GL Transcript Tuesday 2/25/03

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 2/25/03

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

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Alexandra: Oh, you looking for a souvenir of your stay with the Spaulding's?

Olivia: No, I have my souvenir, thanks. I can't find my divorce papers. I know I left a copy of it here.

Alexandra: You're going ahead with your divorce?

Olivia: Yeah, yeah, and it's not even your birthday. Can you believe it?

Alexandra: Where is my brother, Olivia?

Olivia: I don't know, and I don't care.

Alexandra: Yeah, well, the last time I saw you, you were winging your way to parts unknown to meet my brother for a reconciliation. So, what happened, trouble in paradise?

Olivia: No, more like paradise lost.

Alan: What the hell? Olivia. Why did you do this?

Olivia: It hurts, doesn't it? When someone does something to you against your will. You promised me the world, Alan, but you didn't keep your promise. The love I felt for you, gone. Our child, gone. And our future children will never be. You took away all my choices when you switched those birth control pills. Now I'm taking away yours. I thought long and hard about what to do to you after all you've done to me. Now you have all the time in the world to think about what you've cost us. All the time in the world.

Alan: Ah!

Announcer: Crystal Hunt is recreating the role of Lizzie Spaulding.

Beth: (Shivering)

Lizzie: What took you so long?

Beth: Oh, I parked the car. Oh, every time I look at you, I can't believe it. You dyed your hair.

Lizzie: Do you like it?

Beth: I love it. You look like you looked when you were a little girl. You look beautiful.

Lizzie: Thank you, Mom. I know I didn't say it earlier, but thanks for coming to visit me at school. I still don't see why dad didn't come back with us. It's not like you bring me home every weekend.

Beth: Hey, now, you know there is no place he would rather be than here with you, but he just had business in New York. But I know two guys who can't wait to see you. James looks for you all the time and Zach, well... hello? Earth to Lizzie?

Lizzie: Mom, I'm listening.

Beth: Really? Because it didn't seem like it. Honey, I know that you're disappointed about your dad, but is there something else going on?

Lizzie: It's a new school. I'm adjusting and all that.

Beth: You know, I just want you to be happy.

Lizzie: I'm fine. Now can I go call Tammy and tell her I'm back in town for break?

Beth: Yes. I said I wanted you to be happy, not "fine." Hey, there.

Buzz: Hey, there. Nice to see Lizzie.

Beth: Yeah. She's home on a visit, and she couldn't stop talking about your food. Cook will be jealous.

Buzz: One Lizzie meal coming right up.

Beth: Thanks, Buzz.

Rick: So, how's my favorite blonde in the room?

Beth: I'm the only blonde in the room.

Rick: So tell me, how was the trip with Phillip?

Beth: It was good.

Rick: Yeah?

Beth: And I am so glad that I ran into you.

Rick: I know. I mean, after a couple of days with him, you must be...

Beth: So now I can tell you what a complete and total jerk I think you are.

Gus: All right. So we hit a dead end. We're going to have to follow up with the anonymous donor, whoever paid for all this upkeep in the grave and everything, and I'm going to track down Roy Baker and we're going to fill in the blanks, because he's our man, okay? I've got a dozen favors I can call in from the FBI. I'm going to start today.

Harley: Okay. Can you slow down? Do you have to do it here and now?

Gus: Yes, I have to do it right now because I'm about to find out if I'm the white sheep of the Santos family. I have to do it right now.

Harley: Okay, you'll find out. You will. But right now, why don't you just take a minute with your mother? Take more than a minute, okay, honey? Just slow down, take some time.

Gus: (Sighs) Where do I start? Usually people have to tell me to shut my mouth, keep quiet, but you wouldn't know that about me. You wouldn't know anything about me. Right now I'm trying to figure out everything about you. (Sighs) I've got so many questions. The big one is, how did I come to be in this world? Was I a mistake? Did you want me? Was it something more than a mistake? I wish that I could get to know you. I wish that you could tell me all about yourself. I do want you to know that I wouldn't trade a single minute with the parents that I got, because it was the greatest being Joe and Angela Augustino's kid. And then when they died, it was... it was just like nothing would ever be good again, you know? So I didn't even really bother trying. I just sort of got by. I just wish that I could sum up my life in 25 words or less, you know, but I want you to get to know me. For the longest time, my life was sort of this whole long stretch of nothing, really. And then something happened. Someone happened. And her name is Harley. She just filled up the emptiness. She made my life a real life. And she's the prettiest girl I've ever met, and she's not afraid to be pretty, you know? She's not afraid to be smart. She's not afraid to laugh out loud. She's not afraid to do the right thing when other people won't, you know? She's a mom. And when she's with her kids, you know, there was a time in America when everybody felt so safe. They were so innocent. They would just leave their doors unlocked. That's kind of what it's like, love with the doors wide open. It's just pure. Don't tell anybody this, but who she is, is who I want to be when I grow up. I can even see us with our own kids someday. (Sighs) Yeah, I'm getting there. I don't know if you pictured anything for me, you know? I don't know if you wanted something for me at all. I'd like to think that you wanted me to turn out okay and everything. I guess that if you were here, if you were here, I... I think I might make you proud.

Rick: What? What?

Beth: (Laughs)

Rick: What'd I do?

Beth: Please.

Rick: Ooh, man, I haven't seen you this mad since I told you your haircut made you look like David Bowie.

Beth: Don't. Don't go there. And don't you try to joke your way out of this, Rick Bauer. You know what you did. As soon as you saw that I was going to go with Phillip to visit Lizzie, you-you-you did everything short of singing, "Phillip and Beth sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

Rick: So, was there any K-I-S-S-I-N-G?

Beth: You're on thin ice.

Rick: What? I'm just asking.

Beth: Just because Phillip and I are both single and in the general proximity of one another does not mean anything. Now, you should know that better than anyone. You've been around to see our make-ups and break-ups.

Rick: You're right. You're absolutely right. I'm wrong, and for the rest of my life, I'm going to mind my own business.

Beth: (Laughs) That I'd like to see.

Rick: Having said that, I can't help but be a little sentimental about you guys. You guys set the standard for love, Beth. It was the first love that I ever saw, and it was flat-out magic, and I can't help but root for it. But having said that, I will keep all my inappropriate comments where they belong-- behind your back.

Beth: (Laughs) You do that. Thank you. (Laughs)

Rick: I wish I could visit, but my wife is waiting for me, so I have to go.

Beth: Rick, Rick...

Rick: Yeah?

Beth: I need to ask you something.

Rick: What?

Beth: How is Phillip, really?

Rick: You're asking me? You've just spent the last couple days with him.

Beth: I know, but you know Phillip. Getting him to talk about his feelings is like asking him for free Spaulding stock. I mean, don't get me wrong. It's not that we didn't have a good time; we did. But there were just moments where he was so quiet and he was more intense than... you noticed it, too.

Rick: Well, did you ask him?

Beth: Not really, because Lizzie was around. I'm just assuming this has something to do with Olivia.

Rick: Beth, the last thing in the world Phillip wanted to do was get involved with this mess between Olivia and Alan, and he is doing everything he can to separate himself from this. He wants to put the whole thing behind him, including Olivia. Okay?

Beth: You know that this doesn't change anything for Phillip and me.

Rick: Of course, not. Right, I mean... thanks for straightening me out.

Beth: (Laughs) You're such a jerk.

Rick: Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.

Beth: I love you.

Rick: Thanks for straightening me out.

Beth: (Laughs)

Rick: Bye.

Olivia: What are you doing? Don't you have a parade to plan or a marching band to hire to celebrate my departure? No? Could you help me find my walking papers, please?

Alexandra: (Laughs)

Olivia: You know what? Never mind. Got it. What's the matter? You going to miss me? Have a change of heart?

Alexandra: Well, that depends. Are you really leaving or are you just waltzing out of Alan's arms and into Phillip's?

Olivia: You know, what I do now is really none of your business.

Alexandra: Well, you are carrying a Spaulding child, so we're stuck with you.

Olivia: I'm done with you, and I'm done with Alan. Excuse me.

Alexandra: Well, that still leaves the question of who's the proud papa, you know? And since it's way too early for you to have a paternity test, do you really think Phillip's going to want you when he finds out you're carrying his father's baby? Hm? Oh, my God, you do, don't you?

Olivia: You know what? You seem to forget this could also be Phillip's baby.

Alexandra: Yes, well, wishing so doesn't make it so, does it? I mean, maybe Phillip will get on his white horse and rescue you from his father, but, you know, it'll all come down to the same thing. That baby's going to be a constant reminder of Alan and the fact that you were bedding the father and the son at the same time. And then, of course, there's always Alan.

Olivia: Is there?

Alexandra: Oh, yes, yes. And if there's a 50-50 chance that this child is his, he is not going to stand back and do absolutely nothing while you ride off into the sunset with his son!

Olivia: Want to bet?

Olivia: I think I timed it right. Right now as you're cozied up to my letter, Phillip and I

should have just finished brunch in bed. And we need the sustenance so

we can make love again. And no protection is needed, thanks to you.

I'll never have children again, Alan. Now, I'm sure this letter is making you very angry, but

again, you only have yourself to blame. You must think me impossibly

cruel, but you drove me to the place I am right now. You made me barren, Alan.

You left my conscience barren. I can do anything now. And as for my heart, I leave

that to your son to heal. Enjoy your stay on our island, Alan. Enjoy being alone with your

thoughts. I'll send someone along to fetch you. One of these days.

Ben: Sir? Bad timing? Listen, I'm just following orders. Before you left, you said you wanted me to come here in case you needed anything, so here I am.

Alan: I've got to get out of here.

Ben: Oh, good. Then I guess I have good timing.

Alan: Yes, you do.

Ben: Okay. So, Springfield here we come.

Alan: No. We're not going to Springfield. I have another stop I need to make first.

Ben: Top secret Spaulding business?

Alan: It's very personal. Very personal.

Olivia: You know what? I'm sick of you looking at me like I'm some gold-digger who's going to use this kid to make a score. That... you couldn't be more wrong.

Alexandra: Really? Well, please don't stand there and tell me you have a maternal instinct in your body.

Olivia: Don't you dare stand there and pretend that you even care about this child. I'm going to be the mother to the next Spaulding heir, and that's really what ticks you off, isn't it?

Alexandra: Well, I'm sorry. I can't help but wonder if the surname were anything but "Spaulding," would you go ahead and have this potential bundle of joy?

Olivia: You know, you say the Spaulding name like it's royalty.

Alexandra: In a manner of speaking, it is.

Olivia: Then what's your legacy, Alexandra? What's your dynasty? Blackmailing and backstabbing instead of trusting and loving? You all have lock-boxes where your hearts should be.

Alexandra: Oh, sure. Everyone except Phillip.

Olivia: You know, ever since you got back to town, you've been going on and on about how great the Spaulding's are and how you're going to make them even greater. It's all been a bust for you, hasn't it?

Alexandra: Because of you.

Olivia: No, because of you. If you had just told me the truth about Alan's heart attack, everything would have been different. But that would have interfered with your takeover of Spaulding, wouldn't it? But if you had told me the truth, Alan and I would never have been married and now Alan wouldn't be...

Alexandra: Alan wouldn't what?

Olivia: We wouldn't be getting divorced because we wouldn't have gotten married. You're going to have to take responsibility for the ruination of this family.

Alexandra: No. No, you're the one that's bringing this family down. You're turning us into these little talk-show things, this 1- 800-who's-the-father.

Olivia: You know, you're just amazing. Even now, after all of this, you care more about how things look than how people feel. You're going to have to excuse me. I need to get on the phone and add a codicil to my divorce settlement-- a restraining order keeping you away from my child once he's born.

Alexandra: Well, you go right ahead and take your time with your phone call, will you, please? Because when I get back, I would love nothing more and enjoy nothing more than to have you thrown out.

Charles: Hello, Doctors.

Mel: Hi.

Charles: It's good to see you're making good use of your day off.

Mel: Well, I'm glad to run into you outside of the hospital, Dr. Grant. I heard about the new deputy chief position opening up in the ER.

Charles: That's right. We're looking for someone to balance the ER workload with the administrative responsibilities. It's going to take someone with a great deal of initiative and drive.

Mel: Well, Rick. Rick is ready. You know, he had to step down as trauma unit chief when he got sick, but he is so ready. I think it would be great for the hospital and for him.

Charles: I'm sorry, Mel. We're not really considering Rick for the position right now.

Mel: Oh. Why not? I mean, Rick has experience...

Charles: I know, and we're all glad to see that he's back, but let's give the guy a chance to get back to 100%.

Mel: He is 100%.

Charles: Mel, he just resumed a full workload a few weeks ago.

Mel: Dr. Grant, Rick can handle this.

Charles: I have great faith in Rick's abilities, Mel, but I'm not alone on this decision. I have a board to consider. We have consulted, and we've come up with a list and, well, Rick's not on it. There is another Bauer we're considering, however.

Mel: Ed?

Charles: No, you, Mel. You. This could be a great opportunity for your career. Rick's established himself already. There'll be lots of opportunities for him. It's not like this is going to be his last chance. And as I said, it's great for your career. You're at the beginning. And, of course, there is a matter of your one strike.

Mel: My suspension.

Charles: That's right. Well, this could go a long way toward countering that. You should consider this. You've handled everything we've thrown at you with great success. Think about this. Excuse me.

Mel: Sure.

Felicia: What exactly...

Rick: Hi.

Mel: Hi, honey.

Rick: Hey. Please sit down. It's too bad I missed the opportunity to talk to Dr. Grant. Sweetie, I really want to talk to him about you getting that deputy chief position at the hospital. I think that you would be a perfect fit for you.

Mel: Oh, um, I... hadn't heard about any new position.

Rick: You've got to be kidding me. All the residents at the hospital would... die to get this position. I mean, basically, you would run the entire ER. And I think it's a great step up for you, and I think you're ready for it.

Mel: Well, I would never take a job like that. Never.

Gus: Hi. Yeah, I'm good. Thank you. You know, I just wanted to thank you for making me stop because I... (clears throat)... I think I was starting to forget what this is all about.

Harley: That's why I'm here. I still can't figure out why Alexandra's keeping us in the dark about all this. Why is this so important to her?

Gus: Maybe she's doing me a favor, honey.

Harley: Well, what do you mean, what favor?

Gus: What if she's stopping you from finding out that you're in love with a Santos?

Harley: What difference would that make? I love you.

Gus: Are you sure about that?

Harley: I know you. I like what I know.

Gus: Look at this.

Harley: What are you doing?

Gus: This is just loose soil on top of here. This is rock solid.

Harley: What? This grave was exhumed last week.

Gus: I'm telling you, this has not been dug up for 30 years.

Harley: You mean somebody piled some dirt on this grave?

Gus: Yeah, somebody piled dirt on this grave to make us think they dug it up.

Rick: Are you passing on this job because you're worried about my health? Because the fact is I am doing great. I've never been better. And I would never want you to pass up anything because of me.

Mel: No, I just want to enjoy the present, okay. I like my life... our life just the way it is. I don't want to change a thing, okay?

Rick: Honey, there would be no job in the world that could come between us. I mean, come on. (Pager beeps) I got to get this. Saved by the beep... for now.

Mel: Mom, don't look at me like that. Look, you said yourself how proud you were of... of a balanced life I have. And I have it, okay? And nothing's going to change that. There is no way I am taking a job out from under my husband.

Felicia: You can't take it out from under him because they're not even considering him.

Mel: Well, then I don't want it if they can't see how great he is.

Felicia: All right, I only have one word for you.

Mel: What?

Felicia: Asparagus.

Mel: What is that?

Felicia: You lost your third grade spelling bee, too, because you liked Pete Reynolds. You didn't want him to know that you were smarter than him, so you misspelled asparagus deliberately.

Mel: Mom, I'm not doing this to make Rick feel better.

Felicia: Are you sure about that, Mel?

Rick: I'm back. Did I miss something, ladies?

Felicia: (Laughs)

Mel: No, absolutely not.

Lizzie: Olivia. Hi.

Olivia: Hi.

Lizzie: What are you... I mean, I thought that...

Olivia: I was just... cleaning up some details. What are you doing here? What happened to boarding school?

Lizzie: School holiday?

Olivia: Oh, God, the joys of private school education. You know, when I was in school... that's a long time ago. So your dad brought you back?

Lizzie: Wow. It only took you four sentences to get to my dad. No. Sorry, he's got business in New York.

Olivia: Okay. I guess our talk will have to wait.

Lizzie: You know, he didn't mention you once. And he didn't seem in any hurry to get back here.

Olivia: Lizzie, I'm sorry. I know I'm part of the reason you went off to school and all the chaos in this house and...

Lizzie: (Scoffs) Oh, please. Don't get all melodramatic on me. I'm fine. I've got to go, though. See you.

Beth: Well, Olivia, what are you doing here?

Olivia: I'm leaving, and I'm not taking anything that doesn't belong to me.

Beth: I didn't say that you were.

Olivia: You didn't, I'm sorry. If you're looking for Lizzie, she just got in.

Beth: Yes, I know, I brought her home.

Olivia: I... I thought that Phillip went to pick her up.

Beth: Phillip and I went to pick her up. Yes, actually, it was a nice family outing.

Buzz: Same to you, Mort.

Alexandra: Oh, dear. Was that comment made for me or Mort?

Buzz: What are you doing on this side of the tracks?

Alexandra: You make it sound like I'm crossing enemy lines. Oh, for Pete's sake, Buzz, you can't stay seriously angry at me or cross at me forever.

Buzz: Cross! I'm never cross. I'm never cross. I'm angry sometimes, yes. I'm irritated, but never cross. Tell my daughter what she wants to know!

Alexandra: Honestly, can't fix that one.

Buzz: And dishonesty's worked so well so far, hasn't it?

Alexandra: I can't.

Buzz: You mean you won't! Oh, God, this is so simple, Al. This is so simple. We should be on the same page with this. I kept the truth from my kids for years. For years. And it wasn't mine to keep. The truth was kept from you about your kids. Gus deserves to have his truth. I mean, whatever your intentions, whatever your reasons are, they can't be bigger or more important than that.

Alexandra: Oh, so, naturally, their side is the right side and mine isn't.

Buzz: Oh, come on, there're no sides, unless you're drawing one in the sand. You want me to choose between my daughter and you, it's Harley every time. I got work to do.

Alexandra: Well...

Buzz: Hey, hey, I'll get that. Thanks.

Alexandra: I'm sorry.

Buzz: You know, I hated talking to you like that back there.

Alexandra: And under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have stood for it either.

Buzz: Is that your way of telling me that you know you're wrong?

Alexandra: Oh, Buzz, I know in my heart I'm doing what's right for everyone. It's just more difficult than I thought. You don't know what it's like.

Buzz: Then tell me what it's like.

Alexandra: Well, I can tell you one thing. I don't... I have not enjoyed one single, solitary moment of any of this.

Buzz: Well, then why?

Alexandra: You've got to believe me when I tell you I am trying to do what's right for everyone. It's just gotten so complicated. I mean, I never imagined that I was going to have to compromise myself. I mean, I'm not proud of it. It's just... I'm trying to help people, not hurt people. Helping... (crying) there's no one to help. There's no one.

Buzz: Is it worth it? I mean, is the world going to be a better place when you've accomplished this mission? Or are you going to make so many compromises in the process that you're going to not know who you are?

Alexandra: I haven't even taken the time to... to think that one out.

Buzz: Well, take the time. It's up to you. You say you're trying to do good, but if you end up being one of the bad guys, how good can it be? Hmm?

Alexandra: Buzz.

Buzz: Think about it, okay? I've got to take out the trash.

Olivia: Well, you know what? I... I'm sure Lizzie was surprised to get both of her parents instead of one.

Beth: So Phillip told you that he was headed to Connecticut.

Olivia: I was there when he got the call. I think it's great that the two of you get along so well, especially for Lizzie's sake.

Beth: We both know what's really important.

Olivia: Yeah, well, good. I'm sorry he had to tear himself away to go to New York.

Beth: Yes, he hated to do it. For a few days there, it was just like we were back in Arizona. It was as if we were the only three people in the world. And it was good for Lizzie to see us like that after the year that she's been through.

Olivia: You're worried about Lizzie?

Beth: Well, she... she's cranky one minute, she wants a big bear hug the next. She's a teenager.

Olivia: Is she in some kind of trouble?

Beth: I always worry about her. That's part of the job. But I guess I must be boring you with all this talk about children.

Olivia: No, you're not. I care about Lizzie.

Beth: Of course, you would. She's very close to Phillip, and Phillip would never do anything to disappoint her.

Olivia: I'm sure he wouldn't, but I actually just care about Lizzie. And I agree, Phillip is a good father.

Beth: Well, he has all the motivation in the world, doesn't he? He doesn't want to be like Alan. Don't get me wrong-- Alan has changed a lot; he's been great with his grandchildren. But Phillip is a natural father. I don't know how to explain it quite. He... he was very restless, but the moment he held Lizzie in his arms, it was as if he found peace, like he found his place in the world. I guess it was like that for both of us. And this trip reminded us of that. We have a very special connection.

Olivia: I can see that. Listen, I've got to go, but thank you.

Beth: Thank you?

Olivia: Just for some much-needed perspective, Beth. Thank you.

Beth: I'll tell Phillip you called.

Gennaro: Aitoro. Detective Cooper. What gives, guys? Sneaking into town like this without any warning.

Gus: Good to see you, Sonny.

Gennaro: I could have gotten us all tickets for a game tonight. Or maybe not. What's up?

Gus: This case with my mom's got me in knots, you know. It's not over by a long shot.

Gennaro: What can I do?

Harley: You've done enough. More than enough, don't you think?

Gus: What Harley means is we want to thank you for going above the call of duty and getting the court order at lightening speed and getting Regina's body exhumed, the DNA analysis.

Gennaro: You have the results. What else is there?

Gus: Sonny, it's kind of like my life is in the balance, you know, so I need to ask you a serious question. I need to know if there's a possibility that there was a little mix-up at the clerk's office, maybe resulting in the wrong body being dug up?

Gennaro: We go way back, Gus. You asked me a personal favor and I saw it through, personally, no mistakes.

Gus: Sonny, was there a name on the tombstone?

Gennaro: Gus, I already told you. She was a Jane Doe. No name, just a marker. Listen, I'm sorry if you don't like the results, but they are what they are.

Gus: Right. Well, thank you. Thank you very much, Sonny. And I owe you. I owe you big time.

Gennaro: Oh, forget it. Glad to do it. Take care.

Gus: Good to see you.

Harley: Well?

Gus: He's lying through his teeth.

Olivia: Hi, doctor.

Dr. Sedwick: Olivia, how are you?

Olivia: I'm good, healthy, eating for two, all of that.

Dr. Sedwick: I'm so glad I bumped into you because I was going to call you straight away. I met with Dr. Nichols, he's the expert that resolves paternity concerns in utero. And with your permission I would like to set up a consultation for you two.

Olivia: Thank you, but that's not going to be necessary.

Dr. Sedwick: I thought the last time we talked you were anxious to settle this paternity question.

Olivia: I was, but it's not really a question any longer, because I was confused and I'm not any more. I know who the father is, I've completely settled it in my mind.

Gus: I guess everybody's got their price. I can't believe Gennaro.

Harley: I hate seeing you betrayed by somebody you trusted so much.

Gus: So he said he saw the exhuming through personally. We saw the grave, nobody touched it.

Harley: Listen, if that grave wasn't exhumed, if there was never a DNA test run, we don't even know if she's your mother any more, Gus. So now, we can't go back.

Gus: We are not taking her up, okay, there's got to be another way. That's it.

Harley: What?

Gus: The bracelet, we just got to prove that it was stole from the Spaulding's.

Harley: The Chicago P. D. might have a lost items report.

Gus: Yes, perfect.

Harley: You know what? Why don't you take that, and you check out that angle, I'm going to work on something else.

Gus: What are you doing?

Harley: Just something else. I'll meet up with you in a little while.

Gus: I'll see you in a bit. Thank you.

Harley: I'm sorry. Gus. There's only one way to prove that she's really your mother.

Frank: Hey, Becky, how you doing?

Becky: Good, thanks.

Frank: What's the matter with you? Why the long face? Look like you just lost your best friend.

Buzz: Oh, she's definitely lost. I just hope she gets found again soon.

Frank: Ah, who are we talking about?

Buzz: Alexandra.

Frank: Oh, come on, Pop, she's a Spaulding. Spaulding's are always in the midst of some big drama, you know. (Cell phone rings) Oh, hold on a second. Excuse me. Yeah, Cooper here.

Harley: Help.

Frank: What's going on? Where are you?

Harley: The favor isn't even for me; it's for Gus. And I know he's not your favorite person in the world, but...

Frank: Uh, no, but you are. Sis, what's going on?

Harley: His mother's body was never exhumed. The contact was lying to us.

Frank: All right, well, that's an easy fix, right? We can just get another exhumation order, right?

Harley: Yes, yes. But there's a catch here. Gus does not want Gina disturbed, okay? So you have to help me to help Gus. He can't know anything about this, okay?

Frank: All right, sis, I don't want you worrying about a thing. I'll handle this one.

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