GL Transcript Tuesday 3/11/03

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 3/11/03

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

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[Knock at the door]

Marah: Tony? Tony? Sleepy boy. It's time to wake up. Hi, honey.

Tony: (Groans)

Marah (whispering): Wake up. (Laughter)

Tony: This is really something, you know.

Marah: What? That you suckered me?

Tony: No, I was totally asleep, I swear. And I was dreaming.

Marah: Yeah? About what?

Tony: About you, coming to wake me up and telling me that instead of going to class, you were going to spend the day here with me in bed.

Mole: I got out of bed for this?

Sandy: Now come on, Mole, you can't be complaining already. We just went on the air.

Mole: Yeah, when you picked up the mic and said, "It's us again, Sandy and the Mole."

Sandy: But it's our regular...

Mole: Why... why can't I be the first voice they hear?

Sandy: We want them to keep listening.

Mole: How whack is this? First I get second billing, and now you're cracking jokes? I've got news for you, Sandy. Sandy's not the name of a funny guy. The Mole is.

Reva: What was that?

Josh: Proof that somebody we know has been switching stations on me.

Reva: Oh, Marah?

Josh: Yeah, is she upstairs?

Reva: No.

Josh: I've been looking for her down here.

Reva: Actually, I thought she was down here with you.

Josh: No, she's not. And yes, indeed, her car is here, which means there's only one more place she could possibly be. Excuse me.

Marina: Well, hey, hey, hey. Look who decided to stop by.

Ben: What do you mean?

Marina: I just mean since you have this very cool, yet very mysterious new job that's apparently going to transform your life, get you out of loser Spaulding mode, maybe you'd start transforming who you hang out with, too.

Ben: There is nothing loser about you, if that's what you're worried about.

Marina: So how was it?

Ben: What?

Marina: Work, stupid. How was work?

Ben: It's kind of hard to describe, and too soon to sum it up.

Marina: Okay. Okay, I see how this is going to be. You've got until lunch, buddy, then you're talking.

Ben: You're going to be in school during lunch, so...

Marina: No, I'm not, because I have the day off because of parent-teacher conferences, so I have a few hours of slave labor here for my grandfather, then I'm through. How about you?

Ben: No plans...

Marina: Well, yay.

Ben: ...Until just now.

Marina: Then we will have to do something really fun.

Buzz: Marina?

Marina: I'll see you inside.

Ben: Yeah.

Eden: My favorite new employee. I was just looking for you.

Ben: Yeah, I was going to check in with you later.

Eden: Well, Ramona beat you to it.

Ben: Oh, my assignment from last night.

Eden: The phone rang first thing this morning. She was very satisfied with the service you gave her.

Danny: Hey.

Cassie: Hey.

Danny: Can I steal you for a minute?

Cassie: Oh, sure. I think I can spare some time for Mr. Danny Santos, international businessman of mystery.

Danny: Oh, see, no. I knew you were going to bust my chops over this.

Cassie: What do you expect?

Danny: I knew it.

Cassie: You come in here yesterday, you announce that you want to team up on some big project, but you don't tell me what it is.

Danny: No, I said that I would tell you when the time was right.

Cassie: Is the time right?

Danny: Yeah, it is.

Cassie: Okay. The only thing you told me yesterday that it has something to do with redevelopment, and we'd probably have to get a government loan for the underwriting.

Danny: You have an amazing memory, you know that? Along with many other fine assets.

Cassie: Danny.

Danny: I mean, the Beacon is proof of your savvy and your incredible taste and your impeccable nose for business.

Cassie: Now that we know how great I am, tell me what the hell you're planning. The only thing I know is that because your name is Santos, and mine is the oh-so-much-more respectable Winslow, you need me.

Danny: As point person, that's right.

Cassie: If I'm going to dive into another project with you, what I'm going to need is a better reason to get involved than just being the front.

Eden: You know, it's not often that a first-time client is so gushy about a new escort. Trust me, I know this business.

Ben: Yeah, well, she seemed to have a good time.

Eden: Ramona said that it was a night to remember.

Ben: I guess she doesn't get out much.

Eden: That's why you were there. So, did you enjoy yourself?

Ben: It was different. You didn't tell me she was going to be so mature.

Eden: Ramona is, like, late 30s at most.

Ben: It just felt weird, all right? I don't know, when we were at dinner and when we were at the opera, people were staring at us...

Eden: You know, Ben, this may not work out if you think Ramona is too mature; she's one of my youngest clients.

Ben: Oh, great.

Eden: You know, maybe this isn't going to work out.

Ben: Yeah, you know, I just don't think I could get used to dates like this.

Eden: Yeah, it takes a certain type of guy to be an escort. But, hey, I hope it was, you know, at least worth your time.

Ben: Is that my pay? For just taking her to dinner and the opera?

Eden: Not bad for a few hours of work, huh? Oh, wait, that reminds me, I've got to call Ramona and tell her no.

Ben: About what?

Eden: She wanted to hire you again for today.

Ben: Is there another opera in town?

Eden: No, no, not for tonight, for today, as in, like, an hour. That's why I was looking for you. But you know, I can find someone else, unless you would reconsider.

Ben: I don't know. I...

Eden: You would get just as much... I mean, if you're up for it.

Ben: Where do I meet her?

Danny: You want details?

Cassie: Yes.

Danny: Okay, you got details. You ever been there?

Cassie: No. Douglas Avenue, Bishop Street? That's the worst neighborhood in the city.

Danny: Yeah. High crime, high unemployment. Everywhere you walk, there are crack vials in the street, and needles. It's a pit, and it's spreading, at this point, to the Fifth Street area.

Cassie: Spend a lot of time there?

Danny: Well, I used to, when it was Santos turf, yeah.

Cassie: Sorry.

Danny: No, don't apologize. We're the ones responsible for turning this neighborhood into a graveyard by squeezing every nickel out of the place and then walking away. It was... it was just business to my mother, and I helped to run it.

Cassie: That's over now.

Danny: No, it's not. I mean, tell that to the people who are still here, who are living here who are out of work, who are living in condemned buildings that are crawling with rats. It's a mess, and I'm going to put it back together again. What? Don't look at me like that. This... we can do this. Do you know what kind of opportunity this is, Cassie-- to take this entire part of the city that no one will even drive through, much less put money into, and turn it back into a living, working, thriving part of Springfield again?

Cassie: You really got to work on this problem, you have about thinking small.

Danny: I know. I have so many ideas, my head is going to explode. Like over here, on Albany Avenue, where there's nothing but burned-out rubble, we can do low-and middle-income housing. And over here on Douglas, we can do new retail businesses, shops and markets and services. And I'm thinking we can refurbish the elementary school and repave the streets. And here and here, put parks so that everyone in the community can come together, and the kids can have grass and trees and... people will be so proud of this neighborhood.

Cassie: And so will you.

Danny: Well, yeah. Yeah, I kind of feel like I owe it to them.

Cassie: Do you have any idea how much this is going to cost?

Danny: Oh, it's huge. I mean in the multi-millions. Yeah, I know.

Cassie: That's where the government funding comes in.

Danny: Right, and that magic Winslow name. I wouldn't stand a chance in hell of getting that kind of federal funding myself.

Cassie: But me they trust?

Danny: Yeah. I understand that you would feel shaky about this. It's a huge project, but Cassie, it is a sure thing. It's not a gamble.

Cassie: He says with confidence.

Danny: No, come on. Look at how well we work together. We've proven it. Look at the job that we're doing with Towers.

Cassie: Danny, this is much more involved, not to mention the risk.

Danny: I knew you were going to bring that up. Look, when you came to me for a loan, what did I do when you couldn't pay me back right away?

Cassie: You protected me.

Danny: Right, and that's what I'm going to do now, because I'm the one who's going to assume all the financial risk here, not you. We can draw up documents making that very clear. What?

Cassie: We need government funding for this?

Danny: Yeah. With this kind of project, yeah, we have to. We have to use the government.

Cassie: And I'm going to be the point person?

Danny: Well, only if you're willing.

Cassie: If this goes through, you are going to be so busy, you know that?

Danny: I live to be busy.

Cassie: Okay, well, you promise me one thing: That you're not going to be so busy that you can't continue to work on getting Michelle back. You do that, and you have a partner and the Winslow name. Deal?

Danny: All right, deal.

Cassie: (Laughs)

Danny: All right.

Reva: Come on. Now, you know that there's a good chance that Marah is in the pool house with Tony, right?

Josh: Right.

Reva: So why do you want to go out there and take the chance of interrupting?

Josh: Because of what I would be interrupting.

Reva: Wait, Joshua. I know that this was a very difficult decision for you, letting Tony move in here.

Josh: I can't sleep at night.

Reva: Maybe it's not just because Marah and Tony have gotten more serious.

Josh: That's a very nice way to put it.

Reva: Would you be okay with anyone Marah chose to be intimate with?

Josh: Reva, she's my daughter.

Reva: I realize that, but I think that there's more to it-- more to why you're not sleeping at night... like Olivia.

Josh: What?

Reva: Well, if it does turn out that she's the one who's been harassing me...

Josh: Well, everything's pointing to it.

Reva: Yes. So you have to think about that. I mean, this was a woman you loved who once loved you. And now she's so full of resentment, she'd threaten your entire family.

Josh: Yeah, it seems to be a running theme in my life.

Reva: I'm just saying that maybe that's why you feel you can't trust anyone.

Josh: What does this have to do with Marah and Tony?

Reva: Because being able to keep Marah and Tony apart gives you a sense of control. I mean, you have to admit, Tony was a huge help during this crisis.

Josh: Yeah, but it's over now, you know.

Reva: So what's he supposed to do, just go away?

Josh: Yes.

Reva: Joshua.

Josh: That would be terrific, if he would just go away. I'm sorry. I know I'm not handling this well.

Reva: Sweetheart, we trusted Tony enough to make him my bodyguard; we can trust him enough to be with Marah.

Josh: In my own pool house.

Reva: Even there.

Josh: (Sighs)

Marah: You know I love that dream, but it can't happen.

Tony: But it was a dream? Because this is your parents' place, and any minute they could come knocking on that door.

Marah: And talk about a rude awakening.

Tony: Can't we pick up that dream someplace else, huh?

Marah: Some other time, but we both have plans today.

Tony: We do?

Marah: Yes, we do. Danny called, and he's coming over because he wants to talk to you. And I have to go to class, and I have some ideas that I'm working on.

Tony: Uh-oh. Ideas.

Marah: Yes.

Tony: Well, I hope they're about you moving into that carriage house so that we can have some breathing room.

Marah: Partly. And I am also thinking about the charity event that the Country Club's having.

Tony: The what?

Marah: Every year they have an event and they do a dance and a silent auction, but it's always the same old thing.

Tony: So, what?

Marah: So I want to kick it up a bit-- have a sort of showcase.

Tony: You mean like singing and dancing and all that stuff?

Marah: No, like a fashion show. My cousin Mindy had one a few years ago, and everybody loved it. And plus, I have some designs that I...

Tony: Oh, so this is a showcase for Marah Lewis.

Marah: And for you, if I need any male models.

Tony: What? Come here.

Marah: All right, get dressed.

Tony: (Groaning)

Marah: Yes. Have a good day, okay? Bye, honey. (Cell phone rings) Hello? If you want to talk to Tony, he has his own... you want to talk to me? Why? You want to meet with me. Oh, really? It will be worth my while? Okay, well, whatever. I'm interested. Sure, at the Beacon in half an hour? Fine. I don't know if this is such a good idea.

Mole: I'm telling you, this town's got serious problems. I saw a bumper sticker the other day and it said, "I'd rather be driving."

Sandy: Well, at least one problem's been taken care of. Olivia Spencer was arraigned yesterday for stalking Reva Lewis.

Mole: Sandy, Sandy, Sandy, how do you do it? It's like a gift. How do you make things so damn dull? And in other news, my arm is on fire and I'm beginning to spontaneously combust.

Sandy: Oh, I'm just trying to...

Mole: Put me in a coma? Come on, give us the juice, blah boy. For example, for example, the stalkette's name isn't Spencer, it's Spaulding, as in all-the- money-in-the-stinking-world Spaulding, at least until the ink's dry on the divorce papers.

Sandy: But Mole...

Mole: And Reva Lewis isn't just Reva Lewis, she's TV personality Reva Lewis, star, saint, and Springfield...

Marah: Hey, I was listening to that.

Josh: This is garbage, Marah. Look, the point is for us to move on, you know, to get beyond all this, not to listen to a couple of jerks make fun of it.

Marah: They're not jerks, Dad, they're funny.

Josh: I didn't hear you laughing.

Marah: You know, I think I might move back into the carriage house a little bit sooner if you're going to censor my entertainment.

Josh: Why would you want to move into the carriage house when you have Tony living 50 yards away in the pool house?

Reva: Joshua.

Marah: Maybe we'll both move into the carriage house.

Josh: Marah, come on. Marah. What?

Reva: You did ask for that.

Josh: Yeah, okay, all right, I did. I overreacted to the guys on the radio.

Reva: Power of the media.

Josh: And maybe you were right, what you said before. You know, maybe this thing with Olivia, it's eating away at me a little bit.

Reva: You know, I had the strangest feeling when I was talking to her at the hospital yesterday, and it made me wonder...

Josh: You're still not convinced it was her.

Reva: I really don't know what to think anymore. And I've got to have no doubt in my mind when I go and try to patch things up with Holly, even though I never believed she was the one stalking me.

Josh: She still angry?

Reva: Yeah, and she's still my boss, and I have to fix this because we're friends and colleagues.

Josh: Well, good luck. Show time.

Reva: Have a good day.

Josh: Thanks.

Mole: No, no, no, no, no. This is brilliant. Listen, we forget a trial and settle it with mud wrestling.

Sandy: Is mud wrestling constitutional?

Mole: Who cares? I'm talking justice in the raw. We fill a pit with water and dirt. We toss in Mrs. Lewis and Spaulding and let them duke it out, live, on the air, like Reva was the other night. Oh, yeah, and better yet, we make it pay-per-view. Yes-- punches and profits. What do you say, ladies? Come on. We'll split the take with ya, 50/50.

(Phone rings)

Buzz: Company. Frank. I'm fine. How are you? Frank, come on, is it the job? Marina? Eleni? Come on... personal hygiene? Frank, Frank, is it Harley? Have you had word from her? None? What do you mean, "none"? I mean, there are cell phones in Germany. What do you mean you haven't gotten through? Come on. Yes, of course, I'm worried. I mean, she was in Chicago last week digging up graves. Now she's in Germany. I don't know what she's up to. Frank, Frank, don't call me again unless you've got news about Harley, or you're willing to share this big secret.


Marina: You know what? Hang on, just a second, tell me what I missed, okay?

Shayne: Yeah.

Marah: Where have you been?

Ben: Just dealing with stuff.

Marina: Yeah, all right. Well, I'm almost off work, so you want to go have some fun? What's wrong with you?

Ben: Something's come up.

(Knock at door)

Tony: Yeah, come in. Hey, what's up, man?

Danny: Oh, he's a bodyguard and a maid.

Tony: That's cute, real cute.

Danny: What's up?

Tony: Marah told me you were going to come by.

Danny: Yeah. Yeah. I really love what you've done with the place since I've been here. It's looking good.

Tony: It's not always easy to forget what Carmen did to you, you know, Danny?

Danny: Oh, yeah, Tony, that's in the past. She's out of the picture, and we're moving on, which is why I'm here.

Tony: Yeah?

Danny: Mm-hmm. Well, I'm assuming that Reva's not going to need your protection anymore, now that Olivia's been busted.

Tony: You've assumed right. So? What did you have in mind for me?

Danny: Well, actually, for both of us. Remember a while back, I told you that I made a promise to myself that I was going to change what it meant to be a Santos so that our name could be associated with something positive for once, and you told me you were onboard, remember?

Tony: Think about it every day.

Danny: Good, because I intend to keep that promise.

Tony: You know, it would be great if people in this town could see us as we are. I mean, really are, you know? I mean, not just the Santos' or whatever.

Danny: Right. People like Marah's parents?

Tony: That's a perfect example. So is anybody named Bauer.

Danny: Oh, yeah, I wouldn't mind if a few members of that family saw me a little differently. True.

Tony: We can always dream.

Danny: No, Tony, we can bust our butts to make it happen. That's why I'm here. Are you ready and willing to do the work?

Tony: Danny, I'm ready for all of it.

Danny: All right, because it's going to mean a whole new way of living.

Tony: Finally, let's do it, come on. You know, I'm thinking, is there one thing that can stand in our way?

Cassie: No problem. We'll have that sent right up. No problem. Bye.

Eden: Excuse me.

Cassie: Yes? You're Gus Aitoro's sister, aren't you?

Eden: Yeah, Eden August. I'm supposed to meet someone here.

Marah: She's right behind you.

Eden: Marah, thank you for coming.

Marah: Just tell me what this is about.

Eden: I can say it in one word: Tony.

Eden: Look, I realize I wasn't very subtle in the way that I...

Marah: You went after Tony.

Eden: ...Went after Tony. But a smart girl knows when she doesn't have a chance. And after seeing you and Tony together, I know I have no chance.

Marah: That doesn't mean that you still don't want him.

Eden: I could cause some trouble if I wanted to.

Marah: Something you seem to be good at.

Eden: When I put my mind to it. But it wouldn't matter how much I stirred things up. In the end, Tony would still choose you. And I figured, why waste my time and make you hate me even more? See, I want to have a clean slate. You know, I may run into you sometime.

Marah: Well, that sounds convincing in theory.

Eden: People can change, Marah. You, more than anyone, should know that.

Marah: Me?

Eden: Yes, you stood by Tony when he went through his biggest life change: Getting a hold of his violence.

Marah: Yeah, well, he is different now.

Eden: And so am I. Look, I made a lot of mistakes when I first moved here. And the biggest one was probably letting Carmen manipulate me.

Marah: So are you trying to blame everything that you've done on Carmen?

Eden: No, I'm in charge now. Now all I want to do with my life is make a ton of money, so I'm not a threat to you anymore.

Marah: Unless, of course, we go into the same business.

Eden: Right. You want to hear something wild? I think you and I could end up as friends. But for right now, all I want is a truce. What do you say?

Tony: I cannot wait till we go out there and make things happen. All we need is the right project.

Danny: Try this one.

Tony: The Fifth Street neighborhood?

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Tony: Are you serious?

Danny: The rehabilitation is already in motion.

Tony: If we pull this off, you know what this could mean?

Danny: Yeah, it means we're going to put a whole chunk of the city back on its feet, and you and I are going to be able to write our own ticket from now on.

Tony: I love it. I love it! Oh, man!

Danny: You do?

Tony: I can't wait till tell Ray. We're going back into this neighborhood to do something decent this time. We're not just rehabbing the neighborhood, we're rehabbing our name.

Danny: That's right. All right, so let's... I'm so glad that you want to do this.

Tony: This is so cool.

Danny: So let's celebrate. Champagne, lunch with Cassie-- because she's going to be a part of this; she's going to be our front man-- at the Beacon right about now? Does that sound good?

Tony: You know, you just keep coming up with great ideas, let's do it.

Danny: I know. All right. (Knock at door)

Josh: Hello?

Danny: Hey, Josh.

Josh: Hi, Danny. How are you doing?

Danny: Good. I'm good, thanks.

Josh: Tony, you guys, you're in a hurry?

Tony: Actually we are, yeah, but are going to be around later?

Josh: Yeah, yeah, why?

Tony: Some ideas I want to run by you.

Josh: Well, why don't you give me a little preview?

Tony: Okay. Um, well, I think I should probably be moving out of here soon, now that the stalker problem's solved. And... I mean, that's, of course, if you think that Reva's safe.

Josh: Yeah, that's something we can certainly talk about.

Tony: Okay.

Josh: Okay.

Tony: Perfect. All right.

Josh: Great. Take care, Danny.

Danny: You too, Josh.

Josh: Yeah, you can live wherever you want, Tony. But not at the carriage house, and not with my daughter.

Reva: I have a great idea for a story.

Holly: You do?

Reva: It can't miss.

Holly: And what would that story be?

Reva: About a woman who was wrongly accused of being a menace.

Holly: It's been done.

Reva: Not this story. This woman's life was thrown into chaos. Her family were horrified because they thought she was innocent. And then the woman lost her job from her own company.

Holly: Imagine.

Reva: And the worst part is that a rift opened up between her and... certain friends who up to that point she thought were 100% loyal. The story has everything. It has a whodunit plot at the core, drama, betrayal, personal clashes. It's got the works. It's only missing one thing.

Holly: What's that?

Reva: A happy ending. Think maybe you can help me out with that?

Holly: Nah, I'm not good at happy endings.

Reva: Holly, wait, please.

Holly: Why? Why should I? Haven't I been humiliated and slandered and stabbed in the back enough? You come at me with your jokey pitch as if my... my worst night-- my latest nightmare is just more grist for your ratings mill.

Reva: You know very well that's not what I'm thinking.

Holly: I don't know very well what's in anybody's mind these days.

Reva: Okay, okay. Maybe this was the wrong approach.

Holly: Yeah. If you want to clear things up between us, yeah.

Reva: Say I do put your story on my show. You know, what do you think, that... that I'm going to treat it like it's some kind of comedy? That I don't recognize or respect the fact that you were treated terribly?

Holly: No, I... I think you're too good a journalist for that.

Reva: Yeah, I am. I have to be because my boss sets too high a standard.

Holly: Approach number two.

Reva: Yeah, well, I'm going to keep trying until I find one that works. But until then, can we just talk here about ratings, from one professional to another?

Holly: Okay, all right.

Reva: The ratings for the live broadcast show went through the roof. And why? Because the stakes were real. Because people were invested in it. They wanted to know what happened, how it all turned out. My ordeal became a personal concern.

Holly: What television does best: Makes the personal, global.

Reva: Exactly. That's what I want to do with my show. I want to make the personal, global. I want to address issues that really matter through the people they affect. You know, sure, I was stalked, okay. I mean, and those stakes were very high, at least to my own family. But there are thousands of other stories out there that... that have equally as high stakes, maybe even higher.

Holly: And these are the stories you want to tell?

Reva: Yes. And your own story would fit right in there perfectly. Nothing jokey about it.

Holly: Reva...

Reva: Come on, Holly, let me do it. Let me put it on the air. I'd let everybody know that everything that happened to you was my fault. Even though I didn't believe you were... you weren't my stalker, I maybe didn't convince my family not to think it. Maybe I didn't convince them enough. But I'd look directly into the camera and I would admit that, if it meant getting our friendship back again. This is where you're supposed to take me back.

Holly: Yeah, I get it.

Reva: I need you in my corner again, Holly, not just as a producer, but as my friend. I mean, if that's being selfish, fine. But I miss you. How many times do I have to say I'm sorry, and how many different ways?

Holly: Give me a minute. I'm thinking about it.

Reva: You're going to hold a grudge forever?

Holly: I could. Best of them. Gets a little heavy.

Reva: Yeah, well, then don't bother, please.

Holly: Okay, I... I'll take a pass on you using my saga as your story of the day. But, okay. I've missed you, too. (Laughter) Gee whiz.

Marina: You know, I still don't get this. I thought you were free today.

Ben: I was, but then I ran into my new boss...

Marina: And what, now suddenly you got to work?

Ben: Right.

Marina: Which I don't even get, because you still haven't told me what you do yet.

Ben: Look, I will tell you all about it when I have time to come up for air, okay? But I have to run. I have to go. You're not mad at me, are you?

Marina: You better make it up to me.

Ben: I'll finally have the money to do that.

Marina: Mm-hmm.

Ben: I'll see you.

Marina: See you.

Shayne: You missed the end of "Sandy and the Mole."

Marina: Oh, yeah, yeah, I did. What happened?

Shayne: It was great. The Mole said...

Marina: Actually, you know what, Shayne? I think I've had enough fun for today.

Shayne: First of all, it's impossible to have too much fun, okay? And second of all, you're forgetting something.

Marina: What?

Shayne: That you're not the only one who has school off today. So why don't you let me try to, I don't know, turn around this whole not-having-fun thing, hmm?

Marah: Let's just see how it goes.

Eden: All I want is a chance.

Marah: And why do you even care?

Eden: Because I caused you a lot of grief, and I want to make it right. (Cell phone rings)

Marah: Hello? Carol, hey. Can I call you right back? I'm in the middle of something. Thanks.

Eden: Is this yours?

Marah: Uh, yeah, I doodle when I'm bored.

Eden: No, this is more than a doodle. This... this is good. Are you an artist?

Marah: No, I'm not an artist. I'm a design major.

Eden: This stuff is great. I mean, it pulls your eye right in.

Marah: Thanks.

Eden: You know what? You will probably pass on this idea, too...

Marah: What?

Eden: Have you ever thought about doing this professionally? Because if you have, I could give you some work.

Marah: An artist? Why?

Eden: Because I need stationery design and business cards and whatnot.

Marah: No, I mean why me? Because you think I'm talented or because you want to get me on your side?

Eden: Maybe both.

Marah: Well, what is your business, anyway?

Eden: I run an escort service.

Marah: An escort service. Isn't that just a nicer way of saying...

Eden: No, this is strictly legit. I'm a booking agent, not a madam. If someone is new in town or newly single and they need a companion for dinner or an event, they call me.

Marah: You rent them a date.

Eden: And nothing else.

Marah: So you say that they're not paying for sex, but what if somebody...

Eden: No. No "what ifs." No sex. I mean, they can do whatever they want on their own time, but when it's on my dime, it's my rules.

Marah: And what if they don't play by your rules?

Eden: If a client even suggests sex, the escort calls me up and they leave.

Marah: Some people don't take no for an answer.

Eden: Well, that's why I have a security staff that shadows my female escorts, so it never gets to that point.

Marah: Sounds like you've thought of everything.

Eden: Except for a design for my stationery. You ready to go professional?

Marah: Well, I guess I got to start some time.

Cassie: Hey.

Danny: Hi.

Cassie: Wow. Man, you weren't kidding when you said you wanted to celebrate.

Danny: Yeah, baby. (Laughter) A great project calls for a great bottle of champagne.

Tony: Yes.

Cassie: You sound like you're ready to toast. Well, if we're going to party, then we should invite Marah, shouldn't we? Thanks for...

Danny: Give her a call.

Tony: I'll give her a call.

Cassie: Oh, no, no, you don't have to call her. She's in there.

Tony: Oh, she is?

Cassie: Yeah.

Tony: Great.

Ramona: Hey, what's the rush? I'm the one you're here to see, aren't I?

Ben: Of course, yeah. Sorry I'm late.

Ramona: Oh, I don't mind. Not since we'll be spending the rest of the day together. (Sighs) I had a wonderful time last night.

Ben: Yeah, yeah. I don't get out to see the opera much in this country. (Laughs) Listen to me-- "in this country."

Ramona: Don't be ashamed that you're cultured, Ben.

Ben: Yeah, my Italian is kind of rusty, though.

Ramona: Oh, give it a chance.

Ben: Well, do you want to... you want to go inside?

Ramona: Well, actually, um... I was thinking about taking a drive over to the Country Club instead.

Marina: The Country Club?

Shayne: Yeah, why not? Listen, my family's got a membership, so we can play some racquetball, hit the Jacuzzi. Maybe grab a late lunch. What do you think?

Marina: I don't know. I guess it could be kind of fun.

Shayne: And we could talk some baseball.

Marina: All right, you're on.

Shayne: Let's do it.

Holly: Seriously, I walked into the office that morning and saw your ratings and I thought, "Damn, I'm not going to be able to stay mad at her forever."

Reva: (Laughs) My friend the pragmatist.

Holly: Yeah. But seriously, speaking of ratings, I've been around enough to know that those ratings weren't so high just because it was the stalker issue. It was the format.

Reva: The live call-in aspect.

Holly: Yeah. People want to be involved. And if you can do that, if you can keep them caring and give them that sense of immediacy, you will have our top show.

Reva: Green light me and I will go live every day.

Holly: You got it.

Reva: Yes! (Laughter)

Holly: But... but, you know, think... go wide with the stories. I mean, go... everything from somebody's who's been wrongfully imprisoned to somebody who... who claims they took a ride on a UFO or has strange psychic powers or something. What, don't like that idea?

Reva: No, it's not that. I... I just had one of those weird moments myself yesterday.

Holly: What do you mean?

Reva: Oh, it's not important. It was probably just gas. (Laughter) Hi.

Buzz: Coffee?

Holly: Yes, please. Buzz, what's the matter?

Buzz: I'm feeling a little crazy.

Reva: Why?

Buzz: Well, I'm supposed to hear from Harley, but you know there's nothing. And I... I'm supposing, hoping that she's on her plane heading home, but...

Reva: I wouldn't worry about it. I'd try to relax. I mean, you may not hear from Harley for a couple of hours. It's a long flight from Germany.

Buzz: Who said anything about Germany?

Reva: You did. Just now.

Buzz: No, I... I didn't.

Holly: Did you hear it from somebody else? But you felt you knew it, as if he had said it.

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