Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 2/19/03
Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya
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Rick: I don't know. Honey, I told you... I wouldn't be talking to you on the phone if he was here, so I don't know where he is. Well, I'm sorry. I just don't like being put in this position/ I think somebody just pulled up. I need to go. All right, bye.
Danny: Hey.
Rick: Hey.
Danny: How you doing?
Rick: Fine.
Danny: I'm just here to pick up Robbie.
Rick: I know, pick up Robbie. He's at the park.
Danny: The park?
Rick: With the babysitter. She's actually expecting you.
Danny: I'm... well, where's Michelle?
Rick: She's just got a crazy schedule right now. She asked me to take care of this for her.
Danny: Her schedule's that crazy?
Rick: Yeah, it's... you know, it's out of control right now, that's all.
Danny: So why is her car parked out front?
Rick: I guess it wouldn't start. I don't know.
Danny: You're a lousy liar, Rick.
Rick: I know I am. You've got to cut her some slack, Danny.
Danny: Okay. Michelle wants to duck me, no problem. But, hey, you know, maybe the park isn't far enough. Maybe next time I should just pick my kid up in Chicago.
Rick: Danny...
Danny: No, it's okay. I got the message; I'm out of here. And you know what? I can make it like I was never here.
Bill: Okay, well, thanks for meeting me, Dad. This is what I wanted to show you. You see how... you see how shallow that ceiling drop is?
Billy: Oh, yeah, that's definitely tight. I think you can still get a backup sprinkler system in there, though.
Bill: Yeah? Great, great, great. That's good, because the rest of it is pretty straightforward. We're just going to be taking out some non-bearing walls and rerouting some of the electrical. What's wrong?
Billy: You tell me.
Bill: I just did, and you helped me with my problem. What else?
Billy: You sure you're okay running this deal-- I mean, with Danny being your boss?
Bill: Come on now, Dad. You know I wouldn't have taken the job if I didn't think I could handle it.
Billy: Or unless you figured you had something to prove.
Bill: Okay, maybe that's your slant on it, but it's not mine.
Billy: Ah. Well, how do you see it, then?
Bill: Differently.
Billy: That's fair enough. So how are things going with Michelle? And I'm not prying. I'm asking, and I have that right because I'm your dad.
Bill: Oh, yeah. Well things... things are.. things have been great.
Billy: Yeah?
Bill: Great. Up until last night.
Billy: What happened last night?
Dr. Sedwick: Olivia?
Olivia: Dr. Sedwick.
Dr. Sedwick: I'm sorry to disturb you at work. It's just..
Olivia: Wait a minute. Is something wrong with the baby?
Dr. Sedwick: Oh, no. The baby's fine. But it does concern your pregnancy.
Olivia: Well, what is it?
Dr. Sedwick: Well, you remember when I asked if I could hold onto those birth control pills you'd been taking?
Olivia: Of course.
Dr. Sedwick: Well, I did that because I noticed something irregular in your appearance, and I wanted to have a lab check them, which they did. Olivia, it appears...
Olivia: There was a problem with the pills.
Dr. Sedwick: You know?
Monica: Alan replaced your
birth control pills with placebos-- sugar.
Olivia: That's impossible.
How could he do that?
Monica: You're looking at
Olivia: Oh, the idea just sort of came to me. But it's also a logical conclusion. I mean, I've been taking those pills every day without fail, and I still wound up pregnant. What was wrong with them?
Dr. Sedwick: They were sugar pills. I mean, in all my years of practice, I have never seen or heard of anything like this.
Olivia: Well so much for trusting a little pink pill, right?
Dr. Sedwick: Oh, Olivia, you have been victimized, but you're not helpless. You know, you can cause an investigation, or report...
Olivia: You know what? Believe me, Dr. Sedwick, I'm going to consider all of my options.
Phillip: The happy couple.
Alexandra: Phillip?
Phillip: Well, nice to see you too, Aunt Alex.
Alexandra: Well, I'm just surprised. Nolan said you were out of town, visiting Lizzie.
Phillip: Yeah, something came up this morning. Why?
Alexandra: Oh, well, you're still going, aren't you?
Phillip: Well, I'm not sure. You seem awfully anxious to get rid of me.
Alexandra: Well, Phillip... Phillip, Lizzie just started boarding school. I'm sure she's homesick, she misses her daddy.
Phillip: Yeah, that's why she called me yesterday.
Alexandra: Yeah, well, it wouldn't do to disappoint her-- you make plans to go there and then cancel at the last minute.
Phillip: Do you remember the old days?
Alexandra: What old days?
Phillip: When you and I could have a conversation and I wouldn't be wondering what you were really thinking. It seems like a long time ago, doesn't it?
Alexandra: Oh, Phillip...
Phillip: It's all right. It's all right. You know what, Aunt Alex? You don't have to work so hard with me. I'm really not all that interested in why you want me out of town. I'm sure it has something to do with Alan and Olivia. But, you know, to be honest with you, I'm not all that interested in either one of them at the moment either. I'm kind of surprised that you are.
Alexandra: Why?
Phillip: Because they're going to make a go of it. And there's not a whole hell of a lot that you can do about it now.
Alexandra: Oh, so you're saying the drama's over, that's it?
Phillip: Yeah, pretty much. It's okay. I am flying up to see Lizzie today. She does miss me. And God knows, I could use a little time to spend some with somebody in this family who is agenda-free. Do me a favor. Ok try not to cause too much trouble while I'm gone.
Alexandra: Oh, boy, boy. You don't think much of me now, do you?
Phillip: Aunt Alex, I try to think as little about you as possible.
Alexandra: All right, all right, I can live with that for now. But in the long run, you're going to see that my concerns are proven right. I hope you come to see that.
Phillip: I wonder if I'll still care.
Olivia: The truth is, I've learned a few important facts since I saw you yesterday.
Dr. Sedwick: About who the father is?
Olivia: One of the candidates. Okay, but at the same time, I'm still just as confused and scared about my future as when you first told me that I was pregnant. So I guess I'm going to live this riddle for a little while.
Dr. Sedwick: That's not an easy thing to do.
Olivia: But you know, information's funny. Sometimes what you do with it can matter more than the facts themselves.
Dr. Sedwick: And what are you going to do with yours?
Olivia: I don't know. I'm still trying to figure that out.
Dr. Sedwick: Olivia, is there anyway I can help you?
Olivia: No, you've been great. I'll call you to set up my next appointment, okay?
Dr. Sedwick: Yes, yes, do that. Okay. Well, good luck.
Olivia: Thank you. (phone rings)
Alan: Hello?
Olivia: Remember me?
Alan: Of course I do.
Olivia: I left a message for you at the house yesterday. I didn't hear from you. Why didn't you call back?
Alan: Well, I never got your messages. What are you calling about?
Olivia: Well, you know what happened at the hospital yesterday, after I fainted-- you thinking that I was pregnant.
Alan: Well, is that why?
Olivia: You know, we really should talk.
Alan: Are you at the Beacon? All right, then, I'll be right over.
Olivia: No, no. We shouldn't do this here. We shouldn't do it anywhere in Springfield. This whole town is like a fishbowl.
Alan: What are you suggesting?
Olivia: Mystic Island. The cottage.
Alan: Just the two of us?
Olivia: Well, we haven't had a lot of time there alone, and what can be more intimate than a couple talking about children?
Alan: I think it's a wonderful idea, and I will take care of everything. I think we should probably be able to leave in hour.
Olivia: You know, I'd love to, but that's a little too soon for me. I have a few loose ends I need to tie up.
Alan: All right, how about this? I'll go over to the cottage first, send the pilot back for you. That'll give me a chance to kind of tidy up the place and get it ready for you.
Olivia: Oh, no-- for us. I like the sound of that.
Alan: Well, so do I.
Olivia: I look forward to talking to you, Alan, and so much more. Have a safe trip.
Alan: I knew that wouldn't take long. A wife and child.
Darlene: Ms. Spencer, Ron Fleming called, from Wine Associates. Can you meet him for a cocktail tonight?
Olivia: Ah, it's going to have to be some other time. I'm going to be busy tonight-- very busy.
Billy: So how many man hours you figure this job's going take?
Bill: What's that?
Billy: Remodeling the place-- what we were talking about, the job.
Bill: Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, I'm just thinking about something else.
Billy: Yeah, I got a pretty idea of what that is, too. I think it just motored in and sat down over there.
Bill: Dad, come on. Don't even start in on Beth, please.
Billy: Son, you mean to tell me you didn't do a complete u-y when she walked in? And what was it we were talking about was... oh, yeah, Michelle, wasn't it?
Bill: All right, listen. I need to talk to Beth, and I've got to do that right now. So would you excuse me, please?
Beth: Oh, oh. If I just say I'm sorry, will you go away? Guess not, huh?
Bill: Beth, I didn't come over here for an apology.
Beth: Then what? You want to kill me? Go ahead. I feel half-dead already.
Bill: Beth, look, I'm not angry with you.
Beth: No. No, of course you're not.
Bill: In fact, do you even remember what you said last night?
Beth: I remember enough of it to know it wasn't pretty. And I said it in front of Michelle-- lousy combination.
Bill: Yeah. Well, I've got to admit, your timing wasn't the greatest.
Beth: (laughs)
Bill: But I can't find fault with what you said, because it's the truth. Beth, I didn't treat you right. I mean, I pretty much set you up and let you down.
Beth: Do we really have to go over all of this?
Bill: See, I think now that's part of the problem, is that I never really took a long hard look at how I acted with you. Maybe it's because I wouldn't have liked what I saw.
Beth: It's all right.
Bill: No, Beth, it's not. I owe you an apology for the way I acted with you. It wasn't right. And really, I owe myself an apology for not owning up to it earlier.
Beth: You're a good guy, okay? You're a good guy. Damn you.
Bill: I'm not that good. I'm not copping to this whole pull-her-in-push-her-away garbage just because I'm some sort of saint. Truth is, Beth, I'm just trying to stop from doing the same thing again.
Michelle: "It went fine. Be back later. Rick."
Danny: It didn't go that well.
Michelle: I thought that I...
Danny: That you got Rick to get rid of me? He did. And then I thought about it.
Michelle: Where's Robbie?
Danny: He's at the park. I went there as instructed and I told the sitter that I would be here talking to you for a little while. She's fine with that.
Michelle: Well, do you want to know if I am?
Danny: Look, Michelle, there is never going to be a good time for this, so why don't we just get it all out in the open right now?
Michelle: Oh, and exactly what is "it" that you're talking about?
Danny: These games that we keep playing with each other. They have to stop.
Rick: Hey, long time no see.
Phillip: Hey. It hasn't been that long.
Rick: Yeah, it has. It's like you've fallen off the face of the earth lately. What's going on?
Phillip: That's a hell of an idea. Might have to give that a shot.
Rick: What's wrong?
Phillip: Nothing. No, actually... actually things are looking up. I'm on my way to see Lizzie up at Alston.
Rick: Oh.
Phillip: She's a little homesick.
Rick: Yeah, and I bet dad misses her, too.
Phillip: I miss her terribly. I'm having a hard time figuring what it would be about my family that she misses, but... the kid should be thrilled to be out of that house.
Rick: And I think somebody else would be too.
Phillip: Me?
Rick: Yeah.
Phillip: Well, that has always gone without saying.
Rick: What's going on with you, buddy? A couple of weeks ago I felt somebody who was so fill of life and a practical frenzy to Olivia how much you were in love with her, and now it sort of dissipated. What's going on?
Phillip: Well, the world has changed since then.
Rick: How so?
Phillip: You know what, Rick? I don't want to get into it right now. It's complicated.
Rick: Why don't you just tell me exactly where things are right now. Go ahead.
Phillip: There's nothing really to tell, you know? I just basically came to my senses.
Rick: There's a first time for everything.
Phillip: Yes. Come on, it was obvious what I was doing with her was wrong. It was crazy. I'm competing with my father for his wife? There's no way I can justify that.
Rick: Yeah, well, the problem is, buddy, is that you're still in love with her.
Phillip: Rick, there are some lines that you just don't cross. It's nice if you happen to see them before you actually cross over them.
Rick: Again.
Phillip: Thank you. Yes. What?
Rick: So that's it? That's it?
Phillip: Yes. That's it.
Rick: You and Olivia are finished?
Phillip: Done.
Rick: It's just weird for me, buddy. A couple of weeks ago you were ready to kill to be with her. What's going on?
Phillip: Well, I told you what's going on. Nothings going on, because I woke up and I came to my senses, and I saw what was happening and I realized I couldn't do it anymore.
Rick: Mm-hmm.
Phillip: You don't believe that?
Rick: No. I know, you, pal, and I also know how you love work .
Phillip: Are you going to start lecturing me again?
Rick: Listen, you know what? Phillip, you could think it's a bad idea to have feelings for somebody, and that's fine. But that doesn't necessarily make those feelings go away.
Phillip: I understand that. Look, Beth's been trying to make the same point to me.
Rick: Did any of it sink in at all?
Phillip: It's not a question of it sinking in, Rick. It doesn't matter. My feelings do not matter. Olivia's feeling don't matter. The only thing that matters here is that he's my father. How in any kind of conscience can I possibly take away what is most precious to him?
Rick: Your father's very fortunate to have a son like you. You think he deserves it?
Olivia: So how soon after the plane lands in Stanton will the seaplane pick me up? Oh, well, that sounds like a plan. Thanks. So many plans.
Phillip: It's done.
Olivia: You told him?
Phillip: I did it. I sat him down and I just told him. I said I'm sick of lying to you and I'm tired of hiding about the way I feel about you. Just in case you forgot.
Olivia: I always like to be reminded. So how did he take it?
Phillip: About the way you'd expect. Hey, I went behind his back and I slept with his wife. But I... I can't feel sorry about that.
I'm not proud of it, but I can't be sorry, now we have this little guy or this little girl on the way.
Olivia: All I've ever wanted was to be a part of the family.
Phillip: And we're starting a new one. Does that count?
Olivia: What do you think?
Alexandra: Oh, well, I hope she's a good kisser, because she's all you've got left.
Phillip: What?
Alexandra: Yes. Alan's all but disowned you. You're out of the company, you're out of his will. Erased.
Olivia: It's okay. I have my own money.
Alexandra: Not anymore. Alan's lawyers have seen to that. All you have between the two of you now is a bun in the oven.
Phillip: Well, that's plenty for me.
Alexandra: Then you're a fool. And I tried to warn you that Olivia's a disaster waiting to happen, but you wouldn't listen to me.
Phillip: We can be together now, and we're going to have a child. And that's all I care about.
Alexandra: Yes, well, we'll see if you still feel that way after you have to scratch and claw for every dollar, because your life is going to be hell.
Phillip: As long as we have each other we'll be fine.
Alexandra: Well, maybe you two do belong together. But you know, you're a bigger fool than he is to turn your back on Alan. You could have had the world at your feet. Now you will have nothing. Nothing. You will have nothing...
Olivia: Nothing. I'll have nothing.
Darlene: Miss Spencer?
Olivia: I'm sorry, Darlene. Did you want me?
Darlene: Are you all right? You seem a million miles away.
Olivia: No, I'm back now, and I'm fine.
Michelle: Look, I'm sorry I had Rick run interference for me today, okay?
Danny: Those aren't the kind of games I'm talking about. I'm talking about ducking what's really going on. Both of us.
Michelle: Both of us?
Danny: Yeah. Look, Michelle, I know that seeing me and Cassie together getting along so well bugged you. And I admit... I admit I enjoyed it. Maybe I milked it a little more than I should have, and that wasn't the most noble thing in the world to do.
Michelle: Okay, I wasn't jealous if that's what you're inferring.
Danny: You weren't not jealous. You weren't. Just like I'm not when you worked that thing with Bill.
Michelle: What's that's suppose to mean, worked that thing?
Danny: You're trying to make me jealous, Michelle.
Michelle: You think that my relationship with Bill is about keeping you interested in me?
Danny: All right, well, maybe not all of it, but yeah.
Michelle: Wow-- your ego hasn't slipped at all since we split up.
Danny: Hey, hey, I'm not throwing stones, okay?
Michelle: No, but you think that my relationship with Bill is a game, and you're wrong. First, I would never use a good friend like Bill to work you. And second, I care about him.
Danny: You are using Bill, Michelle. You're setting him up as barrier. Yes. Spending time with him helps you avoid the fact that you still have feelings for me.
Michelle: Danny, I chose to be with Bill because I need to start over.
Danny: Right. That's what I'm saying. And that's what we can do now that my mother is out of the picture. Michelle, I believe that if we make a commitment to starting over again that there's hope for us.
Michelle: This... this... this is why I wanted Rick to be here when you picked up Robbie.
Danny: Why?
Michelle: Because you keep bringing up the same things over and over.
Danny: I'm only bringing up what we're both thinking, Michelle.
Michelle: You think we still have a chance, and I think just the opposite.
Danny: Well, I don't believe you.
Michelle: I'm with Bill now, Danny, not you. Bill.
Danny: Michelle, come on. There is a huge difference between going out with some guy that you had a crush on when you were a little girl and what we have.
Michelle: Had. It's past tense.
Danny: No, it's not. We have a son together. Hell, Michelle, we saved each other's lives. You’re going to stand there and tell me that what you have with Bill doesn't... comes even close to the connection that we have?
Michelle: Bill and I aren't kids anymore. We are all grown up, and we're a lot more connected than you know.
Danny: What does that mean, that you slept with him?
Michelle: What if I have?
Danny: Why'd you just answer my question with a question?
Michelle: Was there something wrong with that?
Danny: That's twice now.
Michelle: Maybe my answers are none of your business.
Danny: Yeah, I know what's going on here.
Michelle: You always did enjoy thinking you had all the answers.
Danny: There's a reason that you're fighting me, and why you keep shoving this thing with Bill in my face.
Michelle: You're the one who just admitted that you used Cassie to make me jealous.
Danny: Right, but according to you it didn't work at all. All right, Michelle, I know this is hard for you. You don't want to still be in love with me, but you can't help it, just like I can't help being in love with you. We're meant to be together. I know the reason you didn't want to see me today is because seeing me makes you want to be with me. And that doesn't fit into what you think your life should be about, right?
Michelle: Danny...
Danny: I know. I know I'm right. And I'm making it worse, aren't I? Because the longer I stand here telling you that we shouldn't give up, the harder it is for you to tell me no.
Michelle: It's not... it's not true.
Danny: Yeah, it is true, because you love me. I know you still love me.
Michelle: Yes! Yes, I still love you, Danny. Yes. And I probably always will. And everything you're saying right now is completely and totally true.
Danny: Then why are fighting me? Why are you fighting me? Why?
Michelle: You ought to know that. That's one of the easy answers. The problem...
Danny: What?
Michelle: ...Isn't that I don't love you anymore. The problem is that loving you scares me to death.
Bill: Now, do I wish that Michelle wasn't standing there when you let me have it last night? Well, sure.
Beth: I was angry. I'd had a little too much to drink, obviously, and I wanted to hurt you.
Bill: Well, mission accomplished. In fact you pretty much blew my whole evening.
Beth: I'm sorry.
Bill: I'm not. Not completely. I guess that's what I'm trying to say. I mean, I have damage control to do with Michelle, that's for sure, but it's not because of what you said. She took off, Beth, because, well, because of what I said.
Beth: Is that what you meant about making the same mistake again?
Bill: Yeah. I mean I can see what happened between the two of us is starting happen with Michelle, and, well, that doesn't say a lot for me.
Beth: Aren't you just being a little hard on yourself?
Bill: Look, I got what I had coming last night. I'm just trying to figure out why.
Beth: It still doesn't excuse my behavior.
Bill: Well, you know what, Beth? It explains it, though. It does. It really does. In fact, last night I started to think about us, and what went wrong, and my part in it.
Beth: Do we really have to pick the whole thing over? Do we?
Bill: Well, no. But Beth, look, I don't want to hurt the people that I care about. That's no way to live.
Beth: No, it's not.
Bill: Well, speaking of living, what's next for you?
Beth: Plenty of hot coffee, and then I'll figure it out from there.
Bill: I'm sure you will.
Beth: What, is there a "but" in there? Is there?
Bill: Well, I don't know. Last night when I was laying in everything that went wrong, I... well, I hit on something that might help you out while you're trying to figure things out for yourself.
Beth: Okay. Well, I guess I can probably use all the help I can get.
Bill: Well, see, Michelle and I, we've been dancing around each other all our lives-- I mean, pretty much since we were kids.
Beth: Yeah, I know. Sort of like Phillip and me.
Bill: Well, exactly. That's why I'm bringing it up. I don't know. It just seemed inevitable that Michelle and I would... would end up together. And I got to thinking maybe that's what got in the way of us getting together.
Beth: You mean the past as fate.
Bill: Yeah. And that goes for your past as well.
Beth: With Phillip?
Bill: With Phillip, yes. With Phillip. Maybe your feelings hadn't completely gone away either.
Beth: (laughs) Okay, okay. Okay. Look, Phillip and I, yes, we grew up together...
Bill: Mm-hmm. Right.
Beth: ...Sort of. And we had two children together. But that's where our story ends. I am never going to be with Phillip again.
Bill: And how do you know?
Beth: Please.
Bill: Well, now, listen-- no, I'm not suggesting that you just go run back to the guy. I'm not. But if this past is fate stuff is really how it is, then how can you ever say never? I've got to go. Take care of yourself, all right?
Billy: So you kissed and made up, huh?
Bill: Don't even start, please.
Billy: No, I just thought it was Michelle that you wanted to kiss.
Bill: Yeah. Look, Dad, it is. In fact that's... I got a little making up to do there, too. So if you don't mind, I've got to get going.
Bill: Yeah, take care. Go get her, boy.
Olivia: I was just daydreaming. It's nothing to worry about.
Darlene: Can I get you a glass of wine?
Olivia: Oh, that'd be so great. Oh, wait. No. Mineral water.
Darlene: Okay.
Olivia: Thanks.
Olivia: Hi.
Alan: Olivia, I'm sorry I'm
Toddler town was a nightmare.
Olivia: Alan, you've been at
that store every day.
You're going to spoil this
Alan: I'm also going to spoil
this baby's mommy, too.
Olivia: (laughs)
Alan: This is why I did it.
Olivia: Switched my birth
control pills to sugar ones?
Alan: A little deception led
to conception.
Olivia: Alan.
Alan: Oh, I wanted so much to
father your child.
Olivia: I just never thought
I could be this happy.
Alan: You sound surprised.
Olivia: I just never expected
it to happen like this.
Alan: I can assure you that
this little baby and you will
want for nothing.
This little Spaulding will want
for nothing. (baby gurgles)
Olivia: Phillip.
Phillip: I just wanted to
bring you this.
Looks a lot like his dad.
Olivia: (Laughs)
Doesn't he?
Phillip: Yeah.
Olivia, I know that you and I
have had to put aside our
feelings for each other.
I took one look at this child,
I know it all makes sense.
Olivia: That's so sweet of
you to say.
Phillip: It's the truth.
It's the hardest thing I've
ever had to do, but I can live
with it, because this child
should come first.
Babies should always come first.
Olivia: The baby comes first.
Rick: See, you, pal, are in denial.
Phillip: I'm not in denial at all. I've never denied that I have...
Rick: Phillip!
Phillip: What?
Rick: You are in love with her. It's written all over your face. Every time you mention her name I can see it. And you know what? Your father can see it. So how could he not feel threatened by that?
Phillip: It'll work out.
Rick: Ever since this mess started, buddy—and that's exactly what this thing is; it is a mess-- you and your father have had a no-holds-barred fight over Olivia's affections. Son or no son, he'll do whatever it takes to get what he wants.
Phillip: He's got it, Rick. He won. The battle's over.
Rick: No, it's...
Phillip: Yes, it is.
Rick: No, no, no.
Phillip: What are you talking about?
Rick: You could never get far enough away from Olivia to make your father happy, and he'll never get tired of smashing your face in his victory.
Phillip: Okay. You don't think I've thought of that? What... what am I supposed to do, move away?
Rick: Well, it's an option. Or you could continue this battle.
Phillip: Oh, I should just take a page out of Alan's book: I should fight for Olivia no matter what. I should go for the jugular with my own father. Is that what you're saying?
Rick: No, that's not what I'm saying, and I don't know the answer here, buddy, but I do know you, and I know that denying that you're in love with somebody will never work for you.
Beth: Well.
Rick: Hey.
Beth: Haven't seen you two together in a while.
Phillip: Take a good look; it's not going to last long.
Beth: Why not?
Rick: He's heading up to Alston to see Lizzie.
Phillip: Yeah.
Beth: Is there a problem?
Phillip: Oh, no. She's just a little homesick, wants a shot of family.
Beth: Well, want some company?
Phillip: You want to go? Just like that?
Beth: You did say it was about family. I still make it in under that definition, don't I?
Phillip: Of course you do. That's not what I meant.
Beth: Oh, come on-- all I have to do is make some arrangements for James, throw a few things in a bag, and we can be on our way. It's not like we're going to be gone forever.
Phillip: Okay, you're on. Sure.
Beth: Great.
Phillip: I'll call the airline and I'll book another seat.
Beth: What about the Spaulding jet?
Phillip: Oh, I'm sorry. Alan's using it at the moment, and I can't get any service in here. I'll use the pay phone. I'll be right back.
Beth: What?
Rick: Nothing, absolutely nothing.
Danny: Michelle, if it makes you feel any better, I'm scared, too.
Michelle: To be with me? Danny, the threats to our lives didn't come from my family.
Danny: They're not going to come from mine anymore, either. That's not what I'm talking about. I am scared that if you were to give me another chance, I know it would be my last one, and that everything will be riding on it. But I want to go for it, and I know you do, too. You should.
Michelle: Because we're meant for each other?
Danny: Yeah, and because you are a hell of a lot stronger than you think you are. I have known you for four years now, and you are so much stronger than you were when I met you. You've been through hell, and you didn't just survive; you have... you have grown into an even more incredible woman.
Michelle: I would've preferred a little less trauma along the way.
Danny: I know. I know you don't want to be hurt anymore. I know that.
Michelle: In any way.
Danny: I know. And that's why you picked Bill. He's... he's not me. I mean, he's... he seems safe.
Michelle: As opposed to lovable?
Danny: Are you going to tell me that what you have with him comes even close to what you have with me? Michelle, Bill's a nice guy, but he's not me. Michelle, the only thing that scares me more than us giving it another try is the thought of living my life without you. I'm just an all-or-nothing type of person. So are you.
Michelle: We are with each other.
Danny: Well, I want it all again, and I think we deserve it, another try. You've got to admit, we are a hell of a lot better together than we are when we're apart.
Michelle: I don't want to fight you.
Danny: Then don't. Don't. (knock at door)
Beth: Okay, come on.
Rick: What?
Beth: Out with it.
Rick: You just threw me a little bit, that's all.
Beth: When?
Rick: Just now with Phillip. I mean, he barely got the words out that Lizzie was homesick, and you invited yourself to go along with him.
Beth: Lizzie is my daughter.
Rick: You are also her father's ex-wife.
Beth: So? I didn't know there was something wrong with trying to maintain amicable relations.
Rick: There's nothing wrong with that, if that's what you want to do.
Phillip: Okay, all set. I booked another seat on the plane. You're in coach. Kidding, kidding. But you know what? If you have to pack, we should get going. We don't really have that much time.
Beth: Yeah, no problem.
Phillip: Is there one here?
Rick: No, none that I'm aware of.
Beth: No, I don't think so. No.
Phillip: Okay. Well, let's do it, then. Oh, hey, listen. I heard what you were saying about Alan and Olivia, and I appreciate it.
Rick: Oh, you do?
Phillip: Yes.
Rick: You looked like you were having a root canal.
Phillip: Well, it's not the most fun subject for me at the moment right now. But, you know, occasionally it's worth listening to what you have to say. Aside from your many fake its and defects, you can sometimes be an insightful guy.
Rick: Sometimes.
Phillip: Yes.
Rick: Thank you.
Phillip: Sometimes.
Rick: Thank you.
Phillip: I just... no, I'm just being honest with you. Unless something drastically changes-- and I cannot imagine what that would be-- I think I just have to let Olivia go, Rick. That's just the way it is. I'll see you.
Rick: Have a nice trip.
Phillip: Yeah. You ready?
Beth: Yes, when you are.
Alexandra: Ah, there you are.
Olivia: Whatever it is, it's going to have to wait, Alexandra. I have a plane to catch.
Alexandra: Yes, well, that's exactly what I came to talk about.
Olivia: Oh, air travel-- fascinating topic.
Alexandra: Yes. Well, I just found out that Alan's reserved the Spaulding jet for you.
Olivia: Yes, and I'm running a little behind schedule, so if you'll excuse me...
Alexandra: It's a private plane, Olivia. It will wait for you. Now, sit down and tell me what the hell is going on.
Bill: Well, I hope I'm interrupting.
Danny: Then you're in luck, because you are.
Bill: Michelle, are you okay?
Danny: She's fine. We're talking. Why don't you maybe come back later?
Bill: Sorry, I can't do that, Danny. In fact, something tells me leaving right now would be a big mistake.
Danny: I think it would be an even bigger mistake if you were to hang around.