Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 3/13/03
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Proofread by Tanya
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Alan: Do you have something you want to say, Alexandra? Are you wondering if I've been taking those little sedatives you've been trying to foist on me?
Alexandra: I'm not foisting. I...
Alan: Well, the answer is no and I never intend to take one of those pills. That wasn't Simmons on the phone. That was someone who's going to help me win Spaulding back from you. And I have to keep my edge. So, I won't be taking any of these happy little pills you gave me. But maybe you will want to keep one or two to calm you down when I unseat you at the next board meeting.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Oh, Alan, that is such dribble, really. Of course you want to... you're desperate to keep that edge. But not in the boardroom, dear, in the bedroom. Because you're afraid that, well, Olivia has been lost to Phillip. And you know something, you may just be right.
Phillip: Hey.
Olivia: Hi.
Phillip: You left your book downstairs.
Olivia: Thanks. Could you just put it over there?
Phillip: Sure. Something wrong?
Olivia: Wrong? No. I mean, just because I've gone from being the city's prisoner to Alexandra's, and now I'm starting to look like a beached whale, no. Oh.
Phillip: You hardly look like a beached whale.
Olivia: Oh, yeah, then what?
Phillip: How about a very skinny guppy?
Olivia: Don't humor me.
Phillip: (Laughs) I'm not. I'm not. What... what are you talking... you look great. You look beautiful. As always.
Olivia: You're a liar. You're a liar. Look at this. Feel this. This... that fat wasn't there a week ago.
Phillip: Olivia, you're imagining things.
Olivia: I think I know my body better than you do.
Phillip: Listen, I'm telling you, it's all in your head.
Olivia: No, I'll tell you what's in my head.
Phillip: No. We should not do this.
Olivia: Why not? It's what we both want.
Phillip: Because things are already way too complicated at the moment.
Olivia: Not what we feel for each other. That's all pretty real.
Phillip: (Sighs)
Olivia: Unless you...
Phillip: Unless I what?
Olivia: You want to go through this?
Phillip: What?
Olivia: My makeup, you know. Check for more clues. Maybe find a blush or a... ooh, ooh, ooh, a foundation that will tie me to the crime. You know what, maybe I wrote something really nasty in eyeliner some place.
Phillip: Olivia...
Olivia: You still doubt me.
Phillip: No, look...
Olivia: Yes, you do. You actually think that despite dealing with the situation with you and Alan, and running my hotel 24/7, finding out that I'm pregnant, that I actually found the time to stalk Reva Lewis.
Alan: You couldn't be more off track, Alexandra. I wouldn't take Olivia back if she were the last woman on earth.
Alexandra: No, all you care about now is the child she's carrying.
Alan: That's right.
Alexandra: Yes. Well, I'd like to believe that, but you see, I happen to know what a sore loser you are, dear. So, please, this time don't look at this as a loss, but see it as a victory, huh? Olivia's out of your hair and she's Phillip's problem now.
Alan: Yes, that's exactly the way I see it.
Alexandra: Good. I really hope so. Because you do know that Olivia was never right for you, dear. She's far too young. She is. (Chuckles) And then, of course, you professed to love her because of her passion, her unpredictability. But I know that deep down you really just want to control her.
Alan: Are you... wait a minute, are you trying to tell me that Phillip doesn't try to control his women?
Alexandra: Yes, but he has a much younger heart, dear. And he's much more up to the task.
Alan: You know, if you don't like Olivia, and you're so glad that she's out of my life, why the hell did you bring her here?
Alexandra: Oh, come on, Alan, you know why, because she's carrying a Spaulding.
Alan: Yes, and that Spaulding happens to be mine. And once we take the paternity test, it will be proof.
Alexandra: And in the meantime?
Alan: In the meantime, I have other fish to fry. And I don't intend on slowing down.
Gus: No, I don't think anything can come between us unless we let it come between us, okay? And that includes my sister, Eden.
Harley: Really? When was the last time that we had a fight? Not since your sister left town.
Gus: (Sighs) All right. So, you and my sister are like oil and water, okay. We've established that, right. Fair? Okay?
Harley: Yes.
Gus: Yes? Good. But you basically hate her. But you think you have a handle on that. That's why you went ahead and told her that she doesn't even have a brother before I could tell her that.
Harley: No, no, no.
Gus: No?
Harley: No, I told her because I was trying to help you.
Gus: Well, thank you very much. Now, I need you to back off a little bit, okay?
Harley: What do you mean, "back off"?
Gus: I need you to... I need you to step aside, let me deal with my sister because she doesn't get to me the way she gets to you.
Harley: Oh, she gets to you...
Gus: No.
Harley: ...Look how you're being to me right now...
Gus: This might sound a little selfish to you or whatever, but with everything that's going on in my life right now, I just... I don't need to play referee with you and my sister. Do you understand that?
Harley: Yes, I understand that.
Gus: Good. Is there anything else? Anything else?
Harley: Just this. I am afraid that if you're not careful, your sister will be back to her old tricks. That's all I'm saying. Hey, I want you to have a family. I just...
Gus: Do you?
Harley: I don't... I cannot believe you actually asked me that.
Gus: I mean, it just sounds to me like you've already, like, made a little decision in your mind that I should let go of the only living single family member that I have. I don't understand. What... what do you want me to do? Do you want me to act like a heartless... you rocked her world.
Harley: Yes, I know I did. That's why I'm afraid she's going to walk back in here, making up some story... that she can use...
Gus: Stop! Just stop! I just... I need you to cut me some slack. (Knock on door) (sighs) Okay.
Eden: Hi.
Gus: Come in. Come in.
Eden: Are you sure?
Gus: Come in, come in, come in, come in. What is that? What have you got?
Eden: This is the family album. I started thinking about it, about our parents, about... around the time that you were born. People that knew them. You know, someone that they might have confided in about your adoption.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: That's... that's a great idea, Eden, but actually we already thought of that.
Gus: Who is there really? There was no... Aunt Carla, she died. Uncle Mario, he died. They didn't really have any other friends that I could remember...
Eden: No?
Gus: ...Who were close.
Eden: Well, what about... her?
Gus: Oh, yeah. Lucia. Lucia, I forgot about her.
Eden: I know, I did, too. And then I started thinking about it, and...
Harley: Excuse me, who's... who's Lucia?
Gus: This... this is a blurry photo. Is there anything...
Eden: I don't know.
Gus: ...That would look better?
Eden: There might be. There might be.
Harley: Who's Lucia?
Eden: Um... I don't know. How would you describe her? She would like baby-sit and keep the house neat and...
Gus: She's like a family friend, really.
Eden: Kind of a little more like an unofficial aunt. How did mom meet her?
Gus: Um... church, I think it was. But I remember seeing her at Thanksgiving, once at Christmas or something.
Eden: And then she just disappeared.
Gus: She just didn't disappear. She... she moved away. You don't have to be so dramatic. She moved away. But she was mom's friend, so when mom died, that was pretty much it.
Eden: He remembers her better than I do, because he was older and also... he was her favorite.
Gus: Well, you were obnoxious so...
Eden: Yeah, I was a little brat, wasn't I?
Gus: Lucia Rinaldi. Lucia Rinaldi. Okay, honey, um... you know what we have to do? Call the Chicago DMV, the INS, Social Security. Get on this.
Harley: Right.
Gus: Okay.
Harley: Yeah. Yeah.
Eden: Well, I think I have a faster way. A Christmas card from a couple of years ago with a return address.
Ramona: Ben, help yourself to a drink. I'll be right out.
Ben: Okay, no problem. Take your time. Come on.
Ramona: Ben? If you're trying to heat things up in here, I know a much better way to do it.
Phillip: I told you before: I believe you. I do not think that you are stalking Reva. I think somebody set you up.
Olivia: Yes, they did. They found the shade of lipstick that I wear and they set me up.
Phillip: And used it to write the message that Reva found. And they used your cell phone to make the call. Yes.
Olivia: Yes.
Phillip: Yes.
Olivia: I'm... sorry. I'm sorry I went off on you like that.
Phillip: It's okay. You're pregnant.
Olivia: Oh.
Phillip: You're allowed.
Olivia: I'm pregnant.
Phillip: I know.
Olivia: And I'm not feeling very attractive at the moment. And your rejection certainly didn't help.
Phillip: I did not reject you...
Olivia: Oh, please, are you sure about that?
Phillip: Yes. I did not reject you. I meant... exactly what I said. I do not think this is the time for us to go any further down that road. For starters, we're in this house. And I don't care if Alan is in the opposite wing. That's still way...
Olivia: Way too close for comfort.
Phillip: Yes.
Olivia: I know.
Phillip: It is.
Olivia: I know.
Phillip: And... and that's forgetting about the even more important fact that you're pregnant. You had a scare a couple of days ago. And think about everything that's happened in between. You've got even more stress on you. I think right now we just need to keep things status quo.
Olivia: Yeah. And I just think it's because I'm pregnant and I'm fat, and you don't find me very attractive.
Phillip: I don't think there's a way that I can respond to that and say the right thing.
Olivia: No.
Phillip: (Laughs) (laughter) Oh, see I've been married before. I know all these traps.
Olivia: All right. I'm just happy to be laughing. It's nice-- especially with you.
Phillip: We haven't done much of that, I know.
Olivia: No. Well, maybe once this whole stalker thing is over. If it's ever over.
Phillip: (Sighs)
Olivia: Phillip?
Phillip: I've just been thinking a lot about what we were talking about yesterday.
Olivia: About Alan.
Phillip: Hmm. Think about it. You dump him on Mystic Island, you tell him you're divorcing him, and then all of a sudden, somebody's setting you up. That's either a hell of a coincidence...
Olivia: Or Alan Spaulding's twisted brand of revenge.
Ben: Did you think I was... no, I saw an...
Ramona: An insect and you wanted to incinerate it.. tell it to your "sick aunt." Now, please, would you get down from there? You look ridiculous. Did you burn yourself?
Ben: No, it's...
Ramona: Are you sure? Because I could kiss it and make it better.
Ben: Ramona, look...
Ramona: You know, I have never had a man go to such lengths not to sleep with me before. In fact, I've never had a man not want to sleep with me ever.
Ben: It's not that, okay? Trust me. Like I said before you are a very, very attractive woman.
Ramona: So, why are you so anxious to get away from me? Is it the financial aspect of the arrangement?
Ben: Yeah, it's a big part of it.
Ramona: Sex for money. Yeah, I could see how that could sound demeaning. If that's the way you choose to look at it, but I don't. Because, first, I'm not sneaking around behind my husband's back. Patrick knows all about my "extracurricular activities."
Ben: Seriously? Your husband knows? And he's... totally fine with that?
Ramona: I love my husband dearly, Ben, deeply. But he's 25 years my senior. He's the CEO of a large corporation. You know, he's under an enormous amount of pressure at work. He travels, you know, half the year. Then when he finally does get home, he doesn't always have the energy I need to satisfy me. I'd never cheat on him. But the thing is, is that I am young and I do have energy. So, we came up with this arrangement and it's working out very nicely for both of us.
Ben: That's very evolved of you.
Ramona: Really, it's just practical. You see, the way I see it, is sleeping with my husband is more about trust and love and emotional connection. And then there's a roll in the hay with someone like you which is purely physical. You know, it's all about having a little fun, de-stressing, having a good time. You know, and if the... both parties are willing, I just... I don't see the harm. And as for the money aspect of it, I just think that, you know, it helps keep things straightforward, so that neither one of us mistake it for real intimacy.
Ben: I never thought of it like that.
Ramona: Well, it's a win-win situation for both of us, Ben. But if it's not your cup of tea, you know, that's fine, too. Listen, Ben, if you have something to say, please just say it. Don't be shy.
Ben: I guess, you know, I'm just wondering, you know, why me?
Ramona: Well, that's easy. Because I like you, Ben. You are a very charming companion. You're handsome, well-bred, well-educated and... very sexy. And I assume that the attraction must be at least a little bit mutual. Unless you were, you know, faking your enthusiasm for the kiss before. Okay. There's no pressure, all right? You just take a couple of days, you mull it over. I was thinking along the lines of... well, like a regular arrangement. Wednesday afternoons work well for me. Perhaps they will for you, too. So, I hope to hear from you, Ben.
Ben: Yeah, yeah. See you.
Ramona: Okay.
Shayne: It looks like Ben got caught in traffic. But you know what, I'm sure he's going to be here soon, so...
Marina: Wait, you're leaving me?
Shayne: Yeah. I'm not into the whole third wheel thing. Have you seen our waiter?
Marina: No, I don't see him anywhere.
Shayne: Hey, excuse me. Hey, could you do me a favor? Listen, I got to get going. My friend's going to hang out here for a while. So, will you make sure all this stuff I ordered gets put on my tab?
Waiter: Yeah, sure.
Shayne: Yeah? The name's Lewis, Shayne Lewis.
Waiter: Lewis, Shayne Lewis.
Shayne: Yeah. Thanks.
Marina: Shayne, we're okay, right? I mean, you don't, like, feel weird about anything?
Shayne: About what?
Marina: You know, I'm still up for racquetball sometime. Of course I'm going to wipe the court with you.
Shayne: Sure. If I can squeeze you in between baseball practice and all my hot dates.
Manager: Mark? They need you in the men's grill. Then after that, I need for you to go to the ballroom and help set up tonight's buffet. Mark? Did you hear me?
Waiter: Yeah. Yeah. It's just... there was something I was supposed to do. But now I can't remember what it was.
Manager: Then it couldn't have been important. Go on. I'll bus this for you.
Marina: All right, Ben Reade, where are you?
Gus: All right, well, thank you very much. That's very helpful. All right, we got it. The address, the return address is from a private school in Chicago that Lucia used to teach in.
Harley: Used to teach in?
Gus: Yeah, well, she left a couple of years ago.
Harley: Do they know where she went?
Gus and Harley: Of course not.
Gus: So, I figure if I go up there, I can fish around. I'll find somebody that knew her or whatever.
Harley: Good. Good. When do you want to go?
Gus: Right now, this afternoon if we can.
Eden: You know what, I'll get out of your hair. And I hope you find Lucia. And I hope that she tells you this is just a big mistake.
Gus: Eden, uh... just wait. I want to talk to you.
Eden: You know what I also want to tell you, I mean, no matter how this turns out, it really meant a lot to me what you said about keeping your promise to dad about standing up for me. (Phone rings)
Gus: Eden...
Harley: You know what... I'll take that upstairs.
Gus: Come here. Listen, the promise that I made to dad, okay, I didn't just make it to him, I made it to myself as well. D.N.A connection or not, you're my kid sister, you know. Unless of course I disown you because you like act a spaz, but otherwise, it's you know, for good or for worse or whatever. I just... I hope you feel the same way.
Eden: You don't have to ask that.
Gus: All right. It's just with everything that's been going on in my life lately, I'm just trying to hang onto whatever I can, and that includes you. Okay?
Eden: Give my love to Lucia if you find her, okay?
Gus: Yeah.
Eden: Bye, Harley.
Gus: Babe, I'm sorry... that I was just so testy before...
Harley: Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. I'm the one who's sorry.
Alan: Well, go ahead, help yourself to whatever's mine-- including my wife.
Phillip: She's not your wife-- not anymore.
Alan: Not that that made any difference to you in the first place.
Phillip: So, you're feeling betrayed. Sort of begs the question how far you'd go to get revenge? Would you try to make it look like Olivia's stalking Reva?
Alan: You know, you are truly amazing. You think that I am capable of doing all of this. And, yet, you never for one second doubt Olivia's innocence. You know, love is really blind.
Phillip: We will get as far away from here as possible.
Alan: Not if that child is mine, Phillip.
Phillip: Watch me.
Alan: I have rights in this situation and you know it!
Marina: This is pathetic. You snooze, you lose, Ben.
Waiter: Miss, you're leaving?
Marina: Yeah. My boyfriend's a no-show. So, you know, his loss.
Waiter: Oh, I'll get you your check then.
Marina: Oh, oh, no. Actually Shayne Lewis already took care of it. He stuck it on the Lewis' tab. He told the other waiter to tell you.
Waiter: What other waiter?
Marina: The other waiter that was here when you weren't, who I don't see. You know, the poor slob who's covering your tables when you're having a smoke in the men's room? What, you think I'm lying to you?
Waiter: I didn't say that.
Marina: Well, you didn't have to. Do you think I'm trying to stiff you? Well, before you make an accusation like that, I suggest you check the ticket. I'm sure you'll see the other guy just stuck it on the Lewis' tab. Well? What? Let me see that. Let me see that! This is ridiculous. I specifically saw Shayne tell the other guy to stick it on... what kind of loose shop are you people running here? Okay. Okay. Well, obviously... there's... there's... been some sort of mistake. Your co-worker screwed up, so... I don't know. Just stick it on the Lewis' tab, okay?
Waiter: Are you a member of the family?
Marina: Yes. Well, I'm a very close friend, so practically. Very close friend. Okay. Okay. Obviously, there has been a mistake. But you know what? It's your mistake, therefore it's your problem.
Waiter: No, young lady, it's your problem.
Harley: Before Eden even showed up with the album.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: When I was warning you about her. I was being negative.
Gus: Well, you have the right to feel that. I mean, considering her track record.
Harley: Well, I... I... I was a little more intense than I needed to be. And that's because... I was jealous.
Gus: Jealous? Jealous of what?
Harley: Because you and I have just been through so much together, trying to get all this stuff about your past. And, you know, then Eden shows up. She waltzes in here... acting like, you know, she's got the piece of the puzzle. Where has she been this whole time? She doesn't know anything about what's happening. And she's got the piece of the puzzle that's going to solve everything? She might, and I hate that. I want to be the one who gives you the piece of the puzzle. I want to be the one who gives you the answer that you need.
Gus: Baby, you are the answer. You're my every single day answer.
Harley: No. You are.
Gus: Does Rick have the kids?
Harley: Of course.
Gus: Good, because we got to go to Chicago.
Marina: Excuse me!
Waiter: Look, Miss, this is uncomfortable for me, too. But I cannot let you leave the premises until the check is paid. We take...
Marina: I already told you, Shayne Lewis paid the check. And you don't believe me because...?
Waiter: Look, I am responsible for the unpaid charges. It comes out of my salary. We've had too many misunderstandings in the past with people your age.
Marina: I'm not "people my age." And I pay my debts when they're mine. In this case, it's... it's not mine, so I'm not paying it. And if you want to call the cops, that's fine, you can call the cops. My dad and my aunt are both detectives for the Springfield PD.
Waiter: I'm sure they are.
Marina: Oh, so now you're calling me a liar as well as a thief?
Manager: What is going on here?
Waiter: This young lady is trying to leave without paying her check.
Marina: I was not!
Waiter: Look, the bill is unsettled. You're heading for the door. What do you call it?
Marina: Well, I would call it a mistake, which I will be more than happy to explain to you. Hopefully, you're not going to be as dense as he is. Okay, Shayne Lewis is a friend of mine...
Ben: Marina, is there a problem here?
Marina: Yeah, yeah, there is a problem.
Ben: All right, well, tell me about it quietly.
Marina: Okay. Shayne and I were having lunch here earlier today. You saw us. You were here, right? You saw us having lunch, right?
Ben: Yeah, yeah, so?
Marina: Okay. So, Shayne told the waiter to stick the thing on the Lewis' tab. Apparently, that waiter didn't tell the other waiter. Now, everyone thinks I'm trying to run out on the check.
Ben: Okay, okay, well, I'm sure we can work this out, all right? Excuse me. I'm a member here. You know me, right?
Manager: Of course, Mr. Reade.
Ben: All right, well, you heard my friend. An error's been made. So, I'm authorizing you to charge her lunch to the Lewis' account.
Manager: I'm afraid I can't do that, sir. You don't have signing privileges on that account.
Ben: Okay, um... then put it on my tab. I'll settle up with the Lewis later.
Manager: I'm afraid I can't do that either, sir.
Ben: Because?
Manager: Your account is in arrears, Mr. Reade.
Ben: (Sighs) Stay put, okay?
Marina: Okay.
Ben: How much would it take for my account to be out of arrears? This much?
Manager: No, sir, it's substantially more than that.
Ben: (Sighs)
Manager: But I could consider this a partial payment.
Ben: All right, well, you do that. And then put her lunch on my account, all right?
Manager: Yes, sir. I apologize for any confusion, Miss.
Ben: All set.
Marina: Ben, you didn't give that guy money, did you? Ben, why would you do that? I told you Shayne was going to pay for it...
Ben: I will settle up with Shayne later, all right?
Marina: How? You don't have any money...
Ben: No, I put it on my tab... yes, I do, yeah, I do. Spaulding just paid me. And what is up with all these desserts, huh?
Marina: Ah... Shayne was sort of kind of trying to impress me.
Ben: Oh, sort of, kind of?
Marina: Mm-hmm.
Ben: Did it work?
Marina: What do you think?
Ben: I think that I want to spend the rest of my paycheck showing you an amazing time tonight.
Marina: Ben, you don't have to do that.
Ben: I want to.
Marina: Are you sure you can afford it?
Ben: (Groans) Marina. Don't ask so many questions, all right? Come on.
Marina: Okay.
Olivia: Phillip? Is everything okay?
Phillip: Terrific.
Olivia: Okay. What happened?
Phillip: Alan. You know, it doesn't matter. It's... it's not worth getting into. I just...
Olivia: You... you confronted him about setting me up.
Phillip: Am I predictable?
Olivia: Oh, um... I'm sure he denied it.
Phillip: Oh, yeah, it was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I should have waited until I have something more concrete. All I managed to do was tip the hand.
Olivia: No, no, I'm sure that he knew that... that we were... that we suspected him. Listen... wow, little tense. I... we have to eat. I certainly have to eat all the time now. And I don't relish the idea of sitting across that big table from Alan and Alexandra tonight. So, I was thinking...
Phillip: What?
Olivia: Well, you know, we could... we could call cook and maybe order room service, you know. Pop a movie in the VCR and...
Phillip: Just stay up here and hide out and avoid them?
Olivia: Yeah.
Phillip: No, let's not do that. I don't want to do that. I got a better idea. Let's get the hell out of here. You were released under Alex's recognizance. That doesn't mean you're her prisoner. We can go out.
Olivia: I'm not going to argue. Lead the way.
Phillip: Let's get out.
Alexandra: Alan? Alan? Hey, wake up. Alan? Will you... oh, my God.
Harley: Well, it's certainly worth a shot.
Gus: Yeah. Hi.
Teacher: Hello. May I help you?
Gus: Yes. I'm Detective Aitoro. This is Detective Cooper, my partner, Springfield PD.
Teacher: Police detectives?
Gus: Yes. But it... you know, we're here on something personal. Personal business for me. I lost touch with an old family friend a number of years back, and... used to teach here. I was hoping maybe you could tell us where she is now.
Teacher: It's possible. What's her name?
Gus: Rinaldi. Lucia Rinaldi?
Teacher: I'm sorry. I can't help you.
Gus: What, you can't help us, or you won't help us?