GL Transcript Wednesday 2/5/03

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 2/5/03

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

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Tony: What's up?

Danny: Well, uh, we got some business to discuss.

Tony: Yeah, I figured it, considering how early you called.

Danny: Yeah. Hey, Marah, it's important.

Marah: Oh, I could just wait...

Tony: No, no, no, stay, stay. Do you mind? Our business is 100% legit these days, right?

Danny: 100%.

Tony: Then we've got nothing to hide. Besides I'm not into keeping stuff from Marah anymore.

Danny: Okay, sure. Well, I'm... I've been doing some thinking about our renovations for this place.

Tony: Well, yeah. As soon as the final drawings from the architect come in, we can start looking over...

Danny: I'm thinking that maybe we won't need them.

Tony: What? Wait a minute...

Danny: I want to try something different.

Tony: This is going to be different. We're combining Millennium and Infierno. It's going to be like... like having a whole new place.

Danny: But not really, Tony, not really. It's a new idea that I'm interested in, and... well, it means bringing in a new partner. (Knock on door) That's probably her.

Tony: Her?

Danny: Hey.

Cassie: Hey.

Danny: Come on in.

Cassie: Hey. Hi, guys. Marah.

Marah: You're going to be partners with Danny?

Cassie: Um... hopefully, if everything goes well. (Monitor beeping)

Reva: You know, when you see him sleeping, oh... it's kind of hard to believe what he went through the past 24 hours.

Harley: I don't think I'm ever going to get the image of that car out of my mind.

Reva: Harley... everybody's haunted by things they have no control over. He's going to be okay.

Harley: I know he is. Well, if he knew how much better everyone around him was, it might perk him right up. (laughs)

Reva: Well, yeah. It certainly brought you and Phillip together, hasn't it?

Harley: Yes, for him and Zach. And Gus and Phillip are trying to get along. Oh, and even Alexandra's hiding her disappointment.

Reva: Well, this is exactly the way she wanted it.

Harley: Oh, no, no. It turns out she was on Phillip's side the whole time.

Reva: I don't understand that. Wasn't she pressuring Phillip to drop the custody fight? Didn't she pay for your attorney?

Harley: Smoke and mirrors.

Reva: But why would she work so hard to try to fool you?

Harley: I don't know. I haven't figured that out yet. All I know is that she kept her little secrets right up till the end.

Reva: Yeah, well, now she's stuck with them.

Alexandra: I hope you like traveling, Roy, because you're going to Switzerland. You'll have the best of care there while you're recuperating. And I will have you far and away from Harley. Gus! I was just...

Gus: Why don't you save it? I know exactly what you're doing.

Tony: Danny, we don't need her.

Danny: Don't hold back, Tony. Say what you really think.

Tony: No, hey, man, I didn't mean it like that. What I meant to say was you and I put together the plan for redoing this place. Who else do we need to make this work?

Danny: Work? As in make us money?

Tony: Yeah, is there anything wrong with that?

Danny: Tony, look, no matter how much new paint we put on this place, no matter how much we change the space or the lighting, it's still going to be a club owned by two guys named Santos.

Tony: So?

Danny: So no matter how legit this business is, people are always going to make the mob connection in their heads.

Tony: I don't buy that.

Danny: Okay. Keith Devlin was here last night looking for some action.

Tony: Devlin from Chicago?

Danny: Uh-huh.

Tony: Are you serious?

Cassie: I can vouch for that. I was here.

Danny: He hit on Cassie. He asked me for work until I set him straight.

Tony: He always was a creep.

Marah: Well, one creep is not everybody.

Danny: Trust me, Marah. There are plenty of creeps out there. Now, you two are just getting back together again. I assume you're planning on spending a lot of time together here once the club is up and running, right?

Tony: Yeah, I guess.

Danny: So do you want to spend all your time fending off wise guys who come in here and try to hit on Marah?

Marah: So I don't understand. What are you going to be partners in if it's not this place?

Cassie: Well, I got a tip that the Towers restaurant was up for sale.

Tony: Oh, Towers. That place is nowhere. It's boring.

Cassie: Yeah, now. Now it's boring. Now it's nowhere. But if we did some renovations, it could be great.

Danny: It would be really successful and very nice-- classy.

Tony: Yeah, because Cassie will be the front lady...

Danny: That's right.

Tony: ...The respectable partner, the non-Santos.

Cassie: Look, Tony, I just approached Danny with this idea last night. And he told me he couldn't be a part of any deal unless you were a part of it.

Tony: Is that right?

Cassie: That's right, and I think his exact words were "Wherever I go, Tony goes."

Danny: Tony, it would be a true fresh start. Come on. What do you say?

Tony: I'm in.

Cassie: Yes!

Danny: All right.

Cassie: Great! Oh, this is wonderful. Hey! (Laughter)

Tony: All right. Let's do it.

Cassie: Josh.

Josh: Hey, Cassie.

Cassie: You got my message.

Josh: Yes, I did. Hey, sweetheart, how're you doing? Yes. It was a very strange message. And I also didn't expect to see you here with... sorry, I mean, is this a party or something, or what's going on?

Cassie: Well, we are celebrating.

Josh: Celebrating what?

Cassie: I'm going into business with Tony and Danny.

(monitor beeping)

Mel: From what I can see, Zach is doing great.

Harley: So there's no infections, no fevers, anything?

Mel: No, so far everything's normal.

Phillip: That's wonderful.

Harley: Thank you so much for everything you have done, Mel.

Mel: Oh, I am just trying to help.

Phillip: Yeah, you’re just trying to help. You just saving his life...

Harley: No big deal.

Phillip: ...By getting him into surgery so fast last night.

Harley: (laughs)

Mel: Well, Zach deserves a lot of the credit. You guys have a very strong little boy. I guess that shouldn't surprise me, seeing who his parents are. (Laughter)

Harley: Well, how was Jude? Did he get to bed okay last night?

Mel: Oh, yeah, he was fine. Rick is actually coming by this afternoon for him to see you.

Harley: Oh, good, good.

Mel: Yeah. Well, you know what, I have got to go finish my rounds, but I'll be back in to check in later, okay?

Harley: I'll be here.

Mel: All right.

Phillip: Mel, thanks for everything.

Mel: Bye.

Harley: Did you hear that? Did you hear what Aunt Mel said? She said you're doing great.

Phillip: Just keep up the good work, buddy.

Harley: And pretty soon you're going to be going home.

Phillip: That's right. You're going to be messing around in the snow and playing with your friends and letting your mommy tuck you into bed at night. Don't worry. I didn't forget what I promised you last night.

Harley: Neither did I.

Phillip: I know.

Harley: (laughs) I got plans for this kid, okay. I got dreams for him.

Phillip: So do I.

Harley: Well, ours may be a little bit different. I'm sure you're planning to get him into the Spaulding heir training program as soon as possible, work on the next family tycoon.

Phillip: Well, yeah, because it's certainly brought me such infinite joy.

Harley: Well, if you're so bored or disappointed or whatever, why don't you get away from it all? Get away from Alan.

Phillip: I tried that. It didn't work. I don't think they covered that in my training program. I don't care. I don't care about any of it. All I want is that one of these days we raise him so that if he needs to, he looks me in the eye and he tells me to go to hell if I deserve it.

Harley: Well, I actually have a training program for that if you wanted to... (laughs)

Phillip: God knows you have the credentials. Just make sure you do that with Gus.

Harley: If he deserves it, absolutely.

Phillip: Okay.

Harley: I think Gus would respect Zach for speaking his mind.

Phillip: I hope so. Oh, wait a minute. What was that? What was that?

Harley: He's been doing that.

Phillip: Are you here? Buddy, you want to open your eyes? Look who's here.

Harley: Look who's awake.

Phillip: Do you want to say hi?

Harley: Hi.

Phillip: How are you feeling?

Harley: (laughs)

Gus: You are unbelievable, do you know that? You are a piece of work. You're down here trying to squeeze a half-dead guy to get information on me? To get dirt on me?

Alexandra: Okay, that is not true.

Gus: No? What are you doing then? You're visiting my... my father's ex-partner for what? A little get-well visit, is that what you're doing?

Alexandra: Do you see conspiracies everywhere?

Gus: No, I only see them where you are.

Alexandra: Gus, honestly, why are you still so angry? As you say, I lost.

Gus: Yeah, you lost. And if Zach had not gotten hit by a car, the court case would be going on. You'd be digging into my past, trying to make me look bad in front of the judge.

Alexandra: No. No. I was only doing what I had to do for the family, but...

Gus: Right, and the whole time you were just pretending to be Harley's best ally.

Alexandra: There seemed to be no other way, Gus.

Gus: Oh, really? Why don't you just come out and be honest, say you hate my guts? Everybody else in town does it. Just say you don't like me, you don't want me to be in front of the kid, don't want me anywhere near Zach. No, but no, no, you had to promise us hope. You wanted to give us hope, and then you just took it away.

Alexandra: Gus, Phillip and Harley are now going to share custody of Zach. You should be happy.

Gus: Yeah, I am happy because that is what's right, and that's all Harley ever wanted. So now you can just say good-bye to Uncle Roy, okay? And then I want you to stay away from all the people that I love and care about.

Alexandra: Okay, I think you've made yourself quite clear. Good-bye, Gus.

Gus: And another thing. I'm also waiting for all the articles from the safe deposit box that belong to me, and my father's stuff.

Alexandra: Yes, well, you'll get them.

Gus: (sighs) All right, Uncle Roy, now it's just you and me. We're going to get a couple things straight.

Reva: Alexandra, what a stroke of luck. You're just the person I wanted to see.

Josh: It's a joke, right?

Cassie: No, it's no joke. Come on, I'll explain everything to you.

Marah: Well, dad does not seem happy.

Tony: He usually doesn't when our name comes up.

Danny: See, this is what I'm talking about. This is why Cassie is so important to this deal. A lot of people aren't crazy about us-- investors, tradesman. But everybody loves Cassie.

Tony: Exactly what kind of partner are you looking for Cassie to be?

Danny: Like a business one.

Tony: Oh.

Danny: Didn't I say that?

Tony: Yeah, but, you can see how someone might ask.

Danny: No, not really.

Marah: Well, I can understand it. I mean, you're single; she's single. She saved your life. You probably did with her, too. And, I mean, it could easily just happen.

Danny: Okay, well, for one thing, neither one of us is available. Cassie's recently widowed. I'm barely divorced. Come on.

Marah: So, is there a second thing?

Danny: Yeah, I don't mix business with nonsense. That's a good way to ruin a perfect business relationship. This is strictly business, period.

Josh: You're going into business with those guys?

Cassie: Yes.

Josh: Hmm.

Cassie: It's a great investment, Josh, and... I don't know, as far as "those guys" go, I thought you were okay with Danny and Tony.

Josh: Who told you that?

Cassie: Reva. She said that you were okay with Marah and Tony seeing each other. I'm sorry, I just assumed, you know.

Josh: There's no doubt that the affection that those two kids have for each other is very strong, and they have survived a series of crises that not many couples would get through.

Cassie: Kind of reminds me of you and Reva.

Josh: Yeah, somehow I knew you were going to say that. But look, Tony has been on his best behavior where Marah is concerned, and I'll give him that, but... but that doesn't make him a prime candidate for you to go into business with. In fact, he's not.

Cassie: Because why?

Josh: Because. Cassie, think about it. It wasn't that long ago that Danny and Tony were full-fledged mobsters. And think about the kind of reputation you're going to have to work against in order to gain the confidence investors and... and construction companies. These are not the guys you want to be...

Tony: Oh, boy, does this sound familiar? But do you know what? It's got to stop. You're going to drive Marah out of your life.

Gus: All right, you know what? First of all, let's just get right to the point. And let me tell you something. I cannot stand myself for coming down here and having a conversation with you when you're acting like a tree stump. Roy, just understand that I now know everything that you're hiding, okay? And I know you understood everything that was going on this whole time. The dead body in the Chicago hotel room, the Jane Doe. I know that that was my mother. The DNA test proved it. So... it's just I need to know the rest of the story, Roy. I need to know her name. I got the whole thing pretty much worked out in my head how the whole thing played out. She had an affair with my father and she got pregnant, and that's what produced me. And I don't know, something went wrong in the pregnancy or the childbirth or she got sick or whatever it was. But a few days after I was born, she died. And then my father, he took me home to his wife and then she just passed me off as her own. How am I doing so far? Talk to me, Roy. How am I doing? Am I... am I close? I just keep on thinking about the picture... of my mother. My mother. Lying under a sheet with her arm sticking out. One of those crappy police pictures. And she was alone. No friends. Nobody... nobody to claim the body. Let me tell you something, Roy. She's not alone now, okay? She's not alone, and I am my mother's son. And I will find out her name and who she was. (sighs)

Harley: (sighs) Okay. Daddy went to get the doctor because I'm sure she wants to know that you're awake and see your big, beautiful smile. Can you smile for me? Give mommy a smile. (laughs) Do you remember anything about last night? No? Yeah. Well, something happened. Something happened. And mommy and daddy and Gus had to bring you here to the hospital, where all the doctors and nurses are working to make you... anyway, you're fine. You're going to be just fine. And just keep saying to yourself, "I'm going home, I'm going home, I'm going home."

Phillip: This is the way it's supposed to be.

Gus: That's what they say.

Phillip: Gus, I know that... um, you're probably aware of the fact that Harley and I came to an arrangement about Zach. And I would... I'd like to try to do the same thing with you. You know, if you wanted to fight me...

Gus: I'm not fighting with anybody, pal, okay? I'm just watching a woman and her child.

Phillip: Okay, fair enough. Zach is my son.

Gus: Oh, yes, Phillip. We all know Zach is your son, all right?

Phillip: Hang on a second. Please, just give me a second. That's not what I'm trying to tell you. Um, Zach is going home with Harley, right? That's the way I want it. All I want to do is make sure that when he gets there, things are okay for him.

Gus: Why wouldn't they be okay?

Phillip: I'm not saying that they won't be. I'm sure they will. And it's all right, it's okay. I'll know. I'll be watching.

Gus: Watching me, you mean?

Phillip: No, I did not specifically...

Gus: That's exactly what you meant.

Alexandra: Reva, I really can't talk now. My grandnephew was operated on. I need to see him right away.

Reva: Well, actually, he's doing fine. I just came from his room, which is that way.

Alexandra: Oh, well, I must have gotten turned around.

Reva: You know what? I really did want to apologize to you.

Alexandra: Oh, well, that's a come on, if I ever heard one. Please go ahead.

Reva: Well, I know that I promised to do an in-depth report on the Spaulding family.

Alexandra: Oh, yes, that again.

Reva: And I've kind of fallen down on the job, and I haven't given it the time that someone as central to the family like you deserves.

Alexandra: Well, it's quite all right. I'm not offended.

Reva: Well, I'm glad. But I want to make it up to you, and now I can.

Alexandra: What do you mean?

Reva: Well, I know I've been distracted these last few weeks with the person who was making all those threatening calls.

Alexandra: Yes.

Reva: Um... I know I mentioned it to you.

Alexandra: Yes, yes, yes. It's a terrible thing.

Reva: Well, it got even worse. He actually broke into my house, and then he stole a family photo. But the police have caught him.

Alexandra: They did?

Reva: Yeah. Just the other day.

Alexandra: Well, who is he?

Reva: Well, no one I know. Just someone who has a lot of problems. But the point is they have him in custody, so now I can give all of my time to the Spaulding profile.

Alexandra: Reva, you know, this project might just be a little bit too big for you.

Reva: The bigger the better as far as I'm concerned. I mean, I'm ready for it. I have all the time in the world to find out every last little detail there is to know about Alexandra Spaulding and her family.

Josh: What, are you going to lecture me now?

Tony: No, sir, I'm just making a point.

Marah: Dad, Tony...

Josh: It's okay. It's all right. Just... just give us a minute to talk, all right?

Marah: Okay.

Josh: Tony, the thing I'm concerned about...

Tony: Is me. You don't think I'm good for your daughter. You never did. The thing is, I'm not going anywhere.

Josh: I know she loves you, and you love her.

Tony: That's right. And now we finally can be close because my family is not a threat to her anymore and never will be again.

Josh: We hope.

Tony: There's only one thing standing in our way.

Josh: You hurt her.

Tony: Yes, I did. Only we put that behind us.

Josh: That's great. I hope that's true. But, see, I'm her father, and there are some things that are difficult to forget and excuse.

Tony: Well, maybe time will change that. And you're going to have a lot of it to work with, Josh, because Marah and I are together for the long haul.

Josh: Let's see what happens then. Tony... I don't hate you.

Tony: I know. It's just...

Josh: What?

Tony: I don't have much family left. And it would be nice to be part of yours. Nobody likes the feeling of being watched all the time, you know?

Josh: Yeah, I know. You make my daughter happy. That's a lot.

Danny: Well, that looks better. So I'm thinking we need to make a move on this right away, make an offer to the owner of Towers as soon as possible.

Cassie: That's great. We're going to need some money.

Danny: Yep. (sighs) I mean, even if I were able to sell this place right away, I would not have cash in time.

Cassie: Okay, well, then we're going to have to make a list of investors. We're going to have to... (yawns)

Danny: What, am I boring you? Do you want some more coffee?

Cassie: I'm so sorry. No, I was just up all night with Will. He had nightmares, so...

Danny: Oh, so you were up, too. Well, go home. Get some sleep. It's okay.

Cassie: You just said that we have to move fast.

Danny: Cassie, you're exhausted.

Cassie: Yeah, well, you know, there's work to be done, Danny, and I haven't even talked to Josh yet.

Danny: I'll talk to him.

Cassie: But we have to go over the renovations.

Danny: I will talk to him. It's just a preliminary meeting. I don't want you falling asleep in the middle of it, okay?

Cassie: I am really wiped out.

Danny: So, get out of here. Come on, that's the beauty of a partnership. The next time I get the nap.

Cassie: Thank you.

Danny: Go.

Phillip: Okay, you... can I... can I try this again, please? Look, my son nearly died last night, all right? And... and one of the main reasons that he is in as good as shape as he is right now, a very big reason, is you. I acknowledge that, and I am grateful for it. But at the same time, he has still got a very long road of recovery ahead.

Gus: At his mother's house where I will be lurking around...

Phillip: Oh, come on. Why are you making this so damn hard? It doesn't have to be that way.

Gus: It doesn't?

Phillip: No, it doesn't. Because all I really care about, all I've cared about from the beginning, is my son's health, all right? I... I just don't want anything else to hurt him again in any way.

Gus: In any way.

Phillip: Right.

Gus: In any way-- which is your subtle hint to tell me to watch my step. Is that it? So your grand gesture to Harley about giving her custody, all of that, that's just... that could be temporary.

Phillip: No. No. I made a promise to her last night. I intend to keep it. Zach needs to be with his mother.

Gus: Oh, it's a miracle! He gets it! He gets it!

Phillip: Yes, I do. I do get it. I also get the fact that the two of you are together and that you're staying together. There's nothing I can do about that; that's fine. But, yes, he's my son. I will be watching you.

Gus: Let me ask you something. Do you just not trust me? Is that what it is?

Phillip: Should I?

Gus: Well, you did last night when your son's life was at stake.

Phillip: You're right. So use this as another opportunity to prove me wrong. I would love for you to prove me wrong. Because if you don't, if you hurt my son in any way, there will be hell to pay.

Gus: Like dragging Harley back to the courts, that type of thing? And so much for your promise, right?

Phillip: I don't want that to happen.

Gus: No, but it could happen. See, it could happen. And that's the problem with Spaulding promises. They all come with little strings attached to them-- actually, chains. Let me ask you something. Did it affect you last night, what happened to your son? Did it affect you? Of course, it did. It's a shame it didn't stay that way, because today you're right back to being the same jerk that you always were.

Harley: What is going on out here? I can see you both through the glass.

Phillip: Everything's fine.

Harley: What's going on?

Reva: So the first thing I'd like to do is an on-air interview with you.

Alexandra: You know, Reva, I've already told you I'm not interested in this so-called profile.

Reva: Well, I know. You think that I'm going to do a hatchet job, right?

Alexandra: (laughs) Dirt means ratings.

Reva: Well, what dirt? Unless you're hiding something.

Alexandra: Oh, good God. Of course not.

Reva: Well, then you have nothing to lose, right? Besides, the viewers will be very sympathetic to you if I start to smear the good Spaulding name on no grounds.

Alexandra: Uh-huh, uh-huh. Does Holly Reade enjoy being sued, Reva? Because she will be if you continue on this road.

Reva: I'm sure that you have a whole team of lawyers on speed dial. But why the knee-jerk need to protect yourself? I think it's because you are hiding something. And after the little chat we had the other day, I can feel it.

Alexandra: Maybe it's just gas.

Reva: (laughs) Edmund's in on it, too.

Alexandra: Uh-huh? Reva, you know you'd make a terrific novelist, you know, a fiction writer, but not a reporter.

Reva: I'm going to find out what's going on, Alexandra, one way or another. The information is out there. All I have to do is get it.

Roy: (moaning)

Reva: Poor man.

Alexandra: Yes, well... you know, don't you have anything better to do, Reva, honestly?

Reva: Nothing more important than this. I'll be in touch. You can count on that.

Alexandra: It's me. Yes, I want you to come up here right now. He needs to be moved. Yes, now! Now. I don't want him in this hospital one more minute. Oh, good, you're here. Now, I would like you to make Mr. Baker's transition as smooth and speedy as possible.

Orderly #1: Why did you move up the time?

Alexandra: Well, he's a dear friend. He's been in so much discomfort lately.

Roy: (moaning)

Alexandra: See? All right, now, I've... I've already called the hanger. The Spaulding jet's going to be waiting on the tarmac for you when you get to the airport.

Orderly #2: I've brought a patient to Chicago before. Never Switzerland.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Enjoy the trip.

Orderly #1: You aren't coming along?

Alexandra: No, I can't do it. I've got to stay here to tend to some business.

Orderly #2: We'd better check on the paperwork.

Mel: Hello, Mr. Baker. How are you feeling today? That's strange. Dr. Kirby has signed on as your physician. I wonder why no one told me about this. You know what? I'll be right back, okay?

Phillip: I'm going to go check on Zach.

Harley: Okay, let's have it.

Gus: Nothing. What?

Harley: You two were arguing.

Gus: Nothing happened. It's nothing. Fine, everything's fine. Go... go in there with him.

Harley: "A," "him" is sleeping. And "B," I don't appreciate the brush-off. What did he say to you?

Gus: He was telling me about some new toy he was going to buy Zach as soon as you got him home.

Harley: I also don't appreciate being lied to. You have to get along with him. Nothing can get in the way of me taking Zach home.

Gus: Nothing... nothing will. Nothing will, okay? Just let me call Frank and Buzz. I promised. They're going to come check on Zach. Just... all right?

Harley: Thank you. Will you be sticking around?

Gus: No, I got to go down to the station and work on this paperwork. I don't have a quarter.

Harley: Really, what case?

Gus: (sighs) It's the Strickler assault. I'm working on that.

Harley: Uh-huh. You went up to see Roy Baker again, didn't you?

Gus: Yes, I did, but the guy still can't talk, so...

Harley: Are you going to be looking into that Jane Doe case your dad signed off on? I just want to know.

Gus: Yes, I'm going to be looking into it.

Harley: Do you think maybe you should let it go?

Gus: You know, I was looking through the glass, watching you with your son, and... the connection between a mother and son, it's...

Harley: Hey, you all right?

Gus: Yeah, I'm fine, you know. Remember last night when you told me about the safe deposit box?

Harley: Uh-hmm.

Gus: Well, I had something to tell you also.

Harley: Okay?

Gus: And I ran a DNA test on myself and the Jane Doe, and it turns out that... that that's my mom.

Harley: She's your mother. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. For you to find out like this.

Gus: Oh, I'm fine. I'm fine.

Harley: Is it better to know?

Gus: Yeah, it's fine. Look, I don't need the loving touch right now, okay? Just go be with your son. All right? Go be with Zach.

Harley: I wish you would talk to me. It's okay if you feel...

Gus: No, I'm fine, I'm fine. Baby, I'm fine. I'm just going to... you know, I'm going to hang out right here until Frank and Buzz come and give you moral support, and then I'm going to split.

Harley: You've got stuff you have to do. You should go do it.

Gus: You know who I think has got a really good mom? Zach. (sighs)

Reva: Joshua? Shayne? (phone rings) I've got nothing to be nervous about. The guy's in jail. "Private call."

Tony: What? What?

Marah: You're just a very brave guy, that's all. It could have backfired, the stuff you said to my dad, you know.

Tony: Nah.

Marah: Oh, come on. He could have easily lost it and said that he never wanted to see us together again.

Tony: Well, it was worth risking it. Besides, I didn't think that far ahead, you know.

Marah: You lie.

Tony: Ow, all right, I did, I did. I was a little shaky. But I had to speak up.

Marah: Well, it seemed like he heard you. Or he listened, anyway. But you know what? It wouldn't have mattered if he had blown up.

Tony: No?

Marah: No. Because I wouldn't have listened. Because to me you already are my family. Being with you is amazing. And now that my mom's stalker is in jail, things are just going to get even better.

(phone rings)

Danny: Danny Santos.

Cassie: Danny Santos, this is your partner, Cassie Winslow.

Danny: Hey, why aren't you sleeping?

Cassie: I... I was on the phone with Harley for a little while, and... but I am beat. I'm probably going to go right to sleep right after I get off the phone.

Danny: Well, is everything okay?

Cassie: Yes. I just wanted to say thank you for sticking up for me with Tony today.

Danny: Well, really, I'm the one who should be thanking you.

Cassie: Why?

Danny: Because you're taking a chance on me. I mean, you've already got a successful business up and running, but you're hooking up with a guy who investors would never touch, even though I'm legit now.

Cassie: Why don't you let me worry about that?

Danny: All right. Have a nice nap.

Cassie: Okay.

(monitor beeping)

Phillip: What?

Harley: What did you say to Gus?

Phillip: Oh, God. Let's not get into it right now.

Harley: Please tell me.

Phillip: Oh, Harley. It didn't... it wasn't about you.

Harley: If it's about Gus, it is about me.

Phillip: Okay. Let's go over here. Well, believe it or not, I was... I was really just trying to find some common ground with him. You know, we sort of came to an understanding about Zach. I thought maybe he and I could, too.

Harley: Okay.

Phillip: But, you know, he was not terribly interested. He threw most of it back in my face.

Harley: Gus is... he's just... he's under a lot of stress right now.

Phillip: Unlike the rest of us. (laughs)

Harley: Well, this is... it's this, and it's different.

Phillip: All right, you know what? It doesn't matter. It really doesn't make any difference. You know, I'm going to protect my son no matter what.

Harley: Protect him from what?

Phillip: From anything or anyone that might hurt him.

Harley: And if this person did hurt him, what then?

Phillip: We're not going to let that happen. (monitor beeping)

Gus: Uh, I got Sonny. I thank you. I've been on hold for ten minutes here. I can't stand it. Listen, I have another favor to ask you. I'm going to fly out to Chicago later this afternoon, and I was hoping you could pick me up at O'Hare. Yeah. Yeah. It's about the Jane Doe thing. Yeah, and I have... I have one other favor to ask you. Can you... can you take me to the hotel that they found her in?

(Phone rings)

Orderly #2: It's against regulations.

Orderly #1: It might be Mrs. Spaulding. (phone rings) Hello?

Alexandra: Yes, it's me. I'm wondering where we stand on Mr. Baker.

Orderly #1: We're on our way to the elevator right now.

Alexandra: Excellent. I know I shouldn't have called. I just want to make certain that my... my friend gets the treatment he deserves.

(Phone rings)

Reva: I checked the whole house and there's no one here, so just calm down.

(Phone ringing)

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