GL Transcript Tuesday 3/18/03

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 3/18/03

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

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Tony: How much longer, Marah?

Marah: Don't worry. You're doing great.

Tony: Yeah, thanks. But that's not what I asked.

Marah: Not that much longer.

Tony: Come on, I got an itch.

Marah: All right. Where?

Tony: My nose. Come here. (Laughter)

Marah: Mm. That's not fair. You moved.

Tony: Are you complaining?

Marah: No.

Tony: Sorry. I just needed a break.

Marah: It's okay. I pretty much got everything I needed anyway.

Tony: Good. Because I felt really stupid posing like that.

Marah: Well, you looked great. You are the perfect model for the concept I'm using for Eden's logo.

Tony: Don't remind me. I still hate the idea that you're getting mixed up in Eden's escort service.

Marah: I'm not getting mixed in it. I'm just designing her business cards.

Tony: Stop. I don't trust that chick.

Marah: Well, you know what? Neither do I. But this is my first chance to go pro with my art. It's a really good experience for me, Tony. And it sounds like her business is legit. And it's not like she hired me as an escort. I mean she hired me because of my talent.

Tony: Yeah, right.

Marah: Excuse me?

Tony: Marah, come on, look, I know. You're talented. But Eden didn't hire you because of that. She doesn't care about that. This is about me. It's always been about me.

Ben: You lied to me, Eden.

Eden: What is your problem?

Ben: You lied to me! You told me that there was no sex involved in this job.

Eden: There's not.

Ben: Oh, yeah? Yeah? Well, Ramona missed the memo.

Eden: Ben, I do not send my escorts out for sex. You are an adult and so is Mrs. Hendon. After your appointment, you guys can do whatever you want, including each other.

Ben: Don't. Don't, okay? I get it. But I did not sign on to be a gigolo.

Eden: Gigolo? Do people even use that word anymore?

Ben: Eden, I'm not in the mood for this right now.

Eden: Ben, calm down, all right? Look, I want my escorts to be happy just as much as my clients, okay? If you're not happy and you don't ever want to work for me again, then you just let me know. (Phone rings) Hello?

Gus: You knew my mother pretty well.

Lucia: Yes. How is she?

Gus: She's dead. So is my father.

Alexandra: Well, I see you let yourself in. Who are we arresting today? The cook, the baker, the candlestick maker?

Gus: Oh, stop it, Alexandra. I come in peace.

Alexandra: Oh, well, you're in a good mood.

Gus: Oh, yeah, you know, cause a little vacation will do that for you.

Alexandra: Good you needed one. You and Harley.

Gus: I know. And she loves Germany this time of year. So nippy. (Both laugh nervously) And we located your old friend Roy Baker.

Alexandra: Ah.

Gus: You remember Roy? My Uncle Roy? And he confirmed the fact that Miguel Santos is my father.

Alexandra: Of course he would. It's the truth. Of course you don't want to believe me.

Gus: Right. There's just one other thing that has me a little stumpedified.

Alexandra: Really? What's that?

Gus: Well, why you, a Spaulding would go through so much trouble to keep from me, a Santos, from finding out the truth. I'm thinking there's something else you're hiding.

Alexandra: Oh, secrets are funny things, aren't they?

Gus: Yeah, they're hysterical.

Alexandra: First, I want you to know that I never meant to do anyone any harm-- you, Harley, anyone.

Gus: Mm.

Alexandra: It's just that I was desperate to keep the truth from coming out.

Gus: Really?

Alexandra: Yes.

Gus: But why would it matter so much to you if I find out that Miguel Santos is my father?

Alexandra: Because this is not about your father, it's about your mother.

Gus: Oh, right. I'm sure that you and Regina were such good friends, right? Because we all know how well Spaulding’s treat their servants. That's why you kicked her out.

Alexandra: Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. You see, this is exactly what happens when Harley goes off to do your sleuthing. I warned you that you would only find out something that would hurt, Gus. Now, look, you're bitter, you're angry, and you don't even know the facts.

Gus: Well, why don't you just straighten me out, Alexandra.

Alexandra: Yes, Gina, was more than a servant in the Spaulding house. She was my friend, too. Yes, she was a nanny; I was a Spaulding. (Laughs) But we were close enough in age where we hit it off.

Gus: Right. And I'm sure that your father, the big, patriarch Spaulding, didn't have any problem with you hanging around with the servants.

Alexandra: My father... (laughs) Treated me like the help, my dear. Every Spaulding woman was treated like a second class citizen. So you see, Regina and I both understood this, and I think that's why we understood each other.

Gus: I see. So where did it all go so wrong?

Alexandra: Your mother had a soft spot for bad boys.

Gus: You're talking about Miguel Santos.

Alexandra: Mm. Yes. And when she got pregnant with his child, well, she was forced to leave the house. I mean, we can't-- family reputation and all-- have a pregnant nanny, Phillip's nanny running around here carrying a mobster's child.

Gus: So she ran to Miguel Santos?

Alexandra: No. No, she went to the police. She knew Miguel was a bad guy. (Laughs) But she didn't want you growing up anywhere near that life.

Gus: So that's when Roy Baker and Joe Augustino faked her death?

Alexandra: No. The only way that Gina could ever think of just to protect you, to protect herself from Miguel. And then of course she got sick. She died less than a year later.

Gus: So that's when Joe and Angela took me in?

Alexandra: Look, your mother made me promise on her death bed, I would never tell you who you are. And that's all I've been trying to do, Gus. I just been trying to keep my promise. You know, you made a promise to Joe. And keeping your promise, you know, prompted the whole custody lawsuit of Harley's, didn't it? My secret has what? Just brought us here. Now the secrets out, okay? And I, for one, am delighted.

Frank: Hey, little sister.

Harley: Hey.

Frank: Where's Gus? He's not with you?

Harley: No. Why?

Frank: Well, because Eden's been calling like crazy and she seems really upset. So what's going on?

Harley: Long story.

Frank: (Sighs) Well, I guess. So I take it you don't mind her calling just as long as that it's from far, far away. (Laughter)

Harley: I wish. Eden's back in Springfield.

Frank: What? What? Pull some more dirty tricks?

Harley: Interesting you've choose the words tricks.

Frank: Another long story?

Harley: Another long story. I got a question for you, Frank.

Frank all right.

Harley: What if I weren't your sister?

Frank: What?

Harley: I mean what if you found out that you and I weren't really brother and sister? Do you think that would change how things are between us?

Sandy: So, I was thumbing through the Springfield phonebook this morning.

Mole: Let my fingers do the walking. Kinky, my friend.

Sandy: Like I was saying there's a biz in town: Garden of Eden. I'm thinking florist, right? But the ad says: "For the discerning gentlemen or ladies."

Shayne: What's up? Can I get a glass of...

Marina: Shh!

Sandy: I gave the place a ring. It turns out it's an escort service. I thought it'd be a great opportunity for you, Mole.

Mole: Yeah. Well, I am escort material. I know how to show a lady a good time.

Sandy: (Laughs) No. Who's going to pay you for a date, Mole? I'm thinking you'd be the one buying.

Mole: Ha, ha, ha.

Marina: Stop. Don't touch me.

Mole: Hey, Sandy, just think with the Garden of Eden in town you may not have to bring that blow-up doll as your date for spring break this year.

Sandy: Dude, I'm shutting you up with a commercial.

Shayne: (Laughs)

Marina: Well, well, well, well, if ain't Mr. Big League himself.

Shayne: So can I get my glass of water now?

Marina: Well, I don't know, Shayne. Shall I put that on your charge?

Shayne: Since when do I have to pay for tap water at Company?

Marina: Well, you know, you ordered up that big truck load desserts at the Country Club the other day, left me with the tab.

Shayne: I told the waiter to put it on my family account.

Marina: Uh-huh. You want to consider speaking up a little next time, because apparently nobody heard you?

Shayne: Oh, no. Are you serious?

Marina: Yeah, you know, don't worry about it though. Ben showed up and saved the day. Good thing for you he showed up, too. If he hadn't, I'd probably still be at the club washing dishes.

Eden: Guess who just called?

Ben: Who?

Eden: Mrs. Hendon, speak of the devil. And again, she had nothing to say but fabulous things about Benjamin. I knew you would be good at this. Come on, Ben, don't look so depressed. Greatness is rewarded. Let's just say this is a bonus for bringing in repeat business.

Ben: Look, Ramona... Mrs. Hendon said something to me about working on a weekly basis, and she made it very clear to me that she would tip me extra for... extra.

Eden: Well, that's completely up to you, but it sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me. I mean Mrs. Hendon has tons of cash, and a lot of time on her hands. Look, Ben, you can take this money with no hard feelings. I understand this job isn't for everyone. I mean if you feel uncomfortable, you can go get a job parking cars or flipping burgers and... I mean, you'll only make minimum wage, but, you know, money is not a priority to everyone.

Ben: Tell Mrs. Hendon my schedule is flexible.

Mole: Let me tell you what I'm going to do you when I...

Tony: See. Even these idiots on the radio know that Eden's business is shady.

Marah: They make fun of everybody.

Tony: You know, I don't get why everybody is so into this talk show.

Marah: You know, I kind of like it.

Tony: Yeah, but you also think that Eden hired you because of your designing talents.

Marah: Whoa! Okay, why are we back on this subject? I thought we dropped it.

Tony: I wasn't done talking about it before.

Marah: Well, I was finished talking about it before. Look, is it really that difficult for you to believe that she hired me because of my talent? Babe, I'm not fond of her either, okay? But when she appreciated my work, it made me feel really good. It made me proud of what I could do.

Tony: You should be proud. Baby, you are so talented. Along with the other amazing talents that you have. But Eden doesn't care about that. All she cares about is that your my girlfriend. She's doing this in order to get closer to me.

Marah: Okay. Okay, let's pretend that you're right. Let's pretend that even though, she hasn't asked about you or mentioned you and even though she wants her business to be really successful, let's just say that she hired me to hang around you.

Tony: Okay.

Marah: Okay?

Tony: Mm-hmm.

Marah: So what?

Tony: So what? Marah, the girl is dangerous.

Marah: Eden's dangerous? How? Sweetie, she can't touch this, okay?

Tony: Okay.

Marah: Okay?

Tony: Okay.

Marah: All right. Are you hungry? I think we should go get some lunch.

Tony: Yeah.

Marah: I'm going to buy my pretty little model some lunch, okay?

Tony: Yeah, pretty.

Marah: I'm going to go upstairs and get ready. (Screams)

Tony (disguising his voice): Yes, I would like to order an escort.

Eden: So you're interested in reserving one of our escorts, Mister...

Tony (disguising voice): I thought this was anonymous?

Eden: It is. But I have to know to whom to send the young lady to.

Tony: Mr. Sofa.

Eden: Well, what kind of women do you like, Mr. Sofa?

Tony: Well, she has to be blonde and you know, like the girl-next-door type. And she has to be a classy woman. I will be taking her with me on a trip to Las Vegas. So she has to know how to act in front of important people.

Eden: I think I know just the person for you. She's recently become associated with Garden of Eden, but in a different capacity. But I think she's ready to expand her horizons very soon.

Tony: And this woman, she will be spending a few nights with me.

Eden: Sure. You pay, her day and nights are included.

Tony: And she will satisfy my needs.

Eden: I think you have the wrong idea about my services, Mr. Sofa. My girl will only go with you if you arrange separate bedrooms and she is under no obligations to provide you with anything other than good company. The Garden of Eden is not a brothel.

Tony: Right. Thank you very much.

Marah: Hey.

Tony: Hey.

Marah: Who you talking to?

Tony: Oh, I was talking to myself.

Marah: Oh, yeah?

Tony: Yeah.

Marah: Have anything interesting to say?

Tony: Yeah, I'm really hungry. Are you ready to go or what?

Marah: Yes, let's go.

Tony: All right.

Marina: You know, maybe money isn't everything when you have some, Shayne. It just when you don't, you know, it's a different story. Like that waiter totally embarrassed me.

Shayne: Marina, I'm so, so, so sorry that happened to you at the club.

Marina: Mm-hmm.

Shayne: Listen, I promise I'm totally going to make it up to you, okay?

Marina: Yeah?

Shayne: Uh-huh.

Marah: I don't really think you're going to have time though.

Shayne: Why is that?

Marina: Because you need every spare minute to be working on your pitching motion, wild thing. I did a little research and checked out your stats from summer season. Your walk numbers were a little bit high.

Shayne: You looked up my stats, huh?

Marina: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because I only transferred to Springfield High last year, so I wasn't quite up to par with the baseball legend-- otherwise known as Shayne Lewis.

Shayne: And?

Marina: I wanted to see for myself if you were really worth the hype.

Shayne: And?

Marina: And I look forward to seeing that pitching arm in action.

Jamie: Hi, Shayne. I'm so glad I caught up with you. Hi, Marina.

Marina: Hi.

Shayne: What's up, Jamie? How are you doing?

Jamie: I'm writing this article on the baseball team for the school newspaper and the buzz around the locker room is your the man this season. Are you the man, Shayne?

Shayne: I guess I am.

Frank: You and I are so much like not to be related. What's going on here? Why are you questioning this brother-sister thing? What are you really worrying about here?

Harley: I'm worrying about Gus and Eden, because they found out that they have a different set of parents.

Frank: Oh, man. That's rough.

Harley: Yes.

Frank: Well, how's Gus taking it?

Harley: Well he's dealing, you know. But Eden is the one, she's a mess.

Frank: Hold on one second. Don't you dare for one second start feeling sorry for her, because she refused to help you get your son back, not to mention how many times she tried to break you guys up.

Harley: Thanks, Frank. I'm not going to be the head of her fan club anytime soon. Believe me. But she's still very important to him in spite of everything. You know, they really... they really raised each other when they were kids.

Frank: Like you and me.

Harley: Exactly like you and me. That's why I understand, because I know how devastated I would be if I found out you weren't really my brother.

Frank: What you and I have and what we share is well beyond our genes. I imagine that Gus is pretty much feeling the same way about Eden right now. Anyway, this whole thing about finding his natural parents, any luck with that?

Harley: If luck would have it. Luck, luck. The search for Gus's parents have taken him someplace, I don't think he wants to go.

Alexandra: Gus, now that you know that you're a Santos, what will you do about it?

Gus: Well, honestly, Alexandra, what do you care? Huh? All the problems are on my father's side. If I understand you correctly, you were just trying to protect and care about my mother, isn't that right?

Alexandra: Yes, that's right.

Gus: So what's it to you then? I had great adoptive parents. They were fantastic. I just lost them a little too early in life, that's all.

Alexandra: Yeah.

Gus: Things could have been a lot worse for me.

Alexandra: Right. Well, I thinks that's a smart way to look at it, Gus. So, anyway, I'm sorry about the secrets. If there's anything I can do, you let me know.

Nolan: Here we are.

Lucia: Thank you.

Nolan: I'll take your coat.

Lucia: Yes.

Alexandra: Well, I'll make sure that your car is brought around.

Gus: Thanks.

Alexandra: It's you.

Lucia: It's me, Alexandra. It's been a long time.

Jamie: That's cool. So now let's talk about my article. How do you get along with the other guys on the team?

Shayne: Good. I mean we're all friends, so it's...

Jamie: So you'd be surprised, I don't know. Let's say the catcher had some gripes about your pitching?

Shayne: What? Is Tommy talking trash about my pitching again?

Jamie: I didn't say that.

Shayne: Let me tell you something, Jamie. The only reason he's doing that is because he's jealous. Coach Hassett pays more attention to me than him. So anyway, like I said I could probably get a little bit of time. Why don't we...

Jamie: Wait. So you're saying the coach is biased? Spending more time with some players than others?

Shayne: No, he's not biased. He's just... he just spends a little more time with the good players than the bad ones.

Marina: Yeah. Okay.

Shayne: So why don't we--

Marina: Okay. You know what? You know what, guys? This interview is over.

Jamie: Says who?

Marina: So Shayne Lewis's personal press agent. That would be me.

Shayne: Marina.

Marina: Okay, what is the deal, Jamie? Are you going to... are you going to give your phone number to Shayne so you guys could go out or not?

Jamie: But I'm here on assignment for the school paper.

Marina: Yeah, that's kind of what I thought. Could we...

Jamie: Yeah.

Marina: Thanks. Okay, listen, sweetheart. You're dating some frat guy, right? So you're basically just throwing yourself at my friend so you're going to talk trash about the baseball team? Well, you want a really good scoop? I have one for you. How about a gorgeous redhead exposes reporter slutty interview tactics to school paper advisor.

Jamie: That's some headline.

Marina: Yeah, isn't it?

Jamie: Yeah, fine.

Marina: Mm-hmm.

Jamie: See you around.

Shayne: Thank you. Thanks a lot. Thank you.

Marina: You're welcome.

Shayne: I'm being sarcastic, Marina. You just blew my chances with Jamie, Marina.

Marina: I just saved you from looking like you were a complete tool. Oh, you have got to swipe that smug grin off your face, because you owe me.

Shayne: It's okay. It's okay, I get it now. I get it.

Marina: What? What do you get?

Shayne: I get it.

Marina: You get what?

Shayne: You, Marina Cooper are jealous. You're jealous.

Marina: (Scoffs)

Frank: Well, then you and Gus have to be totally psyched that you found out who his natural parents are.

Harley: I think we'd be more psyched if it didn't turn out to be them. Anyway what time is it? I got to go. I'm sure that Gus is back by now. He might have some new information.

Frank: Good luck, sis.

Harley: Yeah, thanks. I got a feeling we're going to need it.

Alexandra: What are you doing here? Your timing couldn't be worse.

Gus: (Laughs) What are you doing? I thought you had butchers and bakers and candlestick makers do that stuff?

Alexandra: Well, you know sometimes if you want things done right, you have to do them yourself.

Gus: Yeah, Alexandra, I just want you to know that I think I understand why you did what you did.

Alexandra: Good. Well, good-bye, Gus. Give my best to Harley.

Gus: Of course.

Lucia: That was Nicky, wasn't it?

Alexandra: All right, not right now. Don't even think about that. Lucia, it is so good to see you after all these years.

Lucia: I wish I could say the same, Alex. But you lied to me.

Eden: Did you want to join me?

Tony: No, thanks.

Marah: Sure.

Tony: I'm going to go get us some drinks, okay?

Eden: He hates me, doesn't he?

Marah: I think it's just going to take him some time to be convinced that you're on the level now.

Eden: Yeah, but you think I am.

Marah: I think that everybody deserves a second chance.

Eden: Thanks, Marah. I have to say that's probably the nicest thing anybody said to me since I got back to Springfield.

Marah: Well, what about Gus? I'm sure your brother is ecstatic to have you back.

Eden: You've got a brother, right?

Marah: Shayne. Yeah, I have two half brothers, too, but they don't live with us.

Eden: Do you guys ever fight?

Marah: Well, not like kick him down, drag him out type of fights, but yeah, yeah Shayne and I have had our fights.

Eden: But it doesn't really matter because you get over it, because your blood, you're related, right?

Marah: Yeah, of course. Have you even seen Gus since you've been back?

Eden: You know, that reminds me, have you done the sketches for my company logo? Because I really want to get going on my cards.

Marah: Yeah. It's really rough, but I...

Eden: Oh, this is great.

Marah: Yeah?

Eden: Yeah. I love it.

Marah: Oh, here.

Eden: This is the number to my friend that has that design company. I really think you should call him.

Marah: You know what? I'm not really ready for that.

Eden: Well, you'll have it for when you are. She's very talented, Tony.

Tony: I know.

Marah: You know what? I've got to use the restroom real quick. I'll be right back, okay? Thank you.

Eden: She said she'll be right back. Can you spend a few minutes with me?

Tony: Don't be cute with me, Eden, please?

Eden: Look, Tony, I know what you think, but I'm really putting my act together. I'm very excited about my new business, my very legal business.

Tony: Would you uh...

Eden: And I think Marah and I work really well together.

Tony: Will you please just get real? Okay, I know this is about me and what happened between us. Marah will catch on.

Eden: Tony, I just want to be friends. Look I know I did some really bad things.

Tony: Don't remind me.

Eden: Look, all I'm saying is that you forgiving me really changed my life. The past is over, but I guess it's not for you?

Tony: I'm not talking about any of this with you.

Eden: You know what, Tony? Just to warn you as a friend, what's done is done. And if you don't let it go, you're going to lose your mind and you're going to lose Marah.

Marina: Yeah, I hate to break your heart, Shayne, but I am not jealous.

Shayne: Right. You are so, so jealous.

Marina: Dude, I am so not jealous. But you happen to have, like major league stamped right across your forehead and you're about to get some serious attention from some real press. And you're going to need me.

Shayne: Okay. Why am I going to need you?

Marina: Because I was born to be a star, and handling the media comes naturally to me.

Shayne: You know what? If you're that desperate to hang out with me, just ask.

Marina: Okay, first of all, you will never again use the word desperate and my name in the same sentence. You know, while we are lying down some ground rules, you should also know that I am in love with Ben, and that you and I have strictly a business friendship.

Shayne: Strictly a business friendship.

Marina: We'll hammer out the details later.

Shayne: All right, one question.

Marina: Shoot.

Shayne: I get the benefit of your media expertise?

Marina: Yes, you do.

Shayne: What do you get?

Marina: Well, that's for me to know and you to find out.

Gus: Hi, babe.

Harley: Hey.

Gus: What are you doing?

Harley: What do you think I'm doing? I'm waiting for you. How did it go in Chicago? Did you get the information from your family friend?

Gus: No, Lucia, shot me down.

Harley: I'm sorry.

Gus: That's all right. What's all of this?

Harley: Well, I've been busy. I certainly haven't been waiting for you to get home that's for sure.

Gus: So busy making a collage out of all our enemies?

Harley: It's not a collage.

Gus: Mm-hmm.

Harley: I'm posting all the clues just like we do at the station. If it works there, it should work here.

Gus: Yeah. Well, I think you can stop, babe, because the case is closed. Alexandra came clean with me.

Harley: You went to see Alexandra, too?

Gus: I stopped by the Spaulding mansion and talked to her, and she told me all about her relationship, her friendship with Regina. And she told me that, yes, I am, Miguel Santos’ son, and that she was just keeping it from me.

Harley: Do you believe her?

Gus: I think she was, you know, sincere about the Regina thing.

Harley: Okay, but do you believe her?

Gus: What I don't believe is that I'm a Santos.

Harley: Well, you know what? I'm having a pretty tough time believing that myself. So come on.

Gus: What?

Harley: Let's go back to the drawing board, okay?

Gus: Back to the actual board?

Harley: The actual board. I've got it all worked out.

Gus: Mm-hmm.

Harley: Here are the morgue photos. You got morgue photos.

Gus: Mm-hmm. Got the Roy Baker story.

Harley: Got the Alexandra Spaulding story.

Gus: Got the safety deposit box story.

Harley: Got a nanny named Gina.

Gus: Got a cop name Joe.

Harley: Empty coffin.

Gus: Empty coffin, flop house in Chicago.

Harley: You got a bracelet. Bracelet with an "S" on it. "S" for Santos.

Gus: This is stupid. "S" for stupid, okay?

Harley: "S" for shut up. I like my board.

Gus: No, it's psychotic. "S" for psychotic because it's too much.

Harley: "S" for...

Gus: You go whoa!

Harley: ...Spelling. Psychotic is spelled with the letter "P."

Gus: I know how to spell psychotic. I'm saying what's that got to do with “S” for Spaulding?

Harley: "S" for stupid.

Gus: No, you just said “S” for Spaulding.

Harley: I said “S” for...

Gus: You're telling me you didn't just say “S” for Spaulding?

Harley: "S" for Spaulding?

Gus: No. No, that couldn't be.

Harley: It could be.

Gus: I don't want to be.

Harley: I don't want you to be.

Gus: "S" for Spaulding.

Harley: "S" for Spaulding.

Marina: Listen to your press All right, another hypothetical situation.

Shayne: Hit me. Hit me, hit me.

Marina: Your team loses a big game.

Shayne: I like hypotheticals where my team wins a big game.

Marina: Listen to your press agent, Shayne. Your team loses a big game, a reporter comes up to you and blames the team's loss on your shoddy pitching. You respond to him how?

Shayne: I respond by telling him to shove it up his...

Marina: No! Wrong! You are hopeless. You have no tact at all. You realize this, don't you?

Shayne: All right. Let me try again.

Marina: Okay. How about... hold that. Hey.

Ben: What up, y'all?

Marina: Hey, handsome. So did everything go well with that lady? Did you score big points with her? You know, the touchy feely lady the other day at the Country Club. So what happened? Did you get the job?

Ben: Yeah. Yeah, I'm official. I got the job.

Marina: Well, don't look too excited about it. Ben, I thought wanted this job. Are you... I mean, are you going to take it?

Ben: Yes, Marina, I am going to take it.

Marina: Good. Congratulations. So now you can finally tell me exactly what it is you do.

Ben: It's a corporate thing. It's boring.

Marina: It's not boring to me. Come on, tell me about it.

Ben: Well, I have... these clients and I try to keep them entertained.

Marina: So they won't take their business anywhere else?

Ben: Yeah.

Marina: Okay, I get it. I get it. You're like wining and dining them and, you know, whatever it takes to keep the customer happy, right? Well, that's good. You know, Buzz always says the customer is always right.

Shayne: No, Buzz doesn't always say that. Never says that.

Ben: Excuse us, Babe Ruth. Marina, listen to me.

Marina: No. You know what?

Ben: I want you to...

Marina: I have something I really need to say to you. I'm really sorry about the way I acted at the Country Club the other day. I feel like I was just acting like this jealous girlfriend and, you know, you're at a job interview. And I just want you to know that I am so, so super proud of you, and I think this is going to be a really good thing for both of us. What were you going to say to me?

Ben: That I care about you very, very much. You know that, right?

Marina: Yeah. Why are you getting all deep on me all of a sudden?

Ben: Well, this job, it's going to take up a lot more of my time, and I just want you to know that while I am working I'm going to be thinking about you, all right? Only you.

Tony: Nothing is going to come between me and Marah. Not you and not your business.

Eden: You know, you're not the first one to suspect that there's something else going on in my business besides nice people having platonic company with other nice people.

Tony: Yeah, and I'm sure it's all real nice.

Eden: Well, yeah, sure, I get the occasional weirdoes.

Tony: Yeah.

Eden: You know earlier a guy called. He wanted to take one of my escorts to Vegas. And let me tell you, he wasn't too happy when he found out about my separate room policy. But you know about that. You know there's a lot of weirdoes out there. Right, Mr. Sofa?

Tony: Okay. Wow, you're so brilliant. You figured me out. You know what? Marah makes her own decisions, and soon enough she's going to see right through you. But right now she's a little excited because you gave her a job as an artist. And only as an artist.

Eden: Of course.

Tony: You want to be all friendly and stuff? Fine. Okay, here's a friendly warning. If you ever hurt Marah, if you so much as blink wrong around her, you'll be so sorry.

Eden: Ouch. Was that a threat?

Tony: No, no, that's not a threat. It is a promise. Are we clear?

Eden: Oh, we are crystal clear, Mr. Sofa.

Marah: Everything okay, you guys?

Tony: Yeah, everything's great.

Eden: Yeah, everything's great.

Harley: It can't be. Can it?

Gus: The only thing worse than being an Santos is a Spaulding.

Harley: I should have known.

Gus: No, I should have known this. What do we always say? All these roads lead back to Alexandra. I should have known this.

Harley: No, but I mean I should have known this. I am always falling for Spaulding's. I've been married to two of them.

Gus: Well, three is a charm.

Harley: Don't make jokes about this.

Gus: If I don't laugh about this, honey, I'm going to burst out and start crying, okay? All the roads lead back to Alexandra Spaulding. She spent way too much time trying to cover up who my parents are. There's an "S" on the bracelet. I mean, look at the facts. They're right in front of our face. Will you do me a favor and just say it out loud? Otherwise I'm not going to believe it.

Harley: I don't want to say it. I don't want to say it, because if I say it, we can't take it back.

Gus: Harley.

Harley: Gus.

Gus: I think I may be a Spaulding.

Lucia: I don't care what you say, Alex, I waited long enough. I have to make-up for what I let happen to Nicky.

Alexandra: But this is not the way. The secret will come out, but I have to make certain that I can protect Gus before it does. It is not time yet.

Lucia: Then when?

Alexandra: As soon as I have things in place. Gina... Gina, your son is going to be fine. No, no, trust me. Trust me. He's far better off not knowing all these years that Alan is his father.

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