GL Transcript Thursday 2/27/03

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 2/27/03

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

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Harley: Hey, good morning.

Gus: What happened? I don't understand. I would have picked you up from the airport. You didn't call me.

Harley: Do I get a hello kiss?

Gus: What happened? What happened?

Harley: Nothing. Nothing. I know that you've had a rough couple of days with all this other stuff, and I thought you could use a little bit more sleep, so I took a cab from the airport. That's all.

Gus: No, I'm talking... talking about what happened in Chicago. I called you last night, I said I was just about to go to Germany to go check out the Roy Baker thing and then you...

Harley: Oh, by the way. Nice job getting the information from Alexandra.

Gus: ...And then you... and then you told me to hold tight.

Harley: Can I get you some coffee?

Gus: You told me to hold tight. You told me that you would come down here and tell me everything. What is the stall?

Olivia: Nolan, hi, it's Olivia. Could you put Mr. Spaulding on please?

Nolan: And which Mr. Spaulding are you referring to ma'am?

Olivia: Phillip. I was told that he was on his way back from New York today.

Nolan: Phillip is... Phillip is apparently still on route. If you'd like to leave a message, I'd be more than...

Phillip: No need to. Phillip has arrived.

Nolan: Just a moment please.

Phillip: Phillip actually arrived hours ago.

Nolan: I'm sorry, sir, I didn't know.

Phillip: Yeah. Who is it? It's Olivia?

Nolan: It's Olivia. Yes.

Phillip: Yeah, that's what I figured. That will be all, Nolan.

Nolan: Yes.

Phillip: Oh, hang on. Don't you want to hear this?

Alexandra: (Laughs) I presumed you wanted to have a private conversation.

Phillip: Well, when has that ever stopped you. No, wait. Hang on. No, just a second. I'll make this quick. And then you can tell me why the hell you're trying to screen my calls.

Frank: Hey, Kelly. Hold my calls please. Thank you. All right, Reva wants to do what, Josh?

Josh: She wants to go back on the air, Frank. She wants to go on live tonight with a special call-in show, the idea of being able to get this stalker to reveal himself or herself as the case may be.

Frank: Okay. She's thinking this because...?

Josh: Because we believe that the person who's harassing us won't be able to resist the opportunity to threaten her, Frank, in front of the world in real time.

Frank: Josh, this is such a long shot. Are you really on board with this?

Josh: I wasn't at first.

Frank: All right, what changed your mind?

Josh: The brick that came crashing through our living room window last night, Frank. This has got to stop. Now the only thing crazier than Reva's idea at this point, would be sitting around waiting for the stalker to strike again. Frank, this can work. I know it can. We just have to work out the logistics, that's it. And that's why I'm here right now.

Frank: You skipped over the part where you try to talk me into it.

Josh: You know what? That's nothing compared to what Reva's going through right now. Right now she's sitting in a meeting trying to get the line from some of the meanest, nastiest people on the face of the planet.

Frank: And who's that?

Josh: Television executives, Frank.

Lowe: So where is she?

Minion #1: Mr. Lowe, as long as we're waiting, the new set for "Springfield Today" still needs your final approval.

Lowe: You told her 8:30?

Minion #2: I left a message.

Lowe: Did she confirm?

Reva: 8:30 will be fine.

Lowe: Reva? How are you? It's been too long.

Reva: Yes, it has. Thank you. Thanks. So how does it feel running this station? It's a big leap from boardroom to driver's seat.

Lowe: Well, of course, I'd rather Holly were doing it. But till she resolves her legal issues, I'm the guy.

Reva: My temporary boss.

Lowe: I realize it's an awkward situation, you and Holly being such good friends, but we're professionals. I know we can create a good solid working relationship.

Reva: Not if being a professional means ignoring the fact that you stabbed Holly in the back. I don't believe she's stalking me. And I don't think you do either.

Lowe: Of course not. I just felt that giving Holly some time off would be the best way to protect her-- and the company. We appreciate your concern. Let's talk about getting you back on the air.

Reva: That's why I'm here.

Lowe: Oh, terrific. I saw a memo on Holly's desk about an in-depth story on the Spaulding's you were working on. Is that ready for air?

Reva: No, actually I'm shelving it for the time being.

Lowe: What?

Reva: I want to move in a different direction.

Lowe: Well, Reva, I'm not sure this the time for experimentation.

Reva: But it's my call, isn't it? You need me, Mr. Lowe. WSPR ratings are... well, how would you put it? Dismal? Rotten?

Lowe: Horrifying.

Reva: My show can boost them. We both know that. But if you want me back on the air, it's going to have to be my way or no way.

Lowe: Is this a proposal?

Reva: It's a list of what I need for my show. The concept is set in stone.

Lowe: Well, Reva, if it's a bigger dressing room you want or different theme music... you got to be kidding.

Reva: I don't joke about my show. That wouldn't be professional.

Lowe: This is...

Reva: Mandatory. The larger studio is to facilitate an audience of the phone banks and all of that.

Lowe: But a call-in show? I mean, Reva, by definition that's...

Reva: It's live, right. Which is why we have to get busy if I'm going to step in front of those cameras tonight.

Lowe: Reva...

Reva: And you're going to have to cal the sister stations to organize a... a simulcast. If you turn the page, you'll see all the technical things you need for a satellite feed.

Lowe: Satellite feed.

Reva: I know that we don't normally do this sort of thing, but I worked with the crew and the technical staff long enough to know that if anyone can pull it off, it's them.

Lowe: No, no.

Reva: They're great under pressure.

Lowe: Look...

Reva: I'm not so bad myself.

Lowe: You... excuse me. Am I allowed to get a word in edgewise here?

Reva: Oh, absolutely. As long as it's yes.

Marah: Don't you knock when you come in?

Tony: I didn't have a free hand. What's in the box?

Marah: Just moving some stuff out of the pool house to...

Tony: Make room for my stuff. Are we in sync or what?

Marah: We have our moments. So I was thinking...

Tony: Yeah.

Marah: Since you're going to be here 24 hours a day, every day being my mom's body guard, aren't you going to be a little bored?

Tony: Somehow I don't think so. Is that a painting?

Marah: Don't look at it. Don't look at it.

Tony: Ooh. Look at this. Did you do this?

Marah: I've been using the pool house as a huge closet for years. I have stuff in there that... that nobody should see.

Tony: Come on, this is good.

Marah: Come on, I did that when I was like 12. It's embarrassing.

Tony: You know what? I'm going to take this right back to that pool house, and hang it up. It'll brighten up the place.

Marah: (Laughs) Funny. That's exactly what my mom used to say about it.

Tony: Oh, she liked it, too, huh?

Marah: She's my mom; that's her job.

Tony: Oh, she and I have more in common than I thought.

Marah: Yeah. Lucky me.

Tony: You're still ticked that I went along with her on this call-in show idea, aren't you?

Marah: Yeah, a little.

Tony: Marah, it's a smart move, okay?

Marah: Yeah, but it's so mom. I mean it's not enough that this crazy lunatic is making threatening phone calls, breaking into our house, throwing a brick in the house. She needs to ask for more trouble.

Tony: That's not how it is?

Marah: Well, I'm worried that that's how it's going to end up. You know, she can never back away when there's trouble. She always has to open the door and say come on, come right in, come and get me. And I hate that.

Gus: What happened?

Harley: Gus, I was worried about you, okay? I was just so worried about you. You seemed so upset when were at your mother's grave. And then you got even more upset when you found out Generro lied about the exhumation.

Gus: Cooper.

Harley: See, I know you're really mad when you start calling me Cooper and slamming the table and stuff. Do you remember what we decided when we were sitting in the diner in Chicago?

Gus: Oh, yeah, yeah, I remember. I said that I would come down here and get everything I could out of Alexandra, and you would stay up there and try to figure out who was scamming us about my mother.

Harley: Exactly.

Gus: Ah-huh. So what? Are you onto someone?

Harley: Not exactly. No. See I.. I knew that the only way to get the real story was if we... dug up the body. We had to dig up the body. I mean sooner or later, we were going to have to dig up the body. Preferably sooner.

Gus: So you got a new exhumation order?

Harley: It's actually went a little bit further than that.

Gus: You dug up the grave?

Harley: Sort of.

Gus: Sort of? Either you did or you didn't?

Harley: Listen, you have to know that I did what I did, because I wanted to spare you the pain of doing it yourself. It had to be done, Gus.

Gus: Fine. Thank you, I guess. So now we what, run a new DNA test on the body? What does that mean?

Harley: No body. The casket was empty.

Gus: What?

Harley: Somebody set us up.

Gus: All right, so that means that...

Harley: That means that... that means that we are starting off on a whole new mystery.

Gus: My God. We're back to square one. We're back to square one. That means that with my mother, anything is possible. Anything at all.

Olivia: Phillip, are you there?

Phillip: Yeah, I'm still here.

Olivia: Who are you talking to, Nolan?

Phillip: It doesn't matter. How are you?

Olivia: I'm all right. So when did you get back from New York?

Phillip: Early this morning.

Olivia: Have you... have you seen anyone since you been back?

Phillip: Nobody important. Why?

Olivia: I'm just curious.

Phillip: Something happened while I was away?

Olivia: Yeah, look, we need to talk.

Phillip: Okay. Where and when?

Olivia: Company, as soon as you can.

Phillip: Make it an hour. I have something I have to take care of first.

Olivia: Okay, I'll be waiting.

Phillip: I think that leaves me enough time to get some answers out of you.

Alexandra: (Laughs) That depends what... what the questions are.

Phillip: Don't be cute. You're going way out of your way to keep me from talking to Olivia. Why?

Alexandra: She's pregnant, Phillip.

Sam: Uncle Sam?

Olivia: Sam? (Laughter) Hi.

Sam: I missed you.

Olivia: I missed you, too.

Sam: So, is it true?

Olivia: Yeah, I'm pregnant. Sit. What are you doing here?

Sam: Well, it's kind of hard to focus on your journalism school when your sister calls and leaves a rambling message and throws in "And I'm pregnant" at the end, like it's by the way.

Olivia: I'm sorry. I know.

Sam: Plus you didn't return my call... after I called you.

Olivia: Ah-huh.

Sam: So I wanted to check on you make sure you're okay.

Olivia: You're the best as usual. And I apologize. I've been a little scattered lately. What?

Sam: Scattered.

Olivia: Yeah.

Sam: Scattered in one of those hormonal reactions to being pregnant?

Olivia: Yeah.

Sam: I'm also wondering if you're happy.

Olivia: Why wouldn't I be?

Sam: Oh, I don't know. Maybe because when it comes to Alan you've taken ambivalence to a higher art. I bet he's walking on the clouds though.

Olivia: Actually Alan doesn't know.

Sam: What? You've told me before you told your husband, the father of the child?

Olivia: He may not be the father, Sam.

Sam: Phillip.

Olivia: Yeah.

Sam: You've been a busy girl.

Olivia: Look, this is why I wasn't exactly looking forward to talking to you about this.

Sam: Because you knew I was going to tell you how much of a mess it's going to be.

Olivia: It won't be a mess if I don't let it turn into one.

Sam: How? By pretending it never happened? You know, in a few months everyone's going to notice that you're eating for two.

Olivia: I'm talking about keeping it a secret, okay?

Sam: Liv, somebody's going to want to know who the daddy is. Preferably the two possible daddy's. There are only two on this list, huh?

Olivia: All right, you know what? That's not fair.

Sam: I'm frustrated. Okay. Why does it always have to be so complicated with you and men?

Olivia: I don't know, beginner's luck?

Sam: Olivia. Alan and Phillip are Spaulding's. They are used to getting what they want. And they both want the same thing. You. I can guarantee you that whoever isn't the father, is not going to take the news very gracefully. In fact, they'll probably sue to find out who the daddy really is.

Olivia: The paternity test.

Sam: And then it will get really ugly.

Olivia: No. You know what? It won't come to that.

Sam: You can't be sure.

Olivia: No, I can be sure. I can be sure.

Sam: Why? How? What are you planning now?

Olivia: I just... I just intend to make sure that this child has the father he deserves.

Sam: Well, there's a coded line if ever I heard one.

Olivia: Sam, I'm going to be a mother. That means I want what's best for this baby. And that includes the best father. Only that man doesn't happen to be my husband.

Sam: Yet.

Phillip: She's...

Alexandra: She's pregnant. Yes, you heard right. And I know what you're thinking, but it's not your child, Phillip. And no matter what she may try to sell you...

Phillip: Well, hang on a second now. We got to the point now where you'll just make-up anything.

Alexandra: Fine, fine. Spare me your shock and indignation, because I know you slept with Olivia, Phillip.

Phillip: You...

Alexandra: I've known it for weeks.

Phillip: This is insane.

Alexandra: Well, she's pregnant, but not by you.

Phillip: Oh. And you know all of this how?

Alexandra: All right, all right, just don't believe me. You go have your little tete a tete with Olivia, darling. And you try to act surprised when she tells you she's carrying your baby. Which will be the part about it which is a lie.

Phillip: Right. Well, why don't you tell me why she would do something like that?

Alexandra: Simple. She wants you to be the father. Oh, yeah, she may lust after Alan's money, but, well, that night should tell you, she craves something else.

Phillip: Uh-huh. So she has an agenda.

Alexandra: Oh, with a capital "A." And you know something? I will bet you anything that she knew she was pregnant when she slept with you. And that's why she slept with you. And that's when she slept with you.

Phillip: You know what? I don't believe anything that comes out of your mouth. Because you're actually the one that has the agenda. You're the one that came back to town trying to get rid of Olivia from the moment you arrived.

Alexandra: And you know why? Because for good reason, too. Because she's done nothing, but try to drive you and your father apart and permanently.

Phillip: Well, sure. How better to get at his money? And my, what? Youthful vigor, I guess.

Alexandra: Yes, yes. And you know what? She's found the perfect way now. Only, you know, a child to Olivia is nothing but a pawn, you know. That woman would just use her to further her own...

Phillip: Agenda. This various plot of hers to try to undermine this entire family. You know, I got to tell you. You amaze me the way you come up with this stuff. You really do.

Alexandra: Really? Well, what did she say to you? Did she ask you, you know, who you spoken to since you've got back from New York? Did she want you to come running over to see her as soon as you could? You see, she wants to get to you before anyone else can warn you about this bill of goods she wants sell.

Phillip: If you don't mind, I'll make up my own mind after I speak to Olivia.

Alexandra: Fine.

Phillip: If that's okay with you.

Alexandra: Fine, fine. Maybe you want to look at this first.

Phillip: Log book for the Spaulding jet.

Alexandra: Mm-hmm.

Phillip: What does that have to do with anything?

Alexandra: Well, you check the last entry. Because both she and Alan used the plane on the same day last week. Separate flights. But only Olivia returned.

Phillip: So this is part of her conspiracy?

Alexandra: (Laughs) Well, obviously she wants... she wants to get Alan out of the way so he can't make any waves or stop her from...

Phillip: You don't know that. It doesn't make any sense.

Alexandra: Oh, Phillip! Will just open your eyes, will you take a good, long hard look at the way this woman is trying to trap you? Will you please do it? Just do it before it's too late.

Frank: Now, hold on one second. You're telling me you want WSPR to tie up the entire 9-1-1 for Reva's show?

Josh: No, tie into, Frank. Not tie up.

Frank: Oh, Josh, this is sounding crazier by the minute.

Josh: We're not asking to monopolize the entire system, Frank. But we're going to need 9-1-1 technology to nail down this guy, who he is and where he is.

Frank: Oh, this is a nightmare.

Josh: Frank, it's not that big of a deal. You're acting like I'm asking the impossible.

Lowe: I'm afraid you're asking the impossible.

Reva: No, the necessary. Everything on that list is crucial to make a live call-in show fly.

Lowe: Why? I mean that is exactly my point. Why put together a broadcast that may not get off the ground? Let's stick to the tried and true.

Reva: You mean the way I've been doing my up till now? On tape?

Lowe: Yes.

Reva: No. That's not an option.

Frank: It's not an option, Josh.

Josh: It's the only one we've got right now, Frank. We have got to get this stalker to start playing by our rules. And once we get him out in the open, we have to nail him. That's where the 9-1-1 system comes in.

Frank: It's a logistical nightmare.

Lowe: Look, even if I said yes, I doubt we have the expertise to go live.

Frank: Josh, this is something that the NYPD would have a difficult time pulling off, let alone us. Not to mention what a major expense it's going to be.

Lowe: And it's a budget buster, too. I mean, let's face it, Reva. This is Springfield, not New York. No, I'm sorry. It can't be done.

Frank: It can't be done, Josh. That's the bottom line.

Josh: All right, Frank, fine. You want to talk about the bottom line? Let's do that. Why don't you just tell me how much it will cost, and I'll be happy to pay it whatever it is.

Frank: Josh, don't do this.

Josh: No, no, really.

Frank: Don't do this.

Josh: Who do I make the check out to, Frank? Springfield P.D. or 9-1-1 Incorporated, huh? Go ahead.

Frank: There's a chance that Reva's plan may not even work.

Josh: But it can, Frank. And that's good enough for me! Frank, we're not talking about a prank caller here. We're talking about a terrorist who's holding my entire family hostage. And I can not stand by for one more day watching the people I love the most be threatened in our home whenever the spirit strikes this guy. Not when there's something I can do about it. Or at the very least, a chance, Frank. So please, I’m begging you, don't tell me this is impossible.

Frank: All right, Josh. I'll try to sell it to the chief.

Reva: Is that your final answer? No?

Lowe: I'm afraid it is.

Reva: Okay. Thank you for your time. Well, we're done, right?

Lowe: Well, I appreciate you being so flexible.

Reva: Oh, I wasn't. I just said that we were done.

Lowe: Well, where are you going?

Reva: WTNO. I actually called their station manager last night and he was gaga over the idea of a live call-in show. "In a heartbeat," I believe was the exact quote. But I wanted to give you the right of a first refusal. And seeing as you said no, I'll be saying good bye.

Lowe: You have a contract with us, Mrs. Lewis.

Reva: Oh, yeah, yeah. I do. A contract with an out clause for creative differences. Which obviously we share here. You should read that contract.

Lowe: Reva?

Reva: What happened to Mrs. Lewis?

Lowe: I'm afraid your temporary boss can be overly cautious sometimes. Please, sit down. I am sure we can find a way to get this show on the air.

Reva/Josh: Let's get to work.

Harley: This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you about this stuff, because I knew you were going to just beat yourself up.

Gus: This is my mother we're talking about.

Harley: I know.

Gus: Now I don't know anything. I don't know whether she's dead. I don't know if she's alive. I don't know if the DNA test was legit? I don't know if it was faked. I got nothing but questions.

Harley: You got me, okay? And we're going to do what we do best, right? We're going to follow leads. We're going to piece together evidence. We're going to get some answers.

Gus: Right. Maybe we have to start by following-up on Uncle Roy.

Harley: Maybe. Maybe not. See Alexandra worked really hard to keep us away from Roy, didn't she? Then she worked really hard to steer us away from the phony grave.

Gus: So maybe the Uncle Roy thing is a set-up. We have to start somewhere to unravel this thing.

Harley: Spoken like a true detective.

Gus: I'm going to book us a couple of tickets to Frankfort next flight out.

(Cell phone rings)

Gus: Hello? Hey, Frank. What? When? No, no, we can't... no, Frank. Okay. All right. Our Germany trip is off.

Harley: Why? What did Frank want?

Gus: He wants us. Let's go.

Olivia: This isn't about getting Phillip back, Sam.

Sam: Oh. Go on. Keep saying that over and over. Maybe it'll sound convincing.

Olivia: Why are you so angry with me?

Sam: Because the sister I know is getting farther and farther away from the person you are.

Olivia: I'm not a monster, Sam.

Sam: Look, I'm a Spencer, too. I know how hard you want to push to get what you want. And in business, I'm sure it works quite well. But this is different. We're talking about a kid here, Liv.

Olivia: It's the baby I'm thinking about, Sam.

Sam: Oh, come on. It's Phillip that's on your mind. It's been that way ever since before you married his father.

Olivia: No, no. You don't understand.

Sam: Oh, I think I do. You're going to screw up three lives-- Alan's, Phillip's and this child's-- just so Livvy can get her guy.

Olivia: No, you don't really don't understand. Alan substituted sugar pills for my birth control pills. That is the only reason that I'm pregnant.

Sam: What?

Olivia: He felt that a surprise baby would bind us together for the rest of our lives. Some loving husband, huh? What kind of father do you think he's going to make, Sam?

Sam: Liv...

Olivia: I don't want that man anywhere near my baby. So he won't be. You think I'm tough when it comes to closing a deal? You haven't seen anything. Besides, this baby could be Phillip's.

Sam: What if it's not?

Olivia: I can rig a few lab test to make sure that he is. Look, it's a small price to pay.

Sam: Considering the return on the investment.

Olivia: I didn't ask for this, but I'll be damn if I'm not going to take care of this baby.

Sam: So the baby will have a loving devoted father? I wonder how the mother will turn out?

Olivia: Sam, don't go. Please.

Sam: Why? Why not? You know, you really do have this whole thing figured out. You don't need me to tell you how great of an idea it is. Because you know, I can't do that.

Phillip: Aunt Alex, I am not a complete idiot. I will listen to what Olivia has to say and then I will make-up my own mind.

Alexandra: No, then you will buy whatever she says, because you... you... I know. You want to be the father of this baby. Every bit as much as Olivia wants you to be.

Phillip: You... you don't know what you're talking about.

Alexandra: Oh, Phillip, come on, it's strongest instinct-- fathering! I mean, when you can take of a small child and you know that's your favorite thing.

Phillip: You know, that's enough.

Alexandra: No, no. Phillip... Phillip, what would you be without Lizzie, without James, without Zach? No, you're protecting them. Keeping them from the cold, cruel world out there.

Phillip: Well, tell me who I'd be without all that, Alex? You seem to hove all the answers.

Alexandra: All right, you are a man who deep down doubts his own self worth. I've seen it in you. Even as child. Come on, taking care of your sons and your daughter is the only thing that makes you truly feel worthwhile at all or good about yourself.

Phillip: And what? That's a crime?

Alexandra: No, no. And neither is putting your children on a pedestal along... along with their mothers. Phillip, that is how Olivia is going to win. And I think that is a crime. In fact, I think it's a damn shame.

Reva: So you're on your way home? Good. Oh, do me a favor, Bud, before you leave there? Will you be sure to tell the chief and Frank how thankful I am? Okay. And I'll thank you personally when you get home. Okay.

Marah: Mom?

Reva: Yeah.

Marah: Hey, I didn't hear you come on.

Reva: Oh, I haven't been here that long.

Marah: So they said yes to the show?

Reva: Full speed ahead.

Marah: That your usual pace. So I'm helping Tony move into the pool house, but it doesn't seem like that big of a task compared to what you have to do. Good cause. I hate this, you know.

Reva: Well, I'm sure Tony doesn't mind. That's not what you meant is it?

Marah: I had a bad feeling about this the second you brought it up, and I still do.

Reva: Marah...

Marah: Look, I know. I know. It's a way to take control of the situation. You know you convinced dad. You convinced the station. You even convinced Tony.

Reva: Everyone but you.

Marah: I'm just afraid that something is really going to go wrong.

Reva: Like what? People turning off their TV's by the tens of thousands the minute I hit the air. Now that would be a disaster.

Marah: How did I know you weren't going to take me seriously?

Reva: Oh, honey, come on. I didn't mean it like that. And I'm sorry.

Marah: It's like you're doing the same old thing. You're looking to get into as much trouble as you possibly can.

Reva: Marah, that's not how this is. And I'm not blindly rushing into it. I believe the first thing I did was ask all of you how you felt about me doing this show.

Marah: Yeah, and it's not like you listened to me.

Reva: The general consensus was that it was worth a try. And I'm not alone. I mean, that's a big difference. Your father is on my side with all of this. And we're going to take every precaution we can to make sure that there isn't any trouble.

Marah: Yeah, and what if that's not enough? What if you guys didn't think of everything?

Reva: You could never be 100% sure about anything, but you just have to do the best you can and go on from there.

Marah: Well, I know how you can be 100% sure. You can just call it off.

Reva: I'm not going to do that.

Marah: Because you don't want to? Because it won't fit into your plans?

Reva: How long are you willing to have this stalker terrorize us? Until he gets bored with throwing bricks? Until he goes onto something worse?

Marah: But maybe there is another way to handle all of this. Did you ever think that you could be absolutely wrong about this, Mom? Because sometimes you are.

Reva: You're right. Sometimes I am.

Marah: But you're still going to go ahead and do it anyway?

Reva: Yes.

Marah: I don't get it.

Reva: Life in general is like that. Sometimes you do the wrong thing in so many different ways, but you go ahead and you do it anyway because there just isn't any choice.

Marah: But aren't you scared?

Reva: Very. I'd be a fool not to be. And you may think I'm wrong, but I'll be a bigger fool to cancel the show.

Phillip: Hey, Doc?

Rick: Hey.

Phillip: Hey, what the prognosis?

Rick: Hey, he's back. Hey, how did your visit go with Lizzie? That was great. I see. Being home is not so great, huh?

Phillip: Can I ask you a question?

Rick: I'm sorry, buddy, I left my wallet in my other pants. I'm sorry. What is it? Go ahead.

Phillip: How needy am I?

Rick: What?

Phillip: How much do you think I need other people to play off of?

Rick: Why would you ask this question?

Phillip: Because I'm on my way someplace and I'm trying to figure out whether or not it's where I ought to go.

Rick: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Phillip: Well, just answer the question.

Rick: Are you needy?

Phillip: Yeah.

Rick: Yeah, you're one of the least needy people I know on this planet. Tough as nails, and a whole host of other clichés I can write down for you if you want.

Phillip: All right. Thanks.

Rick: Is this an actual place you're thinking of going or a figurative one?

Phillip: You know the situation with Olivia and me?

Rick: Well, I don't know what it is today. So why don't you tell me. Oh, I get it. She's you're next stop.

Phillip: That's why I stopped here first.

Rick: For a neediness check.

Phillip: It's very, very, very, very complicated.

Rick: Well, of course it is. You're in love with a woman, and you made love to a woman who happens to be married to your father. How could you not have strong feelings for her?

Olivia: Oh, come on, you said an hour.

Darlene: Hi.

Olivia: Hi.

Darlene: These arrived for you at the Beacon.

Olivia: Thanks.

Darlene: Thought you'd want to see them right away.

Olivia: Thanks. My divorce agreement. Sign and return. No muss, no fuss. Not bad. What's this?

Darlene: Came by messenger from the hospital.

Olivia: It's a copy of my sonogram. Oh, Dr. Sedwick, you have great timing. Sorry. Can you just... can you hang in there one minute? I want to give you something to take back to the lawyer. Oh, God!

Darlene: Are you all right?

Olivia: I feel a weird pain.

Darlene: Oh, Miss Spencer, what's wrong?

Olivia: I don't know. Somebody help me please!

Alexandra: What? Wait a minute. Slow down. I can barely understand you. What? Reva Shayne is promoting what? No, no. I'm turning it on right now. Call me back when you know more.

Marah: All right, you're scared because something could go wrong tonight, right? Something could mess up in a really big way?

Reva: It's the chance I have to take.

Marah: Mom, this is your head telling your heart to stop and listen, okay? Maybe this is not the right thing to do.

Reva: Marah, honey, there... there are two kinds of fear. There's the kind you're talking about, the logical, rational kind. The kind where you know that something's going to go wrong or might go wrong, like... I don't know. Like a friend gets in a car accident, and you don't know how they are or a child gets lost in the woods.

Marah: Or your mom makes herself a sitting duck.

Reva: The point is, is that the adrenaline kicks in. It gets pumping so that it gives you the strength to be able to deal with that friend. Or to go and find that lost child. And then the crisis is over and everything calms down again. But the other kind of fear doesn't allow that.

Marah: Why not?

Reva: Because it's irrational fear. It's the kind of paralyzing, ongoing dread where you don't know what to do, because all you know is being scared. And that's what this person wants all of us to feel, and I refuse to give into that.

Josh: How are things at action central?

Reva: Moving ahead.

Tony: You guys aren't watching TV?

Marah: Why? What's on?

Tony: This.

Reva: I'm very proud to say that tonight I'm coming back to WSPR. Not with my regular show, but with a special edition of "The Reva Lewis Show." It's a show you won't want to miss, because you can be more than just viewers. You can be part of the show, by simply picking up your phone. That's right. For the first time we're going on the air live and uncensored. So if you've got something on your mind, especially if you've got something on your mind, call me and watch.

Rick: Boy, these questions are real doozies today.

Phillip: Well, you know why I'm asking.

Rick: Yeah, yeah, of course, I do.

Phillip: A tendency to be just a little obsessive with the women in my life.

Rick: Protective. Don't forget protective.

Phillip: I know. The point is...

Rick: What? What are you saying?

Phillip: I'm not sure how to put this into words.

Rick: What is it you want? Ask that.

Phillip: You know, I want things to be easier.

EMT: Dr. Bauer, I need you over here please.

Olivia: It's my baby.

Rick: All right, let's get her please.

Olivia: It's my baby!

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