Guiding Light Transcript Monday 3/10/03
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Proofread by Tanya
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Gus: I think his room is down this way. I'm positive of it.
Harley: Hey, I have to tell you, I am so impressed with your German. How come I never knew this about you? Was it something that you learned in... your secret agent FBI training?
Gus: Mrs. Polanski.
Harley: Who's Mrs. Polanski?
Gus: Mrs. Polanski was the hottest teacher I had in my freshman year of college.
Harley: Was that all she taught you? I don't want to know. You know, when I was growing up, me and Frank, we learned all the four-letter words in ever language.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: That's how far I thought I was getting from Springfield. (Laughs)
Gus: Oh, honey, I forgot this was your first time in Europe. Let me tell you something right now, okay? This is from my heart. Next time we go, it's a vacation; it has nothing to do with me, okay?
Harley: It's all right. I understand. I'm just... I'm just joking to calm you down, okay?
Gus: Mm-hmm.
Harley: We're going to get to the bottom of this. Maybe not today...
Gus: No, yes, today, today. And if he doesn't help us out, this Roy Baker, you're going to have to dust off some of those curse words.
Harley: We'll be lucky if he understands it in English. I'm sorry. I know that sounds crass. Hey, you know, he managed to write Gina's name on a piece of paper before they carted him off on the plane, right?
Gus: I know. This has got to work, baby. He's the only one that knows about my folks. I'm not leaving here till I know everything that he knows.
Marina: Thanks a lot, you guys. Good night. There you go. Have a good night, thanks. Well, did everybody decide to eat anywhere else tonight but here?
Buzz: Looks like it. Why don't you cut out early?
Marina: Are you serious? Wait, this isn't some sort of weird Cooper work ethic test, is it?
Buzz: You know... no, just go. And don't make me regret it.
Marina: Well, I have to call Ben. Hey...
Buzz: Oh, no, I'm regretting it already.
Marina: Oh, babe!
Buzz: It just gets better and better.
Marina: Yay! You have perfect timing. We're practically psychic friends. I was just about to call you.
Ben: The powers that be are too busy with Olivia's arraignment, so they let me out of the factory early.
Marina: Ah, well. My master let me out, too. You know what this means, don't you?
Ben: What?
Marina: We were meant to spend tonight together.
Ben: Oh, that sounds great, but I... I don't know if my new boss is going to be okay with that.
Eden: He's handsome, sexy, smart... everything you could possibly want and more. Trust me, Mrs. Hendon, I think you will be very pleased. His name is Ben.
Phillip: Hey, buddy.
Rick: Hey. What are you doing here?
Phillip: Looking for you, actually.
Rick: What's up?
Phillip: What time do you get off? You have time to have a cocktail?
Rick: Uh, I'm sorry, buddy, I can't.
Phillip: I'm buying.
Rick: You said the magic words, but I still can't. I got Jude tonight, and your son's sleeping over, remember? Wait a minute. Olivia's arraignment was today, wasn't it?
Phillip: Yeah, hence the need for the drink.
Rick: How bad? How bad is it?
Phillip: Listen, I... I need you to be straight with me about something, okay?
Rick: Like you could stop me.
Phillip: All right.
Rick: All right.
Phillip: (Clears throat) If you... if you found evidence that somebody that you knew... someone you cared about-- say Mel-- had done something like this, would you do anything about it, or would you just forget it ever happened?
Rick: Wait a minute. You found proof that Olivia is the person who's been stalking Reva? Phillip, I know you think that you're in love with her and there's a chance that she may be carrying your child, but if there's a chance that she's doing this, protecting her would be a huge mistake.
Alexandra: Home, sweet home.
Olivia: This is not my home.
Alexandra: Well, it's better than the alternative.
Olivia: Yes, yes.
Alexandra: Right. I'm going to check with Nolan, make certain that your room is ready.
Olivia: Thank you. Where is that damn lipstick? Where did I put it?
Alexandra: You're going to be in the room right next to mine.
Olivia: Oh, you know, I... I... I am grateful that you got me out of jail and everything, but I don't think it's wise that we have slumber parties just yet.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Don't worry, Olivia. Fat chance you and I will become best friends, my dear. I just want you to be in a room far enough away from Alan and still be in the house.
Alan: And what the hell is she doing in this house? How could you bring her back to this house, Alexandra?
Olivia: What's the matter, Alan, you afraid to talk to me directly?
Alexandra: All right, Alan, I want you to calm down. Now, are you sure you didn't... don't need to take one of the pills...
Alan: I don't need a pill. I need her out of this house. I thought that you were locked up.
Olivia: Oh, well, looks like things don't always go the way you plan, eh, Alan? Why don't you ask your sister here why I'm here?
Alan: Well?
Alexandra: She's pregnant, Alan! All right, it was one of the conditions of her bail.
Alan: You posted bail, Alexandra? Why?
Alexandra: Alan, if you were thinking at all straight, you would have done exactly the same thing. I mean, someone's got to take care of this child.
Alan: Yes, obviously Olivia's not up to the task.
Olivia: Hey, you know what? I can go another ten rounds with you if you'd like. I have to be in this house with you for the time being. Other than that, we have nothing in common.
Alan: Nothing in common? That's my baby that you happen to be carrying.
Olivia: Maybe not.
Alexandra: That's enough, Olivia. You shouldn't get upset.
Olivia: You know what? I think it's time we got all of this out in the open.
Alan: Get what out in the open?
Olivia: I slept with Phillip, just after you switched my birth control pills. Phillip could be this baby's father.
Marina: Why do you have some new night job? Now you're going to have to be working 24/seven.
Ben: Oh, please, you know me better than that.
Marina: What is it, then?
Ben: Well, let's just say that I am one step closer to being that rich guy you fell in love with.
Marina: You know that stuff doesn't matter to me. Not that much.
Ben: Yeah, well, it matters to me, all right? You know, when I lost my trust fund, I lost a whole lot more than just money.
Marina: Ben, that is so not true, and you know it. Whatever happened to this whole Spaulding thing? I mean, I thought between big papa Alan and Alexandra the great, your future was pretty much in the can.
Ben: More like in the toilet.
Marina: Yeah? Wasn't Alan starting to think of you as like his long-lost son?
Ben: Yeah, but apparently in the Spaulding family, that's not necessarily a good thing. You know, if it weren't for me, he would still be on an extended three-hour tour of Mystic Island. But what do I get? The satisfaction of knowing that I rescued him, and a box of chocolates.
Marina: Ooh, you got chocolates? Ooh, wait, are those those really nice ones, because I got to tell you, I am becoming like a really big fan of those dark chocolate-covered cherries with... with... not really the point.
Ben: Yeah, not so much.
Marina: Okay.
Ben: They just don't get me. You know, I'm like... I'm like a glorified copy boy/errand boy. You know, it's... this new job, it's going to be different. I mean, respect and money. Instant gratification.
Marina: Details?
Ben: Look, I don't have all the details just yet, all right? But it sounds like something I can do, something that's based on who I am rather than how well I operate a copy machine. I don't want to jinx it, all right? All you need to know is that I'm getting it all back, all that I lost. I promise you.
Marina: Then you will.
Ben: All right, I'll call you later.
Marina: Okay, good, because you owe me dinner and a movie.
Ben: I owe you a whole lot more than that. There are gifts in your future.
Marina: Oh, ho-ho. Well, good luck. I hope you get what you want.
Ben: I already have what I want. Bye.
Marina: Bye.
Buzz: Bye.
Ben: Bye.
Buzz: Oh, well, he is so smooth.
Marina: What is that supposed to mean?
Buzz: What kind of job do you get... what kind of job when you don't know what you have to do and what you're going to get paid?
Marina: I don't know, like international man of mystery, 007. If you ask me, it sounds pretty exciting.
Buzz: Well, if you're all right with the mystery, so am I.
Marina: I am. I'm all right with it. I'm fine with it because I believe in Ben, end of story, okay?
Buzz: Okay.
Gus: Roy? Roy? Roy, I know that you're in there somewhere, because you're too much of a jerk to go quietly. He wants to know what we're doing here.
Harley: Yeah, thanks, I got that. Uh, me: Niece. Roy: Uncle. Roy, Uncle Roy.
Gus: Honey, he doesn't speak Tarzan, okay? Uh...
Harley: (Whispering) Check out the chair. Crossword puzzle.
Gus: Yeah, will you take a little tour?
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Gus: Okay. Oh.
Harley: What does that mean? What did he say?
Gus: Uh... he understands... I'm trying to buy some time, okay? Try to get him out of here.
Orderly: David Hasselhoff.
Harley: Did he just say David Hasselhoff? Didn't that sound like David Hasselhoff?
Gus: I know. That is German for "He understands what I am saying."
Harley: But didn't it sound like it? I mean, maybe that's why the guy's so popular here.
Gus: We're getting somewhere now. Okay, I'm going to get him out of here so I can... tell him I want to talk to my family member.
Harley: Okay.
Orderly: (Laughs)
Gus: Go on.
Harley: Okay. Get what you can out of Roy.
Gus: Honey? (Sighs) Finally, Roy, it's just you and me. I'm real sorry that you can't speak or you can't move, because you've got a lot of explaining to do. You can start with this crossword puzzle. Or are you're going to stop with the games now, and you're going to start with the truth, and you're going to tell me everything about my parents. All right, Roy, are you sure you want to play this the hard way? I'm really glad they gave you a room with a view. (Whistles) I don't think you want to play this the hard way, Roy. (Sighs) You are my Uncle Roy. You were like my family. You're my... my father's partner. You didn't have any family of your own. We had a dinner place setting for you every single night that my mother put there for you. Roy. Roy! When my parents were dead, you were the guy that I called if I ever did anything worthy-- talking about-- even talking about you. You were the guy because you were the only man on this planet that knew my parents the way that I knew them when they were alive. Roy, I'm calling on you now. I'm just... I just need to know who my parents really are. Roy, I'm calling on your sense... your sense of humanity, man. Your sense... (laughs) it's really about self- preservation for you, isn't it? This is a beautiful countryside. It's a shame you're in that chair and you can't enjoy it.
Roy: No!
Gus: Oh, yeah, Roy.
Roy: Please!
Gus: What's the word I'm looking for, huh?
Roy: No!
Gus: Picturesque. Picture's worth a thousand... thousand words, isn't it, Roy? Huh? Come on, Roy, come on! What do you think of the view? Huh?
Alan: You're lying, Olivia. Just like you lied to me about our baby being dead!
Olivia: No, Alan, it's true. Phillip and I made love. Before the divorce, yes, but after you played Russian roulette with my birth control pills!
Alexandra: Enough, enough, enough, enough, enough, enough. Listen, this can't be that much of a shock to you, Alan. Surely you've considered the possibility...
Alan: Oh, I know that she wanted to punish me. Phillip wants to punish me. He will do anything to hurt me. But, no, I don't think it happened. He wouldn't cross that line and neither would you!
Olivia: It wasn't about you! Phillip told me that he loved me, and I love him. That's why we made love.
Alan: Olivia, you are my wife! We pledged our love to each other...
Olivia: Oh, don't even talk to me about pledges and love and vows. Those are things you know nothing about!
Alan: And you do? He's my son! How could you?
Olivia: Oh, you know, it was wrong. It was all wrong. It was wrong to marry you in the first place knowing I had feelings for him. But you had heart attacks-- two of them. And I bought it. And then you decided that we were going to have a family. And you got me pregnant against my will!
Alan: Everything I did, I did for you, for us. Now, perhaps, it wasn't always honorable, but you're pregnant and you want that child. So everything I did was right!
Phillip: Hey, hey what the hell is going on?
Olivia: He knows.
Alexandra: All right...
Olivia: He knows about us because I told him. I told him everything.
Alexandra: I want you all to stop this right now. Your father shouldn't be agitated.
Phillip: Neither should Olivia.
Alan: (Scoffs) Phillip, always the protector.
Phillip: And I will protect her. And the child that she's carrying.
Alan: Against me?
Phillip: If necessary.
Alan: You know, you are a pathetic excuse for a son, Phillip. You see what your revenge against me has cost us?
Phillip: No, it wasn't about you!
Alan: Of course it was about me. But the only thing that you two have in common is your hate against me!
Alexandra: All right, come on, that's enough. Here, come in... come here. Come out here for God's sakes, Alan. Have you lost your mind? I want you to calm down before you absolutely kill yourself.
Alan: I... I am not going to kill myself. I have these two victims in mind right now.
Alexandra: No, you hush. You hush. Look at you. You are beet red. Your heart's racing a mile a minute.
Alan: I am not going to give them the satisfaction of dying. No, no, no, no. And you can keep your medication.
Alexandra: No, you calm down. You calm down. You can only make things worse. We can handle this mess later. If you go in there right now, (mumbles).
Alan: Okay, okay, okay. I'll take these pills. But this isn't over by a long shot, Alexandra.
Olivia: It was time. It was time he knew the truth about everything.
Phillip: Are you okay?
Olivia: I'm fine. It just made him angrier than ever. As if he didn't already have enough reason to frame me.
Phillip: Don't worry about that right now. Don't worry about anything right now, because I promise you, I'll take care of everything.
Roy: Nicky!
Gus: Oh, my lord, he speaks! It's a miracle!
Roy: Please, just let me up. You don't want to hurt me!
Gus: What's the matter, Roy, you afraid of heights? It's only 12 stories down.
Roy: No! I'll tell you... I'll tell you what you want to know! I'll tell you everything! I promise!
Gus: All right, then.
Roy: All right.
Gus: Go on!
Roy: You want to know the truth? I'll give it to you. What you almost did just now-- throwing me off this balcony like that, that homicidal look in your eye, the look of a criminal, would do anything you had to do to get what you wanted-- reminded me of your father.
Gus: Joe August was not a criminal. He wasn't a criminal!
Roy: Maybe not, but your real father was.
Buzz: Dinner, movie-- you pick.
Marina: You feel bad for me because Ben ditched me.
Buzz: Did I say that?
Marina: It was implied. And oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I think I'm getting something else. Oh, you hate seeing me cooped up in here like this, waiting for Ben when there are, like, a million other guys out there.
Buzz: At least a million.
Marina: I don't want any other guys.
Buzz: You don't?
Marina: No.
Buzz: No other guys?
Marina: No.
Buzz: Not Cary Grant.
Marina: No.
Buzz: Hey, Shayne.
Marina: Hey.
Shayne: Hey, Buzz.
Buzz: Hey, how's your mom?
Shayne: She's hanging in there, thanks.
Marina: And you know what? Bad timing, Shayne, because we were actually just closing, sorry.
Shayne: But you didn't put the sign up yet, so you can't turn me away.
Buzz: He has a point.
Marina: I'm not firing up the grill. Shayne, I just swept the floor.
Buzz: Pitching mound dirt is always welcome here.
Marina: That baseball cap does not grant you the right to track in a bunch of dirt. What's with this costume, anyway? I thought you, like, only played lacrosse.
Shayne: And I thought you listened to me when I talked to you. I've only been playing baseball all my life. But, hey no big deal.
Marina: Oh, right. Uh-huh, high school baseball, and that would be what exactly, other than a line on your college applications?
Buzz: Speaking of college applications.
Marina: Mmm.
Shayne: So have you heard anything I've said to you in the last two years?
Marina: Of course, of course, I hang onto your every word. My only regret is that I didn't try out for the cheerleading squad, that way I could've cheered you on in all your glory.
Shayne: Baseball doesn't have cheerleaders.
Marina: Yeah, I realize that, thank you. What do you want?
Shayne: What do you mean?
Marina: To eat. What do you want to eat? You came in here for food, right?
Shayne: Hmm, how about hamburger, no bun, and some milk, skim milk, and some of those curly fries.
Marina: You know, if you're having the fries, you may as well have the bun.
Shayne: Nah, the fries are for you, you always eat mine.
Marina: I do not. Shayne thinks he's a big leaguer. It's cute, right? Real cute.
Buzz: Are you kidding me? You wouldn't say that if you'd seen him throw.
Marina: You must be kidding.
Buzz: You know who he is? You go to the same school, don't you?
Marina: I know. I hardly ever seen him, though. He's really good, huh?
Buzz: Good? He had a great record last year, but, you know, the off-season has been very good to him. He's bigger, stronger, faster, I mean, he's, you know, the stuff that baseball dreams are made of.
Marina: Yeah, he can throw heat?
Buzz: 95 miles an hour.
Marina: What kind of stuff's he got?
Buzz: Two seam, four seam, fast ball, wicked change-up and a sweeping curve ball that would make a grown man weep. I'm telling you, it's not just a pass into the girl's locker room, it's a ticket out of town for this guy. He had major league scouts scouting him out in the pre-season. There's going to be more to follow. Unless I miss my guess, he's going to be the major leagues before he has his first major drink.
Marina: Wow. Shayne Lewis big time. Huh. Good for him. Who knew?
Eden: Perfect. Hot but subtle.
Ben: So I pass inspection? Because I was going to wear a tux, I don't know...
Eden: Oh, no, no, no, that would be too much. This is perfect.
Ben: You know, I probably should've asked you this before I signed on, but who's the client?
Eden: One of many.
Ben: And what exactly do you provide them with?
Eden: Happiness.
Ben: Interesting.
Eden: And the rest later.
Ben: What do you mean later?
Eden: After you make Mrs. Hendon a very happy woman.
Ben: Mrs. Hendon?
Eden: See that beautiful woman at the door?
Ben: Yeah.
Eden: That's your date for this evening.
Olivia: Yeah, well, thanks for standing up for me.
Phillip: Well, we're in this together. Hey, I know how stressful and how crazy and confusing these last few months have been for you. And, listen, I know what it's like to want to take revenge, to go after something with such a fury that you start to lose yourself a little bit, I know what that's like.
Olivia: I'm not going to go after Alan; I told you I'm done with him. You don't have to worry?
Phillip: That's not what I'm talking about.
Olivia: Then what?
Phillip: Don't say anything yet. I know this is the color that was used to write on the wall at Reva's, and I'd know it's a shade that you said you've never used. I know that you lied to me, because you felt like you had to, because you were afraid. What I'm telling you is that you don't have to be afraid, because I will stand by you and I will help you.
Olivia: You think I'm Reva's stalker.
Phillip: I don't know what to think.
Olivia: Now you're the one who's lying.
Phillip: Olivia, I just want to help you.
Olivia: Yeah, well... there is something you can do for me.
Phillip: Tell me.
Olivia: You can go to hell.
Phillip: Olivia.
Olivia: No, I lied. I lied about the lipstick, okay? I don't know why I did it. Maybe it was an impulse. I have so many strikes against me already, but that doesn't mean that I'm a stalker.
Phillip: Hey, I have been on your side all the way through this.
Olivia: Until I lied to you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I have a history of people not believing me, even when I tell the truth. I fell back on my instincts. I felt like my back was up against the wall, okay? But I guess I wasn't completely wrong, because here you are ready to lock me up and throw away the key.
Phillip: Lock? I don't want you locked up. No, I want you out here.
Olivia: Because of the baby, I know.
Phillip: No, that's only one reason.
Olivia: Look, I just... I thought you would be the one person in this town who wasn't against me.
Phillip: I'm not against you, I'm on your side!
Olivia: Why would I seek revenge on Reva now? Isn't that taking a woman scorned to all new levels? Oh, but I guess I have it coming, considering all the stupid things I've done. I messed a lot of things up, and I know I've ruined any chance that we might have together, but the one thing I didn't want to lose in all of this was the belief that you know me. I didn't do the things that I've been accused of, Phillip. I'm not Reva's stalker.
Shayne: I thought you said the grill was off for the night.
Marina: Yeah, well, my grandfather happens to think you're the second coming of baseball, so, you know, he decided to fire it up for you. Oh, by the way, he wants tickets to the World Series 2008 or whenever it may be that you make your big score.
Shayne: He's got them.
Marina: So, you really got some juice in that arm?
Shayne: Come on.
Marina: What?
Shayne: You're trying to talk baseball with me now? You don't know baseball.
Marina: Believe me, Shayne Lewis, I know baseball.
Shayne: It's cool, you know plenty of other things.
Marina: What other things exactly do I know?
Shayne: Ben, Ben, Ben. Oh, and uh... Ben.
Marina: I have other interests.
Shayne: You know what? You've got a great voice. I mean, you're really going to win, like, a million Grammy's one day.
Marina: You really think I have a good voice?
Shayne: See, but then you're going to probably get married a million times like J. Lo, and you're going to forget all about your first husband Ben.
Marina: All right, you know what? Back to baseball, because I seriously do know it.
Shayne: I don't know. Watching "The Rookie" four times doesn't count.
Marina: It was three times. Dennis Quaid is really hot for an old guy. Anyway, you don't believe me, ask me anything you want.
Shayne: Okay. Infield fly rule, what is it?
Marina: That is too easy. It's when you've got less than two outs, you've got runners on first and second, it's force play, umpire signals an infield fly ball is ruled catchable by an infielder, batter's out of there, and the runners can advance at their own risk. Oh, and bunts and line drives don't count, how's that?
Shayne: That's pretty scary, but in a good way. How do you know base... how do you know this?
Marina: My dad used to take mo to Cubs' games when I was a little kid. Then when my mom decided to ruin our happy family and whisk us away to California, I really missed my dad, and I don't know, I would never miss a Cubs game. I even check the sports section of the paper, because I knew my dad was doing the same thing. I guess it made me feel like he wasn't that far away. And to this day, even when my family can't agree on anything, at least there's one place we're all on the same team.
Shayne: Huh. Yeah, me and my dad, we have our baseball moments, too. It's nothing like that.
Marina: All right. You know what? This is getting a little too mushy for me. We are officially a few lines shy of a greeting card. So, let's see it.
Shayne: See what?
Marina: Your pitching motion, let's see what you've got.
Roy: It's pretty amazing how much of this puzzle you managed to put together on your own. Your real birth mother, Gina, she did die at childbirth. Joe and Angela, they were trying to have kids, but it just wasn't happening, so Joe decided to bring you home and raise you as his own. From the moment you were born, Joe spent the rest of his life covering up the truth.
Gus: Why?
Roy: He was protecting you.
Gus: Protecting me from what?
Roy: Because your real father was Miguel Santos.
Harley: Oh, my God.
Shayne: So, are you okay with this?
Buzz: Well, if you break anything, it comes out of her paycheck.
Marina: All right, quit stalling Lewis, let's play ball. Come on, let's do this right. Hey.
Buzz: I'll catch.
Marina: You're not chicken, are you?
Shayne: So what are the stakes?
Marina: I get the satisfaction of beating you.
Shayne: No. I can't play unless something's on the line.
Marina: All right, next thing you're going to tell me you've got lucky socks. You do, don't you? Okay, stakes, stakes, stakes, stakes, stakes, stakes. All right, you've got to buy me two tickets opening day at the Cubbies.
Shayne: Done. Get ready to lose.
Marina: Oh, I don't lose. Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Buzz: A little grace in victory.
Marina: Oh, are you kidding me? Grace is for losers, and that would be you, Shayne.
Shayne: Yeah, but I still get to go to the game with you, so I still think I'm the winner.
Marina: No way, I'm taking Ben.
Buzz: To the victor goes the spoils.
Shayne: I don't know what happened to me back there, I mean usually have more control than that.
Marina: Yeah, no kidding. You were, like, all over the place. You know what used to really help me? I used to picture the ball as being the head of someone that I, like, really, really hated, and then I could just hit. I guess that doesn't really work for pitching, though, does it? And you're, like, the nicest guy ever, so you probably don't hate anyone.
Shayne: This is pitching, not hitting, remember?
Marina: I know, I know. I'm just trying to help you out because you're the next Mickey Mantel or whatever.
Shayne: Okay, new bet.
Marina: I already won.
Shayne: No, but this time I'm going to throw in for programs, cotton candy, pretzels, hot dogs, I mean the works for you and for Ben.
Marina: Oh. All right, Lewis, you're on. Let's play ball, Grandpa.
Buzz: Grab a bun. Perfect pitch!
Ben: Do you hear that?
Eden: What?
Ben: The theme from "American Gigolo," because I hear it, okay?
Eden: Well, unlike the movie, your business with Mrs. Hendon ends at the door of her hotel suite.
Ben: No. I don't know about this.
Eden: Is this about your little girlfriend?
Ben: Don't call her that.
Eden: This has nothing to do with Marina; this is work, nothing more. It's fantasy. For a couple of hours, you get to be everything that this woman doesn't have in her life. And you get to do everything that her husband won't do.
Ben: And what is that exactly? Wait a minute, she's married?
Eden: Very. Maybe even happily.
Ben: So what does she need me for?
Eden: Someone that doesn't complain about going to the opera, someone who's smart and will listen to her.
Ben: Right, and that is all, right?
Eden: You get to be the man of somebody's dreams-- even if it is for a few hours. I mean, how often do you get to do that in life?
Ben: A lot, actually.
Eden: And I bet Marina likes nice things, likes to go to nice places. Think about it, Ben. I can think of a thousand reasons you can do this.
Ben: A thousand, huh? Okay. All right, I'm in, but just for this opera.
Eden: That's all I'm asking you to do.
Ben: Mrs. Hendon, hi. I'm Ben.
Ramona: Oh, please, call me Ramona.
Ben: Oh, Ramona then. Shall we?
Harley: What's going on? What are you feeling right now?
Gus: I'm not feeling.
Harley: Okay, I know how this must be for you. No, I don't. I don't know how this must be for you, finding out that you're a Santos, when you've hated those people your whole life. Unreal, surreal, it's going to be okay, okay? You and Danny have come so far, right? So when we get back, you can talk to him; you can tell him.
Gus: I'm not telling him anything, okay? I'm not telling him anything, because what he said it's a lie. I'm not Miguel Santos' son, and I'm going to prove it. It's time to go home.
Olivia: Look, when you told me that you loved me, it felt like it was the first time anyone has ever said that to me. And I thought to myself, this is the way it's supposed to be, you know, this is what people talk about, and this is what they die to have. And I know that that's changed. I know I've messed things up, I just... you said that you could see me, and that you could see into me, and as frightening as that is for me, you can. So you have to know that I didn't do this. I have the whole world stacked up against me right now, Phillip. And I can handle the other people, you know. I can take them, but I can't handle fighting you right now.
Phillip: Okay. I'm sorry. I believe you.
Olivia: I'm going to prove that I'm innocent.
Phillip: Really? How?
Olivia: I'm going to find the person who's guilty, and I think I know who that is: Your father.
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