GL Transcript Monday 3/3/03

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 3/3/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Josh: Time to go fishing.

Reva: Yeah. Let's just get him.

Tony: Hold it! Don't move!

Reva: What's wrong?

Tony: It's there.

Phillip: Sit down over here. I'll get the cook to fix you something to eat.

Olivia: Okay.

Alexandra: What is she doing here?

Phillip: Olivia is going to be staying with us until Alan gets back from his trip. She's my guest.

Alexandra: Oh, really? Well, I'm... I'm...

Phillip: Alex.

Olivia: You know what? I don't know need this. I'll go to the Beacon. I'll be fine.

Phillip: No, you won't. You'll stay here. The hospital.

Alexandra: The scare?

Olivia: It was nothing. I panicked. I thought I was losing the baby.

Alexandra: Oh, yes, the mystery baby.

Phillip: It's not a mystery, Alex. It's a baby. And it could be mine.

Alexandra: Yes, of course. Congratulations. It's... it's lovely for you.

Olivia: Oh, golly, won't this be fun?

Phillip: She'll be fine. She just thinks that you've trapped Alan and me. It will all be worked out in time.

Olivia: No, it's not just that, Phillip. She thinks that I'm going to eat my young.

Phillip: It doesn't matter. She'll get over it. Or she won't. But you know what? Who cares? She doesn't matter. This is up to you. You can be a great mother.

Olivia: You really think so?

Phillip: I think this baby is lucky to have you.


Marah: Tony! (Everybody yelling)

Gus: Tony, Tony, Tony! Don't do anything! Get down, get down, get down! (Explosion)

Marah: Tony?!

Harley: You guys all right? Are you guys all right?

Gus: Frank, you all right? You all right?

Frank: I'm fine. Just stay back.

Gus: (Coughing) Everybody calm down. Calm down! We have it under control. Okay, nobody leaves this room. Just stay here. Nobody leaves this room.

Reva: Shayne?

Josh: Reva, are you okay?

Reva: Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?

Danny: Hey, Michelle? Are you all right?

Michelle: But how did I end up over here? I was just sitting over there with...

Danny: Are you okay? Are you... Honey...

Michelle: Yeah, yeah.

Danny: Are you okay? You sure?

Bill: Are you okay?

Beth: Yeah, yeah, I'm okay.

Bill: You sure?

Beth: How are you? You okay?

Harley: What was that?

Frank: It was just a flash bomb.

Gus: It was.

Frank: It was. It was.

Gus: People? Excuse me. Hello, hello? Listen, everybody, listen up. The explosion that was just detonated is what we call a flash bomb. Okay, it was just a flash bomb. It's a device that's used in the military and the police to simulate a live explosive. It was not a real bomb. Okay, now it was noisy, I know you... It's scary. It's scary, but it's basically harmless, all right? However, procedure says that we have to lock down the building while we investigate, so no one's going anywhere for a while. Thank you.

Cassie: Thank God, we're alive.

Mel: Never a dull moment around Reva, huh?

Rick: Where's Michelle?

Cassie: Uh, she's with Danny.

Rick: Cassie?

Cassie: Hi. No, it's okay. Thank God Tony was here.

Michelle: Tony, when you grabbed that backpack, I almost fainted. Are you okay?

Tony: Yeah.

Michelle: Do me a favor. Next time let the bomb squad deal with the bomb disposal.

Tony: I didn't think there was enough time...

Harley: Well, there might not have been.

Holly: Is everybody okay in the booth?

Director: Yeah, we're fine.

Holly: Listen, call the affiliates and tell them there'll be a delay, but we're going to be on the air.

Director: You got it.

Holly: And check the crew and let's go.

Director: Good to have you back in charge, Holly.

Holly: Good suggestion. I'm not.

Ed: I know that was hard to do.

Blake: Hey, one good thing about this explosion, beside from the fact that nobody go hurt, is no one can still think you're the stalker.

Gus: Why? Why is that?

Blake: Because my mother only got here minutes before the explosion. She didn't have time to leave that backpack.

Gus: Well, Holly or anyone could have put the bag in here earlier and use a remote. I'm not saying that's what happened, but we can't rule it out.

Blake: Are you telling me you think my mother rigged that bomb when she herself could get hurt? Ross and I were there, a dozen other people that she cares about.

Harley: But nobody was hurt, Blake. The bomb was only meant to scare someone.

Blake: Well, so what?

Gus: "So what" is Holly or anybody else wanted to throw suspicion off themselves might have done it this way. I'm not saying...

Ross: Oh, Gus, would you stop?!

Gus: It could have happened that way.

Ross: You both understand how farfetched this...

Blake: "Far fetched"? Try absurd.

Holly: You know, Blake...

Blake: Okay, this is witch hunt.

Holly: You know, you know, they're right. The deductive powers of the Springfield P.D. are just too strong for me. I confess. You caught me.

Ed: Holly, stop it. Don't even joke about this.

Holly: Go to my apartment. I have a shrine to Reva, a recipe for fake blood in between the empty booze bottles, because I'm not just a stalker, right? I am a lush here.

Ed: Holly, I don't...

Holly: No, what is wrong with you people? Some mad man could have just blown up the place and you keep going on...

Reva: Calm down, calm down.

Holly: ...You keep going on with your ridiculous suspicion about me!

Ross: Look, look, wait a minute! I think we should just step back and lower our voices, all right?

Reva: You know what? Ross is right. Come on, guys, you really can't think that this is still Holly, right?

Gus: Reva, we're just trying to do our job.

Reva: Well, then do your job and let me do mine. I'm not going to let this lunatic control this situation. I'm just not going to let it happen. Excuse me. Can I have everyone's attention please?

Harley: What are you doing? Tell me what you're doing?

Reva: Okay. I don't know about any of you, but I'm not going to let some phony bomb intimidate me. I came here tonight to draw certain lunatic out of the woodwork, and I intend to follow through with it. So as soon as we get everything back together technically and the police give us a thumbs-up, then we're going to go live. It's okay.

Harley: Let's talk about this.

Josh: Reva...

Reva: Joshua, it's fine. Really. I promised them a live show and that's what I want to give them.

Josh: Reva...

Reva: Can everyone just stay put please? Just for a moment.

Gus: I had no idea.

Reva: Look, I know that you don't like the idea of this, Joshua.

Gus: It's a lousy idea, okay. It's not going to happen.

Reva: Says who.

Gus: Says me.

Frank: Actually all of us. Once we've secured the area...

Reva: It'll be secure and we can get back on schedule.

Frank: That's not true, because we're going to evacuate the entire studio.

Harley: Reva, smoking this guy out was a great idea. It's not going to happen now.

Gus: Josh, will you back us up? We talked about it. Back us up.

Frank: Well, come on, say something.

Josh: Just... Okay, just relax. You want to go on the air? You're sure about that?

Reva: Positive. Absolutely.

Josh: Okay, let's do it then. Okay, Reva's right. Okay, people, Reva's right. We quit now, the stalker wins.

Frank: What are you talking about? Maybe for now. But, I mean, at least everyone is safe here.

Josh: But for how long, Frank? Look, if she doesn't go on the air, this guy's going to know he got to us. And then his next stunt may be a whole lot worse.

Harley: Okay, okay, I'm not saying you don't have a point. That's very valid. But we have a public safety issue, Josh.

Holly: You know, there's been a public safety issue from the start, and that didn't stop you.

Harley: And look what happened. Despite our best efforts, we could not secure this building.

Holly: Well, I for one am willing to risk my own safety.

Reva: Me, too.

Holly: I want the show to go on. Purely selfish reason. I want to clear my name, and I think this is the only way to do it.

Gus: I'll tell you something. This is all based on the assumption the guy's going to call in...

Reva: Yes.

Gus: ...Tonight while you're live.

Reva: Yes.

Gus: There's no guarantee.

Reva: Yes, and I think there's a better chance of that happening now.

Josh: I agree.

Reva: I mean, he knows we're here. He knows what we're up to, and he doesn't like it.

Holly: And if you go on the air and challenge him...

Reva: It'll make him angry.

Gus: Exactly.

Reva: And there's a better chance he might slip up.

Frank: Well, hold on. Or set off another explosive.

Reva: I think it's worth a try.

Josh: Absolutely.

Holly: I do, too.

Reva: I mean, besides, if he calls in when Holly's here, then you all will realize that she's innocent.

Harley: Okay, okay.

Frank: Sis.

Harley: We've got the equipment set up, personnel is ready. I mean, the big thing for me is, I don't think we're going to get another shot of this. What do you think.

Gus: It's your call, Frank.

Harley: It's your call, Frank.

Frank: Reva, that's fine. But we're going to clear the entire studio except for essential personnel. Okay. Josh, Reva, Holly, the crew stays. Everyone else leaves, you understand.

Gus: Is that okay with you, Reva? Is that all right?

Reva: I think the real question is going to be whether it's all right with them. Um... Hi. Can I have you attention please? This is what's going on at the moment. We've decided to go ahead and go live with the show. Even though the bomb before that was set off was a scare tactic, the police can't guarantee that there's not another bomb somewhere in the building, and they also can't guarantee your safety anymore, so they'd like you to leave-- if you want to.

Gus: It's not up to them.

Reva: Yes.

Gus: No, it's not.

Reva: Yes, it is. And if you do choose to leave, then Josh and I totally understand. And you can leave with our blessing, but if you do choose to stay, I strongly believe that this is going to send this stalker a signal that we are a whole lot more determined than he is.

Tony: I'm staying.

Marah: Me, too. I'm staying.

Shayne: So, am I.

Ray: My little brother is staying, the least I can do is keep him company. Maybe say a prayer or two.

Reva: Thanks, Father.

Billy: Reva, we definitely need to show this lowlife that no little-bitty bomb is going to scare away a Lewis. I'm with you.

Bill: Count me in, too.

Michelle: I am going to stay right here with you.

Danny: Reva, you got another Santos in your camp.

Michelle: I'm going to stay, Dad.

Ed: I'm going to stay, too. For Holly, for nothing else. You can add two Bauer’s to the list.

Rick: Make it three.

Mel: Four.

Beth: Well, it looks like this is the place to be. You can count me in, Reva.

Reva: Thanks, Beth.

Ross: Reva, Blake and I are definitely staying.

Buzz: Well, that leaves us Cooper’s, and I hate to be out of the loop. I'm staying. You're going home.

Marina: No, I'm not.

Buzz: Yes, you are.

Frank: Actually, yes, she is.

Marina: Uh, no, uh, no...

Frank: You're going home.

Marina: I'm not!

Frank: We're all staying. (Laughter) I hope I don't regret this.

Josh: We have been through a whole lot together, and we're not going to lose each other tonight.

Reva: Let's get the show on the road.

Holly: We have a problem. Your hotshot producer, Miss Farrow, is having a tantrum in the booth. Says if you go on, it's without her.

Reva: Well, that's fine. She's a wimp anyway.

Josh: Reva, you need a producer.

Reva: I have the best producer in the Midwest. As long as Holly's game.

Holly: What does Springfield's finest say? You want to keep an eye on me. It's the best way. Is that a yes?

Gus: Someone's got to produce the show.

Holly: Matt, production meeting in the booth.

Frank: The bomb squad took away the spent device. Searched the first floor and the two below it.

Harley: One more floor, we're ready to roll, right.

Frank: Yeah, for better, for worse.

Gus: The problem is, even if we go live, we're never going to... There's no guarantee the guy's going to call.

Harley: He would be stupid to try, wouldn't he.

Frank: Hold on one second, this guy is definitely not stupid. He's got us jumping through hoops for him.

Harley: And he's enjoying every minute, isn't he?

Edmund: Hello, Marty. Glass of champagne, please.

Bartender: Celebrating something, Mr. Winslow?

Edmund: You, sir, are looking at the next Ambassador from San Cristobel to the United States. I've been appointed to take my late brother's place. And mark my word, I will make him proud.

Bartender: Well, congratulations.

Edmund: Thank you very much. Turn the television, Marty. WSPR. There's something I'd like to see.

Bartender: Sure.

TV announcer: WSPR is currently experiencing technical difficulties. Please stand by for this evening's special edition of "The Reva Lewis Show" with host Reva Lewis.

Edmund: Technical difficulties. Or is Reva Lewis just running scared?

Phillip: No.

Olivia: What.

Phillip: Sit. Whatever you need, I'll get it for you.

Olivia: I just want to see the TV listings.

Phillip: I'll get it for you. Just eat something. Here you go.

Olivia: Thanks.

Phillip: Anything else?

Olivia: What is your name. Nolan? I'm pregnant, all right? I'm not an invalid.

Phillip: Yes. And you told me in the hospital you intend to stay that way. So I want you to eat something, I want you to drink some tea, and I want you to take care of yourself, all right?

Olivia: You don't have to do this, okay? You don't have to take care of me. There's an even chance that this baby isn't yours.

Phillip: And there's even chance that it is. And you know what? It doesn't really make any difference. You have a life growing inside of you, and you want that life to be healthy, you want to give it every opportunity to have every advantage so it could grow up to be whatever he or she wants to be, right?

Olivia: You mean, like a fisherman on San Cristobel?

Phillip: If that's what they want, sure. Why not?

Olivia: A waitress at Company?

Phillip: Let's not set the bar too high, but...

Olivia: Vice President of Spaulding?

Phillip: Okay. (Laughs) There I would draw the line. (Olivia laughs) I don't think we need that. I don't think we need to drag another child down with all this. Another pawn on the great Spaulding chess board.

Alexandra: Oh, now, Phillip, dear, please, you're hardly a pawn.

Phillip: Said the queen.

Alexandra: Yes. Well, you're a grown man perfectly capable of making his own decisions. It's just a pity you don't make them more wisely. Well, Olivia, you look like you're comfortably ensconced in our home.

Olivia: Oh, very. Thank you. But, oh, I can't really thank you. It wasn't your idea.

Alexandra: Well, I was going to watch some television in here, but I'll find someplace else.

Phillip: Something good on.

Alexandra: Yes. Reva Shayne is doing an evening special edition of her program tonight, live. And I was hoping to see her publicly humiliated.

Olivia: Oh, well, that sounds like fun. Turn it on.

Alexandra: Are you sure you should be watching something like this? You're not supposed to get upset.

Olivia: On the contrary. I can't think of a better medicine than seeing Reva hoisted on her own petard.

Alexandra: Well, don't say I didn't warn you.

P.A.: 40 seconds to air. Stand by please.

Holly: Okay, we're good to go on our end. What about you.

Harley: Team on the phone, you ready?

Master control: you have 30 seconds.

Harley: Satellite monitoring, dispatch? Stand by please. Ready to roll.

Gus: Frank, you got everything locked down?

Frank: Floor secure.

Gus: Frank's taking off to do that thing.

Holly: All right, this is it. We're good to go, folks. Thank you in advance for your hard work. Matt?

Matt: You can tell everybody live in five seconds. In five, four, three, two, one, and fading up, and cue the music, and cue the announcer.

TV announcer: Welcome to tonight's special live presentation of "The Reva Lewis Show." Now here's your host, Reva Lewis.

Reva: Hello, and welcome to the show. I'm Reva Shayne Lewis, and I am so glad you are able to join us tonight for this very, special live broadcast, because have I got a story to tell you. Originally, I was going to tell you a different story in my usual time slot. It was going to be a profile on Springfield's own Spaulding family and their corporate dynasty. But as I was researching this story, a lot of things happened along the way to get in my way, and my attentions got thrown in an entirely different direction. Now the cardinal rule of journalism is, don't make yourself the story. Unfortunately, tonight I'm going to have to break that rule, not by choice, but because someone has decided to make me the center of this story whether I want it or not. As most of you know, last year I was in the center of a very public controversy because I made a decision to help my dying brother-in-law end his own life. There were a lot of you that supported my actions, but there were those who were vehemently opposed to it. Unfortunately, that vehement disagreement turned into violent disagreement. And for the past month, me and my family have been subjected to a steady stream of harassment. It started with threatening phone calls, but it soon escalated to physical threats. My home has been broken into and burglarized. Our property has been vandalized. Yesterday, a brick was thrown through my living room window. And not moments ago, someone detonated an explosive device right here at the WSPR studios with a whole lot of people present. But as you can see, the audience stayed, because they, as well as I, have had enough. So tonight, I'm not waiting for the phone to ring. Tonight I'm making the call myself in public to the coward who's been stalking me and my family. This time I have a message for you, pal: Whatever it is you have to say, have the guts to say it on the air. You're angry about what I did to Richard Winslow. You think it was wrong, wrong because it wasn't my decision to make. Well, fine. If that's how you feel, I want to hear it. I want you to call in. I want to discuss this with you. I'm giving you the opportunity to do that, not just to tell me, but to tell the whole world. It's a public forum and not one just for this stalker, but one for all of you viewers. I'm giving you the opportunity to express your opinions about euthanasia, about assisted suicide in general. Let's make the tragedy of Richard Winslow's death something positive.

Edmund: God, would someone please shoot that woman? Thanks, Marty.

Bartender: Pleasure, Mr. Winslow.

Frank: Hey, Marty.

Bartender: Hey, Frank. What's up?

Frank: How you doing, my friend?

Bartender: Good, buddy. How are you?

Frank: Good, I need your help. Looking for your resident ex-prince.

Reva: Our phone number's at the bottom of the screen. We're going to take a commercial break right now, but when we come back, I'll be taking our first caller. Don't go away.

Olivia: Hm, it's typical Reva, has to be center stage. How much you want to bet she planted that bomb herself to boost her ratings?

Phillip: I don't think she would go quite that far.

Olivia: Well, then you don't know Reva.

Alexandra: I didn't realize you disliked Reva that much. Oh, but then there's all that business about Josh and then Richard, as well. She seems to have a nasty habit of taking things from you, doesn't she?

Olivia: And yet with all she has, she's still the most selfish person I know.

Phillip: You think what she did for Richard was selfish?

Olivia: Not so much what she did, but how she went about it. Not telling Cassie, not letting it be her choice.

Phillip: Hmm, I don't know. Maybe I have no objectivity. All I know is that if she had not helped Richard die, Rick would not be alive right now.

Alexandra: Oh, dear, I hope this isn't going to be a point of disagreement between you two.

Phillip: Oh, yeah, you'd hate that, wouldn't you?

Olivia: Well, you're right about one thing, Alexandra, watching Reva is more nauseating than morning sickness.

Phillip: Let's turn it off.

Olivia: No, keep watching. I'm just going to go lie down for a little while, okay? If it's okay with you?

Phillip: Yeah, it's okay with me. Do you need anything?

Olivia: No, I'm fine.

Phillip: You sure?

Olivia: Yes.

Alexandra: Phillip, Phillip, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was so just plain snarky with... with Olivia.

Phillip: No, don't tell me, tell her.

Alexandra: No, I mean it, I'm really trying to be nice to her.

Phillip: (Chuckles) Right.

Alexandra: No, it's just that it just gets me when I think of the wedge she's driven in this family and now there's a baby coming. And that's just it. There's a baby, a Spaulding child. Now, okay, no matter what, that child's best interest is what's most important, and I promise you, I promise you that from now on I am going to be as supportive of Olivia as I possibly... Cross my heart.

Phillip: Don't strain yourself.

Alexandra: And you know what? I'll even run interference for you with Alan if you want me to.

Phillip: That's okay. You know, I appreciate the offer, Aunt Alex, but I think the best thing that you can do is keep your distance. You know, I'm going to go call Tokyo and see what the markets are doing.

Holly: Reva, first caller's almost ready.

Reva: Seems there's a lot of people who have opinions about what I did because our phone lines are jammed.

Gus: Okay, it sounds like we have a real strong possible on line four. You tracing this, Joe?

Harley: Reva, this could be our guy.

Reva: Gotcha. Well, it seems we have our first caller. Hello? You're on the air. Hello? This is Reva Lewis. Are you there?

First caller: Yes, I'm here. And you're wrong, Reva. Dead wrong.

Reva: I'm wrong, caller? What am I wrong about? You know what? Why don't you tell us your name first? Hello?

First caller: I don't have to!

Reva: Of course, you don't. No, you can stay anonymous, but just talk to me. Tell me why you're calling this evening and what's on your mind.

Harley: Good girl, Reva. Keep him on the line, we're working on the trace.

Reva: Hello? Are you still there?

First caller (angrily): I'll tell you why you're wrong, because you tried to play God, but you're not God! Because God works miracles. My wife was in a car accident just like Richard Winslow. She went into a coma, too. The doctor said she'd never come out of it. She was in agony and for weeks I had to watch her suffer.

Reva: That must've been terrible for you.

First caller (angrily): Yeah, but I wasn't as arrogant as you are, Reva. I knew it wasn't my place to end her suffering, and thank God I didn't, because do you know what happened 37 days after my wife went into the coma, huh? She woke up. That's right, she woke up. And now she's got some of her speech back and soon she'll be even able to sit up by herself. Maybe the same thing could've happened to your brother-in-law, Reva. Maybe he'd be sitting across the dinner table from your sister right now if you hadn't pulled the plug on him.

(Phone clicks)

Reva: Hello? Hello? We'll be back after these messages.  

Harley: Damn it!

Gus: Come on, come on. Yes! We got a trace!

Harley: You got it?

Gus: Yes...

Harley: We got a name, we got an address?

Gus: ...Richard Reynolds. Yes, it's in Springfield, that's the north end of town. No, no, wait a... I know this guy. This is a fluke, but I know this guy. Richard Reynolds... ask... ask... I helped him out. He was in a car wreck, his wife was injured. He broke his pelvis, he's in a wheelchair, this guy's in a wheelchair.

Harley: So what? He could've hired somebody.

Gus: He didn't hire anybody, this guy is broke. He's tapped from his medical bill... Look, I'll get a squad car over there. Manning, get a black and white over there.

Harley: Are you sure?

Gus: But I'll tell you right now, he is not our stalker.

Harley: One down, right? A zillion to go. Let's just hope that Frank is having better luck with Edmund, right?

Bartender: You just missed him. He was here a minute ago having a glass of champagne and watching Reva Lewis on TV.

Frank: No kidding. Happen to say where he was headed?

Bartender: No.

Frank: When his highness was watching Mrs. Lewis, did he say anything in particular? Do you know his particular reaction?

Bartender: Well, he did say that he wished somebody would shoot her.

Director: We're on in five, four, three...

Reva: Well, I'm sorry that caller hung up, because what he had to say was very interesting.

Cassie: I'd like to say something, Reva, if I could, please?

Reva: Of course. This is my sister, Cassie Winslow.

Cassie: First of all, I want to say that I sympathize with the man who called in. And if you're still listening, it is wonderful that your wife came out of her coma. That is a miracle. God knows I wish Richard would've had a miracle of his own, because he deserved one. But he is at peace now, and he is not suffering. And knowing that, I'm at peace. I am not angry at my sister for what she did, because I know that she did what she felt was truly right. So if the person who is stalking my sister feels that he is somehow doing this on my behalf, he's not.


Michelle: That was really brave of Cassie.

Danny: Mm-hmm, she's a strong woman.

Reva: Well, I'm being told there's still plenty of callers out there who want to be heard, so we're ready to take the next call. Hello? You're on the air with Reva Lewis.

Stalker: Love, what a crock. What you did wasn't love, Reva.

Reva: It's you.

Harley: It's the stalker. How did he get past the screeners?

Gus: Trace it, Joe. Do it quickly.

Joe: I'm working on it.

Stalker: No more excuses. It's time someone told the truth about what you did, if you can take it.

Reva: I can if you can. So, you actually had the guts to call in. Hello?

Harley: We're tracing him now, Reva. Do whatever you have to do to keep him on the line.

Gus: All units stand by and be prepared to move in as soon as we give you an address.

Harley: Are you still there? I know you are, because I can hear you breathing.

Ross: Don't lose him, Reva. Don't lose him.

Blake: Just admit you're the stalker and clear my mother.

Reva: Well, come on. You called me a murderer.

Stalker: Because you are. You didn't take Richard Winslow's life for the selfless reasons you claimed. You did it because you think you know better than everyone else. The first caller...

Marah: This guy knows her, Dad.

Josh: Yeah, he knows exactly how to hurt her, too.

Stalker: You do whatever you please whenever you please, damn the consequences.

Reva: Wow, whoever you are, you do know me. I do act on instinct and regret it later. But what happened with Richard wasn't one of those times.

Stalker: In other words, you still won't admit you were wrong.

Reva: Well, I'm not going to admit something that isn't true or apologize for it.

Gus: Oh, my God. This guy's sophisticated. He's using a scrambler.

Harley: No!

Gus: The signal's all over the place here. Come on. Come on!

Harley: Reva, there is a problem with the trace. You have to keep him on the line.

Stalker: I think you think you've fooled everyone, Reva, but I know how dangerous you really are.

Reva: Now why do you say that? Do you know me? Are you someone that I hurt without meaning to? When did we meet? Was it before Richard died or... Did you know Richard? Because you sound like someone who might have known him.

Stalker: You're trying to keep me on the line so you can trace this call. (Laughs) it won't work. I'm smarter than you are.

Reva: Look who's being arrogant now.

Stalker: I'm going to hurt you, Reva. You and your whole precious family.

Reva: You know you say that, but I'm beginning to wonder whether or not you have it in you.

Harley: Watch it, Reva.

Reva: You criticize me for what I did, but I did it out in the open and I owned up to it, but you, you didn't even have the guts to say it on the air.

Harley: All right, all right, take it easy, don't make him angry, he may hang up.

Reva: Did you hear me?

Holly: Did he hang up? He still on the line?

Gus: Ten, baby.

Harley: Ten more seconds, and we're home free.

Gus: Come on.

Reva: What are you afraid of? Hello?

Stalker: Nothing.

Reva: Oh, I think you are. I think you're afraid of looking me in the eye and telling me what you think, and I'm wondering why. Am I wrong? I mean, if I'm wrong, then prove it to me. Come down to the studio and come on the air with me, and we'll hash this thing out together. Or are you only brave as long as you stay anonymous? Hello?

Holly: Go to commercial.

Matt: Ian, go to commercial.

Josh: You did great.

Reva: Yeah, but was it good enough? Harley, Gus, did I keep him on the line long enough? Did you get the trace?

Harley: Come on...

Gus: Can you do this, Joe? Yes...

Harley: Stop touching it. (Cell phone rings) Hey, Frank.

Frank: Hey, it's me. I'm at Towers. Edmund was definitely here, but he split before the call came in. Been trying to locate him, but it's been difficult. He definitely could've been one who called in.

Harley: (Sighs)

Holly: Reva, when we come back from commercial, do your tag and we're out.

Reva: Holly, I just want to say how sorry I am about all of this.

Josh: That goes for me, too.

Gus: Move it, move it, move it, move it, move it, move it.

Harley: What's going on? What's going on?

Gus: This is next to impossible to get this trace. What did Frank say?

Harley: He wasn't able to locate Edmund.

Gus: Well, Edmund, he might be our caller, then.

Harley: I don't think so.

Gus: Honey, no, it's revenge. We got motive. It's sweet, it's pure.

Harley: No, Edmund is a cool customer, very smooth. This guy, emotional. So emotional, he was almost reckless. Something tells me, this person, their animosity is personal. Personal. And he goes back a long way with Reva.

Phillip: You're up?

Olivia: Yeah, I... I couldn't sleep. I tried, but... Reva's a lot better on mute.

Phillip: Are you feeling any better?

Olivia: I still have a headache and my neck and shoulders are pretty tight, but...

Phillip: Well, that's something I can actually do something about. Here, sit.

Olivia: (Sighs)

Phillip: How's that? Any better?

Olivia: It's amazing.

Phillip: A heating pad might help, and a hot bath.

Alexandra: Oh, Olivia, are you still not feeling well? May I get you anything? An aspirin, a glass of warm milk, anything?

Olivia: I'm fine, thank you.

Alexandra: Are you sure? Because I was telling Phillip that I... Well, I intend to take very good care of you, very good care.

Reva: Once again, thank you for joining me this evening. Be safe and good night.

Holly: And we are out.

Matt: Okay, nice show, everybody.

Gus: Come on, come on, come on, come on. We got it. We got it. (Applause) Reva, we traced the call. We got an address. We got an address. All units proceed to 5 Grandview Terrace, repeat 5 Grandview Terrace.

Beth: 5 Grandview Terrace, that's the Spaulding mansion.

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