'm concerned, my father was a hero, Joe August, and my mother was the angel that raised me, not that crazy flying nun outside. Okay?
Harley: I think that sounds great.
Gus: What's important to me is sitting right next to me right now. You and your boys and that beautiful home that we've made together. You are my present. You are my future. My past is dead.
Bill: I'm not into paid companionship. Thanks.
Eden: So, neither of us is looking and neither of us are offering. Seems like we don't have a lot in common.
Bill: No, I’m sure we don't.
Eden: Now, come on. How can you say that? You don't know anything about me.
Bill: Well, for starters, your hands. Very smooth, nice manicure, nice pretty jewelry. Now look at these. They're all rough and scraped up from working construction all these years.
Eden: Mm. I bet you look hot in a tool belt.
Bill: I do, actually.
Eden: (Laughs)
Bill: Unfortunately, I don't get to wear one much these days. I spend most of my time in front of the computer in the office. So I’m sorry to ruin your blue-collar fantasy.
Eden: So, are you lonely? Or just unhappy?
Bill: Everyone's unhappy from time to time.
Eden: Yeah, it's just a shame-- a handsome young guy like you sitting in a bar in the middle of the day, drowning his sorrows. It must be pretty hard. If you want to talk about it...
Bill: You're a good listener?
Eden: Yeah, actually I am.
Bill: Thanks, Eden, but I’ll pass.
Eden: All right. Well, you've got my card. Hold onto it in case you change your mind.
Danny: Uh, I forgot something.
Michelle: No, I don't think so.
Danny: No, I forgot to remove the "For Sale" sign from the front of the house. This would be a terrible time for an open house. (Laughter) Am I jumping the gun again? Are we keeping the house?
Michelle: Yeah, we're keeping it. Well, as long as it comes with the orchid.
Danny: Oh, are you kidding? Orchids? We'll grow millions of them. It'll be my life's goal to surround you with orchids.
Michelle: That's good because it's suddenly become my favorite flower, being that it's so versatile.
Danny: See? After all this time and after everything we've been through, there's still room for surprise.
Michelle: Yeah, but you know what surprises me more than anything? Was how you managed to love me through all of this, even when I was angry and even when I made you leave.
Danny: Doesn't matter anymore, because we're going to have a brand-new start. No more control from me, no more solo decision making. From now on we're going to discuss everything, we're going to talk about everything...
Michelle: Stop talking.
Danny: No, I'm serious. I want you to take your time to feel comfortable before we go any further with this, okay? You let me know when you're ready.
Michelle: Thank you. I appreciate that.
Danny: You're welcome.
Michelle: Danny?
Danny: Yes, Michelle?
Michelle: I'm ready.
Danny: No, I'm serious. I don't want you to feel like you have to do anything because of this house or anything I've done.
Michelle: Shh. Shh, shh, shh. It's my turn. Danny Santos, will you marry me?
Danny: Oh, yeah, I can do that.