Guiding Light Transcript Friday 3/14/03
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Proofread by Tanya
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Gus: The reason that we're here is a personal matter. I lost touch with somebody I knew a long time ago, and I understand that she used to teach here. I thought maybe you could tell us where she is now.
Teacher: It's possible. What's her name?
Gus: Rinaldi. Lucia Rinaldi?
Teacher: I'm sorry, I can't help you.
Gus: So you won't help us? You can't help us, you won't help us? Which one is it?
Harley: She is a teacher. It should be against the law for her to lie. I'm going to drag her back in here.
Gus: What are you going to do? You're going to jump her, haul her back in here?
Harley: She knows where Lucia is.
Gus: She isn't going anywhere.
Harley: Lucia knows who you are. I don't want to...
Gus: She's not going anywhere.
Harley: Honey, she's already in the car on her way to...
Gus: She isn't going anywhere.
Harley: She can and she did.
Gus: She hasn't left yet. Desperate times, desperate measures.
(Knock at the door)
Michelle: So who's the lucky guy?
Alexandra: Oh, God! Alan, Alan... oh, Lord, what have I done? Oh, now, wait a minute. What have you done, Alan? You've taken extra pills haven't you? You fool! Alan, wake up.
Alan: Olivia...
Alexandra: No, don't you "Olivia" me.
Alan: Olivia...
Alexandra: No, no. Alan, come on, I want you to drink this. Here. Alan, please. Wake up. Will you wake up? All right, there you go. Okay, open your eyes, okay? Alan, I want you to snap out of it! For Pete's sakes. Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Don't you ever do that to me again! Just drink.
Phillip: It doesn't matter. He can't stop us.
Olivia: I don't want to see her.
Phillip: It doesn't make a difference. If you want to go, we'll go.
Olivia: Why don't you...
Phillip: Oh, there you are. I'm checking Olivia out for the evening. I'll have her back before curfew.
Alexandra: Oh, good.
Olivia: "Good"? No objections?
Alexandra: No, I actually think it's a very good idea for us to spend a little time apart.
Phillip: Amen to that.
Alexandra: No.
Phillip: I need to get my keys.
Alexandra: I'm sorry, but you can't go in there.
Olivia: Did you, um... finally get lucky? You got a man in there?
Alexandra: It's Alan. Please. No, I just thought you'd rather avoid him.
Phillip: You don't need to referee for me. I can handle it, okay?
Alexandra: Phillip, Phillip, I'm not fighting your battles for you. It's just that he's been ranting for an hour about the two of you. I finally got him calmed down. I just... I don't think it's a good idea if you to go in there and just stir him again.
Phillip: You know what actually? I have to tell you, I agree with you. I don't care. I have an extra set of keys in the front. Let's not let them ruin the evening.
Olivia: Let's not. Don't wait up.
Phillip: Good night.
Alexandra: Ha! Wouldn't dream of it. Alan, Alan, here. Come on, drink some more. Please.
Edmund: Hello, Tammy.
Tammy: Oh, hi, Edmund.
Edmund: How are you?
Tammy: Fine thanks.
Edmund: It's all right, you know.
Tammy: What?
Edmund: You can talk to me.
Tammy: I know that.
Edmund: Good. So I can't believe you're going to be graduating from school in a couple of months.
Tammy: Me neither.
Edmund: How are the boys?
Tammy: I'm not dating anyone.
Edmund: I meant your brothers.
Tammy: Oh. They're good. R.J.'s into everything, and Will looks up to him, which is funny because R.J.'s only five, but Will trails behind him like he's a shadow.
Edmund: Yeah, I did the same thing with Richard.
Tammy: Really? I thought you had a one-sided sibling rivalry with Richard since birth.
Edmund: Well, mostly... mostly that's true, but I still looked up to him all the time. It's just at some point, things changed, and I stopped wanting to be like him and started wanting to take everything away from him. I wish I could go back...
Tammy: You can't.
Edmund: No, you're right. I can't. Hey, how do the boys feel about models, you know, trains, planes, automobiles, that kind of thing? Because the Smithsonian has some of the most amazing models that I have ever seen. And if you think they'd like them, I can bring back some for them when I'm down in Washington.
Tammy: They love that stuff. Why are you going to Washington?
Edmund: Your mother didn't tell you?
Tammy: You don't exactly come up a lot around here.
Edmund: No, no, I don't suppose I do. Well, I have been appointed Ambassador from San Cristobel to the United States.
Tammy: That's... well, that was dad's position.
Edmund: Yeah, Tammy, I know I can never fill his shoes, but I'm going to do my best to make him very proud, and I don't know why you should believe in me.
Tammy: Well, I hope you can. Do you have meetings and stuff in D.C.?
Edmund: Why, yes, we do. As a matter of fact, we're planning on building a library in your father's honor. It's going to have all of his papers and letters and...
Tammy: Wow, you're really doing that?
Edmund: Yes. Oh. Here.
Tammy: Fundraiser for the library in Washington.
Edmund: That invitation's for you and your mother.
Tammy: Does mom know about this?
Edmund: Well, yes, she does, but I think she thinks it best not to attend. But still, I want you to keep that anyway.
Tammy: Mom won't go, but this is for dad? I don't understand.
Michelle: I'm sorry. I was... I was just looking for Danny.
Cassie: He's not here. I am not expecting Danny, Michelle, okay?
Michelle: Oh, no, no, I didn't think that. I just thought maybe that you would know where he is.
Cassie: I don't. But I'm really happy to see that you're looking for him.
Michelle: I'm glad to hear you say that. Because I know things have been weird between you and me since...
Cassie: Since a long time ago. And we should just forget all about that, right? Good. Danny has been very busy with our projects, but I know that he really wants to make time for you and Robbie. I know that. So if I see him, I will send him your way, okay?
Michelle: Thank you. Thanks. I'm sorry I interrupted you, whatever it is you're doing in there.
Cassie: Uh... come in. I... I don't know. Spring cleaning maybe?
Michelle: Wow! Robbie...
Cassie: I don't know. I think I'm making a big mess.
Michelle: Robbie would love to be here. He loves to make puddles. ( Laughter)
Cassie: Yeah, so does Will and R.J. Well, this is the Princess Cassie pile. That is first lady pile. Farm girl Cassie. And that is "What were you thinking Cassie?" Otherwise known as the get-rid-of, throw- away pile.
Michelle: Tell me you're not going to get rid of this. It's so beautiful.
Cassie: Thank you. Richard gave this to me. You know, it's funny. I packed all his stuff up a long time ago, and I thought that was going to be the hardest thing ever. I didn't realize how much my things would remind me of him. So now I am just looking at all of this stuff, and I'm just wondering why I'm holding on to it.
Michelle: Well, you know, when I thought that Danny was gone, I went up into our room and I went into our closet, and I wrapped all of his shirts that he left behind around me.
Cassie: I know that one.
Michelle: So yoga, huh?
Cassie: Yeah. You don't think it's very me, do you? (Laughs)
Michelle: No, no, no, I just... I just didn't know. No, I love yoga. I mean, running is more my thing. I never really got the hang of yoga. I kind of inhaled when you're supposed to exhale and I down-dogged when you're suppose to up-dog, and I just ended up all out of breath and uncoordinated and just didn't get it right.
Cassie: Well, it's not about being right. It's about taking things back down to the basics. My life was so crazy before. I needed something to remind me to breathe, so...
Michelle: Yeah, I think we all need that sometimes.
Cassie: (Laughs) We do. It was a regular part of my life. It was. But that was my life with Richard, so...
Michelle: You know, these things can still be a part of your life. I mean, it's okay to give up some of them, but it's also okay to keep some of them for you. I've got to find Danny. But... are you okay?
Cassie: Yeah. Great, fine.
Michelle: You know, you have to remember that even though Richard's gone, he would still want you to be good to you.
Teacher: What is the plan here, young lady? Steal my keys, hold me captive until I give you what you want?
Harley: Sounds about right to me.
Teacher: I want my keys back. I don't have to talk to you.
Harley: No, you don't, and you won't. Why is that? You're not in trouble. No one here is.
Teacher: Then you have no reason to hold me.
Harley: My partner is my reason. That guy deserves to know the truth about his past. Lucia may be the only person who can help him.
Teacher: I have nothing to say to you.
Harley: Why did you become a teacher?
Teacher: The money.
Harley: It was to help people, right? To help them to learn.
Teacher: Not "people," children.
Harley: Okay, well, Gus is somebody's child. He deserves to know the truth. Every child deserves to know the truth about who they are and where they came from, don't they?
Teacher: I have to honor my friend's wishes. I don't even know you.
Harley: But she knows him. Or she used to anyway. Please. Come on. You have to give them this chance. Isn't there anything I can say to you to make you understand how important this is to him?
Gus: Nothing that you can say, okay? There's nothing we can do. Here's your keys. Let's go; it's pointless. Let's go.
Harley: What are you doing?
Gus: This is not your fight. Let me try something. Hi. We're going to go. I'm sorry that we disturbed you. It's obvious to me that you have a secret, and I want you to keep it, all right?
Teacher: You're going to keep trying to find her anyway, aren't you?
Gus: Oh, I will find her.
Teacher: And then what?
Gus: I just have a question, and hopefully she has the answer.
Teacher: What if she doesn't?
Gus: Well, then she doesn't. I'm not out to punish her. I don't want anything to happen to her. It's just that recently something happened to turn my life upside down, and I wouldn't want that to happen to anybody else. I'm just trying to make sense of it, is all.
Teacher: That's all I need to know.
Gus: What made you change your mind?
Teacher: You're going to find out one way or the other. She's been hurt a lot in her life. I hope you won't add to her pain.
Gus: Mrs. Eison, that is the very last thing that I want to do, believe me.
Teacher: Like your girlfriend said, I'm sure Lucia would like the chance to make things right.
Harley: You are not serious.
Cassie: Get a grip, Cassie. This isn't you anymore. This isn't it. Maybe there is no "it."
Olivia: I feel like I snuck out past curfew.
Phillip: We can always go back.
Olivia: No. Bite your tongue. I'm having a great time, you know. We're out of the house. There's no Alexandra, there's no Alan. Thanks.
Phillip: Mm-hmm.
Olivia: Did I mention there's no Alan?
Phillip: Yes, you did. When we were driving, I just felt like staying in the car and just going.
Olivia: Interesting. That makes three of us. But that's not an option really. So a night out will have to be good enough. Now if I could just have a martini and three olives, everything would be right with the world.
Phillip: Would you settle for the olives? You can have the olives. You'll have to wait for the rest till after the baby.
Olivia: Our baby.
Ross: Well, hello, you two.
Phillip: Hello, Ross. Hey.
Olivia: Hi.
Phillip: Join us, please. Save me from drinking alone.
Ross: (Laughs) I can't. I'm here to meet Blake.
Phillip: Oh.
Ross: Olivia, how's it going? How are you holding on?
Olivia: I'm hanging in.
Ross: Good. I remember when Blake was pregnant the last time, and about this stage, she could hardly keep anything down, and then she was moody. It was lovely for me.
Olivia: Oh, that sounds awful for her and for you.
Ross: Yeah.
Olivia: I'm actually hungry a lot. And I just keeping thinking to myself that I'd be one of those happy people that usually annoy me if it weren't for this whole trial business.
Phillip: So what is next, Ross?
Ross: Well, my job is now to take the evidence such as it is and prove that it's circumstantial.
Olivia: What are the chances of you doing that?
Ross: Quite good, very good. In fact, the only thing that links you to this crime is your cell phone, and a number of other people had access to it. Beyond that, there's nothing else.
Phillip: So that's great. So as long as... as long as nothing else comes up that you didn't have an opportunity to prepare for, then it should be fine, right?
Ross: Well, in this case, like many others, it sort of unfolds like a chess game. And if I could see all the pieces, well, then I can win. If I don't see all the pieces and there's some surprises, well, we're all in trouble.
Alexandra: All right, Alan, what do you want Nolan to tell cook to prepare for you? You have to eat something.
Alan: Look, I am feeling just fine, Alexandra. I just... just let me sit down for a second.
Alexandra: No, not fine. I come in here, you're sitting in a chair, you're passed out. I'm worried sick. I don't know, I think you're...
Alan: You know what? You're not going to get rid of me that easily.
Alexandra: All right, I was just worried about you, Alan. You had taken extra pills.
Alan: Yeah, would you quit nagging me about those pills?
Alexandra: Well, you should be glad somebody is worrying about you. All right, Nolan, I want you to tell cook to set the dining room for two. And you might inform Phillip and Olivia that we don't want to be disturbed. I think we've had enough excitement for one night.
Nolan: Yes.
Alexandra: They can eat in the other wing.
Nolan: (Laughs) I agree. It's not a problem, though. They just left together a few minutes ago.
Alexandra: Really? What? To go to dinner or...?
Nolan: No, no, they said they'd be out for the evening.
Alexandra: Oh. Well, fine. Then thank you, Nolan. I'll let you know what we decide on.
Nolan: All right.
Alexandra: You know, Alan, I think some of cook's cream of mushroom soup, it has those wonderful blend of herbs...
Alan: Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me that Phillip and Olivia are out for dinner having a grand old time, and I get you and soup?
Alexandra: You know, Alan, you can't keep worrying about what Phillip and Olivia are doing every single minute.
Alan: You know, you are absolutely right, Alexandra.
Alexandra: Well, of course, I am.
Alan: Yes. I'm going out to dinner.
Alexandra: No, you are not.
Alan: I am going.
Alexandra: All right, then I'm coming with you.
Alan: You're not going to spoon-feed me.
Alexandra: Fine. But you promise me we're going to go somewhere very quiet.
Alan: I'm going to the club.
Alexandra: All right. No more of these today. You've had quite enough.
Tammy: So what's it going to look like, my dad's library? Do you have plans or whatever?
Edmund: Well, we have architects working on it, but nothing set in stone right now, but as soon as something is, I'll be sure to show you what's happening. But right now I think I need to be shoving off. You keep that.
Tammy: Mom, were you even going to tell me?
Cassie: Tell you what?
Tammy: The fundraiser for dad's library? Didn't I deserve to know?
Cassie: Of course. Of course. Honey, I was going to tell you.
Tammy: But you're not going to go?
Cassie: Tammy, look, I was...
Tammy: Well, why not?
Edmund: Tammy, your mother has every right to feel about me the way she does.
Cassie: Edmund, I don't need your help. This is between me and my daughter.
Edmund: All right, well, the last thing I want to do is upset you.
Cassie: Right. Well, you've done what you've come to do, so you can go now.
Edmund: Cassie, I'm trying to be a better brother for Richard now than I was to him when he was alive.
Cassie: Well, too little too late.
Edmund: But I know Richard would want you at that gala in Washington, D.C. I'm sorry I've made things such that you don't think you should go. But, regardless, I'm going to do everything within my power to make that library something he'd be proud of. Excuse me.
Tammy: Mom, you're wrong.
Cassie: Tammy, listen to me. You cannot let him manipulate you, okay? I know that he is one of our only connections to your father, but you know what? He's not worth it. He's not.
Tammy: Okay, he's his brother. You can't change that. You just hate that he's alive and dad isn't.
Cassie: Yes, I do. I do. But that's not the point here.
Tammy: I know about all the bad stuff he did, and I don't care.
Cassie: How can you say that?
Tammy: He's not dad. He'll never be dad. But he is building this library for dad. That's what matters.
Cassie: He is going to take that money and line his pockets with it. Tammy, he's going to profit from your father's memory. Do you realize that?
Tammy: So? Dad knew who he was and was willing to still have him in his life.
Cassie: Yeah. Well, your dad's not here anymore.
Tammy: You weren't the only one who loved him, you know. What about me and Will and R.J.? We loved him, too.
Cassie: Honey, we honor him every day. We don't need Edmund for that.
Tammy: I want to go.
Cassie: You're making a mistake.
Tammy: It's mine to make.
Cassie: Tammy, he's going to break your heart.
Tammy: No, it's not possible. I'd have to let him into my heart for him to be able to do that, and I could never do that, knowing all the pain he causes.
Cassie: I know you think that, okay? I know that you think that. But you're opening a door, and I see it. He broke your father's heart over and over again, and I'm not going to stand by and watch it happen to you.
Tammy: You won't have to watch it since you won't be there, will you?
Cassie: I can't have this conversation with you right now, okay?
Tammy: I'm sorry, Mom.
Cassie: This isn't over.
Harley: All right, what gives? I thought you were from these parts.
Gus: Winnetka is a suburb. I'm a city guy. I don't know from suburbs. You know what? It's late. We can just do this tomorrow.
Harley: Gus.
Gus: What?
Harley: I know you're scared. It's okay.
Gus: I'm just about to get the answer I've been waiting for since I found out I'm adopted. I don't think I'm scared, okay?
Harley: Okay. I just meant, uh... I know you're scared to tell me that you need to do it alone.
Gus: Why would you say that? You've been with me every single step of the way-- Germany even. Are you kidding me? You think I don't want you to go across town with me? That's crazy.
Harley: Well, this is it, right? And this moment belongs to you. This is the moment you've been waiting for. You certainly don't need an audience. Hey, this Lucia, she is the only link you have to your mother, you know. You're going to have to be really open to get her to tell you the truth, you know. You're going to have to call on whatever you might have meant to her, whatever your family meant to her to get her to give you the answer that you need. I don't want to get in the way of that.
Gus: When this is over, why...
Harley: When this is over, I'm going to remind you how great I am.
Gus: You're not going to need to remind me.
Harley: Just call me when you know, okay?
Gus: I love you. I love you so much.
Harley: (Whispers) I know.
Ross: Olivia, is there anything else?
Olivia: Why would there be anything else?
Ross: No, I meant, do you have any questions?
Olivia: Oh, no, I'm sorry. No, I'm fine.
Ross: Oh. Well, then I should be going, trying to find Blake.
Phillip: Ross, thanks.
Ross: All right. Olivia, you hang in there.
Olivia: Thanks.
Ross: I'll see you later.
Phillip: Okay.
Olivia: Don't. Don't you say it. Mm-mm.
Phillip: I don't have to say it.
Olivia: No.
Phillip: He said it, and you heard him. If he knew about the lipstick, he could prepare for it.
Olivia: I also heard him say that my case is based purely on circumstantial evidence. We'll win or lose based on his belief in me.
Phillip: He believes in you. He believes in you.
Olivia: Is he going to believe in me after I show him the lipstick?
Phillip: Listen. He's your attorney right now, and you're his client. He's going to defend you to the best of his ability no matter what. I know him. But I can tell you something else: If Alan is the one that's behind this, he is praying that you lied.
Olivia: What? That's another bar on my prison cell.
Phillip: Don't you understand? This is a bomb he wants to go off in court. The last thing he wants is for you to be honest with your attorney about it, because given time, it could prove his guilt. No, you hide this, you do it at your own risk.
Alexandra: Alan, I forgot something in the car, dear. I'll... don't start without me.
Alan: I won't make any promises.
Alexandra: I'll be right back.
Maitre'd: Mr. Spaulding, would you like to sit with your son and...
Alan: Well, Olivia. Olivia, there's no escaping you, is there? My house, my club, my son.
Phillip: Okay. All right, that's enough.
Alan: I'll decide when it's enough, Phillip.
Olivia: Are you following me?
Alan: I don't believe I'm the stalker in this group. I've come here to have a nice quiet dinner.
Phillip: Right, because you have nothing to do with what's been happening to Olivia, right?
Alan: Will you stop deluding yourself, Phillip? It's really embarrassing. All you have to do is open your eyes and look at the fact. She is guilty. All you have to do is look at her track record, and everything falls into place.
Phillip: You really think... you want to start bringing up track records around here?
Alan: Oh, there's no contest. I will admit. I've made a few minor errors trying to hold on to someone who wasn't worthy of my attention. But Olivia, Olivia is an adulteress who set out to seduce her own stepson and in her spare time stalks a very popular TV personality, who happens to be the wife of her ex-husband. No, I think that the jury will see things my way and send you to jail and give me custody of my child.
Olivia: And what kind of father puts his baby's mother in prison?
Alan: Oh, so now you finally admit that I am the father, huh?
Olivia: No, I'm just pointing out what a little monster you are. This baby is not yours.
Alan: That child is mine, damn it! There's nothing you can do about it, Olivia, nothing!
Phillip: Hey. Hey.
Olivia: Have you been drinking?
("Hands" by Jewell playing)
If I could tell the world just one thing
it would be we're all okay
and not to worry 'cause worry is wasteful and useless in times like these
I won't be made useless I won't be idle with despair
I will gather myself around my faith
for light does the darkness most fear
my hands are small I know but they're not yours they are my own
but they're not yours they are my own and I am never broken.
Poverty stole your golden shoes
but it didn't steal your laughter
and heartache came to visit me but I knew it wasn't ever after
we'll fight not out of spite
for someone must stand up for what's right
'cause where there's a man who has no voice there I shall go singing
my hands are small I know but they're not yours they are my own
but they're not yours they are my own and I am never broken
in the end only kindness matters
in the end only kindness matters.
Edmund: Colonel Dax.
Dax: Edmund, you're looking well.
Edmund: As are you. How's life treating you now that you're back in San Cristobel?
Dax: I'm very fortunate that Alonzo is such a forgiving man. He's like Richard in that way.
Edmund: Yes, I'm sure he is. Well, the library is not going to build itself, Dax. Let's get down to work, shall we?
Dax: I have Alonzo's list for the gala, plus a suggested itinerary for that weekend. He thought we might plan one or two other events while we're in Washington, D.C.
Edmund: Change of venue, Dax. We're bringing the entire event to Springfield. Don't look disappointed. There'll be other trips to Washington. As Ambassador, I'll have you accompany me.
Dax: I just don't understand why. Well, Washington seems so perfect.
Edmund: Richard loved it here, his family is here. We'll hold the event at the Beacon.
Dax: At Cassie's suggestion?
Edmund: No, as a matter of fact, she hasn't even been asked yet, and I'm going to assign that job to someone else.
Dax: You're not asking her yourself?
Edmund: Well, I'd like her to say yes, so I think we should make it Alonzo's idea.
Dax: I understand. Perhaps we should call Alonzo first before we should decide who should approach her.
Edmund: Good idea. Thanks for the input, Dax.
Dax: I'm happy to do this. For Richard.
Edmund: Someone's not happy.
Alexandra: You don't miss a thing, do you, Edmund?
Edmund: So what's inspired this?
Alexandra: Your guess is as good as mine.
Reporter: Henry Ray, business section of "The Journal." About your recent divorce and health problems, how do you think that's going to affect the health of Spaulding Enterprises?
Alan: I am Spaulding Enterprises, and the company has never been stronger. As for my marriage...
Phillip: This man is not a member. Please show him the door.
Maitre'd: Would you come with me?
Reporter: Wait. So freedom of the press does not apply to the Spaulding's?
Alan: Well, I wanted the whole world to know how my marriage would be without my wife and with my new son, the future of our family and our company.
Phillip: Okay, well, I've had enough. Have you?
Olivia: Yes.
Phillip: Let's go.
Alan: Fine. You can run away, but you can't run away from the fact that that is my baby. Never! Do you hear me?
Alexandra: I think that's my cue. Alan, sit down, sit down. And I'm not asking you!
Alan: I am not a child, Alexandra.
Alexandra: All right, then you stay here. I'm going to get you some water.
Edmund: Why am I under the impression that you orchestrated all of this, Alexandra?
Alexandra: Oh...
Olivia: ...So controlling. I've never been so happy to get away from someone in my life.
Phillip: Hang on a second. We're not going anywhere yet.
Olivia: What?
Phillip: We need to get something straight.
(Doorbell rings) (singing inside)
Gus: Hi.
Sister Katherine: May I help you?
Gus: I certainly hope so. I'm looking for Lucia Rinaldi. Do you know that name, Lucia Rinaldi? I know; I saw your sign, "No visitors" and all of that, but if you could just... see, she probably knows who I am. She knew me when I was kid. If you could just tell her the name Nicky Augustine, and she would probably see me. If could just ask her, please.
Sister Katherine: Wait here.
Gus: Thank you.
Olivia: What is it?
Phillip: You told Alan that this wasn't his child.
Olivia: That's because it isn't and it won't be.
Phillip: It could be.
Olivia: Biologically, yes. But he'll never be a father to this baby, Phillip. He's going to do everything in his power to take this baby away from me. He set me up for a crime I didn't commit because he knows I would have to be behind bars to deliver this baby. Telling him this baby isn't his is the best defense I've got. It's the only defense I've got.
Phillip: Yeah, well, it may also be a lie.
Olivia: You think the truth is going to keep him away? I mean, come on, look at him. What will he do if this baby is a DNA match?
Phillip: The more important question is what will you do?
Olivia: He isn't the right father for this baby, and you know that. I would give anything to know that this baby is yours for sure, but in the absence of that, I'll be this baby's everything. I'll be his mother and his father before I ever let Alan get near him. Alan doesn't know how to love, and I'm not going to let him teach my baby his own twisted ideas of love and family. I want better than that. Phillip, this baby is going to learn everything the right way, and I'm going to learn along with him, and I just hope you'll be there to help us.
Phillip: Olivia, I will be there and I will help you, but I can't let you build this child's life based on a lie. You know that.
Olivia: This is different, all right? We are saving a baby from a bad father.
Phillip: It doesn't matter. It doesn't make any difference. If you love this child, you can't keep this kind of secret. You just can't. Believe me, I know. So you know what? I'm going to make this real easy for you. If this is Alan's baby, I will not keep that secret. I can't.
Olivia: Maybe it won't come to that. Maybe you are this baby's father.
Phillip: Maybe I am. But you can't call me the father until we know I am for sure. I'm sorry.
Olivia: Me, too.
Phillip: I'll take you home.
Edmund: My brother and I had a long history of animosity. You and your brother have a long history of animosity. My brother gave me a million chances to make amends. In other words, I didn’t take him up on it until well after he had died. You had a million chances to make... oh, never mind. I'm not any good at this.
Alexandra: (Laughs) No. No, you're not.
Edmund: Right. So what's the plan? You're going to have all of Springfield, including the press, witness your brother's meltdown?
Alexandra: All right, that is what happened. I'm not happy about it. But that's the way it has to be, it has to.
Edmund: Does it?
Alexandra: (Sighs) Alan's timing couldn't be worse.
Edmund: All right, I'll play along.
Alexandra: Okay, there's some important information that Alan's kept from me. There's a clause in our father's will that says he has the power to pass on the company to the next generation.
Edmund: You mean when it goes to Phillip?
Alexandra: Yes. Or whoever his favorite son of the moment is.
Edmund: (Laughs) That must keep Alan very warm at night now that Phillip's having it out with Olivia.
Alexandra: Well, I don't think that will last much longer either, so...
Edmund: What does that mean?
Alexandra: There's another clause in the will, too. And that is that if Alan's incapacitated, that power flows to me and to whomever I designate.
Gus: Hi. Will she see me?
Sister Katherine: Lucia lived here for a time, but she's gone now.
Gus: Well, what happened? Did she... she move?
Sister Katherine: She's dead.
Gus: Wait, that can't be.
Sister Katherine: You knew her well?
Gus: Well, that was one of the questions that I needed answered. Well, thank you. Thank you anyway, sister.
Lucia: I broke his heart. I had to. It was the only way. It was for the best.
Gus: Why would you say something like that?