Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 3/5/03
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Proofread by Tanya
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Cassie: So you need something done...
Danny: Mm-hmm.
Cassie: ...And I am the only one to do it?
Danny: Well...
Cassie: Why is that?
Danny: ...Maybe not the only one, but definitely the best.
Cassie: Now you're buttering me up.
Danny: No, I'm not buttering you up.
Cassie: What's going on here?
Danny: I'm not buttering you up. Cassie, people respect you. They trust you.
Cassie: So this is a business thing?
Danny: Well, yeah, what else would it be?
Cassie: You tell me.
Danny: Well, I...
Waiter: This just came for you, Mr. Santos.
Danny: Thank you.
Cassie: So what's that?
Danny: Hold that thought.
Cassie: Business or personal?
Danny: I'm not sure yet. It's a little of both. And I have to... I have to take care of this tonight. So why don't I call you tomorrow about this other thing, okay?
Cassie: Only if you tell me where you're rushing off so fast to.
Danny: Well, I am going to make sure that Winslow development gets in good with every cop in the city.
Harley: Don't give me that bull. Hotels record every call made from every room for billing purposes. So either you get me the records for Miss Spencer's room by midnight or losing your job will be the least of your worries.
Gus: Well, how long could it possibly take?
Harley: Thank you.
Gus: Well, that's what I was asking you. As soon as you can.
Harley: Thank you.
Gus: Thank you very much.
Harley: See, that's what I wanted you to say in the first place.
Gus: I don't think it's a lot. Thank you.
Harley: Everything is a battle, everything.
Gus: What was that? The records at the Beacon for Olivia?
Harley: Yeah. They're on their way. What about the records from her other phones?
Gus: No, tomorrow.
Harley: Great.
Gus: Yeah, tomorrow, when I wanted to be on a plane to Germany. You know, I don't like the idea of Roy Baker sitting in that rehab, or whatever it is, when Alexander could do, you know, God knows what to shut to him up, keep him quiet about my mother. You know, he's a sitting duck. She could send over her people and shut him up for good.
Harley: Well, maybe Frank can help us with that. Hey, Frank.
Frank: Hey, guys.
Harley: Frank...
Frank: What?
Gus: Yeah, Frank...
Harley: Good work tonight.
Gus: Very nice work.
Frank: Thanks, sis.
Gus: Very nice.
Frank: Right back at you, guys.
Harley: Did you get everything wrapped up at the studio?
Frank: I did. When is Olivia's arraignment?
Harley: Oh, it's in the A.M. She's down in the holding cell. Phillip was here. He's on the war path. And the chief is hysterical because she's a Spaulding.
Frank: Hmm, is she lawyered up?
Harley: Ross. And he wants to see our entire case tonight. Tonight!
Gus: We're working a tight line here, Frank, so...
Frank: You know what?
Gus: ...I don't...
Frank: I think it's a little too tight actually. You know, Olivia's not the most stable person in the world, but come on. I mean, what? To set off a bomb in a crowd of people and to stalk Reva? I mean, really, that doesn't set well with me. I mean, a part of me hopes that it is Olivia, for Reva's sake, but...
Gus: Well, Reva was out front a couple of hours ago trying to talk the Sergeant into going downstairs.
Harley: He said no.
Gus: She wants to go a couple of rounds with Olivia.
Frank: Really?
Gus: Yeah.
Frank: I didn't see her out there.
Gus: Well, maybe she came to her senses and went home.
Harley: Yeah. What's that?
Frank: What? Oh, sorry. I picked this up on my way in. It's for you.
Harley: Thanks.
Frank: I've got some work to do, all right?
Harley: It's the enlargement of... of...
Gus: Forensics.
Harley: ...Of the bracelet your mother was wearing when she died. Maybe it has some sort of mark that we can trace. This is pretty grainy though.
Gus: What is that symbol? Is it an "S"?
Harley: I don't know.
Gus: Wait, yeah.
Harley: I can't tell. Is that an "S"?
Gus: And so what is a woman whose initials are R.T. doing with a bracelet with a big "S" symbol in the middle of it?
Harley: I don't know, Gus. Maybe it was a gift or a family heirloom or something.
Gus: Yeah, maybe it was a gift from a boyfriend whose name starts with an "S," like Miguel Santos.
Nolan: I just can't believe they arrested Olivia.
Alexandra: Yes, it's a shame, isn't it?
Nolan: You think she needs me to bring her anything in jail?
Alexandra: Such as?
Nolan: I don't know. Maybe the briefcase over there she left.
Alexandra: No. Actually, Phillip and I will take care of that, but thank you, Nolan.
Nolan: You're welcome.
Alexandra: Oh-oh. (Laughs) "Spaulding versus Spaulding, petition for divorce." Olivia, you're so careless. (Sighs)
Phillip: Don't close up the house, Nolan. I'm going back out again. Alex?
Alexandra: Phillip, I thought you were going to see Olivia.
Phillip: I am. I just had to make a stop first. I had to get her date book and take it to Ross. He's got to start trying to establish an alibi for her.
Alexandra: If she has one.
Phillip: What?
Alexandra: Well, surely it's crossed your mind that Olivia may well have done what she's being accused of.
Reva: How? How could you do this? I can understand you wanting to hurt me and maybe even Josh, but the kids? I mean, to terrorize them? And Cassie? How do you live with yourself?
Olivia: Easy. Because it wasn't me. I'm not your stalker.
Reva: So, what, your cell phone makes calls all by itself? Well, explain that. If you didn't make those calls, then who did?
Frank: Oh, man, I had a feeling Reva got this. You are not allowed down here.
Olivia: She's harassing me.
Reva: Oh, harassment? Is that the same thing as stalking?
Olivia: I'll tell you again, I am not your stalker. But you know something, Reva? Whoever he is, if he made your life miserable, then he did the world a favor!
Shayne: You take care now.
Cassie: Thanks, Shayne.
Josh: Hey.
Cassie: So any news?
Josh: Nothing new since we heard that Olivia had been arrested.
Cassie: Well, what about Reva?
Marah: She stopped by the police station.
Cassie: Well, that was a while ago.
Josh: Yeah, I have a feeling we're not going to see much of Reva until she's given Olivia a piece of her mind.
Cassie: How unlike Reva. (Laughs)
Tony: Yeah, well, you know what? I don't blame her after all she put you guys through.
Shayne: Yeah, but that's if Olivia's the stalker.
Tony: You think Olivia's innocent?
Shayne: I don't know, maybe.
Reva: Did you hear that, Frank? She hates me.
Olivia: Hates you? That's not some big secret. You break in here when I'm in a cell where I don't belong and gloat. How do you expect me to react, Reva?
Frank: The only one allowed down here tonight was Olivia's family and her attorney. You're neither, so let's go.
Reva: No.
Frank: Her arraignment is tomorrow. If she makes bail...
Olivia: If?
Reva: Frank...
Frank: ...You will be allowed to yell at her all you want on the outside.
Reva: ...You have been in on this from the very beginning, from the time I first started getting phone calls. You know that all I ever wanted to do was look the person in the eye...
Olivia: Well, then you still haven't gotten your wish, because it wasn't me!
Frank: Look, I have procedure to follow here. Don't make me carry you out of here.
Reva: Fine, fine. It's fine. I've had a long and lousy night anyway. And knowing that you're behind bars, I'm going to sleep like a baby.
Frank: Please, let's go, okay?
Reva: Sweet dreams.
Olivia: Who let that viper in here?
Frank: I don't know.
Olivia: Well, whoever it is, I want you to find out, and I want you to fire them.
Frank: Olivia, has anyone ever told you you're your own worst enemy?
Phillip: Aunt Alex, don't try to use this as an opportunity to create problems for Olivia.
Alexandra: I merely asked the question, Phillip.
Phillip: I know exactly what you're doing. Olivia may not be perfect...
Alexandra: Far from it.
Phillip: ...But a stalker? I mean, she's somebody that hurls bricks through windows and plants bombs? You don't believe that anymore than I do.
Alexandra: All right, Phillip, that's a lot of protest from someone supposedly so assured... All right, all right, all right. I had to ask the obvious, okay?
Phillip: Uh-huh.
Alexandra: Now, let's forget about it. Are you taking that to Ross now?
Phillip: Yes.
Alexandra: Well, it's a shame. Is she going to have to spend the night in jail? Is she being arraigned tomorrow?
Phillip: Mm-hmm.
Alexandra: Poor thing. There she is scared, pregnant, all alone.
Phillip: Oh, she's not all alone. She has me. She has us. She has the full weight of all the Spaulding resources, doesn't she?
Alexandra: Yes, of course.
Phillip: You better mean that, Aunt Alex, because if you try to make things worse for her right now, you're going to regret it.
Alexandra: Things couldn't be worse for her, Phillip. Oh, my, Alan, you've signed these, but, Olivia, you haven't.
Edmund: Anything interesting?
Alexandra: Edmund!
Edmund: Nolan let me in.
Alexandra: Oh, well, what are you doing here?
Edmund: We have unfinished business, Alexandra.
Gus: I knew it.
Harley: You don't anything for sure.
Gus: No, I knew it. What do you think, I'm jumping the gun?
Harley: A little maybe.
Gus: All right. Let's review the facts, shall we? Regina, my mother, she dies in a flophouse, and who does it belong to? Miguel Santos. Is that true or false?
Harley: True.
Gus: Okay. And so Regina, at this time-- my mother-- she is Phillip Spaulding's nanny, but she gets herself fired and kicked out of the Spaulding mansion. Why? Because she is hanging out with riffraff, namely Miguel Santos. Right? True or false?
Harley: True.
Gus: Oh, thank you. And on her bracelet is a big "S." So Regina dies broke, but she's got a big, you know, pricey bracelet on her wrist with an "S" on it. Now, you tell me who her boyfriend is.
Harley: Nobody's denying that she was somehow involved with Miguel Santos. It just doesn't make him your father.
Gus: All right, well, try this out for size. Roy Baker works for Miguel Santos; he's on his payroll. So he knows Regina, and he obviously knows Miguel Santos, but he also knows my parents, who are desperate to have a child, but they can't conceive, right? So Regina, my mother, she gets pregnant, gives birth and dies. So to cover for his boss, Roy Baker takes the kid and gives it to my folks. No? Everybody's happy. You connect the dots.
Harley: Yeah, it makes sense. What's wrong?
Frank: What do you mean, what's wrong? I just separated Reva and Olivia.
Harley: What?
Gus: Are you kidding me?
Harley: Reva was downstairs?
Gus: We told her not to go down...
Harley: What happened?
Frank: Well, what do you think happened? Fireworks happened.
Gus: She's a piece of work.
Frank: Listen, I need to get a court order for Olivia's computer, see if we can connect her to that threatening e-mail that Marah received. You guys want to do the paperwork, or should I?
Harley: Right. We are up to our ears. It would be great if you...
Frank: What? What's going on here?
Harley: You know what?
Frank: What?
Harley: It would be great if maybe you could handle the whole case by yourself for a couple of days. What do you say?
Frank: Why? What's up?
Gus: It's me, Frank. It's me. I... I need a little personal time, you know. I got to figure out what happened with the whole empty coffin thing. I got to find some answers about my mother, my birth mother.
Harley: I want to go with him-- that is if I can make arrangements for Zach and Jude.
Gus: So if you...
Frank: All right, look, if the chief agrees, it's fine by me.
Gus: Oh, Frank, thank you.
Harley: Well, you'd do well on a case. You're so easy. (Laughs)
Danny: Hey.
Harley: Hey, Danny.
Danny: Hey, guys, I thought you might be here. What a night, huh?
Harley: Yeah, it was...
Danny: Talk about reality TV.
Harley: ...Pretty wild.
Danny: Yeah. Um, Aitoro, you got a minute?
Harley: Oh, excuse me.
Danny: Thanks.
Gus: Sure, no problem. What's up?
Danny: I have some information for you.
Gus: Information about what?
Danny: About my family.
Shayne: Look, I'm not saying I totally believe Olivia's innocent. I mean, maybe she was the one stalking mom. So far all the evidence does point to her. I just...
Tony: You just... Well, okay, the cop said that the phone call to WSPR came from a cell phone.
Shayne: Yeah, but that doesn't mean she made it. Come on, I mean, you remember when Olivia was married to dad, she got to know us. She was like part of the family.
Marah: Yeah, and she caused a lot of trouble.
Shayne: Yeah, but she looked out for us, too. I just... I can't see her trying to want to hurt any of us. I mean, look, she's partners with Cassie now. And besides, she's married to somebody else. She's over dad.
Marah: Yeah, but she still hates mom.
Tony: Yeah, and remember down in San Cristobel?
Shayne: I guess.
Tony: Remember when... when your dad and Noah and Richard were searching for your mother, and Olivia gave her up for dead? What do you think about that?
Shayne: What do you think, Dad? I mean, do you really think Olivia could have done this?
Reva: Hey.
Cassie: Hey. So?
Josh: Hello.
Cassie: Did you see Olivia at the police station?
Reva: Oh, yeah, I saw her. And she, of course, denied up and down that she was the stalker. In fact, she said whoever it was should get a medal.
Marah: I told you.
Cassie: Okay, well, what about the phone calls? How did she explain them coming from her cell phone?
Marah: So did you say anything to her?
Reva: I tried. I tried to ask her all kinds of questions, but then Frank Cooper showed up and told me to leave.
Marah: So you're still sticking to your theory, Shayne?
Shayne: I don't know. I guess not.
Reva: What theory?
Shayne: Nothing. Just forget it.
Josh: Shayne thinks Olivia may be innocent.
Shayne: All I said was "maybe," okay? So would you please all get off my back?
Reva: Well, now, just wait a second. You're entitled to your opinions. You're entitled to your opinions on this topic, too.
Shayne: Yeah, but you think I'm wrong, right? You think Olivia did this?
Reva: Well, it sure looks that way.
Alexandra: Thank you, Nolan. That's lovely.
Nolan: You're welcome.
Alexandra: Now, Edmund, go ahead and sip your Lapsang Souchong tea and tell me what's on your mind.
Edmund: What did Gus Aitoro want when he showed up here yesterday?
Alexandra: (Laughs) To harass me. What else? And, oh, by the way, thank you again for making certain he didn't see the bracelet.
Edmund: Did he leave knowing anything more than when he arrived?
Alexandra: About what?
Edmund: The bracelet, the safe deposit box, Roy Baker, my involvement? Oh, come on, now. Don't be coy. It doesn't work anymore.
Alexandra: My, my, we are testy today.
Edmund: Yes, we are testy. And we know why, don't we? I've handled certain delicate matters for you, Alexandra. I'd hate to think that my loyalty is going to come back to haunt me.
Alexandra: Uh-huh. Are you talking about... Of an illegal nature?
Edmund: Alexandra, I'm the Ambassador from San Cristobel to the United States. I cannot afford any scandal.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Well, to think just yesterday we were questioning each other's loyalty, huh? Come on, Edmund, do you really think I'd hang you out to dry? Me? The one who made the call, stirring on your brother to offer you the ambassadorship in the first bloody place.
Edmund: Yes, I know that you made the call. I'm just trying to figure out why.
Alexandra: Simple tit for tat. I promised you a seat on the Spaulding board. When I couldn't deliver, I had to do something to make up for it because I always keep my word, Edmund.
Edmund: So do I, when it's earned.
Alexandra: Well, then, you and I have earned it, haven't we? (Laughs) Come on. I want you to succeed in this job even more than you do. The last thing in the world I would do is rock the boat.
Edmund: All right, all right. (Sighs) What if Gus and Harley track down Roy Baker in Europe?
Alexandra: Well, very unlikely, because I had my jet take him to Switzerland, very soon on move to a clinic in Germany. Besides, Harley and Gus can't leave town because they're assigned to Reva's stalking case. And you do know what's going on there, of course.
Edmund: I heard Olivia was arrested, something you seem terribly broken up about.
Alexandra: Yes, terribly.
Edmund: All right, what if Gus and Harley pursue Baker in Europe once the whole stalker case has been resolved?
Alexandra: Well, they'll just happen to come to a dead end because the poor man's stroke left him speechless.
Edmund: Still? You're sure about that?
Alexandra: Mm-hmm. I'm positive.
Edmund: What about the bracelet? Safe place?
Alexandra: Very. Now, can we talk about something else, because this whole subject absolutely exhausts me?
Edmund: Well, I'm not surprised. Looting lock boxes and spiriting retired detectives off to Europe gets taxing on a person.
Alexandra: Don't you dare mock me.
Edmund: I'm not mocking you. I'm concerned about you. You've been a great deal of stress. Whatever this secret is you're keeping, it must be very important.
Gus: So you have information about what?
Danny: Something that'll close the case on Carmen.
Gus: Oh. This is about Carmen?
Danny: Yeah, of course, it is. What... what else would it be about?
Gus: Nothing. Go ahead.
Danny: Well, you still have that guy in custody, right? The guy who helped her break out of prison?
Gus: Yeah, he's... he's in jail waiting for trial.
Danny: Right. Well, I hear he won't give up who he was working for.
Gus: You heard right.
Danny: He doesn't need to anymore.
Gus: What's this?
Danny: The name of the guy's boss. The guy who paid him to impersonate a federal agent, spring Carmen, and help kidnap Robbie. Turns out he's a made guy from Detroit who owed Carmen a favor.
Gus: Yeah.
Danny: Well, don't look too excited, Aitoro.
Gus: No. Uh... I'm sorry. I just had something else on my mind.
Phillip: Hey.
Harley: You know what? If you're here to vent at me some more, you can forget it. I am not your personal punching bag.
Phillip: I'm not.
Harley: You know what, Phillip? I'm just doing my job. I didn't expect it to be Olivia's cell phone. I wasn't happy about it, but I did what I had to do.
Phillip: I understand.
Harley: You do?
Phillip: Yeah. Yeah, I do. And, listen, I'm sorry about the way I acted before. As you can see, now I'm perfectly calm, and I promise you I'll stay that way if you do me a little favor.
Harley: Really? What?
Phillip: I need you to get me in to see Olivia.
Gus: Well, uh... Where did you get this? Right. Stupid question. Okay, well, can I trust the information here?
Danny: Of course, you can, totally. This is the name of the guy who helped spring Carmen. This is where he can be found every Tuesday afternoon.
Gus: Yeah, box three, Hazel Park Race Tracks. The guy likes the ponies.
Danny: So what... You know, what's the... What's the problem? I mean, if you can't get your chief to pay the travel expenses, I'm sure you could get Detroit P.D. to pick up this guy and then extradite him. And they'll owe you big. This guy's got a rap sheet a mile long.
Gus: Yeah. Well, before I say "thank you," there's something else I've got to ask you.
Danny: What?
Gus: Why are you doing this? I mean, why give this to me out of the blue?
Danny: Well, because I'm a law-abiding citizen now, Detective.
Gus: Right.
Danny: And I want to close the door on my past.
Harley: Why do you need to get in to see Olivia tonight?
Phillip: I can't really explain it to you. I just... I just need to see that's she's okay.
Harley: You know, Phillip, it's very likely that Olivia is guilty as charged.
Phillip: I don't believe that. Hey, you didn't believe everything you heard about Gus.
Harley: Are you and Olivia as close as Gus and I are? You know what? Forget I asked that question.
Phillip: (Sighs)
Harley: Maybe I can bend the rules a little bit and get you in to see her, if you'll do something for me in return.
Phillip: Yeah, sure. What?
Gus: Take Zach for a few days?
Phillip: Of course, I will. There's nothing I would like better. Why? Are you going away?
Harley: Yeah.
Phillip: Where?
Harley: I can't say.
Phillip: You...
Harley: Just like you can't tell me why you need to get in to see Olivia, right? But I will check in regularly, and you could always reach me on my cell, okay? What?
Phillip: Getting the impression we need to learn how to trust each other again?
Harley: Well, no time like the present, right? Hey, Clark? Do me a favor? Take him down to the holding cell for me.
Phillip: Thanks.
Harley: Just tell them I said it was okay. All right?
Phillip: Thanks.
Harley: Listen, I'll call you about Zach, okay?
Phillip: Yeah. (phone ringing)
Harley: Cooper. No, I'm sorry. I don't see Detective Aitoro anywhere. Can I help? Oh, no, I'll take that information. Thanks. Mm-hmm. Yeah. No, I got it. Can I... You're going to have to send me that in hard copy though, okay? I appreciate it. Yep. Hey.
Gus: Hey.
Harley: What in the world did Danny want?
Gus: Well, he wanted to give me a little information to help close the case on his mother, Carmen.
Harley: Really?
Gus: Mm-hmm.
Harley: Excellent. Right?
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: Not excellent?
Gus: No, it's great. It's great. It's just... I don't know. He's giving me the information. I know this is crazy, but I... I was thinking...
Harley: You were thinking it was going to be about Miguel and your mother? That's not crazy. That's just you being hopeful.
Gus: Yeah. I was listening to him talking to me, but my mind was going, "What if this guy is my brother?"
Harley: Well, you know, we're one step closer to going to Germany and finding out, because Phillip just agreed to take Zach, and Rick's going to take Jude.
Gus: Oh, good.
Harley: Oh, and the phone company called with a preliminary check on the records.
Gus: Yeah?
Harley: Yeah. Turns out not only did Olivia's cell phone call Reva several times, it also called Marah and Cassie.
Gus: Really?
Harley: At the exact times they reported hearing from the stalker.
Reva: You know what? I had the strangest feeling as I was driving home. A thought in my head said with absolute certainty, "it's over." No more phone calls, no more weird deliveries.
Josh: Is that because you're sure Olivia's guilty?
Reva: It's over. And we're all safe because we stuck together and we took care of each other. And I want to thank everyone for that. Especially you, Tony.
Josh: That's right, Tony. She's right. If you hadn't found that backpack...
Tony: Yeah, well, there wasn't a bomb in it.
Josh: But there could have been.
Marah: Yeah, and even those flash bombs could be really dangerous if you get too close to them.
Josh: You did good. Thank you.
Tony: I'm glad I could help, Mr. Lewis.
Cassie: Well, I am going to get home to my kids and the hotel.
Josh: I'll walk you out.
Cassie: Great. Okay. I am so glad this nightmare is over.
Reva: Thanks for sticking by me.
Cassie: I love you.
Reva: I love you, too.
Cassie: Bye.
Reva: Drive safely.
Cassie: Bye, guys.
Marah: Bye. Mom?
Reva: Huh?
Marah: What... What's wrong?
Reva: I was just thinking about...
Marah: Olivia?
Reva: No, Phillip Spaulding, actually, and how he defended Olivia at the station earlier. And then he got Ross to defend her. I mean, it just... He took her arrest so personally.
Tony: Yeah, maybe that's because things between them are personal.
Reva: I got that impression, too.
Marah: You really think Olivia has pulled the wool over Phillip's eyes, too? I think that he'd be smarter than that.
Shayne: Maybe she's his Dulcinea.
Tony: His what?
Shayne: It's from "Don Quixote."
Marah: He's doing the musical for school.
Shayne: So this... This woman, Dulcinea, she's mean; she's a real tramp, okay? But when Don Quixote sees her, he mistakes her for an angel. And since he sees an angel, she becomes one.
Phillip: Olivia?
Olivia: Hi. It really is you. I keep thinking this is all a bad dream.
Phillip: Um, listen, I would have been here sooner, but I had to go back to the house to get your briefcase so I could get your date book and take it to Ross so that he can start building your defense. I assume that that was all okay with you?
Olivia: No. No, whatever it takes to get me out of here.
Phillip: Okay.
Olivia: Thanks for convincing him to take the case.
Phillip: Well, you know, it didn't take too much convincing.
Olivia: Liar.
Phillip: I found something else in your briefcase that I thought you might want. It's your prenatal vitamins. The guard said it was okay to have them in here, so...
Olivia: Think I'm going to be in here for a while?
Phillip: No, I feel pretty sure that Ross...
Olivia: You feel pretty sure? That means there's a chance that I could be in here for a while.
Phillip: No, no. We're going to get you out of here.
Olivia: Okay. Because this place is, um... You know, you can just... The sounds echo, and you just can't really shake the cold. Reva... Reva was here. You know, she was spitting invectives at me, and...
Phillip: Don't worry about her. Reva doesn't matter.
Olivia: No, she doesn't matter. The only person whose opinion matters to me right now is...
Phillip: Me.
Olivia: Yeah. So, you do believe me, right? I mean, tell me you know I didn't do this.
Phillip: Olivia, if I thought you had done what they accused you of, do you think I'd be standing here right now?
Olivia: Maybe. I'm carrying a baby that could be yours.
Phillip: Olivia.
Olivia: Look, I know I've done a lot of really rotten things in my life. Getting Beth's diary published and trying to take the Beacon away from Cassie are my most recent. But I would never, ever do anything this crazy. You have to know that.
Phillip: I do.
Olivia: Do you?
Phillip: Yes.
Olivia: Because a lot of other people don't.
Phillip: Well, what other people think doesn't matter and it can't be used against you in court. Neither can any of those things from your past.
Olivia: I just need you to believe me.
Phillip: I do.
Olivia: But I need you to say it. I...
Phillip: I just did. Now, you know what? You stop worrying about me and start focusing on staying calm and taking care of this baby that you're carrying.
Olivia: All right. But I'm going to be out of here tomorrow?
Phillip: If we have to move heaven and earth.
Olivia: Okay.
Officer: What are you doing here?
Phillip: Detective Cooper said it was all right if I came down to see Miss Spencer. I cleared it with the other guard.
Officer: Well, you didn't clear it with me. So you're leaving now.
Phillip: You know what? It's late anyway, and you need to get some rest. So I'll just go, and I'll... I'll see you tomorrow.
Olivia: Don't go. Please, just don't go.
Phillip: It's okay. It's okay. I'll see you in the morning, all right? Okay?
Olivia: Say it, say it. Just say you believe I didn't do this. Please say it.
Phillip: I believe you. Now, I want you to stay calm and try to get some rest, all right? I'll be back in the morning.
Olivia: Okay.
Phillip: Okay.
Alexandra: More tea?
Edmund: You're never going to tell me your master plan, are you?
Alexandra: What master plan? Yes? No? Yes? No?
Edmund: No. No, thank you. You have a master plan, though.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Darling, I don't. No. No. I am flattered you think I am so assured and in control of things, but no. As a matter of fact the truth of the matter is all I've done since I got back to town is flip from pillar to post, putting out forest fires.
Edmund: Do you still think that if you told me your secret, I'd use it against you? I'd never bite the hand that feeds me. At least not one that's so lovely.
Alexandra: (Laughs)
Edmund: Do you really understand what you've given me?
Alexandra: An ambassadorship.
Edmund: No. No, you've give me my pride back. You've given me a sense of purpose again.
Alexandra: Well, I'm glad. I'm very glad. Now, will you stop worrying about Harley and Gus and Mr. Baker in Germany? Because all of that is over. It's over and done with, I'm telling you.
Edmund: Well, let's hope so. Thank you. Thank you for the tea and sympathy.
Alexandra: (Laughs) You're very welcome. Any time. Oh, Alan, Alan, my dear brother, wherever you are, whatever you are up to, would you please stay there just a little while longer until I talk to Olivia?
Alan: India? Guess who? Why do you sound so shocked? I'm calling because I have very good news for you. You know that Matisse that you've coveted for years? Well, I've decided to sell it, and I'm sure that you and I could come up with a price that will make us both happy. After all, you are family, despite the way you voted at the last board meeting. Don't worry. Phillip and I are aware that Alexandra was holding something over on you. And if we could just meet somewhere so that I could plead my case, perhaps you would confide in me and allow me to help you. Good. Then why don't we meet for lunch tomorrow at the Country Club? Excellent! I look forward to seeing you.
Harley: Hey. The chief just gave us the thumbs-up. We are out of here.
Gus: Oh! We're on our way to Germany.
Harley: Let's go. The sooner, the better.
Gus: Unless, of course, Alexandra beats us there.
Harley: Well, as of several hours ago, Roy Baker was still in one piece.
Gus: Are you telling me that you called and checked?
Harley: Yeah, yeah, and you know what? Communication is going to be our biggest problem, because they're saying he can barely grunt, let alone have a coherent conversation.
Gus: Yeah, let me ask you something.
Harley: Hmm?
Gus: How bad of an idea do you think it is if I were to try to contact Eden? Maybe she could give us some information, give us some leverage. No?
Harley: Honey, even if Eden did say something, how do we trust that? Your sister has lied so many times already, I don't even think she knows what the truth is anymore.
Gus: (Sighs)
Eden: Hello, darling. It's Eden. I'm back.
Reva: You know, something Shayne and Tony said earlier got me thinking.
Josh: What was that?
Reva: Well, about how close Olivia and Phillip have gotten. Something is definitely going on there, and it seems really strong on both their parts.
Josh: Maybe so.
Reva: You don't agree?
Josh: (Laughs) I was married to the woman once. I thought I knew her.
Reva: But you know what? If Olivia really does care about Phillip, why would she be jeopardizing that relationship for no reason?
Josh: You know what? You're asking the wrong guy.
Reva: I want to know what you feel in your gut. Do you think this nightmare really finally is over? Do you think Olivia is the stalker or not?
Josh: I honestly don't know.
Olivia: Officer? Listen, um... Could you do me a big favor? Could you just give me another pillow? This one really stinks. You guys ever wash these things?
Officer: Oh, sorry. Only one pillow per customer.
Olivia: No, I'm not asking for another pillow. I'm just asking to exchange this one for another one.
Officer: This ain't the Beacon hotel, lady.
Olivia: No, I own the Beacon. If... Forget it.
Officer: Lock it down!