GL Transcript Thursday 1/23/03

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/23/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Nolan: Yes, it is, sir?

Alan: Anything from Mrs. Spaulding? Is that too difficult a question for you?

Nolan: There is nothing from your wife, Mr. Spaulding.

Alan: What's that?

Nolan: It is an overnight envelope addressed to Mr. Phillip.

Alan: Mm-hmm. I notice it doesn't have a return address on it.

Lizzie: Well, hello, Grandfather. Isn't it a beautiful day?

Alan: Well, it is a beautiful day every time I get to see you.

Beth: And those days may be fewer and farther between before long.

Alan: Oh, yes, I remember. Boarding school.

Lillian: Now, Beth is taking Lizzie up to see Alston this afternoon, Alan.

Alan: Mm. Lizzie, are you sure you want to do this?

Lizzie: I want to go to boarding school, Grandpa, next term. I mean, dad's all for it. So is mom.

Alan: Really?

Beth: Mm-hmm. Yeah, first thing Phillip and I agreed on in months. But it was Lizzie's idea, so don't try to stop her.

Alan: Mm. I will never do anything to cross this young lady. You know, I have an idea. While you're on that scouting expedition, why don't you take Phillip?

Beth: Now there's an interesting idea. So what's the catch?

Phillip: Yeah, Ross, I'm sorry to keep bothering you about these papers. I just... I want to make sure that I understand everything that were presenting to Harley before we actually get into it.

Alexandra: When Edmund Winslow arrives will you please tell him to come to my room.

Desk clerk: Certainly. Oh, and by the way, Mrs. Spaulding, we have some messages for you.

Alexandra: Thank you.

Baker: You got a minute for an old friend?

Alexandra: We have nothing to talk about.

Baker: Let's talk about money.

Alexandra: I've already told you, I paid you every blasted last nickel you're going to get for your silence. Maybe I'll have a chat with your nephew.

Baker: Okay. Well, then I’ll do what I was...

Alexandra: Fine. Let's talk. But you're going to have to give me about 45 minutes.

Baker: I'm a reasonable man. I'll see you here.

Phillip: Well, there you are. I was just going to call up to your room.

Alexandra: Phillip, darling, I am so glad you're here. If you came to apologize for the words we had last night, I’m so sorry, too.

Phillip: No, actually, I didn't come to apologize. I came to get you to answer a question.

Alexandra: If I can.

Phillip: You hired an attorney to assist Harley in this custody hearing.

Alexandra: Yes, yes. Everett Gardner. He's one of the finest attorney's in the country.

Phillip: I'm sure he is. Actually, what I was wondering, why the hell are you helping Harley and Gus and not your own family?

Gus: Well, my mother was shacking up with another guy. It's pretty simple, I think.

Harley: I don't think it is.

Gus: Yeah, I think it is. Just do the math, honey.

Harley: Well, maybe in this case, words speak louder than numbers. I mean, you said it yourself, look, these letters were obviously written by two people who were crazy about each other.

Gus: I think that maybe my father was the only one that was in love here.

Harley: All right, fine. Let's say... Let's say your parents couldn't have kids of their own. Maybe you were adopted.

Gus: No, because I remember my mother being pregnant with Eden. So she was physically able to have kids.

Harley: Okay, okay, okay. But an affair? An affair? That doesn't make any sense.

Gus: No.

Harley: Not that Alexandra Spaulding's involvement makes much sense in all of this.

Gus: None of this stuff makes any sense.

Harley: Honey.

Gus: You know, two months, I knew exactly who I was. I was Joe Augustino's kid. I was his oldest son, you know. Now it's just all up in the air.

Harley: Yeah, because of me and Zach.

Gus: I didn't say that.

Harley: But it's true, isn't it? I mean you've been digging into your past for our sake, right? And all that's come up for you is pain and confusion... You know what, honey? If you want this to stop, if you really want this whole thing to stop you just say the word, okay, and it's over.

Alan: Beth, there is no catch.

Lizzie: Come on, Grandpa, even I know there's always a catch with you. (Beth laughs)

Alan: Lillian, will you care to jump in since everyone else is ganging up on me?

Lillian: I would never gang up on you. I'm always on your side. I'm sitting it out.

Alan: Well, I was just suggesting that it would be a great idea while Lizzie is visiting Alston to have her mother and her father along.

Lizzie: Well, he is the one who's going to pay the bills.

Alan: Exactly. Now I think it's a marvelous school, and I will miss you very much. But I can already see your parents walking around the campus with you.

Beth: I must say, Alan, you're taking this very well.

Alan: Well, Lizzie is a true Spaulding. She's knows her mind and she's taken action. And I am not going to discourage her. Tell me, have you already packed?

Lizzie: Kind of.

Lillian: Kind of. A true Raines' would be packed. (laughter)

Beth: (laughs) Now I get it. You're pushing for Phillip to take this trip because you want us back together again and this is your way of trying to make that happen.

Alexandra: Do you know, Phillip, there are very few things I wouldn't do when a child's welfare is at stake. (laughs) Zach's a Spaulding. So you see I am helping the family.

Phillip: (sighs) You know, Aunt Alex, you should be an attorney, because you can twist words with the best of them. You think you're helping your family? No, what you're doing is you're helping that low life Aitoro stay in Harley’s life. And you're going to help him stay in my son's life too, if the judge rules wrong.

Alexandra: Phillip, do you think Harley is a bad mother?

Phillip: Most of the time, no. You know I don't.

Alexandra: And Harley has no trouble trusting Gus with Zach implicitly, completely. I mean what is good enough for you?

Phillip: Maybe she doesn't know him as well as I do.

Alexandra: Meaning?

Phillip: Meaning he's threatening me. He has warned me to back off or else...

Alexandra: Or back off or else what, dear?

Phillip: You don't need to know the details. Just know that he's enough of a sleaze to go through with it.

Alexandra: Um-hmm, and you've never threatened Harley or Eden or Gus himself?

Phillip: Only when I've been trying to protect my son.

Alexandra: Oh, yes, and Zach is a very lucky boy, isn't he? Well, most of the time. I mean, to be a Spaulding, have all these resources available to him is a wonderful life... And of course your life's been very blessed. You have...

Phillip: Is there going to be a moral at the end of this sermon?

Alexandra: Oh, yes, yes, there is. Because you can be afford to be generous with Harley and Gus.

Phillip: Well, that's easy for you to say. All it costs you is money.

Alexandra: (laughs) You have no idea.

Phillip: No, I think I do. You know what, this is going nowhere.

Alexandra: All right, listen to me, Phillip...

Phillip: Listen to you? Why should I listen to you, Aunt Alex? You know, I used to think so much of you. I used to think that you were the best of us. But I think a better person would have told me that my father was faking a heart attack just to hang onto his fiancée.

Alexandra: And maybe a better person wouldn't have gone after his father's fiancée. Come on, Phillip, you've lost your integrity. You may lose your son. I hope Olivia's worth the tradeoff.

Phillip: There's not going to be any tradeoff, because I intend to have Olivia and my son. And as far as my integrity is concerned, I can still look at myself in the mirror. Can you?

Edmund: Something wrong?

Alexandra: There is no one I can trust.

Edmund: Yes, well, welcome to America. You can always trust me.

Alexandra: Well, I hope so, Edmund, because I need to ask a favor of you.

Harley: Gus, this doesn't have to be your fight.

Gus: Maybe it's already my fight.

Harley: But only because you're trying to help me get Zach back. That's why you started trying to clear your name in the first place, right? And if it's getting to be too much, it's not worth it. Hey, it's bad enough you find out your dad might have been on the take.

Gus: Well, I will never believe that.

Harley: You go, you have this 15 martini lunch with Alexandra, where you find out that, you know, she's making these weird comments about your dad, like she knows more than she's willing to admit. But, you know, of course, there's me. I have to go after my contact, my source in France.

Gus: And then he sends off his very important package and my sister just happens to intercept it.

Harley: And passes along to Alexandra for a quick buck.

Gus: Well, it's just a shame that the search didn't end there. You know what I'm saying?

Harley: But the point is, it kept going because of me.

Gus: But, honey, I'm not... I never... I'm not... It's not your fault, okay?

Harley: I'm just laying out the facts, like any good cop would. And here's the newest addition, all these letters that point to this big mystery in your past.

Gus: Like whether I’m Joe August's son or not.

Harley: What I'm saying is, if I could be the one to get this whole thing started, maybe I can be the one to stop it.

Gus: What? Just... just like that?

Harley: Just like that. I care more about you than any of this other stuff.

Gus: Yeah, but, babe, we're not going to stop fighting for Zach.

Harley: No, we're not, I have a lawyer. I have this hotshot lawyer, right? Let him fight with Phillip. I don't want to see you get hurt anymore.

Gus: I love you. And I love Zach. I'm not going to let Phillip or Alan or Alexandra get in the way of that and get between you and your child. I... I'm not going to do it. I've come this far, I got to go all the way. And if Alexandra is... I don't know, obsessed with my father, or if she has any information about my father, I’m going to get to the bottom of that, too.

Harley: Good. Okay, what do you want to do? Do you want to go confront her?

Gus: No, no. We do what good cops should do. We just gather all of our information, and we see where it takes us. And I know just where to start.

Alan: Ah, Beth, you know your Spaulding’s.

Beth: Well, I should, after all these years.

Alan: Well, you should, but in this case, you're wrong. You know that I would want nothing more than you and Phillip to get back together. But to be honest with you, I’ve been so busy with my own affairs that I haven't had time to play cupid.

Beth: And what affair has you this eager to have Phillip go with Lizzie and me to Alston?

Alan: My family's happiness. More specifically, Lizzie. I mean, did you see her face when she came in here? She was so excited about starting to make her own decisions and set the course for her life.

Beth: She is a force to be reckoned with.

Alan: Yes. And you know she's had quite a tough year. I mean, with you and Phillip breaking up. The Lorelei diaries. Shock after shock. She's still a child in many ways. But she has shown amazing resiliency. I just think it would be wonderful if you and Phillip were both by her side when she took that first step out of childhood.

Beth: Yeah, and off into the unknown. (laughs)

Alan: Right. Well, we've all had to do it. And it would be great to have the support of your parents there. God knows she has plenty of support.

Beth: She's very special to you, isn't she?

Alan: Absolutely.

Beth: And you really want Phillip out of town, don't you?

Alan: Right again.

Phillip: Hey.

Rick: How you doing, buddy?

Phillip: Good, how are you?

Rick: So, what's going on? Your message sounded very urgent.

Phillip: Uh, well, I just... There's something I need to talk to you about.

Rick: You just wanted to talk?

Phillip: Yeah.

Rick: Oh, I see. So I rushed all the way over from the hospital just so we can talk. It's okay, it's all right. I can sit Mrs. Pignotti's arm in a cast tomorrow morning, it's no biggie. It's no biggie. It's a joke, it's just a joke.

Phillip: I know...

Rick: It's all right. You seem like you're a little shaken up. You all right? (laughter)

Phillip: No, I just... You know that they've set the date for Zach's custody hearing, right?

Phillip: Yeah, it's coming up really soon, unless of course you and Harley could work out some sort of agreement.

Phillip: That's not going to happen.

Rick: I'm glad to hear that you sound so optimistic about this.

Phillip: Well, no, it's just not going to happen. We're definitely going to go to court. And I just... I just wanted to make sure that I could count on you.

Rick: For what?

Phillip: Well, for your testimony as a character witness on my behalf.

Rick: (softly) Great.

Phillip: Well, you're not... You're not exactly leaping to reassure me here, pal.

Rick: (laughs)

Phillip: Why?

Rick: I can't.

Phillip: Why? Are you planning on setting Mrs. Pignotti's arm the day of the trial?

Rick: No, I’ll be in the courtroom the day of the trial.

Phillip: Okay, well, then what's the problem?

Rick: I already agreed to be a character witness, Phillip, for Harley.

Alexandra: (sighs) My family is heading for disaster.

Edmund: Isn't it always?

Alexandra: Never like this.

Edmund: What's happened? Or rather what's going to happen? You really don't trust anyone.

Alexandra: Trust is earned.

Edmund: By doing favors?

Alexandra: If you don't want to help me, you say so right now. I will find someone else! I'm sorry.

Edmund: Don't be. It's your right to question where an associate stands. Especially when it hinges on something so critical. I know how difficult it is to save a family from self-destruction when it's heading towards disaster.

Alexandra: Oh, oh, God. Alan and Phillip are such blinking fools some times. I mean, they're so self-obsessed with their own needs, they can't see the larger picture or the dangers.

Edmund: Whereas you can.

Alexandra: And I don't know if that's a blessing or a curse.

Edmund: Well, that depends on how things turn out, doesn't it?

Alexandra: I think... I think you and I understand each other pretty well, don't we?

Edmund: Now, that's what I've been saying from the start.

Alexandra: Ah.

Edmund: About this favor of yours?

Alexandra: I'd... I'd like to call on your skills as a leader of men.

Edmund: You're bringing me into Spaulding. (laughs) As what? President of production? CFO? What?

Alexandra: No. I literally want you to lead someone into... into isolation for a while until I tell you otherwise.

Edmund: You want me to kidnap somebody?

Alexandra: As I said, trust is earned.

Harley: What are we doing back here?

Gus: Shh!

Harley: There's nothing left in there.

Gus: We'll figure that out once we get behind the door.

Harley: We've been behind the door. Roy Baker cleaned this place out before he took off.

Gus: Let's get into the safe. Maybe there's a clue, okay?

Harley: The safe, I forgot about the safe. That's good, that's good. Do you need some help there?

Gus: Could you do this, please? I'm just a little shaky.

Harley: Okay, it's okay. I've broken into this thing twice already.

Gus: I'll hold this. I can't wait to find out what's around the corner for me, you know? Maybe my father was an alien. Maybe I was cloned from a sheep.

Harley: Baa. (laughs) Ah-ha. Oh, man. You got me so excited.

Gus: Ah, well, if we could have used anything, it's gone now.

Harley: I got a really good question for you. Who's been here? Because the last time we were here, this safe was closed and locked.

Gus: I don't know. Maybe somebody beat us to it. Maybe Baker got back in town. I'm going to call I.N.S. and see if he slipped back into the country. What's that?

Harley: It's a newspaper clipping. "An unidentified female listed only as Jane Doe was found dead in a downtown hotel room. Dark hair, green eyes, 5'6", approximate age, 23. Cause of death, as yet unknown." Strange.

Gus: Yeah, look at this, the date. This date was five days before I was born.

Beth: Alan, now you have me worried. Having Phillip leave town must be very important for you to actually be honest about it.

Alan: Well, the thing I’m trying to do is simply save my marriage.

Beth: And if Phillip were gone a day or two?

Alan: That would help. I don't think it's a secret that he and Olivia have an attraction for one another.

Beth: Where is Olivia anyway? I haven't seen her around lately.

Alan: Well, she's out of town. She had a few things she needed to think about.

Beth: Things. It's gotten that bad between the two of you, has it?

Alan: Yes. The point is, if she decides to return, Beth, I will have an opportunity to... to reconnect with her, without any distractions or interruptions...

Beth: (laughs) Without any Phillip.

Alan: Exactly. Look, I will be able to convince her that our marriage can get through this, and we will be happier than we've ever been before.

Beth: And all before Phillip comes home?

Alan: This is no joking matter, Beth.

Beth: You seem awfully sure Olivia will return while Phillip’s gone.

Alan: Call it a hunch.

Beth: You got this whole plan worked out, don't you, Alan? When will you ever learn?

Alan: I can tell you disapprove.

Beth: Well, it's just that it's doomed to fail. Alan, you can't hold onto a woman by scheming and manipulating.

Alan: I am not manipulating and scheming. I love this woman. I am fighting for her.

Beth: And all you care about is getting her back.

Alan: Yes. Now, I’m not asking you to... to chloroform Phillip or tie him up. Besides, I think Elizabeth deserves to have both of her parents there with her.

Beth: Well, you do have a point. That would be nice.

Alan: And tell me, don't you think I have a right to try to save my marriage? To try to make up for the mistakes that I have made? Of course, there is a chance that Olivia and Phillip could end up together. Now, what do you think Lizzie will think about that?

Beth: You don't play fair.

Alan: Oh, this is no game.

Rick: You know what, this is not a betrayal.

Phillip: Oh, no, you're just... You're just taking Harley's side. But that's okay, don't feel bad, Rick. Because you know what, everybody's taking Harley's side...

Rick: Phillip, you just asked me to take your side against the mother of my son. But for you, that's okay, that's expected. You know, but Harley can't ask me for help? Is that what you're saying here?

Phillip: Okay, never mind. Never mind.

Rick: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, Phillip. Look, it's not too late to back off some ugly court battle and work out some mutual agreement with Harley.

Phillip: Who does that sound like? She put you up to this, didn't she?

Rick: No, she didn’t...

Phillip: Yeah, she did...

Rick: ...This happens to be my idea. This happens to be the best thing for father, mother, and especially your son.

Phillip: And not to mention the best thing for Gus Aitoro. Well, let me tell you, Rick, it's not going to happen. That sleaze is not going to come out on top in this.

Rick: So, wait a minute, that's what this whole thing is about, is who comes up on top? Not... not about a child's welfare or a parent's peace of mind...

Phillip: That is not what I’m saying and you know it.

Rick: Yeah, right, right.

Phillip: This is not a control issue...

Rick: You know what? You know what? This is what I’m going to say. Harley is a terrific mother, period. So if the judge asks me anything, that's what I'm going to say.

Phillip: Good.

Rick: Okay?

Phillip: Great, well, that's great, Rick. You know what, I appreciate having the advance notice on it. Thanks.

Rick: I am completely comfortable with Gus and Harley being a part of my son's life. Why... why...

Phillip: Why wouldn't I be?

Rick: Yeah.

Phillip: Um, I don't know, Rick. Maybe because he's blackmailing me.

Rick: He's what?

Phillip: He's blackmailing me. He found out about Olivia and me.

Rick: He knows about you and Olivia...

Phillip: Yes!

Rick: Oh, great.

Phillip: And he has threatened to go public with it if I don't back off of Harley. Oh, you think that's funny?

Rick: No, I don't think it's funny. I think it's kind of ironic, you know, that you're outraged about Gus' immorality and you just slept with your father's wife. I mean, don't you think that's ironic?

Phillip: You know what? I have nothing to be ashamed of.

Rick: Good. Then you have nothing to hide. Then he's certainly got nothing to blackmail...

Phillip: I don't believe that you are defending this guy...

Rick: Phillip, you are so spending too much time discrediting him...

Phillip: I'll be damned...

Rick: ...I don't blame him for coming back at you...

Phillip: You are supposed to be my best friend.

Rick: I am your best friend...

Phillip: You should be backing me up... No questions asked.

Rick: I can't lie to you! You're wrong about this.

Phillip: Oh, great.

Rick: And I’m going to tell you something else. If you couldn't keep your hands off Olivia until... Before this custody battle was over with, then you know what? You know what you're going to look like in front of the judge? You're going to look like an irresponsible father. And you going after Harley and Gus like this just makes you look like your... your father.

Phillip: Oh, well, thanks for that insight, Rick, I appreciate it. And you know what? Let me tell you something. When this is all said and done, I'll have my son, and I will have Olivia, too. You watch me.

Alexandra: Don't look so offended, darling. I'm sure you've done far worse things than just keep someone out of circulation for a while.

Edmund: I just hadn't anticipated this opportunity.

Alexandra: Um-hmm. Well, can I count on you or not?

Edmund: Who's the lucky detainee.

Alexandra: The man you met outside my hotel room the other night.

Edmund: Brown hair, coarse features?

Alexandra: Edmund, I think it's about time we decided whose side you're really on-- mine or my brother's.

Edmund: You want me to kneel and swear allegiance?

Alexandra: Oh, that would be clever and cute. But I'm really only interested in allegiance.

Edmund: Then you have it.

Alexandra: Good. His name's Roy Baker. He's an ex-cop from Chicago. He's very smart and he's very dangerous.

Edmund: So am I.

Alexandra: Yes, that's why I called you. Now, he’s... he's meeting me in the lobby in 15 minutes. He's wearing a brown coat, brown hat and... Sunglasses. I expect you to keep him under wraps until I give you further instructions.

Edmund: You trust me to do it?

Alexandra: Well, it's not quite the leap of faith you might have imagined. I mean, because if you betray me, Edmund, I promise you, I'll... I'm a far more dangerous enemy than you and Baker put together.

Gus: Why would Roy Baker keep an article for over 30 years on a Jane Doe?

Harley: I couldn't say.

Gus: And if it was such an important article, why... why would he just leave it? Why wouldn't he take it with the rest of his stuff?

Harley: He was panicked. This place is a mess. He was in a rush to get out of here. He couldn't see it back behind there.

Gus: Yeah, but the date. This date is significant.

Harley: What, Jane Doe, five days before you were born? It's probably a coincidence.

Gus: I don't believe in coincidences, not with everything that's been going down.

Harley: What is that on the back? Is that... Is that a stamp?

Gus: "Property of the Chicago police department's evidence room." So, not only is this an article that's 30 years old, but it's a stolen article from...

Harley: The evidence room. Who are you calling?

Gus: You're not the only one with friends in Chicago, honey. I got friends to help us out. Hey, Sonny. Yeah, it's Gus Aitoro. Yeah, how you doing, man? Yeah, I'm fine. No, listen, I have to ask you something. I need a police report that's 30 years old.

Harley: Over 30.

Gus: Thank you. Yeah, it's over 30 years old, what... It's very important. Well, okay, I have an article... Okay, I'll hold.

Harley: What's the story?

Gus: The story begins with a woman that couldn't have children.

Harley: Six months later, she had one anyway.

Gus: Yeah, and six months later, that same week, some other woman dies with no name and no official cause of death. Do you see a connection?

Harley: Can I turn to the last page in the book?

Gus: No, I'd be too scared to do that. No, we're going to... We're going to go through this page by page till we get to the end of the story.

Phillip: What's up?

Beth: I have a request to make.

Phillip: Let me see if I can guess. Drop the custody suit against Harley. Stop trying to control everything. Try to be a decent human being for once in your life. Did I get them all?

Beth: No, actually, I was going to ask you to come with Lizzie and me on our visit to Alston. It would mean a lot to her if you were a part of this, Phillip.

Phillip: That's today, isn't it? Damn it, I completely forgot.

Beth: You've had a lot of things on your mind, and you're not in the best mood either.

Phillip: Yeah, I just had a little chat with our mutual good friend, Dr. Rick Bauer.

Beth: Oh, and let me guess. He told you to drop the custody case, stop trying to control people's lives.

Phillip: Let me ask you... Why is it... Why is it that nobody can understand why I do the things that I do?

Beth: You're asking the wrong person this time. I think Rick’s right on the money.

Phillip: (laughs) No, the two of you are really unbelievable. I take things from the two of you that I would never take from anybody else. Why is that?

Beth: Because we love you and we know you well enough not to shy away from telling you how we really feel.

Phillip: Yeah, which is usually telling me what a horse's ass I am.

Beth: (laughs) Yes, usually.

Phillip: Funny, the things that love will make you do.

Beth: Yeah. So, did you look at that brochure from Alston?

Phillip: Yeah, I looked at it. Must love our daughter a hell of a lot to pay the tuition to that place.

Beth: She also wants to board her horse.

Phillip: Oh, really, does she? When did we find out about that?

Beth: (laughs) When she was packing her riding gear.

Phillip: Oh. Oh, hell, you know what, I’m going to come with you.

Beth: To lay down the law?

Phillip: No. I want to be a part of this. It's not every day that your daughter essentially leaves home. I think we should do this right. Send her out there with both her parents.

Beth: Thank you.

Alan: Nolan.

Nolan: Yes, yes, sir?

Alan: I'll make sure that Phillip gets this.

Nolan: Well, it's addressed to him, sir.

Alan: I'm aware of that. I'm also aware of who pays your salary. Now, I want you to forget you ever saw this letter.

Nolan: What letter, sir?

Alan: "I've done a lot of thinking. That was the point of leaving town. Things are clearer now. I know what I need, A man who can challenge me and push me. A man who can fill me with passion and make me want to deserve every touch, every kiss. That man is you, Phillip. I know choosing you will turn your life upside down. But if you're willing to take a chance, to make a go of it, so am I. I'll be back at the Beacon tomorrow evening. Meet me there and we will find a way to be together. Much love, Olivia."

Harley: Yeah, that was fast.

Gus: Thanks.

Harley: Anything else?

Gus: None. No second page.

Harley: Well, there's no new information here.

Gus: There's no autopsy report. Hold on a second. (fax machine beeps) Hey, Sonny, yeah, it's Gus. Yeah, no, I got it. Thank you. It was really quick. But there's no second page. There's no autopsy... Yeah, cool, okay, I'll wait, thanks. That's not going to help, babe, with your big magnifying glass there, okay. Because it's a crummy photo to start with.

Harley: I don't know, honey. Look at this, on her arm.

Gus: It's a bracelet, yeah.

Harley: Pretty fancy schmancy bracelet.

Gus: Yeah. Hold on, I got it. Yeah, no. Well, what do you... Well, that can't be, Sonny. What are you talking about, there was no autopsy? Well, that's crazy. It's an official police report. well, then who was the cop that signed the report? Detective Joe Augustino.

Lizzie: Now, ask me if I am packed. (laughs) I'm so excited, Grandpa. What are you doing out here? Why don't we go in the study?

Alan: Great idea.

Phillip: The whole horse thing.

Beth: Well...

Phillip: Hey.

Lizzie: Dad, I didn't think you'd be here.

Alan: Well, neither did I.

Beth: And he has a surprise for you.

Phillip: I'm going to come with you today.

Lizzie: To Alston, are you serious?

Phillip: Yeah.

Lizzie: That's so cool!

Alan: Oh, I think it's marvelous that you two have decided to put aside your disagreements and be there for Elizabeth at this moment in her life.

Phillip: Well, you know, just thinking about my family.

Alan: And my dear, you are the future of the Spaulding family. And I want you to know how proud I am of you.

Lizzie: Grandpa, you're talking like I’m blasting off to the moon or something. I'm just going to check out the school.

Alan: I know that. But someday you will leave for real. And it will be very quiet around here. (laughs)

Lizzie: I'll come back and make some noise, okay?

Alan: (laughs) Good.

Lillian: Lizzie, car's waiting.

Phillip: Oh, better get going. Okay.

Beth: Alan. Good-bye.

Alan: (whispers) Thank you. Phillip, I don't want you to worry about a thing. I will make sure that everything goes the way it's supposed to go while you're gone.

Phillip: Oh, Nolan, I was looking for you before. Did I... Did I receive any mail today?

Nolan: Uh, no, no, nothing, sir.

Phillip: Okay, thanks.

Lizzie: Daddy?

Phillip: Yeah, sweetheart.

Lizzie: You know the deal is that you come with us and not slow us down.

Phillip: I'm coming, I'm coming.

Lizzie: (laughs)

Alan: "I'll be back at the Beacon tomorrow evening. Meet me there and we'll find a way to be together. Much love, Olivia."

Edmund: Mr. Baker.

Baker: You were standing outside of Alexandra Spaulding's room the other night.

Edmund: Yes, we work together.

Baker: You might want to tell her that I’m running out of patience.

Edmund: Right. I understand that you were supposed to meet her here, but there was a bit of a problem, you see. Miss Spaulding is uneasy about speaking with you in such a public venue. Is there a place more private you can meet? Somewhere out of town perhaps, where you won't bump into anyone from Springfield?

Baker: I used to keep an apartment in Clayton. I still have the key. You can't get anymore private than that.

Edmund: Excellent, excellent, lead the way.

Baker: Well, I'm not going anywhere with you. My business is with Alexandra.

Edmund: But Miss Spaulding wanted me to make sure you're both out of the glare of public scrutiny.

Baker: Well, then, I'll give you the apartment address and she can meet me there.

Edmund: But Miss Spaulding was quite specific, you see. You are to come with me. Please, Mr. Baker, don't make this a problem.

Harley: Okay, wait, wait. Wait, before you start jumping to conclusions, listen to me. Your father was a cop, right? He must have written up hundreds of Jane Doe’s.

Gus: So you think that just... In those hundreds of Jane Doe’s, there was no autopsy report, or just in this one?

Harley: I don't know.

Gus: Listen, we're cops as well, okay. Standard operating procedure says you file an autopsy report, especially in a case where the cause of death is unknown, okay. But my father, my father didn't do that.

Harley: Maybe he forgot to file. Maybe he misplaced the autopsy results.

Gus: Honey, you work every case the same, right? You gather all your facts up and you see where they lead you.

Harley: Maybe we shouldn't do this right now.

Gus: Fact: Jane Doe died five days before I was born. Fact: My father signed that police report. Fact: That police report was missing the autopsy results. And because there were no autopsy results, no official cause of death will ever be known.

Harley: That doesn't mean that your father...

Gus: No, what it means is that someone... someone deliberately left out who that girl was and how she died. They left it out of public record.

Harley: They covered it up.

Gus: They covered it up. They covered it up, thank you. And I'll bet you my badge that that certain someone was Joe Augustino.

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