Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 1/28/03
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
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Phillip: Hey, Beth, you two just look around for a minute. I'll be right there. Hey, Nolan, it's Phillip. I just wanted to check and see if I had any messages. Olivia didn't call or stop by? Okay. No. No, that's okay. No need to tell anybody that I called. We should be back tomorrow. Yeah, thanks.
Alan: Welcome home, Mrs. Spaulding.
Olivia: Alan, I wasn't expecting to see you tonight.
Alan: Well, you know, I wasn't expecting to see you either, but I was hoping I would. I've been checking with the clerk every minute or so. She's a little tired of my asking.
Olivia: Was there... Has something happened?
Alan: Yes, something has happened. You've come home where you belong instead of gallivanting around the country doing God knows what.
Olivia: I went to see my sister.
Alan: Ah, you did. Well, how is Marissa?
Olivia: She's... she's fine. You know what? I'm really too tired to go into it tonight, so if you wouldn't...
Alan: You know, I can appreciate that, Olivia, but you... I've been waiting all day to tell my wife that my love for her hasn't diminished one bit. Now, if you will just give me ten minutes to say what I have to say to you, I...
Olivia: Could we do it tomorrow? I promise. It's just that I’m a little tired right now.
Alan: All right, five minutes, hmm?
Olivia: Yeah. Why don't we go to the bar?
Alan: I don't want to share what I have to say to you with a bunch of strangers, so maybe we can go someplace where it's private, like your suite, hmm?
Olivia: Okay. Just for a few minutes, then I really need to get some rest.
Alan: Sure. No problem at all. I'll even help you get to bed.
Cassie: No. No, that is great news, yeah. It's great news. Are you sure you called the right person? Yes, I will tell my partner. You bet. You have made my day. Thanks a lot.
Michelle: Danny? Hey.
Danny: Hi. What are you doing here?
Michelle: I've been trying to reach you. I left you, like, three or four messages on your cell phone. I was passing by, so I thought I’d just come see you.
Danny: Well, is Robbie okay?
Michelle: Yeah. No, he's fine. Everything's... everything's great. I was just going to be busy tomorrow, and I thought maybe you'd like to spend the day with him.
Danny: Oh. Yeah.
Michelle: Just "Oh, yeah"? How about, "Thanks for chasing me clear across town"?
Danny: Well, I had to turn my cell phone off, Michelle, because I was at the hospital checking in on my mother.
Michelle: Oh. How is she?
Danny: The same. She's still in her coma.
Michelle: There's no change at all?
Danny: No, Michelle. Carmen is no longer a threat to you. Apparently the only Santos you need to worry about these days is me.
Tony: Marah? It's me. We're all clear. I double bolted the doors, I checked the stairway, the storage cabinets. We could not be more alone.
Marah: Good. That's great. It was probably just a squirrel or something.
Tony: Yeah, probably, but you can't be too careful. I mean, whoever this nut case is, he's got your mom's cell phone number, your email address. It's a little too weird for comfort.
Marah: Makes it seem like it might be somebody that she knows.
Tony: Yeah, well, either way, I wouldn't put it past them to follow us out here.
Marah: Right.
Tony: Don't be afraid, all right?
Marah: I'm not.
Tony: If anyone was out there, they're long gone by now. Besides, nobody's going to mess with my girl except for me. Marah, what's wrong? What's the matter?
Marah: Nothing.
Tony: Marah, whatever it is, you're going to tell me, and you're going to tell me right now.
Marah: Tony, I know we came here to be alone, but...
Tony: Shh! Shh.
Marah: What are you doing?
Tony: If he's in here, he's dead.
Marah: Tony, there's nobody in here. What's the matter with you?
Tony: You were acting so strange I thought that maybe he got inside, that maybe...
Marah: Tony, sty... Stop, please. Look, I have to go.
Tony: Go?
Marah: Yeah, my mom called when you were downstairs. She's really upset. I...
Tony: Who can blame her? I had to go and jump Olivia because I thought that she...
Marah: It would be an opportunity to pin it on somebody? To end it?
Tony: Yeah. I might have known that it wouldn't be so easy. I mean, why would this freak approach you with so many people around?
Marah: Why would he even approach me at all if it's my mom that he's after?
Tony: Right.
Marah: I just... I don't know of anybody who hates my mom this much to do this. I mean, the emails and the phone calls, and breaking into the house... I don't know. If somebody really wanted to kill her, don't you think that they would just do it? I mean, why go through all of this trouble to torture her? It just... It doesn't make any sense.
Tony: What are you getting at?
Marah: Maybe there's an answer to all of this that none of us are seeing.
Tony: An answer?
Marah: Yeah. Maybe there's a reason that isn't as dire as we're all thinking. Maybe... I don't know. If this person would come to me and explain everything to me honestly, I think that I could understand.
Michelle: Danny, please don't think that. I would never, ever put you in the same category as Carmen.
Danny: Okay. Okay. I guess I'm just having a bad day. You know, bad times ahead, all that.
Michelle: I know we both wish that things would be different, but it's just not likely. So we'll go on, and things will get better.
Danny: For who? For me? Better for me, without you and Robbie in my life?
Michelle: Hey, you, you're never going to be without us. Robbie's always going to be a part of your life, and so will I. It's just... It's going to be different. And maybe someday...
Danny: Maybe someday what?
Michelle: I left something at Company, and I’ve got too get there before it's late. So, I'll call you tomorrow about Robbie, okay?
Cassie: You okay?
Danny: Yeah, I'm great. Great. Never been better.
Cassie: Right. So you want a drink? I'm buying.
Danny: Okay, sounds good. You're on.
Lizzie: Okay, what did you think of the school?
Beth: I think it's nice. It's nice. It's a little bigger than I thought.
Lizzie: I know. No, no, no. It's got two pools that they didn't show us, but, you know, the Olympic-sized one that we saw on the tour, and riding stables...
Beth: Yeah, but you don't get to bring your own horse.
Lizzie: I know, but they have a tennis court, they have archery, and, I mean, even, like, a shooting range. What more could we ask for?
Phillip: I think perhaps your mother would like to hear something relating to your education.
Lizzie: Come on, Dad. You know Alston has an incredible reputation. Most kids there end up accepted at, like the best, best, top five colleges.
Beth: But it's kind of far away, and I'm not sure that I like the idea of you going to an all girls school.
Phillip: Oh, that part I definitely like.
Lizzie: I'm sorry, Dad, but there's actually a boys school across the way. You know, we have dances and stuff like that together. And it's really not that far away, Mom.
Phillip: It isn't. It's two hours. It's a two-hour flight if we send the jet for her.
Beth: Yeah, I guess I just need a little time to let it sink in. But you know something? I am starving, so maybe you could run down and get us some different menus. I'm just in the mood for something a little different than your typical room service menu.
Lizzie: Sure. Don't let her talk you out of it.
Phillip: That's real subtle.
Beth: I just thought that we should get our ducks in a row before we make any decisions.
Phillip: I thought we had.
Beth: I thought we had, too. I just... Oh, Phillip, it's just the idea of losing her. And I know that boarding school is good for her, but I just... I'm going to miss her.
Phillip: I know. I will, too. But I have to be honest with you, Beth. I don't think she could have picked a better time to go away. I mean, you know, come on. You know Alan and I are in the middle of a situation with Olivia. A lot of strong feelings in that house right now, and I don't think either one of us is going to step aside easily.
Beth: Yeah. That's part of the reason Alan wanted me to get you out of town.
Alan: Olivia, I know I've tested your love for me.
Olivia: Alan, wait. Just wait. Before you say anything, you have to hear what I have to say, okay? I went away because I wanted to think things through, you know? I wanted to sort things out-- how I feel about you, and how I feel about Phillip.
Alan: Maybe you're thinking too much. All you have to do is look at the man in front of you, the man who has stood beside you and stood beside you during that sham of a marriage you had with Josh Lewis. The man who has helped you realize your dreams, and the man who has loved you unconditionally.
Olivia: I know. I know. I know that, and I love you for that. And I know that no one will ever love me quite the way you do.
Alan: But?
Olivia: But I wasn't expecting you. I was looking for Phillip, okay? I thought he would come to me tonight.
Alan: Oh, I see.
Olivia: Look, I’m sorry. I am. I never intended to have this conversation tonight. I wanted some time to think about what I was going to say.
Alan: Well, then, don't say it. You know, you're going to get through this infatuation you have with Phillip, and our relationship is going to be stronger than it's ever been.
Olivia: No, Alan, I don't think so. I just... I... Maybe what Phillip and I went through together, maybe it was just lust, okay? And maybe it was a game. Maybe it was more, I don't know. But I do know that I have to figure it out. I can't just stop feeling for him. Believe me, sometimes I wish I could.
Alan: You've always wanted what you can't have, haven't you?
Olivia: Yeah, well, so have you. But that's never stopped us, has it? I sent Phillip a letter from San Jamar asking him to meet me here tonight. I expect him here any minute.
Alan: "That man is you, Phillip. I know choosing you will turn your life upside down, but if you're willing to take a chance to make a go of it, so am I. I'll be back at the Beacon tomorrow evening. Meet me there and we will find a way to be together. Much love, Olivia." When was this letter supposed to arrive?
Olivia: Earlier today, this morning.
Alan: That's strange, because Phillip’s been home all day. He was there until this afternoon, when...
Olivia: When he what?
Alan: Well, when he went to Connecticut with Beth.
Olivia: Well, did you give the letter to Phillip personally? Well, if you put it with his other mail, how do you know he saw it? Do you know if he opened all of his mail. You do? You sure? No. Nolan, I think I heard everything I need to hear. Thanks. Phillip got the letter and instead of coming here and talking to me or at least trying to contact me, he...
Alan: Oh, I’m sorry.
Olivia: You know, I know he was upset that I... I needed some time to go away and think, but I just thought that when he read my letter and he read my a apology that... He obviously wants to be with Beth.
Alan: Well, you know, maybe I have you the wrong impression. Phillip left for Connecticut with Beth, but also Lizzie was with them.
Olivia: Lizzie?
Alan: Yes. I mean, they went to Connecticut to look at boarding schools. It was kind of a family outing thing.
Olivia: Oh, a family outing. Well, you know what? It doesn't really matter, does it? I don't care about Beth. Or maybe I do. You know what? It just... I just wasn't expecting this.
Alan: I'm so sorry.
Olivia: You're sorry? Oh, God. Alan, I'm sitting here trying to figure out a way to gently let you down and you're comforting me because Phillip doesn't want to be with me?
Alan: I admit I do feel a little bit like an intruder, but damn it, I love you, Olivia. I can't stop my feelings, no matter what you decide about me.
Olivia: Alan...
Alan: Look. I know you're hurting. I'm hurting, too. When I see someone that I care about in pain, I can't just stand here and do nothing. I just want to make it go away. That's all. I want to make things better. It's going to be all right, darling. It's going to be okay, I promise you.
Phillip: What, this trip was Alan’s idea? That doesn't make any sense. Why would he want to get rid of me? Olivia's already gone. Oh, Beth, why the hell didn't you tell me about this before?
Beth: Because I thought it would be good for Lizzie. And I also thought we were adult enough that we could handle this situation.
Phillip: Oh, we are. We are. Look, you're not the problem here, okay?
Beth: No, that would be Olivia.
Phillip: Okay. Well, obviously this is not something I should be discussing with you.
Beth: I'm sorry. It's all right. No, you need to talk, and I'll let you know when I've had enough.
Phillip: What do you think about all this? It's pretty crazy, huh?
Beth: I'm in no position to judge. Hey, I’m here to listen.
Phillip: Well, I don't know what to tell, you, Beth, because, you know, it's just that I’m frustrated as usual, you know, watching my old man maneuver and manipulate the way he does. It's the same old deal. He decides how people are supposed to live their lives, and then he just moves them around like pieces on a chessboard.
Beth: I certainly know about that firsthand.
Phillip: I know you do. I know you do, and you deserved a lot better. I know you don't believe this, but Olivia does, too. He doesn't love her. He doesn't love anybody. He doesn't know how to love anybody. He just... She was a challenge for him, you know? What he needs to do is see that and let her go so that she actually has a chance to be with someone who appreciates her for who she is.
Beth: I guess you really love her. Why don't you call and see if she's back yet? You've been doing it every hour or so.
Phillip: You knew.
Beth: I knew you were trying to get in touch with someone. Go ahead. I'll go find Lizzie.
Phillip: No, that's... Hey, you don't have to leave. It's all right. I know she's not there.
Beth: You hope she's not there.
Tony: Marah, if I knew what was going on, we wouldn't be here talking about it. I would be out there teaching that jerk a lesson.
Marah: You mean that, don't you?
Tony: Oh, you bet I do. I mean, this guy, this crank, has got your whole family scared. And the police, they don't call that a crime. Are they kidding? It's low, it's inexcusable, and it's got to stop. I'll make it stop.
Marah: That's really been a mission for you, hasn't it, to prove yourself to us, to my family?
Tony: What is that supposed to mean?
Marah: I don't know. Just what Olivia was saying before, that you need to be worthy, to show that you're worthy.
Tony: How did we get back on this anyway? What...
Marah: I don't know. I don't know. I'm sorry. I'm just tired.
Tony: You just need to sit back. Look, let me help you relax.
Marah: No. My mom, she sounded really freaked out. I should just... I should go.
Tony: All right. How about you just stay long enough to eat? I mean, I brought some of that rigatoni that you really like, and some wine, some good red wine.
Marah: No, Tony. I really... I should go.
Tony: Okay, I’ll take you.
Marah: No, it's okay. Thanks. It's okay. I could use the walk.
Tony: Marah, but what if this guy...
Marah: No. I... I'll be fine.
Cassie: You want another one?
Danny: No, thank you. I don't think that's going to help.
Cassie: Okay, so don't drink. Talk. What's going on?
Danny: Well, when does it get easier, losing someone you love?
Cassie: Never.
Danny: Well, I'll have another drink then, thank you.
Cassie: What did Michelle want?
Danny: Just to see if I could take Robbie tomorrow, and then I of course made it into something much bigger than it was. End of story.
Cassie: Is it?
Danny: What?
Cassie: You looked like something was wrong before she even walked in the door.
Danny: That's just my bone structure. (Cassie laughs) I mean, what are you getting out of this? You've got to have problems of your own.
Cassie: Yeah, I do, but when your problems are bigger than mine, it makes me happy.
Danny: Okay. Well... Oh, it's just... Having problems with the design of my new club. You know, I'm trying to merge Infierno and Millennium into this new space, but I'm having a little trouble with the cash.
Cassie: The cash?
Danny: Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's funny how now that I’m no longer in my previous line of work how quickly the money just disappears.
Cassie: Right.
Danny: The estimates are all just coming in way too high, and I think I'm going to have to scrap the whole project.
Cassie: You know, it sounds like to me you need someone with a little bit of expertise in remodeling, and with a large credit line.
Danny: That would be very nice.
Cassie: Hmm. I don't know. Have you thought about me?
Olivia: Alan? Alan, I think I just... I need a minute alone to myself, okay?
Alan: I don't mean to put pressure on you, Olivia. I just want you to know that you are valued, at least by me.
Olivia: You're a wonderful man. You really are wonderful.
Alan: I've always stood by you and I'm not going to stop now. Now, why don't you go freshen up? That'll make you feel better. And I will be here waiting for you when you come back, okay? Go on.
Phillip: Yes, it's Phillip Spaulding calling for Olivia Spencer... Olivia Spaulding. Yeah, I did call before. I... Oh, she is? Yes, put me through. (Phone rings)
Alan: Hello? Who is this? Who is this? May I help you?
Olivia: Did I hear the phone ring?
Alan: No, no. She's doing just fine. If we need anything, I’ll let you know.
Olivia: It was the front desk?
Alan: Yes, they were inquiring if you needed anything, and I said if you do, we'll give them a call. But you know, on second thought, maybe you could do with a glass of wine.
Olivia: No, I’m fine.
Alan: Come on, it might help you.
Olivia: Sure, why not? But just one, okay? I really need to get some sleep.
Phillip: Oh, no, you don’t. Oh, no, you...
Alan: Well, Mrs. Spaulding, you have quite a selection of wine here at your hotel. What do you have on your mind? What?
Olivia: Nothing.
Alan: Oh, come on, Olivia. Come on.
Olivia: When I left, did you and Phillip talk about me?
Alan: Oh, I think we did a little, yes.
Olivia: It's just that I don't understand why he would completely ignore me. I mean, I obviously thought wrong. It's just that it's not like him.
Alan: Well, I didn't lock him in the cellar, if that's what you're implying.
Olivia: Well, was he angry with me? Did he say anything? You know what? It doesn't matter. I'm sorry. I shouldn't do this.
Alan: Have a drink of wine. It'll help you relax.
Olivia: What are we drinking to?
Alan: Oh, how about feeling better very soon?
Michelle: Hey. What are you doing here alone? I thought after everything that's happened that you'd be at home, or at least have someone else with you.
Marah: So you know?
Michelle: Yeah, Bill told me about the weird calls and the threats to your mom. She must be so scared.
Marah: Yeah, we all were.
Michelle: Were?
Marah: Are. We are. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what I mean. I don't know. There are so many things I don't want to think about right now.
Michelle: Like what? Did something else happen?
Marah: There was a break-in in the house, and they stole a family photo.
Michelle: And nothing else?
Marah: I received this email card that was sort of like a sympathy card on the death of my mother.
Michelle: It sounds like somebody really has it in for your mom. Well, you've got to be careful, because they could be after you, too.
Marah: Only in a different way.
Michelle: What do you mean?
Marah: I don't know. I think that I might know who's doing this.
Michelle: Who? Tell me.
Marah: Tony.
Tony: I thought she was going home.
Marah: I don't know anything for sure, Michelle. I just... I suspect him. And I hate thinking like this.
Michelle: Marah, Tony would never do anything to hurt you.
Marah: He wouldn't hurt us. I know that. It's not about that. Don't you see? My parents never accepted Tony, even before... Whatever. They never accepted him. But now, it's like any time there's a phone call, anytime anything happens, he's right there to help out.
Michelle: You think that...
Marah: Yeah, I can't help but think, right? It's like as soon as I told him that the phone calls were coming he said he could call his friend at the phone company and trace the phone calls.
Michelle: Which would lead right back to him.
Marah: No, no, because then he conveniently found this device on the outside of the house that rerouted the calls. But what if all of it, what if the phone calls, what if the emails, what... The breaking into the house, what if it's all him, just so that he could be there and pick things up and be the big hero?
Michelle: Tony?
Marah: Think about it, though. It makes sense, doesn't it?
Michelle: I don't know. I've known Tony almost as long as I’ve known Danny, and I’ve always thought of him as a pretty straight shooter.
Marah: And so have I. But have you ever tried to talk to my dad when his mind's made up about something? I mean, it's impossible. It's like trying to talk to a Doberman or something. But if you can win him over...
Michelle: And Tony’s winning him over?
Marah: Big time.
Michelle: I mean, it's all possible, I guess, but what would make you even go there? Did Tony do something to make you suspicious?
Marah: No. No, it's worse than that. Tony and I went to the lighthouse to sort of have this date-type thing, and I found the frame from the picture that was stolen from the house.
Michelle: Okay, Marah, why would Tony steal something and then hide it in the exact place that he was taking you? It doesn't make sense.
Marah: I know. None of it makes sense.
Michelle: Look, you love him, right?
Marah: Yeah, you know that I do.
Michelle: Then you have to ask him.
Marah: But what if it is him?
Michelle: Well, it beats believing it's Tony when it's not.
Marah: I don't know.
Michelle: Marah, you've got to find out, because if it's not Tony, then somebody else is still out there, and they might not be playing games.
Cassie: There you go. Thanks a lot.
Danny: Okay, wait a second. Hold on. Are you telling me that now, you have money?
Cassie: Yeah, I know.
Danny: Are you kidding me?
Cassie: My accountant called me today and he said that I should think about expanding. But I think the Beacon is doing awesome all by itself, so that brings me to us. I would love to be a partner in this Millennium dance club thing.
Danny: Wow. That is a very generous offer, Cassie, but no.
Cassie: Why not?
Danny: Because you have your own place to run, your own business.
Cassie: So? What, you don't trust me?
Danny: No, that's not it. I do. I trust you. But...
Cassie: But what? Look, Danny, you gave me a loan when I needed one really bad. You did, and so I could spend every moment with Richard and not worrying about hospital bills. I will never be able to thank you for that or repay you for that.
Danny: You saved my life. That's plenty.
Cassie: No, come on. Anybody who walked by the beach and found you laying there would have done the same thing I did.
Danny: No, not real... I don’t... I'm not so sure about that.
Cassie: You helped me out when I was really down and out, and I was broke, and the organization wanted my head on a block. Come on. You did what Richard would have done. You did. And you know, whatever, whatever. I just... I want to be a partner here, so just say yes, okay?
Danny: No.
Cassie: Look, this is not a charity offer here. This is a great investment for me, and I want in.
Danny: I think it's terrific that you want to make an investment. I just think you should do it someplace else.
Cassie: Okay, what? Are you... you don't want to work with a woman? Is that the problem?
Danny: No, I may be a Neanderthal, but not that much of a Neanderthal, thank you very much.
Cassie: Okay, well, then, tell me you will at least think about it.
Danny: All right, I’ll think about it.
Cassie: Okay, great.
Danny: Don't get your hopes up.
Cassie: Too late.
Olivia: You know what, Alan? This is a bad idea.
Alan: Bad idea? Oh, I've had a lot of those lately. Faking a heart attack, bugging your earrings... When it comes to you, Olivia, I just can't seem to make anything but mistakes. But the mistakes I’ve made, I guarantee you were because...
Olivia: I know. I know. Believe me, I know.
Alan: Do you know? Do you really know? You know, in many ways, you're like a beautiful butterfly. You can hold it, admire its beauty, but eventually, you have to let it go, let it fly away, let it be free. I knew that about you the moment I met you. That's why I tried to put you in a cage, put a fence around you, hold you inside. And all I did was send you to a fleeting affair with my son Phillip.
Olivia: Fleeting?
Alan: Well it seems to be that way for him. But I, on the other hand, I'm romantic enough to believe that you and I are meant to be together. After all, I’m your husband, you're my wife. When we were married, we married each other because we were in love, because we loved each other. Now, why, why did that go away? Why did you go away. Why?
Olivia: I went away to decide.
Alan: Decide? Olivia, why would you risk everything that we have to be with Phillip when you know that I’m the man who understands you, and the man that you're most like? I'm the man who will give you anything. I understand what you want, what you need, and I've always given it to you, always.
Olivia: Yes, you have.
Alan: And you do the same for me. That's something we have never lost. Any time I have been down, you have been there for me. I’d like to think that I’ve been there for you, too.
Olivia: You have.
Alan: Now, you're hurting. I know you're hurting, because I know you better than you think I do. I'm hurting, too, and I think you know why.
Olivia: I never meant to hurt you, I swear.
Alan: I know you didn't. We're both very beat up emotionally right now. We've just been through... I think it would be easier to go 15 rounds with Joe Louis, right?
Olivia: Right.
Alan: Now, what you and I need to feel is to feel better. That's what we're about. That's what we've always done. As lovers, as husband and wife, and it's what we can do now, Olivia.