Guiding Light Transcript Friday 2/14/03
Provided by Eric
Proofread by Tanya
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Marina: Mm. Oh, thank you. Daddy, this was really great
Frank: Hey, nothing's too good for my little valentine.
Marina: Oh, speaking of...
Frank: What? (Gasps in surprise) Oh, to Daddy!
Marina: Yeah, I know, I know, I know. I went really cheesy this year.
Frank: That's okay. "Why am I saying I love you with a card this size?
Because I love you. (laughs) and I couldn't find a bigger one. Love, Marina."
Oh, sweetie. That's sweet. Thank you.
Marina: You're welcome.
Frank: Look how big and grown-up and beautiful my daughter is.
Marina: Oh, stop it.
Frank: Oh, honey. Listen, I wish there was something more we could do, like go to a movie or something, but unfortunately, I've got to get back to work.
Marina: Oh, no, no, no. That's okay. I've got a lot of stuff to do.
Frank: All right. Well, hey, but I do know something that's going to make you very happy.
Marina: What
Frank: I asked someone out the other day.
Marina: What? Well, who? Where? What happened?
Frank: Well, actually, it was right at Towers. And her name is Beth Raines.
Marina: Really? Lizzie's mom? That's kind of weird, but, no, no, it's good... it's good. She's got all that Spaulding money, right? (laughs)
Frank: Marina.
Marina: I know, I know, I know, I'm kidding. No, it's good. It's really good. So when is the date?
Frank: Well, actually she said no, but...
Marina: Oh, Daddy.
Frank: No, no, no. It's okay. No, I was just trying to be a nice guy and help her out. It was kind of a bad time for her. But anyway, the point is, is that it's a step in the right direction, right?
Marina: Yeah. It is. It's good. You know what might help you next time,
Frank: No, but I have a feeling you're going to tell me.
Marina: The ring. Daddy, you should take your wedding ring off before you ask another woman out on a date. It's time. Anyway, thank you. Thank you so much. And Happy Valentine's Day.
Frank: Oh, sweetie. Happy Valentine's Day. I love you.
Marina: I love you, too.
Bill: (clears throat)
Michelle: Oh.
Bill: Trying to send me a message? Like, maybe I'm a clown?
Michelle: Oh, wait... oh, they forgot the big shoes.
Bill: Oh, well, don't worry about that. On once the guys over at Lewis
Construction saw these, they all decided to chip in and buy me a pair.
Michelle: Did you get hassled?
Bill: Did I get hassled? Only in the nicest possible way.
Michelle: Well, you know, it was hard. I was trying to find something that walked that fine line between friendship and Valentine's Day. I guess I got caught up at the circus.
Bill: (laughs) Well, you are in luck. I happen to love the circus.
Michelle: Good.
Bill: In fact, I thought maybe the kids up in pediatrics would like these balloons.
Michelle: That would be very sweet of you. So what can I do for you?
Bill: Well, you can just tell me what I can do for you.
Michelle: Well, let's see. Rick hasn't put up the storm windows at the house.
Bill: Oh, wait a minute now. I am not walking the fine line between Valentine's Day and home repairs. No. No, I have a little something else in mind. I was thinking a quiet dinner for two, maybe a little slow dancing, just a grown-up night out. What do you think?
Michelle: What, are the guys going to have your clown shoes ready by then?
Bill: Oh, I hope so. Will you wear your bunny slippers?
Michelle: I don't want to tempt you. (laughs)
Bill: Pick you up at your house?
Michelle: All right, you know, but don't be too on time, because it makes me
Bill: Ah. Modified date guy, I promise.
Michelle: Okay.
Bill: See you.
Danny: Hey.
Cassie: What's this?
Danny: An apology.
Cassie: No...
Danny: Look, I did not mean to upset you...
Cassie: Danny...
Danny: ...Or use you in any way. I didn't... I just... really didn't think about what I was doing.
Cassie: It's okay.
Danny: No, it's not. Look, Cassie, you're a good friend and an excellent business partner, and I don't want to mess that up. So from now on, I promise, no more shenanigans. Just strictly business.
Cassie: Nothing says "strictly business" like a bouquet of flowers on
Valentine's Day.
Danny: (laughs) Well, I was going to get you the Britney Spears wall calendar.
Cassie: Oh, nice.
Danny: But you already had one, so...
Cassie: Right.
Danny: Please? It was the least I could do.
Cassie: Thank you. You did not have to do this.
Danny: No, I did. I did.
Cassie: No, you didn't, because I'm the one who's sorry. I was wrong about you.
Ed: Hey. Well, I was about ready to give up on you.
Holly: Yeah, look, it's so busy. In fact, I'm going to have to cancel dinner. It's just work's gone insane.
Ed: Oh, okay.
Holly: Please try and understand.
Ed: No, I do. I'll take a rain check.
Holly: No, you can't. I mean, I can't. I mean, it's just going to be too busy for a while, for the foreseeable future, really, and I just don't see any let-up.
Ed: What's going on?
Holly: I... I've been thinking. I've been thinking, and I think that it would be better if we just don't... if we just stay away from each other for a while.
(doorbell rings)
Reva: Hey. Oh.
Cop: A messenger brought this. I called the company, and he does work there.
Reva: Oh. Okay, well, look, there's the neighbors. You know, I keep wondering
why they don't drop by anymore, but then I kind of figure that it's because you
have to frisk them, wrestle them down to the ground, something like that.
Cop: Sorry, ma'am. It is my job.
Reva: It's okay. I'm just a little over this whole situation. You want something to drink? Eat?
Cop: No, thanks. No, thanks. Just call if you need me.
Reva: Okay, thanks. Ooh... (laughs gleefully) Happy Valentine's Day to me.
Josh: Reva, stop! Stop! Just... don't even touch those.
Reva: Come on. You give me a big box of my favorite chocolates and you expect me not to eat them?
Josh: I didn't send these to you, Reva.
Reva: But they're my favorite chocolates. I mean, who else...
Josh: These were delivered?
Reva: Yeah.
Josh: There's probably no prints, then.
Reva: Well, Officer Tucker said he checked out the delivery guy.
Josh: Yeah, well, you know what? Just because the stalker has them delivered, it doesn't mean they're safe.
Reva: Well, I. . I know.
Josh: Is there some secret admirer that you want to tell me about?
Reva: There's nothing secret about this.
Josh: Okay.
Reva: There isn't a card.
Josh: Where did they come from?
Reva: Here's a packing slip. I'm going on record to say that this whole thing
is completely ridiculous.
Josh: Yes, I'm calling about a delivery that was made for Reva Lewis, 27 Briarwood Terrace. No, they arrived, but there was no card. Do you remember anything about the person who bought them? Is there a credit card slip? Yeah, I'll hold. If this turns out to be Holly, I'm pressing charges.
Reva: I still refuse to believe that she had anything to do with this.
Josh: Yes, I'm here. I see. Well, is there anyone there who might remember
the sale? Could we get a description? Thank you. Yeah. That's it? All right,
thank you. We'll... figure it out. The candy was purchased yesterday, in cash,
by a young man. The clerk doesn't remember anything else.
Reva: Well, it's someone who knows what my favorite chocolates are.
Josh: Reva.
Reva: (laughs)
Josh: Are you going to fight me on this?
Reva: No. Call Frank. I'm just sick of it.
Josh: So am I.
Reva: At least if we know the stalker's a young man, then we can let Holly off the hook.
Ed: Listen, just sit with me for a couple of minutes. Please.
Cassie: Um...
Danny: So, what do you mean?
Cassie: I overreacted, you know? I just went off on you, and I'm really
sorry, I am. It's just... I've been having a hard time, you know, after what
happened to Richard. It's just, you know, I get lonely sometimes and...
Danny: I understand.
Cassie: And you're a really great guy, you know, and...
Danny: Well, I'm not that great.
Cassie: But just...
Danny: I get it. I get it.
Cassie: Yeah?
Danny: Yeah.
Cassie: Yeah. Okay. Whew.
Both: Well, I'm glad...
Danny: ...That's settled.
Cassie: (laughs) Yeah, me, too. Me, too. So, we should talk about business now.
Danny: Yeah. Maybe we'll be able to do it in complete sentences.
Cassie: Right. And we should...
Danny: You did it again.
Cassie: I know! I did. I'm just going to act like that didn't happen. I got a call from the bank's inspectors, and they went over and they checked out Towers and some code violations are going on, so we should probably go check it out.
Danny: Oh, she... how bad?
Cassie: I don't know. I haven't seen it yet.
Danny: All right, let's go.
Cassie: Okay, let me get my stuff.
Holly: And the Printer's Union is threatening a strike because of working conditions, so...
Ed: So, sure, we can't have dinner because of a union problem, is that it?
Holly: Well, there's just... there's so much pressure right now.
Ed: Me or the union?
Holly: No, it's not you.
Ed: Holly, look. Have I...
Holly: It's me. It's not just work.
Ed: Then what?
Holly: With everything that's going on. I mean, it's no secret my life is getting very complicated, and I... don't want you right in the middle of it.
Ed: Does this have anything to do with when the police came and took you away?
Holly: You don't know? The rival station ran it at the top of the news.
Ed: Well, honey, I don't watch the rival station. I watch you.
Holly: Oh. You may be the only one very soon.
Ed: Come on, come on, tell me. What's going on? What's happening?
Holly: Reva has a stalker. Someone has been making threatening phone calls, broke into her house, smeared lipstick all over the walls.
Ed: What, and the rival station is putting this on the air? I mean, it's not nice, but...
Holly: The suspect is me.
Ed: (laughs) What?
Holly: That's why I was questioned by the police. That's why I didn't answer your phone calls when you were trying to reach me. I just couldn't.
Ed: Oh, come on. Holly, this is insane.
Holly: I know. I am insane, according to them.
Ed: How could they even think...?
Holly: Because... I was trying to help Reva. I picked up her dry cleaning and
dropped it off, and somehow between the time I dropped it off and she found it,
it got all smeared with blood.
Ed: What?
Holly: And the police who that were watching the house didn't see anybody but me.
Ed: Well, then the police missed something.
Holly: Yeah. Or the crazy lady with the history of emotional disturbance and a criminal record has gone off the deep end again.
Ed: No one is even going to think that.
Holly: I would. I know I would. And now, once it comes out in the press, so will everybody else.
Ed: Oh, sweetie, I am so sorry that you've had to worry about this, but listen, why didn't you call me?
Holly: That's exactly what I don't want!
Ed: I want to help.
Holly: I don't want you to hold my hand, I don't want you to prop me up! Not
you, of all people.
Ed: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Holly, I know you. You want a drink right now, don't you?
Holly: Oh... that burning going down my throat, that warm, cozy feeling. Oh, yeah, just one. But I can't have one drink, just as I can't have you baby-sitting me one more minute.
Ed: But I am not your drug of choice. I'm a person.
Holly: Oh, yeah? What makes you so sure?
Ed: Because I am. Now, why don't you stop all this and tell me what's really holding you back?
Holly: What if... what if it's really true? What if I'm doing all of this horrible stuff?
Ed: How could it even be possibly true?
Holly: I... .. my history, the blackouts.
Ed: When you were drinking. Have you been drinking? Have you ever had a blackout when you weren't drinking?
Holly: No.
Ed: Then it can't be true. Now, why are you having so much trouble just accepting that?
Holly: I don't know. Maybe because I feel that, you know, the bill's due. I got off so easy, you know? I didn't have to go to jail, I just did community service and a little therapy, and there, I was all... I was all better.
Ed: That wasn't easy, because getting better, getting sober is one of the hardest things you can possibly do.
Holly: Maybe. And, you know, everybody just accepted, everybody just took me
back, no questions.
Ed: Well, everyone except you.
Holly: It's just so hard to believe. And I think in a way, ever since I've just been waiting for the other shoe to drop. Which could be about an hour from now.
Ed: What else is going on?
Holly: My board of directors at the station are meeting right now to see if I can viably continue to run the business. My business. Yeah. I think... I think the bill's about to come due.
Michelle: Wow. Not our usual. You think they're going to let us in?
Bill: Well, I hope so. I wore a suit. You look gorgeous, by the way.
Michelle: Yeah?
Bill: Like you don't know.
Michelle: Well, it's different when you hear it from a guy who knew you in braces.
Bill: The braces... the braces were cute. But this works for you, too.
Michelle: Thanks. Let's get a table.
Bill: It's already done.
Michelle: Bill, you planned. This is, like, the best table in the restaurant.
Bill: Yeah.
Michelle: Wow, this means that you actually thought in advance.
Bill: Hey, I was going to ask you out yesterday, but your dad said that you were out and about.
Michelle: I was trying to get us a table at the Beacon.
Bill: You mean you were planning? You were thinking about...
Michelle: And that's a surprise, coming from me?
Bill: It's just a surprise that you'd do it for me. Thank you.
Michelle: Well, Cassie was going to try to squeeze us in because the restaurant was booked, but then we kind of got into it a little bit because she's determined to get Danny.
Bill: What, she actually said that?
Michelle: Well, not in so many words, but she didn't have to. She was way too belligerent and defensive about it for no good reason, and... let's not do this tonight, okay? Let's have a private party tonight.
Bill: Private party. That's my kind of party. You want to... you want to
Michelle: Sure.
Bill: Yeah? Okay. (elevator bell rings)
Ed: Look, you've got to remember that it's hard when people around you aren't being rational and they really haven't thought this through. Now, think about it. When you kidnapped those kids, there was a reason.
Holly: That's no excuse.
Ed: I'm not talking about excuses. I'm just saying that it made sense,
because Fletcher had just taken Meg, so behind the drinking, behind the
blackouts, behind all the irrationality, there was a kind of logic in what you
did. You had lost a child and so you took kids. Now, you explain to me, where is
the logic? What's the rationale between you... for you wanting to hurt Reva? I
mean, it just doesn't make any sense.
Holly: (laughs)
Ed: What?
Holly: Oh, it's just so weird hearing you talk about this so calmly: My blackouts, my kidnapping, all that kind of stuff, you know? It's just, this was the one thing that I... that I did that you did not see firsthand.
Ed: You can't seriously be wanting to hide behind pride with me.
Holly: I want you to see me at my best.
Ed: I do see you at your best. But if you are shooting for perfection, then I
certainly can't hang out with you, because I can't cut perfection, and if you're
worried about messing up in public, honey, this whole town saw my mistakes. And
at least you didn't leave anyone dead, did you?
Holly: Oh. Don't.
Ed: Why? It happened. This would have been our anniversary.
Holly: Oh. I'm sorry.
Ed: So, you see, you don't have the right to bail on me tonight. I was sort of hoping that you were going to do a little propping me up, you know? So what have you got in the line of propping up?
Holly: For you? Whatever you want. All the time you want.
Ed: Now, didn't that feel good, being able to help someone?
Holly: Yeah.
Ed: Then stop being selfish and let me have some of that. It doesn't have to
be sick, Holly, or clingy. We need. That's human. Let's just be human together,
Frank: Josh, I know you're anxious. The toxicology results could take a while, and we have absolutely no idea what could be in here. I mean, hell, the guy could have put arsenic, strychnine, even drain cleaner.
Josh: Okay, Frank, we get it. Thank you.
Frank: Yeah.
Josh: Is there any possibility of fingerprints?
Frank: Probably not, but like I said, we'll try. The first thing we need to
do is find out where these came from, what clerk sold them and who they sold
them to. Hopefully, then we'll get this guy. All right, Tucker, we'll need you
to file...
Reva: Well, at least if it was a young guy, everybody can let Holly off the hook.
Frank: No, Reva, that's not necessarily true. Holly could have had some mailroom clerk running errands for her.
Reva: Oh, come on. This is so farfetched. If this person is so emotional and so whacked-out that...
Josh: Think about it, though, Reva. Think about what this person has accomplished so far.
Shayne: Mom?
Reva: Shayne? Hey. How was practice?
Shayne: It was good.
Reva: Good.
Shayne: Hey. Frank.
Frank: Hey, Shayne.
Shayne: What's going on?
Josh: There's been another incident, son.
Shayne: Did the guy try to break in, or what... ..? What's he doing with your candy?
Josh: How do you know it's him.
Shayne: Because I picked them out myself. What's going on? What, you think I'm the stalker?
Cassie: You know, we can go somewhere else and talk about this. We don't have to stay here.
Danny: What? No. Hey, we're going to own this place, people are going to come here, we might as well get used to it. Right?
Cassie: Right.
Danny: So, talk to me. Loan requirements, code violations. Tell me what the problems are
Cassie: They're saying they want us to redo some major infrastructure. It's going to cost a lot of money.
Danny: Mm-hmm. Well, we can always go the Santos way and take care of the inspector.
Cassie: (laughs) Why don't we make that plan "B"? (applause) Well, she just
looked over here, and you're crazy to think that she's over you. You know, then
we're going to have to make room for the stage for the Elvis impersonator, and
then if we put the water slide over there, it's going to be great, don't you
Danny: Okay, so how much... how much is all this going to cost us?
Cassie: The water slide may set us back a bit, but the Elvis impersonators, I think, they're free.
Danny: What? What are you talking about?
Cassie: You're not even listening to a word I'm saying.
Danny: Yeah, I am, I am.
Cassie: Would you go over there and say hello? Don't say, "who?" Okay?
Danny: All right.
Cassie: You should go over there and talk to her. It's kind of rude if you don't. I'm going to go powder my nose.
Danny: I'll be right back.
Bill: You want to get some champagne?
Michelle: Yeah, champagne would be great.
Bill: Good, good, good.
Michelle: I think that would be good.
Bill: Very nice. Dan hello.
Michelle: Danny, please don't do this. Not tonight?
Danny: Relax, Michelle. I didn't come over to talk to you. I just need a minute with my contractor.
Shayne: What kind of a freak do you think I am?
Reva: Thank you. No one thinks you're a freak. It's just that these guys can't believe that someone would remember someone's favorite chocolate. But you did. Thank you.
Shayne: Chocolate truffles, right? Aren't those the ones you like?
Reva: Like? I love them.
Shayne: Okay, what's going on here? Why would you even think...
Josh: There was an anonymous delivery, Shayne.
Shayne: Anonymous? I gave them a card.
Josh: Well, they must have lost it.
Shayne: Those jerks!
Reva: It's okay. Don't...
Shayne: Mom, I'm sorry. You know, I should have written my name on the box in big letters or something. I mean, I know better these days than to surprise you.
Reva: It's okay. It's not your fault.
Frank: Don't touch those, actually. Okay? Those still could have been
tampered with.
Josh: You know, Frank, let's just not go there, all right? I'm sure they're fine.
Reva: They're better than fine. In fact...
Josh: Reva.
Reva: ...They're great. Mm.
Shayne: Did you think somebody would, like, poison them or something?
Reva: No.
Shayne: Maybe they should take them and...
Reva: No. And, you know, as sorry as I feel for those guys outside, I'm not sharing them with anyone. You got these for me and I love you, and I'm going to let you have one. Hm?
Josh: Thank you, Frank.
Reva: Want some candy, Frank?
Frank: Um, no, that's okay. Thank you, enjoy. I had a late lunch with Marina.
Reva: Okay. Thanks.
Frank: Yeah.
Shayne: Okay, somebody tell me and tell me now. Why would you even... what has this stalker been doing that I don't know about?
Ed: Come on, I want you to eat something. That juice isn't going to hold you forever.
Holly: All right. (cell phone rings) Excuse me. Holly Reade. Yes. Oh, John. I
thought you were my friend. I thought we understood each other. You know it’s
just... yes, but I have... yeah, if that's your position, well... effective
when? All right. Oh, I understand. Good night.
Ed: The other shoe?
Holly: The board wants me to step down from running Whisper, effective immediately, pending review. I'm out.
Danny: Not a problem. Not a problem. Okay. (cell phone rings)
Cassie: Hello?
Man: How could you forgive your sister? I thought you were my friend. I thought we understood each other.
Cassie: Who is this?
Man: You double-crossed me. You pay.
Cassie: Who are you?
Man: Your whole family pays.
Cassie: Hello? How did you get this number? Hello? Oh, my God. Tammy? Are you
okay? Is everything okay? Are the boys fine? Has anyone called or stopped by
after I left? Okay, no, no, honey. I don't... I don't think that you're, like,
flaking out, okay? I'm sorry. I just... I just wanted to see how you guys were
doing. Did the boys finish their dinner? Yeah. I'm going to be home soon. Real
soon. I want you to lock the door. Do you hear me? Because, Tammy, it's just a
smart thing to do, okay? I'm going to be home very soon. Bye. I've got to go.
Danny: I'm almost done.
Cassie: I just got a phone call from the stalker. On my private cell.
Michelle: Reva’s stalker?
Cassie: Yes. Danny, he told me that he was going to make my family pay, that he's mad at me because I forgave Reva.
Danny: Where are your kids?
Cassie: There at the hotel. They're okay, right? I mean, they're going to be okay.
Michelle: They're at the Beacon, so there's a lot of people around. I'm sure they're going to be safe.
Danny: Michelle's right.
Cassie: No one has this number. No one. My family and the baby-sitter, that's
Danny: Okay, all right, come on. We're going to go to the cops.
Bill: Frank Cooper, he's the one who's handling it.
Danny: All right, well, then we'll go find Frank. Come on, it'll be okay. All right, we'll see you later.
Bill: All right.
Shayne: The stalker's threatening you now, isn't he? And there's been other stuff, right? Stuff you're not telling me?
Reva: Not much, Shayne. It's just that your father's going overly turbo with the protection thing.
Josh: That's right. I overreacted, that's all.
Shayne: Forget it. You guys tag-team really well, but I'm not buying. I mean,
come on. If you guys would even think for one minute that I'm the stalker, there
must be some real crazy stuff going on.
Reva: It's nothing dangerous. It's not. It's just that we didn't want to say anything to you because we don't want you to worry.
Shayne: Stop doing that eyebrow thing and getting your stories straight. It's so...
Josh: Okay, son, with everything that's gone on, we have good reason to believe that this stalker knows your mom pretty well.
Shayne: What, like someone we know? Definitely?
Josh: Yeah.
Reva: No. No. Nothing is for sure. And we're not going to talk about this
anymore because it's Valentine's Day and I have something for you. My favorite
valentine. (laughs) Surprise!
Shayne: (laughs) Tickets to the No Doubt concert.
Reva: Yes. Now, I know that I'm still your one and only gal, but...
Josh: Oh, she says that with such hope.
Reva: But I thought maybe just this time, you might want to take Kristi with you.
Shayne: Kristi who?
Reva: "Kristi who"! Are you covering your tracks? You can't hide anything from me because I'm your mom and we see everything and we hear everything between the lines.
Shayne: Yeah, and you're probably tapping my phone.
Reva: No, I'm bribing the cops for all the information. (laughs)
Josh: I've got something for you, too.
Reva: You do?
Josh: Mm-hmm.
Reva: Oh, thank you. Whispering Pines?
Josh: I booked us for a long weekend, and you get the full spa treatment.
Reva: Oh, thank you.
Josh: (laughs)
Shayne: That's a good idea, Dad.
Reva: Thank you.
Shayne: You should go and, like, stay gone for a few weeks.
Josh: Yeah, I thought it would be a good idea to get your mom out of town.
Reva: For a long weekend is plenty, because I know what's going through your mind. You're thinking about all the parties you're going to throw here.
Shayne: It never entered my mind. (telephone ringing)
Josh: I got it. It's Cassie. Hey, darling. What? No, no, I'm glad you called
here. No, come here, and we'll call the police. Okay.
Reva: What?
Josh: The stalker's going after other people now. He just threatened Cassie.
Ed: You don't have to take this lying down.
Holly: What about acceptance, learning humility.
Ed: I think 99% of A.A. works, but the whole humility thing, people abuse it. This isn't about you being humble. And you only accept what you can't change.
Holly: I was fired, Ed.
Ed: Unfairly.
Holly: Oh, I don't know. I think I would agree with them. The publicity will kill the station.
Ed: What about the publicity, anyway? Where did the other station get the information to begin with?
Holly: I don't know. I mean, I don't think Josh and Reva would... I think it
had to be a leak from the police station.
Ed: Well, that's kind of illegal, isn't it?
Holly: It could be.
Ed: I mean, come on. Defamation of character or something?
Holly: Well, given my character and my history... you're right. I should sue their sorry butts.
Ed: So call up Ross, find out what your options are.
Holly: You're right. I will not be a victim.
Cassie: Thanks. He said that I disappointed him.
Josh: You're sure it was a man?
Cassie: Yeah. I mean, I guess. His voice was distorted. He sounded mechanical.
Danny: But he got her private cell phone number.
Cassie: The one I just gave you last week. I only got that line for my
family, that's it.
Josh: Did you write that number down somewhere? Maybe it was lost?
Reva: I wrote it down in my address book that I usually keep in my purse. What if, when the stalker broke in, he took that... or he copied the numbers out of the address book?
Josh:: He wouldn't have had time to do something like that, though.
Shayne: Yeah, he would. If he had a... if he had a pen scanner.
Josh: A what?
Shayne: It's a scanner. It's like...
Danny: It's just the size of a pen, totally portable. It's possible. Can I see your address book? How big is it?
Reva: It's right here.
Danny: That? Yeah, somebody could scan that in five minutes, tops.
Reva: So you're telling me that this person could have all the numbers of my family and friends, and the freak could be calling each one of them?
Josh: Reva, we don't know that for sure.
Reva: Cassie, I am so sorry.
Cassie: No, don't be sorry, Reva. It's not your fault.
Reva: This is so out of control. I mean, you're a target? We're all targets.
Shayne: Nobody's going to hurt you. They'd have to get past me and dad first.
Cassie: Yeah. Don't worry about me, Reva. I'm at the hotel. I'm surrounded by
tons of people. I've got locks on all the doors.
Danny: You don't need to worry about Cassie. Nobody's going to lay a finger on her while I'm around.
Bill: Come here, sit down. Over here.
Michelle: I am, I really am, I'm such a mess. We come out for a nice night and my life, my ex-life just spills out all over the table, like you haven't had to hold me up enough the last few months with Danny "dying" and all this stuff with Carmen, and...
Bill: Okay, okay, okay. Stop right now. I don't want your lungs to explode, okay? Please, just...
Michelle: What are you doing with me? Why don't you run? Run for your life. Go, go.
Bill: What...oh, no, no, no, no, no, not a chance. Not a chance. Michelle,
you... you're one of the smartest, bravest people that I know. Okay? And as I
watched you go through this, all I wished for was to be able to hold you and
make it all disappear. I just want to make all the pain, the trouble just go
Michelle: That's not a bad set of lungs yourself.
Bill: I have even better features. But really, Michelle, I just... I just want to make it disappear.
Michelle: I'd like that, too.
Bill: Well, I'm here, and all I can think about is carrying you upstairs and holding you all night. And I know we agreed to go slow and that's why I've been holding back, but really, Michelle, I just... I just want you so bad.! All you have do is say the word.