Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 2/20/03
Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya
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Bill: "Sticking around would be a big mistake"? Is that some sort of threat, Danny?
Danny: Michelle and I are having a private conversation here, Bill.
Bill: No, I doubt that... I'm sure you're just trying to bully her again. And, frankly, I'm sick of it and she's sick of it...
Danny: Really?
Bill: Yeah, well, Danny, if you haven't noticed, you don't have a claim on Michelle anymore.
Danny: Well, neither do you, my friend. So, why don't you be the good pal that you claim to be and just leave her the hell alone?
Michelle: Hey! I want you out of here now.
Tony: (sighs) Danny's late again.
Cassie: Yeah, well, he's got a lot of things on his mind.
Tony: You noticed?
Cassie: He'll be here, Tony.
Tony: So, now what, you're speaking for Danny, too?
Cassie: "Too"?
Tony: You're not just his business partner, you're his mouth piece?
Cassie: Wow, do I detect a note of hostility?
Tony: It's more like frustration.
Cassie: Okay. About?
Tony: Look, Cassie, no offense but I've worked real close with Danny for a long time before you ever came into the picture.
Cassie: So, what, you don't want to share the power now, especially with a girl?
Tony: Look, all I know is Danny was never late to meetings or forget to return my phone calls. He was always real focused. Now, he's not. And I'm just wondering why. And I'm thinking the reason might be you.
Cassie: Me?
Tony: Yeah.
Cassie: How is that?
Tony: How? Well, what's up with you and my cousin? Are you guys just business partners? Or has it gone beyond that?
Cassie: No. It hasn't gone beyond that, Tony.
Tony: Do you want it to?
Alexandra: Why has Alan reserved the Spaulding jet for you? Where are you going, Olivia?
Olivia: To meet Alan.
Alexandra: To meet him where?
Olivia: At... an undisclosed location where we can be alone.
Alexandra: To what end?
Olivia: Oh, now, I think that's between me and my husband.
Alexandra: Yes, well, I would say "be careful you don't get pregnant," but then it's a little late for that, isn't it?
Olivia: My, you never quit, do you?
Alexandra: Fine, fine, I... I don't wonder why you're a little guarded with me, given our history and everything. But under the circumstances with your situation, which is difficult to say the least. (laughs)
Olivia: I'm sorry. What situation is that?
Alexandra: Well, Alan pressing you for reconciliation. Phillip leaving town. And you don't even know which one of them is the father of your baby.
Olivia: I really don't know where you get this stuff.
Alexandra: Well, fine, you can deny it all you want. But we both know it's true, don't we, dear? The question is: What are you going to do about it?
Olivia: You know, I would love to sit here and indulge your little fantasies but I have a plane to catch.
Alexandra: Yes, well, you're between a rock and a hard place, my dear. Now, there is a solution and I think we both know what... that is.
Olivia: We do?
Alexandra: Yes, yes. You go ahead with your plan to divorce Alan. Get a nice hefty settlement. Go back to your carefree single ways, and knowing that you will be financially free for the rest of your life. The world will be your oyster, dear.
Olivia: Are you suggesting what I think you are?
Alexandra: Look, Olivia, do you want to be at the mercy of the Spaulding men for the rest of your life? Because if you have this child, that's exactly what will happen. Your life won't be your own. You get on that plane but... don't go to Alan. This is the name of a very fine clinic in Zurich. Very discreet. No one even has to know you were pregnant.
Olivia: So, this... this clinic, it's... it's good?
Alexandra: It's the best. You have that choice, you know. You have the right to make that choice.
Olivia: Yeah. If I make this choice, then... well, you know, without a baby, Alan and I are finished. And Phillip's not going to want me. Why would he want me? And... and I would be out of your life for good. And wouldn't you just love that?
Alexandra: Fine, but I wasn't really looking at it that way. I want what's best for you, too.
Olivia: Oh, I'm sure you do.
Alexandra: (Laughs) All right. I can't deny, I have some... some stake in this situation. But, you know, you really can't negate the fact that when you and Alan were at your happiest, he wanted you to get pregnant. You refused. You said you weren't ready to be a mother.
Olivia: I wasn't.
Alexandra: With a willing partner like that. Now, you choose to be a single parent. That road is a lot harder to hoe.
Olivia: Yeah, maybe. But you know what? I love a challenge. So, thank you very much.
Alexandra: For the clinic?
Olivia: No, for helping me make this decision. I mean, before this talk, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the baby. But now I know. I have no doubts. I'm going to keep it.
Alexandra: What? Out of spite for me?
Olivia: Yes.
Alexandra: Oh...
Olivia: No, no, that's just one percent of it. I want this baby. I love this baby. This little person is a part of me now. And I can't wait to meet him or her. And you know what? I'm going to be a damn good mother. A better mother than... than any of the mothers you've ever known.
Alexandra: Um-hmm. Well, you'll understand if I don't hold my breath.
Olivia: This child is going to be wanted and he's going to be loved. And he's going to be a Spaulding heir.
Alexandra: Ah! Here we go.
Olivia: And as its mother, I am going to have more power and leverage in the Spaulding dynasty for years to come. And I am going to hold that over your head with great relish. And if you don't like it, that's too bad, because there's not a damn thing you can do about it. So, congratulations. You're going to be great Auntie Alex one more time. I'll say hi to Alan for you. (cell phone rings).
Alan: Alan Spaulding?
Olivia: Olivia Spencer Spaulding.
Alan: Be still my heart.
Olivia: I just got a little sidetracked here at work, but I'm on my way to the airport. You're going to see me very soon.
Alan: I can't wait much longer. You know I've been waiting for this reconciliation ever since that night we shared together in your suite, Olivia.
Olivia: I'm so glad you brought up that night, Alan. Because there's something we should talk about.
Alan: I'm aware of that.
Olivia: We are going to be alone on the island, right? No interruptions?
Alan: All alone. No one for miles around.
Olivia: That's perfect. That's just the way I want it. I'll see you soon.
Cassie: Thank you.
Tony: Look, I'm sorry if you think that question was personal. But it's not to me, Cassie, not if we're going to stay partners. Not knowing where I'm coming from.
Cassie: Which is?
Tony: Well, I've got to know if this Towers deal has a chance of succeeding. If not, I've got to go somewhere else fast. Things with me and Marah right now are excellent. Josh and Reva are being real receptive to me. I've got this golden window of opportunity and I'm not going to blow it.
Cassie: Do you think I want to? I have put a lot of money into this project, and my reputation. And not too long ago, I was up to my eyeballs in debt. And I will not go back there, Tony.
Tony: Well, I'm not going to go backwards either. Danny kept me out of the loop when Carmen shot him. I did not appreciate that. And I will not be put in that position again.
Cassie: Understood.
Tony: And Danny did trust you back then. You formed a bond. And you've been really tight ever since. That's why I have to ask what I asked.
Cassie: Well, you're not the first person. Other people have asked me the same thing.
Tony: Oh, where there's smoke there's usually a fire.
Cassie: The smoke is in everyone's imagination.
Tony: So, you're telling me the idea of you and Danny as an item has never crossed your mind? Not once?
Cassie: Look, Tony, we both know why Danny's not here right now, okay? Why he's been so scattered and moody lately. It's because of Michelle. He wants her back. That's all he wants. That's all he thinks about. You know that.
Tony: He still thinks Michelle feels the same way.
Cassie: And she probably does. Which means anyone who is crazy enough to come between those two is asking for trouble.
Bill: Well, you heard her, Danny, see you later.
Michelle: I was talking to you, Bill. Look, Danny and I need to finish this. If you could please just go...
Bill: Michelle...
Michelle: ...Into the living room...
Bill: ...I don't think that's a good idea...
Michelle: ...Just for a minute, I'd appreciate it, please. Please.
Bill: All right.
Danny: Why don't you just send him home? I know he's your friend and everything but...
Michelle: He's a lot more than that to me, Danny. And you're the one I'm sending home.
Danny: What? What's the matter? You're not making any sense, Michelle. Two minutes before he walked through the door, you just told me that you still love me.
Michelle: Danny, I never denied that I love you. But I am not going to do this. I am not moving backwards. We've already signed divorce papers.
Danny: So, what? They're just papers, Michelle.
Michelle: No, they're not, maybe to you. But to me, they mean something. I'm starting a new life where it's on my terms. I'm in charge. No drama. No heartache. No homicides.
Danny: Homicides?
Michelle: Do you know that I've smiled more in the last few months than I did in the last few years? Because we always had something weighing us down.
Danny: My mother weighed us down...
Michelle: No, Danny, not just Carmen. Everything's she represented. The cruelty, the hatred, the pain! It got so deep down inside of us. Even if we wanted it to, it would never completely go away.
Danny: That's because you're not willing to try! You have to try! Look, I know what you're afraid of. And it's not some... some legacy that my mother has left behind. You're afraid that you still have feelings for me. That's why you tried to duck me when I came to pick up Robbie. Because you know that if you see me, you will feel those feelings.
Michelle: No, because I knew what you would do to me. What you're doing to me right now...
Danny: What? Which is... what am I doing?
Michelle: You're torturing me. You're pressing me. Pushing me.
Danny: Torturing you?
Michelle: All this talk of the past. Never letting me move on. Yes, yes, what we had was good, Danny. It was incredible. But it was also incredibly painful. And it is over.
Danny: No, it's not.
Michelle: Yes. Yes, please. Please, Danny, I am not asking you. I am begging you. Please, let me find my happiness. Just go.
Danny: Here we are again. It's, you know, it's not torture because I'm pushing you. It's torture because you're resisting.
Bill: Well, thanks a lot. That was... that was really, really nice.
Michelle: I'm very sorry.
Bill: Michelle, I don't like being ordered to my room like I'm some little kid. It's just...
Michelle: I know.
Cassie: Okay, would you just call Danny?
Tony: No, you know what, I'm out of here.
Cassie: What?
Tony: That's it. I'm gone.
Danny: Hey, hey, guys. So, where are we at? Um... did you... did you talk to the bank?
Tony: Sure, we understand, Danny.
Danny: What?
Tony: Why you're late. Actually, we don't. But, hey, why would you care, right?
Danny: Tony, I'm a little late. So?
Tony: Try an hour, Danny.
Danny: All right. Well, I'm here now. So, can we get to business, please?
Cassie: Tony was just worried about you. And so was I, you know, we are partners, so...
Tony: Yeah, and you're not holding up your end of the deal.
Cassie: Tony feels that buying this place isn't on the top of your list of priorities.
Danny: Really? Well, it is.
Tony: Then act like it.
Danny: Hey. All right. Will you sit down, please? I'm sorry I'm late. I'm sorry. I realize that you both have your own lives and your time is valuable. I apologize. I had to go pick up my son at Michelle's and things just... lost track of the time. I apologize.
Cassie: So, is everything okay in that department?
Danny: You know what? Let's forget about it. I don't want to waste anymore of my time on things that I cannot control. So, let's talk about business. Did you talk to the bank about a possibility for bridge loan?
Cassie: Yes, I did.
Danny: All right.
Cassie: And if you want it, we got it.
Danny: Fantastic. And what about the interior design on those banquettes that we want?
Tony: Takes two months to be delivered. And there's no way around it. They're made in Italy and they got to be shipped by boat.
Danny: Well, that's ridiculous. I'm not going to wait two months for seating that we need. That's...
Tony: I'm just telling you what the guy said, all right?
Danny: Well, forget it. Cancel the order. We'll... we'll order something that's made in this country that... we can get when we want. I want this place up and running as soon as possible.
Cassie: So do we, Danny. But even if we open up tomorrow, it's not going to help you get Michelle back.
Bill: (stammers) What is... what is that?
Michelle: Shh. Take me upstairs.
Bill: Michelle, are you... are you sure, considering what just happened here? I don't know if it's the best...
Michelle: Bill... you're the one that I need. And you're the one that I want. So, unless you're going to change your mind on me again.
Bill: Hey, Michelle, you know, you know that I want you.
Michelle: Then lead the way.
Olivia: Hi.
Alan: Hi, darling, how are you?
Olivia: Gosh, it's chilly out here.
Alan: Let's go inside.
Olivia: Oh, Alan.
Alan: Planning on spending the night, Mrs. Spaulding?
Olivia: It's beautiful. You did all this for me?
Alan: For us.
Olivia: Oh, us. You still want us after everything that's happened?
Alan: More than ever, Olivia. You considered a dalliance with Phillip. Got that out of your system. And now nothing can stop us. That's what the night is about for me. I hope you, too. Getting our relationship back where it belongs.
Olivia: Oh, I think that sounds like a very good idea.
Alan: I was hoping you'd say that.
Olivia: Before we talk, how about a drink?
Alan: Oh, allow me.
Olivia: No, I'm right here. I'll do it.
Alan: Oh, you're not drinking tonight, huh?
Olivia: Um... no, not me. Red wine for you?
Alan: Please.
Olivia: Ooh, this is very nice.
Alan: (laughs)
Olivia: What was that sound?
Alan: What sound? I didn't hear anything.
Olivia: It sounded like footsteps outside.
Alan: Really? Well, why don't I go and check? Well, there's nothing out there, Olivia.
Olivia: No, well, it must have been the wind or an animal or something. I'm sorry.
Alan: Oh, thank you.
Olivia: So, what should we toast to?
Alan: Why don't you tell me? Olivia, come on...
Olivia: Oh, I guess there's no point in denying it any longer.
Alan: Nor should you.
Olivia: All right. I'm pregnant.
Alan: You have made me the happiest man in the world. Oh, darling. Oh. You look more beautiful than ever. Why didn't you tell me about this sooner? What were you afraid of? Did you have doubts about our marriage? Or were you afraid that you wouldn't be a good mother? You know all that's nonsense, Olivia. Because this baby is going to be a blessing to us. And I'm going to spoil you and him... rotten. Shall we toast?
Olivia: By all means.
Alan: To us and our baby. Mmm.
Olivia: This worked out perfectly for you, didn't it?
Alan: Well, I... I think it's worked out perfect for all of us.
Olivia: Oh, just like you planned it.
Alan: Well, not exactly planned. I did have hopes and expectations. But, no, I think it... I think it's more fate.
Olivia: (laughs) Fate.
Alan: Yes.
Olivia: How unlike you.
Alan: That night at the Beacon, all the stars were in line.
Olivia: The stars, Alan, that's so romantic. But come on, be honest. The stars had a little help, didn't they?
Alan: What do you mean?
Olivia: Well, in the form of your P.I. You know, the one you hired to switch my birth control pills? Is that ringing a bell for you, sweetie? I know what you did to me, Alan. And now I am going to make you pay for it.
Danny: What is this? Hey, I am not involved in this project to impress Michelle.
Tony: Yeah, but if that was the result, you wouldn't mind it.
Danny: Tony, the two have nothing to do with each other.
Tony: That's not what you said a month ago. Back then you told me and Marah that the reason that you were doing this was to prove something to Michelle. To prove to her that you could give her the kind of normal life she wants.
Danny: For once he remembers something I tell him.
Tony: Tell me I'm wrong.
Danny: You're wrong. You're totally wrong, because everything has changed, okay? Michelle has made her choice, and I've made mine. And my choice now is to make us some money.
Bill: Michelle Bauer, you have the most drop dead gorgeous body I ever laid my eyes on. I just had to get that out of my system.
Michelle: So, you've seen a lot of naked women, have you? No... no, don't answer that. Don't answer that.
Bill: You know what? When I was a teenager I had two fantasies: One of them was playing for the Cubs, and the other was to see you naked. Now, if I had to go one-for-two, this is definitely the dream that I would like to...
Michelle: Still want to talk?
Danny: So we agree that we go with the mahogany? Yes or no?
Tony: Yeah. Hey.
Danny: Hey.
Tony: Hey.
Danny: What do you want me to do? You want me to apologize again for being late? I apologize. What... I'd give you my first born son, but he's already taken.
Tony: Funny
Danny: This is going to be a hit. Towers is going to be the "in" Springfield place. And we're going to make a lot of money while we're at it. What? What are you thinking? Tell me.
Tony: All right, maybe... maybe we will be a hit. Maybe we'll rake in the dough. You know, but split three ways. We won't exactly be living large, Danny, not like we used to.
Danny: Well, no, not at first. But once we get this place off the ground and we make a name for ourselves, an honest one, then we'll branch it.
Tony: Into what?
Danny: I've got a few irons in the fire.
Tony: Where? What?
Danny: I don't want to jinx it.
Tony: It's just a nice way of keeping me in the dark, again.
Danny: What... hey, no, I'm not. I'm not, I swear. I'm not keeping you in the dark.
Tony: Then why don't you just tell me what this is about.
Danny: I will. As soon as I get a solid bite on an idea I'm hatching, I will tell you. You'll be the first one to know. For right now, it's... it's premature.
Tony: What about Cassie?
Danny: What about her?
Tony: Your expansion ideas. Do they include her?
Danny: (sighs) Yes, they do.
Tony: Why, Danny? We don't need her.
Danny: Yeah, we do.
Tony: Why?
Danny: A lot of reasons. The main one being her name is not Santos.
Tony: (scoffs) Fine, then you know what, let's just change out freaking name already. I mean it.
Danny: Tony, that's not going to change who we are.
Tony: It will change what people think we are. We'll be making a statement.
Danny: The wrong one. Sit down. Come on. What, are you ashamed of our family?
Tony: That's...
Danny: Where we come from?
Tony: Well, I did not say that.
Danny: Because I'm not. You know, our grandparents and our parents fought like hell to come to this country and make a life for themselves. Yeah, they didn't go about it the right way. But there are other relatives of ours back in Cuba and here, other branches of our family who are... who are good, honest, hard working people.
Tony: I know that.
Danny: So, maybe we owe it to them to put a new spin on the Santos name. Make it into something good so that our generation and future generations will be different.
Tony: Thank you, Abe Lincoln. (laughs)
Danny: Shut the hell up. (laughter) Now, wouldn't it be great if we were able to make changes so that one day the Santos name would be associated with positive things?
Tony: I see possibilities.
Danny: Good. So, we can move forward with this project and any other projects that might come along in the future together? You with me?
Tony: Every step of the way.
Danny: All right.
Bill: Michelle, you're so...
Michelle: I want you, too.
Bill: Michelle, is something wrong?
Michelle: Nothing. I just... I just got a chill. You can warm me up.
Bill: Michelle, what's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? It's Danny, right? You're... you're wishing that I was Danny.
Alan: Olivia...
Olivia: Don't deny it, Alan.
Alan: No, I'm not going to deny it. I did switch your birth control pills and I did want you to get pregnant. Now, perhaps that's not the most honorable thing.
Olivia: "Perhaps"?
Alan: But I have always believed that the end justifies the means. And this is no exception. Because we now both have what we've always wanted, a child.
Olivia: No, Alan, that's what you wanted, you.
Alan: I believe that deep down inside, Olivia, you want it, too.
Olivia: And now you can read my mind? When we were good together, we discussed getting pregnant. I told you I wasn't ready. You think a failed marriage somehow makes me more amenable?
Alan: I hardly think our marriage is a failure. And I think that this baby will bind us together.
Olivia: You wanted to bind me to you. Like a ball and chain!
Alan: If you will stop being emotional for one moment and think about how wonderful a blessing this child is. It's a miracle. Think about this. We made love one time, Olivia, after I switched those pills, just once. And you conceived. Now, what is the odds of that?
Olivia: You're delusional. Next, you're going to expect me to thank you for this.
Alan: I think in time you will. Because you're going to carry our child for nine months. And I am going to be beside you all the way. And then you will give birth, and you will feel nothing but love...
Olivia: Love.
Alan: ...And forget how this all...
Olivia: Love, what do you know about love, Alan?
Alan: You know that I love you.
Olivia: (laughs) Is that why you disregarded all my wishes and lied and manipulated me? You bugged my earrings. You faked two heart attacks. And now you pull the lowest conceivable move on the planet. And you think I'm going to forgive and forget all that and come crawling back to you?
Alan: Yes, I do. Because now we have something that's stronger than both of us.
Olivia: Yes, the baby. The magnificent Spaulding heir. Well, I've got news for you, Alan. There is no baby. I'm not pregnant after all.
Alan: Olivia...
Olivia: I'm not. Whatever your little tart P.I. put in my birth control pills, it was so strong it made me miscarry. And you want to know what's worse? My doctor says the damage is permanent. I will never be able to have a child now, thanks to you!
Michelle: Bill, I'm so sorry. I don't want to feel this way.
Bill: Yeah, but you do.
Michelle: No, no, I don't. I want to be with you.
Bill: Michelle, will you please stop trying to convince yourself?
Michelle: I'm not, I'm not...
Bill: Yes, yes, you are. You're thinking that if you're with me, it's going to erase Danny from your heart or something. But let me tell you something, it's not going to work. Because I'm not going to stick around and play the part.
Michelle: Bill... Bill, Bill, don't.
Bill: Forget it.
Danny: You out of here?
Tony: Yeah.
Danny: You're good? All right. There she is.
Cassie: Hey.
Tony: Hey.
Cassie: You leaving?
Tony: Yes, I am. I'm going to go see if I can find us some new seating options. And if you need anything from me, you just holler.
Cassie: "Holler"? You've been hanging out with the Lewis’ too much. (laughter)
Tony: You know what? The more the merrier. I'll catch you guys later.
Cassie: Okay.
Danny: All right.
Cassie: Wow, you put him in a better mood.
Danny: Yep. Listen, I'm sorry I was late earlier.
Cassie: It's okay. So? What's up with Michelle?
Danny: What, what about her?
Cassie: "What about her?" The last time I talked to you, you were going to fight to get her back. And now you're giving up again. Why?
Danny: There's nothing worth fighting for anymore. Look, Cassie, I almost died trying to give Michelle the life she claimed she wanted. But she rejected it and me, so.
Cassie: Maybe she was just, you know, needing to go through...
Danny: I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about it.
Cassie: You're just going to give up.
Danny: Listen, about these financials. When you renovated the Beacon, did you get any sort of government funding, loans or grants?
Cassie: I didn't qualify. I got a tax break because the Beacon was a landmark status, but... doesn't apply here, so. Why?
Danny: Just curious. Trying to work all the angles, save us some dough. All right, well, I got to go. I got to make a little stop and I got to pick up Robbie at the sitter's. So we're done here for today, yes?
Cassie: Yes.
Danny: Okay. All right. Well, I will talk to you tomorrow.
Cassie: There's your coat.
Danny: Okay, thank you. Bye. Hey, it's Danny Santos. Yeah. I'm... I'm on my way over there right now to check it out. And listen, this stays between us.
Alan: You're lying, Olivia. You couldn't have lost that baby. Monica Parker only... put sugar in those pills.
Olivia: No, Alan, you're wrong. Just like you've been wrong about so much else.
Alan: No, you're lying. Listen, don't... don't be cruel...
Olivia: Me... me cruel? You're the one who made me infertile for the rest of my life. You thought if you got me pregnant that I would be tied to you, and I would forget about Phillip. But now it's all backfiring, isn't it? Your big, bold plan is a bomb.
Alan: Don't say this. Why am I.. why am I feeling so tired?
Olivia: Well, you're not the only one who likes to play pharmacist, Alan. I doctored your wine. "Oh, gosh, I think I hear something outside. You better go check."
Alan: You... you doctored my...
Olivia: You ingested poison, Alan.
Alan: Olivia.
Olivia: I'm just kidding. It's a sedative. It's a strong sedative. You're going to have a very long, very sound sleep. It's okay. Easy does it. Here, let me help you. You know, it could take months before anyone finds you here. Especially since I'm going to take your cell phone.
Alan: No.
Olivia: And I'm also going to cut the phone lines and the power lines when I leave. But you know what, I don't want you to worry about anything. Because you're not going to starve. Here's some food and water. A little bit. Now, nighty-night, sweetheart. Oh, for later. Oh, one more thing, Alan. If you need me, I'll be with your son.
Alan: Olivia.