GL Transcript Monday 1/27/03

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 1/27/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

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Harley: Baker!

Gus: Oh, my...

Harley: This is not good. This is not good.

Gus: Is he alive? Tell me he's alive. Please tell me he's alive.

Harley: He's got a pulse. It's faint, but he's got a pulse.

Gus: Does it look like somebody nailed him?

Harley: I don't know. I don't see any blood. I think he collapsed on his own.

Gus: All right, all right. Hi, yes, this is Detective Gus Aitoro, Springfield Police Department. Look, we need an ambulance at 214 Sladen Street. Can you put a rush on it? It's for Roy Baker. He's a retired officer. Yeah. Yeah, please, thank you. Oh, great, great. Roy Baker, the one guy who could give me the answer to my parents. This is great timing, Roy, great timing.

Harley: Look at this. It's a safe deposit key.

Gus: Maybe it's got something to do with my pop.

Harley: I don't know. Chances are if Baker's keeping it that close, must have a good reason.

Gus: Yeah.

Alan: Airports, train terminals, the number of people I have on this project, I cannot believe that no one has seen Olivia.

Nolan: I am sorry, sir, but there's no sightings yet.

Alan: Well, stay on it, Nolan. Let me know as soon as you find out something.

Nolan: Yes, sir.

Alexandra: Hello, Alan. Still have the staff playing hide-and-seek for your wife?

Alan: There's nothing wrong with a man interested in knowing where his wife is.

Alexandra: Oh, of course not, darling. Every wife would be flattered to know that their husband is checking on their every single solitary move.

Alan: What are you getting at Alexandra?

Alexandra: Well, it's just that you're overly concerned with Olivia being away at the same time Phillip’s away. I just happen to wonder if one thing has anything to do with the other.

Alan: Yes, as a matter of fact, now that you mention it. No. No, no, not at all.

Marah: (Screams)

Tony: What are you doing? Get away from her.

Olivia: What is your problem?

Tony: Hey.

Reva: What is wrong? Olivia, what are you doing here? I should've known.

Olivia: Known what?

Reva: The threats, the phone calls.

Tony: So you're the one who's been stalking the Lewis’.

Olivia: Excuse me!

Reva: You know, it's one thing to go after me, but to go after my family.

Marah: It makes perfect sense, Mom. She's jealous because Richard chose you over her, she's jealous because dad chose you over her, and now she's...

Olivia: Excuse me. Would you mind not talking about me as if I’m not here? What's wrong with you, people? You really think I have nothing better to do with my time than sit around and think of ideas on how to get back at the holier-than-thou Lewis family? I have a hotel to run and a life to live. I wouldn't have the time, even if you were worth the effort, which you and your super-sized ego are not. I'm leaving.

Josh: Wait a minute. What are you doing here?

Olivia: Get out of my way.

Josh: Why are you lurking around our house at night?

Olivia: "Lurking," Josh? I came here because I have some news. But you know something? After the way you rolled out that lovely welcome mat, I don't feel like sharing anymore, okay?

Reva: No, let's here this story of yours.

Olivia: It's not a story. Sorry to disappoint, know how much you love the drama, Reva.

Reva: Olivia, someone is threatening my family. Now if you have something to say, then say it.

Olivia: (sighs) I just got back from San Jamar.

Reva: Cut to the chase.

Olivia: I saw my sister, Reva.

Reva: Is this about Jonathan?

Olivia: Yes. I came here because I'm worried about him, and quite frankly, so should you.

Marina: (humming) Whoa, Dad.

Frank: Nice to see you is a little more cheerful.

Marina: Not cheerful, just trying to survive this place.

Alexandra: Do you know what I hope for, Alan?

Alan: No, I don't.

Alexandra: That's all right, darling, I’ll tell you anyway. I hope that Olivia plans to make this little trip a permanent one. And I hope that she finds true happiness so she doesn't have to come running back here to look for it. And I hope that a nice, little nester comes in, delivers a letter that says she wishes us well and apologizes for all the trouble she's caused.

Alan: You know, why don't you tell me how you really feel, Alexandra? Would you like to know what I wish for?

Alexandra: Not really.

Alan: Oh, come on, we wish for the same thing.

Alexandra: We do?

Alan: Yes. I wish that that messenger would arrive with a letter from the powers on high telling you to go back to whence you came and stay out of your brother's business.

Alexandra: Touché.

Alan: No, I’ll tell you in all honesty what I hope for. I hope that this time alone that Olivia has had that she realizes that we are meant to be together. She understands my mistakes, understands why I made them, and gives me a second chance, because things have become very difficult around here. I mean, the lines between infatuation and love have become very blurred.

Alexandra: Don't you mean "crossed"?

Alan: Nothing is so broken that it can't be fixed.

Alexandra: Uh-huh. Well, I might have agreed with you at one time, Alan, but not anymore, because you seem to have forgotten what really counts here-- your son, your relationship with your son. Now, what's happening? Don't blow it now, Alan.

Alan: Oh, here you go with the "Save the Spaulding" campaign again. You know what? You should have some buttons made up so that when you go out campaign trail, you can pass them out to the masses, who might care, because I'm getting tired of hearing this.

Alexandra: Alan, would you listen to me?

Alan: Alexandra, ever since you have come back to Springfield, you have been acting as if some big threat is lurking around the corner, getting ready to pounce on this family, but at the last moment you will swoop in and save us all. Well, why don't you save me the energy of trying to figure out if this is a real threat or not, or if it's just a figment of your neurotic imagination? Out with it. Tell me what you are really scared of.

EMT #1: His pressure's dropping. We've got to get this guy to the ER.

Harley: What is it... Is it a heart attack?

EMT #2: No, I think we're looking at a cerebral bleed. Good thing you guys got here when you did. You probably saved his life. Are you family?

Harley: No. Detectives. Police business.

Gus: When can we have a conversation with this guy?

EMT #1: I don't know, could be a while, could be forever.

EMT #2: He's aphasic. He can't speak. His pupils are undilated, we've got to move him. Sam, come on. Ready, one, two, three, hup.

Gus: (sighs) That's great, another dead end. Well, almost dead end. Now, don't get me wrong or anything, Coop, I feel bad for the guy, I do, okay. But I feel like I'm trapped in the middle of a bad detectives movie. I mean, think about it, think about it. We are in a custody case with your ex-husband, okay? We bring my sister in, just for a little backup and ammunition, just to find out she's been lying about and covering up my father's past. Oh, and she's working a little blackmail ring on the side. We try to clear my father's name, right, only to find out more problems and more questions about both of my parents. Oh, and let's throw in a little article about a little dead woman, just to make things more confusing and more interesting. And just when we think the movie's over, mystery solved, credits roll, enter Roy Baker, right? The guy that could be the key to our whole case. Where do we find him? Rolling around on the floor, you know, the guy that could tell us things, speak to us, but he can't talk to us because he's aphasic!

Harley: Feel better?

Gus: (sighs) No. No.

Harley: Take a breath.

Gus: I don't know, you know? Maybe the guy could... Maybe he could have helped us put the whole thing together, but maybe not, you know? But we're never going to know.

Harley: Well, maybe we'll luck out. Maybe Roy Baker's key is the key to our whole case.

Gus: Have you even looked at this key closely? The number's all scratched out. There's 1,000 banks, there's a million safety deposit boxes, forget it.

Harley: Well, it's a start.

Gus: No, it isn't a start. We're out of leads, okay? We're out of leads.

Harley: Don't say that. Don't say that. What is the one thing we've learned in this investigation? That every time we hit a wall, boom, something else pops up.

Edmund: Baker? Mr. Bake...

Alexandra: Alan, I don't need some looming crisis to make this family my priority.

Alan: I don't believe you, Alexandra. You have made this family your project ever since you returned to Springfield. Now, if you want a project, why don't you go take a pottery class or something? But stay away from this family.

Alexandra: This is my family, Alan. It's yours, too, but you seem to have forgotten it. I mean, what's happened to you? Anyway, you used to be the leader, once.

Alan: I still am the leader.

Alexandra: Well, then act like one. It was a sermon right out our father's repertoire, but you believed it, you know, you lived it, until love got in the way, and it goes all the way back to Annie, maybe even further back than that. And now Olivia is just the latest chapter in this book of follies of yours.

Alan: Is that so?

Alexandra: Yes, because love is clouding your vision, my dear.

Alan: Are you saying that I am unworthy of having love in my life?

Alexandra: I'm only saying that I know you love your son. And you love this family, Alan... (Stuttering)... And you are taking advantage of it.

Alan: I don't know what you're talking about.

Alexandra: All right, you have let your competition with Phillip threaten everything. You... you have even denied your own son his proper position on the board because of your sheer jealousy. Now listen to me, Alan. It is not too late. Alan, if my concern for this family troubles you, it can't compare to how your lack of concern troubles me.

Frank: Okay, Marina, is it really that bad here?

Marina: No, not bad. It's just the exact same thing day after day after day.

Frank: All right, I’ll give you that, but the good news is that's all about to change, isn't it? Because you have some very big events coming up.

Marina: You're right, I do.

Frank: Yes, you do. You have your high school graduation.

Marina: Oh, that.

Frank: What do you mean, "Oh, that." It's a very big deal to this family.

Marina: I know, I know. I just thought you were referring to a certain person's 18th birthday.

Frank: Oh, those headaches, they just keep coming and coming.

Marina: Dad, Dad.

Frank: Okay, okay, okay, I'm just teasing you. It is a big event.

Marina: Yes, it is.

Frank: Yes, it is. Well, what should we do about that event? Maybe throw a party, like, right here with all your family and friends? Who knows? I might even fly up your mother and, well, the three of us can sit down and talk about college.

Marina: College?

Frank: Yeah, I mean, that is the next step, right?

Marina: Uh, yeah. Daddy, I’m just not sure that I’m ready to, you know, go straight from one school to another.

Frank: No, no, no, Marina, you have to understand, you're the only Cooper to make it this far.

Marina: Okay, so why don't we focus on that accomplishment for now? And then we'll just... We'll see. You know, it's just such a big world out there, and there's so much I want to see and do. I'm dying for some real-life experience.

Frank: Yeah, well, trust your old man here, that life experience is very overrated. I watched my mom and dad and your mother go out there and try to find some big exciting life, and you know what? I don't see their lives any happier now.

Marina: Well, maybe it will be different for me. Hey, you know, if you would actually get out there and get some life experience of your own, you would have less time to be worrying about mine.

Frank: Yeah?

Marina: Where's that leather jacket?

Frank: Listen, don't be worrying about your old man, here, okay? One of these days I just might surprise you.

Marina: I wish.

Tony: I wouldn't buy into any of this, Mrs. Lewis. Olivia could still be your stalker.

Olivia: What are you trying to prove? That you're worthy of Josh and Reva's little princess over there?

Marah: Hey!

Josh: Olivia, that's enough.

Olivia: Hey, you've just had your pet mobster attack me, I've only just begun.

Tony: I am not a mobster.

Marah: What did you ever see in her, Dad?

Josh: Okay, let's just not go there, okay, sweetheart?

Olivia: Oh, oh, let's.

Reva: All right! That's it. Olivia, you said you had some information on Jonathan. Would you just tell me what it is?

Olivia: I went to see my sister, and when I got there she was pretty miserable, and I'm afraid it's taking its toll on Jonathan.

Reva: Why? What's going on?

Olivia: Well, my brother-in-law turned out to be no prince charming. He's never there, and when he is, he makes them wish that he wasn't.

Reva: Is he abusive?

Olivia: Physically, Marissa didn't say it, but emotionally, it's wreaked havoc on both of them.

Reva: How are they holding up?

Olivia: Not well. When I got there, Jonathan was gone. I guess his father told him that he was sick of dealing with him and shipped him off to a boarding school in Switzerland.

Reva: That's where Jonathan is now, in Switzerland?

Olivia: Yes.

Reva: But I called Marissa at Christmas, she didn't say anything to me.

Olivia: Well, I’m not here to debate the facts, okay. I thought you should know, and now you do. You know what? I was on my way to meet somebody. If I had known I was going to get such a lovely welcome, I wouldn't have stopped by. Now, I’m...

Reva: No, please, wait. I'm sorry. We're all a little on edge. After Richard’s death, we were starting to get some threatening phone calls. We thought they'd settle down, but they haven't. They've started up again, and it's worse now. Someone actually broke in tonight.

Olivia: Well, I’m sorry.

Reva: You don't believe me.

Olivia: I believe you. You just have a flair for the dramatic. Maybe the break-in was a coincidence.

Reva: No. It was personal. They took a keepsake. They took a family photograph that was in an inscribed silver frame that meant the world to me. And now it's gone. The threats are only to me at this point, but that doesn't mean I don't worry about my kids, and that includes Jonathan. So if you can tell me how I can get in touch with him, please do.

Olivia: I hope you find whoever is hassling you, Reva, I really do. It will give your security detail someone new to beat up on.

Gus: (Chuckling) Look at this, Coop. It's Prince Winslow. Come on in, Edmund. Lovely to see you. Why don't you give us a couple of answers?

Edmund: I don't recall being asked any questions, but if you tell me what you want, Detective, I’ll do my best to oblige.

Gus: How about I oblige my foot in your...

Harley: Okay, gentlemen, let's take it easy. Let's just hear what Edmund has to say.

Edmund: Oh, good cop, bad cop, I love this. It suits you, Harley.

Harley: You should watch it, Edmund, or I’ll look the other way, and let bad cop have a go at you.

Gus: Come on, Edmund, start talking. What are you doing here?

Edmund: I don't think that concerns you.

Gus: I think it does concern me, considering the person that you came to see is out of commission.

Edmund: Out of commission? What is that cop talk for dead or something?

Harley: Hmm, no, but funny you should jump to that conclusion.

Gus: Edmund, what do you know about a safety deposit box?

Edmund: Now hold on a second. Let's get back to this whole business about being out of commission. What exactly does that mean?

Harley: It means that your boy had a cranial bleed, is that what they said? Anyway, it's bad. He can't talk, we can't get anything from him, so you're going to have to fill in the blanks.

Edmund: Were you able to talk to him?

Gus: We told you, he can't speak, didn't you listen to us?

Edmund: Well, that's a shame, because I've never met the man myself. Came here to hire him on as a private eye.

Gus: You're kidding, right?

Edmund: I kid you not.

Gus: Really? You just picked him out of a phone book.

Edmund: Well, no, I have a matter that requires a certain amount of discretion, and since Springfield is not known for being a friend of discretion, a friend of a friend recommended Mr. Baker for the job.

Gus: Liar! You are a liar!

Harley: Gus.

Gus: No. He's a liar, friend of a friend. Come on, this guy doesn't even have a friend.

Edmund: That's brilliant, Detective. And I'm sure you can build quite a case when you take me to big bad liar's court.

Harley: Okay, you'll have to excuse my partner, he's a little tense. See, we're in the middle of a big case, and Mr. Baker was our key witness. Your story makes sense, though. And besides, we know where you live if it doesn't. So why don't you head home before you get into more trouble? Hey, by the way, we're going to be at Company later, so if you think of anything else you might want to tell us, stop on by.

Edmund: Thank you, Harley, you're being downright civil.

Gus: Oh, yeah. I'll be good. I'm going to be okay when I put an APB out on Detective Harley Cooper, because there is a woman who is possessing my partner, and she just let the prince of darkness go and his Swiss cheese alibi leave a potential crime scene. What are you thinking?

Olivia: I know what I need. A man who can challenge me and push me, a man who can fill me with passion, make me want to deserve every touch, every kiss. That man is you, Phillip. (Echoing)

Nolan: Excuse me, sir.

Alan: What is it, Nolan?

Nolan: The man you had watching the international terminal just called. He... he said he had phone trouble earlier and he couldn't get through, but he did spot Ms. Spencer arriving a short time ago.

Alan: Thank you. That'll be all.

Nolan: Yes, sir.

Alan: Nolan?

Nolan: Yes?

Alan: Olivia is not Ms. Spencer. She is Mrs. Alan Spaulding now and always.

Nolan: Of course, sir.

Alan: How clumsy of me.

Tony: Who the hell does Olivia Spencer think she is?

Marah: Don't let her get to you. Any normal person would've understood the mix-up, but Olivia is not normal.

Josh: I think she came here to be helpful, I’ll give her that.

Tony: I am sorry, Mr. Lewis, for screwing things up.

Josh: Tony, you don't have to apologize for protecting my daughter.

Marah: I can't wait till we find this sicko so that you don't have to do that anymore. Dad, do you mind if I take a drive with Tony?

Josh: Yeah, that's fine. Just be careful, darling.

Reva: See you later. Thanks, Tony.

Tony: Sure. So where do you want to go?

Marah: I don't know, maybe your house.

Tony: My family's place hasn't felt like home to me in a long time.

Marah: So then what do you want?

Tony: Well, I kind of put together a surprise for you somewhere else. It's not far. But, you know, after... after everything that just went down, I'd be cool with it if you don't want to go.

Marah: No, no, I would love to go. I can use any good surprise I can get these days.

Tony: Yeah?

Maria: Yeah.

Tony: Let's go.

Josh: Are you okay?

Reva: How can I be? I just found out that my son has been living with an abusive man who's driven him away.

Josh: Reva, I know that look. Now, we have to think this thing through before you go off...

Reva: I don't want to think.

Josh: ...And do something.

Reva: What I want to do is get on the first flight to Switzerland and see him.

Josh: What would you say to him?

Reva: I don't know yet. I just want to make sure he's okay.

Josh: You can't do that, Reva.

Reva: Why not?

Josh: Because. The only way Jonathan knows you right now is as a friend to the family. If you show up there at his Swiss boarding school, just out of the blue, he's going to know something's going on.

Reva: Unless I tell Jonathan that he's my son.

Gus: Please tell me that you let that guy waltz out of here with his phony story because it's all part of your master plan.

Harley: Yes.

Gus: Yes? Yes, yes, what?

Harley: Yes, it's part of my master plan. I know Edmund’s lying through his teeth as well as you do, but by letting him go, we are sending a message to Alexandra.

Gus: Okay... Keep talking.

Harley: Well, in case you haven't noticed, Alexandra and Edmund have been pretty cozy since she came back to town. Now we both know that she knows stuff that she's not telling us. So if Edmund came here barking up the same tree as we are...

Gus: So she sent him?

Harley: Bingo!

Gus: God, then why didn't you keep him here? We could've squeezed him, we could've gotten the information out of him, we had them.

Harley: The information he has? Alexandra’s too smart to give him anything more than a supporting role in her little drama. But Edmund is not smart enough to keep this little encounter to himself.

Gus: Did you see him flinch when I mentioned the safety deposit box?

Harley: Yes, I am sure he's running home with his tail between his legs to tell Alexandra all about it.

Gus: I like the way you think.

Harley: Thank you.

Gus: I like it. You have a master plan for me? You have one?

Harley: That'll have to wait until later. Right now we'll have to get to Company because Edmund thinks that we're going there, and I'm sure he might send a Spaulding our way.

Gus: Yeah. And you know how I love those Spaulding’s.

Alexandra: Edmund, how did you get in here?

Edmund: Nolan and I are old friends.

Alexandra: Oh, well, that is good to know.

Edmund: Cocktail?

Alexandra: It's about time you got here anyway, my dear, because I asked you to put Baker on ice some time ago, so what's happening?

Edmund: Oh, you needn't worry about our friend Roy Baker. He's "out of commission," as they say.

Alexandra: As who says?

Edmund: Well, you know, they. Besides, I have far more interesting things to talk about than Mr. Baker.

Alexandra: Uh-huh, okay, I'm waiting, Edmund.

Edmund: So am I. I am accustomed to be acknowledged for my services, Alexandra. And I believe you've been stringing me along. I have mentioned on more than several occasions that I would like a seat on the Spaulding board, but so far, I am a man without a chair.

Alexandra: Oh, yes, all right, all right, I see, I see. As long as I secure a seat for you, you will tell me what I need to know.

Edmund: Precisely.

Alexandra: Well, no problem, old boy. Here you go—sit on it.

Edmund: Alexandra, wait.

Alexandra: No, I'm tired. I'm really tired, Edmund, of your petty, little games and your constant demands.

Edmund: I have earned this, or you just expect me to be your patsy?

Alexandra: You know, there's quite a difference in being a patsy and being loyal. I mean, one has gains that start and then stop, and one has gains that keep paying off. But ever since the beginning, it's been, "What's in it for Edmund?" Over and over.

Edmund: What is so bloody wrong with that?

Alexandra: Well, nothing necessarily, my dear. It's just... It's just not very smart, Edmund, and it certainly isn't very endearing. Now you can go back to be the prince you once were or you can go ahead and ask like a completely horse's...

Edmund: Waiting for your offer.

Alexandra: Well, here's my offer. Here's my offer, my dear—nothing. Nothing for now. If you have something to say, you speak your piece now or get out of my sight.

Edmund: All right, perhaps I’ve been a tad self-involved.

Alexandra: Oh, just a tad.

Edmund: Let's start with a riddle, shall we? What do you get when you cross our friend Roy Baker with two detectives hot on the trail of a safety deposit box?

Tony: Don't open them yet.

Marah: Tony, I know we're at the lighthouse.

Tony: Oh, you peeked?

Marah: No, but you just took me up, like, 1,000 creaky steps.

Tony: All right, all right. Okay. You can open them now. Not your plain old lighthouse, right?

Marah: Oh, my... You did all of this by yourself?

Tony: Yeah, I mean, it wasn't much, you know.

Marah: "It's not much"? Tony, it's a lot.

Tony: Well, you know, I just had to get away from that mansion. It's so full of Carmen, whether she's there or not. I had to put some... some distance between me and that life, you know?

Marah: Like 1,000 creaky steps?

Tony: Something like that. But this isn't just about Carmen, Marah. This is about us. I need us to have a place that wasn't there, and this was the only one that made since. So I did all of this for you.

Marah: For you and me, both?

Tony: Yes, yes.

Marah: (giggles)

Tony: You know, even when I'm not here, and I look at this place, it reminds me of you, and I like that. We've had so many good memories here. Mostly good, anyway.

Marah: And we're going to make a lot more.

Tony: Oh, I like the sound of that.

Marah: Me, too.

Gus: These are addictive.

Alexandra: Gus, Harley, how nice to run into you. What is this, a case of the late-night munchies?

Gus: How are you, Alexandra?

Harley: You caught us. But actually, we were just leaving.

Gus: Yeah, we got to get down to the station, check in.

Alexandra: Oh, wait a minute, I did want to check on how that lawyer I got you is doing with the custody hearing.

Harley: Oh, it's fine. He is great. Thank you so much. Honey, can you give me my bag, please?

Alexandra: Just a minute. Fascinating ring. Where'd you find a thing like that?

Harley: Thank you, it was a gift from Gus. Belonged to his mother.

Alexandra: Interesting. Oh, you're quite a thoughtful young man, Gus.

Gus: I am just that kind of guy. You ready, honey?

Harley: Yes, yes, I’m so sorry. We'll have to catch up another time.

Alexandra: Wait, wait, wait... Well, wait. Please just a minute. I actually... I didn't come by for a small chat about the custody hearing, actually.

Harley: You're joking.

Alexandra: No, no, it's something more important.

Harley: Well, nothing could be more important to me than getting Zach back.

Alexandra: Oh, I think this could run a very close second, considering all the energy you're putting into it. I asked you, I told you before, do not investigate me, Harley, or me, or anyone I may know, or may not know.

Gus: Could you be a little more vague, Alexandra?

Alexandra: No, that's all I’m going to say.

Harley: Well, I don't think you have to worry. Gus and I don't have to do anymore investigating. Something fell into my pocket today. A key to a safe deposit box, and I’m betting that in that box, Gus and I will find everything we need to solve the mystery about his dad.

Alexandra: Really?

Harley: Yeah. Can't wait to get into this box.

Alexandra: Good luck. Good luck, Harley. But keep practicing.

Gus: All right, Alexandra, I've had about enough of this. Like you know something, we know you know something, so why don't you just lay your cards on the table?

Harley: All we want is the truth, Alexandra.

Gus: Yeah, whatever that means.

Alexandra: Well, all I'm going to say is it needs to never come out.

Gus: That's not good enough, though.

Alexandra: You know, it's going to have to be good enough, because you two should spend your time concentrating on what's really important. That's winning Zach's custody. All right? And winning and getting some trust and normalcy back in your lives.

Harley: Well, that would be a lot easier if you would share with us what you know.

Alexandra: Look, Harley, Harley, you just got a ring, a sign of affection from Gus that he really cares deeply about you. Now why can't you two just be happy with what you've got, huh? Why go searching for something that's going to just cause you pain?

Gus: I thought that was a good bluff. I mean, we came up empty and everything, but with a quality bluff. You see how flustered she is.

Harley: Maybe not.

Gus: No, it was. It was excellent, excellent.

Harley: No, no, I mean, maybe we didn't come up empty. Did you see how interested she was in this ring. She mentioned it twice.

Gus: Yeah, I thought that was just like a woman and "Look and my jewelry" thing.

Harley: I'm starting to wonder how similar this ring is to the bracelet on the body in the morgue photo. Maybe your mother's ring is another piece to the puzzle.

Edmund: Well?

Alexandra: They know nothing, and I intend to keep it that way, but...

Edmund: What is it, then?

Alexandra: I need you to get that ring for me.

Edmund: Forgive me, darling, but larceny's not my forte.

Alexandra: Just get me the ring, Edmund.

Desk clerk: Good evening, Mrs. Spaulding.

Olivia: I just got back into town, any messages?

Desk clerk: No messages, ma'am, but a visitor.

Olivia: Oh.

Desk clerk: Yes, a Mr. Spaulding is waiting for you upstairs.

Alan: Welcome back, Olivia.

Reva: Its probably too late to call Switzerland right now, but... You think it's a bad idea.

Josh: It's just sudden, that's all.

Reva: So were the phone calls. And they're scary, too, Joshua. I mean, I know the threats are only to me right now, but that doesn't mean that I can't worry about my kids, all of them. Marah, Shayne, Dylan, and Jonathan.

Josh: Reva, it's just a lot to lay on a kid, you know. "Hi there, I'm the mother that you didn't know anything about. And by the way, wait until you hear about what's going on at home."

Reva: I just want to be honest with him. I owe him that much, especially now. I let myself believe that it was the right thing leaving him with Marissa and her husband. I mean, I believed that was right, and maybe what it was really about was that I couldn't deal with it yet.

Josh: You think you can deal with it now?

Reva: I have to. I thought that... That I was doing the right thing by my son, and if what Olivia says is true, then I’ve been wrong this whole time, and I have to put a stop to this.

Josh: Reva, this is not the right time. Think about what's going on here. Maybe boarding school is the safest place for him right now.

Reva: We can debate the logistics of this until the cows come home, but he still deserves the truth.

Josh: Does he deserve to have his world torn apart? Reva, we don't know anything about this kid. If he were living near here, we would at least know if it was the right time to talk to him about this kind of thing, but we know nothing about him and his family life, what this family has done to him, or whether or not he's even emotionally stable enough to handle this kind of information right now.

Reva: You're right. I know nothing about my own son. I guess that's why it hurts so much.

Josh: Reva, I know you. I know you want to rush off and be with Jonathan right now and make everything okay for him, and that's one of the things I love about you. But "rush" is the operative word here. I'm not saying your instincts are wrong, I’m just saying we need to take our time, be careful for his sake, that's all.

Reva: Okay. So I’ll just make a call tomorrow, casually, just to see if he's okay.

Josh: I think a call would be fine.

Reva: First thing in the morning.


Tony: What was that?

Marah: I don't know, probably just the wind or something. Maybe it knocked down a branch.

Tony: I'm going to go check it out.

Marah: No, no, no, no, don't go.

Tony: Marah, look, I believed the wind thing any other night, but not when there's a stalker out there threatening your family, all right?

Marah: Tony, you are so...

Tony: Paranoid? Yeah, I know. Maybe I'm paranoid.

Marah: No, protective. And I love that. And my family really appreciates it, and I do, too.

Tony: All right, just make yourself at home, I'll be right back.

Marah: Okay, but don't take too long. "Oh, oh, please come in. Why thank you. We love what we've done to our place, too. " Our place.

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