Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/24/03
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Michelle: Don't you dare. I just got Robbie to sleep, and the sitter will kill you.
Bill: Well, hello to you, too.
Michelle: Hi. So you're on time.
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Michelle: But I don't see any flowers. Who are you?
Bill: Tonight I am date guy, the modified version. And you are?
Michelle: I'm just going to be plain, old Michelle. But you can keep me in line.
Bill: Well, I’ll do my best.
Michelle: So, where to?
Bill: How about Company, and maybe go see a movie?
Michelle: Company. That's a little public.
Bill: We got to step out sometime, huh? Come on, the dinner rush will be over. It'll be fine.
Michelle: All right.
Rick: Sweetie?
Mel: Hi, honey.
Rick: Hey. Sorry I'm so late. I got beeped every five minutes.
Mel: Oh, I know. We've been so busy lately.
Rick: Yeah.
Mel: Well, Rick, I...
Rick: Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. There's dad and Holly.
Ed: You sure you want to come to Buzz's restaurant?
Holly: I'm not going to avoid him. Besides, he doesn't work tonight.
Ed: And you know that how?
Holly: Because this was our night out, usually.
Ed: Yeah, usually.
Holly: Yeah, sometimes.
Ed: (laughs)
Gus: Yeah, well, just let us know whatever paperwork you need from our end. Yeah, I know. Thank you. I know he was. All right, well, you have our numbers, okay? And again, thanks. Jude go down all right?
Harley: (laughs) He's so tired. He's out. You exhausted him. Was that the Chicago M.E.?
Gus: Yeah, and they are going to exhume the Jane Doe body, do an autopsy. It should have been 30-something years ago. Anything for Joe August's boy. Everybody remembers him down there, you know? Everybody loves him.
Harley: With good reason.
Gus: Yeah, right. I got to figure this out. I got to figure this out. You know, Roy Baker and my father, they find this girl, this dead body, and then something... Something goes terribly wrong.
Harley: Well, we don't know that.
Gus: Oh, I think we knew that. And then Roy Baker comes into a pile of money. He's skipping town because he knows we're looking for him, we're asking questions.
Harley: Somehow, Alexandra Spaulding seems to know about all of it.
Baker: Edmund Winslow, right? I checked you out after I saw you in the Baroness's suite. Am I supposed to call you your highness?
Edmund: Call me whatever you like, as long as you're in the car in the next five minutes.
Baker: You really think I’m going to go anywhere with you?
Edmund: Yes, I do.
Baker: So you're the muscle of her operation.
Edmund: I'm the negotiator, Mr. Baker. The tone of the negotiations is entirely up to you. You have something Alexandra Spaulding wants. I'm here to see that she gets it. How satisfied you are in the end depends on what you do next. You now have somewhat less than five minutes.
Baker: Where's your car?
Reva: Okay, Frank said they were going to take all the stuff and then tomorrow morning, we'll have to go and be fingerprinted ourselves so they could tell the difference between our prints...
Shayne: Or the creep's prints.
Marah: It's not a problem, Mom. We'll take care of it.
Josh: Now, look, everybody checked their stuff, right? And the only thing that was taken is the picture?
Reva: That was the only thing that was taken, but God knows what they... They might have touched or looked at.
Josh: Reva, this is not going to happen again. If the police can't offer us any more protection, then I'll figure out something myself.
Shayne: Look, he's just trying to freak us out, that's all.
Marah: Well, it's working.
Reva: You know what? We're not going to let this happen. We're not going to let this person wreck our lives, or at least not our dinner.
Josh: Well, you can't possibly want to cook.
Reva: Oh, do I ever. I'm going to pick up the phone and order pizza. We're going to leave a slice for the creep on the counter just like you leave cookies out for Santa Claus, you know? This is funny, right? (knock at door)
Josh: It's all right, it's Tony.
Tony: Marah said someone broke into the house.
Josh: Yeah, that's right.
Tony: Don't worry. I'm going to take care of this thing for you. Are you okay? Were you here?
Marah: We're not exactly sure when it happened, but it must have been really quick.
Tony: Were any of you here?
Reva: No, thank goodness.
Josh: Tony, can I talk to you outside for just a minute?
Tony: Sure. Look, whatever you need, Josh, all right?
Josh: I want to hire some protection.
Tony: Yeah, I was thinking about that ever since the cops bailed on it.
Josh: Well, I’m guessing that you know some people who could handle this.
Tony: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I've already put the call out to a couple of guys. But I want to hold off.
Josh: Why is that?
Tony: I wanted to make sure you were sure. I mean I trust these people, but they're not your kind of guys. I mean, they're not rent-a-cops or mall security types.
Josh: Can these guys handle real trouble?
Tony: Oh, yeah. And we're not talking about guys who are going to go overboard or anything like that, but... Well, they'll handle the job.
Josh: That's fine. That's exactly what I'm looking for. I want 24-hour surveillance. I don't care what it costs. I want somebody watching my family every minute of every day until we catch this stalker.
Tony: I'm on it. I'll make some calls. We'll have somebody at your house right away. And I don't want you to worry about Marah. I will personally make sure that she's safe.
Josh: Okay. Thank you.
Shayne: Everything seems to be working out great, if you're Tony.
Tony: I'll make some calls for your dad. I'll be right back.
Marah: Okay.
Reva: Do you know what that's all about?
Marah: Maybe. Tony has a lot of people in security.
Reva: Oh, great.
Marah: Mom, it'll be okay. He's not going to get anybody who's going to be a problem.
Reva: I know, honey. I know, I know. I hate this. You should be thinking about your classes and having fun. Shayne has his winter social in less than a few weeks, and he hasn't even talked about it once.
Marah: I'm sure that he's thought about it some.
Reva: No, he hasn't, because you kids have been dealing with a load of garbage and drama again, because of me.
Marah: Mom, you're not the...
Reva: Oh, yeah, but none of this would be happening except...
Marah: Except that there's some crazy lunatic out there that you have no control over.
Reva: I think you kids should go to Uncle Rusty's.
Marah: Oh, okay, that's not going to disrupt our lives?
Reva: At least you'd be safe.
Marah: We're not going to leave you.
Reva: I just wish I could make this stop.
Marah: Well, maybe I can. I've been doing a lot of thinking, and this guy has sent me the e-mail, but he's not threatening me the way that he's threatening you. Maybe I can get him to talk to me, or lure him...
Reva: What do you mean? Put yourself out there as bait? Absolutely not, Marah. It's dangerous. What are you, nuts?
Marah: Maybe. But it's exactly what you would do.
Rick: Hey, Dad, please join us.
Ed: You sure you want to stay?
Holly: It's okay with me.
Ed: Yeah?
Buzz: Hi.
Ed: Hey.
Holly: Hi.
Buzz: You want a table?
Ed: Uh, yes, sure. Yeah.
Holly: We can join Mel and Rick.
Buzz: Okay.
Holly: Okay.
Mel: Honey, they might want some time alone.
Rick: No, no, no, they're on their way over. It's fine. Hey, Happy New Year.
Holly: Hey.
Billy: Hey, kids. How are you doing?
Buzz: Looks like it's going to be a full house tonight.
Holly: Looks like.
Buzz: Well, I’ll try to keep them on a leash. You just enjoy. (laughter)
Bill: Are you ready for this?
Michelle: For what?
Bill: For what? I've been waiting for a long time to embarrass you in public.
Michelle: Oh, you think that this would be the first time, huh?
Bill: No.
Michelle: Mm-mm.
Bill: I got to tell you, never quite like this.
Gus: Yes. Yes. Yes, Alexandra Spaulding is the key to this whole thing. You want to know why?
Harley: Why?
Gus: She's the only one I can get my hands on. Yes, and she knows about my father.
Harley: We think. We think.
Gus: Shh.
Harley: But maybe she's only interested in you because of your connection to me.
Gus: She knows about my father.
Harley: She could have...
Gus: She knows about my father. You picked up on that yourself.
Harley: I know, but it doesn't make any sense. She knows about your father. I don't understand that. And if she's following the same trail that we are, then all along she's meeting people who loved your dad as much as that guys on the phone.
Gus: The point: Why is she following the same trail? There's something else going on here, something else going on. I'm going to get to the bottom of it.
Harley: Listen, if that's the way you're going...
Gus: And the thing is the good cop/bad cop thing, that's... That's just not going to work. We got to pressure her. Straight pressure.
Harley: Okay. But she'll nail us to the wall. Alexandra doesn't scare.
Gus: Then we tear her life apart, okay? We turn it upside down.
Harley: Listen. Is it possible that she is interested in this because simply Zach is her family and she likes me?
Gus: Well, then why is she digging around in my past? Why is she stirring up trouble?
Harley: Because maybe she's trying to head off any problems should somebody else dig around in your past.
Gus: Oh, please. That's an awful lot of trouble for a nephew's ex.
Harley: Yeah. Well, she's paying for that ex's lawyer in a custody battle with her nephew, so she obviously must care a lot about Zach.
Gus: You're right. You're right. What can I say? You're right.
Harley: Maybe... Maybe Alexandra... Maybe we should track her movements back then-- you know, her bank activity back then. Maybe this starts in Chicago. Maybe that's where we go.
Gus: No. Forget it. Forget the whole thing.
Harley: What?
Gus: Forget it. We're not going after Alexandra Spaulding.
Harley: But you just said that she's the key, and I'm starting to agree with you here.
Gus: I don't care what I said; I don't care. We're dropping the whole thing.
Harley: Okay, what just happened? Because, you know, you're obsessed with this. And don’t... Don't you want to finish this? Don't you want to clear your dad's name?
Gus: Well, not if it's going to cost you Zach. I got to let it go. I can do that. I can let it go.
Harley: Why would this cost me Zach?
Gus: Why? Because you need... You need Alexandra. She's paying for your lawyer. You're going to court with her against Phillip soon. You cry yourself to sleep every single night because Zach isn't under the same roof with us. I'm not going to mess that up by going after Alexandra. This investigation's over.
Harley: Your father-- who he was, what happened-- honey, that is the most important thing in the world to you.
Gus: (laughs) No, it's not. You know, and if you're thinking that, then I'm... I'm messing up here. You are the most important thing to me-- you, your children. Honey, we're this close to getting Zach back. That's... That's what we focus on now. I love you.
Harley: I love you. But if you give this up because of me, I’ll kill you. Don't do that. I don't want to live with that, okay? And this... You know, this is not about us giving things up for each other. It's not. I don't care what anybody says. It's not. This thing we have, this is supposed to be about us getting what we both need, together.
Gus: Baby, don't be stupid. You need Alexandra.
Harley: I'll pay for my own lawyer. I'm not stupid. I'll pay for my own lawyer. I'll find a way. It's just money. I will figure it out, okay? But the important thing is, we're going to court and we're going to get my son back, and we're going to bring him home together. And we're going to find out about your father, together.
Gus: I do love you.
Harley: (laughs)
Edmund: Home. No reason for you to be uncomfortable, Mr. Baker. No need for any of us to be unpleasant. It's just business, after all.
Roy: Pretty personal business.
Edmund: Of course. But for you, it's hardly personal.
Roy: Joe Augustino was my partner for 20 years, pal. That's as personal as you get.
Edmund: Oh, yes, Mr. Augustino.
Roy: Detective Augustino.
Edmund: My apologies, Mr. Baker. Detective Augustino. Gus Aitoro's father.
Roy: Yeah, right.
Edmund: What do you want, Mr. Baker?
Roy: I want to deal with Alexandra Spaulding personally.
Edmund: That's not going to happen.
Roy: She and I always took care of these things.
Edmund: That's over, Mr. Baker. You deal with me now, one way or another.
Roy: You really did take over that island by force, didn't you?
Edmund: That was a minor accomplishment for a beat cop from Chicago, but I enjoyed it immensely.
Roy: These piddling cash payments won't cut it anymore.
Edmund: All right. How much have you received in total to date? You consider this amount piddling?
Roy: Compared to what my information is worth? You bet.
Edmund: All right. Before we can discuss price, I need to see a show of good faith.
Roy: Like what?
Edmund: I need to see everything you plan on handing over: Evidence, documents, everything you have over Alexandra’s head. What is that?
Roy: This, your highness, is the key to the Spaulding kingdom.
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Michelle: Well, looks like the dinner rush to me. Nice call, Lewis.
Bill: You know, we are still near the door. We can make a break for it.
Michelle: What are we, ten years old?
Bill: At this moment, yeah, yeah.
Michelle: Yeah.
Billy: Hey, look at you two. Come here.
Bill: Hey.
Billy: Don't you two look so cute together? I can't believe it. Let me guess. You're here tonight to have dinner with your in-laws, right?
Bill: Oh, come on now.
Billy: Okay, okay. Okay, okay. Your future in-laws. (Laughs) I love teasing him. So how are you tonight, darling?
Michelle: I'm fine. I'm fine, thanks. But it looks a little crowded in here, so I think we're going to go somewhere else.
Billy: Oh, no, no.
Rick: Hey, don't you even think about it, Miss. We got a place all set up right here for you.
Ed: Oh, please. A little mercy. Come on.
Rick: Nobody gets off the hook, Dad.
Ed: Yeah.
Rick: Hey, why don't you have a seat.
Bill: Did that transplant make you taller? Because suddenly you're looming. (laughter)
Holly: You want to make your getaway? I'll create a diversion.
Michelle: No, it's too late. We'll take our medicine.
Rick: Isn't this great?
Ed: No.
Rick: Our family... All our family together in the room for the very first time in a very long time, and all my favorite couples.
Billy: Hear, hear!
Bill: So smooth.
Michelle: Okay, let's get something straight here. Bill and I are here for dinner. That's it. And I think I can speak for both of us when I say we love you, but butt out and back off.
Josh: What's the problem, son?
Shayne: It's nothing. It just seems kind of funny since it was, like, yesterday that you didn't want Tony to even step a foot in the house.
Josh: No, it was a little longer ago than that.
Shayne: You didn't forget about what he did to her in the first place when he hurt her, did you?
Josh: No, I have not forgotten. Have you?
Shayne: Oh, I haven't given it much thought, really.
Josh: But you're not able to forgive him either, are you?
Shayne: He really has never done anything to me personally, so... It's Marah’s life, not mine.
Josh: That's right. Your sister's in love with Tony. There's nothing we can do about that. But I believe he's changing. In fact, I believe he's changed. I've seen it. Don't worry about it. I'm keeping an eye on him.
Shayne: I know. It's just... You know, he's become the hero all of a sudden. He found that phone rerouter, you know, and... I mean, I even heard you told him that you didn't want him to leave Marah's side. That's just kind of strange, Dad.
Josh: What's this about, Shayne, really? I mean, if you have something to say, you just have to say it.
Shayne: It's nothing. It's just like a change, you know? Maybe it's the only good thing that's come out of this whole mess.
Josh: Have you see something? Is there something that Tony’s done that you need to tell me about?
Shayne: No, there isn't, but that envelope was not there before, was it?
Josh: No, it wasn't.
Shayne: Don't get fingerprints on it.
Marah: Look, I'm not offering to get attacked or anything, I’m just saying that I could maybe get him to communicate.
Reva: He's communicating.
Marah: Not threatening, I mean actually opening up, letting me in. Maybe we can get a clue as to who he is...
Reva: Honey, no.
Marah: Why not? You would do it in a second.
Reva: Okay, it's genetic, but that doesn't make it smart.
Marah: Mom, look, how else are we going to get this guy, unless we catch him grabbing you and taking you off somewhere...
Reva: Okay, okay. You're right. I'm not saying it's a horrible idea, but I'm not going to have you putting yourself on the line. If anyone's going to make contact with this freak, it's going to be me.
Marah: But he only calls you and threatens you and then hangs up. He actually tried to make contact with me.
Reva: But he's not going to make a mistake unless he's provoked. And I seem to be the one that provokes him, so it's going to be me.
Marah: Mom, he would hurt you. He would not hurt me.
Tony: Whoa! Whoa, whoa. My girlfriend and her mother are fighting over who gets to be bait for a stalker? This family's not normal. What...
Josh: Special delivery.
Reva: What is that?
Shayne: We just found it outside by the fireplace.
Josh: The missing photograph. And take a look at this.
Billy: Threatening to get pretty hot over there, huh?
Bill: Yeah, well, wasn't that you I heard throwing gasoline on the fire?
Billy: Am I a thorough embarrassment to my son?
Bill: Well, yes, you are, so I guess your work here is done.
Billy: I tell you, I just can't help it because it tickles me so much to see you two together. (laughs)
Bill: Me, too.
Billy: Yeah, good.
Bill: Me, too.
Rick: What's the problem here? I thought what I said was restrained and tasteful.
Ed: Oh, come on. Please. (laughs)
Rick: Oh, like... Like we all haven't been thinking the same thing. Like Billy hasn't been thinking about this wedding since the two of them were in kindergarten. Dad, don't just sit there.
Ed: What?
Rick: You've been thinking the same thing.
Michelle: Boy, you've been saving up, haven't you? All this time in the hospital and rehab, you just haven't had a chance to be annoying.
Rick: All right, Dad, this is when you step in. You are the father. Say something.
Ed: Actually, I think I’m at the wrong table.
Michelle: What if I was bugging you and Mel all the time? When are you guys going to have kids, hmm? Hmm?
Rick: Don't you think she's overreacting a little bit? You're a woman. I mean... (Mel laughs)
Michelle: Yes, yes. But I just got divorced. This is like the first date. There's a lot of pressure here.
Ed: No, not because of one toast.
Michelle: Yes.
Ed: No.
Michelle: No.
Billy: It can't be your first date. I mean, come on, you two guys have been playing doctor since forever.
Bill: Yeah, I know. It's... I don't know, Dad. It's like it's new. You know, it's like...
Billy: Oh, wait. It's like you just met her and it's a new love. And you've been her best friend all your life.
Bill: Yeah. Yeah, it is.
Billy: Yeah, yeah.
Bill: I don't know. It's like I've been traveling the world looking for something that's sitting right over there.
Billy: Then you find out she's the one.
Bill: Uh-huh.
Billy: Except, see, I knew it all along.
Bill: Really. You know, I got that just now.
Billy: Yeah, well, kind of trying my patience there for a while.
Bill: Well, come on now. Be easy on me. It takes me a little time, sometimes, to see the obvious.
Billy: Well, I forgive you. I'm just glad you came around. She really is one, isn't she?
Bill: Yeah. Yes, she is.
Michelle: Look, I have no idea what this is, or if it even can be anything at all. I mean, Bill is great, but...
Rick: But you're just having fun, right?
Michelle: Yeah, yeah.
Rick: Yeah.
Ed: But you are. I mean, I haven't seen you this happy since I got back.
Michelle: Well, yeah, I mean with Bill... Look, it's just soon. That's what it is. It's just way too soon after my divorce.
Mel: But fun. You're allowed. I mean, there's no time table on this thing.
Rick: Yeah.
Michelle: I guess. I just hope.
Rick: Well, Michelle, I mean, it's okay for you if it's just about having fun. But, you know, is Bill okay with that?
Edmund: That's the key to a safe deposit box.
Roy: Bingo. You'll notice there's no bank names or account numbers there.
Edmund: But it's an offshore bank. The transaction numbers, Mr. Baker-- I recognize the sequences. My guess: It would be the Caymans or San Rafael. Oh, yes, San Rafael National Bank down there. You know, I hope you're dealing with Phelps. He's more sophisticated about this type...
Roy: You want to chat or you want to do business? You think you're going to take what I already got, then you got another thing coming.
Edmund: Before we can discuss what will be in your possession when we part, Mr. Baker, I must see what will be in mine.
Roy: I told you. It's all here.
Edmund: Of course. No extra documents squirreled away anywhere?
Roy: No.
Edmund: And I’m suppose to believe that, why?
Roy: Because I like breathing.
Edmund: Do you feel as if I have threatened you in anyway, Mr. Baker?
Baker: Look, I know what happens when you double cross the Spaulding’s, okay? I see what they could do. And I don't want to hurt Joe. I never did. That was never the idea. I love the guy.
Edmund: Oh, yes, I'm sure.
Roy: Look, all I want is fair payment and to be left alone.
Edmund: So once we've opened the safe deposit box and you've given me all the information...
Roy: I disappear, my way.
Edmund: Oh. Oh, very well. Give me the bank and the box number. I'll call to verify that indeed you have an account there...
Roy: The bank, the box number, the account numbers are all here. That's the only place. And I don't even give up one of them until I see some cash.
Edmund: Oh, and I can't give you any cash until you give me something first. So... Hmm. Tell you what. You describe to me everything that is in the box; I'll call Alexandra and assure her that...
Roy: I give you nothing until I see cash on the table.
Edmund: Then, Mr. Baker, I believe we have reached an impasse.
Harley: Alexandra's banking history. That's not going to be too hard to trace; we know that. But her movements back then, that's... That's a whole other story.
Gus: No, I don't like it. I just... I still don't like it.
Harley: Well, we have to do it. We'll be careful. We won't put up any flags until we have to.
Gus: How about this? Why don't we just wait for a positive I.D. on the body and then we'll just go from there? We go from that direction.
Harley: Yeah, that's one way to go. You're right. (phone rings) Cooper.
Galligan: It's Galligan at State. I got a hit for you.
Harley: On Roy Baker? You have a hit on his passport?
Galligan: Roy Baker returned to the U.S. a few days ago.
Harley: Galligan, you are the best.
Galligan: Yes, I am. Harley, if you ever decide that clown, Aitoro, isn't worth it, you know, you could always...
Harley: You'll be the first person I call, I promise. Thank you. Roy Baker's back in the United States of America.
Gus: Is that right?
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Gus: When did that happen?
Harley: Just a few days. Do you think there's a small little chance he might have gone back to his apartment?
Gus: I don't know why he would ever could come back in the first place knowing that we're looking for him. He's an idiot.
Harley: Well, maybe he was looking for something. You know, that safe was open. Maybe he thought the heat was off. I don't know. It's worth a shot.
Gus: I know, I know. I'm saying Roy’s a better source than Alexandra... Alexandra any day. So I’m down. I'm fine.
Harley: Should I call the sitter?
Gus: Call the sitter. Call the sitter. We just have to go back to Roy's apartment.
Rick: Oh, thanks, Dad.
Mel: Hey, where are you going?
Rick: I got beeped emergency. I got to go.
Mel: Well, honey, I wanted to talk to you.
Rick: Well, sweetheart, we'll talk later. We'll catch up.
Mel: All right.
Michelle: Bye.
Rick: Bye. See you.
Michelle: Hey, is something wrong?
Mel: No, it's just, I have great news, I think, but I’m not sure.
Michelle: What's the news?
Mel: Well, Dr. Grant asked me to be chief attending.
Michelle: That's great. That was Rick’s job before he got sick.
Mel: Yeah, exactly. And I'm pretty sure that he's going to want his position back. And now...
Michelle: And now you're going to be his boss. (laughs) Payback is so sweet.
Mel: Michelle... Michelle, this is not funny, okay? This could be really...
Michelle: It's going to be fine. It'll be fine. Look, Rick may be a pain in the butt, but he's the best, and he loves you. He'll be happy for you.
Mel: I don't know. I'm not sure.
Michelle: Oh, don't you dare give this opportunity up. He would hate that.
Billy: Date night in Springfield?
Ed: Not the way I remember it.
Buzz: Don't worry. It's a distant memory for this guy. How is everything? I mean the food, the service. I'm talking about the food.
Billy: You sure?
Ed: Everything was fine. Thanks.
Buzz: Change?
Ed: No, keep the change.
Buzz: All right.
Holly: Ready to go?
Ed: Please!
Bill: You ready to make a break for it?
Michelle: Yeah, let's hit the back door.
Bill: All right.
Michelle: All right. Don't forget what I said.
Mel: Okay.
Michelle: Bye.
Josh: All right, that's it. This is going to the police. You guys are going to stay with your Uncle Rusty. No arguments.
Shayne: No way am I going to Uncle Rusty's.
Marah: Forget about it, Dad.
Josh: What did I just say?
Marah: You just gave your adult daughter an order. Guess what?
Shayne: And guess what? I'm not leaving.
Reva: Rusty's was my first impulse. But it does tear up their lives, and maybe we are all being a little too hyper. I mean, what is this, anyway? It's a crank who makes calls and steals photos.
Shayne: Mom, this is serious.
Reva: I mean it. I refuse to make more of this than it is. I will not have this family in an uproar again because of me. I'm going to order pizza.
Shayne: Listen, I’m going to go online and go do some homework.
Marah: Tony, will you come outside with me, please?
Tony: Yeah.
Josh: Darling, this is not going to make it go away.
Reva: I know that, and I hate it. But I won't be taken away from you guys again, ever.
Tony: What was that inside with Shayne?
Marah: I took him aside while the cops were here, and he agreed to help. I can do this, Tony.
Tony: Oh, you're still on this bait thing?
Marah: Yeah.
Tony: Baby, just stop it. Okay, there's no way I’ll let you do this, all right?
Marah: You aren't going to let me do it?
Tony: All right, bad choice of words.
Marah: Yeah, at least.
Tony: Marah, I am sorry. Really, okay? So okay, how would you do it, in theory? You don't even know how to get in touch with this guy.
Marah: Well, Shayne is going to go on the computer and try and figure out where the e-mail came from.
Tony: He can do that?
Marah: Yeah, he's really good with computers, so he's going to try.
Tony: Well, I hate to even imagine you on the computer with this guy. I hate thinking of you anywhere else except with me, with my arms around you. So if that makes me a macho jerk, then I am.
Marah: No. No. I feel so safe with you, and I love that. And I love that you want to protect me.
Tony: Yeah, but only when you want to be protected.
Marah: Exactly.
Tony: All right, all right. How about this? We see what Shayne can find out through the computers, and then we decide.
Marah: Okay, that's a deal.
Tony: All right. Now, I’m going to check around your house. Somebody just left an envelope here. Might be some footprints.
Marah: That's a good idea.
Tony: Wait right here, please? Don't move. Your parents are right inside. I want you to wait by the door so I know you're safe. Okay.
Holly: Those two give you trouble?
Ed: Yeah, they were picking on me.
Holly: Oh.
Ed: The whole evening was kind of surreal, wasn't it?
Holly: Yeah, a little claustrophobic.
Ed: That's the word, yes.
Holly: I suppose you were just dreaming about space, about wide open spaces.
Ed: I've had the wide open spaces.
Holly: Are you ever going to tell me what happened in Africa?
Ed: I'm very happy in the here and now.
Holly: Here? Now?
Ed: Here, now.
Billy: Young love.
Buzz: At any age.
Bill: There you go.
Michelle: Thanks. Mm. See the... (laughter) we should go skiing sometime.
Harley: Should we even bother knocking?
Gus: No. No, I want to see the surprise on Uncle Roy's face.
Harley: Oh, we're going to get some answers.
Gus: Oh, baby, don’t. We don't have a search warrant, okay? So...
Harley: It's never stopped you before. Besides, this isn't official business.
Gus: I'm saying you have a custody hearing coming up. You're not going to make it because you're in jail...
Harley: Would you stop?
Gus: Go ahead. No!
Josh: You okay?
Reva: No. I'm scared to death. And I know you are, too, but you're being a rock for the kids.
Josh: We'll catch this guy before anything happens, Reva.
Reva: Anything? That's a pretty broad category. Hasn't anything already happened?
Josh: Nobody's taking you away from us. We're not going to let that happen. And nobody's getting hurt.
Reva: We just get scared witless. That's what this sicko is counting on.
Josh: Well, then we can't give in to it.
Reva: So we don't send the kids away, and we try to live as normal a life as we can.
Josh: That's right. But we have to stick close together.
Reva: Right. So where's Marah? She outside?
Josh: Yeah, she's outside. And don't worry. She's with Tony.
Reva: Hard to believe that even came out of your mouth.
Josh: (Laughs) Yes, it is. But I trust him. I really believe that Tony will do anything he can to protect Marah.