GL Transcript Thursday 1/30/03

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/30/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

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Reva: I can't believe I’m even thinking this. Jonathan... My own son.

Josh: Reva, somebody's stalking you, somebody's making those phone calls and threatening you.

Reva: No, Joshua. Not Jonathan. Forget I even said his name.

Josh: It's too late for that. We have to consider every possibility.

Reva: Okay, then how did he get a hold of my cell phone number when he's at school in Switzerland?

Josh: That's what Marissa told you, right?

Reva: What, are you suggesting she lied?

Josh: No, no, I’m just saying Marissa’s in San Jamar and that's a long way from Switzerland. And how could she possibly know everything that's going on in Jonathan’s life. You said yourself, he just found out that he was adopted, right?

Reva: That's what I was told.

Josh: And we don't know for sure yet whether or not he's knows that you're his actual birth mother.

Reva: Right.

Josh: Reva, think about it, you know. The thing that was stolen was a family photo. Think about the threats, you know, calling you a murderer.

Reva: He's at school in Switzerland.

Josh: What if he and Marissa aren't even speaking to each other? What if they're not even on speaking terms and she's afraid to tell us that? What if he came here and stood outside that window and looked at a happy family that he's not a part of and resented that-- resented you.

Reva: And blame me for abandoning him, and for ruining his life.

Josh: And for murdering his father, Richard.

Alexandra: There is absolutely nothing mysterious about my return to Springfield and that's final. Now if you have Reva Shayne or any other of your reporters show up here, I will sue them for invasion of privacy.

Edmund: That's telling them, darling.

Alexandra: I mean, these ridiculous people-- mind their own business. Thank you, Nolan.

Edmund: But you are their business. You and Alan and Phillip and all the other Spaulding royalty in this town, including that ex- wife you seemed to be so interested in the moment.

Alexandra: Yes.

Edmund: Along with her ring.

Alexandra: What about Harley’s ring?

Edmund: It's funny you should ask that.

Alexandra: Well, I should tell you that Gus gave Harley that ring. I don't think it's going to be very easy to slip it off of her.

Edmund: Then you under estimate my abilities. If you want that ring, I’ll get it for you. For a price.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Edmund, you're already on the payroll, dear.

Edmund: (Laughs) I'm interested in something much more valuable than that: Your trust. So what's the big secret?

Alexandra: Now it wouldn't be a secret if I told you, would it?

Edmund: And it won't be a deal if you don’t.

Alexandra: All right, Edmund. You swear to me on whatever you hold most dear aside from your money clip, that you will not breath a word of this to anyone.

Harley: This is Devereaux Jewelers, right? Yeah, I need an appraisal. You know, one of those same-day in-and-out service kind of things. 3 o'clock today will be perfect. I'll be there. Thank you.

Gus: Hey.

Harley: Hey, yourself. You know, I got up, you were already gone. No note, no goodbye, not even any noise.

Gus: I'm sorry, baby.

Harley: What's going on?

Gus: I took a ride into Chicago. I was looking for some answers.

Harley: Oh. Well, I think I'm onto something myself. Your mother's ring--

Gus: The one that Alexandra couldn't keep her eyes off?

Harley: Mm-hmm. I think I'm starting to understand why.

Cassie: You guys talking about Jonathan?

Reva: Yeah, actually we were.

Cassie: Why do you think he was... Would be the one calling you or bothering you?

Reva: Because Marissa told Jonathan that he was adopted.

Cassie: Okay, did she tell him about you and Richard?

Josh: Actually all we know right now for sure is that Reva has been getting a series of threatening phone calls. We also know that Marah got an e-mail, a sympathy card about the death of her mother.

Cassie: Oh, my God. Okay, so do you think this is coming from a boy who lives half way around the world?

Reva: Where not accusing anyone here. But the person who did break into the house, didn't take off with the television or the stereo.

Josh: What was taken was a family photo. Reva's face was cut out of it. It was left outside for us to find. We don't know what to think right now, Cassie. We're just trying... trying to put some things together.

Cassie: Why would Jonathan be so angry? He's been raised by people who love him. They dote on him. So he would be grateful, right?

Reva: Well, that's what we thought. But Olivia just go back from visiting San Jamar and said that Jonathan has been in some trouble.

Cassie: What kind of trouble?

Reva: Well, he was sent away to boarding school because he wasn't getting along with his father.

Cassie: Well, that's pretty typical, right? You know teenagers not getting along with their parents.

Josh: We think the phone calls started about the same time Jonathan found out that he was adopted. Is that typical? Is that just a coincidence?

Reva: It could be.

Josh: Or it could be that he's acting out, that's he's trying to get your attention or worse.

Reva: I don't believe that, Josh.

Josh: I'm just trying to connect the dots here, Cassie.

Cassie: Okay. Well, you're missing the biggest one. This is Reva and Richard’s son. He wouldn't express his anger in such a cowardly way.

Josh: How could you possibly know that for sure? Cassie, you don't even know this kid.

Tony: Good morning, angel.

Marah: Is it still?

Tony: It's more like the afternoon.

Marah: I fell asleep? Did you?

Tony: No, I couldn't stop looking at you. Are you hungry?

Marah: Starving.

Tony: Try the mango.

Marah: You're kidding. (Laughter) I love you. Did I mention that?

Tony: Oh, once or twice.

Marah: Mmm.

Tony: Good, huh?

Marah: That's perfect. Everything's perfect. Do we ever have to leave?

Tony: Well, you know what? I've been working on that. With enough take-out menus, credit cards, we can get everything we need delivered. We're not going anywhere. That's it.

Marah: So we can stay here for the rest of our lives? You promise?

Tony: Oh, do not tease me. I'm going to put a sign out downstairs that says, “Lighthouse is closed. Private.” That's it.

Marah: "For a private party." And maybe sometime in the summer when it's really hot outside, we can sneak up and go make love under the stars.

Tony: Oh, yeah, you have a one track mind, don't you?

Marah: Thanks to you. Thank you.

Tony: For what?

Marah: For you. For just being you, and not giving up on us.

Tony: Marah, it would be easier giving up on breathing.

Alexandra: Several months ago I was deeply involved in my own life when I received a letter and the gentleman who sent the letter said he had information to sell.

Edmund: Gentleman?

Alexandra: Roy Baker. At first I dismissed it, thinking it was just another typical extortion letter until I received proof.

Edmund: What proof?

Alexandra: Well, let's just say dear that he convinced me he may have something on the Spaulding family. So I decided to meet with him. I listened to what he had to say.

Edmund: Paid for his silence.

Alexandra: Yes, for a longtime. And then I just decided to come back to Springfield and find out for myself.

Edmund: And did you?

Alexandra: No. Well, not yet.

Edmund: All right. Of course, you realize now I have more questions than when we began.

Alexandra: And realize you have more answers than I have given anyone?

Edmund: And what Roy Baker has on you could be damaging?

Alexandra: No. Disastrous might be a better word. Mm-hmm. If it's true.

Edmund: And if Reva Lewis and her crack news team were find out about it, things would become awkward.

Alexandra: To say the least. All right, you know, Edmund, there are only three people that no about this. You, Roy Baker and me. And I have said all I'm going to say about it. Roy Baker is in a coma. That leaves you.

Edmund: (Laughs) I'm not going to give Reva Lewis a new story.

Alexandra: Well, I hope not, because I'm counting on your discretion. And Edmund, I need Harley’s ring, because I have the strong feeling it's the missing piece to a puzzle.

Edmund: Then I'm on it. And I'm going to impress you with my skills as a jewel thief.

Harley: Maybe there really is a connection between this ring and that woman that died all those years ago.

Gus: I don't know. I don't know about the ring, but I made a connection that I wish I could forget.

Harley: Oh, right, right. Chicago. Did you find something important?

Gus: Uh-huh. A little bit more than I wanted to know. My cop friend, Sonny Gennaro, he located the funeral director who buried the Jane Doe.

Harley: And?

Gus: And it turns out that the burial was paid for by my father.

Harley: Really?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Well, how did she die?

Gus: Well, like I said there was no autopsy, no report. And if there was one, someone destroyed it.

Cassie: Why would Richard’s little boy suddenly become a stalker?

Reva: We're not accusing Jonathan, Cassie. My God, he's my son. I don't want to believe this either.

Josh: Maybe he's just going through a very bad time right now.

Reva: He is a sweet, good, wonderful child. The last time Richard and I saw him, all he cared about was whether or not the fish were biting.

Josh: People change, Reva. He's also related to Edmund. Don't ever... Don't forget that. Think about that for just a minute.

Reva: I can't. I can’t.

Cassie: Where are you going?

Reva: I'm going to interview Alexandra Spaulding. I'm not going to put my life on hold just because someone's decided to make crank calls. I have a deadline to meet. But, first, I'm going to call Marah.

(Phone rings)

Marah: (Groans) No, I'm not home.

Tony: It could be the cops, or your mom. One of those.

(Phone ringing)

Marah: Hi, Mom, is everything okay?

Reva: Yeah, sweetheart. I just wanted to check with you before I went off to work.

Marah: You're going to work?

Reva: I'm not stopping my life because of this person and neither should you.

Marah: Okay.

Reva: You should keep busy. So what are you going to do today?

Marah: I'm studying. I have to catch up on some stuff.

Reva: You're not falling behind are you? I mean you want me to call your professors?

Marah: No. No, Mom, everything's okay. Look, did anything happen with the picture frame and the cops? Did they figure out anything?

Reva: No, not yet.

Marah: Okay, well, if there's anything I can do, will you let me know please? I want to help.

Reva: Okay. Actually there is something you can do. You think you can stop by the lighthouse sometimes today?

Marah: Sure.

Reva: I was hoping that maybe you and Tony could check the place out again. You know see if maybe this guy left anything behind, like he was crashing there or something.

Marah: Oh, yeah, I definitely will. I love you.

Reva: Okay, sweetie. I love you.

Tony: Studying?

Marah: I was taking notes. (Laughter) Was I suppose to tell her? Come on, this is suppose to be ours remember? Right?

Tony: You're right. Thank you for that.

Marah: But, I do need to get my clothes.

Tony: You know, Marah, they're gone.

Marah: Tony...

Tony: I'm sorry. And you know, I checked. That's the one thing we can't get delivered-clothes for you. I'm sorry.

Marah: Seriously, don't. I need them. I need to work off my guilt. Come...

Tony: Oh. You feel guilty.

Marah: Not about you, ever. But...

Tony: But? The world came knocking and you're worried about your mom.

Marah: She sounded okay.

Tony: What ever happened to not leaving this room?

Marah: We won't. Not yet. But, we have a job to do.

Josh: I'll walk you to your car.

Reva: Okay. Cassie?

Cassie: Yeah?

Reva: You're job is to try to keep him calm while I'm gone.

Josh: Be right back. (Phone ringing)

Cassie: Lewis residence?

Caller: You thought, I’d forgotten, didn't you? Murderer.

Cassie: It's him; it's the guy.

Josh: Just try to keep him on the line, okay, for as long as you can.

Cassie: All right. What do you want? Why are you doing this to me?

Gus: I'm just trying to lay this case out like I would any other case and just examine the facts, you know.

Harley: Okay. Go ahead.

Gus: All right. Five days before my birth my father covers up the death of a woman who was going into labor, okay? She calls him for help, she's staying at a transient hotel, got a phony name, no I.D., no nothing.

Harley: Mm-hmm. No purse, no wallet.

Gus: No wallet. Nothing. Now my father couldn't I.D. her, okay? And even after she's dead, he doesn't bother trying to get in touch with her family instead he just pays for her burial and keeps the whole thing a secret.

Harley: Case closed. No investigation.

Gus: But what if it isn't a coincidence? What if she called him because she knows him? Because she's having an affair with him?

Harley: Okay, but your father was serving in Vietnam.

Gus: Oh, please, there's plenty of time for an affair. There's leave, maybe she met him overseas, maybe she was a nurse. I don't know.

Harley: That's true. And we do know your mother wrote your dad that letter saying she was having trouble conceiving.

Gus: Yes. And then six months later they send out an arrival announcement which is five days after her death.

Harley: Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Gus: I'm way ahead of you. They sent out an announcement of my arrival not of my birth.

Harley: Which is something that you would do if someone were adopted.

Gus: Yes. I mean is it possible that this woman was so desperate, my mother was so desperate for a child that she would actually raise the son of my father's mistress?

Harley: Which would make the Jane Doe in that photo...

Gus: Make her my birth mother.

Harley: But if you were adopted, there'd be a record.

Gus: Yeah, well, I did check that all out. And if I was adopted, it was unofficial-- very unofficial, as in “illegal”.

Cassie: Look, stop. Just stop please and listen to me. Richard couldn't move; he couldn't eat, and he couldn't breathe. He was hooked up to a ventilator, and Richard was suffering and he didn't want to suffer anymore. And he knew that I loved him. So he... I tell you why he didn't ask his wife. Because he knew that she could never watch him take his last breath. And she could never look at his hands knowing that they were never going to hold hers again.

Josh (Whispers): Cassie, that's enough.

Cassie: Richard was in unimaginable pain. And he knew that his wife didn't have the courage to let him go. So I was the only person he could turn to.

Josh: Cassie...

Cassie: Do you hear me? I was the only person he could turn to. He asked me to release him. How could I have said no? Tell me, how could I have said no?

Josh: I'm sorry you had to go through that.

Cassie: It's got to stop. This has got to stop. (Phone rings)

Josh: Yes? No, that wasn't Reva. That was her sister. What? Thank you. That's great. Thank you. You did it.

Cassie: I did what?

Josh: They traced the call. They're on their way to his place right now.

Tony: Did your mom tell you what to look for?

Marah: No, just stuff. Like if the guy was staying here, maybe he left something behind.

Tony: You know, I cleaned it up pretty well yesterday, and I didn't find anything remotely suspicious.

Marah: Yeah I know, I figured that. My mom didn't even sound like she expected me to find anything.

Tony: But you wanted to help, so she gave you something to keep you busy.

Marah: Yeah, I guess. I just wish I could do more than that.

Tony: Yeah, me, too.

Marah: Maybe we should get the cops to dust for fingerprints or something.

Tony: As long they promise not to dust you. (Laughter) Hey, your dad might insist.

Marah: My dad has nothing to say about anything that goes on in this room.

Tony: It's time to send the world away again.

Marah: Definitely. I think you've created a monster, Mr. Santos.

Tony: Oh, yeah.

Marah: Yeah. (Laughter)

Tony: I can live with that.

Marah: Good.

Edmund: I wish you trust me enough to tell me why I'm doing what I’m doing, but I'll do it anyway because I like you, Alexandra.

Alexandra: How sweet.

Edmund: And to show you how for you.

Alexandra: All right. Now, Edmund, if you should end up at the police station...

Reva: My, it got awfully quiet in here all of a sudden. What's going on?

Edmund: Perfect timing. I'll be on my way.

Reva: What's the big hurry?

Alexandra: I'll speak to you soon, Edmund. Thank you, Nolan.

Nolan: Yes.

Alexandra: Reva, what the devil are you doing here, huh? I specifically told your producer absolutely do not send any of your reporters over here.

Reva: Oh, I came on my own.

Alexandra: Well, I'm not going to answer any of your questions?

Reva: Why? Are you afraid I’m getting too close?

Alexandra: (Laughs) To what?

Reva: Nothing you've done since you come back to town has made any sense. You took over Spaulding Enterprises because you thought it needed better leadership, but yet you haven't changed anything.

Alexandra: No comment.

Reva: None? None at all?

Alexandra: Hmm.

Reva: And then you hired an attorney for Harley who just happens to be in a custody battle with your very own nephew.

Alexandra: Well, I'm just trying to do what's right for Zach.

Reva: Your love of family brings a tear to my eye. But I happen to think there's something more at stake, something you're not telling anybody.

Alexandra: Oh, Reva, you know, I think those threatening phone calls are just getting to you. I mean you're seeing conspiracies where there just aren't any.

Reva: Yeah, well, you're still talking to me. (Alexandra laughs) So that makes me think that I'm onto something and you're scared. I can see it in your eyes. Just how much is it that I know? Is the family fortune in trouble? Someone about to be indicted on a serious crime?

Alexandra: You couldn't be more off base.

Reva: I don't think so.

Alexandra: Nolan? Nolan?

Nolan: Yes, Miss.

Alexandra: Will you please show Mrs. Lewis the door? Goodbye, Reva.

Reva (imitating Schwarzenegger): I'll be back. (Alexandra laughs) Every good reporter checks her facts.

Harley: Okay, let's say you're right about everything. All of it. What difference does it really make?

Gus: Are you kidding? What difference does it make? It just makes a lie out of my entire life. The woman that I thought was my mother is not my mother. The guy that I thought as my perfect father is not perfect. He's a liar, and he's cheater. He was cheating on his wife. Not only that he's making a deal with the Santos to keep the whole thing a big, fat secret.

Harley: Yeah, well, I see it a different way, okay? Because I had a daughter and I entrusted her to someone else to raise and she had wonderful parents.

Gus: Baby, it's a different situation, okay?

Harley: Hey, at least your dad didn't bail out on you when you were born. He didn't just, you know, pay support money. He loved you enough to bring you home. And your mother loved him enough to forgive him for what he did and raise you as her own.

Gus: Yeah, I wasn't his own. I wasn't their own.

Harley: Yes, you were. Listen to me. The person who gets up with you in the middle of the night, the one who sits with you to do your homework, and goes to your school plays, that's your mother. No blood test can change that. She loved you. You were her baby-- her little boy. Nothing can change that.

Gus: It just hurts me that I didn't know all this, you know.

Harley: Well, I’m sure your parents were just trying to protect you.

Gus: No, I think my father was trying to protect himself.

Harley: You know what? You were raised in a home surrounded by love. All kids should be that lucky. You were crazy about your parents. And look at this wonderful boy that they raised.

Gus: Out of all of this, I just, I don't know what I deserve. You know, having a person like you. I don't know what I would do if you weren't in this with me.

Harley: Well, you don't have to worry about that, because I’m not going anywhere. Except to the jewelers. What time is it?

Gus: It's a little after three.

Harley: Oh. Of course I'm late. Of course. Look, I'm going to take this ring, I'm going to have it appraised and I'll be right back. Hey, I love you, Gus.

Gus: John. Call me John. John Doe is my name.

Harley: Right. See you later.

Gus: Until I fill in the blanks, that's exactly who I am.

Harley: What about the mounting? Do you notice anything special about it?

Jeweler: It needs to be cleaned.

Harley: Besides that. Does it have any historical value? Can you tell when it was made? Where it was made? And on the inside I noticed... Is that a jewelers mark in there? (Phone rings) Sorry. Cooper. Of course I filled out an arrest report. It's in the second drawer, where they always go. Do I have to take care of this now? Hold on. Hold on. Hey, can you do the appraisal while I leave to take care of something else?

Jeweler: As you wish.

Harley: I'm coming. But the next time somebody hoses down this guy's cat, let somebody else take the call, because I am a detective. That means murder, narcotics, grand theft. (Whispers) Not that. I'm coming. Thanks.

Edmund: Good day. I'm looking for something very special. Well, these look interesting. May I? Too kind.

Gus: What's up, Sonny, it's Nick. Augustino. Yeah. I just wanted to thank you for all your help with the Jane Doe thing. I can't begin to... Yeah, and I wanted to talk to you about that court order to exhume the body. Mm-hmm. You're kidding me. You did that already? I got to say you guys in Chicago are really on top of it. Yeah. There is one other thing that I wanted to ask. I want to do an DNA comparison with somebody's that living to the Jane Doe body. Uh-huh. Well, that's perfect. I'll send up a blood sample tomorrow. Yeah, and listen, honestly, Sonny, thanks again, okay? All right. Hi. I wanted to check on a patient that was transferred from Clayton to Cedars. Roy Baker. How's he doing? Oh, really. No change, huh? Is he allowed to have visitors?

Reva: Ah! You will never guess who I ran into at Alexandra Spaulding’s place. Edmund Winslow. And he had that look on his face. You know, the one he gets right before he sticks you in the back with a kitchen knife. (Laughs) Those two are up to something. I know they are.

Cassie: Well, they're always together.

Reva: Well, he's not exactly picking her pockets either. They're on to something else. Something so big... Alexandra got so nervous when I started asking her questions, she wanted to throw me out of the house. Well, actually, she did throw me out of the house.

Josh: Reva?

Reva: But that just made me more interested.

Josh: We have something to tell you.

Reva: I have to call the station first and get the research...

Josh: We really do. We have something to tell you right now. It's about the guy who's been making the phone calls.

Reva: What about him?

Cassie: He called again. And I answered the phone and I pretended to be you.

Josh: The police traced the call. They're on their way to his place right now.

Reva: What?

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: They did?

Josh: Mm-hmm.

Reva: Oh, my God, this is good. (Josh laughs) (phone rings) But what if it was from the payphone? You know they said that...

Josh: No, no, no. Let me get it. Let me get it. Yes? Hello? Yes, it is. That's great. Okay. No, actually, I don't recognize it.

Reva: What?

Josh: Okay, thank you. I will tell her. She's standing right here. Thank you very much.

Reva: What? What is it?

Josh: They got him. They arrested him.

Reva: Did they... Did they give you a name?

Josh: Yeah. Dale Hanson.

Reva: And they're sure?

Josh: Yeah, they're sure. It's not Jonathan. It's not anybody we know. In fact, when they caught this guy he was sitting at his kitchen table doodling on a bunch... On an old article, you know, about the trial. His wall was covered with articles about trials and different crimes. You weren't the only one that he was after, Reva.

Reva: So he was just some kind of coot that...

Josh: Some guy who has an emotional problem who gets off on scarring people, that's it.

Cassie: Oh, gosh, this seems way too easy, doesn't it?

Reva: What, you wanted him to be Norman Bates? (Laughter) This is fabulous. We could finally go to sleep at night and not jump out of skins every time we hear a noise. I mean the kids are safe now. We're all safe.

Josh: Don't even have to change our phone number. (Laughter)

Reva: This is so wonderful. You know what? We have to celebrate.

Josh: Yes, we do.

Reva: Where's that bottle of champagne that Rusty sent us?

Josh: I'll get it. I'll be right back.

Reva: And you... I mean it took you to finally fill in the gap.

Cassie: Oh, get out of here. I just answered the phone and I pretended to be you. And I just have to tell you that I... I'm so sorry that you had to go through that and listen to that man's voice.

Josh: We don't have to look through the windows anymore and wonder if there's anybody looking back. There you go.

Reva: It's really over.

Josh: That's right, it is. It's over. Ya! (Laughter)

Marah: Mom, that's great.

Tony: What happened?

Marah: They found the guy whose been calling my mom. Was he like a serial killer or anything?

Reva: The guy was just some nobody who has a lot of problems. Well, I just wanted to call you and tell you not to waste anymore time.

Marah: Waste time?

Reva: Yeah, searching the lighthouse.

Marah: Right, right. We'll stop right now.

Reva: Okay, be sure to tell Tony that I appreciate all the help he gave us.

Marah: I will. I love you. Bye.

Tony: Who was he?

Marah: I don't know, some psychopath.

Tony: But he's in jail, right?

Marah: Mm-hmm. Now we have time to relax.

Tony: Oh, it's about time.

Marah: Isn't it? You have amazing detective skills, Mr. Santos.

Tony: I'm a hands-on sort of investigator.

Marah: (Laughs) My mom wanted me to thank you for all your help.

Tony: Tell her forget about it.

Marah: No, I promised her that I would show you gratitude. And I never break a promise.

Reva: So what did the guy say to you anyway?

Cassie: Well, I really wasn't on the phone very long.

Josh: Actually, Cassie did most of the talking.

Reva: Well, it goes without saying, I'm glad you were here. Anything else you want to fix?

Cassie: What about Jonathan?

Reva: He's at school, just like his mother said. And even though he may not be happy, at least we know he's not in any kind of trouble.

Cassie: Are you going to go see him?

Reva: One way or another, I will tell him that I’m his mother. And that I gave him up, because I was protecting him, because I love him, not because I didn't want him in my life. I do want him in my life, and he deserves to know that. He deserves to know the whole story.

Cassie: I'd like to be there with you when you tell him.

Reva: Of course. So let's have dinner and we'll talk about it.

Cassie: I can't. I can’t. I have to get back to the hotel. I really do. The computers down and... They need me there. But thank you. You okay?

Reva: Yeah, you've been awfully quiet.

Cassie: Yeah.

Josh: I'm fine. I just... You know, I couldn't get a word in edgewise. (Laughter)

Cassie: Well, now you can.

Josh: Thank you.

Cassie: You're welcome. And you can take over from here. I am so happy that you're going to be safe.

Reva: Oh, thanks.

Cassie: Okay. Take care.

Reva: Take care.

Cassie: Mm-hmm. Good night.

Reva: It's so quiet. I'm bored. (Josh laughs) You have any ideas on how we might entertain ourselves? (Laughter)

Josh: Why don't we talk about how good it feels to have you in my arms again? Because I want to tell you something. If anything had happened to you...

Reva: It won’t. Not now, not ever.

Edmund: No, nothing seems to catch my eye. Anything else?

Jeweler: That's not for sale.

Edmund: Oh, please everything is for sale. How much?

Jeweler: $10 billion.

Edmund: Well, I think I’ll pass. Thank you so much for your time.

Jeweler: Don't you want to look at these?

Edmund: The wait is over.

Alexandra: Did you get Harley’s ring?

Edmund: No but I saw it; that's enough.

Alexandra: What does that mean?

Edmund: Listen carefully. I'm going to need your help.

Gus: Hi, Uncle Roy. It's Nicky. Now you know everything that happened, don't you? Good. Because I'm not going to leave until I get everything that I'm after.

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