GL Transcript Monday 3/24/03

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 3/24/03

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

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Cassie: Who's it from? Who's it from? (Laughs)

Michelle: It's from Danny.

Cassie: Oh, well, let's see what it is.

Michelle: Wow. They're golden love birds.

Cassie: That is so sweet, Michelle.

Michelle: Yeah. It is. You know, all these really fun, thoughtful gifts from Danny keep showing up. Why doesn't he?

Alan: Phillip, we need to talk about the baby-- my baby. There are a few things that we need to straighten out. (Cell phone ringing)

Phillip: Uh, I need to take this. Hello? Alan's voice activated Olivia's cell. He did it. He set Olivia up.

Alan: Well, who was that?

Phillip: It was you.

Alan: What?

Phillip: You lied to me. Again. Not five minutes ago, you stood here and you looked me in the eye and you told me that you didn't set Olivia up, but it was you.

Alan: Phillip...

Phillip: You did do it.

Alan: Phillip, that's just...

Phillip: Why don't I know by now that everything you tell me is a lie?

Alan: What are you talking about?

Phillip: Because you said you loved her. That's obviously a lie, because you're willing to see her behind bars. Or, no, actually you're hoping that she's going to do serious time, and this is the woman who's carrying your child.

Alan: Wait, wait, you've got this all wrong.

Phillip: Or rather, who could be carrying your grandchild. But it doesn't make any difference to you.

Alan: I would never...

Phillip: To hell with her, right? Just let her rot in jail. You wouldn't what? You would never want to hurt Olivia? You'd never want to punish her for choosing me or anybody else over you?

Alan: If you will just let me speak!

Phillip: Oh, say anything that you'd like, Dad, because I'm through listening! I'm through with all of it! I am finished! I am done!

Gus: I don't understand this.

Lucia: I'm your mother. You can start with that.

Alexandra: Please, this is not the time, the place.

Lucia: I will not disappear again just to suit you.

Harley: Why does this suit you?

Lucia: My son has come back into my life. Call it fate or an act of God, I can't ignore it anymore. Nicholas...

Gus: How can this... how can this be? You were the nice lady up the street.

Lucia: You said it yourself at the convent. It seemed like I was part of the family. I was. I know, I know, there's so much to explain. Forgive me. I never stopped loving you.

Gus: But you became someone else and then you disappeared?

Lucia: No, I couldn't stay behind that screen. I stayed silent. I could have gone on pretending, but I couldn't let you suffer anymore.

Gus: Well, that's good because I feel great right now.

Alexandra: Okay, okay, that's really enough.

Harley: This is enough. You need to do some talking. Why is she here? Why? And what does any of this have to do with you?

Alexandra: Look, Harley...

Harley: I have a better idea. Why don't we give them some privacy? All right, I am not fooling around with you. I want the answers, Alexandra. I want them now. What do you have riding on all this?

Alexandra: Oh, God. Gina... Lucia was my friend, that's all.

Harley: When she was Phillip's nanny?

Alexandra: Yes.

Harley: And? Come on! Alexandra, that woman is not here by accident! What is all this?

Alexandra: It is all about protecting her and her son. That's all it's ever been about from the very beginning.

Harley: Protecting them from what?

Lucia: Please don't be angry with me.

Gus: I'm a lot of things right now.

Lucia: I know. So am I.

Gus: All right, look, let's just take it slow, and I'll do my best not to judge you.

Lucia: All children judge their parents.

Gus: Yeah, well, there might be a little bit of that, because I need to understand what happened.

Lucia: Could we go outside somewhere and talk? It's such a lovely day.

Gus: Yeah, I know a... I know a little spot.

Alexandra: Where are you going?

Gus: We're going for a little walk.

Harley: Can I just talk to you for a second?

Alexandra: Do not tell Gus that Alan is his father.

Gus: Would you do me a favor and not whisper behind my back? What did you just say to her?

Alexandra: (Scoffs)

Gus: What did you just say to her?

Alexandra: Making plans for later.

Gus: My car's out front.

Alan: Would you tell me what just happened? The phone rings, you take it outside, you come back inside.

Phillip: No. Just the opposite. I actually think this may be the most lucid moment I've ever had in my life.

Alan: Phillip, we were having the most civilized conversation that we've had in months, and suddenly you come back exploding.

Phillip: No. See, that's it. It's not sudden. It's just the last straw. It's been coming for the last 40 years or so. Ever since the day you brought me in here and you started passing me off as your son.

Alan: You are my son.

Phillip: But it doesn't make any difference. It's all finished. It's all done. You have no hold over me anymore. I am free.

Alan: I have never tried to keep a hold over you.

Phillip: Oh, that's right. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You called it "love." And you know what? Idiot that I was, I actually did love you. But that's done. It's finished. All I feel now is contempt.

Alan: You don't mean that.

Phillip: You don't think so?

Alan: Olivia has poisoned your mind.

Phillip: Of course, it has to be Olivia...

Alan: She wants you to believe that I somehow set her up.

Phillip: Uh-huh.

Alan: That I concocted some scheme to have her arrested for stalking Reva. Well, you know what? Just to pay her back, that's a lie.

Phillip: You may as well calm down. It's different this time.

Alan: What is?

Phillip: Our fights have always run the same course, haven't they? You'd do something outrageous, I'd yell and scream, tell you I hated you and storm off. But I always came back.

Alan: Yes, you came back because families fight, but the strong ones forgive.

Phillip: That sounds very noble, but it's got nothing to do with strength of character. No, I came back because I was too weak to stay away.

Alan: Oh, Phillip, that's ridiculous!

Phillip: No, it's not. It's the truth, and you know it. You always knew it. You always knew that there was a part of me that still wanted to please you, that wanted to make you proud, and you banked on that. But that account is closed. It's done. It's finished. All I want now is out.

Alan: Don't turn your back on your father.

Phillip: You're not my father.

Alan: I raised you. I am your father as much as any man could be.

Phillip: You're my past.

Michelle: You know, Danny doesn't even call to see if I got any of these gifts that he's sending me, much less return my calls. It's getting a little weird.

Cassie: Wow, I didn't realize it was to that extreme.

Michelle: Exactly. Do you know what he said to me the last time we were together? He said that we were meant to be together and that I shouldn't be afraid of love.

Cassie: Well, I think that's romantic.

Michelle: Yeah. Yeah, but then he all but disappeared, so it kind of took the tingle out of things.

Cassie: You sure about that?

Michelle: Well, I'm sure that you've seen him.

Cassie: Yes, I have, and I know that he has been very, very busy.

Michelle: Right, right, and business and business partners come first, I understand.

Cassie: No, he's just really busy working on this new project.

Michelle: Well, what's the new project?

Cassie: We're renovating the 5th Street district.

Michelle: Are you kidding?

Cassie: No.

Michelle: A whole neighborhood?

Cassie: Whole thing.

Michelle: Wow. I mean, I had no idea Danny was tackling something that big.

Cassie: Look at these copies of the artist's conception.

Michelle: Oh, my God. It's like a whole new community.

Cassie: Well, that's the whole idea. You know, we take the slums and we make it this thriving, livable, new part of the city. It's amazing.

Michelle: Wow. When Danny Santos goes legit, he really goes all the way.

Cassie: He is giving it 110%, Michelle, he is.

Michelle: Yeah, and he's giving me the birds. Not that they're not adorable. It just makes me wonder.

Cassie: Makes you wonder what?

Michelle: Well, you're telling me Danny's so unbelievably busy, and yet he's got time to plan this multi-gift campaign.

Cassie: Because he loves you.

Michelle: Then why doesn't he call me and tell me, or just show up and say it?

Cassie: Not many guys would send you a pair of beautiful golden love birds, Michelle.

Michelle: I know. It was a sweet gesture. If that's all that it is.

Cassie: Okay, now I don't understand.

Michelle: Well, I don't know if I do, either. It just seems like Danny is playing some kind of game with me. Has Danny said anything to you at all?

Cassie: Nothing. Except how crazy he is about you.

Michelle: Yeah, well, I wish he would stop acting crazy because it's making me nuts. See, do you want to know how my mind goes in all this?

Cassie: Can I take it?

Michelle: I just start thinking that he's gone back to this place of not trusting me.

Cassie: You got that out of two love birds?

Michelle: Well, because it could be about control. See, yes, Danny is willing to send me romantic gifts, but, no, he's not willing to let me make up my own mind or make my own choices about our relationship.

Cassie: You are nuts.

Michelle: Thanks.

Cassie: It just doesn't make sense, Michelle.

Michelle: Well, neither does Danny's version of the invisible man.

Cassie: I think you just miss him.

Michelle: Or maybe he's trying to make me miss him.

Cassie: Is that so terrible?

Michelle: Well, it totally takes me out of the mix. I mean, he's not taking into consideration what I want.

Cassie: Okay. What do you want? If he would have hand-delivered these birds, would you have wrapped your arms around him? Or would you have slapped him across the face? Because by how you're acting, I don't know what you would have done. (Cell phone rings) Sorry. Hello?

Danny: Hey. Don't let Michelle know it's me. It's Danny.

Cassie: I didn't realize that you were aware of my situation.

Danny: Yeah, well, I almost walked right into the two of you. I'm right outside the entrance. Can you get somewhere where Michelle can't hear you?

Cassie: Hold on. Excuse me, this is business. What are you doing? I feel like I should be wearing, like, a trench coat, sunglasses and hat.

Danny: I know, I know. I thought Michelle would be out of there by now. Did she like the birds?

Cassie: She loved the birds. What's going on?

Danny: Meet me outside.

Cassie: You know what, Michelle? I have to run outside. There's an electrical problem with these new lights I'm putting up and they need me, so I'll be right back.

Michelle: Okay, sure.

Harley: Hey.

Buzz: That good a day, huh?

Harley: Let me ask you something, Dad.

Buzz: Okay.

Harley: When was the last time you had a chat with your good friend, Alexandra Spaulding?

Buzz: Not so long. Why?

Harley: Because I was hoping that maybe you could be the one to tell me what the hell she's thinking.

Buzz: You want to talk to me?

Harley: You know what? When I gave up Daisy for adoption, there was not a day-- not a day-- that I did not think about that child.

Buzz: And this is on your mind because?

Harley: Because I don't understand what makes some people tick. Gus found out who his... who his mother is today.

Buzz: Is? I thought she was dead.

Harley: She was hiding. Yes, hiding. Behind a nun's habit. It was a lie. The whole thing was... it was a lie. But she was in his life. Oh, yeah, when he was little, she was pretending to be some woman who was just, you know, a lady in the neighborhood kind of thing.

Buzz: What?

Harley: Yes. Yeah, she'd come over to his house, she'd bake him birthday cakes and she would play with him and she'd baby-sit, you know? And when he was good and used to her-- he's, like, five, six years old-- she takes off.

Buzz: Why?

Harley: That is a very good question: Why? But take off she did, for, like, 30 years, and then your friend Alexandra lies and lies to Gus so that he doesn't find out who she really is.

Buzz: Sounds like the lady has a story.

Harley: Yes, well, let's hope Gus can get it out of her. But how can you do that? You know what I mean? As a parent, how do you do that to your kid?

Buzz: Well, speaking as a former absentee parent, there's always a reason. Never a good one, but...

Harley: Well, I wasn't talking about you this time, Dad. I wasn't, really.

Buzz: One of the big, sad things about this world is that most often, kids get hurt by their parents. Alex, her part in this, I mean, she hasn't been exactly in the sharing mode since she came back to town.

Harley: Yeah. Well, let me ask you this: How far do you think she'd be willing to go to get things to come out her way?

Buzz: Alex, she's as tough as they come. I mean, brutal sometimes.

Harley: You mean in that wonderful Spaulding way?

Buzz: No, no. She's different than that gang. She'd never hurt somebody just because she could. She's not spiteful.

Harley: Oh, so she has her reasons for wrecking people's lives.

Buzz: Somehow it's all about love.

Harley: That's not a reason, Dad. It's an excuse, and it's a lousy one.

Alexandra: What's wrong?

Alan: Your nephew has just lost his mind.

Phillip: (Laughs) No, it's all right. Come on in, Alex. You should hear this.

Alexandra: Hear what?

Alan: Pay no attention to him. He's having a psychotic meltdown.

Phillip: Right, because I am finally cutting the cord. I am severing the ties. Pick any expression you like. I am leaving this family's garbage behind: All the lies and the manipulation, the emotional blackmail. I'm done! I'm done! I'm out of the company. I'm out of the house. I am out of this family!

Alexandra: What? To do what?

Phillip: Oh, hell, I don't know. Start a new life someplace. Hey, maybe with Olivia and the baby. Maybe they'll be my family now.

Alexandra: All right, you can't... you can't just walk away and pretend you're not a Spaulding, for heaven's sakes, Phillip. I mean, no matter how angry you get, you are one of us.

Phillip: No, I'm not. I never really was.

Alexandra: (Sputters)

Phillip: It's okay. You know what? I'll... I'll leave my office keys with security.

Alexandra: No, you can't go, because you will ruin everything.

Lucia: There was a tree like that in the empty lot behind Joe and Angela's house.

Gus: It was cut down to make room for a bunch of condos.

Lucia: Nicholas, if I had known both your parents had died so young...

Gus: You would have what? You would have taken care of me and my new little sister?

Lucia: You deserved to have a mother all those years. You deserved to be loved.

Gus: Yeah, well, it's a shame it didn't work out.

Lucia: I feel like a thief.

Gus: Who was my father? The least you can do is tell me that. You know, Alexandra Spaulding has had me chasing my tail around for months on end now. Who is my father? Who is my father?

Lucia: Miguel Santos.

Gus: God. I mean, that makes perfect sense. It's just lately, lately I was sure it was somebody else.

Lucia: I hadn't planned on becoming pregnant, especially with him.

Gus: Well, he wasn't a very nice guy.

Lucia: No. But when I found out I was going to have a child, I wasn't sorry because I was already loving the little boy inside of me.

Gus: Well, how did Miguel feel about that?

Lucia: He didn't know. I wouldn't tell him. You know what kind of a man he was. I was afraid he'd come after... come after me and take away my baby. He acted like he owned me-- why not the child we made together?

Gus: Well, how did you... what, did you hide the fact that you were pregnant?

Lucia: After the first couple of months, I wore nothing but loose clothing, and then I always made sure to keep my body turned away from him when he came to visit.

Gus: Visit you where?

Lucia: In a hotel he owned, in Chicago. I had to quit my job with the Spaulding's. I couldn't stay in that house.

Gus: Why... why did you bother staying at all? Why didn't you leave town?

Lucia: I was afraid he'd come after me. I knew he would. Besides, Joe Augustino told me that he was going to help me.

Gus: Pop.

Lucia: I met him when he was first on the force, and then when he was on leave from the army, he stopped by the old neighborhood to say hello.

Gus: You tell him your little situation?

Lucia: Yes. And then he told me how desperate he and Angela were to have a child. It was too perfect. I wanted to give my son a better life than I could give him and here was a young couple aching to have a family.

Gus: So you cut a deal?

Lucia: No, it wasn't like that. I never said a word. I waited. I knew that Joe would be there when I went into labor. He was. He delivered you. I couldn't go to a hospital.

Gus: Why? Because you were afraid Miguel would come after me?

Lucia: Yes. That's when I told Joe what I wanted, when you were only a few minutes old. You should have seen his face.

Joe: I can't do this, Gina.

Gina: It's for him, so he'll have the life he deserves.

Joe: There are laws about giving up babies, adoption.

Gina: I don't care about the laws. You and Angela are good people. No one could treat my baby better than you.

Harley: Love. I'll tell you Dad, what people do for love, it makes me sick.

Buzz: It's not that bad.

Harley: Oh, it's bad enough. Come on, look at Phillip, keeping Zach from me for months and months and months. Why? All in the name of love-- he says. And now, Alexandra torturing Gus, lying to him, for what? Love? That's love?

Buzz: For someone who's in love herself, that's awfully cynical.

Harley: Cynical, no. It's just I'm a cop, okay, and I'm telling you, most of our caseloads are crimes of passion. And that's not me. That's statistics.

Buzz: If being a cop makes you focus on the dark stuff and go right past the light, I think you should, like, readjust your vision here. And I say that with love. (Cell phone rings)

Harley: Cooper. No, detective Aitoro is not with me. Well, if you can't get in touch with him, he probably turned off his cell phone. What's up? What? What lab results for what case? Oh! No, no, no, no. He's not going to want to wait for those. I'll pick those up myself. I'll be right there. Thanks. Thanks for the little chat, Dad. Oh, and I say that with love.

Buzz: (Laughs)

Phillip: What am I going to ruin?

Alexandra: Our family, what we have together. Phillip, I want you to take some time. I want you to think this through.

Phillip: I don't need to think about it. I don't need to.

Alexandra: Well, what about Lizzie and James and Zachary? I mean, where is this going to leave them?

Phillip: Maybe with a father who is happy for the first time in a great many years.

Alan: And I wonder how long that's going to last.

Phillip: As long as I'm away from all of this.

Alan: Phillip.

Alexandra: Phillip, please.

Alan: No, wait, wait, look. I know that you and I have our issues and we've had our problems in the past. Some of them are so deep, they may never be resolved, but you are a Spaulding and we never give up or give in. That's what makes our family strong. Don't go. It doesn't... it doesn't have to end this way.

Phillip: It's already over.

Alan: Phillip.

Alexandra: No, no, no. Phillip, please. No, no, no. No, no. Phillip, stop. Wait.

Alan: This is all your fault!

Alexandra: Mine? I wasn't even in the room when all this happened...

Alan: Ever since you came back here, you have done nothing but cause trouble, Alexandra!

Alexandra: What on earth are you talking about?

Alan: I know what you are up to.

Danny: Hey. She... you sure she's not going to follow you out here.

Cassie: She's not following me out here. I do not like keeping her in the dark again.

Danny: It's almost over, Cassie. It is.

Cassie: You are playing games with her.

Danny: No, I'm not playing games with her, I'm just trying to take the time to make things right with Michelle for once.

Cassie: I don't think she sees it like that.

Danny: Well, I don't want her pushing me away again. So what do you think? Is she sold on me yet? 100% trusting?

Cassie: No.

Danny: No? Why? Because she's afraid?

Cassie: Come on. Don't you think she has good reason to be afraid, Danny?

Danny: What are you saying? That you think that same thing she does? That I'll let her down again?

Cassie: No. I know that you would never intentionally hurt her. I know that. But you guys have a lot of history you need to work through here.

Danny: Well, no kidding. That's why I'm doing this whole Fifth Street project, to prove to her and to other people that I can commit to legit business. (Sighs) All right. Look, you have been a great help with all of it.

Cassie: That's me, your friendly neighborhood front girl.

Danny: And I appreciate it, and I have one more project that I'm working. It's a little more personal this time, and I need you to be out front for this one, too.

Gus: So Joe took me home and raised me as his own with his wife, Angela. And when you felt like I was okay, you made sure Miguel couldn't come after you by pretending that you were dead in that hotel.

Lucia: Joe and his partner arranged all that. They didn't tell me what was happening and I didn't ask. All I knew was that Gina was gone and I'd become Lucia.

Gus: So you changed your name. Why bother staying in town at all?

Lucia: They begged me to stay, to be a part of your life.

Gus: That's why there were so many visits.

Lucia: They found me a place to live, right up the block. I watched you grow from a tiny little infant into a beautiful little boy.

Gus: And then you split.

Lucia: I was a coward. I couldn't take it anymore.

Gus: You couldn't take what?

Lucia: The lie. I thought it would get easier watching Angela raise you year after year. It only got harder. Every time I saw you, I wanted to whisper in your ear, "I'm your mama." I came so close. One day in spring-- it was a day just like today-- I was going for a walk in that little part along Grant Street?

Gus: The carousel.

Lucia: Yes. And I heard a laugh, a child's laugh. It was you. Joe and Angela had come to take you and Eden on a picnic. (Laughter)

Angela: Shhh! Eden's sleeping.

Joe: (Laughs) We're not sleeping, though, are we, Tiger?

Nicholas: Nope.

Lucia: They looked so perfect together. You were so happy. That's when I knew I had to leave. I was sure you'd be better off without me. I thought you'd be that happy your whole life. I waved good-bye and left. You didn't see me. Do you believe me?

Gus: Yeah. I do. I guess you had no real way of knowing that things could get so rough. Nobody thinks a kid's parents are going to die so young, especially the kid.

Lucia: Alexandra was right. I am tired. I think I have to go. I'll see you soon. I promise.

Alan: You claimed you have come back to Springfield to rescue this family, and you have done nothing but tear it to pieces!

Alexandra: Why on earth would I do something like that?

Alan: You have pulled and pushed and probed and opened up wounds that were almost healed, and I am not going to let you get away with it.

Alexandra: Okay. All right, Alan, you do what you do best. You blame everyone else for your failings, your shortcomings. You forced Phillip away. You're the one that drove Olivia out of your life.

Alan: You are so malicious.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Oh, Alan, for heaven's sakes, why can't you just understand that you have made a mess of your life and just try to get on with it?

Alan: Oh, you would love that. You would love it if I'd left, wouldn't you?

Alexandra: Well, if it would help to take a little leave...

Alan: Let me tell you something: Hell will be an ice-skating rink before I leave or give up or give in, because I am going to get back the company that you stole from me, and I am going to get you out of this house and out of Spaulding, and Phillip and you will come to me crawling on your knees because you have nothing left. I will see to that.

Alexandra: No, Alan. That's not going to happen because I won't let it.

Cassie: Sorry about that. You know, it was much more confusing than it was supposed to be.

Michelle: That's okay. I just checked the sitter, and the boys are still sound asleep.

Cassie: Oh, wonderful. You know, I have to say that Will loved Robbie. He really did. I mean, I've never seen him take to another little boy like that. I'd love to do this again if we could.

Michelle: Any time you want.

Cassie: How about tomorrow?

Phillip: (Sighs) (crashing)

Alexandra: Lloyd. Yes, did you get the drug I had you order? The one I hoped I'd never have to use? Yes. Will you bring it to me? I'm afraid it's... the worst has come. (Crashing in background)

Lucia: (Sniffles)

Buzz: Are you all right?

Lucia: Yeah.

Buzz: New in town and so far not loving it, huh?

Lucia: Close enough.

Buzz: Coffee?

Lucia: Oh, yeah. Black.

Buzz: Okay.

Lucia: Thanks.

Buzz: You know, technically there should be liquor in there for me to qualify as a bartender, but I still listen like one if you feel like talking.

Lucia: I don't... I don't know if I'd be able to stop if I started.

Buzz: There's plenty of coffee.

Lucia: Do you know of any... do you know of any cheap hotels in the area?

Buzz: You mean cheap, depressing hotels? Yeah, we got a lot of those, but I think you can do better.

Lucia: Oh, I don't know.

Buzz: Yeah, I think I can steer you right to the most reasonable place in Springfield. I don't even have to do that. You're already there.

Lucia: Sorry?

Buzz: I run a boarding house upstairs. There's a room available if you're interested.

Lucia: Yeah, I'm already there.

Gus: (Yells in frustration) (Door slams)

Harley: What did she say?

Gus: Miguel Santos is my father.

Harley: Gus, listen...

Gus: I was so sure that there was a Spaulding connection. I actually sat in the park and listened to the story of my life-- literally. I just don't understand what this woman was doing with Miguel in the first place.

Harley: She wasn't.

Gus: What?

Harley: Your DNA test results came back.

Gus: The genetic markers don't match up.

Harley: Danny's not your brother. Miguel Santos is not your father.

Gus: And Lucia...

Harley: ...Is lying, still lying. Maybe about everything.

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