GL Transcript Friday 3/7/03

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 3/7/03

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

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Reporter: Did you suspect Olivia Spencer might be the stalker?

Reva: Well, we really didn't know who to suspect.

Reporter: Was it a complete surprise then when she was taken into custody?

Reva: If you really want to know how I feel, watch my next show.

Cassie: Don't miss you. Hey.

Reva: Thanks.

Cassie: I don't want to answer more questions about this.

Reva: Yeah, like I don't have enough questions of my own.

Cassie: Like what? How many years Olivia is going to get? Or something else?

Reva: Olivia and I don't get along. That's a given.

Cassie: That's an understatement.

Reva: But I don't know why she would go after Marah and Shayne and want to hurt them. That I don't understand.

Cassie: I don't understand it either. But Olivia has a dark side, Reva. We've both seen it.

Reva: But flash bombs, break-ins, bricks through the window. Does that sound like Olivia to you?

Cassie: No, it doesn't. I don't know. Maybe she hasn't forgiven you for taking him from her. Both in San Cristobel and...

Reva: And in that hospital room that day. What do you think?

Cassie: I think you should let the police handle it. And I think you should have lunch with me.

Reva: Yeah? How do you feel about eating alone?

Cassie: So you could do what?

Reva: Go ask my stalker why she did it.

Olivia: The baby's fine. I'm fine.

Phillip: I'm confused. If you're okay and the baby's okay, then what are you doing here?

Olivia: Shh. Just keep your voice down, please. It was Alexandra's idea. I played along with it.

Phillip: You played along?

Olivia: They were going to keep me in jail another night because the arraignment was postponed. So I just made the guard think I was little bit distressed to bring me here instead.

Phillip: So you lied about the condition of the baby?

Olivia: Well, no, I just said that I was in a lot of pain, that's all. What? You think because I'm lying about this, that I'm lying about everything else? That maybe the police were right and I am the stalker?

Alan: How dare those security guards hustle me out of my own hospital. I'll have their jobs, their pensions!

Alexandra: Alan, will you please calm down before you keel over and die of a heart attack?

Alan: I am not going to die, Alexandra. I just have a little unfinished business to take care of.

Alexandra: Alan, Alan, I want you to sit down and relax. And take one of these pills that the doctor prescribed.

Alan: I do not need a pill. The only thing that's wrong with me is I'm married to a woman who is capable to lying to me about losing our baby.

Alexandra: Well, can you really blame Olivia, I mean for waiting to her protect her baby against that irrational temper of yours?

Alan: Let me tell you something. If she thinks these divorce papers are going to rob me of my right to see my child and to have my child, she's the one who's irrational!

Alexandra: Alan, has it ever occurred to you that the baby Olivia's carrying just may not be yours?

Danny: All right, take your time. Take your time. Collect your thoughts. See what you've got here before you take it to Cassie, you do not need her getting scared off and turning you down. Okay. I'm sitting here looking at the footage I just took of Fifth Street. I hadn't been down there in a pretty long time, and what I saw, well, kind of threw me. It's much worse than I thought it would be. Ten years ago this neighborhood was thriving, family businesses. It was a real neighbor and now it's a complete mess. I think... I think things took a turn for the worse after the Cooper diner burned down. That woman on the street told me that that when the neighborhood just lost its fight and caved in on itself. I mean, there are more rats than people in these buildings. More than half of them are completely abandoned. Crack house on the corner, junkies hanging out in front looking for a handout. I saw kids playing in the street, not one park in sight. It's completely, totally hopeless. Perfect.

Michelle: Here.

Ben: Hey.

Michelle: Start folding.

Ben: Yes, Mom.

Michelle: You know, the things I do for my friends. Stop by and take you to lunch, I wind up folding... is that a bunch of old Chinese take-out cartons?

Ben: Yeah. Yeah, leave those. We recycle them.

Michelle: How do you live like this?

Ben: Well, when you clean up after people all day at work, it's kind hard to do it when you come home.

Michelle: Yeah, well, I doubt you're doing the Spaulding's laundry.

Ben: Oh, everything else. Yeah, go do this, Ben. Take care of that. I swear I would quit if I did not need the money. Hey, does Danny need anybody?

Michelle: I really wouldn't know.

Ben: I'm sorry. I thought you two were...

Michelle: No, we aren't. We aren't. And things are just strange right now.

Ben: Too strange to ask for me?

Michelle: You're more than welcome to talk to him yourself. (Door bell rings) Who is that?

Ben: Let's find out. Hi.

Delivery guy: Hey. I have a special delivery for Michelle Bauer.

Ben: Mm.

Michelle: From?

Delivery guy: Danny Santos.

Ben: Mm-hmm. Is this how you an Danny keep your distant? You send each other little gifts...

Michelle: How did he even know that I was here? Did you...

Ben: I had nothing to do with this. But, look, if the man wants to send you jewels, I say take it and run. All right, what do we got here? Rubies, sapphires, a little diamond heart?

Delivery boy: Pizza.

Ben: Oh. Pizza.

Michelle: Pizza.

Ben: Oh, wow.

Delivery boy: Large mushroom with extra garlic.

Ben: Oh, wow! What a romantic. I can see why you married him. You don't like the extra garlic?

Mel: Hey. Your ride is here.

Ben: Thank you.

Mel: Your dad said your car is in the shop, so I just thought I should stop by and... pizza?

Ben: Yeah. Danny sent it over as a token of his esteem.

Mel: Does pizza have some special meaning between you and Danny?

Michelle: No even slightly.

Ben: Curiouser and curiouser.

Michelle: And what were you saying about Danny not being romantic?

Danny: So is the delivery complete? Great. No, no, no, no. I'll take care of phase two myself. Yeah. Thanks.

Cassie: Because I haven't had time to send it. Yes. Yes, I will put it through the fax right now.

Danny: Hey.

Cassie: Hi.

Danny: Busy day, huh?

Cassie: Well, with my partner in prison, everything is falling on my shoulders.

Danny: Well, I have a feeling Olivia will be out on bail probably by tomorrow. (Chuckles)

Cassie: Well, if she really did do this, I hope she stays in jail forever. I hope the D.A. makes sure she never gets out.

Danny: Not likely. With Spaulding money behind her, she'll probably walk through that door any minute.

Cassie: Well, she can turn around and walk back out, because I don't want her as a partner anymore. If I got to take care of everything, then I want all the glory.

Danny: Whoa! I hope you don't feel that way about our partnership?

Cassie: No. I'm sorry. I don't. I think we're destined for greatness.

Danny: Me, too. So how great are you willing to aim for?

Cassie: What did have in mind?

Danny: Another project, a little one.

Cassie: A big glamorous renovation like Towers?

Danny: Not exactly.

Alan: Alexandra, how could you say something like that, knowing how much family means to me? Olivia is pregnant with my child. Unless... unless you know something that I don't.

Alexandra: Alan... Alan, I wasn't trying to imply that the baby wasn't yours. This is Olivia. This is the wife you don't trust. The woman you accused of stranding on an island. If you don't believe me, ask Phillip.

Alan: Whose side are you on anyway?

Alexandra: All right, all right. Will you calm down? Relax, please. Now just take one of these pills before...

Alan: No.

Alexandra: Alan, where are you going?

Alan: I have a luncheon engagement, Alexandra.

Alexandra: With India?

Alan: How did you know about that?

Alexandra: Well, you told me about it?

Alan: I never told you about that.

Alexandra: Well, you not only told me, you were having lunch with India, but said you also had had lunch with Mindy, as well.

Alan: You know about Mindy, as well?

Alexandra: Yes, Alan, you told... you told me it was simply a little family gathering. Well, that's all it was, wasn't it?

Alan: Yes. Yes, of course. I guess it... I guess it slipped my mind that's all. Well, I don't want to keep India waiting.

Alexandra: You are joking, aren't you?

Alan: Joking about what?

Alexandra: Well, India's lunch was cancelled when Olivia was rushed to the hospital. You don't remember that either?

Phillip: Olivia, I don't think for a second that you're the stalker. And I completely understand why you lied about the baby. You wanted to get the hell out of jail. Now that's fine. What I can't understand is how you could possibly listen to Alexandra about anything.

Olivia: I wanted out of that cell. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. It was...

Phillip: So you allowed yourself to trust her?

Olivia: I'm kind of hard up for people to trust these days. The only person I can rely on is you. Am I wrong to do that?

Ross: Olivia, I just now found out you've been admitted. Is everything all right?

Olivia: Everything's fine.

Phillip: Yeah, everything's fine. They just... the doctors want to keep her overnight for observations.

Ross: Oh, well, would they be swayed if she could sleep in her own bed? Phillip, make sure you call your attorney a genius, because I convinced this judge to reset the arraignment for today.

Phillip: Great.

Olivia: I can go home?

Ross: If things go well, you could be released tonight.

Phillip: Okay. Be wanting a bonus for this, won't you?

Ross: I should hope so. I called in one or two favors.

Olivia: Thank you so much.

Phillip: Thanks, Ross.

Olivia: What time is the arraignment?

Ross: It doesn't really matter because you don't have to be there.

Olivia: What, and miss all the so-called evidence they have against me? No way. You'd have to tie me to the bed.

Phillip: Well, what actually do they have against her?

Ross: First and foremost, they have the cell phone records. But they are going to have prove that you're the only one who had access to the phone, the only one who used the phone.

Phillip: Right.

Ross: And then they have evidence regarding lipstick.

Phillip: Lipstick?

Ross: Yeah, the stalker scrolled a message in Reva's house and they did it using a custom-made lipstick called Secret Scarlet 103.

Olivia: I never heard of it.

Ross: Well, they tell me it's very, very expensive. So no doubt the district attorney will argue that only a woman of means could afford to use such a thing.

Olivia: Come on, if that's their best shot?

Ross: Well, yeah, it is all circumstantial. But never underestimate somebody's case, because when things look easy, they're not.

Phillip: Well, that's why you're here. Good news. Great. I'm going to go see Rick about getting you released.

Olivia: Okay.

Ross: And you're up for all of this?

Olivia: Absolutely. I want to clear my name.

Officer: You need any help with that?

Olivia: What are you doing here?

Reva: How does it feel to be stalked, Olivia?

Cassie: So...

Danny: So.

Cassie: How big is this project of yours? And how much is it going to cost us?

Danny: Plenty, my friend. Plenty.

Cassie: You know, all of our money is tied up with Towers.

Danny: I know. We would need governing financing. Which would mean public forums, schmoozing with politicians, lots of red tape. We would have to take a very unconventional approach.

Cassie: How unconventional?

Danny: Well, I would you need you to be our point person, out front representing us. You would be our public face. The one that the government would recognize and work with.

Cassie: Because they'll see you as a Santos?

Danny: Right. I mean with my family's background, I wouldn't be able to get a project like this off the ground. But with you out in front, we're destined for success. Cassie, I'm telling you this project could change the lives of so many people.

Cassie: Okay, great. But you still haven't told me what we want to develop here.

Danny: I can't-- not yet.

Cassie: What do you mean, you can't, not yet?

Danny: I can't.

Cassie: You don't trust me?

Danny: No, no, no. Come on, not about trust. It's about doing things the right way, about laying the groundwork so that something I really believe can not possibly fail.

Cassie: Why is this so important to you?

Danny: I don't know. It is. It just is.

Michelle: So what does this tell you?

Rick: It tells me that Danny knows how to turn on the charm when he wants something, that's what it tells me.

Michelle: I think it's a nice gesture.

Rick: It doesn't mean I'm going to forgive and forget everything he’s done to my little sister.

Michelle: Well, don't you think it's up to Michelle to do the forgiving and forgetting? Okay, everybody. Okay. It's just a present. Let's not get carried away.

Mel: Aren't you going to call Danny and thank him?

Michelle: And let him think I can be swayed by a pizza? I'm going to let him wonder.

Rick: So, you think that I'm just crazy to be worried about what Danny's up to?

Mel: No, I don't think you're crazy. I think you are a wonderful brother. Okay, but you can't protect Michelle from everything.

Olivia: You know if you came here to threaten me, you can forget it.

Reva: I'm the one being threatened. And my family. I can understand you lashing out at me, but Marah and Shayne that's all time low even for you, Olivia.

Olivia: You just have it all figured out, don't you?

Reva: No, if I did, I wouldn't be here. What I don't know is why. Is it because you lost Josh or Richard or both? Or is it because of what happened in the hospital room that day when Richard was dying? Is that what finally pushed you over the edge? Or is it just me? Is it your hatred for me?

Olivia: I didn't do any of this.

Reva: All of the evidence is pointing in your direction.

Olivia: Well, damn the evidence, Reva. And damn you for using me to boost your television ratings. What's the matter? Were they going to put you on hiatus again?

Reva: You know I can almost laugh at that if it weren't so outrageous. You think I concocted this?

Olivia: Somebody framed me. I'm looking to see who's reaping the benefits.

Reva: Benefits? My children have been threatened. They're lives have been put on hold.

Olivia: You know, you're not the only mother protecting her young. You are the most self absorbed.

Reva: You're pregnant?

Olivia: Yeah, I am. I have more important things to do with my life than to seek revenge on you. This baby is all I have. It is more dear to me than anything. I'm going to prove that I'm innocent, and when I do, I'm going to raise my son or daughter to self serving hypocrites like you. Why are you looking at me like that?

Reva: You really don't believe that you did this, do you?

Olivia: Believe it? I know it.

Officer: How did you get in here? Let's go. Now.

Olivia: I'll see you in court.

Alan: India, we discussed having lunch yesterday. Now I find out that you've cancelled it. What do you mean I cancelled it? Well, don't you know I would know if I cancelled my own lunch?

Phillip: Thank you for getting Olivia moved to the hospital. Next time, let me know.

Alexandra: Philip.

Phillip: What?

Alexandra: Phillip, I... I did that for the baby.

Phillip: Okay. Well, then you'll be pleased to know that Ross had the arraignment moved up to today. I got a few things to do and then I'm going to head back to the hospital. You don't seem pleased.

Alexandra: I am. I am. It's Alan. He's not himself.

Phillip: Thank God for small favors.

Alexandra: No, Phillip, I'm serious. I'm worried about him. I mean this whole thing has been far too much for him. Being dropped on that island...

Alan: Surrounded by the enemy. I can't trust anyone!

Alexandra: And when he come back and find Olivia accused of... listen.

Alan: They're all traders. Even my own son.

Alexandra: You see what I mean?

Phillip: At the moment I'm worrying about getting Olivia out on bail. "Secret Scarlet 103."

Ross: Yes, the stalker

scrolled a message in Reva's

house and they did it using a

custom made lipstick called

Secret Scarlet 103.

Alexandra: Ross just called and he wants us to meet him at the hospital so we could all go over the arraignment together. Phillip?

Phillip: Aunt Alex, fair to say that Olivia is either guilty or somebody is setting her up, right?

Alexandra: Well, it looks that way.

Phillip: Mm-hmm.

Alexandra: Of course all Ross has to do is prove reasonable doubt. He doesn't have to go out and find the real stalker.

Phillip: Yeah, but see I do. So that makes me wonder who... who at this time would have a reason to want to ruin Olivia? Alan.

Alexandra: But Alan loves Olivia.

Phillip: No, Alan is obsessed with Olivia. Maybe losing her has sent him over the edge. Didn't you just say that you were worried about his mental state?

Alexandra: Yes, yes, I am. But I can't believe he's capable of something this diabolic, this...

Phillip: He faked a heart attack.

Alexandra: But no, I won't believe that. No, I'd sooner believe that Olivia's guilty as charged. Because we both know that that's impossible, don't we?

Felecia: Don't you want to be head of the trauma unit?

Mel: Mom, we've been all over this.

Felecia: Do you really think that this would be a problem for Rick?

Mel: I don't want to get into this right now.

Felecia: Well, at least talk to your husband. Tell him what's going on. He knew you had ambitions when he married you.

Mel: What if my ambitions don't always coincide with yours? What if I actually have some of my own? I'm sorry. Mom, I just... I hate to disappoint you.

Felecia: Baby, you could never do that. But opportunities like this, they don't come along everyday.

Mel: Mom, I can't talk about this right now.

Felecia: Okay, say it. It's true. A shrink's kid is just as problematic as everybody else's. Maybe more so. Hey. Are you all right?

Reva: I don't know.

Felecia: You want to come to my office?

Reva: You know what? My legs feel like rubber and the palms of my hands are sweating. You probably have to carry me.

Felecia: Did you come here to see a doctor?

Reva: I came to see her. Olivia.

Felecia: Did she do something to upset you?

Reva: Just the opposite. Felecia, I've come to you with some pretty far fetched things in the past. But let me ask you, do you think it's possible to know what someone's thinking?

Felicia: Well, yeah. If you know them really well, it's easy to anticipate their thoughts, their reactions.

Reva: No, no, I'm not talking about being on the same wavelength. I'm talking about know what they're thinking. Maybe even before they think it.

Felicia: Are you talking about reading somebody's mind?

Reva: I knew Olivia's thoughts. It was like a voice inside my own head. Now tell me that's not crazy.

Eden: Mr. Hendon, please. This is Eden August returning his phone call. This is Mrs. Hendon? You're the one that called? Yes, this is Garden of Eden Escorts. No, we are not sexists. I'm just running a little low right now on young, handsome men. But you know what? Let me call you back. I'm sure I can provide you with the type of evening you're looking for. Okay. Oh, hey, Danny. Hi.

Danny: Hey.

Eden: Remember me?

Danny: Sure do.

Eden: Well, wait. Look, I know we kind of got off on the wrong foot before, but I would love to make it up to you.

Danny: Garden of Eden, Springfield's most discreet escort service.

Eden: Well, I was hoping you might be interested.

Danny: Sorry, I don't pay for my dates.

Eden: No, no, no, I don't mean like that. I was thinking more of an investor, a silent investor.

Danny: Really? Well, why me? Why didn't you go to my cousin Tony?

Eden: Tony's cute, but he just kind of lacks imagination.

Danny: Oh, so he turned you down already. Well, Eden, I can't say I'm interested. My investment are a little more legit these days. So why don't you forget about going for the fast buck, and try to do something a little more constructive with your life. Try college.

Eden: Gee, thanks for the advice, Mr. Corleone. College. College.

(Doorbell rings)

Ben: Just a second. What are you doing here?

Eden: Ben. Marina's friend, right?

Ben: Yeah.

Eden: I'm looking for Marah. Is she here?

Ben: And why would I tell you that after what you did to Marina?

Eden: Come on, I didn't kidnap her. She was just much a victim as I was. I got shot, remember? Look, I really need to talk to Marah.

Ben: About what?

Eden: She goes to college, right?

Ben: Yep. Just about everybody in this house goes to college.

Eden: Well, maybe you can help me. I'm trying to find out where all the fraternities are.

Ben: Why?

Eden: Let's just say I'm looking for a few good men.

Reva: I know what's going on in that brain of yours. You're thinking, "Oh, now, she thinks she can read people minds. What's next, telekinesis?"

Felecia: You're not reading my mind.

Reva: I don't know. Maybe it's just all the stress and the anxiety of this whole stalker thing. I mean, I'm just feeling paranoid. I have somehow managed to get Olivia inside my brain. I mean, what's next? What? Am I going to open the refrigerator door and hear her voice when I go to grab a piece of chocolate cake? Or hear her on the radio?

Felecia: Reva, stop. I don't think you're crazy or paranoid. And after everything you've been through-- the tension, the high state of emotion, it is not surprising that you will feel a heightened sense of awareness.

Reva: No, no. It's not just awareness though. It's like a knowledge. And insight. Remember when I told you that mamma used to call it second sight? But this isn't the knowledge of things to come, it's the... I don't even know what it was.

Felicia: All right. I remember the last time you were feeling this. Olivia was married to Josh, and you were feeling especially sensitive to everything around you.

Reva: And as I recall, you agreed that it was possible that I might have inherited mamma's gift.

Felicia: Yeah, well, it does seem to run in families. At least that's what the study show. I'm sure that doesn't make you feel any less isolated or alone. Honey, why don't you make an appointment with me and let's pursue this clinically?

Reva: I'm not sure.

Felicia: Have you talked to your sister? About whether or not she's experienced the same phenomenon? If she has, it might help to make you feel a little less anxious.

Reva: That's a good idea. I'll do it.

Felicia: Okay.

Reva: And you know what? I'll call you to set up an appointment if I feel that... I don't know. I'll just call you.

Felicia: Okay.

Reva: Oh, sorry.

Felicia: Okay.

Ross: Olivia, you're not required to be at the arraignment, so if you prefer to stay here that will be fine.

Olivia: No, I want to walk into that courtroom and tell anyone who will listen to me that I'm innocent. I am innocent. And when I reach bail, I'll figure...

Ross: If you do make bail.

Olivia: I thought you said I was going to make bail?

Ross: No, what I said was that things are going awfully well. But you're record is less than perfect, and the judge may see you as a flight risk.

Olivia: I'm pregnant. Where am I going to fly?

Ross: Olivia, what I'm saying is the charges against you are serious and I want you to be prepared if some things don't go our way.

Phillip: Hey. I took care of your release papers. You're all set to go.

Alexandra: Olivia, is there anything at all I can get you.

Olivia: No. Thanks.

Ross: Listen, I have to make a call in the hallway. I'll wait for you there.

Phillip: Okay.

Olivia: Can I talk to you for a minute? Please?

Phillip: Yeah.

Alexandra: I'll leave.

Olivia: Thank you. Look, I just wanted you to know that whatever happens today, whatever the judge says, I can handle it, okay? I'm going to be okay. And I want to thank you for being there for me. For us.

Ben: An escort service? You looking to hire a gigolo?

Eden: No, just looking for a couple of guys that want to make some extra money.

Ben: Uh-huh. What's the catch?

Eden: The catch is they have to be as handsome as you.

Ben: And that's it, huh?

Eden: No, that's not it. They have to have impeccable taste, good manners, and want to make a ton of money.

Ben: Well, I'm a grad student. I've bummed around Europe for a while. My mom was a Stoddard.

Eden: Really?

Ben: I know Beluga from Osetra, Chateau d'Yquem from a Baumes de Venise, a flawless diamond from VWS1. Not that I'm applying for the job.

Eden: Well, not that I'm interested, but do you have a job?

Ben: Yeah. Yeah, I have this gig with the Spaulding.

Eden: Well, that takes care of that then. You'd be too tired work at night anyway.

Ben: No, not necessarily. I mean, I might be able to work something out if the price is right.

Eden: You would probably make triple of what you're making now. I'm game if you are?

Ben: All right. All right, I'm in.

Eden: Okay, come by my place tonight, and we'll take it for a trial run.

Ben: What time?

Eden: 6:30. And dress for success. Thank you. See you tonight.

Ben: All right.

Mel: Oh.

Rick: Hey.

Mel: Hi, baby.

Rick: Hey, baby.

Mel: I wanted to tell you something.

Rick: That's funny. I wanted to tell you something too.

Mel: What?

Rick: Dr. Grant just told me that they're reconsidering the candidate list and guess who made the list to head the trauma unit? Honey, please, we're in a public place. Try to curb all that enthusiasm. (Laughter) Honey, this is a huge break for me after the year I've been through. This would be a nice lift for me.

Mel: No, I know it would be. It's just...

Rick: What?

Mel: I already knew. Dr. Grant mentioned it to me earlier.

Rick: Oh I see, so Grant ruined the surprise?

Mel: Actually he was wondering if I wanted to apply for the same job, but I told him no.

Rick: Yeah, I know. You told me the same thing when I told you to go for it. And I'm still confused by your decision, honey. I mean if I can't be top dog around here, I'd love to be married to the person who is.

Mel: (Laughs) Rick, I admit that maybe at first I turned down the job because of you. But the truth is, I'm being pulled in a different direction.

Rick: Pediatrics?

Mel: No.

Rick: What?

Mel: Different. You know, before we met, before I got into medical school, I completed two years of law school.

Rick: Yeah, I'm aware of that. But you chose medicine, because you're good it, you have a gift for it.

Mel: Right. But the two aren't mutually exclusive. I mean, there's so much medical litigation going on nowadays. A person with the knowledge of both can really make a difference.

Rick: Well, I suppose they could, but, honey, where you going with this?

Mel: Back to law school.

Michelle: I can't help it. I just don't know how to play hard to get. (Phone rings)

Danny: Sorry, Michelle. This is only the beginning.

Cassie: Of course she denied it. You didn't expect her to give you a signed confession. She's pathological.

Reva: No.

Cassie: No. She followed you around for weeks, you and your family and no?

Reva: She didn't do it, Cassie. It wasn't her. And it's not something she said to me. You're not going to believe this.

Cassie: Believe what?

Reva: It was what she thought. I could hear and sense what was going on inside her. She believes she's innocent. I mean maybe... I don't know. She really believes that she's being framed.

Cassie: Okay. Well, maybe you're just being sensitive, and you're trying to empathize with her.

Reva: No, there's more to it. Olivia's pregnant. I mean, she told me that. And right after she said I knew that Alan wasn't the father.

Cassie: What do you mean Alan wasn't the father?

Reva: She thinks it's Phillip. She thinks he fathered her baby. Just like she believes that it wasn't her who wrote on our walls. It wasn't her who made the phone call. She wasn't the one who sent Marah the email. I could read her, Cassie. It's like that thing mamma used to call...

Cassie: Second sight.

Reva: Yeah.

Cassie: Yeah, I've heard.

Reva: Do you have it? Have you ever seen things before they happen or known something you shouldn't have known?

Cassie: No. Nothing. I guess you're the one with the gift.

Reva: I'm not so sure that’s what I'd call it.

Alan: Where the hell is everybody? Damn it! My own home is starting to feel as isolated as the cottage on Mystic Island. Well, get a grip, Alan, because you will soon be rid of both of them. Who needs a wife who cheats and a son who can't keep his own hands off of his stepmother? To hell with the both of them. Maybe Alexander was right. I need to take one. No. No, I'm fine. I'm calm. Who needs these?

Reporter: A statement. Can we get a statement?

Olivia: I'm innocent.

Ross: Yes, she's innocent. And just as we expected, the judge has granted bail for my client.

Reporter: She was released on her own recognizance... no conditions?

Ross: Well, actually she's to remanded to the last known address.

Reporter: Last known address?

Phillip: She will be staying with us.

Alexandra: Now, excuse us, please. Please.

Ross: Now that's all the time we have for question today. I will issue a statement and other than that, I'll see you in court. Thanks a lot.

Phillip: Ross? So tell me, how are things really?

Ross: Well, the district attorney certainly has a case, but it's nothing that we can't handle. So unless there's smoking gun, I expect her to be exonerated.

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