GL Transcript Thursday 2/13/03

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 2/13/03

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

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Tony: You know what? You keep razzing me like that and I'm going to smear this grease all over you.

Marah: (Screams) Could be fun.

Tony: Oh, I missed you.

Marah: Same. So Danny's really thinking about getting rid of this place?

Tony: Well, he's just going to lease it out if it passes inspection-- is why I have been messing around with this faucet when, you know, I'd rather be messing around with you.

Marah: Yeah.

Tony: Yeah.

Marah: (Laughs)

Danny: (Clears his throat) So much for fixing the drink dispenser.

Marah: Blame me, Danny. I distracted him.

Danny: Oh, hey, go for it. The world deserves more happy people.

Tony: Whoa. Excuse me.

Danny: What?

Tony: You're in a decent mood. Well, you've been pretty down ever since you and Michelle split up, so...

Danny: So? People change. And as far as things go with Michelle, things might just be looking up.

Michelle: Cassie.

Cassie: Michelle?

Michelle: Hi.

Cassie: Hi. Can I help you with something?

Michelle: Well, I was hoping that you could. I wanted to book a table at the restaurant here for Valentine's Day.

Cassie: Oh. You know what? Lexie, the manager. I don't have anything to do with that right now. She's handling everything.

Michelle: I did talk to her, and she said the place was booked all night. So I thought maybe if the owner of the hotel asked her, maybe she could find a little table for two somewhere.

Cassie: Sure. For you and...?

Michelle: Bill.

Cassie: Bill, okay. 7:00 P.M.?

Michelle: That's perfect.

Cassie: All righty.

Michelle: Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

Cassie: No problem.

Michelle: What are you doing on Valentine's Day? You got anything special planned?

Cassie: Work, work, and more work.

Michelle: You working here, or are you working at your new project at Towers with Danny?

Cassie: I thought that you said you had plans with someone on Valentine's Day.

Michelle: I do.

Cassie: Then why do you care if I'm with Danny that night?

Harley: (Sighs) Boy, do I need a shower and a change of clothes. I mean, the nurses were nice enough to bring a cot into Zach's room, but you know how comfortable it is to sleep on a cot all night. Hi.

Gus: Hi.

Harley: So I think what I'm going to do is just take a shower and change and head back to the hospital because there's a really, really strong chance that Zach could come home today.

Gus: Huh?

Harley: Hey, hey, listen. I think Zach can come home today!

Gus: Baby, that's great.

Harley: Yeah, isn't it?

Gus: That's great. (Sighs)

Harley: Wow. Honey, have you been up all night looking through this stuff that Danny gave you?

Gus: Yes, I have, and I got to tell you something. It's really difficult to make any headway when you don't know your own mother's name. And the only name that I do have is this one right here: Miguel Santos. Miguel Santos. He owned a flophouse on the south side of Chicago, where my mother died giving birth to me. Miguel Santos-- this guy right here-- whose own son admits that he was quite the ladies' man. And you know what that means.

Harley: I do?

Gus: Yes, you do. That it's possible Miguel Santos was not just my mother's landlord, but it's possible that he's the one that got my mother pregnant. Miguel Santos might be my father.

Alexandra: You are pregnant, aren't you?

Olivia: Why don't you go find somebody else to bother, Alexandra? I'm not pregnant.

Alexandra: What is this, the last desperate attempt to hold onto Alan, huh? To claim your stake to the Spaulding fortune?

Olivia: I told you Alan and I are history.

Alexandra: Unless, of course, you're pregnant. That changes the situation entirely, doesn't it?

Olivia: You just love to mettle, don't you? I'm not listening to this.

Alexandra: What is it, Olivia?

Olivia: You're prying into my personal life, and it's none of your business.

Alexandra: Feeling rather light-headed? Tummy doing a few flip-flops? You know, in my day we simply called that morning sickness.

Phillip: I don't know why you're bothering to deny it.

Alan: Phillip, it was a simple mistake, and I think you're overreacting.

Phillip: I'm aware of the fact that it was simple. You were being sneaky; you were going for a power play, and you got caught.

Alexandra: How far along are you, Olivia?

Olivia: Leave me alone.

Alan: Well, ladies, what are you doing here?

Alexandra: Nothing. Olivia and I were having a little chat.

Phillip: About what?

Alexandra: Well, I was actually here to see Zach.

Alan: Olivia, what brings you here?

Phillip: Hey, hey. Are you all right? Whoa. Just take it easy.

Alan: Olivia, are you all right?

Olivia: I'm fine.

Phillip: Are you sure...

Olivia: Yeah.

Phillip: ...Because I don't think it's normal to just faint like that out of the blue.

Olivia: I didn't eat today, and I'm short on sleep. It just... it just all caught up with me, that's all.

Alexandra: Something certainly did.

Mel: Hey, is everything okay over here?

Olivia: Fine.

Phillip: No, it's not.

Alan: No, Olivia just fainted.

Olivia: I didn't eat today. My blood sugar's low, that's all.

Mel: Okay. Well, stay right here. I'll get you some juice.

Olivia: Look, I'm fine.

Phillip: Whoa. Just take it easy.

Mel: Okay, well, let's take you in the other room, and we'll just check you out and make sure everything's okay.

Phillip: Yeah, that's a good idea. Why don't you do that. Thanks.

Alan: I'll be right out here, Olivia.

Phillip: Yeah, me, too.

Alexandra: Oh, me three.

Phillip: She's all right. She was here this morning. She had an appointment with her doctor. I ran into her. And now she faints.

Alexandra: Oh, I'm sure she'll be fine-- more than fine.

Phillip: Excuse me?

Alexandra: Well, I just said I'm sure she'll be fine.

Phillip: No, but the way you said it; you... you said it like you think it's a joke that she fainted.

Alexandra: (Sighs) No. Trust me, I find no humor in this situation at all.

Phillip: She's in good hands with Mel. I'm going to go check on Zach.

Alan: Phillip?

Phillip: Yeah?

Alan: We're clear on our little misunderstanding?

Phillip: Yeah, yeah, we're clear. You lied to me, and I caught you.

Alexandra: Lied to him about what?

Alan: I'm going to go see Olivia.

Alexandra: Well, leave her be, Alan.

Alan: She's my wife, Alexandra.

Alexandra: Well, hopefully not for long.

Alan: Forever-- now that she's carrying my child.

Alexandra: You know that Olivia's pregnant?

Alan: Of course I do. I planned it.

Harley: Listen, honey, I know that you are checking out all the angles. As far as your past is concerned, I think that's great. But to make this huge leap...

Gus: Baby, I don't... I don't want to believe that I'm Miguel Santos' son. I'm just saying, you know, my whole life I've been walking around thinking I'm the son of a hero cop, but it is possible that I am the son of the biggest crime lord the Midwest has ever seen.

Harley: Okay, but... but keep in mind that "might" is the operative word.

Gus: I hate this! I hate it! I think I should know my mother's name! (Sighs) And these ledgers... let me tell you something. These ledgers-- useless. Typical mob stuff. Numbers-- they don't mean anything. No names, all initials, zillions of initials.

Harley: Yeah, I can just imagine how frustrating this whole thing must be for you, which is why it's very hard for me to ask what I'm about to ask. When Zach comes home, I would like him to come home here.

Gus: But he is coming home here.

Harley: Yes, but you know how quick Phillip can be to change his mind, and if the two of you should get into something...

Gus: Honey, stop it right there, okay? We have an understanding.

Harley: Can I have your word on that?

Gus: Yeah, on my honor, I'm not going to do anything to antagonize Phillip today to any day. I promise.

Harley: Okay. Thank you.

Gus: What do you think?

Harley: I love you. Thank you. I'm going to get changed, okay?

Gus: Yeah. This is it, Phillip. As of today, we're even.

(Knock on door)

Tony: Danny? So, what you just said about you and Michelle, does that mean...?

Danny: What? Does that mean what?

Tony: That you two have patched things up, or could?

Danny: Did I say that?

Tony: Well, that's what it sounded like, you know.

Danny: Tony, I have absolutely no idea what goes on in Michelle's head.

Marah: Oh. You know, if you feel uncomfortable talking about this in front of me because Bill's my cousin... honestly, I think the both of them are sort of on the rebound and they should take it slow. And as far as I know, they are still seeing each other.

Danny: As far as I know, too, they are.

Tony: So why did you just say what you did?

Danny: What was that?

Tony: About you and Michelle? Come on.

Danny: Oh, I don't know. Maybe because I have reason to believe that Michelle is starting to-- how shall I say this-- reevaluate the situation.

Tony: Because...

Danny: Because when Michelle saw me and Cassie at Company earlier this morning talking shop, she wasn't too happy about it.

Marah: You mean she was jealous.

Danny: You could say that.

Marah: (Laughs) So does she have something to be jealous about? I mean, are you and Cassie...

Danny: What? More than partners, business partners? No, no way. And speaking of Cassie, I got to get over there to Beacon. I got a meeting with her. So, Brando, about the drink dispenser?

Tony: Yeah, don't worry. I got it covered. It's... what?

Danny: Sure you do. Will you call a real plumber, please? Thank you.

Tony: Hey, Danny, you know, if Michelle calls for you, do you want me to tell her that you're with Cassie?

Danny: Whatever works.

Michelle: I think you might have misunderstood me just now.

Cassie: I did?

Michelle: Yeah, I couldn't care less if you and Danny spend Valentine's Day together working, or St. Patrick's Day or International Tugboat Day for that matter.

Cassie: International Tugboat Day? When is that exactly?

Michelle: Look, Danny and I are divorced, and what he does with his time is really none of my business. And obviously your personal life isn't any of my concern either.

Cassie: No, it's not. But just so you know, Danny and I are strictly business partners.

Michelle: Right, of course, you are. I just...

Cassie: What?

Michelle: Well, I know that Richard hasn't even been gone a year, and I'm sure that you must miss him so much.

Cassie: Yeah. So?

Michelle: So sometimes when we're lonely or we're grieving, we could latch onto someone who might not be right for us, but we don't really see it at the time.

Cassie: Mm-hmm. Is that what happened with you and Bill? You latched onto him when you thought you had lost Danny?

Michelle: No, I've known Bill my whole life. It makes sense that we'd be drawn to each other. But what I'm saying is when you're working with someone, there's a temporary feeling of closeness...

Cassie: Why don't you just spit it out, Michelle? Say what you mean.

Michelle: Both you and Danny have been hurt recently, and you're both very vulnerable, and I would just hate to see either of you jump into something wrong because of it.

Cassie: Thank you for your concern.

Michelle: Well, you know, even though I'm not with Danny anymore, I still care about him.

Cassie: I can see that.

Michelle: And we have a child together, so his happiness is important to me.

Cassie: It's important to me, too. Danny's not just my partner; he's also a friend of mine, Michelle.

Michelle: And that's all you feel for him is friendship? Nothing more?

Cassie: That's all.

Michelle: I see. Well, Danny may believe that, but I don't.

Phillip: I want that lizard.

Zach: You didn't get his tail yet.

Phillip: You love your lizard, don't you, buddy? You love your lizard. (Sighs) Hey, I want to make sure we're clear on something here. You know how I told you that you're going home with your mom today from the hospital and you're going to be living with her now? But you know that doesn't mean that I'm not going to be there, right? I'm going to be there all the time, and anytime you need me, I'm going to be there. You understand that, right? Okay. (Knock on the door) Yeah. I'll be right back, buddy. You stay put, okay? I'll be right back. What?

Gus: Hey. I heard they might spring him today.

Phillip: Yeah, mm-hmm.

Gus: That's good.

Phillip: As long as all of his tests are okay.

Gus: I just wanted to tell you how grateful Harley is that he's coming home to us, and I'm grateful. I'm grateful as well. And to show you how grateful I am, that's for you. It's to, you know, show you there's no hard feelings, fresh start, the whole thing.

Phillip: What is it?

Gus: Those are pictures of you and Olivia at the Beacon in her hotel suite doing... well, you know what you were doing there. I... I had you tailed.

Phillip: (Sighs) How...

Gus: How'd I get those? Sorry, is that what you were going to ask? See, technology is an amazing thing. They have these cameras now that go right up under the door and then up and... (whistles) now, I know... I know it was not a very nice thing to do, you know, but desperate times call for desperate measures. And I warned that if you pushed me too far, I'd go after you.

Phillip: That great. So one time in your miserable life you decide to be good to your word.

Gus: Phillip, you did some very nasty things towards me and to Harley and to Eden. But I'm just saying fresh start, no hard feelings, okay? And there's a disk in there, too. So the disc and the pictures and that's it.

Phillip: Who else did you show these to?

Gus: No one.

Phillip: Oh, you telling me you didn't show these to Harley?

Gus: Nope.

Phillip: None of your buddies down at the station? You all didn't sit around breathing heavy looking at these?

Gus: No.

Phillip: Didn't try to peddle them on the internet, try to make a few bucks for yourself?

Gus: Come on, man. Phillip, what do you take me for?

Phillip: You really want me to answer that? You're unbelievable, Aitoro. You ever think about anybody other than yourself?

Gus: Yeah. I think about you and how you hurt Harley. I think about that all the time.

Phillip: What about Olivia?

Gus: What about her?

Phillip: How do you think she would feel if she knew you took these pictures?

Gus: Who cares? Don't tell her. Don't tell her. The woman cheated on her husband-- her husband, your father. She did it with you. Why would you start defending her virtue?

Phillip: (Laughs) Because...

Gus: Because what? Phillip, it was a roll in the hay, that's it, it's over, no big deal. Roll in the hay, right? Unless, of course, it was more than a roll in the hay.

Mel: Okay.

Olivia: You know, Mel, we really don't have to do this. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with me.

Mel: Well, we'll just check. So are there any medical conditions that I should know about?

Olivia: No.

Alexandra: Oh, I just love how you twist things around to save face, Alan. Letting Olivia trick you into getting her pregnant, and you just... you're telling me you planned it.

Alan: I am the only one who planned anything.

Alexandra: Really? Well, tell me, explain that.

Alan: No, I think I've said enough.

Alexandra: No, Alan.

Alan: What?

Alexandra: You tell me what you did.

Alan: You are just itching to know, aren't you, Alexandra?

Alexandra: Because the last time I heard, Olivia was still on the pill, unless you convinced her to stop taking it.

Alan: After that little chat you had with her, discouraging her from ever becoming pregnant? Not very likely.

Alexandra: Then what? How?

Alan: Mmm... you know, not every contraceptive is 100% effective.

Alexandra: Oh, really? Well, the pill is pretty darn close.

Alan: Yes, but there's still a small margin of error.

Alexandra: And you decided to widen that margin?

Alan: Oh, yes, substantially.

Alexandra: All right. Come on, Alan, just tell me, tell me. Come on, you're itching to get it out, you know.

Alan: (Laughs)

Alexandra: (Laughs) You're all puffed up, so proud of yourself. All right, fine, fine. Have it your way, but I'm going to tell you something. Whatever you did, it's not nearly as clever as you think it is.

Alan: You know what I did? I switched Olivia's birth control pills with placebos.

Alexandra: That's why you were so adamant that Olivia would come back to you? Well, you know what, Alan? You are a swine. That is a despicable thing to do.

Alan: All I did was help mother nature along, Alexandra.

Alexandra: And I'm going to tell Olivia everything, and I'm going to put a stop to this sham of a marriage once and for all!

Alan: Well, you do that and you know who she will turn to? Phillip. Is that what you want? Just consider me the lesser of two evils.

Cassie: Are you accusing me of something?

Michelle: No, no.

Cassie: Do you think I'm lying to you?

Michelle: No.

Cassie: So do you think I don't know my own mind?

Michelle: Maybe.

Cassie: Well, I do, okay? And if I'm standing here telling you that Danny and I are just friends, than Danny and I are just friends. And frankly, I don't know why you care one way or the other...

Michelle: I don't.

Cassie: ... If you're so over him.

Michelle: I don't care.

Cassie: Oh, really?

Michelle: I just... I know him, that's all.

Cassie: Okay, so what does that mean?

Michelle: Danny is a very emotional person, and he... he feels things passionately.

Cassie: So?

Michelle: So, I know how grateful he was to you for saving his life-- as I was. And I thought maybe you might have misconstrued some of the gratitude for something else.

Cassie: I don't think so.

Michelle: Okay. Okay, great. Fine, no problem then, okay?

Cassie: I still don't know why you care.

Michelle: I already told you why.

Cassie: Did you?

Danny: Cassie, guess what?

Cassie: What?

Danny: I just got the call. We got the financing. All systems are go, partner! (Laughter)

Cassie: Oh.

Danny: What? Michelle, hey. I... I didn't see you there. How's it going?

Michelle: So your financing came through.

Danny: Yeah, it did.

Michelle: That's great. Congratulations.

Danny: Soon we're going to be the owners of the Towers club.

Cassie: Great. That's, like, you know, work and more work and more decisions.

Danny: Oh, we can handle it as long as we stick together. Oh, the backers want us to go with Lewis Construction, which I think is an excellent idea. I mean, unless you have any objections, Michelle.

Michelle: Why would I object?

Danny: I don't know, maybe... would it be awkward for you-- me working with Bill?

Michelle: Why? Is it awkward for you?

Danny: No.

Michelle: It's not awkward for me either.

Danny: Well, good.

Michelle: Good. I mean, I would hope that we're both above that sort of thing, right?

Danny: I hope so. We are, definitely.

Michelle: Good. Good then, because Bill is very good at what he does, and you're lucky to have him. I got to get going. And thanks again for helping me with that reservation...

Cassie: Sure.

Michelle: ... For Valentine's Day. Congratulations again.

Danny: Thanks.

Michelle: I'll see you guys around.

Danny: See you. So? Well, hey, I think some champagne is in order, don't you?

Cassie: No, I don't.

Danny: Why... why not?

Cassie: I know what you did, and I don't appreciate it, okay? I am not going to be a pawn in some game you're playing with your ex-wife. And our partnership is over.

Harley: Hey, Mel, I got your message. I hope it's good news.

Mel: Well, if good news means that your little boy recovered so well from surgery that he gets to go home with his mom today...

Harley: Oh, my gosh!

Mel: ...Then, yes, it's good news!

Harley: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Mel: You're welcome-- not that I did anything out of the ordinary.

Harley: Oh, no, no, you're just the one who operated on my son, and then you've been his guardian angel in the hospital ever since. Can he really go home? Really?

Mel: Yes, yes. But you have to understand that he still has a while to go before he recovers.

Harley: Oh, absolutely.

Mel: Okay. And at this age, the most... thing that we're concerned about is...

Harley: Is him sitting still long enough to make sure he doesn't pop his stitches.

Mel: Yes.

Harley: I understand. You just write everything down for me, I promise I will follow it to a tee. But all that matters is that my little boy gets to go home with his mommy!

Mel: Yes. So, how's Gus? Have you told him yet?

Harley: Uh...

Gus (whispering): I'm just saying... I'm just saying that if you love Olivia, then you should go for it. Now, I know that would create difficulties with your father, I understand that. If you're happier in the long run, you should go for it.

Phillip: You're giving me romantic advice. You're giving me romantic advice?

Gus: Well, Phillip, I am doing a little better in that department than you these days.

Phillip: Do really want to be a help to me? Do you really want us to get along better?

Gus: Absolutely.

Phillip: Then get out now, because in about another second, I'm going to do something that you're going to regret.

Gus: I was just trying to help. (Laughs)

Phillip: No, you're not trying to help. You're obnoxious. You're a gnat!

Gus: Well, you know what you are? Your ego-- I'm surprised your ego and I...

Phillip: My ego?!

Gus: You bet. You're selfish. It's all about you.

Harley: Hey, what is going on here?

Tony: Okay, well, that ought to do it.

Marah: All fixed?

Tony: I... yeah. Okay, yeah. Go ahead, try it out. Go ahead, turn it on.

Marah: Okay, okay. (Gasps)

Tony: Huh?

Marah: Wow!

Tony: So cool.

Marah: I am impressed.

Tony: You should be.

Marah: You really are a handyman.

Tony: What can I say?

Marah: I got to hand it to you, handyman.

Tony: Thank you. Mmm.

Marah: So do you really think there's a chance that Michelle and Danny might get back together?

Tony: (Sighs) Bill, your cousin, he wouldn't be too happy about that, huh? I don't know. Beats me. All I know is that when Danny wants something, he doesn't give up until he gets it. It runs in the family.

Marah: (Giggles)

Tony: Mmm.

Marah: (Laughs) (screams)

Tony: Whoa, whoa. What... what is going on here? I can't even stop it.

Marah: (Laughs)

Tony: It's not funny.

Marah: It's so funny.

Tony: Oh! Okay, this is...

Marah: (Laughs)

Tony: It's funny. You're soaked. You're... I'm...

Marah: So are you.

Tony: I'm soaked.

Marah: That's okay, honey. You're a handyman where it really comes in handy.

Tony: I'm so dead. I'm so dead. Danny was so right; I should've called a professional.

Marah: It's okay. Ever made love in the rain?

Tony: I guess there's a first time for everything.

Marah: (Laughs)

Danny: Hold up, hold up.

Cassie: What?

Danny: What did I do?

Cassie: You honestly don't know?

Danny: No.

Cassie: You used me, Danny, okay? And I don't appreciate it.

Danny: Used... (sighs) Okay, all right, maybe I did. I'm sorry. I did. It's just I got the feeling earlier that Michelle was jealous of you...

Cassie: You think?

Danny: ...Because she thought that maybe we were a little more than business partners, and... I don't know. I saw you two talking, and I thought it might be fun to play with her head a little bit, and I guess it got a little carried away. I'm sorry.

Cassie: Yeah.

Danny: Wait, you knew that she is jealous?

Cassie: She was basically telling me that when you walked in the door, okay?

Danny: She was?

Cassie: Yeah, she was.

Danny: Really?

Cassie: Okay, and if you want to go back to her, go back to her or don't. I don't care. But I don't want to be put in the middle of it. Do you understand?

Danny: Why are you so upset?

Cassie: I just told you why I'm so upset.

Danny: But, Cassie, you have been wanting use to get back together all these months.

Cassie: Yeah, I do. I do.

Danny: You said you would help.

Cassie: Yeah, okay, yeah.

Danny: So if a little pretending helps make that happen, what... what's the big deal?

Cassie: Forget it, Danny. Okay, just forget it.

Danny: Then why are you so bent out of shape over this?

Cassie: I am not bent out of shape. I don't know why we're even having this conversation. I don't know what is going on here.

Danny: I don't either.

Cassie: You know what? It's bad enough that you're in my dreams, okay? Can you just leave the rest of my life alone?

Danny: (Sighs)

Alan: Olivia? The nurse said you could come home as soon as you felt like it.

Olivia: Oh, good. That would be about now.

Alan: Good. I will have the cook prepare us something for you at home, and also have Nolan draw you a bath.

Olivia: No!

Alan: All right, no bath.

Olivia: No, no, no any of it. I'm not going back to the house with you. I'm going home.

Alan: Look, the mansion is our home.

Olivia: No, no, the Beacon is my home now.

Alan: Olivia, you just fainted. Now, you may not take that seriously, but I do. Now, someone needs to watch after you 24 hours. What if you had a relapse?

Olivia: I'll ring for room service.

Alan: Are you aware of how silly that sounds?

Olivia: Alan, I am not going back to the house with you, and that's... (sighs)

Alan: See? Sit down. I know what's best for you. I know what's best for us... for all of us.

Olivia: Why are you touching me like that?

Alan: Because I know.

Olivia: You know what?

Alan: I know the real reason you fainted.

Harley: What is wrong with the two of you? Do you want Zach to hear you? I certainly don't. I don't want anything to upset him before he comes home.

Phillip: So... so everything's fine? It's official? He can go home?

Mel: Yeah, as soon as I sign the papers.

Gus: That's great news. That's great news. See?

Mel: Why don't we go in and give Zach the good news?

Harley: In just a minute. Will you give me a minute?

Mel: Okay.

Phillip: Thanks, Mel.

Harley: Do I even want to ask what the two of you were arguing about?

Phillip: No, you probably don't.

Harley: Is this feud of yours ever going to come to an end?

Gus: Well, we're working towards that.

Phillip: Yeah, yeah, we're working towards it backwards.

Harley: Uh-huh. Well, if you're planning to pull the rug out from under me, I wish you'd just do it now and just get it over with.

Phillip: Pull the rug out?

Harley: Go back on our deal. Is Zach coming home with me today or not?

Phillip: Harley...

Harley: Yes or no, Phillip?

Phillip: Yes, yes. Zach is going home with you today.

Harley: Why do I feel like there's a "but" coming?

Phillip: Because I want to be on record as saying...

Harley: See, there it is.

Phillip: Yeah. Yes, exactly. If I have any reason to believe that this decision is not in the best interest of my son at anytime, I'm not going to have any problem changing my mind.

Gus: Well, that is not going to happen-- nothing like that.

Phillip: I hope not.

Gus: Let's tell him he's sprung. Come on, all right? Hey, hey.

Phillip: Go ahead. I'll be in in a minute.

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Harley: Here we are, home sweet home.

Gus: Hey, Zach, Zach, look on the couch. Look it. See? Who are all those fur people? Look. They're all waiting to say hello to you, huh? And Uncle Rick is going to bring your brother Jude home. We're going to have a "Welcome Home, Zach" party just for you, right? Look. Scruffy bear. Ooh, Horatio the horse. Horatio the horse. (In a deep voice) Welcome home, Zach. Yeah, welcome home. We missed you. Yeah, we missed you a lot, a lot.

Harley: Boy, did we ever miss you.

Gus: You're not the only one here. Is he doing okay? Are you doing okay?

Harley: Yeah, well, you know, I just waited a long time for him to come home.

Gus: I know. Well, he's going to stay home. Babe, he's going to stay home, I promise.

Harley: Well, that's if you and you know who...

Gus: We have an understanding.

Harley: If that's the case, then you have given me the best Valentine's Day gift ever.


Gus: Thank the lord. I can return the sports car now.

Harley: What!

Gus: That's good. I was maxed and my credit cards were all messed up anyway.

Harley: Are you okay?

Gus: Yeah. I'm never going to talk to my sister again, and I don't quite know who my parents are, but yeah.

Harley: Oh, honey.

Gus: I know. I'm just kidding. I... as long as I have you and Zach and Jude, I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I'm not feeling...

Mel: Hey.

Phillip: Hey.

Mel: Phillip, you okay?

Phillip: Yeah, just taking a last look around, make sure I didn't leave anything and gearing up to go home to an empty house. Yeah, James is with Beth, Lizzie's away at boarding school. And, now, Zach's back with Harley. Life's looking a little lonely these days. Hey, thank you for everything you did. I'll see you.

Mel: Okay.

Olivia: I told you, I fainted because I didn't eat today.

Alan: Well, I hope that's not true, because you need to eat properly now-- after all, you're eating for two.

Olivia: Excuse me?

Alan: Olivia, I've been down this road before: The queasiness, the mood swings. I can assure you, you have made me a very happy man.

Olivia: Wait a minute. You think I'm pregnant?

Alan: I understand your not wanting anyone to know the first trimester. But eventually you're going to start showing...

Olivia: Alan, read my lips.

Alan: Ooh, I'd much prefer to kiss them.

Olivia: I am not pregnant.

Alan: Of course you are.

Olivia: How do you presume to know what's going on in my body better than I do?

Alan: Because I know the signs, and my instincts tell me that you are pregnant.

Olivia: You're wrong. Your instincts are wrong. I'm not carrying your child, and I don't need your help in any way, shape, or form. I'm going home, and that doesn't mean your house.

Alexandra: (Sighs) Oh, just when I thought things couldn't get worse. Olivia, whose... whose child are you carrying? Alan's or Phillip's?

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