Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 2/12/03
Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya
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Holly: Maybe he won't show up. Maybe he's heard about my hideous crime, and he wants no part of me.
Blake: Please don't talk about that, Mom.
Holly: Can you smell the witch hunt in the air?
Ross: Oh, hi, honey. Hello, Holly.
Blake: Hey.
Ross: Blake, I came as soon as I got your message, which I must admit made very little sense to me. What's this about Holly and Reva?
Holly: Let me introduce myself: Reva's new stalker.
Ross: What?
Blake: Someone's been harassing Reva. They... they broke into her house, they left crank phone calls.
Ross: Yeah, that much I know, and the police apprehended the man.
Blake: The wrong man. Either that or someone's picked up where they left off.
Ross: The calls have started again?
Blake: And someone broke in. Smeared a message on her wall.
Holly: Among other things.
Blake: Yeah, a real sicko.
Ross: What does this have to do with Holly?
Blake: Well, Reva believes that whoever is responsible is someone she knows.
Holly: And the police, in particular my old friend Frank Cooper, seem to have convinced her that it's me.
Josh: Why would Holly do this?
Reva: We're not saying it was definitely her.
Frank: Reva...
Reva: We're not! We need to step back, all of us, and look at this objectively.
Josh: Look, somebody took fake blood and put it on your dry cleaning. That's a fact, right?
Frank: And a pretty clear message.
Josh: And Holly was the one who dropped it off.
Reva: That doesn't make her the vandal. Because the evidence... oh, my God, the evidence! Listen to me.
Josh: Yeah, but we're talking about a crime that's been committed here, Reva. It's harassment at the very least.
Reva: But it's Holly we're talking about. She's my boss. And more importantly, she's a friend.
Josh: The question is, why are we talking about Holly at all? And it's because she's the one who picked up the dry-cleaning from the shop, brought it here, and hung it on the front door, is that right?
Frank: That's exactly right. And we also know that the clothes, when they left the shop, were not in this condition. Holly says so herself.
Reva: But why would she say something so incriminating if she were the one responsible?
Frank: Reva, I don't know. I'm just trying to put together all the pieces like you are.
Josh: Okay, Frank, your man, Tucker, he said that no one else approached after Holly, who might have done this, right?
Frank: Yeah. I mean, Tucker's a good man, Josh. But come on, guarding a house is not rocket science here.
Reva: He may have looked away. He might have missed something.
Josh: That may be the explanation we want to hear. But maybe the reality is staring us right in the face, Reva. It was Holly.
Alan: You're sure this proxy will give me Phillip's vote at the board meeting?
Lawyer: If he signs it-- which he won't do if he's in his right mind.
Alan: I didn't ask you for an editorial.
Lawyer: I'm your lawyer. You pay me to advise you on business manners.
Alan: Well, this is more personal.
Lawyer: Alan, in my experience, people don't volunteer to sign away their rights in billion-dollar corporations.
Alan: You let me handle that end of things. You'll be busy drawing up a trust fund document for the child my wife is expecting.
Lawyer: Assuming she is in fact pregnant.
Alan: Oh, she is pregnant, and we will reconcile as a result. Of those two things I am absolutely certain.
Ben: You wanted to see me, sir?
Alan: Yes, Ben, I need your help, and it's urgent. I want you to take these papers to the hospital and get Phillip's signature on them.
Ben: Sure. That's it?
Alan: It's very important. He's over there visiting his son, who's recovering from surgery. Business continues no matter what the crisis. Now, it's imperative that you get his signature on every single one of these documents, and get them back to me as fast as possible. I hope I'm entrusting the right man.
Ben: I'm on my way.
Alan: Like candy from a baby.
Olivia (gasps): Oh! I'm sorry. Sorry.
Phillip: What's wrong? Did something happen?
Olivia: It's more about what's going to happen.
Ross: Holly, are sure that Reva's convinced that you are the one who did it?
Holly: She didn't dismiss it out of hand. That's all I needed to hear.
Ross: Yeah, well, that's a bit upsetting, considering that Reva's a friend.
Holly: What's upsetting is that I seem to be the only possibility.
Blake: It's... it's complicated.
Ross: Complicated because of your past and the incident with the children.
Holly: Yeah, well, what else? Was I seen pouring the blood on her clothes? Do I suddenly have this vendetta against Reva out of the blue?
Ross: Yeah, that whole mess happened years ago.
Blake: Four. She was drinking.
Holly: Well, I'm a raging drunk again. I trashed her clothes in the middle of a blackout.
Ross: Holly, anger is not going to help you.
Holly: You know that's what everybody is thinking. And if they're all so convinced I did it, what was the point of that A.A. and rehab...
Blake: Oh, please, Mom, stop talking like that, all right?
Holly: ...Therapy?
Ross: Holly... wait a minute. You weren't arrested, right? You weren't taken in for questioning, is that correct?
Holly: No.
Ross: Right. No charges have been filed against you?
Holly: So far.
Ross: So that tells us two things: Number one, not everybody is convinced that you vandalized Reva's property. It also tells us that we have time.
Holly: For what?
Ross: Well, to make Reva and Frank, Josh and whoever else, make them believe that they're wrong about you.
Holly: If they are wrong.
Ross: They are. I can't imagine you doing this, and once we get these people here and we confront them face to face, they'll believe the same thing. And then this whole mess, this whole thing will just go away.
Reva: Everything in me is saying that Holly would never ever do something like this.
Josh: Frank, did anyone else approach the house after Holly?
Frank: Yeah, a mailman and Blake.
Reva: Yeah, and Blake was with me when I found the clothes.
Frank: So three people that we know of walked up to this house, they weren't stopped, they weren't questioned. What was your guy doing in the car, Frank? Was he sitting there making little hash marks on his clipboard? He was too busy to get out of his cruiser and do his job?
Frank: My man was doing his job, Josh. But I can't interrogate every single person that comes within a hundred yards of your house.
Josh: Well, that's too bad, because you might have been able to stop this.
Reva: You know what? This is great. Let's just duke it out and maybe we'll find the clue to who this is that's doing this.
Josh: I'm sorry, okay? Frank, I'm sorry. I shouldn't let my frustrations speak for me.
Frank: Josh, we're all trying to find answers.
Josh: Let's just... let's just go through it one more time. Holly picked up the normal-looking dry cleaning at the shop. She brought it her, she left it here. The next person to touch it was Reva, and it looked like this.
Reva: I refuse to believe this was Holly.
Josh: Reva, we both know the stress that Holly has been under. She took a lot of flack for you after Richard's death, right? And... and then you disappeared from the studio, and the ratings went down. And you add that to what we know about her history...
Reva: History? Don't tell me about her history. I was the one who talked her down the last time, remember?
Josh: "Talked her down." You just made my point for me.
Reva: Holly is stressed; she's not psycho. And Frank is going to have to come up with so more solid facts before I'll think otherwise. (Phone rings)
Josh: It's Ross. Hello?
Ross: Josh, it's Ross. Listen, I have been speaking with Blake and Holly.
Josh: Really? How are they doing?
Ross: Not very good. It seems we have a bit of a situation on our hands.
Josh: I think that's a fair assessment.
Ross: And I would like to nip it in the bud.
Josh: What do you suggest?
Ross: A meeting. I'm sure that we can sort things out. Listen, I'm at Infierno. Could you come by?
Josh: Yeah, we'll be there.
Buzz: Don't go in. Zach's asleep.
Alexandra: Ah... where's Phillip?
Buzz: Oh, he left a while ago, and I sent Harley home so she could get some sleep, too.
Alexandra: Uh-huh, uh-huh. You spoke to Harley. Oh, is that why you're standing guard at Zach's door so I won't just waltz in and menace the poor thing?
Buzz: Oh, I don't know what to expect from you.
Alexandra: Harley's still angry.
Buzz: Can you blame her? I mean, here she thought you were the only Spaulding she had in her corner when she took on Phillip over Zach. I mean, she's a pretty tough lady to fool. You've got to be a real pro at this.
Alexandra: Oh, come on. Everything ended up well, Buzz.
Buzz: Yeah, I'm not surprised you're not screaming to high heaven about that. I mean, after all you're the one who was routing around trying to find some dirt on Gus's past to convince the court to keep Zach away from-- what did call it?-- The negative influences.
Alexandra: Oh, yes, yes, as opposed to the perfect behavior he might witness at the Spaulding mansion.
Buzz: Ain't life ironic.
Alexandra: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. You're angry, too, aren't you? Oh, come on. Zach is recovering beautifully. He's going home with Harley. She and Phillip made a deal. Oh, Buzz, come on. I am hoping that you and I can move on past this, too, in time. To think here? "Alexandra was just trying to protect her family. You can't blame her. You would have done the same thing in her position." Something like that, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Buzz: Yeah.
Alexandra: Well, it's the truth. (Laughs) And I'm so glad you understand.
Buzz: Maybe better than you like.
Alexandra: Okay, what are you saying?
Buzz: Oh, come on! This campaign isn't about love of family. You're lying through your teeth.
Phillip: Okay, what's going to happen?
Olivia: Well, I...
Phillip: What?
Olivia: I'm going to go home and take a nap. It's been quite a day.
Phillip: No, wait a minute. That's not what you started to say.
Olivia: You know what? Spare me the mind reading. I'm really tired.
Phillip: Olivia, just tell me what it is.
Olivia: Just... what do you think it is?
Phillip: I don't know.
Olivia: Forget it. I'm not getting into this with you right now. Leave me alone.
Phillip: Hang on a second. Is this about the conversation we had before?
Olivia: Which one? The one where you told me it was a mistake that you ever cared for me, let alone slept with me? Never mind how you felt.
Phillip: Oh, that. Okay.
Olivia: Hey, you know what? Forget about it. It's gone out of my head. I've been a little preoccupied with Alan and his lawyer going over divorce terms.
Phillip: Didn't know that was moving so fast.
Olivia: Neither did I, till I had the document in my hand. It's quite a shock, especially now.
Phillip: You're having second thoughts about leaving him, aren't you?
Olivia: I'm worn out. Why don't we go our separate ways and pretend it's for the best?
Phillip: No... no. No, let's not.
Olivia: Why do you want to continue talking about this when all we ever were to each other was a mistake, Phillip?
Phillip: Because you know what? A little while ago, you blew up at me when I even suggested that you and Alan should try to work something out, and now you're upset about at how fast you're going to be divorced? No... no, either you're a whole lot more tired then you thought or something's happened in the last two hours to change your mind.
Olivia: What difference does it make? It's not going to change our situation is it? Oh, no, we don't have a situation. We mean nothing to each other now.
Phillip: Okay, all right, I think I got it now. So I tell you that we've got no future, and all of a sudden you're waffling on divorcing Alan. Is that it?
Olivia: Oh, trust me, honey, you're not that desirable.
Phillip: Oh. Well, maybe not. But I know money is to you, and power is. And you're going to lose a lot of both of those if you decide to become the latest ex-Mrs. Alan Spaulding-- not to mention, position and perks and contacts, all those wonderful things that drew you to him in the first place. Or should I say the things that you were hoping he would give you?
Olivia: Is that what you really think it is?
Phillip: I don't know. Do I have it wrong?
Olivia: No, you're right on target as usual. Yeah, I am exactly the kind of person that you think I am, sweetie.
Phillip: Okay.
Olivia: I'm shallow.
Phillip: Okay, all right. Well, Olivia, if I've got it wrong, explain it to me then.
Olivia: Hey, what you see is what you get, or at least what you got.
Phillip: Mmm... (laughs) Now, see, we always end up fighting, don't we? Wonder why that is?
Olivia: I'm sure you have the answer to that, too.
Phillip: Never mind. Hey, I was not trying to judge you. Sorry.
Dr. Sedwick: I'm sorry to interrupt.
Phillip: That's...
Dr. Sedwick: I've been waiting for you.
Olivia: It's okay. We're finished.
Alexandra: Well, that's one of the things I admire most about you, Buzz: Your ability to speak your mind even when you are wrong.
Buzz: (Laughs) I'm not wrong about this, and I don't expect a mea culpa. You don't seem to be operating that way these days.
Alexandra: These days? Meaning what?
Buzz: Well, you used to stand out from the rest of the Spaulding's. I mean, you had a heart, you could accept the truth... till you came back to town. Now you're just another slick operator from the mansion.
Alexandra: Oh, my God. You know, I'm really sorry you feel that way, Buzz.
Buzz: What... and this, this. What is this? What is this? You know, this not sticking up for yourself. That tells me something's going on.
Alexandra: (Sighs) And what? What is this? I mean, you're turning into your family, huh? Turning to sleuthing?
Buzz: Well, Harley thinks that the custody case explains it all. She thinks you're just, you know, you're on a mission to fix up your family.
Alexandra: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. And I take it, you don't agree.
Buzz: You know damn well, you know it, that Phillip had no right to keep Zach away from his mother. And this about-face you're doing, it has nothing to do with the kid.
Alexandra: Oh, all right, fine, fine, fine. You're such a detective, what's your proof?
Buzz: Well, I'm sort of working with logic here, you see? Digging into Gus's paternity has about this, has this much bearing on the case, right? I mean, who cares who the father is? It could be Attila the Hun for all that matters. All that matters is Gus, Gus, how he does, what he does, how he acts.
Alexandra: Oh, come on, Buzz, why would I keep up a charade like that?
Buzz: Well, because it's easier for you to let Harley think it's Zach rather than get to wondering what was really driving you.
Alexandra: Uh-huh. Like you're doing right now?
Buzz: That's right.
Alexandra: Uh-huh. (Sighs) Well, I suppose you won't believe me. But I am... I am actually trying to fix things, not make things worse, Buzz.
Buzz: Oh, I definitely need some proof to... to buy that.
Alexandra: Mm-hmm.
Buzz: But I don't expect truth from you, you know. So I'll give you some.
Alexandra: Oh, all right.
Buzz: If this family reclamation project, or whatever you want to call it, hurts my daughter in anyway, you will have a new enemy: Me. Ask yourself, can you afford to have no friends in this town? Because that's what's going to happen. Think about it. You think about it.
Marina: I'm a lot more fun than Phillip.
Ben: Yeah, well, I'm looking for Phillip.
Marina: It's ten seconds later than last time you looked. What is the big deal about seeing Phillip?
Ben: I've got to get him to sign these.
Marina: Are they important?
Ben: Yeah, Alan said they were.
Marina: Oh, the boss man himself sent you, huh? What are they about?
Ben: I don't know. Don't... no.
Marina: You mean, you haven't looked?
Ben: No.
Marina: Come on, come on, they're probably nothing. They're probably like inner-office memos or paper clip invoices or something...
Ben: Yeah, but why don't you just come out and say "read them"?
Marina: Well, you know, you might find something interesting in there. Or you might completely blow it. It's basically up to you.
Ben: Some choice.
Marina: Yeah.
Ben: Spaulding made bids on some great companies. That'd be a good acquisition. Shoot, sneak peek's over. Shoot... Phillip, hi.
Phillip: Hey, Ben.
Ben: Listen, I'm sorry to hear about Zach. I was looking for you at the hospital. They said come over here.
Phillip: Oh, yeah, I just stopped off to order him something in the gift shop. Why? What's up?
Ben: I just need you to sign some things for me.
Phillip: I don't have time to look at paperwork right now. I've got to get back and talk to one of Zach's doctors, so...
Ben: Yeah, well, that's why your dad sent me to make it easier for you, so I'll just wait here while you sign these and I'll bring them back for you.
Phillip: Oh, oh, oh, well. No, too good an offer to pass up.
Ross: Thank you for coming by. I'd like to sort this out before it gets out of control.
Holly: It may be too late for that.
Reva: Holly, I don't believe that.
Ross: Why don't we all just sit down?
Holly: Isn't this cozy? Just like old times.
Ross: Reva, to start things off, do you honestly believe that Holly would ever do anything to harm you?
Reva: No, I don't believe that.
Holly: So much for honesty right off the bat.
Blake: Mom...
Josh: Holly is the one who dropped off the blood-stained dry-cleaning in the house.
Holly: Dropped off the dry-cleaning. There was no blood anywhere.
Ross: Now, there could be a logically explanation for what happened, Josh.
Josh: I agree. Unfortunately, we may already have it.
Holly: Then there's nothing else to say, is there?
Reva: I'm with you, Holly. I don't believe that you did this.
Ross: Okay, then, Reva, why don't you tell us what you think happened?
Josh: Wait a minute. What she thinks happened? Ross, I don't appreciate you trying to put Reva on the defensive.
Reva: Josh, it's all right.
Josh: It's not all right. Because this is starting to feel a whole lot like a setup. I was under the impression that this meeting was going to happen between you and Reva and myself.
Ross: I...
Josh: We walk in, there's a full-fledged conference going on.
Ross: I never... I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, Josh.
Holly: Well, what's the point here? I mean, you've already decided I'm the demon of the dry- cleaning.
Blake: No, Mom, we just want to have a conversation.
Josh: A conversation is fine. I just don't want Reva put into a position where she has to explain herself. She's been through enough already.
Ross: Yes, I understand that.
Holly: Well, then let me do all the explaining. I have no stress in my life. I'm only being accused of smearing blood all over your clothes and having the worst thing I've ever done thrown into my face. No, no stress here. Just sheer joy.
Reva: Don't take it that way please.
Josh: We're just trying to end this nightmare. Holly, I don't want to believe that you've somehow turned on Reva, but quite frankly, I need to be convinced of that.
Holly: Bring on the polygraph. Give me the truth serum.
Josh: Did you see anyone after you left the shop, someone who might back you up?
Holly: I've been through this with the police.
Josh: Go through it with me again, please.
Holly: I saw no one from the time I left the dry-cleaning to when I drove up to your house. I knocked on the door. There was no answer. I hung up the dry cleaning, and I left. The police saw me.
Josh: But you were upset at the time.
Holly: (Laughs) I was upset... you know, I run a television station. You get the news the ratings are down, it tends to bother you a little bit, but not...
Josh: And you really needed Reva to come through on that big story with the Spaulding's to help boost the ratings.
Holly: Well, only if she would give it her full attention, check the facts, or we would have a lawsuit on our hands, which could be worse than low ratings.
Josh: But Reva did neither. She did not come through with the story and help the ratings, and she did not pay enough attention to keep the Spaulding lawyers off your back.
Holly: Well, then, there's my motivation.
Ross: All right, Holly, that's enough. Listen, Josh, people can be upset, they can be furious without slipping into pathological behavior.
Josh: I understand, Ross. But some people have had problems with that kind of behavior, and those problems don't go away just because you want them to be gone.
Blake: My mother is fine.
Reva: No one's accusing her of anything, Blake.
Holly: No, Reva. You're just conveniently dredging up the worse episode of my life to fit your profile.
Josh: We're just trying to get the bottom of it. That's it.
Ross: Would everybody just take a deep breath and calm down?
Josh: Holly, were you placed on any medication after the kidnapping?
Ross: Josh, I don't want you to go there.
Josh: And if you were, are you still taking it? (Cell phone rings)
Holly: You want to come home with me and check out my medicine cabinet?
Blake: Are you going to answer that, Mom?
Holly: No. (Cell phone ringing) What? No. I said "no comment." Isn't that nice?
Ross: A reporter?
Holly: From "The Mirror." I guess someone at the police station thought that this would make a juicy story.
Reva: For the competition?
Holly: Yeah, they're doing a piece on the alleged crime and they wanted my quote. Mine's unprintable.
Josh: I'd be happy to call that reporter back and tell him that those accusations are ungrounded if you can just help me to understand why they are.
Reva: She's not guilty until proven otherwise.
Holly: You could have fooled me.
Ross: You know, I think this is getting us nowhere.
Holly: I can't prove I'm innocent if everyone is going to think the worst of me.
Reva: Nobody wants to hurt you, Holly.
Holly: No?
Josh: No. This is about protecting Reva, not about attacking you.
Holly: Isn't it always about protecting Reva? Great meeting. Very productive.
Ross: I'm sorry. I honestly thought that this would work.
Reva: Me, too. Poor Holly.
Josh: Ross, I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but I think you need to stop thinking of Holly as a victim here and maybe start thinking of her as somebody who needs help from all of us.
Frank: Hey, Pop. You okay?
Buzz: I'm trying to concentrate on one terrific thing: Zach is going to be okay. The rest is garbage. Your shift over?
Frank: No, not exactly. Listen, I don't mean to bring up some more garbage, but, you know, when you and Holly broke up?
Buzz: Yes.
Frank: Well, was it a friendly breakup or were there fireworks?
Buzz: No fireworks was why we broke up.
Frank: Has Holly seemed any different to you lately?
Buzz: You're asking for a reason, but you're not going to tell me, correct?
Frank: Correct.
Buzz: I like Holly. But whether or not something's up with her, I can't honestly say, because there's always been a part of her that's been a mystery to me, still is. To most people, I guess.
Frank: That's what I was afraid of.
Marina: All right, there you go.
Phillip: Thanks, Marina.
Marina: You're welcome.
Phillip: All right, Ben, that ought to do it.
Ben: Thank you very much, and I'll get these back to your dad.
Phillip: I'm sure he can't wait to get his hands on them.
Marina: Hey, got any more goodies in there?
Ben: I don't know. Phillip signed everything so fast, I couldn't see. Listen, I got to hurry.
Marina: Ah, you got time for this.
Ben: You bet I do. Later.
Buzz: I ought to say "Thank you." So I will. Thank you.
Phillip: For what?
Buzz: Calling off the Zach war. As weird as it is to think, let alone say, you might just be the most reasonable Spaulding out there.
Phillip: That's a frightening thought. Don't worry, Buzz. I'll do something to annoy you. That's what I do best. (Laughs)
Olivia: Well?
Dr. Sedwick: Well, it's just as I thought. You're very early on-- mid-first trimester, if that. So the sonogram really doesn't tell us much of anything.
Olivia: Like who the father is.
Dr. Sedwick: No, it takes a blood test or a DNA test to establish paternity. And we can't do that until it's safe to do amniocentesis, and that's at 17 weeks or so.
Olivia: Oh, that's something to look forward to.
Dr. Sedwick: Look, Olivia, I know this is a very difficult situation for you.
Olivia: Yeah, no, it's not easily resolvable like dashing off a memo or rewriting an estimate.
Dr. Sedwick: Yes, but it wouldn't hurt to have a strategy.
Olivia: This is where you ask me whether I want to go through with the pregnancy or not. It's the million dollar question.
Dr. Sedwick: How about some counseling? If you'd like that, I...
Olivia: No, you know what? I can... I'm sure you can refer me to somebody really wonderful, but I think I need to figure this out on my own.
Dr. Sedwick: Olivia, look, if you knew who the father is, now, would that influence your decision?
Olivia: (Sighs) I don't know.
Dr. Sedwick: Oh.
Olivia: Thank you. I got to go.
Frank: Hey, Pop, excuse me one second?
Buzz: Yeah?
Frank: Where did Marina go?
Buzz: Uh... something about studying for a test. Don't worry, Ben had to get back to work.
Frank: All right, well... you know what?
Buzz: No?
Frank: I'm going to take your advice. I'm going to give her a little space, and hopefully she won't let me down.
Buzz: Well, very good, Frank. Listen, you want to tell me why you were asking about Holly?
Frank: I wish I could.
Buzz: Frank, is she in trouble?
Frank: I hope not. But please don't ask me any questions about this, okay? I mean I really can't... I'm not at liberty to talk about it. There is something I'd like to say. You know my buddies, my cop buddies from Chicago and Detroit? They're always busting my chops about being a small-town cop? Well, I would love to trade places with them for just one week, one week. They think this is Mayberry here. They'd be blown away by everything here, everything we have to handle on a daily basis.
Buzz: You're scaring me, Frank.
Frank: Well, I mean, seriously. I mean, look what happened with Harley, that whole Zach situation. Talk about something good coming out of something bad.
Buzz: Too bad the kid had to be hit by a car to get his dad to open his eyes and finally realize what was best for his own son. I mean, what we do... do to our own kids, for God's sakes.
Frank: Yeah, not to mention what Phillip did to Harley, right? I mean, that's the first time... that's the closest I'd ever seen her to being beaten. Oh, my God, Pop, you know, I mean, especially when she thought that she was going to lose Zach.
Buzz: Well, at least Phillip did open his eyes. You know, he's a funny guy, isn't he? Just when you think you see a real human being in there, you try and talk to him, and he turns into Alan, Jr.
Frank: Yeah, well, who cares about Phillip? As long as Harley gets her son back.
Buzz: You're right. To Phillip.
Frank: To Phillip.
Buzz: For finally realizing that Zach belongs with his mother.
Frank: (Scoffs) To Phillip.
Buzz: To Phillip.
Ben: Got those papers signed for you, Mr. Spaulding. It didn't take too long, did it?
Alan: Good. You can go now.
Ben: You know, I had to track Phillip down for those signatures. I found him at Company right before he went back to the hospital, and he didn't really want to... well, if you need me for anything else, let me know.
Alan: Where is that proxy? Ah, here it is.
Olivia: Sorry.
Wife: Oh, excuse me.
Olivia: No, it's all right.
Wife: I'm so sorry.
Olivia: It's all right. You're a little preoccupied. I know how that can be.
Husband: Did you just have a baby?
Olivia: No, no, not... not yet.
Husband: We can't take our eyes off this little guy.
Olivia: Well, I can see why. He's, um... he's beautiful. He's very beautiful. What's his name?
Husband: Simon. (Baby cries)
Olivia: Oh. It's okay. Hello, Simon. Shh. It's okay.
Wife: He's our first.
Husband: He was named after my dad.
Olivia: Well, congratulations, and good luck.
Wife: You, too.
Olivia: Thanks. (Baby cries) I could use a little...
Alexandra: Hello, Olivia.
Josh: Are you angry with me?
Reva: Why?
Josh: You were pretty quiet in the car.
Reva: Well, I just feel like I lost a friend over nothing.
Josh: Reva, if Holly did this...
Reva: If. But we still don't have any facts to prove it.
Josh: Feels like there's more questions now then there were before.
Reva: Yeah, and all the other newspapers and television stations are going to have a field day with this.
Josh: Reva, it might get ugly for a while for Holly, but if she's innocent, she'll be fine.
Reva: After all the agony that she's been through, having that all dredged up again? She won't be fine. And I won't feel so good about this myself.
Josh: Because if Holly is innocent that means this person is still out there somewhere.
Reva: And then what? Do I spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder, wondering who amongst my family and friends have so much resentment for me that they would torture me like this?
Josh: We're going to track this person down. We're going to stop them.
Reva: How? When? I'm sorry. I know this isn't your fault.
Josh: It's not your fault either.
Reva: You know what the hardest thing is for me about all of this? Is that I'm so spooked right now that I would consider anyone a suspect at this point, even the people closest to me. And if that's what this creep is trying to do, then he's winning.
Holly: Uh, yes. Yes, all right. Good-bye.
Blake: Is that another reporter?
Holly: I wish. Malcolm Holmes, Chairman of the Board. Heard about the incident on the radio and wants to set up a meeting so I can explain myself.
Ross: You know, you don't have to say anything about your past.
Holly: I may have to.
Ross: Holly, you hang in there. You did not do this. I know that, and I'm going to stand by you until your name is cleared, and it will happen. I promise you that.
Holly: Okay. Well, I'd better get back to the office while I still have one.
Blake: Of course you do. Listen, Mom, why don't I come with you?
Holly: Why? To keep me company, or to be my witness in case anyone doubts I walked the two blocks myself?
Blake: Mom...
Holly: Thank you, both of you.
Ross: Take care. Well, this... this is truly a nightmare, isn't it?
Blake: Of the recurring variety, yeah.
Ross: You know, it's odd because Springfield was just... just ready to put the kidnapping in the past. Now it's going to be churned up again, which is so unfair to Holly, you don't think that it is? Blake, you don't think that she did it, do you? You can't think that.
Blake: Mom might be drinking.
Ross: Why do you say that?
Blake: She was in here, Ross, and she headed straight for the bar. I saw her.
Ross: But she didn't take a drink, did she?
Blake: I caught her by surprise, so no, she didn't. And she denied that she would have. But what if she did? What if she were by herself later on and she did?
Ross: And then what did she do? She took Reva's dry-cleaning and did all that stuff in a blackout?
Blake: Well, what if she slipped, Ross? She's under so much stress right now. She's an alcoholic, and she's human.
Ross: I hope to God you're wrong about this.
Blake: I do, too. I wouldn't say this to anybody else but you. But given the stress that she's been under and given her background with violent blackouts, I think she might have done it. I'm really scared.
Alan: Well, I was hoping I would find you here. How's Zach coming along?
Phillip: What's the matter, Dad? Is there a problem with one of the papers I signed, or should I say was supposed to sign?
Alan: Phillip, there was a mistake made.
Phillip: Yeah, yeah, I know. Trying to get me to sign away my voting rights for the next board meeting? That would have to be an accident, right?
Alan: That proxy was never supposed to be in with those papers.
Phillip: I believe you. I just... I can't figure out, how would that happen?
Alan: I intended on discussing the issue with you personally.
Phillip: Because you would never do anything sleazy like that.
Alan: Look, I can understand how you would take this the wrong way, but if you will hear me out, I will explain everything to you.
Phillip: Sure, sure, it's all right. If you want to do a little damage control, that's fine, but let's not do it here. It's a few feet away from Zach's room, and actually, the idea is to try to keep toxins away from him. I'm going to go over to Company and get some coffee. You want to come with me? It's okay... you can lie to me on the way.
Olivia: It's always lovely to see you, Alexandra.
Alexandra: And were you here visiting Zach?
Olivia: Why else would I be here?
Alexandra: Well, that's my next big question, because you weren't in his room.
Olivia: How do you know?
Alexandra: Because I was. And I just saw you come out of the cubicle with Dr. Sedwick, in fact.
Olivia: So what? So I... I like to take care of my health.
Alexandra: Oh, well, Dr. Sedwick's an obstetrician, isn't she? Are you also trying to get pregnant?
Olivia: That's not really high on my list of things to do.
Alexandra: My God, you're pregnant now, aren't you?
Olivia: No, I'm not.
Alexandra: No, you are. It all fits now. Dr. Sedwick, cooing over a brand-new baby. You're pregnant, damn you.