Guiding Light Transcript Monday 3/17/03
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Proofread by Tanya
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Reva: Okay. Thank guys. Thanks, Harry.
Holly: Reva, did you get the memo about the telephone number?
Reva: I did-- that it will be at the bottom of the screen for the entire show.
Blake: Oh, and what a show, too. Not only is it live again, but your topic, the wrongfully accused? Come on, Reva.
Reva: I guess you saw the promos.
Blake: Yeah. Of all the topics in the world you choose the one that would upset my mother the most.
Holly: I'm not upset.
Reva: Hey, I think it's a good idea that we're doing this show, because it proves that Holly's not the only one who's been terribly mistreated. In fact, I just might know another one.
Blake: What do you mean?
Reva: Well, I tracked Olivia down at the hospital the other day, and I fully intended to give her hell, and instead I had the sixth-sense feeling that she wasn't the one who was stalking me.
Blake: Well, you should just testify for Olivia at her trial if you're so concerned about the fairness. I'm sure Ross would appreciate the support.
Reva: Honey, what's really bothering you, this show, or the fact that Ross is representing Olivia?
Blake: Both. Am I the only person in this town who remembers what it was like for you when you were the suspect? No.
Reva: No, no. In fact, that's one reason why we're doing this show. I mean Holly went through hell because of me-- indirectly-- and I'd like to have the opportunity to make it up to her.
Holly: And I'm going to let her.
Edmund: Feeling all right?
Alexandra: Oh, I just keep seeing Alan stumbling out of the car and you know that mumbling slurred speech.
Edmund: Well, a good night sleep certainly won't do the man any harm.
Alexandra: Yes, I really appreciate your helping me getting home from the country club. But what about tomorrow and the day after?
Edmund: You get one step closer to permanently controlling Spaulding.
Alexandra: (Sighs)
Edmund: That's what you said, isn't it? You get control of the company if Alan becomes incapacitated?
Alexandra: Yeah, but that was my father's idea. It was a dictate in his will. Not mine.
Edmund: No, of course not. You wouldn't be taking advantage of the directive. Happen to nudge on, would you?
Alexandra: Absolutely not. Alan took too many sedatives, that's all there is to that.
Edmund: Right. Well, there you have it.
Alexandra: Look, Alan is my brother. I'm only trying to do what's best for him.
Edmund: You know, Alexandra, when I think back on all things I did to do what's best for my brother, I regret every single one of them. You might want to rethink what you're doing.
Cassie: Oh, yeah, we can accommodate you. No problem. You know what? You could have a representative stop by so we can go over the details. Later on tonight? Sure. No. No, no. That would be fine. No, not a problem at all. Okay. Thank you. Very much.
Danny: Hey.
Cassie: Hey.
Danny: Good news, huh?
Cassie: I just booked the entire hotel.
Danny: Wow, that's fantastic. Break out the string quartet.
Cassie: Right. So, what are you doing here?
Danny: Oh, you know, I never stop working. I thought I'd stop by and show you the artists rendering of the Fifth Street project.
Cassie: Wow, that was fast.
Danny: Oh, yeah. I know.
Cassie: Well, let's see.
Danny: Check this out.
Cassie: Oh, my. These are incredible.
Danny: Yeah, it looks good, doesn't it? Looks really good.
Cassie: What's going on, Danny?
Danny: What?
Cassie: You're very distracted.
Danny: No...
Cassie: You okay?
Danny: Yeah. Yeah. Remember when I told you earlier that Gus Aitoro told me he might have found his brother?
Cassie: Yeah.
Danny: Well, it might be me. (Laughs)
Gus: I thought you were dead.
Lucia: I'm sorry, what did you say?
Gus: The other nun said that you were dead. You're not.
Lucia: By the grace of God.
Gus: I thought it was a sin to lie?
Lucia: This is a house of contemplation. I'm not suppose to have any visitors, except in case of emergency.
Gus: Still kind of drastic telling people that you're dead, isn't it?
Lucia: It discourages people from coming back.
Gus: Yeah, I bet. I bet. Last time I saw you I was... what, five or six years old?
Lucia: Yes.
Gus: You knew my mother pretty well.
Lucia: Yes. How is she?
Gus: She's dead. So is my father.
Lucia: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Gus: It's okay. It was a long time ago. My father's dead and so are both of my mothers.
Lucia: I'm sorry, what did you say?
Gus: Both of my mothers. My mother and my birth mother are both dead.
Lucia: So you know?
Gus: Well, I know some. But I was hoping that you could help me fill in the blanks?
Lucia: No.
Alexandra: Oh, thank you. Edmund, if you... if you saw your brother heading straight for disaster, but you know something that could alter... alter his direction and something that would change the whole entire outcome of your family, what would you do?
Edmund: Hmm. I honestly I can't say. More often than not, I was the reason he was heading to disaster. Besides, Alexandra, he's dead.
Alexandra: Oh, dear. Well, I'm sorry. I should have rephrased the question.
Edmund: That's all right. Alan's on your mind.
Alexandra: Yes. Well, with Alan it's like a reflex, you see. Once I heard of all the trouble, all that chaos going on with Olivia and Phillip and Alan. And then also to hearing the facts that the companies was almost running rudderless-- I knew I had to do something. I knew I had to help. So I did. I could actually see the beginning of the end of Spaulding Enterprises.
Edmund: Well, I guess sometimes, Alexandra, you just have to let people make their own mistakes.
Alexandra: Edmund Winslow endorsing a hands-off policy. I am surprised.
Edmund: Re-thinking a lot of things lately. To that end, I've a meeting to get to.
Alexandra: Oh.
Edmund: Ciao.
Ed: Hey. What's this? From a new admirer?
Michelle: Old one, actually.
Ed: Really? Bill? I thought you two weren't...
Michelle: No, we're not. It's... it's from Danny.
Ed: Ah.
Michelle: Dad, you've already looked through that mail.
Ed: Well, I'm going to look through it again, okay?
Michelle: I was at the carriage house yesterday helping Ben clean up some of his stuff and a pizza was delivered to me with this as the topping.
Ed: That's very pretty.
Michelle: Yeah, it was pretty funny. Pretty romantic too.
Ed: How come he didn't just drop it off in person?
Michelle: I guess it would have ruined the effect.
Ed: I've noticed he hasn't been spending much time with Robbie either.
Michelle: Well, I think that he's been, you know, really busy with work.
Ed: Yeah, which is what? I mean, what is his work now? Pretending to be dead again?
Michelle: Dad.
Ed: Are you and Danny really going to get back together after everything's that's happened?
Michelle: I didn't say that. I do love him.
Ed: I'm sure that he loves you, too. I mean, but he's also brought more hell into your life than any one person should ever be expected to bring.
Michelle: I know. I know. I know. We do have our issues.
Ed: Issues? You almost lost your life because of that man.
Michelle: And yet look what happened the other night before Reva's show. That flash bomb went off, and who was the first person I thought of? Not Bill. It was Danny.
Ed: But, sweetheart, that's habit. That's old habit. Nothing more.
Michelle: No, you're wrong. There's still that spark between us.
Ed: Sparks.
Michelle: Look, I'm not saying I know where this is going to lead cause I don't. But I'm through denying that I have feelings for Danny. They're here, and they're real.
Cassie: So when do you get the DNA test results?
Danny: I have no idea. I just gave my blood today. However long this thing takes.
Cassie: Wow. You and Gus brothers.
Danny: Yeah. (Laughs)
Cassie: I know how that feels. I didn't know Reva was my sister.
Danny: Who says there's nothing new under the sun?
Cassie: That's right. Now there's this, huh?
Danny: Yeah. I'll tell you, my family... I mean what was between my father who made sleeping around a complete science and my mother who squeezed an entire neighborhood dry, it's crazy.
Cassie: That's why you're going back there. That's why you're doing this.
Danny: Look, I'm no saint, Cassie. I wouldn't be doing this if my family hadn't torn this neighborhood up to begin with.
Cassie: It's not just about guilt, and you know it. Well, there's no divine aura around me today.
Danny: No?
Cassie: At all. No, I'm feeling like a complete louse. I don't know what to do.
Danny: Why? Why do you say that?
Cassie: There's going to be a benefit in Washington, D.C.
Danny: Mm-hmm.
Cassie: To raise money to build a library in San Cristobel in Richard's memory.
Danny: Wow, well that's... that's really... that's great. That's awesome.
Cassie: Yeah. Not quite.
Danny: Why not?
Cassie: Because it's being organized by San Cristobel's new Ambassador to the United States, Edmund Winslow.
Danny: Oh.
Cassie: And he wants me there. So I'm not going. And that's it. But he went to Tammy and now she's upset. She's very upset and she thinks I'm wrong and she thinks I'm being selfish, and...
Danny: You can always change your mind.
Cassie: What would you do?
Danny: Me? I'm sorry. It's not my call. Uh-huh. No, no, no.
Cassie: If it were? If it were? Come on, Danny, tell me am I right or am I wrong?
Gus: Sister, please. Please, you came around my house so much when I was a little boy, I feel like you were a part of my family. Please. I don't know who else to ask about Regina. Please. Please.
Lucia: I'd much rather talk about you.
Gus: Well, there's not a lot to tell you, really. I sort of followed in my father's footsteps; I became a police officer, and then I became a FBI agent.
Lucia: Wonderful.
Gus: Yeah, but I got myself booted out of the Bureau because I was bending the rules a little too much.
Lucia: That doesn't surprise me. You always took risks right from the very beginning.
Gus: So you met my birth mother, Regina. She used to be around the neighborhood. She worked for the Spaulding's. She was a nanny.
Lucia: Yes, I met her after she left the mansion. You must be a very good policeman.
Gus: I'm a detective, actually. So when you met Regina was she pregnant with me and living with Miguel Santos then?
Lucia: Oh, she was moving heaven and earth to find a safe place for you to grow up-- which she did when she found the Augustino's.
Gus: Oh, so then you were actually Regina's friend and you were introduced to Joe and Angela Augustino?
Lucia: Yes, that's right.
Gus: And you said that she was looking for a safe place. Was she in danger? Was there somebody after her? Does the name Carmen Santos mean anything?
Lucia: She had powerful connections. But there was some things even their money and influence couldn't buy, like time to watch her son grow up.
Gus: What did my mother die of?
Lucia: Oh, she was sick.
Gus: Was it because of me?
Lucia: No, no. No, she'd been diagnosed with a serious illness long before she became pregnant. She knew she had a year, maybe 18 months left, and she put her strength into staying alive long enough to have a child, and to see that it would have a good home.
Gus: Why would she push herself like that?
Lucia: Passing on life would make her life mean something.
Gus: Well, after she died why didn't my father take me? Miguel Santos is my father, right? Instead of putting my mother in that flop house and taking her home, what was he afraid of that Carmen Santos was going to kill her or kill me or something? Is that what you're upset about? Carmen Santos? Sister, you have nothing to worry about. She's in a prison hospital. Please, your friend Regina is dead. Please don't leave me behind as well. Please. Please.
Ed: Sometimes, no matter how much you love a person, you have got to walk away from them. I mean... I've done it. I know how hard it is, but I've done it.
Michelle: With Holly.
Ed: Yes.
Michelle: And there you just proved my point to me, because look at you and Holly now. You're closer than ever.
Ed: Only because we have spent years apart, because we have changed so much, we know that we would never make the same mistakes again. Ever.
Michelle: Okay, okay. So it hasn't been years since Danny and I were together, but a lot has changed.
Ed: Michelle...
Michelle: Carmen's out of the picture now; Danny's out of the family business. Those were our two biggest obstacles keeping us from having a sane life together. And maybe with them gone, maybe nothing's in our way now.
Ed: Do you realize you sound exactly like Danny now?
Michelle: Dad, I haven't forgotten how many times Carmen tried to kill me, or take Robbie, or turn Danny against me. The danger we faced was real and it was constant.
Ed: And all that nearly tore the hell out of yours in the process.
Michelle: Well, I made it a lot more painful than it needed to be.
Ed: Or maybe he just didn't trust you. How about that? I mean, he didn't trust you enough to tell you that he was going to stage his own death. I mean, does that sound like love? Is that love?
Michelle: Yes. Yes, I believe that it was. He was concerned for my safety.
Ed: Concern for safety is not usually a major part of a relationship. I mean, there are other ways to be with a man.
Michelle: (Sighs) Yes. Yeah, I know. I know. I tried that, right? Remember? The safe and sane route with Bill, and it didn't work.
Ed: You didn't give it much time.
Michelle: Because it was already moving too fast, too much, too soon.
Ed: Oh. I still think that was too bad.
Michelle: It's too bad. Too bad, wasn't it? It would have solved everyone's problems, if I could have just made things click with Bill, right? Right? I would have been with a solid, right-side-of-the-tracks kind of guy. And all my friends and family could have just breathed a collective sigh of relief.
Ed: Yeah, it sounded pretty good to me for a while.
Michelle: And to me, too. Until I realized that a relationship isn't about what seems right, it's about what is right-- to your head and to your heart.
Ed: A little perspective doesn't hurt, either.
Michelle: (Sighs) Dad, do you know how many times Danny and I missed out on our chances to make things work between us? And yet we're still hovering around each other. It's got to mean something.
Ed: Trouble.
Michelle: Or it's a sign that maybe... maybe we have another chance, if I could just get out of my own way and let it happen. (Sighs) You still think I'm wrong, don't you?
Ed: Would it change your mind if I said yes?
Michelle: Probably not.
Ed: So it'll just be a waste of both our times.
Danny: I think you should go to the fund-raiser.
Cassie: What?
Danny: You told me to be honest with you. I mean, I could always lie to you. Do you want me to...
Cassie: No! No, I don't want you to lie to me. I mean, I like that we're so honest with each other-- except when you're totally wrong.
Danny: (Laughs) Okay, all right.
Cassie: Do you know that this whole thing is Edmund's idea? Do you know that?
Danny: Cassie, look, I totally understand your not wanting to go. I'm sure there are a million reasons to not want to go.
Cassie: None of them obviously mean anything.
Danny: I'm just thinking about what's in the other column. You said the money raised would go towards building a library, right?
Cassie: If that money gets out of Edmund's greedy little hands.
Danny: Cassie, Edmund may be a lot of things, but he's not stupid, and he's too out front with something like this to be using it just to line his own pockets. Am I right?
Cassie: Danny, after everything he has done...
Danny: He's scum, Cassie. You know that; I know that. There's no doubt about it, but that's not why people will be going to this party. They'll be going because of Richard and who he was. People will be holding their noses at Edmund running this thing, but they'll also be opening up their checkbooks.
Cassie: In Richard's honor.
Danny: Yeah. I think it's a good reason to go. I think Richard probably would have liked the idea of a library, don't you?
Cassie: He would've loved it. He would've... loved it.
Danny: So are you going to take Tammy with you, or what?
Cassie: I didn't say that I was going.
Danny: Look, there's a completely different reason to go altogether, too. Fun.
Cassie: Fun?
Danny: Have you heard of it? Fun.
Cassie: Fun? Watching Edmund slither around and kiss up to people.
Danny: The same people that you haven't seen, probably, since Richard's funeral. They're friends of yours. You have a history with them. Don't you?
Cassie: Yeah. We had fun. We had parties.
Danny: You're entitled. Cassie, you're entitled to have some fun. Look, I know that you've probably heard this from a lot of your friends, but it's time to move on.
Cassie: Danny...
Danny: I'm not... listen to me. I'm not saying that you're standing still. Look at what you've done. With the Beacon, you got yourself back up on your feet financially. You're partners with a guy who is never wrong about anything.
Cassie: (Laughs)
Danny: Even this. It's time for you to take a step for yourself, personally. For you. Instead of working really hard just to put the past behind you. Come on. Go to the party. Have fun. You get to go to D.C. Don't even think of it as a fund-raiser. Think of it as Cassie's coming-out party. Huh?
Holly: Honey, why don't you just relax and let me take comfort in the knowledge that I'm far from alone when it comes to being publicly trashed for no good reason.
Blake: It was wrong.
Reva: Yes, of course it was.
Holly: But you have to look at the bigger picture.
Blake: Oh, all the other victims of witch-hunts and misjudgments and personal grudges?
Reva: Blake, Holly suffered a lot, but there are hundreds of other men and women on death rows all over the country, who for them, a wrongful accusation could turn into wrongful death.
Holly: Sounds like you're going to be good tonight.
Blake: I am not saying that my mom had a more raw deal than anyone else ever, but if I don't look out for you, then who else is going to?
Holly: Excuse me? I'm supposed to mother you, not the other way around.
Blake: Yeah, well, who needs it more right now? Huh?
Reva: She got you there.
Holly: How did I get a good girl like this?
Reva: Daughters: Reward or punishment? Ooh, that could be the topic for the next show-- "Grown-up daughters: A blessing or a curse?"
Holly: Okay, she's ready.
Reva: I'm ready.
Blake: She's ready.
Stage manager: We're set to go.
Reva: Thank you.
Holly: Come sit by me in case I get another persecution flashback.
Reva: Okay.
Holly: Go to it, Reva.
Reva: Thanks.
Stage manager: We're going in five, four, three.
Reva: Good evening and welcome to "The Reva Lewis Show"-- live. So, Stan, it was the DNA evidence that proved that you couldn't possibly have killed the payroll clerk.
Stan: That's right, Ms. Lewis.
Reva: And if this new technology hadn't come along, you would have been executed.
Stan: That's why this is such a miracle.
Reva: Your life was saved by a testing procedure that didn't even exist when you were locked in that cell.
Stan: One good thing about sitting on death row that long.
Reva: Wow. Well, amen to that, Stan. And thank you so much for your call. And good luck. Well, that was quite a story. If you or someone you know has been wrongfully accused, please give us a call. The number's right there on your television screen. We're going to take a commercial break and we'll be right back.
Blake: So maybe this is where I should call in and complain about how you were wrongfully accused, huh?
Holly: Don't you dare tie up the phone line. The real stalker could call in.
Blake: Mom, there's been no activity, no calls since Olivia was arrested. I mean, Reva may have a sixth sense, but it wasn't working on Olivia. She's guilty.
Gus: You know, it's very difficult for me to talk about a mother that I never knew.
Lucia: Yes.
Gus: Well, still, it's not right for me to upset you, so if I have, I am sorry. What?
Lucia: This is the same look you gave me the year I caught you running your finger through the birthday cake icing. (Laughs)
Gus: Well, it was my cake, wasn't it? With the white and orange frosting?
Lucia: Yes. Spun sugar. My arm was sore for a week after beating it.
Gus: Well, that was my favorite part when you would show up with the cake, because I used to get so excited. But then it was very, very strange that you just stopped coming.
Lucia: Well, things change.
Gus: I'm just thinking you must have cared about my mother very much to keep coming like that. And I'm assuming that you were also checking up on me.
Lucia: Yes. And I... I was close to your mother, but to say anything more about her would disrespect her memory.
Gus: Okay, but I'm just trying to reeducate myself. I'm trying to update my memory.
Lucia: You're a fine, strong young man. Believe me, that's enough.
Gus: Enough for what?
Lucia: To live with. To go on living with. Who your birth parents were makes no difference. What matters is not blowing any more of those chances that you get.
Gus: Lucia, this is not a hobby for me, piecing together my past. There are people out there that are watching me like a hawk, and I think that's because of who I am or where I have come from. And I just... I need to figure... I need to figure that out.
Lucia: It may be nothing.
Gus: Well, maybe, but I don't think so. Which is why, "A," I'm not going to stop until I get all of the answers, and "B," you've got to help me.
Edmund: Hello, Cassie.
Cassie: Two of my least favorite words to hear coming out of your mouth, I have to say.
Edmund: I didn't come here to fight.
Cassie: Well, then good. Leave. I have a very important meeting here in a few minutes and it could make me a lot of money, okay?
Edmund: I know. I am that meeting.
Cassie: What?
Edmund: You won't come to the party in Washington, D.C., Cassie, so I'm bringing the party to you. The benefit's still going on. It's just going to happen here.
Reva: What if Charlie Hale had been sent to the gas chamber and there was still some lingering doubt as to his guilt? Would you want to go through your life wondering whether or not an innocent man had been put to death?
Gail: My Caitlin was innocent! Now she's dead. (Sobs) And lady, until you have to bury a child and then listen to her killer lie and weasel his way out of paying for it, don't you tell me about what I have to go through life with!
(Phone clicks) (Dial tone)
Reva: Gail? Life and death. Guilt and innocence. Will we ever find the balance between the two of them? Thank you so much for your calls. And good-night.
Stage manager: And we are out.
Holly: Whoo.
Reva: Well, that was a bumpy ride.
Holly: It made for a good show, though. It really touched a nerve.
(Cell phone rings)
Blake: It rings, it vibrates. Excuse me. Hello? Alan, is that you? Yes, I can hear you. What? Now? Okay, all right. I'll come over as soon as I can. Okay, I'll hurry. All right. I have to go.
Holly: What's up?
Blake: Alan just called. He sounded very strange. He called from the Spaulding house. He summoned me over there. He wants to talk to me about the next board meeting, I guess. Well, at least somebody values my opinion.
Holly: Will I go for the bait? I don't think so.
Blake: For the record, Olivia's the stalker.
Cassie: Well, you know what? This is going to be a very short meeting, because I only have one thing to say to you, Edmund, and that's no.
Edmund: No?
Cassie: No.
Edmund: No. An official function of San Cristobel, a benefit, no less, honoring Richard's memory, can't be held in the hotel run by his wife.
Cassie: You got it.
Edmund: Cassie, this party will be very good for San Cristobel. It will good for Richard's legacy, it will be good for your children and it will be very good for your bottom line.
Cassie: Good for you. Isn't that what this is all about, Edmund?
Edmund: If that were the case, why would I... why wouldn't I stick to the original plan, throw the party in Washington, D.C.? Why would I go through this headache and bring it here?
Cassie: Because if I'm involved, I give you credibility. People think that we've made up, that we're getting along, that we're working together. And you know what? We're not.
Edmund: That is the most... that's the most bitter thing I've ever heard.
Cassie: Are you surprised?
Edmund: No, I'm not. Cassie, I've been doing a lot of thinking about the way things were between me and Richard, and between the two of us. I guess it makes sense, putting together something like this, but I'm not proud of the person I was.
Cassie: You mean the person you are.
Edmund: My life was being run by envy and jealousy. I didn't feel as if I was worth anything and I was trying to grab onto anything that would make me feel worthwhile.
Cassie: And you did, didn't you? Let's see, what did you have? Beth. You had the throne. You had total control. Oh, yeah, and then there's me.
Edmund: Yes, well, I guess I just couldn't stop myself.
Cassie: Now you want me to forgive you and, what? Just be taken in? (Scoffs)
Edmund: Cassie. Cassie, I'm trying to make up for some of the things I've done.
Cassie: By doing what? By being the new appointed guardian of Richard's memory? Are you kidding me, Edmund? You can forget it. Okay? Because I have seen you package yourself a thousand times and underneath, you are nothing but garbage. You are still the sadist that locked me in a tower. You are still the criminal that cost me my son, that I would have had with Richard. Oh, yeah. I'm bitter.
Edmund: Fine. Fine. Since I will obviously always be, to you, the prince of darkness, that is exactly the way I'm going to start acting. Cassie, this party is going to take place, whether you like it or not, one way or another. If I throw it in Washington, D.C., and you don't come, Tammy thinks you're a selfish witch. And if I throw it here, then Tammy thinks you're the world's greatest mom, the Beacon is inundated with money, and best of all, I'm strapped to your hip where you can keep your eye on me and hold my endless malignancy in check. So, what's it going to be? Do you want the business or not?
Cassie: Go ahead. Have your damn party here.
Edmund: Thank you very much.
Cassie: I am not doing this for you.
Edmund: I think you've made that point perfectly clear.
Cassie: This will be good for San Cristobel.
Edmund: Yes, it will.
Cassie: And it will be good for Springfield.
Edmund: Yes, it will.
Cassie: And Richard did die here, so...
Edmund: Yes, yes. And maybe we can have Reva come regale the guests with an up-close personal account of his last moments.
Cassie: I can change my mind and say no.
Edmund: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just...
Cassie: You just what?
Edmund: Miss him.
Cassie: I know you do. You know what? You better not expect me to show up on your arm, and I am not taking one picture with you. Do you hear me?
Edmund: I won't...
Cassie: And if anybody asks me my opinion of you or how you compare to your brother, I'm going to say you're not fit to share his name, let alone wear his shoes. Do you understand?
Edmund: Right, right. That's understood. Just, I hope one day that opinion of me will change.
Cassie: Not in this lifetime. I'm going to go get the contract.
Danny: When did she call? Uh-huh. She didn't leave a message? Okay. No, I'll give her a call back. Thanks, Tony. I think I've made you wait long enough, Michelle.
Michelle: I'm sorry that you couldn't sleep. Hey, want to call your daddy on his cell phone? And then you can say hello? Let's do that. I'll dial it. (Busy signal)
Danny: This is Danny Santos. Leave a message.
Michelle: Hi. I uh... just wanted you to know that the pizza was... it was beautiful, and uh... just give me a call when you're not busy, okay? (Growls) I guess getting back together with your daddy is going to be harder than I thought. Hm.
Blake: Oh. I'm sorry, I'm looking for Alan.
Alexandra: Oh, Blake. And why are you looking for Alan?
Blake: Well, he called me and he asked me to come over to discuss the next board meeting.
Alexandra: Oh, well, I'm afraid he's gone to bed. He hasn't quite been himself lately.
Blake: Oh. Well, he did sound strange on the phone.
Alexandra: Yes, well, I think it's just stress, but courtesy of Olivia.
Blake: Oh. Okay. Well, I'll just come back tomorrow.
Alexandra: Wait a minute, Blake. You wouldn't by any chance be thinking of voting against me as CEO next time around, would you?
Blake: I might. Now that Phillip is treating Harley like a human being again, I have no ax to grind against the male branch of the Spaulding's.
Alexandra: Yes, well, it's not quite that simple.
Blake: No?
Alexandra: Well, you heard how loopy Alan sounded when he called you. I mean, he's been making some serious misjudgments lately.
Blake: Really?
Alexandra: Yes, well, what would you call this fiasco with Olivia? It's hardly proof of a mind that's at work.
Blake: Are you trying to tell me that Alan is crazy?
Alexandra: No! But he's definitely troubled. He's been overemotional; he's been almost erratic. I mean... well, is this really the kind of CEO you want taking Spaulding Enterprises right into the new millennium?
Blake: Ah, is that it?
Alexandra: Yeah. I think, therefore, the logical thing to do is to hold off any kind of vote until he's in better shape.
Blake: And you would graciously volunteer to stay on as CEO. (Laughs) That's good. I could live with that. But let the board make up their mind about the vote this time. And no blackmail.
Alexandra: Fine. Have the vote now, have the vote later. It doesn't matter. I intend to win.
Lucia: I know you're a good man and I know you think you're doing the right thing.
Gus: I don't have a choice.
Lucia: But you do. I did know your mother, and your adoptive parents, and the situation. Trust me, there are times in life when mysteries are better left unsolved.
Gus: What are you saying? Are you saying I should just walk away?
Lucia: Walk away.
Gus: Well, I'm sorry, that ain't going to happen.
Lucia: You're going to bend some more rules, aren't you?
Gus: Sister, I'm going to break them all if I have to. I can't let this go. I am a risk-taker, remember.
Lucia: Yeah, I do.
Gus: It was very nice to see you again.
Lucia: Nice to see you, too, Nicky.
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