GL Transcript Friday 2/28/03

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 2/28/03

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

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Rick: Where's the pain?

Olivia: I was fine. And then I just started cramping and I couldn't sit up.

Rick: How far along are you?

Olivia: It's early. It's too early.

Rick: Is Dr. Sedgwick your Ob?

Olivia: Yes.

Rick: Okay, we're going to give her a call, okay? Everything's going to be fine, but the must important thing you need to do right now is stay calm. Take long, deep breaths. Okay?

Olivia: Okay.

Rick: Set up her internal. Page Dr. Sedgwick, stat.

Phillip: Hang on, hang on. It's okay. It's all right. You and the baby are going to be fine.

Rick: You're going to need to wait outside.

Phillip: All right. All right. Just hang on, everything will be okay.

Olivia: (Sobs)

Harley: The uniforms have already been through here once.

Gus: But I want to do it again, okay? And when the audience is loaded in and everybody's accounted for, I want to do it again and again and again.

Harley: Reva's life is on the line. Think this guy will actually show?

Gus: Well, she did everything but invite him. I mean, God.

Harley: Yeah, but to do something in front of a live, studio audience?

Gus: That's the keyword: "Audience." I think it's going to be too good for the guy to pass.

Harley: Well, if he does do something, we'll be here when it happens. Let's do this, huh?

Gus: Yeah. Where's the roster for everybody who's authorized to be on this floor?

Harley: It's been posted with every guard at every entrance.

Gus: Good girl. What about the closets? What about the stairwell?

Harley: It's been taped off. Listen to me: I know how hard this is. I know how much you want to be on a plane to Germany right now.

Gus: Well, Germany's going to have to wait and so is Uncle Roy. I mean, if Reva's stalker's going to strike tonight, Frank needs all the help he can get. So let's do it.

Harley: Let's hope all this pays off.

Frank: All right, so there it is. All right, you've all been briefed. I know the studio crew has a huge responsibility tonight to go on live, but you're going to have to remember something, and that is no matter what happens on air, the most important thing here is security. Right? Okay. Are you guys done?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Everything's secured.

Frank: All right. The officers have secured the entire building, which means that your offices are completely sealed. If you need to get into your office, find an officer.

Gus: Same thing goes for the bathrooms or storage closets. If it's got tape on it-- you see the tape-- do not go in there unless you're with a cop. All right?

Frank: Okay, this is going to sound like a strange request, but I'm going to need every one of you to exit the building and reenter and be re-searched, okay? I'm sorry, but it's standard operating procedure. I know you've already been checked, but that's just what's going on here. So everyone that enters the building tonight will be checked. Okay, when you reenter, you will be handed a crew security pass. That grants you access to the backstage area. Now tonight, Reva Shayne has hand-picked the entire audience, which means that they have been sent these passes, these yellow passes. They are to be worn or to be in an area where they can be readily shown. Okay? Now, these yellow passes are for the audience, which grants them access only to the audience section of the studio. If you see anybody without a pass, you haul them in. If anyone is where they're not supposed to be, you haul them in. Okay?

Harley: Listen up: We have reason to believe that the person who is stalking Reva knows her well. So even though Reva has invited this audience, you should not assume that the stalker is not among them. Our people, they will not be heavy-handed, they will be respectful, but we can't rule anyone out. Just because Reva trusts these people does not mean we have to. Keep your eyes open to any suspicious behavior. If you see something, find an officer, let them handle it. That's why they are here. Okay? Even if it seems silly. Even if it seems impossible that it could be that person, please speak up. The stalker could be anyone.

Reva: (Gasps) Hey.

Josh: Sorry. Listen, I've been thinking, you know, it's... it's not too late. We can still put a stop to this.

Reva: No. No, no, no, no. The executives have said yes. The cops are in place. Everything's ready to go.

Josh: Reva, they can air something else tonight, and I'm sure the cops have other things they can do. This is your life we're talking about. So if you have any doubt whatsoever...

Reva: No. The only thing I'm worried about is you. I know how hard this is for you, Bud. I do. Putting myself on live TV like bait.

Josh: It's not my favorite kind of fishing trip.

Reva: I know. But after tonight, this whole stalker nonsense is going to be over. One way or another.

Josh: All right, this is it. Where's Shayne?

Reva: Shayne is going to go directly from practice. You know, he picked up on that tail that Billy put on him.

Josh: Did that tick him off a little bit?

Reva: Yeah, a little bit, but at least we know he's watching and being careful like we asked him to.

Josh: Okay, well that just leaves us then. Marah, she went early with Tony. He wanted to check out the security system.

Reva: You know, he's really stepping up. I feel, honestly, safer knowing he's there.

Josh: Miracle of miracles. Wait. I think I left my security badge inside the house. I'll be right back.

Reva: Okay, I'll wait. Hands off of me? Tucker!

Tucker: I found her in the yard watching the house.

Holly: I wasn't "watching." I'm deciding whether I should bother trying to talk to you.

Reva: Yes, you should. Officer Tucker, I'll be fine. You can watch from the car if you need to, but I will be fine, I promise.

Holly: What's this?

Reva: I thought you might want to be there tonight?

Holly: You thought I'd like to be a guest at my own studio, at a show that I created?

Reva: I wish it were different, Holly.

Holly: Well, I've seen the promos. So you're doing a live show with call-ins. Have anything to do with your stalker?

Reva: Yeah.

Holly: So this isn't a casual invitation. You and the cops want me there.

Reva: I want you there because you're my friend.

Holly: And the cops want me there to keep an eye on me. It's going to make for kind of dull TV, isn't it? Unless you think I'm going to attack you on-air?

Reva: Holly.

Holly: You know, I didn't ask to be a part of this drama of yours, but it has torn my life up. So, no, thanks. I don't think I want to be your freak on display tonight.

Reva: Holly, if you're there then the police will know that it couldn't possibly...

Holly: Oh, just forget it, Reva. Tonight when you're on-air you can just be wondering, where am I and what am I doing?

Frank: All right folks. To the left here. Go through the metal detector. No bags or purses. Single file, please. Okay, we're going to have to check this bag here.

Harley: Hey, Marah. How are you holding up?

Marah: I just want this to be over. Has the bait arrived yet?

Harley: No, not yet. But don't worry. Half the Springfield Police Department is watching your mother tonight.

Tony: Hey, Gus. Gus?

Gus: Problems?

Tony: Nothing, nothing. It's just that the Lewis's want me to be Reva's bodyguard tonight.

Gus: That's all right. We're on it. We've got it all under control.

Tony: Yeah, but you got other things to look out for. I promised Josh, okay? I'm carrying.

Gus: Whoa! Are you serious?

Tony: I'm licensed. I'm licensed, all right? Look. I'm asking you permission to let me hold on to this tonight.

Gus: You're asking me permission? So you're Tony Santos the bodyguard now? You're asking a cop permission to carry a gun in a secured area? Are you crazy?

Tony: Just cut me a break, please? This is Marah's family, all right? And you need the help.

Gus: We got all the help we need, thank you very much. Okay? I can't allow a gun in the studio.

Tony: This family's been terrorized. Look at her. Look at her. She's scared sick for her mother. Let me help you.

Gus: For the last time, I've got it covered. I cannot allow a gun in the studio. Tony, do you want to sit it out by yourself downstairs in the lobby? I'll make you a deal. I'll give you on all-access pass, okay? You can go anywhere with this. Wherever Reva is, you can be by her side. Give me the gun. Thank you. That's a nice trade.

Tony: Thank you.

Gus: Unbelievable.

Harley: Let him through.

Gus: The Santos's are a piece of work.

Harley: You okay?

Gus: Yeah, fine.

Harley: Marah is scared to death.

Gus: Yeah, I understand. It's her mother. We all only have one mother.

Harley: I know.

Gus: (sighs)

Harley: We're going to start looking for your mother as soon as we're through with this.

Gus: I know, baby. I know. Our job is here tonight. I'm all right with that.

Rick: Hey, buddy.

Phillip: Hey. How is she?

Rick: She's fine.

Phillip: And the baby?

Rick: They're both fine. They're both fine. The internals checked out good. The cramping is scary, but it's pretty common this early on when the uterus is expanding. Blood work is good, no spotting. Mom and baby are doing fine. In fact, I'm going to send them home very shortly.

Phillip: So she just overreacted?

Rick: Yeah.

Phillip: Oh, okay.

Rick: She really wants this child. Did you know that she was pregnant?

Olivia: I'm so glad you're all right. Sorry to put you through all this, but I guess you're figuring out that life doesn't always go the way we planned. Which isn't such a bad thing to learn since you're going to have me as a mother. My life can be pretty exciting sometimes, and you're going to go along for the ride now, so I need you to buckle up really tight in there. I promise you this, though: No matter where we end up or how we get there, you will always come first, there's all kinds of crazy things that used to matter to me, that don't anymore, but you do. You matter.

Phillip: Um, yeah. Actually, I did know that she was pregnant. Alexandra told me. No, no. It's Alan's.

Rick: I'm sorry. Well, she actually wanted to speak to you.

Phillip: Okay. Then I'll go in.

Rick: Are you sure?

Phillip: Yeah.

Rick: Listen, you know, I'm going to be finishing my shift here in just a few minutes and I was supposed to meet my family over at Company, but if you want me to stick around here and...

Phillip: No, no, no, no. No, no, no.

Rick: Are you sure?

Phillip: Yeah, it's fine. Really, it's okay. Thanks. For everything.

Rick: Okay. I want you to call me if you need anything.

Phillip: I will. Worried about the market?

Olivia: I was trying to reach Sam.

Phillip: Oh. How are you feeling?

Olivia: Scared. A little dumb. Apparently what happened was normal, and I sort of freaked out. You know, any little twinge could be a bad thing.

Phillip: Hey, yeah. I'm sure it probably hurt a lot and you don't know.

Olivia: Yeah. Well. I have a lot to learn, but I will. I didn't know that you could get so attached to a little person so quickly.

Phillip: It happens.

Olivia: Yeah.

Phillip: Well, I guess I know what it was that you wanted to tell me.

Olivia: Yeah, yeah. I guess.

Phillip: Congratulations. Is there anything that I can do for you? Do you want me to get Alan?

Olivia: Alan? Why would you get him?

Phillip: Well, he's the father. Don't you think he might...

Olivia: Phillip, I don't know if he's the father. This could be your baby.

Tony: Well, the police did a pretty good job of checking the studio floor, but... (Marah stumbles) Are you okay?

Marah: Yeah. I'm just a klutz tonight.

Tony: Hey. Klutz. It's going to be okay.

Marah: Yeah, I know.

Tony: Do you? Baby, I will not let anything happen to your mother. I promise.

Marah: Okay.

Tony: Look at me in the eye and tell me that.

Marah: Okay. You I can believe.

Tony: There's going to be cops everywhere.

Marah: No, not the cops. Because it's you. If you say that it's safe, then it's safe.

Frank: All right, Josh. Watch your step here. We're going to go over here, around this way. All right, I've briefed everyone. The staff, the crew, all my people.

Josh: So everyone understands exactly how this is going to work, Frank?

Frank: Yeah, yeah. So far so good. I've explained everything to everyone. We evacuated the studio, we had the people re-enter, they were re-screened and now your guests are starting to arrive. It's pretty straightforward stuff, Josh. No bags, no purses. You need a photo id, you need a name on a list. You know, everything's done. We're just taking this nice and slow so we don't have any screw-ups.

Josh: Thank you, Frank.

Frank: We all know what's at stake. Now, when you're done here, Gus and Harley need you in the control room.

Josh: Okay. I'll be just a minute.

Reva: Hey. Hi, kids. How was practice? Well, I guess we won't be talking about the weather, either, will we?

Tony: So, I checked the entire building. So far everything looks good. The police put tape everywhere so I know they checked, okay?

Josh: Okay, thank you.

Tony: Yeah.

Josh: I have to go into the control room. I'll see you in a bit.

Reva: And I have to go. (laughs) See you guys in a little bit, okay? Love you. Okay. How are you?

Farrell: Reva, hi. Oh, I'm so happy to be working with you. We should make history.

Reva: Yeah, well, that's not what this is about.

Farrell: Listen, I've been working on some concepts for tonight.

Reva: Concepts?

Farrell: Mm-hmm. We'll start off with the long shots of the audience, and then we go in for close-ups of individuals...

Reva: Wait a minute. I don't care about production values or shots. Do you have any idea what tonight is about?

Farrell: Ratings. This is TV.

Reva: I'm being stalked. This is about smoking this guy out. We do what the police tell us to do, we take the shots the police tell us to take, and we cut when they say cut. This isn't reality TV. This is real life. Life and death.

Gus: Josh, take a look at the control room. This is where it's all happening.

Josh: This guy doing the screening, is he a cop?

Harley: He works for the department, yeah.

Josh: Is he a cop, though?

Harley: He's a trained security specialist.

Gus: We have a lot of cops here. We have a lot of plainclothes in the audience as well.

Harley: Reva is perfectly safe on that set.

Gus: Look, Josh. Look, look, look. Look at this. Okay? All these monitors down here, that's their monitors, okay? These up here, this bank up here? This is us. We're on all the entrances and all the exits.

Harley: We're going to be screening all the calls ourselves, too. Nobody will get through to Reva without going through us first. We have the trace ready to go. As soon as we get a location, boom, it will show up on that screen there.

Gus: Not only that, we have additional units outside ready to roll at all times.

Josh: What if the caller's too far away?

Gus: Well, we have a dozen black and whites outside. Hopefully we'll pick the guy up before he even hangs the phone up. Excuse me. I'll be back. Johnson! Come here a minute, I want to ask you something. I need the roster of all the authorities...

Tony: Whoa, whoa. Excuse me, excuse me.

Adam: Reva needs these. We're on the air in 38 minutes. 38 minutes.

Reva: Tony, it's okay. Adam's the stage manager.

Tony: Oh, okay. All right. Looks like a schedule. It says you should have been on-set, like, ten minutes ago for a lighting check?

Reva: Oy, I'm cutting it close.

Tony: Yeah.

Reva: I bet you guys have never known me to be on time for anything, huh? But here, it's different. I am a big star, live bait. Doesn't make any difference. I guess I'm not going to open with a joke. How's it look?

Olivia: Why would you assume that this baby is his?

Phillip: Well, I actually knew that you were pregnant. Alexandra told me.

Olivia: Oh, and she told you it was Alan's. That figures.

Phillip: Well, what did you tell her?

Olivia: As little as possible.

Phillip: Good call. Okay. So you don't know who the father is?

Olivia: No idea. And we won't be able to take a test for months.

Phillip: (laughs)

Olivia: I'm so glad you're enjoying this.

Phillip: No, I'm just actually laughing at Alexandra. She's a bright woman, but, you know, occasionally she can be somewhat stupid. She had this whole scenario worked out where she was sure that you were going to swear to me that the baby was mine regardless of whether or not that was true. Have you told Alan yet?

Olivia: Alan knew before I did. He planned it, Phillip.

Phillip: What?

Olivia: That's how I got pregnant. He doctored my birth control pills. He switched them with placebos. He wanted to trap me.

Phillip: That son of a...

Olivia: It's okay, I'm paying him back. I took him to Mystic Island and dumped him there with no way to get back. I just needed a little time to push this divorce through and get rid of that snake forever.

Phillip: He switched your pills.

Olivia: Boggles the mind, doesn't it?

Phillip: Well, yes and no. Doesn't make any difference, though. If the baby is his...

Olivia: The baby's mine. I didn't plan this, but I want this so much, and I won't let Alan anywhere near this child.

Phillip: Yeah, but if it is his child, he's not just going to go away.

Olivia: Well, he's not going to have any choice, is he? Because I didn't ask for this, but I'm calling the shots now, and I will do whatever it takes to protect my baby.

Phillip: Well, I guess it could be mine. Which would change everything.

Olivia: That's what I want. That's what I'm asking. I want you to be this baby's father.

Reva: Oh, hey. Cassie, you're here.

Cassie: Yeah. Of course I am. Got a minute?

Reva: Sure.

Adam: Don't go far. Clock's ticking.

Reva: Yeah, okay. Thanks, Tony.

Cassie: So what do you say we get out of here, we go home, we put on our PJ's, we watch "I Love Lucy" reruns, and I'll bake you a pie.

Reva: Cherry?

Cassie: Whatever you want. I just... I want you to be okay.

Reva: Not you, too.

Cassie: What?

Reva: Are you going to give me the "Reva, it's not too late to change your mind" speech?

Cassie: No, because I know you've heard enough of that for one day. I just wish I could fix this, you know? I wish I could make it go away.

Reva: It's my problem, it's my fix.

Cassie: No. No, this is our problem, okay? It's ours because I know that you're going through this because of what you did for me and Richard. I know that.

Reva: Do you really believe that? You believe that what I did was for you?

Cassie: Of course I do. Of course I do. I know you were trying to spare us terrible pain.

Reva: I know, but let me tell you something, right now I'm starting to believe all the terrible things this crazy person has been saying about me.

Cassie: No, don't. Don't question yourself, Reva. You've got to get out of here and you have to be my brave, amazing sister. It's okay.

Reva: That's me.

Cassie: And then we're going to have a normal life, both of us.

Reva: We haven't had a whole lot of time for that, have we? Why do all the crazy things happen to us?

Cassie: (laughs) I don't know, you know? Either you're in trouble or I am. Can you imagine the stories we'd have to tell if we actually grew up together?

Reva: I think we're making up for lost time.

Shayne: Hey, Mom.

Reva: I know, I know. They need me.

Cassie: Listen, if you need anything-- anything-- you should find me, okay?

Reva: Thanks for the talk.

Cassie: Okay.

Reva: How are you?

Shayne: Good.

Reva: Okay?

Shayne: Yeah.

Reva: Okay. It's going to be okay. Okay, everyone. It's me. Can I have your attention, please? Just stop what you're doing for a second. I know that it feels more like an armed camp in here instead of a television station and I apologize for that, but before we start I just want you all to know how grateful I am that you have pitched in the way you have and on such short notice. I know it hasn't been easy, especially since we haven't even gone live, yet. (laughs) But on behalf of myself and my family, who have had their lives turned upside down with all of this, I want to say that we're thankful and very grateful because we're going to get this guy, we're going to get him tonight and we're going to lock him up. Thanks.


(Crowd murmuring).

Adam: 19 minutes, folks. 19 minutes to air.

Reva: Thanks. Thanks, Adam.

Josh: Well, you look great.

Reva: Well, then everything must be all right.

Josh: Is it?

Reva: (laughs nervously)

Josh: You're a very brave woman.

Reva: Or a total idiot.

Josh: No.

Reva: It's a very thin line.

Josh: Well, you just make sure you're on the right side of that thin line by the end of the night.

Reva: I will. I have to be, with all of you guys here. Thank you for coming.

Marah: Of course I came.

Reva: Even though you were the one that didn't want any of us here to begin with.

Marah: Yeah, but I still think that you are brave to do this, to take the chance.

Reva: Remind me of that when this is all over.

Shayne: Any time. Listen, we're going to be right there in the front, okay? If you ever feel freaked out or tired or scared, just look out and we'll be there.

Josh: Yeah. And so will Billy and Bill and Cassie, and all of your friends. So we are all here to help you if you feel like that's what you need.

Reva: Well, I will. I'll always need you guys. Thanks.

Josh: Okay.

Reva: Okay.

Josh: Let's give her some space. Come on. How are you guys holding up?

Marah: We're fine.

Shayne: No, we're not.

Marah: You know what I mean. We're okay. Don't worry about us.

Josh: It's my job to worry about you. Now you guys understand that we have done everything humanly possible to make sure that this is a safe situation tonight, all right?

Marah: Yeah.

Josh: But?

Marah: But I just feel like that no matter what we do, this guy is going to be one step ahead of us. That he or she is going to get us.

Josh: No, that's not going to happen, sweetheart. Listen, we've been through a lot together, haven't we? The three of us? And have I ever let you down?

Shayne: No.

Josh: Well, that's not going to change tonight. I promise.

Olivia: If I have my way, Alan will never know that this child could be his.

Phillip: Well, how does that happen?

Olivia: We just decide that the baby's yours.

Phillip: Regardless of what the paternity test says.

Olivia: Well, I thought about that, you know? Making sure the test came out right. Your Aunt Alexandra isn't that dumb. She's right that I thought about it. Faking the test results to make sure that you were the daddy. But I didn't think I could do that to you.

Phillip: Well, I appreciate that. Can you do that to the baby?

Olivia: In a heartbeat.

Phillip: Even if Alan is the real father?

Olivia: Alan is nobody's real father. You of all people should know that. Look, if you don't want to claim this baby as your own, I'll understand. I'll be disappointed, but I'll get over it because I'll have the child to raise and to love and to take care of. But it will just be him and me, because under no circumstances will Alan ever be this baby's father. Look at all the pain that he's caused you.

Phillip: He certainly kept me from my real father. That was the first betrayal.

Olivia: Yeah, but it wasn't the first cut, Phillip. You told me what it was like living in that house before you knew about Justin. It was hell. Alan kept you from a good man who was your birth father. It's not the same thing.

Phillip: No, I know. But it's still... damn him. He switched your pills.

Olivia: That is who he is. And I can't let a man like that raise my baby, and I'm not going to let this child become a part of some Spaulding war. I will leave town if have to because...

Phillip: No, no, no. No. You don't have to do that. Okay. Okay, what have you told Alan?

Olivia: I told Alan I lost the baby. And it gets worse. I told him that the doctored pills had damaged me to the point where I couldn't have another. I left him on the island to mull that over for a while.

Phillip: Well, that's...

Olivia: Cruel and ugly, I know. And I just wanted to hurt him as much as he hurt me.

Phillip: Hmm.

Olivia: I'm doing a great job of reeling you in, aren't I?

Phillip: (Laughs)

Olivia: I considered blackmail. I told a big ugly lie to pay Alan back. I'm sure you just can't wait to hang out with me.

Phillip: Alan deserves whatever he gets after what he did to you. And I will help you protect this baby. As far as saying that I'm the father, without knowing that, I'm not sure that I can do that.

Olivia: That's fair enough.

Phillip: Okay. Well, whatever happens, you shouldn't be alone tonight. They're going to release you in a little while. Do you want me to take you home?

Olivia: Yeah, I do.

Phillip: Okay. I'll be right back.

Cassie: Hey. Hi, guys. How are you doing?

Josh: Thank you for coming.

Cassie: Where else would I be? Look, I just spoke to Reva and she's doing great.

Billy: Well, she's a tough girl. And I certainly hope it runs in the family.

Cassie: I want to tell you, Josh, that there's no way that she could get through this without you. No way.

Josh: I just want this to be over and that's all.

Billy: We all want this to be over.

Cassie: Yeah. Look, I want to make sure I get a really good seat, so I'm going to get back in the studio.

Billy: Okay.

Cassie: Okay.

Billy: Yeah. Hey, save us some of those really good seats. I just got one question: Do you really think this dog and pony show is going to work?

Josh: It's like hunting, Billy, you know? I mean, you set your trap, and then you see what you catch. That's it.

Billy: Who you catch.

Josh: Reva said you weren't coming tonight.

Holly: I wasn't planning to come.

Josh: Actually, she said you got furious and tore up your invitation.

Holly: Just what you'd expect from a psycho, huh? I kept this. What's the matter, Josh? Aren't you happy to see me?

Ed: Is there a problem?

Josh: No, there's not a problem. Just surprised to see you were here, that's all?

Holly: I made a lot of noise about not coming tonight.

Ed: Well, I don't blame you.

Holly: And then I thought about-- all right, here you go-- I thought about Harley and Frank and everybody working so hard. So I thought I'd make it easier for them. Your prime suspect, right here, in front of all these witnesses. Oh, was that too snotty of me?

Ed: No, it was fine. Listen. And it may work, you know? They find out you're not the one, maybe the rest of this will all go away.

Blake: Mom. Hi. Hi, Ed. Are you sure you want to be here?

Holly: Well, the more I thought about it, the more I thought I should come. It's going to be a hell of a show. Wouldn't miss it for the world.

Blake: You sound like you want something ugly to happen.

Josh: Holly just arrived.

Reva: Oh, she changed her mind?

Josh: Evidently, yes.

Reva: Well, that's good.

Adam: We have five minutes to air, everybody.

Josh: Frank? Frank?

Frank: Yeah? What's up?

Josh: Can we put a security camera on Holly full-time?

Frank: Okay, we got it covered. It's not a problem. I want all the security cameras to know exactly where Holly is sitting.

Josh: I don't like this at all. She showed up after making such a big deal about staying away.

Tony: All right. Once we get out on the floor, I'll keep a special eye out, just in case.

Josh: Okay.

Adam: Okay, folks. About five minutes to air. Please take your seats, everyone. Take your seats. Go on up. There we go. Coming through. Take your seats, please. Take your seats, please. Take your seats. I'll need you folks to take your seats, please. Take your seats, please. That's good. You want to take your seats, please. Okay, folks? Places please. Five minutes. Five minutes to air, please. Nobody in now. Nobody in. Take your places, please. We're ready for you.

Reva: Oh. Okay. Thanks.

Josh: Time to go fishing.

Reva: Yeah. Let's just get him.

Tony: Hold it! Don't move!

Reva: What's wrong?

Tony: There.

Phillip: Sit down. I'm going to go get the cook to fix you something to eat.

Olivia: Okay.

Alexandra: What is she doing here.

Olivia: Ugh.

Phillip: Olivia is going to be staying with us until Alan gets back from his trip. She's my guest.

Alexandra: Oh, really? Well, I'll tell you...

Phillip: Alex.

Olivia: I don't need this. I'll go to the Beacon. I'll be fine.

Phillip: No, you won't. You will stay here. Not after that scare you had at the hospital.

Alexandra: Scare?

Olivia: It's nothing. I panicked. I thought I was losing the baby.

Alexandra: Oh, yes, the mystery baby.

Phillip: It's not a mystery, Alex, it's a baby, and it could be mine.

Alexandra: Yes, of course. Congratulations. It's... it's lovely for you.

Olivia: Oh, golly, won't this be fun?

Phillip: She'll be fine. She just thinks that you've trapped Alan and me. It will all be worked out in time.

Olivia: No, it's not just that, Phillip. She thinks I'm going to eat my young.

Phillip: It doesn't matter. She'll get over it. Or she won't. But you know what? Who cares? She doesn't matter. This is up to you. You can be a great mother.

Olivia: You really think so?

Phillip: I think this baby is lucky to have you?

(Panicked screams)

Reva: Security! Quick, hurry!

Gus: Tony, wait! Tony!

(Panicked yelling)


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