Guiding Light Transcript Monday 1/20/03
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Blake: Do you think Clarissa's too young to be a flower girl?
Cassie: No, I think she'd be adorable.
Blake: Unless she decides to sit in the middle of the aisle and eat the flowers.
Cassie: Danny, can I get you anything?
Danny: No, thanks. Hi, Blake.
Blake: Hey, Danny. So, you and Danny...
Cassie: Are just good friends. Hey, back off, Miss Lonelyhearts. There's nothing going on. Danny is madly in love with Michelle.
Blake: I don't know. I do believe those are divorce papers he's about to sign.
Marah: Hey.
Michelle: Marah, hi. I thought you... Your jacket's right here. And next time, finders keepers.
Marah: Michelle, wow. Wow.
Michelle: Do you like it?
Marah: Yes, I definitely do.
Michelle: Okay, well, what does it say to you?
Marah: To me, it says, "I'm hot."
Michelle: No, no, no, tell me it doesn't say that.
Marah: All right, if that will make you feel better. Where are you guys going?
Michelle: Towers, if we make a reservation.
Marah: You and Danny?
Michelle: Umm... Actually, no. Bill.
Marah: You and Bill? So what does it matter what you look like? I mean, don't you guys normally go out in sweats and pick up takeout or whatever?
Michelle: Usually, usually.
Marah: So what's the big deal?
Michelle: Well, the big deal is that it's sort of... Well, it's kind of... It's a date.
Marah: You and Bill?
Michelle: Yeah, unless he's changed his mind.
Bill: Are you feeling better?
Beth: I'm fine. I just had a bad day, bad week. Hell, now that I think about it, the whole year hasn't been so hot.
Bill: Beth, I had no idea you'd been feeling so lousy.
Beth: We all have our weak moments. I never should've left that message today. It was a mistake.
Bill: Why would you think that?
Beth: I'm sure you have better things to do than baby sit your ex-girlfriend.
Bill: Beth, I hope you're still my friend, because I want to be yours.
Beth: That's really sweet, but I'm not sure I’m ready to do the friend thing right now.
Bill: How about just for today, hmm? I can stay as long as you need me.
Ross: Now, what about the insider trading charges that are against you? Do you still think that Alan’s behind them?
Phillip: Yeah.
Ross: Why?
Phillip: Why not?
Ross: Because I think it's a little extreme, even for Alan.
Phillip: Look, Ross, my father is angry with me right now. He wants to make me pay for...
Ross: For?
Phillip: It's nothing that should have anything to do with Zach's custody.
Ross: Phillip, I need to know what's going on. Look, if this is more than the normal backbiting that goes on in this family, now would be a very good time to clue me in.
Phillip: Attorney-client privilege?
Ross: Phillip, talk.
Phillip: All right. Look, Olivia and I... Have a situation.
Ross: A situation?
Phillip: Yeah, it's not something that we planned. It just sort of... One thing led to another, but she's going to be leaving my father.
Ross: You are involved with your father's wife?
Phillip: Kind of bad, huh?
Ross: You could lose your son over this. Do you know that?
Phillip: I know, I know. But only if Harley finds out, and I can guarantee you there is no way that she will find out.
Gus: So tell me what you got on Phillip Spaulding. You've been following him around for weeks now. I'm sure he doesn't lead a nice, tidy little life. I need dirt, I need ammunition, or you can kiss your bonus good- bye.
Doherty: Well, I got one thing I think you'll like.
Gus: Yeah? Good. Don't even look at me. Just pass me a menu. Pass me a menu.
Harley: Oh, you don't need that. I just had them make something wonderful for you.
Gus: You're kidding. Well, thank you. What, are you moonlighting or something?
Harley: Well, you know, I help out around here, but also, I'm trying to keep my mind off the whole custody hearing thing. I'm starting to freak out a little.
Gus: Honey, Zach's going to be home soon, okay? He's going to be sleeping between those dinosaur sheets that we bought him. I promise you. I can feel it in my bones.
Harley: You sure? Because I was thinking about that lawyer that Alexandra hired for us. I mean, do you think he's too overly confident, he's too cocky? It's just... He makes me nervous. I just don't want to get my hopes up again.
Gus: You're going to be walking into that courtroom with a lot more than just high hopes.
Harley: Okay, what if that story about your dad comes out? What then?
Gus: Honey, listen to me. I will clear my father's name someday, okay? Right now you've just got to focus on Zach, okay? Let Phillip throw all the dirt and the mud, you know. Zach and I will just turn them into mud pies. Okay?
Harley: You're so good to me. You are. You are. You're so good to me.
Gus: Just take a deep breath. Breathe in.
Eden: Hey, Nicky. Harley.
Harley: I gotta go.
Gus: Bye, honey.
Eden: What? Are you still mad at me? You know, I went to the doctor today because my shoulder was really hurting. I was thinking maybe that there might be another piece of the bullet in there, so he x-rayed it, and he said no, and that it might be chronic. As in forever.
Gus: Can you do me a favor, and just pass the cream?
Eden: Nicky, I am talking to you. Look, I've been thinking about going to trial and testifying for you. And I really want to do this for you because I love you so much. But I can’t. I can't go to prison. It would drive me crazy. I mean, what if I died in there? And all because of your girlfriend? Do you really think that's fair? Do you think dad would want you to do that to me?
Doherty: Was that your sister?
Gus: No, not anymore. All right, Doherty, just cough it up, all right? What you got on Phillip Spaulding?
Bill: No, no, no, no. We're not going to cancel. I'm just... I'm running late. All right, I’ll see you soon.
Beth: Michelle?
Bill: Yeah, we're just supposed to grab something to eat.
Beth: Well, then go on. I don't want to hold you up.
Bill: But you're not. Come on. Now, what's all this business about Lizzie wanting to go away to boarding school?
Beth: She's tired of me, she's tired of Phillip, she's tired of all the drama. Can't say that I blame her. She has had to deal with so much more than any kid her age. When I think of all the times that she's had to be the grownup in the family.
Bill: Well, then, you know what? Maybe this is a good thing for her. You know, going away to school will just give her a chance to be a kid for a while.
Beth: That is exactly what I’m thinking. It's just difficult, that's all.
Bill: You know, I know all the problems you're having with Lizzie, a lot of that is because of me, and I’m sorry about that.
Beth: Bill, it's not you. It's me. I've made a lot of bad decisions in my life, and my children have had to pay. And now, I need to get a handle on my life, on who I am.
Bill: Well, I know exactly who you are, whether you do or not. Beth, you... You're an incredibly passionate person. You're passionate about your art, your kids, and whatever man is lucky enough to be in your life. You never, never go halfway on anything or anyone. And you're beautiful, and you're sexy.
Beth: No, stop, stop. Michelle is waiting.
Bill: You know, it wasn't that you weren't enough.
Beth: Don't. Let's not do this right now. You'll be late.
Bill: Are you sure you're going to be okay?
Beth: I'm fine.
Bill: Because I don't want to bail if you're in trouble.
Beth: No, just go, okay. Just... Just go. I used to hate it when you kept me waiting. Out.
Bill: I just... I want you to be happy, that's all.
Beth: Out.
Bill: And I want you to find somebody who...
Beth: Bill, Bill, please.
Bill: Okay. Okay, I just... Well, you know.
Beth: Don't you worry about me. Have fun.
Michelle: Okay, less hot? Because it's this one or the other one.
Marah: Where have I been for the last ten years? When did this thing happen between you and Bill?
Michelle: Nothing's happened, so...
Marah: Great. You look great. But something could happen.
Michelle: Well, if he ever shows up here. He told me 7:00.
Marah: Oh, come on, that's just like Bill. How many times has he flaked on us?
Michelle: I know, but this should be different, don't you think?
Marah: Yeah, you guys aren't in fifth grade anymore. I mean, you'll be swapping more than peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Michelle: No, no. We're just going to eat, and we're going to talk, hopefully about something other than...
Marah: Danny.
Michelle: Yeah.
Marah: I saw him the other day. He's staying at the Beacon, though I know that he wants to come home. He still loves you, Michelle.
Michelle: I know. I know. But it's not going to work.
Marah: But why? You still love him, don't you?
Michelle: I love him with all my heart, you know. And it's not Danny. It's the people that surround him. And I don't mean Tony.
Marah: Yeah, but Carmen is...
Michelle: I know. But Carmen still came after Robbie. She tried to kidnap him. And I just can't live my life like that anymore. I just want a normal life, where there's no threats or danger to my son. And that's why I signed the divorce papers. So it's over, as of today.
Marah: You ended it for good?
Michelle: Yeah.
Marah: But Danny’s trying so hard to change.
Michelle: He has been trying for years. It's like this never-ending journey of thrills and chills. You know, with Bill, it's light and it's easy, and... He makes me laugh, and that's what I need right now.
Cassie: How do you know those are divorce papers he's signing?
Blake: Oh, you forget. Snooping into other people's business used to be my business. Besides, I’ve signed a few divorce papers in my time.
Cassie: Poor Danny.
Blake: Let's go throw popcorn at him.
Cassie: What?
Blake: Yeah, come on.
Cassie: What are you doing?
Blake: Come on, you'll get his attention, and it will make you feel better.
Cassie: What are you doing here? Hey, I don't think so.
Blake: Look, I saw your reaction when I mentioned the divorce papers.
Cassie: I reacted because I felt sorry for him, Blake. Don't give me that Miss Lonelyheart look, okay? Don't do it. Let me tell you something. The only thing I’ve done for Danny is be a nurse, okay? That is it. That's all. And you know what? He lives here, so he's around. What?
Blake: Romances have blossomed from stranger places, Cassie, and if you do have feelings for him...
Cassie: I don't have feelings for him. And I cannot believe that you are suggesting such a thing. It's ridiculous. You know what? You want to know something? Danny and I, we get along, okay? We get along great. And we have helped each other, Blake. We have helped each other. That is all. There is nothing going on, okay?
Blake: And if there were-- I'm not saying that there is-- but if there were, would that be wrong?
Cassie: I am Richard’s wife, and I always will be, okay?
Blake: Cassie, you know that a heart can love more than one person.
Cassie: I don't have feelings for Danny, okay? And besides, he's not my type.
Blake: Okay, look, I just want you to be happy. I do. You want me to scram?
Cassie: No. I don't want you to go anywhere.
Blake: Too bad, because I’m having dinner with Ross. Still my friend?
Cassie: Of course I am.
Blake: Good. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Cassie: Don't say you didn't warn me about what? Blake?
Danny: Cassie.
Cassie: Danny, hey. What's up?
Danny: Is everything okay?
Cassie: Yeah, everything's fine. What's going on?
Danny: Well, remember when you offered to help me fix things with Michelle?
Cassie: Yeah, of course I did.
Danny: I was wondering if I could take you up on that.
Phillip: Okay, Ross, I know what you're going to say. But listen, I didn't intend to have anything to happen to Olivia. It just did. Okay, all right. Now, listen, let me tell you, Alan is no innocent in this entire thing. The whole marriage to Olivia was a lie from the start.
Ross: A lie?
Phillip: Yeah. His heart attack never happened. He faked it to use as leverage to get her to marry him. And I'm not saying that that excuses what we did, but I think it gives you a pretty good idea of how we got to that point.
Ross: And what does Olivia have to say about all this?
Phillip: Well, at the moment, nothing. She left town.
Ross: She left town for how long?
Phillip: I don't know. I think she needed a break from both of us.
Ross: Well, at least someone is thinking with their head.
Phillip: Oh, come on, I know I’ve got to get the lecture to the nephew of where I went wrong. Come on.
Ross: I could give you the speech. I could give you a million words of advice, like how dangerous Alan is when he's crossed, like how any relationship with Olivia from the start is probably doomed. I could give you that speech. But I think those words would fall on deaf ears, so I will limit myself to legal advice.
Phillip: Okay, good idea.
Ross: If any of this is revealed in the custody hearing, this case is over. Your case is done, because there is nothing I could say or do that would outweigh the fact that papa and grandpa are competing for the same woman in the very same house where little Zach lives.
Phillip: Okay, well, it's not going to come out, because only three people know about it-- or, four, counting you.
Ross: Or maybe one, or two, or three, or more people who work in the house, like Thomas...
Phillip: You know, wait a minute. Back off just a second. I don't understand something here. Who cares who knows about it? What does that really change? It doesn't change the fact that I’m a responsible parent, and she's shacked up with a convicted killer. No judge in his right mind is going to give her custody.
Ross: You are about to go into battle with your father over his wife, an adulterous woman who left town to get away from you. Your daughter has chosen boarding school in order to find some relief from this family, and now you are charged with insider trading.
Phillip: Not yet, not yet.
Ross: That is not the point. Who cares about the timeline? The point is that you are going to lose your son if this comes out. And as your uncle and as your attorney, I don't want you to take that risk.
Phillip: What are you suggesting I do?
Ross: Give up. Offer Harley joint...
Phillip: No, damn it, I won't do that, not as long as Aitoro's part of the situation. I'm not going to have that maggot raising my son.
Ross: Phillip, I know you're a fighter. And you're tenacious, just like the father who raised you. But if you keep doing what you're doing, you're going to end up exactly like Alan, completely and forever alone.
Harley: Well, I thought all you French detectives were up all night surrounded by beautiful French women. Oh. Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. It's just that that package with Alexandra’s payroll documents in it, it hasn't arrived. Well, when did you send it? Really? Yeah, well, I'm going to give it one more day, and then I’ll put a tracer on it. I don't know. I don't know... I don't know what I want. I've just got this hunch that Alexandra is connected to Gus.
Delivery man: Harley Cooper?
Eden: Yeah, that's me.
Delivery man: Sign here.
Harley: Okay. Did I hear voices?
Eden: Can I come in?
Harley: Why?
Eden: Because my brother won't speak to me, that's why. And I was hoping that you would talk to him. Come on, we're going to be sisters-in-law soon, somewhere down the road.
Harley: All right. Let's take it a step at a time, okay? Are you going to testify at Zach's custody hearing?
Eden: Can we just discuss this inside?
Harley: Are you going to testify at Zach's custody hearing and clear your brother's name?
Eden: No, I am not, but the reason why, and you need to hear...
Doherty: I've been following Spaulding for days, and talk about boring. This guy goes to work, takes his kids to play in the snow.
Gus: Just cut to the chase. What did you get? Did you get anything?
Doherty: I'm getting there. All right, one day starts out just like any other-- mind you, he makes a pit stop. He slips into a hotel room at that new place down by the wharf.
Gus: The Beacon, right?
Doherty: So I stick around to see who the lucky lady is. Finally, the happy couple emerges. This is the hottest-looking chick I've seen.
Gus: So did you get a name? Who's...
Doherty: That's where it gets interesting. Her last name is Spaulding, too.
Gus: All right, so, what, Beth Spaulding. Beth, his ex-wife?
Doherty: Olivia Spaulding, his stepmother.
Gus: Wait, are you absolutely positive?
Doherty: I'm absolutely positive.
Gus: His own stepmother? Daddy's wife.
Doherty: Yup. Doesn't get any better than that, does it?
Bill: Are you sure you're going to be okay?
Beth: I'm fine.
Bill: Because I don't want to bail if you're in trouble.
Beth: Just go, okay? Just... Just go. Hi, Felicia, it's Beth Raines. I need to talk to you. I'll take a cancellation, anything. Just call me. It's... It's about Bill and me.
Danny: So, as you can see, my last encounter with Michelle didn't go very well.
Cassie: You know, it's not over until...
Danny: Until these divorce papers are signed, I know. That's why I was wondering if you could help me, and maybe put in a good word or two to Michelle for me. I mean, you were with me after I got shot, so you know. You can tell her how all I thought about was going home to her and Robbie. And what I did, I did for them because I love her. I still love her.
Cassie: She doesn't believe you?
Danny: I don't know what she believes. All I know is that she wants out.
Cassie: I... I want to help you. I do. I just... I feel like this situation, you know... A divorce, Danny, it's a really private thing.
Danny: Yeah. Well, so is getting shot by my mother, but that didn't stop me from pulling you into that.
Cassie: Well, then who owes who? I should be hitting you up for something. Nice to see that you can still smile.
Danny: Yeah. Forget I asked. You're right. So what's going on with you? You looked a little upset earlier when you were talking to Blake. What was that all about?
Cassie: Oh, Blake, she was telling me that I should start... That I should start dating again. I told her that I wasn't at all ready for something like that. So...
Danny: Don't you hate that, people telling you to move on.
Cassie: Oh, yeah, they think you should forget about, you know, the most meaningful thing in your life and just... Your husband dies, find a hobby.
Danny: Right, pick up a musical instrument, or go out on dates with people you meet on the internet.
Cassie: Yeah, and that shattered heart will soon be shiny and new.
Danny: Right. Well, not me. No, I'm going to stay right where I am, stuck in the past.
Cassie: Now you're talking.
Danny: I'm going to hang these unsigned divorce papers around my neck for the rest of my life, walk around, maybe pitch a tent outside Michelle’s house, camp out there 24 hours a day, peek in on her and Robbie. They'll never be able to get rid of me.
Cassie: Hey, why let go?
Danny: Why let go?
Cassie: What are you thinking?
Danny: Hmm. How much I hate camping. Got a pen?
Cassie: You're not going to fight this?
Danny: Just kidding. I've got my own. I'm tired of banging my head into the wall. I am. It's making everybody miserable, causing everybody too much pain, and I really... I should give Michelle what she wants. She needs space. She needs time to figure out what she needs, so...
Cassie: Are you sure this is what you want to do?
Danny: Yeah. Yeah.
Bill: You... You look great.
Michelle: So do you. Come on in.
Bill: Sorry that I'm so late. Beth's having a tough time with Lizzie, and she just needed someone to talk to.
Michelle: It's okay.
Bill: Ta-dah.
Michelle: Wow, these are... They're so pretty.
Bill: Yeah, you like them?
Michelle: I do.
Bill: Yeah?
Michelle: I do.
Bill: Good. Oh, I called Towers. I pushed back the reservation, but I think maybe we should...We should hit the road, because it gets crowded around this time.
Michelle: Yeah, you're right, you're right.
Bill: Oh, allow me.
Michelle: Wait a second. What's going on? "Allow me," flowers, waiting on the porch till I invite you in? Who are you?
Bill: I'm romantic date guy.
Michelle: I don't like romantic date guy.
Bill: Wait a minute. I've done my research here, and you women are supposed to eat this stuff up.
Michelle: Go away.
Bill: What?
Michelle: Go away.
Bill: All right, fine, fine. But whose idea was this whole Towers suit and tie thing anyway, huh?
Michelle: Yours.
Bill: Mine. Well, I'm choking to death over here. Towers. Remember the time we went to Towers when we were kids, and we got stuck there with our parents, like ten years old. And you took that... I don't know, that chicken a la French thingamajig, you wrapped it in a napkin, and you threw it over the balcony?
Michelle: Yeah, yeah, and then you took me to that creepy drive-through, big, plastic burrito place?
Bill: That's right, that's right. And you had two deluxe burritos, two. In fact, I was in full admiration. So I tell you what, let's go to Towers, and in fact, I'll be the one to yell, "Look out below," when you're throwing your food off the ledge.
Michelle: Oh, the food is better than that now.
Bill: Well, just because you're a little older and more refined. Shall we?
Michelle: Yeah, right. After that? Now I've got a good mind to stay home and order a pizza.
Bill: All right. Now you're talking.
Michelle: Allow me.
Bill: Oh. Well, thank you, Miss Bauer.
Michelle: Extra extra large, and pepperoni?
Bill: Well that all depends what movie we're going to be watching. May I suggest maybe one of the classics and one of our favorites, "Revenge Of The Nerds"?
Michelle: We've only seen that about 500 times.
Bill: How about 501?
Michelle: All right, I'll go change into something more comfortable.
Bill: May I watch?
Michelle: Why don't you make yourself useful and find the video and put it in the VCR, okay?
Bill: What are you talking about? Come here.
Michelle: Okay; now I’m scared.
Eden: Harley, open up! Harley! Harley, open up! (bangs on door)
Harley: You have five minutes, and then I'm having you arrested for disturbing the peace.
Eden: Nicky has shut me off. It's like I don't even exist.
Harley: Well, you don't exist, Eden, because every time your brother needs you, you're not there.
Eden: Not there? I killed someone to protect my brother so he wouldn't know about my dad. And if you think about it, that is kind of a big sacrifice.
Harley: Okay, well, you know, I've heard that whole story before, so unless you have something new to say to me, like, "I’m going to testify at the hearing because I was the one who pushed Federico off the roof," then we have nothing left to say to each other. And if Gus' word wasn't good enough for you, let me give it a try. Get out! Get out of my house. Get out of town. Get out of our lives.
Eden: You are going to be sorry.
Harley: Good-bye.
Eden: Because Nicky is going to need me one day.
Harley: Unlikely.
Eden: You're going to be sorry.
Gus: Hey, how's it going there, pally?
Phillip: What do you want?
Gus: What do I want? I want world peace, I want the cubs to win a world series, and I want you to give Harley back her child, and you're going to do it, if you know what's good for you.
Phillip: Really? Because what are you going to do to me if I don't, Gus? You're going to shoot me?
Gus: That's very tempting. But it's not me you have to worry about.
Phillip: Is Harley going to shoot me?
Gus: Try dear old dad.
Danny: This is it. So I mail these off to Ross' office, and my marriage is officially over. Hey, I’m a swinging single again.
Cassie: Join the club. You know, widowed, divorced-- just fancy words for being alone.
Danny: Oh. Come on, you're not alone, Cassie.
Cassie: Thanks. Neither are you. I mean, look at all the people we have to choose from.
Danny: Oh, yeah, yeah. See that big guy over there with the polyester suit? He's looking right at you.
Cassie: Well, check out that lady with the support hose over there. She's been staring at you all night.
Danny: Whoo! How's my hair?
Cassie: Great.
Danny: Yeah.
Cassie: Here's to moving on.
Danny: Moving on.
Cassie: It stinks.
Danny: My sentiments exactly.
Michelle: You owe me 11 bucks.
Bill: 11 bucks? What happened to women's lib?
Michelle: 11 bucks after you find the remote.
Bill: Well, the remote is right here. But you've got to go get the lights.
Michelle: All right, but keep your hands to yourself.
Bill: You really do play hard to get, don't you?
Michelle: Mm-hmm. Hit the play button.
Bill: Just like the old days, huh?
Michelle: Yup.
Harley: "But the bug just threw back its head"-- close your eyes-- "And laughed, 'ha ha ha ha ha, bug off.' Wheely could not believe his itsy bitsy tiny ant ears. He fell to his knees from exhaustion and begged, 'please, sir, you promised.'" That poor little ant, he's just so, so tired. But it's almost over, right? You're going to be home with mommy soon, very soon.
Gus: What's the matter there? You lose your appetite? Because I noticed that you didn't order anything. You're just kind of popping in and...
Phillip: Aitoro, what the hell do you want?
Gus: All righty then. I was going to take it easy on you, so as not to upset you, but since you're already upset, here it goes. Next time you want to get with your father's wife and do the nasty between the sheets, you might want to be a little bit more careful on who sees you. I know all about you and Olivia, so you better listen up, or you're going to go so far down, you're going to be looking up at hell.