GL Transcript Wednesday 1/29/03

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/29/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

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(Knock on door)

Tony: This is a surprise.

Marah: I know, I should have called you, but I just wanted...

Tony: You wanted to catch your stalker? I heard you, Marah. At Company with Michelle.

Marah: No.

Tony: You think that I'm your stalker...

Marah: No, no, Tony, I don't, okay? For like a second, I thought maybe, but no.

Tony: Oh, how could you...

Marah: I thought that maybe you just wanted to be a hero for my parents.

Tony: Oh, that's nuts!

Marah: I know. I know.

Tony: Why... why? What would make you think anything that... That I would want to be... What? What is that?

Marah: The picture frame that the stalker stole from the house.

Tony: Put it down. Put it down! We should... We shouldn't touch it. There could be prints on it. I'm going to call the cops.

Reva: I'm not looking for details or anything confidential. I just want to know if he's okay. The name is Jonathan Baynes. B-A-Y... Yes, I'll hold.

Josh: Did you get any sleep at all last night?

Reva: No, actually, I was up every hour looking at the clock, waiting for it to be a good time to call Europe.

Josh: Jonathan.

Reva: Yeah, you know, I kept seeing him in some snotty prep school, you know. Thinking he was being punished because his parents don't know how to raise him. I mean, whoever said raising a teenager was going to be easy? But that doesn't mean you can ship him off to... Yes! Yes, I was just... Wanting some information on Jonathan Baynes. I'm a... A family friend, an old friend, and I'm going to be over there soon. And I'd like to stop in and see him... Uh, well no, I mean... I'll get permission. Of course I'll do that. I just want to know if he's okay... For now. Well, can you tell me if he's even there? Hello? Hello? Damn it! Tell me about my son!

Alan: Did I tell you how glorious it was to wake up in your arms this morning, Mrs. Spaulding?

Olivia: Well, if you did, I was still asleep.

Alan: Well, shall I tell you again?

Olivia: No, don't.

Alan: Okay. Wake up in your arms, I have to be honest and tell you I’m not really fond of this hotel room of yours. So, why don't I call Nolan and have him move your things back home, huh?

Olivia: No, no, don't do that.

Alan: It won't be any trouble. Most of your things are there anyway. It will only take a minute.

Olivia: Alan, stop, just... just... Stop! I'm not... I'm not ready to move back into the mansion, okay? I'm not ready for anything. (Sighs) Last night, it...

Alan: Don't say it was a mistake.

Olivia: It was... A moment. It was a moment when I was hurt and I just needed to feel...

Alan: No, we, we needed to be together. Even with all this hurt and confusion that Phillip has given you, deep down you feel that we need to be together.

Olivia: Alan, I can't say that.

Alan: Then I'll say it for you. I'll say it for both of us...

Olivia: No, Alan, listen to me!

Alan: ...I'll say it as long as... No, you deserve it. You deserve t his. After all the things that I have done to you, I realize that I am going to have to earn your trust back. And I will do whatever it takes.

Olivia: Alan, you can't just make Phillip go away.

Alan: I don't have to. I'm sorry, but Phillip could never give you the life that you deserve, Olivia. It's true.

Olivia: It's okay. You know what? I don't want to talk about him.

Alan: No, no, I think it's important that we talk about him. Because you're still hurting, he's hurt you deeply. That's what Phillip does. He's my son and I love him more than anything. But no one can live up to his standards. Now, I can understand that from me. But the women... No woman has ever stood up to his standards in the end.

Olivia: Well, you know, maybe they were the wrong women.

Alan: Or maybe my son has trouble accepting people for who they are, accepting their humanity. You had to go away for a few days to think some things through. That's very understandable. And how does he react to that? Why he reacts by hanging you up to dry, leaving you in the lobby with a broken heart.

Olivia: No, just stop... Just stop. Stop, just stop!

Alan: I'm sorry. You see, I accept you exactly the way you are. You will always be first to me.

Reva: I... I have no idea where my own son is right now, and I should know! I should have been paying closer attention.

Josh: Reva, you had no way of knowing there was even anything wrong. And when you left him there, you did it for the right reasons. You did it because it was the best thing for him.

Reva: Well, not anymore. He should know who his real parents are.

Josh: You think so? Reva, come on, with all the turmoil in his life right now, you think that's the best thing for him? Think about what exactly we have to offer him.

Reva: What do you mean?

Josh: Just think about it. Richard is gone. His birth father is dead. He doesn't really know you. You're married to me. He doesn't know me at all. He's got a half-brother and sister that he's never even laid eyes on. How is that going to help him, Reva? If we're going to blow a hole in this kid's life! He should know what we have to offer him.

Reva: What you mean is what you're prepared to offer him.

Josh: What?

Reva: You don't... You don't want Jonathan around here, right? You don't want the child that I had with Richard in our lives.

Tony: I didn't see it until today. Marah found it last night.

Frank: Why didn't you call then?

Marah: Because I was stupid and didn't think.

Tony: She wasn't sure how it got here. At first.

Frank: Looks to me like someone's setting you up to be the stalker.

Marah: Yeah, well, it didn't work.

Frank: But that's still important information for us. Look, obviously someone knows what's going on with your family. (Tony sighs) It was a smart move.

Tony: Yeah, I’m loving it. Look, did you guys search outside again? Because I looked everywhere last night. I couldn't find anything.

Frank: We got a uniform and a lab tech downstairs. When they're finished, do you want me to send them up here to make sure that you guys are going to be safe?

Tony: Marah, you want the cop to stay downstairs?

Marah: No. I know that I'm safe with you. Will you tell my parents not to worry, okay? That I’m okay, that we're okay.

Frank: Okay. But if you two see anything, you call me right away.

Tony: We will.

Marah: Thanks, Frank.

Frank: Yep.

Marah: Look at me. Tony? I'm sorry. I acted like a jerk last night. I was so stupid to run out of here like that.

Tony: You saw what that creep wanted you to see. Ok, it freaked you out.

Marah: But I should have stayed. I should have said something to you right then.

Tony: Yeah, you should have.

Marah: The only consolation I had when I woke up this morning was, "At least Tony doesn't know." I was stupid in my own head for one second. But at least he doesn't know and everything's going to be fine.?; Nobody's going to get hurt. For once, we won't let something get in the way of us. I can't stand it. I woke up thinking of you, like I have every morning for the past two years.

Tony: (Softly) I know the feeling.

Marah: And I was so scared that that was going to be it forever. (Crying) Me waking up alone, wishing for you.

Tony: Oh, baby, baby...

Marah: (Crying) I wanted to die.

Tony: Shh.

Marah: Please, we can't let anyone ever get in the way of us ever again. Not my family, not your family, not anything. You have to promise me, not other people.

Tony: Baby, shh...

Marah: Not the weather, I don't care. I don't care about anyone else.

Tony: It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. I'm here. We're here, okay? Nothing is going to mess us up.

Marah: Not even me...

Tony: Not even you.

Marah: ...Acting like an idiot?

Tony: No, no, no. It's when you need me the most.

Marah: I always need you. I do.

Tony: Shh.

Marah: What are you doing?

Tony: I'm making the rest of the world disappear. Today is for you and me.

Josh: Reva, I would never turn my back on a child of yours.

Reva: But that's real different than wanting him around. A reminder of me and Richard and the years that we spent together.

Josh: Okay, you want to hear me say it? I can say it. I didn't like that part. I had buried you, Reva. I was trying to raise our children by myself.

Reva: And I was having a life and another child with another man.

Josh: Yeah, and that was hard for me to accept, but eventually I did.

Reva: Is it too much, Bud? Do you want me to let it go? To forget what Olivia told me?

Josh: I would never ask you to do that.

Reva: But deep inside your heart you wish I could.

Josh: No, Reva, no. If you could turn your back on your own son when he needs your help, then you wouldn't be the woman I love. And as for my relationship with Jonathan? Reva, there was a time when I... I didn't think I could ever accept Richard, ever. But that changed. He married Cassie. It stopped being about the two of you. He became my brother-in-law and my friend. Jonathan is your son. And for me, that means that I would treat him like my own son.

Reva: I love you so much, Joshua Lewis.

Josh: Reva, it doesn't mean, though, that I think the timing is right for Jonathan now. See, the point is, we don't know.

Reva: Well, that's exactly the problem. I could stand not knowing more because I thought he was safe. I was keeping him away from all the confusion because it was best. But now, how do I ever trust that again?

Josh: We find out what's going on. You call Marissa.

Reva: What if I’ve been wrong? What if he's been living this horrible life and I just left him in it? How can I live with that?

Josh: You can try your best to fix it. You need to know so we find out. Here, make the call.

Tony: Close your eyes. Everything else in the world, everybody else in the world, every bad thing that ever happened to you, it's gone. It's just you and me. And we can go anyplace that you want to go. We can go there right now.

Marah: To an island. Thousands of miles away. Tahiti.

Tony: Oh, beautiful, Tahiti. I love it there.

Marah: And we're on the beach, white sand.

Tony: Clear, blue-green water.

Marah: There's a boat.

Tony: Oh, yeah? It must be ours. You want to go for a ride?

Marah: Um-hmm.

Tony: There's an island just off the reef. Do you see it? That's our island. Is that the boat? (Laughs) Did you remember to pack some food?

Marah: No.

Tony: No?

Marah: No, we live off of mangoes.

Tony: Oh.

Marah: Or you could learn how to fish.

Tony: (Laughs) Yeah? Let's hope we don't get that hungry.

Marah: We won't. Not with this heat.

Tony: The sun feels good, doesn't it?

Marah: Hmm.

Tony: You wearing a new bikini?

Marah: Not for long. We're there.

Tony: Yeah.

Marah: Don't you want to get some sun? So, what's on this island?

Tony: You.

Marah: And?

Tony: You.

Marah: And?

Tony: My mind's a blank.

Marah: You. You're there. And we're the only two people in the world.

Tony: It's always that way for me. Wherever we are, it's always you, Marah. You are all I need. All I want.

Marah: Me, too. You. So, let's go home. To our lighthouse. Our place.

Tony: Forever.

Marah: This is all that I want. Right here, right now. I don't want you to change. I don't want to wait for anymore special moments. Because this is perfect. Because it's you. That's all that I need.

Tony: Angel.

Marah: I don't want to wait another minute for you. Make love to me.

Phillip: Hi.

Olivia: What are you...

Phillip: I... I tried to get back last night as soon as I heard that you were home. But I couldn't get a flight out.

Olivia: What?

Phillip: I missed you so much. Can I come in?

Alan: Good morning, son. We thought you were room service, Phillip.

Olivia: Alan! You wait... You wait. What the hell are you doing here?

Phillip: That's a very good question.

Olivia: You owe me an answer.

Phillip: I...

Olivia: I deserve an answer. If you didn't want this relationship, that's all you had to say.

Phillip: What?

Olivia: My letter. The way you couldn't be bothered to answer.

Phillip: Your letter said you had to go away and think.

Olivia: No, not that...

Phillip: What did you want me to do?

Olivia: Don't you dare pretend you don't know what I'm talking about! I sent you a letter. It arrived yesterday before you took off on me.

Phillip: You sent me a letter? Olivia?

Olivia: I sent you a letter. I sent you a letter from San Jamar, saying that I was coming back and that I wanted you. And I didn't care what it took, I wanted you. I asked you to meet me here last night.

Phillip: I never got your letter...

Olivia: (Crying) Oh, God. I'm going to be sick.

Phillip: Well, what did you think? You think I'd gotten your letter and I just ignored it?

Olivia: Why didn't you call me?

Phillip: I didn't call you because I didn't get it!

Olivia: I didn't know! I didn't know! I know you got the letter because it was signed for when…it was there all afternoon, well after the mail arrived. What happened? What happened?

Phillip: Alan. Alan, who was there all afternoon. (Laughs) Alan, who made sure that I went out of town with Lizzie on her school trip. (Laughs) He did it. Damn it, he did it. He beat me. Ok he played it perfectly.

Olivia: What the hell is this? Are you both playing with me?

Phillip: No, I wasn't playing. How about you? What were you playing last night?

Olivia: I was hurt. I felt totally humiliated and rejected...

Phillip: Yeah, what are we talking about? Are we talking about 12 hours here? You thought that we should be together. I was the one that you wanted to be with. But I missed you by 12 hours, so you end up in the sack with my father. You can't wait a day?

Olivia: It was a mistake, it was a mistake. I swear, a moment where I thought..

Phillip: It was a moment...

Olivia: ...Almost everything that I wanted, Phillip. (Crying)

Phillip: Well, moments are what we build our lives out of, Olivia. Hey, I want to congratulate you. Thank you for giving us this great moment!

I only have to look at you to know how right I am

something about this miracle we never could have planned

the magic of the morning light with you here next to me

oh, I believe in the mystery

sound of her voice when you least expect it

the rhythm in your heart you barely recognize

an accidental touch a feeling so electric

I believe in the mystery that led you here to me

oh, maybe there's a power I can feel it

it's just you and me what else can there be

the sound of a voice when you least expect it

a rhythm in your heart you barely recognize

an accidental touch a feeling so electric

I believe in the mystery

oh, maybe there's a power I can feel  

it's just you and me what else can there be

accidental touch a feeling so electric

I believe in the mystery that led you here to me.

Alan: You don't expect me to apologize for fighting for my wife, do you?

Phillip: Oh, no, no, no. I really just want to congratulate you. You made the perfect move.

Alan: Move? This isn't a game. Olivia isn't a trophy that we can fight over, Phillip. She is a human being, a woman who deserves respect.

Phillip: Yeah, you're quite a guy, aren't you? Are you catching this?

Olivia: Stop it, stop.

Phillip: Oh, I will, I will. I'll stop because I can't do this. Can I, Dad? Oh, but you know what, here's a free shot for you. When he denies keeping your letter from me, and he will, ask him if he remembers the conversation that we had yesterday.

Alan: Enough, Phillip.

Phillip: Ask him if he remembers me telling him that I would not give you up. That there was nothing on earth that he could do to keep me from you if you wanted me. No, he knew exactly what he was doing. But you know, I... You can probably parlay that for something useful in the days to come.

Olivia: Oh, you are a cruel man, Phillip.

Phillip: Hm, well, it's that's kind of room, isn't it?

Olivia: I didn't want to be here either.

Phillip: But it's what you chose-- in under 12 hours. You should have had a little more faith in me. This should have been about us. (Light laugh) I can't do this. And he knew that. He counted on it.

Reva: Marissa, is something wrong? Are you sure? Well, then what's he doing in a boarding school to begin with? Uh-huh. No, as a matter of fact, I don't believe you. I think something's going on with my son. I can feel it. And I think you're too afraid to tell me what it is because... No, I haven’t... What do you mean that I'm to blame for... No, of course it wasn't me! Did you ask him? Did he say anything? Well, who would ever... Marissa! Marissa!

Josh: What is it?

Reva: He knows. Jonathan knows he was adopted.

Tony: I didn't expect tears.

Marah: Me neither. Me neither. But they're the good kind. (Laughs) Look at you.

Tony: I can't. I'm not going to take my eyes off of you.

Marah: Tony, this... I feel like every cell in my body is alive. Tingling.

Tony: And every bit of me is filled with you.

Marah: I never thought...

Tony: Neither...

Marah: I never thought...

Tony: Neither did I.

Marah: Come on.

Tony: Never.

Marah: How many girls have you been with?

Tony: One. One, angel. Marah, what?

Marah: I'm sorry.

Tony: Why?

Marah: This has been the most amazing experience. And it feels like my first time. It should be my first time.

Tony: Baby, don't... don't... Don't cry. Don't cry. It is your first time. It was for me. This is for you and me. Only for us.

Marah: You don't look at me and think...

Tony: You are the most beautiful thing I... I look at you and all I see is everything that I want. Everything I never thought that I could have.

Marah: Well, you have me.

Tony: Say it again.

Marah: I am yours.

Tony: And you have me forever.

Alan: I'm sorry, Olivia. That was very harsh.

Olivia: It was also true.

Alan: No, it was Phillip being viscous and judgmental and...

Olivia: And catching you dead to rights. He was right, you did know. When you were comforting me last night, you knew exactly what you were doing. Keeping me away from Phillip.

Alan: No. I was saving you from a man who would never appreciate you or love you the way you need to be loved. I want you, I love you, and I will not apologize for that.

Olivia: You know what, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how it happened, because I did this, okay? I did this to me.

Alan: No...

Olivia: Just go!

Alan: No.

Olivia: Go!

Alan: I want you to come home with me. Come on. This will heal in time. It's only a moment, that's all. A moment in what could be a wonderful life for us together.

Olivia: I need to be alone, Alan.

Alan: I love you, Olivia. I'll be there if you need me.

Olivia: I've done a lot of thinking. That was the point of leaving town. Things are clearer now. I know what I need: A man who can challenge me and push me. A man who can fill me with passion and make me want to deserve every touch and every kiss. That man is you, Phillip. I know choosing you will turn your life upside down. But if you're willing to take the chance, to make a go of it, then so am I. I'll be back a the Beacon tomorrow evening. Meet me there and we'll find a way to be together. All my love, Olivia.

Marah: Mi corazon.

Tony: Mi vida.

(Both sigh)

Josh: Hi, Frank.

Frank: Hey, Josh. Sorry to disturb you folks, but we just got another clue from the stalker. Tony and Marah found this at the lighthouse.

Reva: Is Marah okay?

Frank: Yeah, she’s... she's totally safe, okay. We searched the whole place. There's no one there now.

Josh: I'm sure it's fine. Tony would not let anything happen to Marah, right?

Frank: Well, Josh, that's the interesting thing. The stalker planted this on Tony. He wanted everybody to believe that Tony was behind it all.

Josh: What, to throw us off?

Reva: Or drive a wedge between us.

Frank: That's exactly right. Whoever the stalker is, knows about your family. And we've been putting a profile together to help us try to track him down. But this is much more than just about Richard and his death. This person's very fixated on your family. And there's a very high emotional energy attached to this. I hope that helps you narrow it down.

Josh: What do you mean?

Frank: Well, do you know of anybody that fits that description?

Reva: If we think of anyone, we'll let you know.

Frank: All right, thanks. We'll run some prints on this and hopefully we'll find something.

Reva: Thanks.

Josh: Yeah, thanks for coming by, Frank.

Frank: You bet.

Reva: You know who he's describing, don't you? Jonathan. He's describing my son.

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