GL Transcript Thursday 2/6/03

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 2/6/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

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Richard: Well, it's pointless now.

This is all that matters.

I want to make love to you. (knock at the door).

Danny: Hi.

Bill: Hey, there, gorgeous, can I be your next patient?

Michelle: Hey, I didn't expect to see you here.

Bill: Yeah, well, I really need to see you. That's doctor's orders by the way. Hey, Michelle, what's going on? You okay?

Michelle: You know, Bill, it's sweet of you to come by and see me, but I am working.

Bill: I know, I know.

Michelle: Don't you think it's a little soon for you to be popping in on my shift?

Bill: But I really need to see you.

Michelle: No, no, no. Let me finish, let me finish. It's just that we agreed to take things slow, and this is way past my speed limit. So, you know, dropping by to play doctor, it's cute and all...

Bill: Wait a minute now. Who's trying to be cute? I really do need to see you. I stepped on a rusty nail at work, and you can be the only thing standing between me and a serious case of lockjaw. Yeah. So do you think you could hook me up with a tetanus shot or is that pushing your speed limit?

Blake: Oh, Harley, you must be so happy. And so relieved, man.

Harley: Well, I know they've upgraded Zach's condition, but relieved? No, I don't think I'll be relieved until I’m actually able to take my little guy home with me.

Blake: Oh, yeah.

Harley: (laughs nervously)

Blake: Oh, yeah. what about the big guy? Where is Gus? I haven't seen him around.

Harley: he’s... he’s... He's got some family business he has to take care of.

Blake: Eden?

Harley: No, no, not Eden again.

Blake: I wasn't aware that Gus had other family.

Harley: Funny, you should say that, Blake, because neither was he.

Mel: Wait. Wait. Where are you taking this patient?

Orderly #1: He's being transferred to a facility overseas.

Mel: Well, let me see that transfer order, because I saw Mr. Baker on rounds and there was nothing in his chart about a transfer.

Orderly #2: It says here Dr. Kirby ordered it.

Mel: Let me see that. Well, no one told me about it, and I'm Chief attending. Okay, all transfers go through me. Mr. Baker, is this what you want? Did you request a transfer?

Roy: Secret.

Reva: He was here. (phone rings)

Josh: Reva, are you there?

Reva: Yeah, I’m here. And so was he.

Josh: What are you talking about? What happened?

Reva: The stalker was in our home again, Joshua. And he may still be here.

Mel: Mr. Baker, I’m sorry. What did you say? Did you say "secret"? Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I'm not through here.

Orderly #1: But Dr. Boudreau, our elevator.

Mel: Well, there'll be another one. What is your rush?

Orderly #2: Dr. Kirby told us to get him on a plane stat. So can we go?

Mel: You know, this patient was getting fine care here, okay? I'm going to look into this.

Orderly #1: Just doing our job.

Mel: Overseas transfer. What is going on, Mr. Baker?

Blake: Suddenly Gus has extra branches on his family tree? What's the story?

Harley: If there's one thing I’ve learned about my dear friend Blake, it's never to discuss a story with a romance writer.

Blake: Oh.

Harley: Besides I’m too caught up in when I can bring Zach home to worry about all that stuff right now. Okay?

Blake: Okay. Okay, I'll let that one go.

Harley: Thank you.

Blake: Besides you know what? We want to give Zach a party when he gets home.

Harley: Oh.

Blake: The boys are so worried about him. So I’m going to... Actually, I’m going to meet Ross now at Infierno for lunch, and I’ll run it by him, okay?

Harley: Wait. Are you sure you want to plan a whole other party when you're knee deep in your own wedding plans?

Blake: Oh, you bet. Oh, come on. Ross is so happy that... That is on the mend.

Harley: Nobody's more thrilled than I. As matter of fact, I’m going to go find that Dr. Boudreaux and see when I can take my little boy home.

Blake: Okay, okay, okay.

Harley: All right, thank you for coming.

Michelle: I'll tell you what.

Bill: Mm-hmm.

Michelle: I'll treat your foot if you help get mine out of my mouth.

Bill: You got yourself a deal.

Michelle: I'm sorry about that, Bill. I guess I need to lighten up, right? Thanks for the ego check. Here I was thinking you came to see me in my sexy lab coat.

Bill: No, just to get a big old needle stuck into me. So I guess that sexy lab coat will have to be a perk.

Michelle: Well, I will settle for being a perk. Right this way.

Bill: (moans) But it hurts so bad.

Michelle: Well, you're going to have to drop your pants.

Bill: What?

Michelle: You want that shot don't you?

Bill: Yeah, but I just thought, you know...

Michelle: Yeah. No such luck. You know, I remember we got tetanus shots right before we went to college, and they last ten years. So you're all set.

Bill: I was so close. All right, well, I guess I’ll see you around then.

Michelle: No, no, not so fast. I still have to disinfect and clean that would.

Bill: How clinical of you. Thank you very much. Does that mean I still have to take off my drawers? (laughs) Michelle, if I really dropped by to see you today would have that been so, you know, bad?

Michelle: Not so bad.

Bill: Because I, you know, I want you to know I realized that we agreed to take this slow, and I’m on board with that, but whether we're taking this, you know, in the fast lane or ten miles an hour, I’m in it for the long haul.

Michelle: Well, there's lots of road trip metaphors going on here. You boys and your cars.

Bill: Hey...

Michelle: Take a seat. Take a seat.

Bill: You are the one that brought up speed limits, remember?

Michelle: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I do.

Bill: Ah-huh. (sighs) And, Michelle, it took a lot of years of friendship to get us here. And I'm happy where we're at. So I just want you to know I’m not... I'm not pushing. I'm not going away either.

Michelle: Yeah, it's too bad about that tetanus thing, because I wouldn't mind your jaw locking right about now.

Bill: Yeah, come on now. You're not going to get off so easily. You feel what's going on between us. I think that's what's got you so scared.

Michelle: I am not...

Bill: And scared? Scared is fine. It's okay. But just don't let it ruin a good thing.

Danny: Sorry, partner. I know you wanted to take a nap, but this couldn't wait.

Cassie: Is it bad news or something?

Danny: What? No. Please. I'd let you sleep through bad news. Towers bit.

Cassie: You're kidding?

Danny: (laughs) No.

Cassie: We just gave them our beginning offer.

Danny: I know, I know, but the owner just called and accepted our opening bid, which makes financing a hell of a lot easier. What? Cassie, this is good news.

Cassie: It's great news. It's... it's great news, it is. I'm just, like, in shock, I guess.

Danny: Me, too. So, come on. You can sleep when you're dead. Let's go out and celebrate.

Cassie: I don't know.

Danny: What do you mean? I've got Robbie today. I'm going to go pick him up. Why don't you round up your posse and we'll go grab some pizza or something.

Cassie: I can't. You know, I can’t. I just... I have things that I've got to do and I can't. But you know what? Well, I can call you later, you know? So, okay?

Danny: Okay. Um...

Cassie: I'll talk to you later.

Josh: Reva. Whoa!

Reva: Oh, my God. I could have killed you.

Josh: Okay, I called the police. They're on their way over. You stay right here. I'm going to check the rest of the house.

Reva: Frank, the guy could still be in the house. I heard a door slam before Joshua came home.

Josh: I checked the whole house. There's nobody here. One of the windows in Shayne's room was open just a little bit. I think the wind must have come in and shut the door. That's what you heard.

Frank: Reva, I have my best people working on this, and Josh, you should not have checked out the house by yourself.

Josh: You know what, Frank? I don't care. If the police can't get this guy, I will.

Frank: The police are searching your grounds right now. Whoever got in here obviously heard you come in and then left.

Reva: Whoever? Frank, no. You had the guy in jail. What I want to know is how he got out.

Frank: He didn’t. The perp who made the last threat is not the one that we have in custody right now.

Josh: Then how did this happen?

Frank: Someone else did this.

Josh: What? What... what are you talking about? Like a copycat or something? That's not possible, Frank. We've been very quiet about this and we haven't leaked any details to the press at all. No, whoever did this and whoever's done everything else is not the guy you have in jail right now.

Reva: Then the real stalker is still out there somewhere, and obviously knows how to get into our house.

Frank: That's exactly right. I'm going to check your grounds again.

Josh: (frustrated sigh) I'm going to get the security guards back.

Cassie: Hi. Is Danny around?

Bartender: Sorry, he's not. You want to leave him a note?

Cassie: Yeah, that would be great. Thanks. Thank you.

Blake: Hey, you.

Cassie: Hey, Blake. What are you doing here?

Blake: Meeting Ross for lunch, but I’m early. What are you doing?

Cassie: Waiting for Danny. He asked me to go to lunch and I kind of blew him off, so...

Blake: Really?

Cassie: Business lunch, Blake. The kids were invited.

Blake: A business lunch and the kids were invited. Sure, I do those all the time. What kind of business are you in with Danny?

Cassie: We bought the Towers club. Yes. I know it's stuffy, but we're going to liven it up a little bit.

Blake: Wow. So I guess you and Danny are going to be working closely together, then.

Cassie: You know, you open the door a crack and in walks the romance novelist.

Blake: Okay, you know, that's the second time someone's called me on that today.

Cassie: Yeah? who else has called you on it?

Blake: Harley. Zach is doing better, by the way. I was at the hospital.

Cassie: Oh, thank God. The poor guy. She has been through so much. Unbelievable.

Blake: Yeah, yeah. And so have you, dear. Don't change the subject. So why did you blow Danny off, huh?

Cassie: I don't know.

Blake: Really?

Cassie: I... I feel stupid talking about it, okay?

Blake: Why?

Cassie: I had a dream about Danny. I was kissing Richard and it wasn't Richard anymore, it was... You know.

Blake: Were the two of you, you know...?

Cassíe: Blake, no. It wasn't that kind of a dream. It was an innocent dream, you know? And just so you know, I swear I have no romantic feelings for Danny, okay? I could never replace Richard, and I wouldn't want to.

Blake: No one's asking you to replace Richard. Ever. And you don't have to move any faster than you want to.

Cassie: I am, though. I am. You know, I made Richard disappear so I could kiss another man.

Bill: Because I have a green dump truck, and I have an orange dump truck, and a yellow dump truck. Do you have a dump truck? Will you let me...

Michelle: Danny.

Danny: There you are.

Michelle: What are you doing here?

Danny: Well, I went down to daycare to pick up Robbie and they said that he was up here in emergency. Is he okay?

Bill: And you can take my dump truck and we'll...

Danny: Hey, tiger. Hey.

Bill: Hey, Danny.

Danny: I just asked you if our son's okay, Michelle.

Bill: Danny, he's fine. He's all right.

Michelle: Robbie isn't here because he's sick. I was just running a little late and Bill picked him up for me.

Danny: Oh, so, what? They just give my son to Bill now?

Michelle: I asked him to go, Danny.

Danny: Uh-huh. Bill, can you do us a favor and just take Robbie for a little walk for a few minutes?

Bill: Yeah, yeah.

Michelle: Bill, you don't have to go.

Bill: No, no, no, no, no. I'm good with it. I'm good. We'll be back. Woo-hoo!

Michelle: What's wrong with you?

Danny: What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? I just went to daycare to pick up my kid and he wasn't there, Michelle. On my day with him.

Michelle: Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot. I forgot it was your day. I'm sorry.

Danny: Right. Well, so am I. You know, I may no longer be your husband, but I will always be Robbie’s father. I've already lost you, but there is no way in hell I'm going to lose my son to Bill Lewis.

Harley: hey, I found you.

Mel: Hey. Harley: I was wondering, do you have any idea when I can bring Zach home?

Mel: Not yet, but he should be out of the ICU really soon. He's doing so well.

Harley: Okay, thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for looking after Jude when I was looking after Zach.

Mel: Oh, of course. Jude is my stepson. I love having him around.

Harley: I know, but he... he can be a lot of work. Like Rick. (laughter)

Mel: Yeah.

Harley: So if you ever need, you know, a parking ticket fixed or you have some noisy neighbors you need taken care of, I'm your girl. (laughter)

Mel: Good to know. You know, actually, Harley, there is something. Are you up for a little detective work?

Harley: Sure. What do you have?

Mel: Well, I'm worried about a patient. Actually, I'm kind of worried about my job, too. I just got reinstated and I can't afford anything strange happening on my watch. And wouldn't you know it, these two orderlies were in a real hurry to transfer a patient overseas, without my authorization. Now, they said Dr. Kirby authorized it, but I can't get in touch with him and the patient didn't seem to want to go.

Harley: Really? What did the patient say?

Mel: Well, he was transferred from Clayton General with cerebral bleeding, so he couldn't say much of anything. But he grabbed me and he said one word: "Secret."

Harley: He said "secret"?

Mel: Yeah.

Harley: Do you know what that meant?

Mel: No. They rushed him off before I could find out. Now here's where you come in. I checked the patient's medical records and it says that he was in the force.

Harley: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Chicago P.D.

Mel: Right, yeah.

Harley: Was it Roy Baker? Do you have any idea who wanted him transferred?

Mel: A benefactor...

Harley: Alexandra Spaulding?

Mel: You are good.

Harley: That secret, Roy's secret, that means the world to Gus.

Mel: So, what do we do?

Harley: We have to stop Roy.

Reva: I really thought this was over.

Frank: Reva, we're going to get this other guy, all right? We're going to tap your phones again. We'll call in extra security, and unfortunately we're just going to have to wait it out.

Reva: Wait? That's not going to work for me. What else have you got?

Frank: I know you're upset, but this is probably just another harmless nut case out there, just like the one that we've got locked up in the jail.

Reva: Did that guy admit to breaking into our house?

Frank: No.

Reva: Then this is worse. Two break-ins is not the work of some harmless nut.

Josh: Frank, can't you dust for fingerprints or something like that?

Frank: I've already called forensics.

Josh: Just find this guy, will you, please?

Frank: I'm doing the best that I can. You know that. (knock on door)

Holly: What happened? I thought they caught your stalker.

Reva: Yeah, well, the writing's on the wall. He's still here, so the Lewis house is still under martial law.

Holly: Yeah, you're not kidding. You've got, like, a dozen cops out there. They wouldn't let me in. I had to show my I.D. I had to explain to them that I am your boss.

Reva: Are you here about work?

Holly: Yes. I wanted to see if you wanted to pick up with the Spaulding story, but we'll talk about it another time. Let me know if you need anything.

Reva: Holly, I do need something. I need to go back to work. I started on the profile. I went and saw Alexandra today, but...

Josh: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Reva, you can't be thinking about your job right now.

Reva: Well, of course I’m thinking about my job, Joshua. I mean, this guy is going to get to me whether I'm here or at the station or cowering in some corner. I'm not going to cower in corners. I want to go back to work, Holly.

Michelle: Don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit?

Danny: Overreacting? Michelle, I came to pick up my kid at daycare and he wasn't there. That is one of my worst nightmares, and then on top of that, they tell me that he was taken to emergency by some other guy. No, I think I'm reacting just right.

Michelle: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I got the days mixed up. It was a mistake, and I apologize for it. I know that you must have been so scared, but I guess if I thought about it for a second, I would have figured it out. But I was running late, Bill was here, he was doing me a favor. That's it. He's not trying to replace you as Robbie’s father. You know that.

Danny: Hmm.

Michelle: I think we both know what the problem is here. You don't know how to throw in the towel.

Danny: (laughs) I've signed the divorce papers, Michelle.

Michelle: Yeah, but you're still fighting it, Danny. You fight it harder than... You fight for what you want harder than anyone I know. Your battle with your mother, the other families, the cops, and now these battles are over, you're just left here with this normal, complicated life.

Danny: Just stop, please. Stop. Look, the important thing is that Robbie's okay. Let's just switch days this week, all right?

Michelle: Okay.

Danny: Fine. And by the way, you're wrong about me. I'm doing just fine.

Bill: Old Macdonald had a farm, e-I-e-I-o. You okay?

Michelle: I'm doing just fine.

Blake: Oh, Cassie, don't do this to yourself? Last night I dreamed I was a banana. Dreams mean nothing.

Cassie: Okay, that dream meant nothing, all right? But I dreamed that I was kissing a man who wasn't my husband, Blake, so of course I feel guilty.

Blake: Right, but you swear you feel nothing but friendship for Danny, right.

Cassie: No. I don’t. I don't!

Blake: Okay. There you go. Cassie, you're a widow. You're a very young widow. Now I know that you don't want to feel anything for anybody else other than Richard, but feeling is a part of being alive, and Richard would want you to go on living.

Cassie: (sighs) Yeah, but you said yourself that you saw romance blooming between me and Danny...

Blake: No, no. Don't listen to me when I say things like that. Look, I spend half my life listening to other people's love stories on the radio. I would find romance blooming in a potted plant. You're reading too much into this Danny dream.

Cassie: You think?

Blake: I know. Okay, maybe Danny is a symbol for moving on. And the kissing part means that you're open to finding new love again, which I don't think is a bad idea. When you're ready.

Cassie: Yeah. (sighs) I hope you're right.

Blake: When am I ever wrong? Honey, you and Danny were thrown together in the worst part of your lives, and now you're working together. You spend so much time with somebody, they're bound to pop up in your dreams. Me, I'm going to lay off the fruit salad for a while. Don't freak out over this Danny dream.

Harley: Let me just check.

Mel: He's not in there, okay? There's no way that he's still in the hospital. Not the way that those orderlies were booking out of here. Look, are you going to tell me what's going on?

Harley: Roy Baker and Gus' dad were partners in the Chicago P.D. Roy Baker knows something about Gus' past, something big, and I'm sure that Alexandra's involved in it, too.

Mel: Involved in it, how?

Harley: I don't know, I haven't figured that out yet. At first, I thought that Roy and Alexandra were in cahoots to dig up dirt on me that Phillip could use in the custody hearing. But now the custody case is closed, so...

Mel: Now Roy Baker's starting to talk.

Harley: And I think that Alexandra had him shipped out of here before he could spill whatever he knows.

Mel: This is all very dramatic.

Harley: You have no idea. Well, I mean, you're Chief attending. Isn't there something you can do to stop a transfer?

Mel: Well, I mean, it's going to take more than a title to do that. Those guys are probably halfway to the airport by now.

Harley: Okay, but what if we got there in time? Is there something you can do?

Mel: Well, I could make up something medical to get him off the plane.

Harley: That works for me. That's great.

Cassie: Hey there, partner.

Danny: Hey there.

Cassie: So you want that celebration lunch now?

Danny: No, not really, Cassie.

Cassie: Sorry that I blew you off earlier when you came by the Beacon. I'm really sorry about that.

Danny: Don't worry about it. I'm getting very used to it.

Cassie: Oh, come on. You know? I was... I was cranky. I just woke up and... Okay, fine, I will tell you the truth. Right before you got there, I had this dream and you were in it, so when I opened the door and I saw you standing there, I was a bit freaked out.

Danny: A dream? What kind of dream?

Cassie: Not important. You know? I mean, dreams are dreams. They're just... People have all kinds of dreams and you really weren’t... The dream wasn't really about you. It was a symbol, and... You know, sometimes people dream about fruit, right?

Danny: You've been talking to Blake. What are you talking about?

Cassie: Nothing. I opened the door and I saw you standing there and I was freaked out. I'm sorry. I'm just sorry. (laughs nervously)

Danny: Okay. Don't worry about it. Next time I'll try to interrupt a different dream.

Cassie: Okay. Well, why don't we just forget about all that and talk about us owning a club now together, and that is definitely pizza-worthy. So why don't I call Tammy and see if she'll bring over Will and..

Danny: Okay.

Cassie: I thought you had Robbie?

Danny: Well, yeah, I was supposed to, but Michelle and Bill thought a little differently. So...

Cassie: Yeah. I'm sorry. Well, maybe we can do it another time.

Danny: Yeah. Okay.

Cassie: But we do have a lot of work to do. So we can get started. I will handle the finance end.

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Cassie: And I’ll get started on that now.

Danny: All right.

Cassie: Okay?

Danny: Oh, hey, did Lewis Construction come in with a bid yet?

Cassie: Yes, they did, and theirs was the cheapest.

Danny: Great. Good. Well, then we're ready to move forward.

Cassie: Yeah.

Danny: What? I can work with Josh.

Cassie: Josh has a lot on his plate, there is someone else.

Danny: Who?

Cassie: Bill.

Bill: Hi, how are you?

Michelle: Hey, kiddo. You ready to go?

Bill: Hey. Someone's been pretty quiet.

Michelle: Oh, tough shift. Tired, I guess.

Bill: Ah. I see. So it has nothing to do with what went on with you and Danny?

Michelle: I got our days with Robbie mixed up, that's all, and Danny was upset.

Bill: So what's the big deal? You got the days mixed up. So what?

Michelle: Well, it's more than that. I mean, it's us, too, Bill. He walked in on us with Robbie, the three of us looking like a family. I think it got to him.

Bill: Michelle, what am I supposed to do? Dive under a chair or hide under a stretcher every time Danny Santos comes around? I mean, come on, the guy's got to get a life. He's got to let you get on with yours. Why do we have to, you know, act so weird whenever he's around?

Michelle: Because he's still... He's still... We were married, we share a child, and he means a lot to me.

Bill: I know. I get that. I know, I know.

Michelle: It's not like I’m worried that I’m going to make him mad, I just don't want to hurt him, that's all. I mean, you saw the look on his face when you walked out here holding Robbie.

Bill: Yeah, the guy looked hurt, but I mean, look, the guy wants you back. But what about you, Michelle? I mean, I thought you wanted something else.

Michelle: I do. Look, I love being with you, and I’m as anxious as you are to see where this is going, but Danny and I have history. And I know that you want him to accept that you're part of my life, but it works both ways. You need to accept that Danny is part of mine.

Holly: Josh is right. You don't need to be thinking about work right now. I'll handle it. Let me get back to the...

Reva: No, Holly. I want to talk about this some more.

Holly: You know, I'm swamped. I am up to my neck in cease and letters from the Spaulding lawyers. There's been so much pressure coming in at me from all sides about this thing. I've just got to get back, make some calls, explain to them that your Spaulding piece is on hold for now.

Reva: No. You can't do that, because I’m not going to put my life on hold because of this stalker.

Josh: Reva, our life is already on hold. Okay? I mean, think about it. We go out to get the morning paper, and we're handed the paper by a security guard. We come in here, we look at this desk, and we wonder, is that the way we left it or did somebody come in here and move everything around just to mess with our heads? And God knows, we haven't even answered the phone like a normal family for a long time, Reva.

Reva: But this story...

Josh: This story is filled with controversy, and we don't need any more in our lives. You can't be thinking about going back to work right now. Not until we catch this guy. The station survived without you during the trial. They can last a little longer.

Holly: Yeah. Don't worry about the station. And if I’m fending off Spaulding lawsuits, I can cover the story myself.

Reva: No. I can do this, Holly. I can. Josh is right. I mean, the family's been shaken up a bit, but I can't really give it the hours I need to right away. But if you give me some time...

Holly: Exactly. Reva, you know this is all or nothing. I can't use you unless I have your all. One detail overlooked, one fact not checked and the Spaulding’s will sink us. You deal with what you have to deal with and let me get back to work.

Frank: Reva. I found this outside. Is this yours?

Reva: No.

Josh: Could it possibly be Marah's?

Reva: No, Joshua. It's not her color. But it sure does look great on our wall, doesn't it?

Cassie: You know, all I have to do is give Josh a call and I’ll tell him that, you know, he'll have to find someone else to run the construction site so you don't have to work with Bill.

Danny: Cassie, no.

Cassie: I don't think it'll be a problem.

Danny: It's okay. It is. I mean, you said that Bill did a great job at the Beacon, right?

Cassie: Yeah.

Danny: So, look, I've got to deal with him personally, I might as well deal with him professionally.

(cell phone rings)

Michelle: Hello?

Danny: Hey, Michelle, it's me.

Michelle: Danny. Hi. Did you change your mind about Robbie, because we're just getting ready to leave.

Danny: No. Actually, I'm calling for Bill. I don't have his number. Is he still with you.

Michelle: And what's this about?

Danny: This is about me wanting to talk to Bill. Michelle, relax. It's just business. Would you put him on, please?

Michelle: It's for you.

Bill: Hey, Danny.

Danny: Hey, Bill. Look, I'll cut right to the chase. You did some nice work at the Beacon.

Bill: Thanks.

Danny: I have a project that I hear you might be in the running for. Say, renovation. Are you interested?

Bill: Maybe.

Danny: It's a big project. I don't want to waste your time if you think you can't handle it.

Bill: (laughs) Well, I'm sure I can handle it.

Danny: Can you handle working with me?

Bill: Oh, I'm okay with it if you are.

Danny: Okay. I'll be in touch, then. See? No sweat. Let's get to work.

Michelle: What was that all about?

Bill: Uh, just guy stuff. He wants to play some golf next week or something.

Michelle: Bill, look at me for a second. This is me not amused. What's up?

Bill: Well, he... Danny offered me a job and I just might take it. (chuckles)

Holly: Hi.

Blake: Mom? What are you doing here?

Holly: Having lunch. What else would I be doing?

Blake: I don't know. It just looked like you were double-timing to the bar, and I mean, you weren't planning on...

Holly: What? You think I'm about to throw years of sobriety out the window? Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Blake: No, I'm sorry. You seem kind of tense. Is everything okay?

Holly: Everything is fine. It's all under control. Everything is under control.

Reva: My, my. Isn't this cozy? Joshua? I know you have to be as tired of this as I am. Just waiting for the next phone call or the next break-in or the next whatever-kind-of-harassment, hoping that it's not worse than the last one. And part of me wants to throw open those curtains and put a big sign on the door saying, "Come and get me," because at least then we'd see the kind of coward that we were dealing with.

Josh: Reva, I know this is not easy for you, being in this kind of virtual lock-down and feeling like a target, but we have to be smart about this. I cannot let anything happen to you. Now, I also understand that I can't hold back the incomparable Reva Shayne Lewis, but we're talking just middle ground here, okay? You go about your life, you do what you need to do. We just need to take some precautions.

Reva: No.

Josh: No?

Reva: It's not good enough. I don't want to talk about making compromises or taking precautions or living in ignorant bliss about what's really happening with me. What I want to talk about is ending this. Ending the threat. Ending it myself.

Harley: all Right, I don't see Roy.

Mel: Well, are you sure we're in the right terminal?

Harley: I have been married to the Spaulding’s twice, okay? I know what terminal their jets fly out of. And since he is flying the friendly skies courtesy of Alexandra, it makes sense that he would be here. There he is! Wait, wait, and wait. I need to speak to that man. Don't move him. Roy! I know that Alexandra’s trying to...

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