Guiding Light Transcript Monday 2/3/03
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
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Rick: We have a three-year-old hit by a car coming in. Let's move it, everybody.
Phillip: I turned my back for one second.
E.M.T.: Three-year-old struck by a vehicle, breathing on his own at the scene.
Mel: Okay, move back so that I can measure him.
Rick: How much does Zach weigh?
Harley: He's 42 pounds.
Rick: All right, wait out here. I promise you I'll keep you informed.
Harley: No, no, no, I have to go in. I have to go in. I have to go in because he has to know that I’m here. He was crossing the street to get to me.
Rick: No, no, no.
Mel: The best thing you can do for Zach right now is to wait out here.
Harley: If he wakes up, tell him I'm here. Mommy's here, sweetie. Mommy's right here.
Phillip: ...No, not that I know of.
Rick: Do you happen to know his blood type?
Phillip: No.
Rick: Type and cross with four units. I need two units of O-negative for standby. Call radiology. I need a CT scan of the head, neck, chest, and pelvis. Vitals?
Mel: 70 over...
Nurse: Heart rate 140...
Mel: Okay, do we need an ultrasound?
Rick: No, I need the CT first. Let's get or ready now.
Ray: Hey, Bill.
Bill: Hey, Father Ray, thanks for... Thanks for meeting me.
Ray: What's going on? On the phone you were very cloak and dagger.
Bill: Sorry about that. I didn't mean to sound so mysterious. Hey, you know, I was thinking the other day about how when I was dating your cousin Pilar, you used to keep a pretty close eye on me, make sure I was treating her right.
Ray: Unfortunately, that goes with the job, although something tells me you're not here for a stroll down memory lane.
Bill: That's $5,000.
Ray: Whoa.
Bill: I want you to take it. I want you to do something good with it. Doesn't belong to me.
Michelle: Dad, why did you let me sleep so long? Half the day is gone. Holly.
Holly: Hi, Michelle. Robbie and I-- I love this kid-- we're having a little dinner.
Michelle: Where's my dad?
Holly: Crisis at the clinic. He'll be back soon.
Michelle: Why didn't he wake me?
Holly: I was here. You were sleeping, which I understand is a very rare thing these days. Robbie's just fine. It's no problem, really. I'm really glad to help.
Michelle: No, you don't understand. See, I’m his mother; I should decide who takes care of him.
Intercom: Paging Dr. Stateman. Dr. Stateman, please.
Harley: I can't do this. No, no, I can't do this. I've got to go in there.
Phillip: You can stay here, okay, until Rick comes out and tells you what's going on.
Harley: Why can't I go in there? I'm his mother.
Gus: 'Cause it's best if you stay here. Let's just let them do their work, all right?
Harley: You're right. You're right. God. Thank God you got there when you did.
Gus: To see him run in the street like that...
Harley: Oh...
Rick: Sorry, I've got no information. It's going to be all right. It's going to be fine.
Phillip: What you did out there...
Gus: I did what anybody would do.
Phillip: No, you... you cost me valuable time. You stopped me from picking him up. I could've gotten him here faster.
Gus: I did the right thing. Just ask your friend, okay?
Phillip: Yeah?
Rick: Easy.
Harley: He's going to be okay, right? You tell me he's going to be okay.
Gus: Baby, listen to me: He is going to be okay. He's the toughest little kid I know.
Harley: I know, I know.
Gus: Just breathe.
Rick: Gus is right. You're overreacting right now, and the fact is... The fact is he may have saved your little boy's life.
Phillip: He got in my way. What are you talking about?
Rick: Your first reaction, as a parent when you see your child lying in the middle of the street, is to pick him up and take him to safety. If you would've done that, that would've been exactly the wrong thing to do.
Phillip: I don't follow that.
Rick: You know what? It doesn't matter.
Phillip: No, it does matter. It matters to me.
Rick: Best case scenario: Neck injury. Worst case: Paralysis.
Phillip: I could've paralyzed him...
Rick: That's right.
Phillip: ...If it weren't for Gus.
Rick: Phillip, he's a cop. First aid is part of his training. If he didn't stop you, Harley would've stopped you.
Phillip: I am so stupid. All of this is my fault. Yes, it is. I let my son... I let him walk off. I turned my back and I let him walk out in front of that car.
Harley: He was just so still. Did you see how still he was? I mean, he's never still. He can't sit still for five seconds. Even when he's sleeping, he's kicking his feet around. You know, we've talked about this. Remember I read him that book.
Gus: It's not your fault.
Harley: The book. What was the book? "Why the chicken didn't cross the road."
Gus: It's not your fault.
Harley: And we've talked about this...
Gus: Things happen in a split second. It's not your fault.
Harley: Of course it's my fault. I waved, he yelled "Mommy," and he ran into the street. Of course it's my fault.
Bill: This morning a cop came to my door and handed over this reward money for bringing down Carmen. I can't take it. I don't want to profit off of almost killing someone.
Ray: Bill, you saved Robbie and Michelle.
Bill: Father Ray, I did what anyone else would've done. And this is... This is too much. In fact, I almost threw it away. I thought if something good could come out of all this, maybe this could help a family get back on their feet or something.
Ray: I'd love to take this, but I can’t. So why don't you tell me the real reason it's burning a hole in your conscience.
Bill: Well, like I said, I don't want to profit off of something like this.
Ray: Or maybe you feel like you already have. That's right. I'm talking about you and Michelle.
Holly: I think I understand. You don't want me to be with Robbie because...
Michelle: Holly, no. You know how much I care about you and I respect you, and I’ve totally seen how you've put your life back together since all...
Holly: Say it.
Michelle: It's just when I came downstairs and I saw you with Robbie, I... What?
Holly: Michelle, you don't trust me to be alone with your boy.
Michelle: No, it's not you. I don't trust anybody with Robbie right now.
Holly: You... you can't trust me because of what I did with those children, which is it. Don't deny it.
Michelle: I guess you're right. I can’t.
Ed: Thought I’d get back before you woke up.
Michelle: Well, here I am, wide-awake. I'm really sorry, Holly.
Holly: I'd better go.
Ed: Well, why?
Holly: You call me, please, later.
Ed: Well, listen, I’ll walk you out.
Holly: No, I can walk myself. I'm going to go back to the office. How was your patient?
Ed: It's appendicitis. She'll be fine.
Holly: Good, good. Michelle, I would never... I'm sorry. I hope... See you.
Ed: What happened here?
Michelle: I... I was startled when I saw Holly with Robbie, and... I think we both overreacted.
Ed: What do you mean, "overreacted"?
Michelle: Well, Holly got the impression that I was afraid for her to be alone with Robbie, which is totally ridiculous.
Ed: Is it?
Michelle: Dad, there's something that you should know about Holly. When you were gone, after Fletcher took Meg from her, Holly did some pretty horrible things.
Ed: I know. She told me.
Michelle: You knew?
Ed: Honey, that was years ago. She was going through a horrible time, but she's recovering, and she would never do anything to hurt Robbie or any other child. That's what you're worried about, right?
Michelle: I just can't be sure about anyone anymore.
Ed: How many times have I walked in this kitchen and found you and Holly having a heart to heart, I mean, over the years? She... You relied on her, she was like...
Michelle: She was like a second mother to me-- I know that. Don't do that to me.
Ed: Don't do what?
Michelle: Don't pull these stories out of your pocket like you can take me back to a time and a place where I used to trust everyone.
Ed: It's funny, I remember having to work pretty hard to earn your trust.
Michelle: You're right. I know that Holly is fine, that she's better. It's just that nothing is as it seems anymore, and I can't let my guard down for a second.
Bill: Father Ray, I came here to make a donation, not a confession.
Ray: Right.
Bill: Look, Michelle and I haven't done anything that I should feel guilty about. It's not like I stole her away from Danny. I mean, she left him.
Ray: To be with you.
Bill: No, that's not how it happened. She was going to leave him anyway. Besides, I’m not going to apologize for what I feel for Michelle. I mean, I really... I think I've been in love with her my whole life. Sorry. You're probably the last person I should be spilling to.
Ray: Bill, I will always believe Michelle and Danny belong together.
Bill: Of course you would. Probably shouldn't have come here.
Ray: Why did you come here, Bill? Did you come for my forgiveness or my permission?
Bill: Neither.
Ray: Good. I married them. Michelle's the best thing that happened to Danny. She made him see that there's more to life than our family business.
Bill: I know, I know.
Ray: Look, I can see what she means to you, and I know what she's meant to Danny. But I can't pretend to know what's in her heart. Ultimately in the end, it's going to come down to her.
Bill: I know that. You probably think I’m happy about how everything happened.
Ray: Why shouldn't you be? Everything's just worked out fine for you.
Bill: You know, my father laid down a lot of rules when I was growing up-- not that he followed any of them, but they stuck with me. In fact, they've been ringing in my ears these days. In one night I took Danny’s wife and his mother away from him. And if that wasn't enough, now somebody wants to... Somebody wants to pay me for it. Take the money, Father Ray.
Ray: Not that my parishioners couldn't use it, but I’m not going to take the money, not if you're trying to buy off your own conscience. When you understand that, that's when I’ll take the money. Thanks for the coffee.
Rick: Don't do anything stupid.
Gus: Look, we're in a hospital, okay? Your son's in an emergency room.
Phillip: What you did out there...
Harley: Look, Phillip...
Phillip: I'm trying to say thank you. You were right about not moving him. Thank you.
Gus: I just... You didn't know, okay?
Phillip: Harley, I'm sorry I... I was talking on my damned cell phone. I turned for one second and...
Harley: Don't.
Phillip: No, look, I'm the one who was caring for him. He was my responsibility.
Harley: He was trying to get to me.
Phillip: Don't blame yourself for this. Why... Blame me. Why aren't you yelling at me?
Harley: Because you're the only person here who understands how I feel. You're the only person who loves that little boy as much as I do. I'm not at angry yet, okay? I was the one who waved.
Phillip: Every time one of my kids is born, I promise myself so many things. And then, I... I promise that I will be different from my father, that I will never lose sight of them even for a second. Look at what I’ve done.
Harley: What we've done. What?
Rick: We found some internal bleeding from Zach's spleen. We're talking surgery now.
Harley: (sobs)
Gus: It's all right. Now honey, come on. Be strong. It's okay. It's going to be okay.
Frank: Harley, what's going on, how is he? Is he all right?
Harley: He has internal bleeding; he needs surgery.
Frank: Rick?
Rick: If the laceration is small enough, then a blood transfusion will handle it.
Frank: Okay.
Rick: If not, then we're going to have to take out his spleen.
Phillip: Well, now, wait a minute. Now, isn't that something that he needs?
Harley: What does the spleen do?
Rick: It fights infection, but over time, the body develops other defenses. Most people are fine without it.
Harley: Is he awake?
Rick: The CT scan is fine.
Frank: All right, okay, that's good.
Phillip: Well, hang on a second.
Harley: We have to sign it.
Phillip: Now, wait a minute. I'm not convinced of that. Shouldn't we get a specialist in here, maybe get another opinion?
Rick: We don't have time for a specialist. Mel is going to be doing the surgery.
Phillip: Mel is doing it? No, you do the surgery.
Rick: I'm too close to this. Mel is going to handle it, okay? She's a good surgeon. I'm going to oversee everything. I'll let you know what's going on.
Harley: We have to sign it. Phillip, please.
Rick: Thank you.
Phillip: Rick...
Rick: It's going to be fine, she's good. I'm going to watch everything.
Phillip: Why can't you?
Rick: I can't.
Harley: This can't be happening. This can't be happening. Tell me this isn't happening.
Phillip: It's going to be all right. It's going to be all right. He's strong. He is our son, he's strong. He's much stronger than we think he is.
Harley: He's a baby. He's not strong.
Frank: He's going to be fine. No, he's going to be all right.
Harley: (Sobs)
Gus: I'm sorry
Ed: Okay, Robbie’s asleep. Look, Michelle...
Michelle: Dad, I didn't enjoy hurting Holly's feelings.
Ed: I know that.
Michelle: Look, it may not be logical or rational, or fit into your ideas of forgiveness, but this is how I feel. I'm sorry, I know you and Holly are getting close again.
Ed: Yes, we are.
Michelle: And I think that that's great if that's what you want, but I can't take any chances with Robbie.
Ed: Holly is not Carmen.
Michelle: I know that, and I would never compare her to Carmen, but there are no guarantees that she's not going to have a relapse.
Ed: Well, there are no guarantees that I'm not going to have a relapse tomorrow either, and you trust me.
Michelle: Dad, that's different. You've been sober for a very long time, and you didn't do the things that Holly did.
Ed: I have committed more than my share of crimes, and you know it.
Michelle: Look, I feel horrible about this, but I can't help the way I feel.
Ed: But you've got to know that a day is going to come up when you're going to wake up in the morning and you're not going to be thinking about the Santos’.
Michelle: Well, I doubt that, because that's the day that I'm going to open the door to...
Ed: To what? To Danny again?
Michelle: I'm not going to let anyone hurt Robbie or me again.
Ed: If you shut out the world like that, completely, what kind of a life is it?
Michelle: It's the only way that I can live right now. I know that you mean well, but the values that you and mom taught me about love and forgiveness, they just don't apply to the real world, or at least not the world that I’m living in.
Ed: Your mother used to say that the world is what you make it.
Michelle: I need you to respect my feelings, Dad.
Ed: I do respect your feelings. You... All right, don't... We'll figure out some way to make this work.
Michelle: Are you going to go after Holly?
Ed: Yes, I am. You're going to be fine.
Michelle: Yeah.
Bill: Hey. Hey, you.
Michelle: Hey.
Bill: Bad time?
Michelle: Yeah, but I feel better already. So I'm like the wicked witch of Springfield, right?
Bill: No, you're not.
Michelle: I sent Holly out of here practically in tears-- tore Robbie away from her.
Bill: Look, you were afraid, okay?
Michelle: And my dad says that I overreacted. Did I?
Bill: You know what? It doesn't really matter what I think.
Michelle: No, it does. It matters a lot.
Bill: All right. Well, do I think that Holly would hurt Robbie? No, I don’t.
Michelle: So you agree with my dad?
Bill: No, I don't.
Michelle: Well, you just said...
Bill: Look, I think... I think your dad has to cut you some slack. I mean, you've just been through hell and back, so if that means you act like mother lion, well, then, you've earned the right.
Michelle: The right to make... Hurt Holly's feelings. I mean, you should have seen the look on her face.
Bill: Hey, hey, hey, she's going to be fine.
Michelle: And what about Robbie? Is Robbie going to be fine?
Bill: Robbie, yes. Robbie is going to be fine, all right? You feel what you feel, and I don't want you to apologize for it. Look, one day you're going to wake up and everything's going to be great.
Michelle: Yeah, and that's the day that everything's really going to go wrong, when I start thinking things are going to be better.
Bill: Or maybe that will be the day when something really good can happen. Look, I want to talk to you about something.
Michelle: Gee, something other than me? I don't know.
Bill: Well, I got this reward money for bringing down Carmen.
Michelle: Yeah, there's not enough money in the world for that.
Bill: I tried giving it to Father Ray, but I...
Michelle: Why? Why? You caught an escaped felon; you saved our lives; you deserve it.
Bill: Michelle, that night, that made me realize how much I care about you. And that's enough for me. I don't want to profit from it.
Michelle: Hey, you don't think that you're taking advantage of a situation.
Bill: Truth?
Michelle: Truth.
Bill: Well, I always used to think how we would get started, you know, if we got started, and this wasn't it.
Michelle: Well, nothing's been exactly ideal. I don't know if I believe in ideal anymore.
Bill: Come on, Michelle.
Michelle: We're quite a pair. I'm afraid of everything and you're afraid of me.
Bill: Wait a minute now, I'm afraid of you? I'm afraid of you? Look, I said I didn't like how it started, I didn't say I didn't want it to start.
Michelle: Well, you take me on, this is what you get.
Bill: Hey, well, like my grandfather used to say, I can build a water park in a desert, but if...
Michelle: Am I supposed to be the desert in this little metaphor of yours?
Bill: All right, look, my point is that all of this... This negativity, it's not going to last forever.
Michelle: You know what? When I’m with you, I actually believe that. (phone rings) Hello? Hey, Rick. What? How bad? Is it serious? Okay, well, can... Okay, no, no, no, I got it. I got it covered.
Bill: What?
Michelle: It's Zach. Harley and Phillip’s little boy was hit by a car, and it was pretty serious. See, you say things are going to get better, and I just don't know.
Ed: Well, I found you, finally.
Holly: Are you here to pick up the pieces? There's none to pick up.
Ed: Deep in her heart, Michelle knows that there is no way that you would ever do anything to hurt...
Holly: No, she doesn’t. There is no way she could know that, because I don't know that.
Ed: Oh, come on. Come on, Holly.
Holly: Small steps. Make that decision every day, no guarantees.
Ed: Even though we own what we do, it doesn't make it any less painful when someone we have known forever turns out not to trust us. I know what the feels like.
Holly: I know what it feels like to lose a child, and she came this close to losing Robbie. When something like that happens, something breaks inside. So if she needs to hold him close right now, that's a lot better than what I did.
Ed: All I know is I’ve never been any good at making the bad stuff go away for her, even when she was little.
Holly: Oh, that's not true. You were her hero.
Ed: I don't remember it that way.
Holly: Well, you were always mine. You must remember that. Of course I've put my damsel-in-distress days behind me now.
Ed: I've noticed.
Holly: Yeah?
Ed: Yeah.
Holly: Good. I worked hard at that. No more Ed to the rescue now. Of course it's funny, if we give up the drama, what happens to Ed and Holly, huh? Who are we if I'm not always in trouble and you're not always saving me?
Ed: Be kind of fun trying to find out, wouldn't it?
Holly: Fun, huh? How does that work, exactly? That's nice. I wonder what I have to offer. Sometimes I feel like a blank. I'm afraid that when I got rid of all the bad things inside me, I might have just cleared out everything else, too. There's nothing there.
Ed: There's more to us than the things that we've done wrong. The things that have happened to us, you can't seriously think that I’m going to get bored because you don't have a problem that I’m going to stumble around and try to fix it.
Holly: Maybe. I mean it's just me now, just me-- no Roger, no drinking problem, no nothing. I'm all that's left to mess this up.
Ed: What about me? Come on. Let's take a chance.
Holly: I want to see which one of us messes up this time.
Ed: I'm game if you are. Come on.
Holly: I would like that.
Michelle: This is awful. Poor Zach.
Bill: All right, tell me what I can do.
Michelle: I got to go pick up Jude for Rick.
Bill: All right, that's fine, I'll drive you.
Michelle: No, it's okay, I can do this. Why don't you just go home?
Bill: Go home, what? Are you kidding? I'm not going to leave you like this.
Michelle: Bill, I can handle it, really.
Bill: Michelle, tell me what you need.
Michelle: I can't keep relying on you like this, Bill.
Bill: Michelle, we're best friends, okay? That's what best friends do, they lean on one another.
Michelle: Yeah, and I lean on you, and I count on you, and something happens that takes you away from me-- then what?
Bill: That's not going to happen.
Michelle: And how do you know that?
Bill: Trust me. Okay whether we're just friends or something more, you're stuck with me.
Michelle: All right, then keep an ear out for Robbie for me. Thanks.
Phillip: Hey.
Rick: Hey.
Phillip: How is he?
Rick: There's no word yet. Are you okay?
Phillip: I just needed to get some air.
Rick: Phil, remember in "Superman" there was this huge earthquake and superman saves the world, but he doesn't get there in time to save Lois Lane? So he tries to turn back the clock because he loves her so much, and he tries to save her.
Phillip: Do you think you could ever try to get me through something without comic books or sports analogy?
Rick: The point is, Phillip, is that you're not superman.
Phillip: Thanks, man.
Rick: You can't turn back the clock. All you can do is go forward. You can't fix your son, but you can certainly fix the world he grows up in.
Phillip: I told Gus that he was right about not moving Zach.
Rick: That's a very good thing, buddy.
Phillip: Yeah, it's great. Doesn't make a damn bit of difference, though.
Rick: It makes all the difference in the world. You're changing his life in small ways. When he wakes up in the morning, life is going to be a little bit better.
Phillip: Too little, too late.
Rick: It's a start.
Phillip: Let me ask you something: Have I always been like this?
Rick: Been like what?
Phillip: Have I always been the kind of man that can't even tell when somebody knows how to help his own son?
Rick: You're thinking about Alan. You're not your father.
Phillip: Oh, are you sure about that?
Rick: Yes.
Phillip: Because I'm not. I had it out with him today. And you know what? I got to tell you, a really big part of it is that I hate him so much for making me like him, because I am like him.
Rick: No, Phillip, the difference...
Phillip: I am.
Rick: The difference here is your father is too egotistical to ever question himself. The difference is, is that you have questioned yourself. You have admitted that you're wrong, and you're willing to fix it.
Phillip: You think that's enough?
Rick: Buddy, I'm not Gus’s biggest fan, but he doesn't present any danger to your son. The biggest danger is acrimony, this constant tug-of-war with your wife, your ex-wife, and it's not too late for you. It's not too late for your son to change that.
Phillip: That's what I'm hoping.
Rick: I'll let you know if there's any change, okay?
Phillip: Thank you. Thanks, buddy. I'll be in in a minute. First Lizzie, now Zach. Trying to tell me something? I get I'm not the best person, believe me-- I know. But my kids are great. My kids are everything that is good in me. And Zach is in trouble right now, so please... please let me do better this time. I can do better. Let me do better.
Frank: Here you go.
Harley: I can't.
Frank: Come on, sis, you've got to keep your strength up, you know?
Harley: It's not that, it's... That's Zach's favorite candy.
Frank: Well, good. Then I’ll just have to go back and buy out then whole candy store then. When he wakes up, I'm going to give it to him. And he is going to wake up. Remember this one? (laughs) This is the little guy that made you feel better when you fell off your bike in front of...
Harley: Mr. Lee's Dry Cleaning. When I was eight years old.
Frank: Wasn't that yesterday or last week?
Harley: Please doesn’t make me laugh. I'm just going to start crying all over again.
Frank: Come here. He's going to be fine. Look, I'm going to go check out the gift shop, see what toys they've got in there for him, okay?
Harley: Oh, that's a good idea. You know what he likes.
Frank: You bet I do. He's going to be fine. Just in case? You going to keep an eye on her?
Gus: Yeah.
Frank: Thanks.
Gus: Got a good brother there. It's good, because the two of you share, like, a little secret language, you know.
Harley: Yeah. I don't know what I would do without him.
Gus: I got to tell you something. I'm feeling ... I'm feeling pretty lousy, like, you know, if I wasn't living with you, then Zach would be living with you, and this wouldn't have happened. I feel like, you know, I was a...
Harley: This isn't about you.
Gus: No, I know.
Harley: It's not about that. It's not about me. It's not about any of that stuff with Phillip. Let's just... Let's just focus on Zach, okay?
Gus: Yeah, of course, of course.
Harley: Him getting better, that's all that matters.
Gus: I know. I know, I know. I know.
Phillip: Harley. No, no, no, no, we're still waiting, we're just... I need to say something to you. When Zach gets out of here, when he comes home-- and he will-- he gets his wish. He gets to be with you. I won't stand in the way of that.
Harley: Phillip, you're upset. Don't make promises you don't mean.
Phillip: I know you don't believe that; I haven't given you any reason to. But I mean it. I've been fighting you when I should've been fighting for him. I'm sorry.
Harley: Do you remember when Zach was a year old and we bought him that hat with the big pompom on it, but it kept flipping forwarding and hitting him in the face. And he'd get so mad. He has your temper.
Phillip: I'm so sorry.
Harley: Me, too.
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