GL Transcript Friday 1/31/03

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/31/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

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Harley: Hi, is the appraisal of my ring finished yet?

Jeweler: Right, Detective Cooper, I'll be right with you. You said this ring was a gift from your boyfriend.

Harley: Yes, and actually his father gave it to his mother.

Jeweler: Oh, I see, so then it has great sentimental value, but little monetary value, I’m afraid.

Harley: Really? Are you sure?

Jeweler: Well, the stones are only a few points and of inferior quality. It's a pretty design, though, and obviously it meant a great deal to someone since they went through the trouble of engraving it. It's only a few numbers. It's not a jeweler's mark.

Harley: Oh.

Jeweler: And they must have had some significance for the couple.

Harley: Well, how many numbers are there?

Jeweler: Three. I wrote them down for you here on the appraisal.

Harley: Oh, great. Three numbers. Maybe safety deposit box numbers.

Jeweler: Excuse me?

Harley: Oh, nothing. Is this what I owe you, here?

Jeweler: Yeah, right there.

Harley: Here you go.

Jeweler: I take it the numbers engraved on this ring have some significance to you, Detective.

Harley: Well, I hope so. For me and someone I love very much. Thanks.

Gus: Come on, Uncle Roy. It's me. It's Nicky. Listen to me. I know you're faking it. Remember I used to do the same thing when I was a kid a long time ago when you and my dad were partners, hmm? Remember what you used to do to get me out of it? You're good. (Laughs) You are good. But I still know that you're awake. So you talk to me, okay? Or the next thing I do is going to be something drastic, like set your bed on fire. All right. Want to play it like this? Fine. I'll tell you what I’ll do. I'll do all the talking, and you can just jump in any time I hit a little too close to home, okay, ready? Good. I like this game. Harley and I were in your apartment and we found a newspaper clipping about a certain dead Jane Doe. You stole it from the Chicago Police Department's evidence room. It was over 30 years old. Must have meant a lot to you to go and steal and swipe it like that and keep it all these years. Roy, you knew Jane Doe, didn't you? Hmm? Oh, come on. Yes, you did. Well, at least it meant that you knew what she meant to my father, hmm? (Knocking) Roy, you knew what she meant to my father and that information kept you in designer shoes and fancy cars for all these years. Not bad for a retired cop. I'll tell you what, Roy. You should spill it right now, because, see, we've got the key to the safety deposit box. It was around your neck when you collapsed. And once I locate that box, Roy, I'm going to know the whole story, so why don't you just fess up, hmm, save us both a lot of trouble? Listen, you talk to me, you maggot, okay? Or a stroke will be the least of your troubles.

Alexandra: Edmund, this is Alexandra again. Will you please pick up your cell phone and pick up your messages! I need to know... I need to know if the numbers on Harley’s ring corresponding with the Roy Baker safety deposit box. I also need to know if the bank manager allowed you entrance to that box, and if so, what was inside. Now will you please just call me!

Phillip: Spreading cheer as always, I see.

Alexandra: Phillip, I didn't realize you were back, darling.

Phillip: Well, you think you're surprised, you should've seen the look on Olivia’s face and Alan’s.

Alexandra: What, she wasn't happy to see you?

Phillip: You know where I found her? I found her in a suite at the Beacon with dad. They were having a little love fest in their little love nest.

Alexandra: Well, what did you expect? I mean, they are husband and wife.

Phillip: Oh, okay.

Alexandra: What?

Phillip: No, no, listen, hey, you're dying to say "I told you so," and you're... Go ahead.

Alexandra: No, no, no, if I did that, I promise you I would take no pleasure in it.

Phillip: But see, I actually had convinced myself that she was ready to leave him to be with me, so you know what? I left town for a day, I came back, and lo and behold what do I find?

Alexandra: Olivia in Alan’s bed, of course, yes. Well, so she's an opportunist, dear, she's fickle to the core... What? I mean, is this news to you? She's not what? What? She's not cold? Calculating, what?

Phillip: I don't believe she does these things out of malice.

Alexandra: What things... things? Oh, things like steal Beth’s diary and publish it, and humiliate Beth and Lizzie and you in front of the entire town, and pit you against your very own father.

Phillip: Okay, yes, fine. But the point is why she does it. She does it because she's obviously incredibly insecure, because she doesn't believe... No, she doesn’t. She doesn't think that anybody could possibly want her for herself, so she does this. She's constantly testing. She's hedging her bets. That's why she does things...

Alexandra: Things that are hurtful and just plain cruel? Uh-huh. I think Dr. Freud would be very interested in your psychic analysis of Olivia, but it still begs the question, darling, do you even still want her in your life? For heaven's sakes, you can't be still in love with her after everything she's done.

Alan: I'd like to hear the answer to this myself.
Phillip: How is your adoring bride, Dad? Oh, are the two of you still together, or did she throw you over for the nearest bellboy?

Alan: You know, jealousy is a small emotion, Phillip.

Phillip: No, Dad, you were the one that was jealous. You were the one that was so jealous and so afraid that you couldn't hold onto her with your own merits that you resorted to your affinity for letter stealing, like the one that she sent me from San Jamar.

Alan: I stole no letter.

Phillip: Yeah, and then, of course, he had to make sure that Beth whisked me out of town as a little added insurance, because you knew damn well that if I was here when she got back, if she saw me first, there wasn't a chance in hell that you were ever going to get her back, was there?

Alan: You know, Phillip, this letter business is absurd and your brief absence was just a misunderstanding, minor delay. Now, if Olivia cares about you as much as you claim she does...

Phillip: No, no, no. As much as she claimed in the letter, which you read, where she said it in great detail, which I'm sure pleased you.

Alan: Obviously, she's not as sure about her feelings for you as she professes if only after a few minutes with me upon her return, she completely reverses her position.

Phillip: Yeah. Well, you know, maybe you're right. Maybe this is the woman for you. Maybe this fickle, duplicitous tramp that will hop in the sack with anybody whenever, is the woman that you're going to be proud to call your wife.

Alan: Now he takes the moral highroad after he tries to steal my wife.

Phillip: Oh, no. Hey, I didn't try to steal anything. No, I was completely honest and up front with you about my intentions and my feelings. No, it was all up front.

Alan: So that makes everything right, Phillip?

Phillip: No, see the difference was... No, the problem, Dad-- be honest about this-- you were afraid to compete with me on a level playing field, so you skewed things in your favor, like before the wedding, when you had your heart attack, remember?

Alan: Oh, yes, and she chose me then, and that's what galls you because you cannot bear defeat.

Phillip: No, Dad, the truth is exactly the opposite, believe me. I am delighted things have turned out the way they have. I am delighted that I'm finally seeing you and Olivia for the manipulative, deceptive, desperate people that you are, because now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are the two that belong together. And you know what? To make sure that you have as many years as possible of marital hell together, here's what I’m going to do. I'm going to take my kids and I’m going to move out of this house. And I'm going to leave you alone in this house with Aunt Alex and the servants, so that you can make each other profoundly miserable for many years to come.

Alan: So, you're going to be moving out, huh?

Phillip: As fast as humanly possible.

Alexandra: Phillip, no, no, no. There's no need for that. Not because of Olivia. She's not even going to be here.

Phillip: What? Why not?

Alexandra: She's staying at the Beacon. Isn't that right? Well, seems to me I heard Nolan talking to her earlier, and she was requesting to have all her clothes sent over to the hotel, her personal belongings, so...

Phillip: Did she, now?

Alan: I want you to come home with me. Come on. This will heal in time. It's only a moment, that's all, a moment in what could be a wonderful life for us together.

Olivia: I need to be alone, Alan.

Beth: Well, Olivia, hello.

Olivia: Beth. I thought you might still be away with Lizzie.

Beth: No, no, we came back on the jet with Phillip, didn't he tell you?

Olivia: Oh, there wasn't much time for that.

Beth: But you have talked to him? He told me what's going on between you two, that you have found each other.

Olivia: Too bad he didn't tell me.

Beth: Excuse me?

Olivia: So does Lizzie like the Alston Academy? Will she be going there?

Beth: Yes, she does like it. In fact, she leaves this weekend. You know how the Spaulding’s are when they decide they want something. Which leads us back to you and Phillip.

Olivia: You know, I’m surprised that he mentioned me to you at all.

Beth: But you forget, I know Phillip better than he knows himself sometimes. So what's going to happen? Are you going to ride off into the sunset together? Are Lizzie and James going to be calling you step-mom instead of step-grandma? (Laughs)

Olivia: No, you can relax. Your children are safe from my evil clutches-- permanently.

Beth: Meaning?

Olivia: I made a mistake. Wasn't my first, but it will be my last. You know, Phillip... Let's just say he's furious with me.

Beth: Irreversibly so?

Olivia: You know what? After what I did to you with the diary, I know you want to gloat. What goes around comes around, right, Beth? Now I'm the one who's alone.

Beth: I really wish I could find solace in that, I do. But, unfortunately, I don’t. Oh, well. Pretzel?

Gus: I am sitting here, Roy, trying to put all the pieces together, and this is the only scenario that I can come up with that makes any sense. You and my father were partners, and my father was a good, clean, honest cop that I always thought that he was. He only made one mistake in his life, and that was nine months before I arrived. He had an affair with a woman, but besides that he was clean. But you, Roy, you on the other hand, you were dirty from day one. Now, my father eventually found that out and he begged you to go straight because he was your friend and he didn't want to rat you out. But you liked your perks too much, and you were in too deep, and you said, "Hell no, Joe." Am I doing okay so far? By this time my father knew the truth and rather than turn a blind eye, blue wall or not, he told you he was going to the I.A.D., And you could not have that, could you, Roy? Neither could the people that were lining your pockets, the Santos family. So you went to Miguel Santos and you told him what Joe was threatening to do, and you leaned on him with the one thing you had over him: His affair that produced me. So Miguel Santos went to Frederico Santos’s button man, and that is what was happening between Joe and Frederico when my sister saw them arguing, right? He was squeezing my father, he was leaning on my father, but my father wouldn't cave. So you and Frederico, you did what you had to do, didn't you, to save your own pathetic skin. You didn't have a choice. You stood by... You stood by and you did nothing, and Frederico shot my father in cold blood, in broad daylight. And you left him in the street to die like a dog. It would be so easy to kill you right now. But no, Roy, because, see, I want you to suffer, I want you to suffer for all of your crimes-- safety deposit box, the girl, the Jane Doe, my father dying, my mother not being able to conceive. I know how it all fits together now, and it's only a matter of time till I can prove it. So you should sleep Roy. Sleep. Because when I find what I’m looking for, my friend, you are never going to know another moment's peace.

Olivia: You know there used to be a time when this would be routine for us, us sitting together sharing some food. Of course, it would be 50 degrees warmer.

Beth: Ooh. Yes, back in San Cristobel. We were both feeling misunderstood. And then we move back here, you move into the house...

Olivia: And then we became rivals over the most trivial things.

Beth: And whose fault is that?

Olivia: Well, mine, I suppose. Isn't everything?

Beth: Okay. You gave my teenage daughter unsolicited advice, bad advice, I might add. And, you encouraged Phillip to doubt me.

Olivia: Oh, he was most of the way there already. Oh, come on. The whole split personality thing and then taking off to find yourself, throwing yourself at Bill Lewis, you were an easy target.

Beth: Oh, and God forbid you miss an opportunity to hit on those.

Olivia: All right, all right. We were both wrong, but I was a lot wronger, if that's a word.

Beth: It's not.

Olivia: Well, it should be. (Laughter) I was wrong. And if I were you, I would never forgive me.

Beth: I haven't.

Olivia: Well, then that's that.

Beth: Olivia, may I ask you one question just out of curiosity?

Olivia: Sure, heck, why not? All I can do is be wrong again. Shoot.

Beth: I think we can agree that you are someone who goes after what she wants, nothing stands in your way, correct?

Olivia: Basically.

Beth: Okay, so when you knew how you felt about Phillip, why not just come out with it, go after full throttle? Why the pretense of marrying Alan?

Olivia: Because my marriage to Alan wasn't a pretense. I do love him. And he adores me, which after some of the relationships I've endured, is not without its appeal. If I hadn't met Phillip, I think I could've been very happy with Alan for the rest of my life.

Beth: That's not the reality. So what is it about Phillip that makes him so irresistible to you? Oh, I know, not that I haven't been down that road once or twice-- not going down that road again, mind you. There's one thing I'm certain of, it's that Phillip and I are over.

Olivia: Okay. What about Bill?

Beth: Bill, Bill, who thought I was the love of his life and then changed his mind-- oops. Turns out it was Michelle all along.

Olivia: And you're content to leave it at that?

Beth: I don't have a choice.

Olivia: So you tried to go after him and get him back. You haven't even tried. Why not?

Beth: Olivia, you can't make someone want you.

Olivia: You can sure as hell show them what they're missing.

Beth: Okay, I’ve been tempted to do that. But I have too much dignity.

Olivia: Okay. Well, if you ever change your mind and you want to kick around some ideas for getting Bill Lewis to come to his senses, just want somebody to talk to about it...

Beth: I can, what, call you and we chat like girlfriends?

Olivia: Well, I guess that would be pushing it a bit.

Beth: I think it would be pushing it a lot. But thanks for the offer. So what are you going to do about Alan and Phillip?

Olivia: Good question.

Beth: Good luck.

Olivia: Well, I’m off.

Alan: Contrary to what Alexandra just said, Olivia is not moving out. She is merely nursing her wounds-- wounds inflicted by you. When she feels stronger, she'll be coming home, and I will be here to welcome her with open arms. Now, if you see this as an opportunity to change her mind, you can forget about it.

Phillip: Well, you know, Dad, I'm so glad you told me that because I was actually, I was all set to run over to the Beacon to see if I could get a little bit more abuse.

Alan: Well, that's exactly what would happen if you did. Because I think it's very clear who she wants.

Alexandra: Phillip.

Phillip: What?

Alexandra: Promise me you are not going to take up with Olivia again, please.

Phillip: Aunt Alex, are you trying to protect me? That is so sweet. Although I guess it's understandable, you know, given the way you crucified me in the board meeting and then lied to me for months about my father's health, and then last but not least how you sided with my ex-wife in our custody battle. I have to tell you, with family like you, what more can I ask for?

Zach: Daddy!

Phillip: Champ, come here, buddy. I need to see you so much. Are you ready to go skating, because I am so ready to get out of this crazy house and take you somewhere. Let's get out of here, pal.

Harley: What a pretty picture, father and son and, of course, dear aunt Alex, who has made it all possible.

Gus: I mean, is it possible that this woman was so desperate, my mother was so desperate for a child that she would actually raise the son of my father's mistress?

Harley: Which would make the Jane doe in that photo...

Gus: Make her my birth mother.

Harley: But if you were adopted, there would be a record.

Gus: Yeah, well, I did check that all out, and if I was adopted, it was unofficial, very unofficial, as in "illegal." Nurse, sorry to bother you. Where would somebody go to have blood taken?

Nurse: You want to donate. You go downstairs...

Gus: No, actually, it's a police investigation, I need to do a DNA comparison from somebody's who's living to somebody who's been gone for a long time.

Nurse: Wow, it's like right out of some crime novel. Whose DNA do you want to trace?

Gus: Mine.

Alan: Edmund, what are you doing here?

Edmund: I've come to see the love of my life, of course.

Alan: About anything specific?

Edmund: General wooing is what you're paying me for, isn't it?

Alan: Yes, and I also pay you to get me information. I found out that Alexandra had a visitor at the Beacon. Yes, you're not the only spy on the payroll, just the best paid.

Edmund: It was Alexandra’s stockbroker.

Alan: Hm, well, why didn't you tell me about this sooner?

Edmund: It never occurred to me that you'd be interested in something so routine.

Alan: Well, perhaps it's not so routine. Now, I need to talk to you about something before you speak with her.

Edmund: She's expecting me.

Alan: It will only take a minute. Now, I want to run a couple of ideas by you, ideas that may help you gain her confidence. Come.

Harley: Oh, it's so good to see you, pumpkin. Ooh. I didn't think you were going to be here. I thought he had a play date. I actually came to see your Aunt Alex.

Phillip: He did have a play date, it got canceled, so we're going to go skating in the park.

Harley: You and daddy all by yourselves? That's so great.

Phillip: You're welcome to join us if you want.

Harley: I would love to, but I have to speak to your aunt.

Alexandra: Oh, I'm sure whatever it is, it can wait. How often do you get to go skating with your son?

Harley: Not nearly as often as I’d like, but no, it can't wait. Hey, what if... What if the girls stay here and we talk and the boys go skating? And I'll get there before you guys are done and then the three of us can go get hot chocolate together, how does that sound?

Phillip: I guess that sounds fine.

Harley: Sound good?

Phillip: Does that sound good, fellow? Okay, we'll go and mommy will meet us in a little while. Alrighty, let's go skating. You know... I'll bet I’m not even going to have to hold your hand today.

Harley: Be careful.

Alexandra: Bye-by sweetheart, have fun. He truly is an adorable child, you know.

Harley: How'd you do it, Alex?

Alexandra: Pardon?

Harley: I just got back from Chicago, from visiting a certain safe deposit box that opens using this key. Guess what? That box was empty. Only, of course, you knew that since you're the one who cleaned it out.

Gus: Hey, Sonny. Yeah, it's Gus... Yeah. Yeah, I just wanted to tell you that I sent the blood sample up. Yeah, from the hospital. I was just hoping you could get that DNA comparison going as quickly as you could. Oh, man, I was hoping for the end of today. I know, but I have a lot riding on it, buddy. Yeah. Well, I would really appreciate that. Yeah, thanks, thanks. (Coughs)

Buzz: Hey.

Gus: Hey, Buzz, how are you? Have you heard from Harley?

Buzz: No, why? You look worried.

Gus: No. I'm all right. I'm just, uh... You know, the way Phillip’s been treating her through this whole custody thing.

Buzz: Yeah. You know, I always knew that Phillip was a monumental jerk, but I thought he at least was a good father. Doesn't he know that the person who's going to be hurt most from a custody fight is Zach?

Gus: I know.

Buzz: What's that?

Gus: Just a piece of evidence from this case that I'm working on with Harley, and I hope she fared better than I did today.

Buzz: You look weirder than usual. What is it?

Gus: It's not...

Buzz: The job?

Gus: No, I'm just coming down with something. I'm late, I've got to go back to the park, I said I’d meet Harley and Zach, and I'm going to go bring the hot chocolate to Phillip, be a nice guy. I'd do anything for your daughter, sir. Anything. I'm not contagious.

Buzz: Have fun.

Olivia: Whoa! Zach. Come here. You're a veritable little toddler tornado, aren't you? You here with your nanny? Hmm? He's here with you.

Phillip: And you're with?

Olivia: No one. I'm leaving.

Phillip: Olivia, don't go.  Hey, buddy, you know what? I need to talk to Aunt Olivia for a minute, so Tyler’s here with his mom, so why don't you go say hi, and I’ll be there in a minute, and then we'll go skating. So I understand that you're not moving back into the house, you're just staying at the Beacon.

Olivia: For now.

Phillip: Well, if you're worried about moving back while I’m still there, I won't be for much longer.

Olivia: You moving out?

Phillip: Mm-hmm. Yeah, with the kids, as soon as I can find a place.

Olivia: Well, don't do that on my account because I'm not planning on going back there. Your father and I, it's not going to work out.

Phillip: Alan doesn't seem to know that.

Olivia: I haven't told him yet, not in so many words, but I plan to.

Phillip: Unless you change your mind.

Olivia: I didn't change my mind about you. I didn't. I still care about you deeply. I told you that this morning and in the letter, if you had just read that damned thing.

Phillip: I did.

Olivia: You did?

Phillip: Yeah. Read it this morning when I got home.

Olivia: Well, then you know. You know that it's you that I want. I saw Beth a little while ago, and she told me that you couldn't wait to get back here to be with me.

Phillip: I couldn't.

Olivia: Because you're feeling all the things that I am.

Phillip: I couldn't wait to get back to you. I cut my trip with my daughter short to come back so that I could be with you. Of course, then, I found you shacked up with my father.

Olivia: I thought you'd read my letter and rejected me. I was devastated.

Phillip: So you just jumped into the nearest bed that you could find?

Olivia: No, that's not what happened.

Phillip: Really? How would you characterize it?

Olivia: I turned to Alan for comfort.

Phillip: Is that what they're calling it these days?

Olivia: Look, I was hurting, all right? I was hurting over you and he was hurting over me, and it was wrong, it shouldn't have happened, but it did and it will never happen again.

Phillip: As far as you know.

Olivia: I was trying to say goodbye to him.

Phillip: You know, the last time I checked, people usually opt for a handshake.

Olivia: You mean, like you and I did in the elevator, Phillip, on my wedding day when we kissed. It could've easily gone farther than that.

Phillip: Yeah, well, it didn't.

Olivia: Not due to any great self-control on our part.

Phillip: Hey, let me ask you, is that what relationships are to you? Is that all love is to you? Is it just a series of opportunities? Is it, like, "Oh, well, I can't be with the father, so maybe I’ll be with the son"?

Olivia: That's not true.

Phillip: "Although, you know, he slighted me, so maybe I’ll go back with him."

Olivia: That's not true.

Phillip: Do you have a genuine bone in your body? Is there anything you do that isn't calculated? Hey.

Trina: He wanted his daddy.

Phillip: Oh, he did, did he? Come here, you. Thanks, Trina, I appreciate it.

Trina: Sure.

Phillip: What's up, buddy, what do you want? Where's my money? Oh, you want to go skating, I know. Well, your mom's going to be here soon, so we're going to go skating. We'll see you.

Harley: I was wondering why you kept staring at my ring. It's because you knew the safety deposit box numbers were engraved on the inside. But when would have seen this ring off my finger? Hmm, then it hit me. The jeweler’s. You went to the jeweler’s.

Alexandra: Jeweler's? What jeweler's?

Harley: You went to the jeweler's, you copied down the number and you beat me to the box. What was so incriminating in that box, Alexandra?

Alexandra: Oh, come on, Harley, you have such a vivid imagination, really.

Harley: No, no, no, just logic, and more logic, following the logical facts to their logical conclusion.

Alexandra: I gave you fair warning, dear. Over and over again I said don't pry, let sleeping dogs lie.

Harley: What I don't get-- what I still don't get-- is how you know so much about Gus, about his past, his parents. And the only thing that I can figure out is that you went digging. You went digging and digging wherever you had to to dig up stuff to use against me or...

Alexandra: No, no, no, that is far...

Harley: I don't trust you! See, I don't trust you, Alexandra, and I never will again, because now I know what's really important to you, and it's not me, and it's not Zach. It's this.

Alexandra: Are you done now?

Harley: You bet I’m done. I'm done with you, and I’m done being nice. Hey, you want to play hardball, you'd better strap on some armor, because you ain't seen nothing yet.

Alexandra: God.

Edmund: I could hear the two of you yelling all the way down the hallway. Are you all right?

Alexandra: Where have you been? Please, never mind, never mind. I just want you to tell me what you've been up to. All right, did you get the box open, the safe deposit box? Did you get in there? And if there was... Harley was just here, she said nothing was in it. If she didn't empty that box, then who did?

Edmund: Never fear, dear lady, it was I.

Alexandra: Well, good. Then what was inside?

Edmund: Nothing. Oh, except this.

Edmund: Alexandra, you all right?

Alexandra: Yes, I’m fine, I’m fine. Thank you for bringing this to me. I would appreciate it if you'd leave now.

Edmund: I'm not even allowed to know what's inside?

Alexandra: Oh, come on, please, you had this thing in your hand two seconds, and you looked inside. I know you know what's in here.

Edmund: Well, true. I have no idea what it means or why it's of such value to you.

Alexandra: It's beyond just value, it's priceless.

Edmund: Yes, but why?

Alexandra: (Sighs) Edmund, I am truly sorry if I snapped at you before because I appreciate you getting this to me safely. In fact, everything you've done for me.

Edmund: Well, you hired me to do a job.

Alexandra: No, no, I truly understand. Your loyalty's gone way beyond that. I know that now.

Edmund: So I haven't toiled in vain?

Alexandra: Oh.

Edmund: Chin up.

Alexandra: Yeah, thank you. Oh, my God, it's true.

Phillip: Why don't you want to put your skates on?

Zach: Because I want to wait here for mommy.

Phillip: Oh, now you want to wait here for Mommy. Okay, you want to wait for mommy? (Cell phone rings) Hey, maybe that's Mommy. Let's see. Wait for Mommy, huh? Okay. Yeah. Jessica, hi. Yeah, yes, I did. I got the proposal, but I have not had a chance to look over it yet. I will. As soon as I do, I will give it back to you as soon as possible. Well, what did he say about that?

Harley: No, please!

Phillip: Zach!


(Car horn honks)

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