GL Transcript Friday 2/21/03

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 2/21/03

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

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Alexandra: Then you understand what I need?

Lloyd: Perfectly, Ms. Spaulding.

Alexandra: Fine, then get on it. And, Lloyd, look carefully, timing is everything. Oh, thank you, Nolan. Have you heard anything from Phillip or from Alan?

Nolan: Mr. Phillip is visiting Miss Lizzie, and no one's heard from Mr. Spaulding.

Alexandra: Oh, good. Then it seems I have the house all to myself. Good. Good. Tie up some loose ends.

Cassie: Hi.

Reva: Hi. Thanks for coming so soon.

Josh: Hi, Cassie.

Cassie: Oh, well, God, it sounded so urgent.

Josh: I'll take that for you. Anymore calls from the stalker?

Cassie: No, no. Thanks goodness. One was enough. So, what's going on?

Reva: I think we'll wait until everyone gets here.

Cassie: Okay. Well, Billy's right behind me. We pulled up at the same time.

Reva: Okay.

Cassie: Okay.

Reva: Great.

Josh: That's good. That just leaves Marah. (knock at the door)

Billy: Hey. Hey.

Reva: How are you? Come in.

Billy: What? A little family gathering? We got trouble?

Josh: Yeah, but we're going to deal with it. Come on in. Make yourself at home.

Billy: Hey, son.

Bill: Hey, Dad.

Billy: Hey, Cass.

Cassie: Hey, Billy, how are you doing?

Billy: Hi. Oh, what the long face for? I thought Michelle would have a smile on that face by now.

Bill: How you been, Dad?

Bill: Mm-hmm.

Billy: How's the weather? Look, what, you and Michelle have some trouble?

Bill: All right, come on, leave it alone. Please.

Billy: Oh, you know, that's like waving a red flag in front my face.

Bill: Dad, will you please leave it alone? I don't want to talk about Michelle today, all right?

Michelle: Bill, I'm sorry. I don't want to feel this way.

Bill: Yeah, but you do.

Michelle: No, no, I don't. I want to be with you.

Bill: Michelle, will you please stop trying to convince yourself?

Michelle: I'm not. I'm not.

Bill: Yes, yes, you are. You're thinking that if you're with me it's going to erase Danny from your heart or something. But let me tell you something, it's not going to work. Because I'm not going to stick around and play the part.

Michelle: Bill? Bill? Bill, don't.

Bill: Forget it. Forget it.

Rick: Hey, there you are. I was looking for you. I wanted to see if you wanted to get a ride to the hospital with me.

Michelle: No, I'm cutting my classes today. I didn't sleep last night.

Rick: What's going on? Is Robbie sick?

Michelle: No, he's fine. He's... he's just out with the sitter.

Rick: Whoa. You can play hooky today. I know that Bill Lewis will love to occupy some of that hooky time with you.

Michelle: Rick, stop pushing me with Bill.

Rick: Major overreaction to some minor teasing. Michelle, what's going on?

Michelle: Give it a rest, Rick, okay?

Rick: Oh, what? What's up? Just talk to your big brother here. I am your big brother and your personal live-and-love doctor. And if there's trouble in paradise, you can talk to me about it.

Michelle: Look at my face, Rick. This is not playtime.

Rick: Well, maybe you should think about it, Michelle. Maybe you should just lighten up a little bit.

Michelle: I wish I could.

Rick: Come here. What is it? What's going on?

Michelle: I don't even know if Bill and I are friends anymore.

Zach: Grandpa.

Buzz: Hey, big guy. What are you doing out?

Harley: Well, we just came from Cedars where we had our stitches taken out. And he was so brave and so good that we decided he should have one of grandpa's chocolate sundaes.

Buzz: Oh, yeah. You want to put on the whip cream yourself?

Harley: No, no. No. No. (Buzz laughs) Because he'll paint the restaurant, Daddy.

Buzz: Well, it needs a new coat. Is he really okay?

Harley: Yeah, he's really doing good. I mean he has to go back in month, but that's just routine.

Buzz: Well, great news.

Harley: Yeah, at least there's good news somewhere.

Buzz: I thought so. What's up with Gus and his quest? Is he the reason the cops rounded up Alexander and Edmund?

Harley: Yeah.

Buzz: Yeah.

Harley: We got an I.D. on his birth mother.

Buzz: What does that have to do with them?

Harley: It turns out that she was Phillip's nanny when he was a little boy.

Buzz: Wow, the world just got so small.

Harley: Well, the city of Chicago certainly did. Come here, let me take your coat off.

Buzz: Well, is that... is that why Gus was trying to squeeze Alexandra?

Harley: Not trying. Did. Boy, did he hate what he got out of her.

Buzz: Well, don't let me ask.

Harley: Okay, okay. It turns... well, Alexandra claims it's very possible that Gus' birth father could be Miguel Santos.

Buzz: Whoa!

Harley: Yeah, you know, I'm just afraid. He's digging, and he's digging, and all this stuff he's learning is going to come crashing in on him.

Buzz: Forget about Gus. What's it going to do to you?

Michelle: Thanks.

Rick: You're welcome. So how much of this can you talk to me about?

Michelle: Not much.

Rick: All right, how bad is it, from one to ten?

Michelle: I don't know. Maybe six. Maybe 11.

Rick: So you really think that you and Bill aren't even friends?

Michelle: That's how it looked last night when he stormed out on me.

Rick: Michelle, come on now. You guys have been doing that ever since you've been eight years old.

Michelle: No, not like this. Not like this. This is different. It was my fault. I'm trying, Rick. I love him. You know... God. What if I'm using him, Rick?

Rick: Using him? Is that what he's thinking?

Michelle: Probably. And I understand why, but he's wrong. He's wrong. I wanted to be with him.

Rick: Well, then just give it some time.

Michelle: I ran out of that last night. He was so hurt. How could I do that to somebody that I care about? How can I do that to Bill?

Rick: I don't know, Michelle. I don't know.

Michelle: I just need time. I just need time. That's all. Because I don't want to lose Bill out of my life completely.

Rick: So, find him, Michelle. Give it some time, and find it and tell him. I know you can make this thing work out. I know you can.

Billy: So, is there anything I can do?

Bill: Look, Dad, I think you've done enough, okay? You've been pushing me at Michelle since New Year's Eve.

Billy: Yeah, it's a good thing I did, otherwise Carmen might have hurt her.

Bill: Yeah, well, maybe it should have just stopped right there.

Billy: Okay, son, what's happening?

Bill: Dad, look, nothing, okay? Nothing's going to happen.

Reva: Is everything okay?

Marah: Yeah, so don't freak, okay?

Josh: Well, you're usually on time, so we were worried.

Marah: I stopped at the police station. Calm, remember?

Josh: We're calm. Just tell us what happened.

Marah: I got a call at the carriage house from the guy.

Reva: No.

Josh: The unlisted number.

Reva: Nothings unlisted now, not since he got his hands on my address book.

Josh: Was it a man's voice?

Marah: I don't know. I couldn't tell. He was using this computer digital thing. It was in a really creepy whisper.

Josh: What did he say?

Marah: You know just a bunch of garbage. I told the cops.

Reva: Marah...

Marah: Don't worry about it.

Reva: Honey, what did he say?

Marah: He said time is running out.

Danny: Oh, one more thing. When we reopen the restaurant, don't use that peanut oil on the grill, because people have allergies, and I don't need somebody having a reaction and dying on me. Not in my new place.

Cook: No problem. Just tell me what you want, Mr. Santos.

Danny: All right, thanks.

Gus: Hey, man.

Danny: Aitoro. What's up?

Gus: I just wanted to bring your father's records back.

Danny: Well, thanks. Were they... were they any help?

Gus: It was a little difficult getting through the bookkeeping.

Danny: That's no accident.

Gus: Yeah. Is it all right to put them here on top of that?

Danny: No, it's fine. I'm going... I'm just going... I think I'll just put them in storage here with the rest of the stuff. Don't really need them hanging around.

Gus: Got you.

Danny: Yeah.

Gus: Congratulations on the new place. You and Cassie.

Danny: Thanks.

Gus: Looks great.

Danny: Yeah, it's going to be nice. Totally legit establishment.

Gus: Excellent. That's good. I wonder what your father would have to say?

Danny: Truthfully, I don't know. I didn't really know him that well. He was always busy with business. Or so I was told.

Gus: That's when you found out about all the other women, huh?

Danny: Well, if you could believe anything Carmen says, yeah.

Gus: Did you ever know any of his girlfriends?

Danny: What? No. No, he kept all that from us-- his secret other life.

Gus: Yeah. Well, good luck with everything.

Danny: Thanks.

Gus: That was a good call with the chef and the peanuts and not cooking with it, because I'm allergic to peanuts myself, so I know.

Danny: Oh, yeah?

Gus: Yeah.

Danny: So was my dad.

Buzz: Can you do it?

Harley: Not too much, Daddy. Not too much.

Buzz: That's enough.

Harley: I don't care who Gus's birth father is, I love him, and nothing changes that. Eat slowly.

Buzz: Being hooked with a Santos is no problem for you?

Harley: Okay. No matter what else happens, Gus will never be a Santos.

Buzz: Not everyone would say that. I mean... no matter what Gus thinks, I mean his... the family still has shreds of him in the business somehow. And if they find out the guy that took them down is one of them...

Harley: They will... they'll go after Danny first.

Buzz: First. But then what?

Harley: Daddy, this is silly. It's not going to happen.

Buzz: What about... what about P-H-I-L-L-I-P. He's going to yank this one in a second, you know. That's the ammo he needs.

Harley: What is this? What are you saying? You want me to break up with Gus? Is that what you want?

Buzz: I mean I just want him to leave it alone already.

Harley: Well, he won't. And I understand why, okay? He's the kind of guy who needs to know the truth.

Buzz: Like someone else I know.

Harley: Would you have me be any other way?

Buzz: Yeah, now, yeah, I would like... you know what I'm thinking right now is about me and your mother and how you turned out this way. You've got to think of the angles. You got to see it before it hits you, you know.

Harley: Well, I'm open to suggestions.

Buzz: Well, did Gus find out anything else besides the Santos thing? I mean, any details about the nanny?

Harley: No, not really.

Buzz: Well, you've got to find out everything you can about that woman.

Harley: We're trying, Daddy.

Buzz: Maybe I should make a run at her.

Harley: Would you do that?

Buzz: Why not?

Harley: Daddy, you're the best. Thank you.

Buzz: Maybe... maybe a friend would do a lot better pumping Alex, you know. And something tells me that Gus wasn't so smooth.

Harley: You know, Gus is a very good detective, okay? He's a good cop. It's just that this is personal, so he's a little bit of a mess. And he finds out that this woman is his mother and suddenly he's... he's like a little boy, you know. He's being a detective. He's asking all these good questions and then this popped out. He said... he said he'd wish he seen her face. That's the hardest thing for him. He can't believe he's never seen her face.

Buzz: Well, that's an easy fix.

Harley: How?

Buzz: The Spaulding nanny. I mean even Alan takes pictures of his kids. The butler takes pictures of the kids. Somebody does.

Harley: Yeah.

Buzz: There's got to be at least one shot of the nanny there someplace. I mean... they wouldn't pay attention to that. They think... their servants are like furniture. I bet you there is one picture of that woman somewhere in the Spaulding mansion right now.

Harley: Dad, you are brilliant!

Buzz: Yeah.

Harley: I love you. That is a brilliant, brilliant idea.

Buzz: Hey, don't ask.

Harley: Stay with grandpa.

Buzz: Hey, you listen to me.

Harley: What?

Buzz: Work it.

Harley: I will. I will.

Buzz: Hey. Be careful.

Harley: I will!

Blake: She's late.

Ross: Holly will be here.

Blake: Why are we meeting in a bar?

Ross: Because I had a meeting here earlier. It just turned out to be easier.

Blake: Not for mom.

Ross: Blake, Holly comes into bars all the time.

Blake: But she's under a lot of pressure now. She's a recovering alcoholic under a lot of pressure. Have you noticed how nervous she is lately?

Ross: I don't think I've noticed nerves per se, no.

Blake: She's different.

Ross: Hi.

Holly: Sorry, I'm late. The press has been at me. They want a comment about my being fired.

Ross: The press now knows you've been fired?

Holly: WSPR has issued a statement.

Ross: I'm going to need a copy of that for the lawsuit.

Holly: You think I have a case?

Ross: Oh, yes. Especially now.

Blake: Do you really want to sue? Do you know what that would mean?

Holly: They are already treating me as if I'm guilty.

Blake: But, Mom, if you sue, it's just going to make things worse. Are you sure you want to relive all the details of what happened?

Holly: I am-- everyday. And if they want me to pay with my piece of mind then they should pay for dragging me through it. I'm going for it.

Josh: Time is running out. Reva, this is getting worse and worse. I want to get you out of town.

Reva: Oh, okay, you're going to get me, the family and all of our friends out, too?

Josh: You're still the prime target.

Reva: I know. But the creeps going after everyone now. Okay, let's get started. I'm glad you're all here. You're probably know by now what happened to Marah this morning.

Billy: Yeah.

Cassie: Yeah.

Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Reva: Okay, well, um, so you know part of what's going on, but Cassie actually had a phone call a few days ago as well. It seems like my stalker has decided to branch out and start harassing family and friends as well. We think that when he broke in here he got his hands on my address book. So all of the numbers that you thought were unlisted and private, aren't. Chances are this creep has them.

Bill: Well, look...

Reva: It seems he has access to anything personal about my life right now. I'm sorry, Bill.

Bill: I'm sorry, Aunt Reva. If you need someone to secure your computer, I can do that. No problem.

Reva: No. It's okay.

Bill: You sure.

Reva: Really. Because we're going to put a stop to this.

Josh: We think you should all change all of your phone numbers. I know that's a hassle. I'm sorry. But...

Billy: Hey, that's the least of it. Don't worry about us.

Marah: The police don't have any leads?

Josh: Well, they did question the suspect.

Reva: But it's not going to go anywhere, because they have the wrong person. And there's nothing they could do about any of this until it turns into something more than words. I really wish I could get you all protection.

Bill: Hey, well, we'll just have to watch each others back that's all.

Cassie: That's right.

Billy: Yeah.

Reva: Please do. Once you get your new phone numbers, don't give them to me. Because I don't want any scrap of anything lying around here that this guy can get his hands on. So just call me, you know, whenever you feel like it. Which I know will be everyday since I'm so much fun to be around these days. (Laughter) I did make coffee, cake and cookies.

Billy: Oh.

Reva: So you know, we want to make this a party, okay?

Bill: Yes, yes.

Reva: Pretend.

Bill: Yes, well, I think you just got my dad's attention, so there you go. Let's start.

Cassie: Oh, even I may indulge.

Bill: All right. There you go.

Josh: Billy?

Billy: Yeah?

Josh: You got a minute?

Billy: You got some ideas?

Cassie: Poor Reva.

Bill: Well, it hasn't been too great for you either. In fact, we got a little worried when you got that call the other night.

Cassie: We?

Bill: Mm-hmm.

Cassie: You and Michelle?

Bill: Yeah. Danny looked a little worried, too.

Cassie: Danny and I are just friends.

Bill: Right. It's good to have friends, isn't it?

Cassie: Yeah, it is. Except when they're not through with their ex.'s. Danny and Michelle aren't through.

Frank: Good morning, Doc.

Rick: Frankie. Well, this is becoming a regular stop for you, isn't it?

Frank: Yeah, well, I know Phillip's been busy, so I thought maybe you could use a friend.

Rick: And some free coffee, right, buddy?

Frank: That's why I'm here.

Rick: Exactly.

Frank: So, listen, do me a favor, don't tell dad or anything, but your coffee is one hell of lot better than his. What's going with you? You're not your usual chipper self.

Rick: No, it's just sibling problems, Frank. I've been counseling my little sister on her love life, and... I mean I definitely want her to go in a certain direction, but I'm afraid if I push her in that direction, she'll go the opposite direction. So I'm thinking about, you know, minding my own business. And that's tough.

Frank: Hmm. Well, then why don't you send her in this direction?

Rick: Don't even think about it, Frank.

Harley: So Alexandra's not here, huh? That's a shame. I wanted to say hello. Phillip and Alan aren't either?

Nolan: No, ma'am, they're not.

Harley: Okay, well, then I guess I'll just grab Zach's clothes and that other stuff and get out of here.

Nolan: How is little Zach doing?

Harley: He is great. He's full of energy.

Nolan: I am very happy that he's back home with you.

Harley: Thank you. You know, when I broke into the house that time, I'm really glad it was Thomas and not you that I knocked down.

Nolan: Me, too.

Harley: (laughs) I'll get the clothes.

Nolan: Okay.

Alexandra: Nolan, did I hear voices?

Nolan: Ms. Cooper's here to pick up some of Zach's clothes and some photos.

Alexandra: What photos?

Nolan: Mr. Phillip when he was Zach's age?

Alexandra: Oh, oh, well. (laughs) Good, Harley. You don't give up, do you? Oh, well, I'll have to handle this myself.

Frank: Come on. You know, I'd be the best brother-in-law in the world out here.

Rick: Frank, you know... you know, when your sister and I were thinking about getting married, we knew that was the wrong thing to do. So, it just wasn't meant to be. And you know what, Frank? In my opinion... my opinion is this May/December thing, it isn't cut out the way it should. I mean it fails, Frank. Every time I look around, it fails.

Frank: Hold on second. What do you mean this May/December thing?

Rick: You know, May/December like Bill and Beth.

Frank: Oh, come on, Rick. That's not the same thing.

Rick: Of course it is.

Frank: All right, well, maybe it is. All right, fine. I will stay away from your sister.

Rick: Just pick on somebody your own age, Frankie.

Frank: Hey, look, I'm actually feeling pretty good about myself. I asked Beth out on a date, and if you haven't noticed, I took off the wedding ring.

Rick: I have noticed.

Frank: So I'm taking control of my life.

Rick: That's fantastic, Frank. I'm proud of you.

Frank: Thanks.

Rick: As long as you stay away from my sister.

Cassie: I'm sorry. Maybe it's none of my business.

Bill: Maybe not.

Cassie: I just think you're a great guy; I do. And I don't want to see you get caught up in all of this.

Bill: Well, Cassie, I think it's a little too late, okay? And look, Michelle, she wanted to move on, I know that.

Cassie: So did Danny. Sort of. But neither one can close the door.

Bill: Did you learn this first hand?

Cassie: Danny and I are business partners. That's all.

Bill: Mm-hmm.

Reva: Uh-oh, I know that Lewis lynch mob look.

Billy: Can you blame us, sweetheart?

Reva: No. Actually not this time.

Marah: Mom, where's Shayne?

Reva: Shayne's at school. I didn't want to pull him out for this. We'll explain everything to him when he gets home.

Josh: Yes. See we were thinking now that... now that Marah started getting calls, we need to do something. We thought maybe we could get the cops to start watching the school.

Billy: Look if they don't have enough personnel, I can always pull a few security guys off the Williamson job. You know, you know, nothing heavy. Just keep an eye on him, have them show up at classes. They'll never know he's there.

Reva: I hate this. I hate this.

Josh: But you're not saying no?

Marah: Maybe it doesn't have to come to that. You say they were questioning someone.

Josh: Yeah, that's right.

Reva: It's the wrong person.

Marah: What? Do you know who it is, Mom? Don't give me that eyebrow thing. Tell me.

Josh: It doesn't matter. It's on the news anyway, right? They think it might be Holly.

Marah: Holly?

Reva: Yeah. Holly. Exactly. Do you really believe that Holly would call Marah and threaten her?

Josh: There was a time when nobody thought she would kidnap children either, Reva.

Ross: So I will file the lawsuit as soon as I get all the papers in order. And I'm going to need a copy of all the correspondence that you received from the studio. I think I'm missing something. (cell phone rings) Excuse me. It's the police station. Ross Marler? Yeah, I am. What time are you talking about? Yes, I'm sure my client can account for her whereabouts at that time. Yes, indeed, I will. Thank you very much. Holly, where were you about an hour ago?

Holly: It was about me?

Ross: Yes.

Holly: Oh, my God!

Blake: Mom, this is what I'm talking about.

Holly: This is what is happening anyway. I was in my car on the way over here.

Ross: Were you alone in the car?

Holly: Of course.

Ross: Did you have your cell phone turned on?

Holly: Ross, this is crazy. What am I going to need to protect myself? A 24-hour body guard?

Ross: Well, the district attorney is obligated to pursue this case.

Holly: I'm a case. My life is about having an alibi.

Blake: Hey, Mom, why don't you come live with us?

Ross: Yes.

Holly: I can't do that. It'll be too much for both of you.

Blake: No, it wouldn't.

Holly: Hell, you just want a live-in sitter.

Blake: No. No. No, Mom. I wouldn't abuse your good nature, that's all.

Holly: You don't want me around the children anymore.

Ross: Holly, that's not it at all.

Holly: You think it, too. You think I'm capable of...

Blake: Mom, I love and support you no matter what.

Holly: No matter what crazy thing I've done. I'm not going to live like this.

Blake: Oh, that's better. Great. That's all she needed, having her own daughter doubt her.

Danny: Just about to give up on you two.

Cassie: Oh, sorry. We had a family meeting.

Danny: Oh, yeah.

Cassie: Yeah.

Danny: How's everything? Everything okay?

Cassie: Yes. Thanks.

Danny: Good. So, we're ready for demolition?

Cassie: I'm ready.

Danny: All right.

Cassie: Yeah.

Danny: What about you, Bill? You guys, ready to get started?

Bill: No.

Danny: What do you mean?

Bill: I can't work here. I'm not going to do this, Danny.

Cassie: When did you decide this?

Bill: Just now. Cassie, I'm not going to do this.

Danny: Bill, look if this has anything to do with what happened yesterday with Michelle, let's... can we just... let's just forget it. I'm the one she threw out.

Bill: Yeah.

Danny: I want Lewis Construction for the job, because I want the best.

Bill: Well, you know what, Danny? You can still have them, okay? You just can't have me. I'm not going to do this. So I guess you're going to have to find another way to push Michelle’s buttons, all right. See ya.

Danny: Did... did you know this was coming?

Cassie: No, I didn't. Well, I guess we need to get on the phone with Lewis Construction and find out who's going to help us out here.

Danny: That's it? That's all you're going to say? I mean, I just lost us our construction manager. Come on.

Cassie: Danny, it was a very awkward situation, you know. Maybe now it can be a little cleaner.

Danny: Yeah. You're right. You're right. I'm not going to let our personal... my personal life screw things up anymore.

Cassie: I'm not blaming you. This is not your fault. Everything with you and Michelle, it's tough. I know that.

Danny: Forget it. Look, I'm sorry I created this little set back. I will fix it. Just tell me what you want me to do. You want me to call myself.

Cassie: No, you don't have to do anything. It's okay.

Danny: No, I don't... it's not. How about if I start by making things a little cleaner?

Cassie: Where are you going?

Danny: I want to... I want to... I want to be a good business partner for you. I'm going for a little walk.

Alexandra: Hi, cookie.

Harley: Hi, Alexandra. What's going on?

Alexandra: Oh, nothing much. Everything is great. And what do you have there?

Harley: Oh, just some of Zach's clothes. That's all.

Alexandra: Oh, and some light reading.

Harley: (laughs) Yeah, these are for Zach, too. He asked to see some pictures of his daddy.

Alexandra: Well, of course. But unfortunately, I can't let those out of the house. I'm not sure we have copies. So why don't you leave them. I'll pick that up for you and duplicate them for you.

Harley: Of course. If you wouldn't mind. Thank you very much.

Alexandra: Good heavens, why would I mind? Unless of course you think I'm still sore at your boyfriend for dragging me downtown at the police station, putting me on the grill.

Harley: (laughs) Had occurred to me.

Alexandra: Oh, no, no hard feelings. I understand Gus is upset. But Harley, tell him to get over it. Just some advice, please. Because he has you. You have your children. And whatever he finds, well, whatever he finds, well, could ruin all of that.

Marah: I'm just going to go home to study and Tony will be over soon.

Reva: Tony can't be there now?

Marah: He's working. But, Mom, I live with three guys. I'm sure one of them will be home.

Josh: You know what? I'm going to follow you home just to make sure, okay?

Marah: All right, if that'll make you feel better.

Josh: You'll be all right?

Reva: Yes. I'll be fine. Officer Tucker's right outside the door.

Josh: Well, he's been a big help so far, hasn't he?

Reva: I will be fine. But you can't avoid me.

Marah: I won't.

Reva: Call me.

Marah: I will.

Reva: Okay.

Marah: Love you.

Reva: I love you, too. (knock at the door) Hi.

Tucker: Ms. Reade came right after Mr. Lewis left. She said she wants to talk to you.

Reva: That's fine. Let her in.

Tucker: But...

Reva: I said it's fine. Come on in, Holly.

Holly: We're back on speaking terms.

Reva: Yes. I'm speaking to you.

Holly: You're not afraid to be alone with me? You're a very brave woman.

Michelle: Hey, I was just coming to find you.

Bill: Well, here I am.

Michelle: Bill, I feel so rotten about what happened last night. Will you please give me another chance?

Bill: Come on, Michelle, what for? To cut out part of your heart? Look, you are where you are.

Michelle: I hate where I am.

Bill: Yeah, me too. But there it is, right?

Michelle: Are we at least, okay?

Bill: How would you answer that?

Michelle: Well, that depends if you're asking your friend or your girlfriend?

Bill: Choose one.

Michelle: As your friend, I'd have to say you deserve better than what you're getting from me.

Bill: And how would my girlfriend answer that?

Michelle: She'd beg you for another chance. And then your friend would shout her down. You are too good for this, Bill.

Bill: Too good for this. Why do I keep getting into situations with women who are still tangled up with someone else, huh?

Michelle: I don't know. Maybe you ought to think about that.

Bill: Well, maybe you should work things out with Danny before you start handing out romantic advice.

Michelle: I wasn't playing with you, Bill.

Bill: Yeah. Take care yourself, all right? (knock at the door)

Reva: You're very brave to be stopping by.

Holly: I did not call Marah.

Reva: How did you know about that?

Holly: The police have been in touch with me. They want to know about my whereabouts at the time of the call.

Reva: Holly, I'm sorry.

Holly: But you know, I'd wish they'd put a 24-hour tail on me till this maniac is caught. Reva, I am not doing all these horrible things.

Reva: I believe you.

Holly: Do you really? My own daughter is looking at me as if she's not quite sure.

Reva: Maybe Blake is just worried about you.

Holly: You know I put my life back together again. I've been fine. Things were good. And now this...

Reva: I know that. We're going to catch this guy. We are. Soon. But it's probably good for you to just be at the station in the day, because that the way the cops have an account of your coming and going.

Holly: The station? Reva, I've been fired.

Reva: What?

Holly: Didn't you hear the news? I'm too big a liability for the station. My own business.

Reva: Oh God, I'm so sorry.

Holly: Yeah, well, don't worry. I'm not taking it lying down. I am going to sue them.

Reva: Good. Good for you.

Josh: Why are you here?

Holly: I have come to tell you face to face that I did not harass Marah or anybody. I'm not afraid to look you straight in the eye. I hope that counts for something. Bye.

Josh: I'm sorry.

Reva: She was fired.

Josh: Can't leave her out yet.

Reva: Joshua.

Josh: Well, that's unfortunate, Reva. It really is too bad... but until...

Reva: Until, no. No. Not until, not when, not if. It's going to stop.

Josh: What does that mean?

Reva: That means that I'm going to find some way to get this creep out in the open, because I'm going to make this stop now.

Gus: Yes, police we're generous. That's a very good sign.

Harley: Hi.

Gus: Hi.

Harley: Thanks for meeting me here.

Gus: Come on please. I had a little whip cream fight with Zach. It's cool. I won.

Harley: Mm-hmm. What's going on?

Gus: Guess who's allergic to peanuts?

Harley: Well, I know you are.

Gus: Besides me. Miguel Santos. I just found out from Danny.

Harley: Okay, it happens. It's not that unusual.

Gus: Well, it's not common either, you know. And finding out you got anything in common with Miguel Santos, it's like being stuck out in the middle of the ocean with no landmarks in the dark, no way to get home. I just... I don't know what's true anymore. I don't know how to get to shore.

Harley: I might have something for you. I mean, it's not a lifeboat, but maybe it's a...I don't know, buoy?

Gus: What? What?

Harley: I was just digging around the Spaulding mansion.

Gus: Ah. Alexandra invite you over to clean her house?

Harley: Not exactly. And she busted me. But I still left with what I came for. Can't see her very well.

Gus: My God, it's her. It's her.

Harley: It's not very clear. I mean, her face. I wish it was better. But it's something, right?

Gus: There she is again. Okay, what we're going to figure out is how she got from here to here.

Harley: We will. We'll figure it, okay? You don't always have to be in cop mode, okay?

Gus: And then we got to figure out how she died with this on her wrist. And we're talking about a poor girl from Italy, she ends up working as a nanny, she gets pregnant and she ends up dying in a squat hole down in the south side of Chicago with this on her wrist. A very expensive piece of jewelry. Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's not expensive. Maybe it's a piece of costume jewelry or something.

Harley: I'm no expert, but it looks real to me.

Gus: We have to figure out how she got it, who gave it to her. And just pray to God it's not Miguel Santos.

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