GL Transcript Friday 2/7/03

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 2/7/03

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

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Michelle: Wait a minute. Danny wants to hire you for a job?

Bill: Yeah. Weird. But he wants me to meet him at a funeral right away.

Michelle: You two were together like two minutes earlier, and I thought there was....

Bill: Like I said: Weird. Where is my calculator though?

Michelle: What?

Bill: I'm going to need it if he wants to run numbers.

Michelle: Hold on, hold on. You're not doing it?

Bill: I think I should at least talk to him. I mean, he said this could be a big job.

Michelle: Bill, you're not doing it.

Frank: Come here often?

Beth: Oh, too often. That's the problem with living in a hotel. You have too much hotel food. Why don't you join me? Oh, Frank, now come on. When was the last time we had lunch together?

Frank: Never.

Nolan: Well, this is almost the last of your things, Mrs. Spaulding.

Olivia: Yeah, looks like it. Could you check the office, see if there's any Beacon files?

Nolan: Yes, yes. Of course.

Olivia: Has my doctor called about a prescription refill yet?

Nolan: Not as far as I know.

Olivia: Make sure that everyone knows where to find me when the call comes in, okay?

Nolan: Yes.

Olivia: I thought nobody was home right now. I won't be long.

Phillip: So you're really moving?

Olivia: I told you I was.

Phillip: Why aren't you staying?

Olivia: What, with Alan?

Phillip: Yeah.

Olivia: Yeah, you keep proving it over and over again, Phillip. You never knew me at all.

Mel: Harley, what is it?

Harley: I'm not sure. But I intend to find out. Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Listen to me. Springfield P.D. I need to speak to your patient.

Orderly: The plane's on the runway, ready to take off.

Mel: What is the hurry?

Harley: I believe Alexandra is on a mission.

Mel: Well, he can't have gone far.

Harley: You know what? Forget about that guy. We're not going to get anything from him anyway. I'll figure out where the destination of the plane is. We'll ask aviation. The important thing is that Roy Baker is leaving the country and he's not going to come back.

Mel: Why is Alexandra hustling one of my patients out of the country?

Harley: Because I don't think he wants... I don't think she wants me to know about Gina.

Mel: Gina. Who's Gina?

Gus: Honey, what are you... are you coming to see me off on my way to Chicago?

Harley: Yes. (laughs) Yes, absolutely. Have a good trip, honey. Hurry back. You have a great trip, and don't worry about anything, because Zach is getting better by the minute.

Gus: Thank God. Well, then, did you come to see me off too?

Mel: No. I have a patient that just got flown out.

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: You know how Mel has to take care of everybody.

Gus: Yeah. Well, I've got to get going. I don't know how long it's going to take me to get back, but I'll be back as soon as I can.

Harley: Do what you have to do, you know. We're fine here. I'm going to be at the hospital with Zach every second that I can. And I brought some work there, too, so I'll be there day and night.

Gus: All right, well, thanks for having my back on this, okay?

Harley: No problem.

Gus: Give Zach a hug.

Harley: I will. Bye.

Mel: Bye, Gus. Too bad you're leaving without the clue you need.

Harley: I know.

Mel: I thought you said this was about Gus' big case?

Harley: It is.

Mel: Then why didn't you tell him about Gina? I mean, it's the only thing we got out of Roy Baker. It has to be important.

Harley: It is important. But before you decide to do something about it, would you give me a minute to explain?

Cassie: Come on, are you going to tell what this is all about?

Danny: What? I'm trying to get these specs in order so we can show them to Bill.

Cassie: Danny, why are you doing this?

Danny: Huh? What? Because... what do you mean? Because Lewis Construction is a good honest company and they came in with the most competitive opening bid. What?

Cassie: We can still work with Lewis Construction without having to go through Bill. All I have to do is talk to Josh. Look, I don't want...

Danny: Cassie...

Cassie: ...You working with someone that's going to make you feel uncomfortable.

Danny: Look. Look, I'm not going to let the fact that Bill is dating Michelle get in the way of us hiring the best man for the job. If Lewis Construction says it's Bill, then it's Bill. He's fine with it; I'm fine with it.

Cassie: You are such a guy.

Danny: I see. Well, would you rather that we hire an inferior company and risk getting sub-par work or overcharged, or any number of things?

Cassie: And that's what this is all about? Come on.

Danny: What? You think I'm doing this because I have something to prove to Bill Lewis?

Cassie: No, I think you're doing this because you have something to prove to Michelle.

Bill: So are you telling me that I shouldn't even be considering it? Is that...

Michelle: It's Danny.

Bill: Yeah. So what? He's going to make me an offer that I can't refuse or something? I'm joking. Come on.

Michelle: How can you joke? This is serious.

Bill: Yeah, I know it is. And I... look, I just can't turn down a job that could be good for Lewis Construction.

Michelle: Oh, yes. So that's all that matters is the work.

Bill: Michelle, it's a job. A job is about the work.

Michelle: Yeah, and it's also about the people who are involved. And you and Danny have enough going on already. And, you know, if you take this job, he's going to be your boss.

Bill: No, he would not. He would be my client. Look, I just think... you think I can't handle that?

Michelle: No, it's just not that simple.

Bill: Yeah, well, it could be. It doesn't have to be such a big deal.

Michelle: Oh, unless I make it one.

Bill: I'm saying it could be simple. That's all I'm saying.

Michelle: Right, right. But I'm making it complicated.

Bill: That's not what I'm saying.

Michelle: Yeah, yeah.

Bill: Why are you putting words in my mouth? You're putting words in my mouth.

Michelle: What planet do you live on?

Bill: Apparently a planet where people don't make trouble for no reason.

Michelle: Oh, okay. Fine, fine.

Bill: Fine.

Michelle: You go to your trouble-free new job then. Go ahead.

Bill: Okay. I will, I will. Fine.

Michelle: Yes.

Bill: I don't know why it has to be such a big deal, but fine.

Michelle: Bill? Bill, wait.

Frank: I'm really sorry about you and Bill. You guys seem very happy together.

Beth: Yeah, well, I thought we were, too. Turns out, he'd rather be happy with Michelle though.

Frank: Yeah, well, you're talking about Bill and Michelle. I mean, he's had a crush on her ever since they were kids.

Beth: Oh, I know, I know. They belong together.

Frank: Well, like you and Phillip.

Beth: Or you and Eleni.

Frank: Ouch!

Beth: Yeah. (laughter)

Frank: I'm sorry.

Beth: See how it feels. No, I'm sorry. I'm just feeling sorry for myself. It's that time of year.

Frank: And what time of year is that?

Beth: Valentine's Day, my anniversary with Phillip, my birthday...

Frank: Your birthday? Really? Well, we have to celebrate that, right? I mean, come on, we can go bowling; we can go to the movie, anything. I'll tell you what? Even for dessert, I'll order you a little cake here. We'll put some candles on it. Not too many candles.

Beth: Frank Cooper, are you asking me out on a date?

Frank: I guess I am.

Beth: Well, I wonder what your sister would say about that. (laughter) I wish I could, I do. But I can't. Not right now.

Frank: Hey, that's okay. Really.

Beth: I'm sorry.

Frank: No, hey, please don't be sorry. At least I get to tell my daughter that I ended up asking a beautiful woman out for a date. I'm making progress.

Phillip: Hey, you know what? Let's not do this. Because assuming that you and Alan were going to try to work something out wasn't intended as an insult.

Olivia: Yeah. What else could it be?

Phillip: Predictable. Inevitable.

Olivia: Oh. So since I don't have a shot with you, I should make sure I end up with one of you Spaulding gems so as not to miss out on perks? Is that it? You think anything that either one of you has to offer me is worth this kind of pain? (laughs) You know what? I've been on my own most of my life and that's better than being with the wrong person.

Phillip: Oh, well, I certainly agree with that. And you know what? I really wasn't looking for a fight.

Olivia: Yeah, well, neither was I.

Phillip: Good.

Olivia: Unless you want to fight for me. Because that's what we should be doing. We should be fighting for each other.

Phillip: Let me tell you something, Olivia. When I got to the Beacon and I found you and Alan together, I was so angry.

Olivia: Look, I don't...

Phillip: Hang on a second. Let me finish this! I was angry, and I was hurt, because you hadn't waited. I felt like... I really did feel like you had just jumped into the sack with my father because I was late.

Olivia: That's not the way it happened.

Phillip: I know that. I know that's not true. I know what you thought. But what I realized afterwards is that I was the one that had crossed the line. Think about it. I'm standing in this room with you and my father and I'm angry with you, because you're sleeping with your husband. No, I'm the one that's wrong. I'm the one that crossed the line when I slept with you, because that's not who I am.

Olivia: That's a nice try. You know, I would have believed those words coming out of your mouth a few months ago. But, now, after what we shared... tell me again that you think it was wrong, Phillip.

Phillip: It's wrong to sleep with your father's wife.

Olivia: That's not what I asked.

Phillip: That's exactly what we did.

Olivia: I never should have been his wife.

Phillip: Well...

Olivia: He tricked us then. And he tricked us by taking that letter to keep us apart.

Phillip: Maybe he did. Maybe he did.

Olivia: You know that he did. You knew in about ten seconds. He kept that letter away from you to keep us apart.

Phillip: We don't know that for sure.

Olivia: We don't?

Phillip: You know what? It doesn't matter.

Olivia: What do you mean it doesn't matter? Wait a minute. Are you saying that if you had gotten the letter and Alan hadn't interfered that we would have ended up right here just like this?

Phillip: I can't tell you "what if". I can only tell you what happened.

Olivia: You're feeling guilty over a man who hasn't earned it, Phillip, not one bit of your loyalty.

Phillip: But, see, you don't understand those things aren't about him. They're about me and who I am and want to be. It's got nothing to do with him or anybody else...

Olivia: What? Well, who would you want to be? Who do you want to be now? Do you want to be a man who loves with everything that he has and then fights for it because he believes in it?

Phillip: Let's not.... let's not do this, because we can't change anything.

Olivia: No, I guess we can't.

Phillip: Right. I'll leave you to your packing.

Harley: Okay, can we pretend that I'm a patient and I'm telling you about my gallbladder or something?

Mel: Excuse me?

Harley: I need confidentiality.

Mel: Well, Harley, if I can, I will, you know, but I have a patient getting whisked out of here on some flimsy orders. You know, if this is related to some case that you cops have then maybe I should make an official report.

Harley: No, no, no. It isn't. I mean, it isn't official.

Mel: Well, I thought you said that this is about Gus' huge case?

Harley: It is. And it isn't. Look, I feel... I feel disloyal enough to Gus as it is. You have to promise me if I'm going to tell you something, that you won't...

Mel: Okay. All right, look, I promise. I won't tell Gus. Or anybody.

Harley: Okay. This whole thing is about... it's about Gus' dad-- well, Gus' dad 30 years ago. It looks like... we think that Gus was adopted. And we've discovered a Jane Doe who died five days before Gus' parents put out a birth announcement. I mean, it's... it's such a... the whole thing is funny and weird and his father's caught up in it to his eyeballs.

Mel: Sounds messy.

Harley: It is messy. But Roy Baker was Gus' dad's partner on the force. So we think Roy might know.

Mel: Gina. Maybe that...

Harley: We're not sure about that.

Mel: Yeah, well, Roy was definitely trying to tell us something. I mean, remember he caught me out in the hall and he managed to say "secret."

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Mel: He was desperate.

Harley: Yes. And Alexandra Spaulding made sure we couldn't get near him.

Mel: What's up with that? Why is she in the middle of it?

Harley: I don't know. I really thought that she and Roy were just in cahoots to dig up stuff on me that Phillip could use in the custody hearing. But now the custody thing is settled, and she's still out there trying to get Roy out of the county. So it's obviously something else. It's a whole other agenda.

Mel: Okay, well, then why don't you and Gus focus on her instead?

Harley: That's the thing. If Gus finds out about the Gina clue, he will be all over Alexandra night and day and that will upset her. And then what if Phillip finds out about that? Then it will upset him because his aunt is being worked over by a man that he hates.

Mel: Well, you'll find out. You'll find out. One step at a time.

Harley: Yes, but in the meantime, I can't just go off half-cocked, can I? I mean, I love him. But Zach is my son. He's the most important thing to me. His needs comes first. Okay, that's just the way it has to be.

Gus: I got to tell you, Sonny, it was a tough neighborhood back then in the days.

Gennaro: Oh, yeah. Pulaski way was always a flophouse. Hookers, pimps, junkies...

Gus: Was... was my mother a... uh...

Gennaro: We'll find out how she ended up there.

Gus: Yeah. So where's this guy? Where's your guy?

Gennaro: He's probably waiting for an official coffee break. He's a paper pusher in the buildings department, a friend of a friend.

Gus: Oh, man. So what you're telling me is he's not a motivated guy? He's not going to be motivated to help us?

Gennaro: We'll see when he gets here. By my guess is about now.

Ralph: You Gennaro?

Gennaro: Yeah, Ralph, isn't it? Have a seat. This is Gus Aitoro.

Ralph: Hey, how are you doing?

Gus: Do I know you?

Ralph: Is that your best pickup line? Come on, I got about ten minutes here. What?

Gennaro: We need some information on a building: 12 Pulaski Way, 1960.

Ralph: Like what?

Gus: Whatever you could get us. If there was any liens on the building or anything about the superintendent, tenants, anything.

Ralph: You talking paper.

Gus: No, I know. But we were hoping for copies if anything.

Ralph: No, I mean the originals. All that old stuff is paper, files stashed in basements in every municipal building around town getting old and musty. It could take weeks to even find out where to start.

Gus: Well, that's fine. We understand that. We were just hoping there was a way to expedite the paper.

Ralph: Tell me your friend did not just offer me a bribe, Officer. File a request with Hall of Records. Best I can do.

Gus: Yeah. Thanks.

Gennaro: Thanks. Thanks for your time and your concern. Hey, Nicky August, what's with that face, huh?

Ralph: What about Nicky August?

Gus: I'm Nicky August. I changed my name to Gus Aitoro when I started doing undercover. Why?

Ralph: You're Nicky August? (laughs) You grew up.

Gus: Yeah.

Ralph: You don't look the same without the pimples and the letter jacket. I mean, I wouldn't have made you in a million.

Gus: So I do know you. I know you.

Ralph: You don't remember? What... what... it doesn't matter. I remember you. And whatever you need from now on, you got it.

Cassie: Hey, Bill.

Bill: Cassie?

Cassie: Hi. Good to see you.

Bill: Hey, I thought I was meeting Danny here.

Cassie: Danny and me, yeah.

Bill: You and Danny?

Cassie: Yes, we're partners on this deal.

Bill: Really.

Cassie: Yes, really. Look, we wanted a new venture and we thought this would be a good opportunity, so we did it.

Danny: Oh, no, no, no. Don't let her fool you. This was entirely her idea, and I'm just lucky that she asked me to be a part of it. Though I still don't know why. How you doing, Bill? Thanks for coming.

Bill: Yeah.

Cassie: Well, you know, I couldn't handle this place and the Beacon, and Danny's a really good business man.

Danny: No...

Bill: And what is this that we're talking about?

Danny: Oh, sorry. Well, have a seat. I guess we should explain what's going on. Cassie and I are putting together some backers, and we're going to purchase the Towers club.

Bill: Really? That is... that is big.

Danny: Yeah. It is. But there really won't be any point if we can't afford to do the kind of renovation that we want. So...

Bill: So you want me to take a look at the specs, try to get a rough idea with a construction bid on it?

Danny: Yeah. Exactly. You guys have already come in with the best, most competitive opening bid, and you do good work, and I trust that you'll be fair.

Bill: Especially when family's involved.

Danny: I don't see you as family.

Bill: I meant Cassie.

Danny: Right. So why don't you take a look at what we got?

Bill: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure. Okay.

Danny: Well, for starters, we were thinking that we want to... we want to knock out this existing wall and put a... not really, not a bar, more like a lounge in this area. Wait a second. Where was that? Was it there?

Cassie: No, it was there.

Danny: That was...

Cassie: No, you're right. It was there.

Danny: Okay. And what... what was it... tell him what you said.

Cassie: Well, we wanted sculptured walls that would partly enclose it to separate it, but not close it off all together.

Danny: Right. That way we get the space, but we also get the separation. She's good at this. (Cassie laughs)

Bill: Yeah, she is. You two make a great team.

Danny: Yeah.

Nolan: The rest of the things are in the car. And this just arrived for you.

Olivia: Thanks.

Nolan: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: I'll send along a forwarding address as soon as I have one.

Nolan: Yeah, you can give it to me. I take care of all the mail.

Olivia: You take care of all the mail?

Nolan: Yes, I do. I'll make sure that...

Olivia: So did you... did you sign for an overnight letter for me when I was in San Jamar, Nolan? It was addressed to Phillip.

Nolan: I, uh... I don't recall.

Olivia: Really? Well, I think that the delivery company probably could. You know, they keep records of those sorts of things. When things arrived and who signed for them.

Nolan: I remember. I remember something.

Olivia: You did it. I mean, you were following Alan's orders, but you intercepted that letter. You tampered with my mail, and now everyone's lives are hell because of it.

Nolan: Ma'am, I assure you, I never, never intended on...

Olivia: Never intended anything, but that hasn't stopped this from becoming a nightmare, has it? But we're going to stop that. And you are going to help me fix it.

Gennaro: That's 12 Pulaski, Ralph; 12.

Gus: I do know this guy.

Gennaro: What gives?

Gus: Hey, he used to be the super of my sister's school. You know, just to make sure that Eden had some juice, I used to take care of the guy. I guess, by the way he's acting, not a lot of people did.

Gennaro: Yeah, looks likes it's paying off.

Ralph: Look, why don't I kick a few butts, got some things located?

Gus: I can't thank you enough, man.

Ralph: Well, if we do find some information about the former owner of the building, my guy's going to fax the official title to your station across the street.

Gus: We appreciate it. Thank you.

Ralph: Don't thank me yet, because I'm not sure you're going to like what I found.

Beth: Hey, just the person I was looking for.

Phillip: Hey.

Beth: How's the little man?

Phillip: He's doing great. They're going to move him into a room down here until something opens up in pediatrics.

Beth: Oh, well, that's encouraging.

Phillip: Yeah.

Beth: Moving him out of I.C.U. I remember how it was with Lizzie. They just can't get any rest in there, can they?

Phillip: No. So, yeah.

Beth: How are things?

Phillip: Good. Things are really, really good. His blood work is normal, and he's got almost no pain medication, no post-op infections.

Beth: Phillip, Phillip.

Phillip: What?

Beth: How are you? That's what I'm asking.

Phillip: Beth, Zach is doing well. And as far as I'm concerned right now that's the only thing in the world that matters.

Beth: So the rest of the world has gone to pot?

Phillip: Beth, I don't... I don't really want to get into it right now, okay? I mean, didn't we say it was too soon after breaking up to try to be buddies again?

Beth: Well, I thought that all went out the window when we went on Lizzie's school trip. But, hey, if you don't want me to be a friend right now, if you don't want to let me in, that's fine.

Phillip: Beth? Beth? Beth? I'm sorry.

Beth: How are things with um... her and Alan?

Phillip: Got me again. After years of knowing better, I got sucked back in again. And I played right into his hands every step of the way. Oh, you'll appreciate this part. There was a letter this time, too, from Olivia to me that he apparently intercepted.

Beth: Oh, no, Phillip.

Phillip: Yeah, yeah. He got me good. Of course, you know, only because I was stupid. I forgot who I was. I let things go too far with Olivia, way too far. And of course now, she's hurt. Her life is wrecked. So it appears that I've done a number on everybody.

Beth: All right, wait a minute. What are you saying? You're saying that you're the only problem and Alan is just some wronged party here? Oh, come on. That's a crock and you know it.

Nolan: Mrs. Spaulding, I don't know what you suspect or you think happened.

Olivia: Oh, save it, Nolan. I know. But Phillip doesn't believe it. And since it was his letter that you tampered with, I think he has a right to know. And it'll be easier if it comes from you.

Nolan: All I do is follow orders.

Olivia: And that's all I want you to tell him. He'll understand that. Because you did purposely keep that letter from Phillip because Alan asked you to, didn't you?

Nolan: This is not part of my job description.

Olivia: What isn't? Tampering with the mail, or getting nailed for it? Do you know what a horrible mess you've made of things by keeping...

Nolan: Oh, yes. Yes. Yes, I do know. I didn't mean to. Anyway, it... unless there's anything else you need from me, I'll put these things in the car.

Alexandra: Oh, my, can't get away fast enough?

Olivia: Don't count me out yet, Alex.

Alexandra: Oh, no, what happened?

Olivia: I'm going to nail your brother to the wall, because I have proof, proof that Alan personally intercepted that letter to keep Phillip and me apart. And once Phillip realizes that he won't feel guilty about anything and we can fix this mess.

Alexandra: So you're off to tell Phillip the good news, huh?

Olivia: You know what? I don't want you to interfere. I'm sick and tired of people interfering.

Alexandra: I wouldn't dream of it. Go. Run to Phillip. Please, do. What are you going to do when that doesn't work either?

Danny: So we'll get copies of these to you as soon as possible so you can come up with a more accurate figure. We understand that right now all you can give us is a ballpark number and... Bill?

Bill: Yeah. Yeah, sorry.

Danny: So we don't need a number from you right now.

Bill: No, that... that wasn't it.

Danny: Then what? What's the matter?

Bill: I'm just trying to figure out if I should take this job at all.

Danny: Why? Because of me?

Bill: No, no, no. It's me. I have a few concerns. I want to make sure I'm not doing this for the wrong reason. You mind if I think about it for a little while?

Danny: No. No, of course not. No, take your time.

Bill: Okay.

Danny: Be in touch. Soon, I hope.

Bill: Yeah. Cassie.

Cassie: Thanks a lot, Bill.

Bill: Thanks.

Danny: So he's going to think about it.

Cassie: Uh-huh. What about you?

Danny: What? Yeah, I'm thinking.

Cassie: Doing this for the right reasons?

Danny: Yeah. I don't know. I mean, maybe I'm... all right, maybe I'm trying to prove something to Michelle; That I'm a bigger guy than the man who picked a fight with her earlier today, that I can work with her boyfriend, that it's no problem, that... you know, I've moved on, that I've got a life, too. Now you can tell me that I'm being an idiot.

Beth: Alan totally manipulated this situation. You knew that in Connecticut, and you tried to get back.

Phillip: Yeah. And?

Beth: Well, that doesn't count for anything.

Phillip: Beth, he was trying to hold on to his wife-- his wife that I was trying to take away from him. I don't think I get any high moral ground here.

Beth: Well, how about feelings? Do you get to have feelings?

Phillip: I feel rotten. Does that count?

Beth: I'm talking about your feelings for Olivia. I saw it, Phillip. You care about that woman. A lot. (laughs) You notice I only say that with a little bit of malice.

Phillip: I noticed.

Beth: I want you to be happy. We all deserve that. You can't just shut off your feelings. Take it from someone who's tried. Just think about it.

Olivia: Phillip hates his father's games as much as I do. Once he realizes what Alan did...

Alexandra: Oh, yes. What? He will come back to you, hmm? Maybe it'll slow Alan down enough to think for a change? I'd welcome that. (laughs) And then what? What? You and Phillip, you go off in a blaze of righteous indignation? Both turn your back on Alan, and it won't last. It can't.

Olivia: You don't know that.

Alexandra: I know Phillip. And you're always going to be the woman that was his father's, the woman he stole, and worse than that, you're the woman who played Alan's games.

Olivia: No, no, Phillip knows how devious his father could be. He'll understand.

Alexandra: Oh, no, he's never going to accept anyone who's caught up in that wheel. Phillip has stayed outside of it. That's the only thing he's managed to retain out of any relationship with Alan at all. You know, before you came along, he was beginning to make some headway with him. He was beginning to understand Alan, accept him for what he was. Accept him for what he was, know what... what to expect from him. He was almost happy with his father. Maybe it doesn't sound like much to you, but one of Phillip's major demons all along has been his relationship with Alan-- hating him, yet desperately needing some peace with him. And he was there. They had some peace. And then you came along. And every... every time he looks at you, every day from now on, he's going to know what he's missed, what he had. And you're going to know what you cost him. Something he wanted more than anything. Oh, that doesn't sound like paradise to me.

Olivia: You're wrong. You couldn't be more wrong.

Alexandra: No, you'd like me to be wrong. It's not the same thing. If you really love Phillip, if you really love Phillip the way you say, do you want to take that chance?

Olivia: No, no. You wouldn't know the truth anymore than Alan would. And I'm not going to listen to you. Not anymore.

Cassie: You're not being an idiot. Everything you just said is true. That is who you are.

Danny: You think so?

Cassie: Yes, I think so. And you are putting together this whole new life, a life that you should be proud of, a life that Michelle should be proud of, Danny.

Danny: Except I am not allowed to use the word "should" when I'm around Michelle.

Cassie: Okay, fine. Well, then I will. Because she's wrong about you, and she knows that. You are a very special man, and Michelle knows that, you know. Maybe she just has to get past a few things that have happened. Maybe she needs to be reminded. I don't know. But don't you give up.

Danny: Yeah. You're right. And how can I give up when I've got friends like you?

Bill: Hey.

Michelle: Hi.

Bill: I'm glad you're still here. Where's Robbie?

Michelle: Oh, my dad came and picked him up.

Bill: Oh.

Michelle: So what was that we did before? Who was that guy?

Bill: I have no idea. I've never seen him before. Really, I haven't. So, now, was that like a boyfriend/girlfriend fight? Is that what that was?

Michelle: Yeah.

Bill: Yeah.

Michelle: We were much better at that in seventh grade.

Bill: Well...

Michelle: Those were really good fights.

Bill: Says you.

Michelle: Yeah, says me. So there.

Bill: So there.

Both: I'm sorry.

Bill: I...

Michelle: No, no, please let me go first.

Bill: All right, go ahead.

Michelle: I was really unfair to you earlier. It's not like I own you, you know. If you want to work for Danny, that's your business.

Bill: Okay. You know what hasn't changed? And really I hate admitting this, you won all the fights, because you're always right.

Michelle: No.

Bill: No, really. You are. You're always right. I mean if this job has... you know, if it's just about getting a job for Lewis construction, then there's no reason why my dad or Uncle Josh couldn't handle it.

Michelle: Except Danny did call you.

Bill: Yeah, well, he did. And the real reason I went over there was just to keep an eye on him, make sure he gets a life, stays out of yours.

Michelle: Well, you don't have to do that.

Bill: Are you sure? Michelle, let me ask you a question. New Year's Eve, if Danny got there 15 minutes earlier, would you and I still be standing right here?

Michelle: You think that I threw away my marriage for one bad incident and you just happened to be handy?

Bill: Michelle, it was a really bad incident.

Michelle: Yeah, but it wasn't the first, and it wouldn't have been the last.

Bill: And I did have really good timing.

Michelle: You did surprise the heck out of me, because you're never on time.

Bill: You realize I'm only half kidding.

Michelle: I know. You don't have to worry about Danny.

Bill: You know what? I really don't want to do anything to mess this up. I really don't.

Michelle: Then we won't.

Bill: Then I won't take the job.

Michelle: Yes, you will.

Bill: No, I don't want it to be a problem.

Michelle: It's not going to be a problem. Danny's going to be a decent boss.

Bill: Oh, well, I guess if there was a problem, I can always deal with Cassie.

Michelle: Cassie?

Bill: Yeah, Cassie and Danny, they're partners. They're buying the Towers club together.

Michelle: Cassie and Danny?

Bill: Yeah, right. It surprised me, too. But I don't know. I guess they're doing really well. I mean, it's just business, I think.

Michelle: You think?

Bill: Although I do admit, I wish it was something more. I mean they did seem pretty tight.

Michelle: Danny didn't say anything about this to me.

Bill: So, what? You always tell him what you do? All right, you know what? Let's not talk about this. Are you hungry? You want to get something to eat?

Michelle: Sure.

Phillip: Excuse me? Can I get that for my son's room please? Thank you.

Olivia: Hi.

Phillip: Hi. Zach is getting some tests done right now.

Olivia: I didn't come to see Zach. I came to see you. It's about the letter.

Harley: Zach looked so much better, didn't he?

Mel: Yeah, it's amazing how resilient kids are. You know, like I said, he's a fighter, strong genes.

Harley: (laughs) Thanks. Thanks for everything. Thank you for today.

Mel: Oh. But I'm still going to look into that Roy Baker transfer, okay? I'm going to investigate carefully, discreetly.

Harley: Okay, I understand.

Mel: And if I find something useful, I might drop a note on the floor for you.

Harley: You're the best, Mel. Thanks.

Mel: I got rounds.

Harley: Okay, see you.

Mel: I'll see you.

Gus: Coop?

Harley: Whoa! That was fast. When did you leave Chicago?

Gus: I left as soon as I got there, because I hit pay-dirt.

Harley: What is that?

Gus: Look at this.

Harley: Is this the deed to the building that your mother lived in?

Gus: Yes, filed in 1968.

Harley: Yeah.

Gus: Okay, that was current when my mother died there, right?

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Gus: Turn the page. Look who the owner of record is.

Harley: Miguel Santos.

Gus: The one and only Miguel Santos.

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