Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 3/12/03
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Proofread by Tanya
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Gus: German at a glance. Some big... big help. Oh, God. Hi.
Harley: Hey.
Gus: How are the boys?
Harley: Boys are great. Zach went on and on about a lizard at school, and something about catching bugs. And Jude went on and on, too, but it was all about car and dada. So... but still they sound like they had a great time. I can't wait to pick them up.
Gus: Yeah. Yeah, let's go.
Harley: Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Stop. You know, at first it was this nonstop, like, "Roy Baker is lying. Miguel Santos is not father," on and on and then silence. Ten hours of silence. And now this? Now you're going to pretend like it never happened?
Gus: Why not? Why not?
Harley: Because you can't. Because you're not even here. You didn't hear five words I just said. You can't ignore it. It won't go away.
Gus: Look, Roy Baker is a liar, okay? That's it. He's a liar.
Harley: Good. Then take this, get out there and prove it. Get some answers.
Gus: You think you're smarter than me?
Harley: No. But I sure do save your butt sometimes, don't I?
Gus: (Sighs) Are you going to be all right with the kids?
Harley: I'm going to be fine. I'm going to pick the boys up. We'll be waiting here for you when you get back.
Gus: All right.
Harley: Gus. We'll be waiting here for you no matter what the answer is.
Gus: I know what the answer is, okay? Roy Baker is a liar. There's no way Miguel Santos is my father. There's just no way.
Harley: Okay, but with that small chance, the off chance that it's true, you should prepare yourself. You could be part of the Santos family.
Ramona: So this will be much better than the Beacon don't you think?
Ben: Yeah. Yeah, the chef here does a great brunch. Have you and Mr. Hendon ever tried it?
Ramona: Oh, Ben, Mr. Hendon and I don't try much of anything together.
Ben: I'm sorry to hear that.
Ramona: Oh, don't be. We're not. Honestly. We're both happy with the way things are.
Marina: I can not believe they let us in here dressed like this.
Shayne: Well, it's too cold for the patio. Besides you look great.
Marina: Maybe not for this room, though.
Shayne: For any room. You're this choice of class.
Cassie: Okay, so if we're going to party and celebrate, we should ask Marah to join us?
Tony: Oh, all right.
Danny: Why not?
Tony: I'll give her a call. I'm sure she'll...
Cassie: You don't have to do that. She's inside.
Tony: Oh, really?
Cassie: Yeah.
Tony: Great.
Marah: So I'll get some samples of the business cards and stationary made up, and then I'll fax it to you.
Eden: Great. I'm so glad.
Tony: Whoa, whoa.
Marah: Tony...
Tony: No. Forget it. Eden, what... what... what are you doing? Do you know what she's doing, Marah?
Marah: Yes, Tony. And I'm going to work for her.
Eden: She's just the talent I'm looking for.
Tony: Marah, do you know what Eden's business is?
Marah: Yes, it's an escort service.
Tony: Do you know what that really means?
Eden: And she understands it's a legitimate business.
Marah: Look, Tony, I'm just going to design some business cards and stationary for her work. See? Like it?
Tony: Yeah, it's great. What are you doing, Eden? Why Marah of all people?
Eden: I saw her drawings, and I was blown away. I thought she'd be perfect for the job.
Tony: Uh-huh. You see, most legitimate businesses, they hire an ad agency. Why my girlfriend?
Eden: Tony, I just wanted to give her her first break. All right, I'm sorry. I didn't know the design would be such an issue with you two. You know, give me a call when you get some mock-ups?
Marah: Sure. What is up with you? You don't think that someone would want to hire me for my work?
Tony: Baby, of course I do. But not Eden August. Okay, come on. She's working an angle here.
Marah: Okay, right. Everything is about you.
Tony: Maybe. Maybe not. But it's something. Marah, don't you see what's going on here? Don't you think it's a little weird, she comes into town, she wants to be your best buddy?
Marah: Okay, look, Tony, I have no illusions about this girl, okay? But this is great practice for me.
Tony: You want your name and your work associated with an escort service.
Marah: My name won't be on it, all right? It's just good for me to get some experience through a real job instead of out of a class assignment. Are you going to be okay with this?
Tony: I don't know. I don't know, baby. This is... no. This girl's trouble.
Marah: I have lunch with my dad. I completely forgot. I'll talk to you later, okay?
Danny: Well, finally.
Cassie: Yes.
Danny: You almost missed out. We need to get you... we need a glass for you actually. We don't...
Cassie: Hey, so, is everything okay with Marah?
Tony: I hope so, you know. She's too trusting.
Danny: Well, you're just going to have to watch out for her. Right?
Cassie: My niece can take care of herself. She is smart. You don't have to worry about her.
Tony: Yeah.
Danny: So how are things going with you and Josh these days?
Tony: Really good. Why?
Danny: Because I'm thinking our success with Fifth Street is going to depend largely on you and Josh.
Ramona: Yes, I am ready to order.
Ben: I just need a few minutes please.
Ramona: Are you all right?
Ben: Sure, yeah. I just... I'm looking at this menu and it's more than I bargained for. Would you mind if we went somewhere else?
Ramona: Well, I'm picking up the check.
Ben: Well, I meant the food. I mean, I'm looking at all the sauces, and I just really like something lighter.
Ramona: Ben, we can have the chef make you whatever you like. Now, help me choose wine.
Marina: Look, I'm telling you, Buzz is no pushover. If he says you have...
Shayne: Excuse me.
Marina: If he says you have a golden arm then you do, and he thinks that you can turn pro before you're 20.
Shayne: Now, listen if I skip school, my dad will make sure I'm dead before I'm 20, okay? And anyway there are a lot guys who can throw heat in high school, but once they get to the pros, they need to change speeds, you know, come up with a different curve or slider.
Marina: That's true. That's what hurt William Epps Slider.
Shayne: You know about him?
Marina: Yeah, he made it off the farm team for, like a couple of games. There was David Banks, too. He turned pro when he was 19. By time he was 20, he won like for 23 games, 2.14 era.
Shayne: I love it when you talk stats to me.
Marina: Oh, yeah, it's a real turn on, isn't it? All right, are you going to buy me lunch or what? Because we need some menus.
Harley: Well, where are you going now?
Gus: I'm going to go to somebody that knows Miguel Santos very well.
Harley: Okay, wait. I want to say something to you first. I don't care if you're a Santos. I don't care if you're an Aitoro or an August. That's not what matters to me. You... you are the man that I love. That's all that matters to me.
Gus: Who would I be if I didn't have you? Hmm?
Harley: You'd be a slob with a two pack a day habit. (Laughter)
Gus: We can do better than that. All right. Bye. (Doorbell rings)
Eden: Hi, Harley. I bet you missed me just as much as I missed you. What? You're not happy to see me? Fine. You know what? I don't care. You can stay mad at me for the rest of your life if you want, but Nicky won't because he's my brother, all right? So just get used to it. I'm back. And I'm staying.
Harley: Then you better come in, Eden.
Eden: Why? Do you got an ambush waiting?
Harley: Might feel like one. There's something you should know.
Eden: What?
Harley: Gus has been... well, actually we both have been investigating this case.
Eden: I don't care about your boring cop work.
Harley: Okay, okay, please don't make this any harder for me. I just have to say it. I just have to say it. We found out something about Gus... and you. It looks like you're not Gus' sister.
Shayne: I don't care how lame you think high school baseball is, you have to come to the games. I think you'd be a great coach.
Marina: You already have a coach.
Shayne: Yeah, but I mean you've got a good eye. I think you could really help out.
Ramona: You know, I always love "La Boheme," and that production was just wonderful.
Ben: Yeah, yeah. Three hours and it felt like nothing.
Ramona: That's right. You've mentioned you seen it before.
Ben: Yeah, in London a few years ago.
Ramona: I knew you were a man after my heart. I have to go to the ladies room. (Phone rings)
Ben: Excuse me just one second. Sorry about that. It's the escort service. And I'll just be a minute. Sorry. Hey.
Marina: Ben?
Ben: All right, look, Marina. I know this looks sketchy, but this is work. All right, it is a working lunch.
Marina: Okay, okay. Why don't I come over and say hi and meet your new boss?
Ben: No, no. Do not do... how would that look?
Marina: I don't know. Maybe like you ran into a friend during lunch.
Ben: No, no. It's just... it's not a good time, all right? And what are you doing here with Shayne?
Marina: We came here to play racquetball since a certain person was too busy to hang out with me.
Ben: I know. I know, I'm sorry. You guys have fun, okay? I have to run. I'll talk to you later.
Marina: Fine.
Ben: Sorry about that. Where were we?
Ramona: Waiting for our lunch. But to tell the truth, I can't wait for dessert.
Danny: Hey, Josh.
Josh: Hi. How are you?
Danny: Good.
Tony: Marah, sorry to interrupt, but I have some news.
Josh: Okay. Well, if the two of you need a few moments together I...
Tony: No. Actually we don't. I need to speak to you. I have an opportunity for you.
Cassie: You know that I can talk to Josh for us.
Danny: Yeah, I know.
Cassie: But you want to let Tony do it?
Danny: Mm-hmm. He's... Tony's been feeling he's doesn't have much of a say in things, so... you know, everybody's got their individual strengths here.
Cassie: Yeah.
Danny: Yeah, what? What?
Cassie: You're just a good guy? Keep the champagne cold for me.
Danny: Why? What... where are you going?
Cassie: City hall. I have to pick up some information on research and government grants. I'll pick it up, and I'll bring it back.
Danny: Well, okay. Well, hurry back. I'm going to be stuck here celebrating all by myself.
Cassie: You'll be fine. I'll be back.
Danny: Sure, help yourself, Aitoro.
Gus: Yeah, I think I will. Maybe we should make a little toast.
Danny: To what?
Gus: To brotherhood.
Edmund: Just the person I've been looking for.
Cassie: Then leave a message at the desk, because I'm in a hurry.
Edmund: It's good news, Cassie. I think you want to hear this one in person.
Cassie: You do look way too happy.
Edmund: I hope you'd be happy, too, one day. Cassie, I have a new job.
Cassie: You? You have a job? You are working?
Edmund: Yes, I am. I'm San Cristobel's new Ambassador to the United States.
Cassie: (Laughs) Right. What? You had that printed up on little crests? Is that how you're going to worm your way into cocktail parties? Is that it?
Edmund: Cassie, Prince William announced it yesterday. It's in all the newspapers if you want to check it.
Cassie: Richard's job? Alonzo gave you Richard's job?
Edmund: Cassie, I have the job. I know I'll never be able to fill his shoes.
Cassie: You don't deserve to pick up his dirty socks, Edmund.
Edmund: I have a duty, Cassie. I have a debt to pay to my country, to Richard, and I think somewhere in all that even to myself.
Cassie: You know what? Whatever. Because I have no idea why Alonzo gave you the job. But you know what? I don't care, because you're not a problem anymore. I'm busy, and I have to go.
Edmund: All right, I'm here on business, Cassie. My first duty as Ambassador involves you. And it involves Richard.
Marah: Tony, this is amazing. I am so proud of you.
Josh: It's fighting the good fight.
Tony: Yeah.
Josh: And I wish you the best. Really, I do.
Tony: Well, how about joining it?
Josh: What?
Tony: Well, we need the best. And Lewis Construction is the best. We know that you're going to be fair. We know you can handle the job, and the government is going to be happy. It'll look good for everybody.
Josh: Yeah, if it works, it'll be great for everybody. But there's going to be a lot of money flowing around, you know? A lot of labor and union consideration.
Tony: It's not going to be a Santos operation. It's not like that. Not ever again.
Marah: Dad, you don't think that Tony would lie to you, do you?
Josh: I'm not making accusations, sweetheart.
Tony: I understand why you're concerned. You'll have to trust us.
Josh: Cassie's involved with this, right?
Tony: Oh, yeah. Right up front. I mean, you should see how things are going over at Towers. We've been working with your guys for a while.
Josh: I've heard. I've heard things are very smooth.
Tony: Yeah.
Marah: So then why are you hesitating?
Josh: Well, because it's a big deal, you know? We're talking a government contract, lots of obligations. Besides, we're already involved in a project with them. This one might be risky.
Tony: You think it's more risky than hiring Billy when he came out of prison? Nobody was willing to give him a chance then except for you.
Josh: Well, actually there was two of us. There was myself and Buzz Cooper.
Tony: Okay, the two of you. Do you regret it?
Danny: All right, I'll bite. What kind of brotherhood are we drinking to?
Gus: To ours.
Danny: Ours?
Gus: I think we're brothers.
Danny: (Laughs)
Gus: I know it's a little bit wacky, all right?
Danny: That... what... what makes you say that? What are you talking about?
Gus: Crazy?
Danny: Well, yeah.
Gus: Uh-huh.
Danny: Yeah. Very crazy. Was that what you were doing with my father's old records?
Gus: Yeah. It was an ongoing investigation.
Danny: So you've been investigating this?
Gus: Well, I was digging into my own past, you know, for the Zach custody thing, and I just found things. I found some things, namely that I'm adopted. Birth parents unknown, until recently.
Danny: Uh-huh.
Gus: My mother was a nanny in Chicago, and she got knocked up and she got kicked out of her job for hanging with bad company. And she ended up living in a building that your father owned. And that building was on the beat where a cop named Joe August used to walk, okay? Following me? So he becomes friends with her, and he finds out she's in trouble. So the cop, Joe August, and his wife, Angela, adopt me. That's the story of my mother. As far as the bad company goes, everything keeps coming back to this guy named Roy Baker for the answer. Roy Baker. Does that name ring a bell with you?
Danny: Um-um. Why? Should it?
Gus: Well, he was on your father's payroll for years.
Danny: Okay, well, you must know. You've been investigating.
Gus: Yeah, and he was my father's partner.
Danny: Your father's partner was on Santos payroll?
Gus: Yeah, that's right. And I thought that... well, this guy Roy Baker was keeping something from me. And I thought what it was that my... my father was on the take as well.
Danny: No, no, no. Joe August never took a dime from my family. That much I do know.
Gus: All right, yeah. But he never turned in Roy Baker, because Baker knew all this stuff about me. To top to it off, your father was paying off Baker as well to keep his mouth shut... about me.
Danny: So let me get this... so you're the... you're the son of this nanny and my father? That's... that's the story?
Gus: Yeah. That's the story, and I was hoping maybe you could tell me that it wasn't true.
Danny: Well...
Gus: Look, you know, I've been down a lot of roads, you know, and I have followed every single lead, and they all come back to the same place. They all come back to that I am... I'm Miguel Santos' kid. So, you know, just do me a great big favor and just tell me that there's no way in hell that's it's true.
Danny: Sorry, I can't. I can't tell you that.
Eden: Yeah, nice try. You really want to get rid of me, don't you?
Harley: No, actually I don't.
Eden: And so you just make up some crazy story about...
Harley: Please stop. Please.
Eden: It's always been me and Nicky. And now you're trying to say that... that... I mean, I'm not his...
Harley: Please. Please will you just stop and just listen to me, okay? The investigation started after you had already left town, okay? So nobody could do anything to get rid of you. You had already done that yourself. And the investigation started with Roy Baker and a safe deposit box, and then your parents' love letters... I will let you... I will let Gus tell you the whole story. But the bottom line is, we just got back from Germany where Roy Baker is now.
Eden: You mean my Uncle Roy? My dad's old partner?
Harley: Yes. He confirmed it, Eden. He confirmed it. He was there. When your parents brought Gus home, he was there. He kept it secret all these years out of respect for your father. He said your parents tried to have kids for years, and they couldn't. So there was this girl who was in trouble and she had to give the baby up, and they adopted him. They adopted him.
Eden: So my parents couldn't have kids, so am I adopted?
Harley: No. No, I mean, we don't have any reason to think that that's true. No. You are Joe and Angela's child. The doctors were wrong. They're wrong about this stuff sometimes.
Eden: So I'm their child and Nicky is who? I mean, who are his parents?
Harley: He doesn't know yet. We're still trying to figure that out.
Eden: Nicky's not my brother?
Harley: Not biologically, no. Are you all right?
Eden: No. I mean, it's always been me and Nicky. I mean, especially after my father died. And now... and now he's not? You know what? Congratulations.
Harley: What?
Eden: You won. This is a dream come true for you, right?
Harley: Eden, Gus is totally torn up about this.
Eden: And now you get to put him back together now that you don't have the pest of a sister in the way.
Harley: Wait a minute. Wait, wait.
Eden: No, I get it. Gus doesn't owe me anything anymore.
Harley: No, but you owe him. You owe him. Your brother... he is all in pieces. He just found out that his whole life is a lie, Eden. He needs you.
Eden: He needs me?
Harley: Yes. Yes, he needs something from his past that is the same. That is the same as what he's always known, and that is you. I mean, that is you. So please don't duck out on him.
Eden: You want me to stay?
Harley: Yes. For Gus' sake, yes, I do. If you love him, if you've ever loved him, please don't leave him now.
Ben: I'm going to go check on our court, okay?
Ramona: Mm-mm. (Cell phone rings)
Ben: I am so sorry. Excuse me one more time. Yes, dear.
Marina: I don't like the way that that way that woman is touching you. Now what can of job exactly is this?
Ben: I'm never going to find out if you keep interrupting me.
Marina: Look, it's just the way she's looking at you. It's like you're a hunk of meat. I just think you deserve better than that.
Ben: Yeah, and I also deserve a fat paycheck, neither of which I'm going to get if you ruin this for me.
Marina: Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just... I'm trying to look out for you.
Ben: I know. I know. Look, I'm almost through here, all right? So why don't I show this lady out, then I'll come back, and we'll spend the rest of the day together.
Marina: Well, I'm suppose to play racquetball with Shayne now.
Ben: Well, we're square it off with him and show him what's up on the court, yo. All right? Now wait for me here, okay?
Marina: Okay. Just make it fast, okay?
Ben: All right. Bye. Ramona, I am so sorry. That was my aunt, and she has been sick and laid up. And normally it wouldn't be a big deal, but I have to go see her.
Ramona: Right now?
Ben: Yes. Listen, don't worry about paying or whatever. I feel really bad about having to cut this short.
Ramona: No, really I understand. Life happens. But would you please give me a ride back to the Beacon?
Ben: Sure. Yeah.
Ramona: Thank you.
Edmund: Cassie, it's going to be a living memorial. Everyone will be able to come it and find out about Richard. It will be an active space with programs, and dance, and music events. People from all over the island will be able to come and get a piece of Richard's dream. To find out...
Cassie: How dare you?
Edmund: How dare I? I though this was fitting?
Cassie: Yes, it is. So how dare you be so horrible and so smart about what Richard wanted and who he was?
Edmund: Cassie, that was my life's work. Knowing what Richard wanted. This... this time I'd like to give it to him instead of keeping it away from him. I'm putting together a fund-raiser for the museum in Washington, D.C.
Cassie: You're raising money?
Edmund: We have to. San Cristobel is still recovering from the earthquake, business is very slow in coming back, and they could afford to give a building, but that's about it. All of the money has to be raised through private donation.
Cassie: And you're in charge?
Edmund: Well, no, we're putting together a board to manage the money. I'd be honored if you'd be on the board, but I'm really here to ask you to come to the event in Washington.
Cassie: So I could put my stamp on it? So I could make you legit.
Edmund: No, Cassie, to honor Richard. There'll be people there who missed you, who'd love to see you again.
Cassie: No. This is about the money. With you it's always about the money. And I'm not going to help you do it, because I know 95 cents out of every dollar is going to go in your pocket. And I'm not going to help you scam those people, those people who loved Richard. And you can't fool them just like you can't fool for me. Because I know exactly who you are.
Edmund: You're wrong about me, Cassie. And I will prove it to you.
Josh: Okay, I'll tell you what. Why don't you send me what you have? All the government grant stuff, the building plans, whatever you have. Just send it.
Tony: Absolutely. I'm right on top of it. Thank you so much.
Josh: And I will consider it, okay? But I'll have to talk to Billy about it, of course.
Tony: Sure. Of course. I got you. Okay.
Josh: I have to go to the office. I'm sorry.
Tony: I'm sorry I busted up your lunch.
Marina: No, it's so worth it.
Tony: Hopefully you'll feel the same.
Josh: We'll see.
Tony: Okay.
Josh: See, you sweetheart. Pumpkin, hmm? (Laughter) Take care.
Tony: "Pumpkin." That's cute.
Marah: Don't ask. He's in this retro, mushy mood today. But this thing... this is so awesome.
Tony: You think?
Marah: Yeah.
Tony: Well, how did I do with your dad?
Marah: About as good as you're going to do with me.
Danny: Look, Aitoro, you want proof? I'm sorry, I can't give it to you. I have no idea who my father fooled around with. It was over 30 years ago. He kept that life a total secret from us. You said that you've investigated this.
Gus: Yeah.
Danny: And it led you here?
Gus: Yeah.
Danny: Well, is there anything telling you that it's not true, that it can't be true?
Gus: A couple of things. My gut mostly. I just need proof.
Danny: Well, I can't give it to you. I'm sorry.
Gus: There is something that we can do. We can do an DNA test. It wouldn't tell us that we're brothers, but it would tell us that we're not brothers.
Danny: You want my blood. (Laughs)
Gus: What else is new?
Danny: Yeah. Well, it won't hurt this time. Okay.
Gus: I'll set it up at the hospital.
Danny: Sure.
Gus: I'll call you.
Danny: Okay. Well, wouldn't it be interesting?
Gus: Yeah, wouldn't it? It doesn't mean anything, you know. They're chromosomes. It's a luck of the draw. It's nothing.
Danny: But still...
Gus: Yeah. But still.
Waiter: Can I bring you something else?
Marina: Yeah, yeah. I'll have an ice tea with lemon, please. Ben Reade's head on a platter.
Ben: Well, it's been great, Ramona. And you know, like I said, I'm sorry to I have to cut it short.
Ramona: Well, I know about sick aunts.
Ben: Oh, thank you. All right, well, I'm going to...
Ramona: Wait. Don't you want your tip?
Ben: No, no. Really...
Ramona: No, really I insist. I mean, it's not your fault that things got side-tracked. You should get paid.
Ben: Okay. Thanks.
Ramona: Well, come on in.
Cassie: What's wrong?
Danny: Nothing.
Cassie: Did everything go okay between Josh and Tony?
Danny: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think... it went great. Josh said that he would think about it, but Tony and Marah think he's leaning towards yes.
Cassie: All right. That's great. So where are they?
Danny: They... I don't know. They took off. They looked they wanted to be alone.
Cassie: Right. You're going to tell me what's going on?
Danny: Hmm?
Cassie: Well, you look like you've just seen a ghost. And my champagne is gone, and I don't think you drank it all by yourself. So who was here and what has happened?
Danny: Gus Aitoro was here.
Cassie: Did he rattle your cage?
Danny: No, no, no, no. Well, why are you back so fast? I mean, you... yeah. I mean...
Cassie: I ran into the evil brother, and I just couldn't go on.
Danny: Who?
Cassie: Edmund.
Danny: Who?
Cassie: The new U.S. Ambassador from San Cristobel.
Danny: (Laughs) Wow! No. You're joking.
Cassie: I wish I were joking. I will never understand how he shares even a drop of blood with Richard.
Danny: Yeah. Well, it's the luck of the draw. It's those chromosomes, so they say. Or so Aitoro says.
Cassie: You and Gus were talking about chromosomes?
Danny: Mm-hmm. And brotherhood.
Cassie: Why?
Danny: It seems like Aitoro may have found one.
Harley: Hey.
Gus: Hey, I...
Harley: Don't cut me off. There's something I want to tell you.
Gus: Me first. Me first. Me first, okay? Listen I met up with Danny. He agreed to do a DNA test. And that doesn't rule in that he is my brother, but it can rule it out. You follow?
Harley: Wow!
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: That's great. There's something else that's come up. Somebody else is here. She's here. Eden is here. She's back.
Gus: You didn't kick her out of the house?
Harley: No, of course, not. That stuff with Phillip and Zach is settled. None of that matters anymore.
Gus: Still. Still, still.
Harley: Still nothing. Is she my favorite person? Will she ever be my favorite person? Not a chance. She is your sister.
Gus: Was. Was my sister.
Harley: Is your sister in every way that matters to you. Right? And maybe that's what you need the most right now. Maybe you need something that is what you always knew it to be, and that would be her. So I told her. Okay, and you can do whatever you need to do with that. I will respect it, but I told her. So deal with it.
Eden: Hey. You know, if you want to cut me out of your will, I won't fight it. You know, if you want me to go, I will.
Gus: You don't have to. You don't have to go.
Eden: I'll always be your little sister, Nicky. And if you want me to, I'll help you find your real birth parents.
Gus: I appreciate that. But there's no way that you could know who.
Eden: No, but I think I might know who has the answer.