Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 2/26/03
Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya
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Gus: (Sighs)
Harley: Hey.
Gus: Well, they did not want me there... Believe me.
Harley: Who? The guys at the precinct?
Gus: Yes. Somehow or another, all their old files have gone missing or they're all just misplaced. I'm telling you, somebody's messing with me.
Harley: Really? All right. Maybe... Well, maybe your mother's bracelet was just never reported stolen. Maybe somebody did actually give it to her as a gift.
Gus: Yeah, well, there's only one place to find out.
Harley: Alexandra Spaulding.
Gus: I'm on my way.
Harley: Let's go. I think we need to have a little talk with that lady.
Gus: Honey... I'm going to go by myself, okay?
Harley: Fine. I mean, I really think that that's a very good idea. I need to stay here and do some digging on my own.
Gus: Yeah, what are you digging into?
Harley: I'm digging into whoever's preventing us from getting an idea on your mother's grave.
Gus: My past is becoming your life's work. Watch your back.
Harley: You watch your back. (Whispers) Pick up. Frank, it's me. Any luck getting that exhumation order? Okay. No, that's fine. Just don't keep me hanging here too much longer, okay? Because this town is getting more unfriendly by the minute.
Alexandra: Oh, do I wish I could just throw you away.
Edmund: Talking to yourself again? You're coming apart. Now remind me, who does that bracelet belong to again?
Alexandra: You don't forget a thing, do you, Edmund?
Edmund: Well, it's not very often I'm sent out to remove the contents of a gentleman's safe deposit box. Not that Roy Baker was a gentleman, or was he?
Alexandra: What would it take for you to stop all these questions?
Edmund: I don't know. What are you offering?
Alexandra: Oh. Alan's disappeared. The quarterly vote is coming up. I can think of several options if you were to develop a very fine case of amnesia.
Edmund: Is one of those a seat on the Spaulding board?
Alexandra: Not exactly.
Edmund: Well, then I'm not exactly interested. You see, things are looking up for me, Alexandra.
Alexandra: Are they?
Edmund: Mm-hmm. And it all started with a phone call I got from San Cristobel.
Reva: Hey...
Josh: Come on, come on.
Reva: Don't you have work you have to get back to?
Josh: Not until I have this little dinner.
Reva: You're going in the wrong direction.
Josh: No, I don't think so. Come on.
Reva: (laughs) Mmm. How much time do you think we have?
Josh: Well, I'm done with all the work I have to do, and I just want one hour. Just one full hour with my beautiful wife without any wacko phone calls and the... (key turns in lock)
Reva: Oh, Shayne.
Josh: Hello, son.
Shayne: Sorry if I scared you.
Reva: Well, what are you doing home?
Shayne: I should called out or something.
Reva: What?
Shayne: Someone broke into my locker at school today.
Josh: Your locker?
Reva: What did they take?
Shayne: They didn't take anything. They kind of left me something.
Reva: Left what? Oh, no.
Josh: When did this happen?
Shayne: Just now.
Josh: Was the locker broken?
Shayne: No.
Josh: Did you give anybody your combination?
Shayne: No. Those... Those locks aren't hard to break into. My friends and I do it all the time to play jokes on each other and stuff.
Josh: Okay. All right, we're going to have to get this to the police. There might be some evidence they can take...
Reva: There won't be.
Josh: Reva, we don't... We don't know that.
Reva: Yes, we do. How many times has this person been in and out of this house and we've never had one piece of evidence?
Josh: Yeah, but that doesn't mean that this will...
Reva: Yes. This person is going to keep coming closer and closer.
(Car tires screech)
(Glass smashes)
Reva: Oh! What...? (police siren wailing)
Officer: Everyone okay in here?
Josh: Yeah, yeah. We're fine. Did you get him?
Officer: One of our cars is still in pursuit.
Josh: Did you see who did it?
Officer: A person in a dark van threw something.
Reva: A brick, with a message. "Stoning is too good for you."
Shayne: Oh, man, what a psycho.
Officer: I'll get this to the lab.
Shayne: You know what? You might as well take this too. Someone put it in my locker at school.
Officer: Thanks, folks. We'll get on this right away.
Josh: Thank you.
Reva: It's not going to matter.
Josh: Reva, we...
Reva: They're not going to find anything.
Josh: We don't know that for sure.
Reva: Yes, we do. They're not going to catch this guy with prints or DNA or car chases. He's always one step ahead of us. Maybe in a year or... Or months or whatever, he'll make a mistake and we'll catch him. But not after... He's already terrorized our children; he's already turned us against our friends. No, I don't want to wait any longer.
Josh: What do you mean?
Reva: This person knows us inside and out. They know where we go, what we do, everything about us. They can be this close and not be noticed. Maybe we've been looking at this the wrong way. This creep isn't just some common criminal who steals jewelry and gets away. His goal is to keep coming. His goal is to make us feel like we're helpless, to make us feel so frightened that we can't think straight.
Josh: He's going to make a mistake.
Reva: Yes, but what kind of condition are we going to be in by then? No. No waiting. It's time to get in his face.
Edmund: I'm waiting for a diplomatic courier who is bringing me an offer from my brother Alonzo. It seems there's a position he'd like me to fill in San Cristobel.
Alexandra: What do you suppose it is? What? Head mercenary? Count of cover-ups?
Edmund: Ha ha ha ha. You know, you'd do well to stop making fun, and start practicing your deepest curtsey.
Alexandra: You'd do well to put away Alan's fine Cuban cigars, because grown men have vanished for less.
Edmund: Well, it doesn't matter. I'll be leaving anyway.
Alexandra: Before you even know what the offer is?
Edmund: It has to be better than playing lapdog to the Spaulding's.
Alexandra: Oh, I don't think of you that way. Well, maybe a pit bull, the kind you let off the leash in time of need. But, you know, think about that. That's almost a compliment.
Edmund: Always dangling a carrot, aren't you? Always holding out the promise of something better to come. The problem is it never does come, does it?
Alexandra: Well, maybe your carrot will be on your dinner table tonight.
Edmund: But the problem is, Alexandra, I'm losing my appetite for carrots. You and your brother have always treated me as the penniless royal. I can't really blame you. It's what I've always sold myself as.
Alexandra: Well, I don't think of that way.
Edmund: Oh. But that doesn't matter, does it? I'm changing the way I operate, Alexandra. I'm changing a great deal about myself, in case you haven't noticed. It doesn't really matter what my brother wants me to do. It has to be a step up from here.
Alexandra: Well, I'm really sorry you feel that way. I... You've been a good friend, Edmund, and, despite what you think, I rather like you.
Edmund: Your charms haven't escaped me either.
Alexandra: Good. Well, maybe we can come to some agreement then, huh? Alan has disappeared. I've got my hands full with Phillip and Olivia. And I really don't know what to do about this other thing.
Edmund: You're a smart girl. You'll figure it out.
Alexandra: Are you going to betray me the moment your appointment comes through?
Edmund: Betray you?
Alexandra: (laughs) Please don't give me that wide-eyed, innocent look. It doesn't befit you. You're much too large. Is our deal still good?
Edmund: Oh, the bracelet.
Alexandra: Ah, yes. Among other things.
Edmund: Don't worry. My amnesia's still in place.
Alexandra: How can I make certain that that amnesia is permanent? I mean, outside of killing you, of course?
Buzz: More coffee, lady?
Harley: What in the world are you doing here?
Frank: Hello.
Harley: Oh.
Frank: I didn't like the sound of your voice over the phone.
Buzz: I didn't like it that Frank didn't like it...
Harley: Oh.
Buzz: So here we are.
Harley: Oh.
Frank: So what's the deal? Chicago P.D. giving you the runaround?
Harley: Well, Chicago P.D. acts one second like their Gus's best friend, and the next it's like they don't even know him. It's very weird.
Frank: Yeah, well, we're here to make sure it doesn't get a little too weird. So has anybody been...
Harley: What? Following me?
Frank: Yeah.
Harley: I don't think so.
Frank: All right.
Harley: Did you find a Judge?
Frank: Yeah, actually. It's a friend of a friend. He's looking into it, so...
Harley: Looking into it? Frank, I don't have a month here. I need answers.
Buzz: Well, you're not going to get one now, so settle down. What's going on?
Harley: What's going on? What's going on? The latest is that Gus... Gus and I visited the grave that belongs to his mother, is supposed to belong to his mother. And Sonny Gennaro said it had been exhumed. Yeah, when we got there that thing was hard as a rock. That ground had never been touched.
Buzz: Sonny Gennaro?
Harley: Sonny Gennaro is a cop that Gus knows. He's Chicago P.D. and then Gus asked him, "Is there a chance it could have been a mistake? Is there a chance? Maybe you guys dug up the wrong grave."
Frank: Whoa, whoa. So hold on. So what did he say?
Harley: Well, basically he said there's no way that could have happened.
Buzz: In other words, he lied.
Harley: That's what we think. So now we don't even know if the woman in that grave is really Gus's mother. But we don't know who here is involved in this, so I asked Frank to bring in somebody from the outside. (cell phone rings)
Frank: Hold on a second. Sorry. Copper here. Yeah. Oh, no, no. Actually, sir, we were awaiting your call. Thank you very much for calling, your Honor. You did? When? I'm indebted to you. I appreciate that, sir. Thank you very, very much. I owe you one. The orders went through. The backhoe's on its way to the graveyards.
Harley: This is why I ask you to do stuff. I love you.
Frank: Hey, hey, slow down, slow down. That cold Chicago ground is going to be hard to dig in.
Harley: I don't care how cold. I don't care how hard it is. I'm going to be there and get that D.N.A. evidence for Gus.
Josh: Yeah, I understand. Thank you very much. The police...
Reva: He got away.
Josh: Yeah, there was a high-speed chase.
Shayne: Did anybody get a look at him?
Josh: No. They couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman. Whoever was driving the car was wearing a hat and sunglasses.
Cassie: They didn't get a license tag number?
Josh: No, nothing.
Shayne: It's like mom said, we're never going to get this guy.
Reva: Probably not. As long as we keep playing it his way: Reaction, defense.
Cassie: What's the alternative?
Reva: Offense.
Cassie: What are you talking about?
Reva: I refuse to spend one more minute of my life as a victim. Whoever this person is has skills and brains, but I do, too. We've been sitting around cowering in the corner waiting for him to make the next move. Well, I say it's our turn to take charge. We lure him out in the open and we force him to make the next move, and when he does he'll do it in front of an entire viewing audience.
Shayne: I don't get it.
Josh: Your mother wants to go back on the air.
Reva: But with a totally different format. I want to do a live show with viewers calling in. And my first show will be a exposé about everything that I've been going through these past few months.
Josh: Wait a second. Wait. The first show?
Reva: Well, yes, I mean I don't care how many shows it takes to bait him, to have him take the bait, because he'll take it.
Josh: Reva, when we talked about this before, you only talked...
Reva: I know, you didn't like it any more then than you do now. But it's our only chance. If we can lure him into the open with...
Josh: What? With personal detailed information about our lives?
Reva: Details that involve him, yes.
Cassie: Which will just make him furious.
Josh: That's exactly what I've been trying to say to you.
Cassie: Reva, you're just going to make it worse.
Reva: How can it get any worse? Look, this person had a problem with Richard's death and had a problem with my trial. It pushed his buttons. Well, maybe if I can push a little harder, he's going to snap and he'll make a mistake.
Josh: Reva, you're going to be putting yourself out there as a target.
Reva: I'm already a target. But I'm a private one. This freak has the cover of anonymity. But if we could get him out into the open, it'll happen at the studio where I'll be surrounded by staff and guards.
Josh: Those people won't even know what to look for until it's too late.
Reva: Too late for the stalker. But if we can get him in the open...
Josh: If.
Reva: If I can force his hand...
Josh: If.
Reva: Yes, okay!
Josh: If.
Reva: Okay. It's a wild card. But if I play it right, I really believe we can get him.
Cassie: If he doesn't get you first.
Detective: We've got the coffin.
Edmund: You are beautiful when you threaten murder.
Alexandra: (laughs)
Gus: Bonnie and Clyde together again.
Alexandra: What are you doing here? And why didn't Thomas announce you?
Gus: It's a funny thing about that guy. Ever since Harley was rough on him and he had fallen and couldn't get up, he's been kind of scared of me. Can't say it doesn't come in handy. How're you doing, Eddie?
Edmund: Good to see you, Detective Aitoro.
Alexandra: What do you want?
Gus: What? What would I want? A cup of tea would be nice.
Alexandra: Tea?
Gus: Yeah. That'd be great. Because, you know, it's so miserable in Chicago when you're standing in a cold, windy grave. Yeah, tea, lemon, sugar. That would be beautiful. That would hit the spot.
Edmund: Well, I've had my tea, so I think I'll be leaving.
Alexandra: Thank you, Edmund, for everything.
Edmund: As well you should. Detective Aitoro.
Gus: Scampering away like the rat that he is.
Alexandra: What is it? You barge in here, you insult my guest...
Gus: Before you go into a litany of my wrongs, I've got to warn you... Alexandra, I'm tired. I'm very tired. I've been to Chicago and back without any results, and I'm starting to get cranky, you know?
Alexandra: Mm-hmm.
Gus: I'm getting so cranky my dead mother doesn't even want to be around me. My dead mother that might not even be my dead mother. Alexandra?
Alexandra: What?
Gus: I want answers.
Alexandra: So, we're going down to the police station again?
Gus: No. I can listen from here just fine.
Alexandra: Hmm.
Gus: There's something I have to tell you first, though. Uncle Roy is out of his coma. And not only has he regained the use of his voice, but he called his cousin to pick him up.
Alexandra: Roy, Roy... That's the Roy that... Roy Baker.
Gus: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, that's the Roy. That's the Roy. The Roy Baker that you sent away for a little R & R.
Alexandra: Well, I hope... I'm glad to hear he's feeling better.
Gus: I'll pass that on to him.
Alexandra: Oh.
Gus: And maybe you can cop a plea.
Alexandra: Of what?
Gus: A plea for kidnapping. That's some serious jail time, Alexandra. So I hope whatever it is you're keeping from me about my own parents, I really hope it's been worth it for you.
Alexandra: I did not kidnap Roy Baker.
Gus: Oh, is that right? Well, you know what? Tell it to the judge.
Alexandra: (laughs) I was only trying to help the man.
Gus: I doubt it. I've got a plane to catch. Oh, thanks a lot for the tea that I never got.
Alexandra: Mm-hmm.
Gus: I'm sure it would have been poison.
Alexandra: (laughs)
Gus: 0-1-1... 4-9... Come on, baby, don't hesitate. Give me the rest of the number.
Alexandra: Hello, this is Alexandra Spaulding. I'm calling from America. I want to speak to Dr. Leuze. Well, you tell him it's urgent. Dr. Leuze, why wasn't I informed that Roy Baker was released? What do you mean? He's still in a coma? He didn't call any family members or any... I see. No, no, that's quite all right. I... I think I must have been misinformed. Thank you. Purposely.
Gus: That's it, Auntie Alex, game over. I win.
Detective: We're ready to raise the coffin.
Harley: Yeah, all right. I'll... I'll be in in a second.
Detective: Yeah.
Buzz: This is going to be bad, isn't it?
Harley: Yeah, but... You know, I've done these before.
Frank: When you're emotionally involved like this...
Harley: It's not my mother.
Frank: Yeah, but she's not a Jane Doe either. Let me handle this.
Harley: No, no.
Buzz: Frank will get what you need.
Harley: No, Dad... No.
Buzz: I know that look on your face. It's dread.
Harley: I have to do this, okay? Gus needs answers. And I want to be the one who sees the evidence, anyway. And I want the chain of custody to start with me, okay? It begins and ends with me. I'm glad you guys are here. This one's mine.
Frank: We'll do it together. Come on.
Reva: Don't everybody speak at once.
Josh: Okay, I'll tell you what. I'll start. I still don't like this plan.
Cassie: Something could go wrong. Everything could go wrong.
Josh: Yeah, and for what? This guy is smart, Reva. I don't think he's going to fall for the call-in talk show thing.
Reva: Well, yeah, he's smart, but he's also unbalanced. I mean, look what he's done so far. He broke into this house and he... He stole things just to prove how close he can get to us. And now he's escalated it, getting closer and closer. He had the gall to attack this house with two uniformed policemen sitting right outside. I mean, whatever emotion is driving this person, it's too much for him to contain. He's going to snap. He's not going to be able to resist calling in.
Shayne: You keep saying "he." How do you know...
Reva: It's not Holly!
Shayne: Frank says that it could...
Reva: I don't care what Frank says. The police needed to pin this on someone, and they chose her.
Shayne: She kidnapped every kid in town, Mom, just about.
Reva: Sweetheart. She was going through a terrible ordeal, but it is over now.
Josh: Is it, Reva? Don't forget, she was there the day you found the bloody clothes.
Reva: Stop it. Everyone, just stop it. Holly did not do this. Bloody clothes, writing on the wall, letters on... On Shayne's sweatshirt. That's not Holly's style. Yes, she missed her child and she went a little crazy, but she's not cruel.
Josh: Maybe not the Holly we know, Reva. But what if she's drinking again? What if she's got a whole other personality inside of her that even she doesn't know anything about?
Cassie: We all could have another side, a different personality. That's what makes this so scary, Reva. It could be anyone.
Josh: And that anyone knows a whole lot about this family, Reva. Every time we try to do something, this person is one step ahead of us.
Reva: Think about it. He's won. He already has us suspicious of every person in our life. That's what he wants, and I refuse to let him have it.
Marah: And what's to stop him from figuring out what you're trying to do?
Shayne: He could turn it around, Mom. He can make it his show.
Cassie: Reva, I don't want you doing this.
Reva: You're afraid of what's going to be said about Richard.
Cassie: No, I'm afraid of what's going to happen to you. At best this is a long shot. You could be putting yourself on the line for nothing.
Shayne: The odds are against you, Mom.
Cassie: Let the police handle it.
Marah: Exactly.
Cassie: Otherwise, you're just asking for trouble.
Tony: Well, I think it's a great idea. I think you should do it. Listen, the quicker you step up to the challenge, the better. A coward can smell fear, and this guy thrives on it. So if you go after him, you change the balance, you set him off.
Reva: Make him react for a change.
Tony: Exactly. That's the only way to go about it. This guy, he's got expectations. He thinks you guys are sitting around doing nothing. This way, you go after him; he's not going to know what hit him.
Marah: And what if he wants to hit back? And this time with more than just a brick?
Tony: Well, there could be a next time if we do anything. Hell, this guy could be standing outside the window for all we know. We got to take control.
Reva: I second that. Anyone else?
Shayne: Why can't you just stay home and bake brownies for once?
Josh: He's worried about you. So am I.
Tony: I'm going to be her shadow.
Marah: Her what?
Tony: I'm going to be her personal bodyguard. I'll go... I'll go with you wherever you go at all times, until this thing is over.
Marah: Great, so now I have two people to worry about.
Josh: Tony, Tony, I really appreciate that offer, but we have not yet decided that this is what we're going to do.
Cassie: You haven't.
Marah: Mom, don't do this, please.
Reva: Sweetheart, I will have more protection at the studio than I have here.
Marah: All it takes is one lunatic to sneak a weapon in. You're going to be a sitting duck. You can't do this.
Reva: You don't trust me enough to see this through?
Marah: Trust you? Mom, I love you, but let's face it: You have a way of bringing chaos into every aspect of your life, and now you want to do it publicly. And not only to yourself, but to Tony and to the rest of us? Well, you know what? I don't think that's fair.
Reva: Marah...
Marah: No, for once, can you just back down please? Can you listen to us? Don't you understand that we're trying to save your life? Don't you...
Reva: Sweetheart...
Marah: No, don't! Get away from me, please.
Marina: Okay, there you go.
Gus: Thank you. Yeah, okay, but it has to be a direct flight to Frankfurt. Yeah, I don't... I can't do stopovers. Okay. Good, that's the early one? Good, I got it. Thank you.
Marina: Are you going to Germany?
Gus: You do not tell anybody that. You got it?
Marina: Oh, it's a big secret, huh?
Gus: Where's Buzz?
Marina: Uh, he got a call from Harley and took off. Hey, you want a free piece of pie?
Gus: Took off? Took off where?
Marina: Who knows? It's pecan.
Gus: Did Harley say what she wanted?
Marina: Maybe. Depends on how big a tip you're going to give me.
Gus: Oh. Here we go again. (sighs) How much trouble are you going to be? I'll ask you one more time. Did Harley say what she wanted?
Marina: No.
Gus: Are you sure about that?
Marina: Yep.
Gus: You're kidding, right? You are wicked. You're wicked.
Marina: Yeah, well, I'm ten dollars richer.
Gus: (sighs)
Alexandra: What kind of a game are you playing with me, Detective Aitoro?
Gus: What did I do?
Alexandra: Nothing a simple phone call couldn't clear up.
Gus: Mm.
Alexandra: Roy Baker is still in a coma.
Gus: Oh, that's sad to hear. What happened? Relapse?
Alexandra: What did you hope to gain from this little foolish ploy?
Gus: It doesn't feel good to be tricked, does it?
Alexandra: You're making a huge mistake, because you're not only going to affect Harley and her children, as well. I have asked you to trust me.
Gus: Trust you about what exactly? What, that if I don't find out who my biological parents are, everybody's going to live happily ever after, is that it? It was Miguel Santos, wasn't it? Miguel Santos got Regina pregnant.
Alexandra: Oh, I'm not going to answer that...
Gus: No, you're not going to... You're not going to answer it because she might be my mother. And then again, Regina might not be my mother. Isn't that right?
Alexandra: I don't know what you're talking about.
Gus: No? I'll tell you something. I have a right to know who I am, okay? I have a right to look in the mirror and know who's looking back at me. Listen, you play all the games that you want to play, okay? Throw me all the curves that you want to throw me, but at the end of the day, I'll have every single answer that I need, including what your problem is.
Alexandra: Oh, fine, fine. You go ahead. You let the past cost you your future.
Gus: No, I'm sick and tired of your little riddles.
Alexandra: No, I'm sick and tired. I am sick and tired of trying to protect everyone, from Alan to Phillip to Harley. If you're so bound and determined to get to the bottom of this when I have cautioned you over and over...
Edmund: Alexandra, I have the information. Thank you, we need to discuss it. Shall we?
Gus: I'm not done with you.
Edmund: Excuse us, please. Well, you're worried about me spouting out all the family secrets. What on earth were you doing in there?
Alexandra: What do you care? Unless your royal post turns out to be on a shooting range?
Edmund: Quite the contrary, as a matter of fact. I'm no longer in exile. My brother Alonzo has issued a complete pardon.
Alexandra: Really? In exchange for what?
Marina: Thought I was going to have to get in the middle of that.
Gus: I'm going to ask you something, and I'm not going to pay you this time, okay? What time did Buzz leave to go pick up Harley?
Marina: Uh... I mean, not too long ago. Uh, my dad came by, and...
Gus: Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. What? Your father went, too? Frank went also? (sighs)
Buzz: Wow, they don't make them like this anymore. It looks as solid as it was when they put it in the ground.
Frank: Somebody spent some money on this.
Harley: See, but that's part of the problem. Because Gus' mother, if this is Gus' mother, she died in a slum hotel-- no friends, no family. This should be a pauper's grave.
Buzz: So, what do you think is going on? (cell phone rings)
Harley: I don't know what to think. (phone continues ringing)
Frank: All right, sis, you ready? Come on. (phone ringing)
Harley: Uh, yeah. You know what, let's just pull what we need for the DNA evidence, and let's get out of here.
Buzz: Let's you and me back off.
Frank: You got it.
Harley: No, I want... I want to see this, Dad. Go ahead, Frank.
Frank: All right, here we go.
Buzz: What?
Frank: It's... Let's look.
Buzz: Did you hear that?
Harley: What?
Frank: What was that? I've never seen anything like this before in my life.
Harley: Well, somebody definitely does not want us to get in here.
Buzz: What would they be trying to hide?
Harley: Frank, open this. Open it. Open it.
Frank: Sis, I'm trying. It won't budge.
Harley: Well, then blast the thing. Because we're definitely not leaving until I see this body!
Frank: (grunting)
Alexandra: Well, that's the second time today you've rescued me.
Edmund: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Alexandra: The bracelet, Edmund. You hid it. Detective Aitoro was almost about to see it. And then there's Company, of course. You stopped me from saying things that could have made everything much, much worse.
Edmund: Mm.
Alexandra: You've been a good friend. And I think you'll make an even better ambassador.
Edmund: What?
Alexandra: Well, I told you you were far too impatient with me.
Edmund: What are you telling me?
Alexandra: I just heard rumors they were looking for a new ambassador to replace your brother. I made a few delicate phone calls, nothing that could actually secure you the job, but I thought a good word here and there would at least put you in the running.
Edmund: Aha. And, of course, you reminded them of all the American dollars your business generates down there?
Alexandra: Oh, I might have mentioned that.
Edmund: Ah! Here I have been playing Napoleon, and all along my good fortune is because of you.
Alexandra: Well, I happen to know what it feels like to be exiled from your family, from those who were supposedly born to love you, to feel cast off, unappreciated.
Edmund: No, to feel like a fool. But I should have known.
Alexandra: Well, I should have known you... You wouldn't stab me in the back. But until today, I didn't really know for sure.
Edmund: Until today, I wasn't grateful to anyone.
Alexandra: Well, here's to the new ambassador of San Cristobel.
Edmund: Well, here's to doubling your profits down there if you play your cards right.
Alexandra: (laughs) Why would I alienate the only person I almost trust? Mmm...
Marah: This is so like you. You get an idea and you spring it on everyone, and you go forth and you conquer, and you leave all of us here to worry and pay the price.
Josh: Marah, that's not what this is about. Now, I admit your mother has leapt before she's looked a few times, but that is not...
Marah: A few times? All the time, Dad. It's like she's sitting here saying, "Come on, come on, lunatic, come and get me."
Reva: Well, you know what, Marah? He already has. He's getting me. He's here! Look at what he's done. He's been writing on the walls. He sent you e-mails. He's been calling Cassie! What do you want me to do? Sit here and wait? Because if he puts one hand on you or your brother...
Marah: Oh, what, what? Then you'll kill him and you'll go back to jail again! Or he'll kill you! Can't you just...
Josh: Okay, Marah...
Marah: ...Let the cops handle this for once?
Josh: Stop, stop. Everybody stop, all right? Let's just slow down for a minute and think about what we're looking at here. We have a faceless caller, a nameless shadow that's growing and growing and growing the more we stand here and talk about it. So I'm going to say this, and I'm probably going to regret it for the rest of my life, but I'm going to say it. Reva's right. You're right. Okay? Now, having said that, if we go through with this plan, what can we do to improve our odds?
Shayne: We need to make sure the police comb the studio.
Cassie: And that they stay there. They can work undercover. I don't know, maybe they can be a part of the crew.
Shayne: We need a way to trace them.
Tony: We need to screen them, too.
Marah: What?
Tony: We need to... We need to screen every member of the audience, of the staff. And we've got to make sure that there's no guns or weapons or... Or any plastic.
Josh: We're going to have to do better than that. We're going to have to do more than just screen them. We'll have an invited audience only, that's it, a controlled crowd of friends and family.
Cassie: Totally controlled.
Shayne: It could work.
Marah: If everything goes as planned.
Tony: It will.
Reva: Okay. Then it's settled. I go live.
Buzz: Uh, what we need here is a stethoscope.
Frank: No, what we need is a crowbar, and I'll just smash the lock off.
Buzz: Frank, give me a shot at this, okay? Let me handle it. It's a five tumbler. All right...
Harley: Dad, why don't I just try? Okay, let me do it. I can't...
Frank: No, hold on, excuse me one second. Who... Who is the one is qualified to do this? It's me.
Harley: No, I've done this before, Frank.
Buzz: Would you two be quiet? Hold this. I know what I'm doing. Who's the con in the family, right? (cell phone ringing)
Harley: Hey, I was just getting ready to call you.
Gus: Yeah, but you called your brother and your father instead.
Harley: Yeah, that's because I knew you were so busy. (Backhoe motor running )
Gus: What is that noise in the background?
Harley: A truck. I'm standing outside the diner waiting for my dad and Frank. Did you get anywhere with Alexandra?
Gus: Yeah, that's what I'm calling about. Um, I'm leaving for Frankfurt tonight.
Harley: What... What? Why?
Gus: Well, because that's where Roy Baker is stashed, and don't bother asking me how I found out, because it definitely is illegal. But I know where he is, and I'm going.
Harley: Gus, please... Please don't go anywhere until I get back.
Gus: I already booked my flight.
Harley: Well, unbook it, okay? I've only got a couple of hours left here, and then... And then I'm going to come back. I'll explain everything. Just stay where you are.
Buzz: Voila.
Frank: All right, let's just open the damn thing so we can hurry up and get out of here.
Harley: You sure it will open?
Buzz: Are you sure you want to see what's inside?
Frank: All right, Pop, just give us a shot.