GL Transcript Thursday 1/16/03

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/16/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Gus: God!

Harley: Oh, no, what are you doing?

Gus: Is it necessary to clean up for a lawyer? He's just a lawyer.

Harley: He's not just a lawyer. He's Everett Gardner, counselor to the rich and richer.

Gus: Oh, so what?

Harley: So what if he-- get off the court. What if he gets here and he decides that this is not a fit environment for Zach? What if... What if it doesn't matter how much money Alexandra... what if he quits? That's what I'm saying.

Gus: What happens is we'll just get to mess up the place even more, okay. Listen to me for once. Okay, no, I've got it.

Harley: I have to go to the door anyway.

Gus: Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up.

Harley: Lighter vacuum. Hi, Mr. Gardner. Please come in. I'm Harley Cooper.

Gardner: Oh, this is the right house.

Harley: Yes, yes this is definitely the right house. And this is Gus Aitoro, Mr. Gardner.

Gus: How do you do, sir, it's nice to meet you.

Harley: Yeah, so, please, sit down.

Gardner: Thank you.

Harley: So Alexandra tells me you have good news.

Gardner: And some bad.

Gus: Well, you know, why don't we just start with the good. That would be good.

Harley: Yeah.

Gardner: The family court's finally assigned a hearing date for your custody case at my urging.

Harley: Oh, that's good. That's very good. That's very good. What is the bad news?

Gardner: Your ex-husband's charges that your son would be exposed to unsavory influences in this house won't be easy to refute.

Gus: Oh please, why not? They're all lies.

Harley: You know what? Phillip feels that Gus will not be a good example to our son, that he might even be dangerous. So, how do we contest that?

Gardner: Well, you might start by convincing me that Mr. Spaulding's wrong.

Danny: This is no good.

Cassie: Wow, I guess you don't need any more coffee.

Danny: Sorry, I’m sorry. I've got it.

Cassie: You know the night manager told me that you've been out here since before dawn.

Danny: Yeah. I got a little sick of staring at the walls in my room. I was... You know, all these plans were for Michelle and Robbie.

Cassie: And you've still got Robbie.

Danny: I don't know how I’m supposed to get through this day knowing that my wife is shacked up with a guy in a cabin who is more than happy to take my place. Take my life. Right now, all I want to do is beat the hell out of Bill Lewis.

Michelle: Good morning. Bill, I said good morning.

Bill: Ah, good morning.

Michelle: Are you leaving?

Bill: Yeah, yeah, I don't think the skiing is going to be too great today.

Michelle: What, did you have your eyes closed when you looked out the window? There's a foot of fresh powder out there.

Bill: Yeah, well, actually it has nothing to do with the skiing. It's work. You know, I'm feeling a little guilty about being up here with so much stuff I have to do.

Michelle: You told me you didn't have anything scheduled for at least a week.

Bill: I did?

Michelle: Bill, what is going on and no more lame excuses.

Bill: I'm leaving because of you.

Michelle: Are you mad at me?

Bill: Do I look mad at you? Look, Michelle, I know we agreed that we're going to take things slowly.

Michelle: Pre-New Year's Eve slow.

Bill: Right, and I'm fine with that in theory. I just... I don't think I can hold up my end of the bargain. So I’d rather be a gentleman and split then...

Michelle: Then what?

Bill: Pull off your robe and make love to you right now, which is what I want to do.

Harley: Well, I don't see why we should have to defend Gus.

Gardner: Because he's beyond reproach?

Harley: No, because he's a wonderful person. Because he's a great police officer. As a matter of fact he's a hero, and the only person who doesn't agree with that is Phillip.

Gardner: Well, the arbitrator didn't come away with too high an opinion of him. This is strong stuff.

Gus: Sir, it's wrong. Okay, it's wrong stuff.

Gardner: You didn't commit a murder that was witnessed by your sister, Eden, whom you also burned with a cigarette when she annoyed you?

Gus: Absolutely not.

Harley: No, no, no. This report was months ago, and Alexandra hasn't filled you in on any recent developments?

Gardner: Oh, yes she has, but the official record is the place where the family court and therefore, we, must start from. Our job will be to prove that the inaccuracies here put a lie to Mr. Spaulding's allegations.

Gus: Well, you know something, that really shouldn't be that difficult, okay? Because my sister lied about what happened on the roof, she lies about everything, she lied about everything.

Gardner: Well, that is not exactly the best reflection of your family's character.

Gus: You know something? Phillip tried to bribe my sister and threaten my sister the day before the arbitration meeting.

Harley: Um-hmm.

Gardner: Do you have any proof of that? Anything written down, recorded?

Harley: No, but he gave her a big, fat check, which she unfortunately tore up.

Gus: You know, I think there's something that's like a major point that we're forgetting here, and I think you would be able to use it in court.

Gardner: Such as?

Gus: Well, Mr. Gardner, there wouldn't be an arbitrator, there wouldn't be a case, there wouldn't be a gripe against me, unless Phillip hadn't gotten into my juvenile file that was supposed to be sealed in the first place.

Harley: Exactly.

Gardner: Are you saying that he obtained those records illegally?

Harley: No, no. He didn't, his father did, but I know that Phillip read them. I know he did.

Gus: Phillip is the one who broke the law. You see, he broke the law, so why don't you just, like, work that angle?

Harley: Um-hmm.

Gardner: Well, even if I did, a separate issue, and one with no real baring on whether your son is at risk in this home.

Harley: Okay, then why don't we talk about something that would have bearing.

Gardner: Detective Aitoro's sister.

Harley: Eden.

Gardner: Yes. If she were to swear that her earlier testimony were false, even coerced, it could very well decide this case in your favor.

Harley: Hmm. Then we are right back at the beginning.

Gardner: I take it that your sister is something less than cooperative.

Gus: Mr. Gardner, do you really think that... I mean, are you saying that my sister is the key to this whole deal?

Gardner: At this point, yes.

Gus: Well, then, she's going to damn well be cooperative. Honey, I’ll be back, all right? It's nice to meet you, sir.

Harley: You know what? This is so unfair, because I have to justify my worthiness as a mother over and over again. How come Phillip never has to answer for his personal life?

Gardner: He should, and please, if there are any improprieties that you're aware of, this is definitely the time to bring them up. Is something wrong?

Harley: I just always swore that I would never try to get my son back by smearing his father's name. I feel like I'm stooping to the dirty tricks that Phillip uses.

Gardner: You're going to need every weapon that you can get your hands on.

Michelle: I knew it was a mistake wearing this sexy robe and my come-hither slippers. I knew it. I said to myself I said "Michelle, you know you're going to give this poor guy mixed signals," and that's obviously what happened.

Bill: You are way too much.

Michelle: On top of packing the wrong loungewear?

Bill: You didn't do anything wrong and that's part of what's driving me crazy. I think you're perfect.

Michelle: Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Bill: No you are, you are perfect to me. You always have been. Does it make you uncomfortable to hear me say how much I care about you?

Michelle: It makes me a little nervous.

Bill: Well, you'd better get over that. And it will be a little easier if I back off, and that's why I’m leaving.

Michelle: Okay, backing off is one thing and taking off is another. All I asked is that we don't make any decisions right now. If I thought that was going to make you uncomfortable, I would never have come up here.

Bill: And I realize that. Is the best thing to do especially when...

Michelle: I'm not over Danny.

Bill: You need time to figure out what you want.

Michelle: But you're saying that you're ready to dive into things right now.

Bill: Michelle, I’m more than ready. I didn't even sleep last night knowing that your bed was 15 feet away from mine. I just kept thinking about kicking open your bedroom door and flying across the room to you.

Michelle: That would have been quite a wake-up call.

Bill: All I could think about was all I wanted was to make love to you. And it's still on my mind. So I... I better get going.

Cassie: You know, that's the kind of thinking that you've been trying to put behind you. And beating the hell out of Bill Lewis isn't going to fix things with you and Michelle.

Danny: Well, it would make me feel better.

Cassie: Why don't you sit down for a minute. Please. When you were making all these changes for Robbie and Michelle, did you ever stop once to consider if any of this was good for you?

Danny: Well, what good is it for me if I can't share it with Michelle? We were always a team.

Cassie: Yeah, teams get broken.

Danny: Tell me about it.

Cassie: But it will get easier, I can tell you that.

Danny: Is it easier for you?

Cassie: Yeah, it is. But, you know, we're not talking about me. You are the one that is so angry you want to break someone's neck.

Danny: Hey, I’ve seen you that way, Cassie.

Cassie: How's coffee?

Danny: Uh-huh. I mean, how do you do it?

Cassie: How do I do what?

Danny: Well, you have a smile on your face day after day, you're able to walk into the lobby of your hotel, offering coffee to your guests, offering advice. You of all people know what it's like to lose a person you love.

Cassie: Yeah, I do. And the difference between us is my husband is dead and your wife is still alive. And she's not out of reach. And if you are so lonely without her, if you want her back in your life, then you have to figure out a way to get her back. Danny, if you want to reconnect with Michelle then you've got to make that the most important thing. Everything else is going to fall into place. Unless it's too much work.

Danny: No, but maybe, you know, I've thought about this all night, maybe Michelle’s better off with somebody like Bill Lewis, somebody who's got a more normal family and no personal baggage. A real hero who can swoop in at the last moment, save the day, and be rewarded with a nice candlelight dinner.

Cassie: You don't believe that.

Danny: What the hell, maybe Michelle deserves a shot at a nice, safe life for once.

Cassie: And you have everything it takes to give her that.

Danny: Tell that to Michelle.

Cassie: I'm telling you what I see. I see a man who cares, I see a man with a heart. You showed that to me when I came to you asking for money so I could pay Richard’s hospital bills.

Danny: I turned you down.

Cassie: Yeah, at first. But then you came through. And then when I couldn't come up with the money to pay my debt, you protected me. And you know what? Then there was that horrible night when I was so desperate for money that I was willing to strip. And instead of letting me, you protected me from myself. And you proved you were a hero, at least to me.

Gus: Hi.

Eden: Hi. Okay, wait. Before you say anything, I just want to let you know that I'm really sorry for running out on you the other day, and I’m so happy you called.

Gus: Well, I needed to see you.

Eden: I love it when you say that.

Gus: I don't know if you're going to like the rest. We... We finally got a court date on Zach's custody hearing and we need you to testify.

Eden: We?

Gus: Yeah, we. This is Harley's shot at getting her child back, okay, so it's crunch time. I'm going to need you to go into that courtroom and tell the truth about what happened on the roof that night, and you can leave out all the bogus garbage about our father. Just, you know, stick to the facts.

Eden: Wow. Okay, you come in here, I apologize, and then you go right into poor Harley and then you assume that I'm lying about our father, and now you're pressuring me to testify? I mean, all before I’ve even had coffee.

Gus: I've already had my morning coffee, thank you.

Eden: All right, well, this is where I get up and I say "see you."

Gus I’m not playing anymore. Okay, there's no time for it. So you're going to go into that courtroom and say what needs to be said.

Eden: No.

Gus: Eden, this is your last chance, okay? Either you do this thing, you testify, you do the right thing, or you don't have a brother anymore.

Michelle: Bill.

Bill: No, look, Michelle, I should go. Even though I don't want to.

Michelle: Well, I don't want you to either. So stay.

Bill: Let's see, leaving or being tempted beyond endurance. Let me think about that one.

Michelle: Well, if it means I’m going to have to beat you off with a ski pole, then by all means, hit the road. Don't worry about me. Left behind, all alone.

Bill: You're going to milk this, aren't you?

Michelle: Oh, yeah, you bet.

Bill: Well, you know, it probably wouldn't be too cool to leave you to ski all alone?

Michelle: I don't mind that. I was just hoping that you'd stay through lunch.

Bill: Oh, yeah. You do have a way with a sandwich and a cup of soup.

Michelle: See I was thinking more of the pleasure of beating you down the run of your choice this morning.

Bill: Really?

Michelle: Mm-hmm.

Bill: Never going to happen.

Michelle: In my robes and my slippers I could go faster than you.

Bill: Oh, see, now I have to stay. Because you just challenged my manhood.

Michelle: In so many ways.

Buzz: Oh, finally.

Frank: Oh, man, I feel like I walked 1,000 miles.

Danny: I'm surprised you're bringing that night up.

Cassie: It meant a lot to me.

Danny: Yeah, I try not to think about that. It was hard to see you in that way begging for money. You really shouldn't have had to do something so degrading.

Cassie: Did I mention how desperate I was?

Danny: Yep.

Cassie: You were a hero. You were. I was in a really bad place and you got me out of it. Gently, kindly. Then you took your coat off and you put it over my shoulders with respect, and you weren't disgusted. You were wonderful.

Danny: Well, just so you know, I do not judge you for what you did. You had a family to take care of and I understand that.

Cassie: Well, just so you know, I don't judge you. I do know what it's like to lose the person that you think you're going to be with forever, and to feel like you have nothing. It's horrible, and I’m sorry.

Danny: Well, thank you. I thought that I would spend the rest of my life with Michelle. I just don't know what happens next, except that I've got some work to do. I'm going to head over to my club and I’ve got to get some measurements to my architect. And thank you for the coffee. The next one's on me.

Eden: Okay, let's say I do testify, and then when the lawyers ask me why I pushed Federico off the roof and I tell them it's because I was trying to stop him from turning in our crooked father. Because that is why I did it, Nicky. And then it will be in all the papers, because any case having to do with the Spaulding's is going to be news. And then our secret is going to be out.

Gus: Listen to me. You don't have to say a word about our father. It's never going to come up if our lawyer plays it straight.

Eden: I can't take that chance. Do you think all these years I’ve been covering this because it's been fun or easy? No, I was trying to protect you and I was trying to protect both of us. And now you want me to just trash our family name in one sitting.

Gus: Eden, I just want you to do the right thing.

Eden: Yeah, for your girlfriend, because she can't stand up to her ex.

Gus: Look, this is the way that Harley is dealing with Phillip, okay, with a court case and with my help. And as far as our family name goes, you and me, we're the only ones that have to deal with whether our father did something or didn't do something, that's on us. That's not on Harley or... That's our problem, okay? I'm worried about them.

Eden: When are you ever going to start worrying about me?

Gus: Well, at the rate you're going, never.

Eden: Yeah, unless I testify and sing like a bird.

Gus: Look at me, look at me. You do this thing, you testify, you do the right thing or I'm going to cut you loose, I swear to God. It's that important to me.

Eden: Nicky, I can’t.

Gus: All right.

Eden: No, can't you understand that?

Gus: Just take care of yourself, okay? Take care of yourself.

Eden: Look, I am the only family you've got. We'll make up again, we always do.

Gus: No, did. We always did.

Bill: So let me get this straight, you guys came up to check out the big ski weekend?

Marina: To spy on me.

Bill: And when you found these guys, both the batteries in your car were dead?

Buzz: A lot of this is hard to grasp.

Michelle: It must have been so cramped, all four of you sleeping together in one car.

Frank: Yeah, well, it sure beats freezing to death.

Ben: Not by much.

Buzz: And, gee, when was the last time I hiked umpteen miles in arctic conditions?

Frank: You know, I think I've got a blister here the size of Rhode Island.

Bill: New boots, old car battery, that's a bad combo. How are you holding up?

Ben: Fine.

Marina: Thank you.

Michelle: Are you all right?

Marina: Oh yeah, I'm fine because I've actually projected myself outside of my body and away from this pathetic family that follows me everywhere.

Frank: Okay, so where are the other kids?

Bill: What other kids?

Frank: Well, you know, the kids from Ben’s fraternity... I mean, this is a skiathon weekend right?

Buzz: And where are all the famous chaperones?

Marina: Ah...

Bill: Ah, jumper cables, I've got some jumper cables. If you guys are warmed up I can help you down to your cars, get you up and running.

Buzz: Great, wouldn't it, wouldn't it?

Ben: Yeah, sure, sure, let's go.

Marina: Ah, so I didn't realize you were going to be here.

Michelle: Yeah, it was a surprise to me, too. Hey, Marina, you can come back into your body now.

Marina: Why bother? As soon as I do, they'll just be in my face again. My family is wrecking my life.

Danny: All this was for you, Michelle. (laughter) Look who it is! Ah.

Cassie: I thought Robbie would love to spend the day with you, and I knew that you could use some company.

Danny: Hi, how are you? Did you miss me? I missed you. Can I get a big hug? Oh, thank you, thank you. I am so lucky. Are you going to help daddy work today?

Cassie: And you can help him play.

Danny: Play? Well how much time do we have?

Cassie: All morning.

Danny: All morning? Did you hear that?

Cassie: And I brought some tools for the trade. Here you go.

Danny: Oh, wow, Robbie, look at this. Your trucks and blocks. We're going to have a good time. Do you want to play in my office with me? Do you want to do that? Okay. Why did you do this?

Cassie: I thought that I would remind you that your life could be as rich and wonderful as you needed it to be, and this is the main reason.

Danny: Well, thank you.

Cassie: Thank me in about 20 minutes when your office is trashed.

Danny: Oh, did you hear that? You're going to help me trash my office, want to help, okay. Do you want to fly, here we go. (imitating airplane) Take a look at you. Look out, look out, look out you chipper mug.

Michelle: Not the ski trip you expected, huh?

Marina: Well, let's see, I spent the night in a freezing cold car with my father and my grandfather instead of...

Michelle: With Ben in bed?

Marina: I'm ready, Michelle and I'm prepared. Ben is, he's finally starting to look at me like I'm actually a real person, you know, not just some little high school kid and it's like when his car broke down he was so sweet to me and he was so into me until the Cooper trooper showed up and they read us the usual jail bait riot act. How is he ever supposed to take me seriously when all he keeps hearing is that he's robbing the cradle?

Michelle: Well, you aren't exactly 18.

Marina: Yeah, well I'm old enough to see a gynecologist right? I'm old enough to take responsibility for myself.

Michelle: Yes, yes you are, but it shouldn't take having sex with a guy to have him take you seriously.

Marina: Well, it couldn't hurt.

Michelle: Wrong. Marina, has Ben been pressuring you in any way?

Marina: No, no. No, he's been totally cool.

Michelle: Then how do you know this is what he wants?

Marina: Well, this isn't the 1950’s, is it? I mean why else do you think a guy invites a girl to come to a ski cabin with him for the weekend?

Michelle: Well, he invited Bill up here, too.

Marina: Guys want sex. Everybody knows that, especially them.

Michelle: So if Frank and Buzz hadn't caught up with you guys, you guys would have been here last night and you would have slept together?

Marina: Yeah, we'd probably still be in there.

Michelle: I know you say you're ready for this, but you have to be sure that this is right.

Marina: Well, I don't want to lose the guy.

Michelle: What do you mean, if you waited? Why would that happen?

Marina: Well, like this girl in my math class didn't sleep with her boyfriend and he broke up with her like that night, and I don't even blame him.

Michelle: And that's okay with you? Marina, do you know what a real relationship is? It's a connection between a man and a woman that's based on respect and trust and humor and honesty. When a guy knows what you're going to say before you do. Or when he grabs onto your hand because he knows you need contact, not words. You know, that's what a real-- that's when it's real. And guess what? That's when the sex will be real, too.

Marina: Oh, I don't know. I used to buy all that wait until it's right stuff, but I just don't believe that any more, you know I don't think there's this moment when you suddenly realize it's right. That's just not the way things are in the real world, you know.

Michelle: No, okay. Well, Marina, if Ben wanted sex, if that's all he wanted, he could get it every night of the week at the university, but he's here with you because he likes you. I mean, you can see it all over his face, and this is coming from a guy who doesn't like to show what he's feeling. If anything, I think rushing into sex with him too soon might change that.

Marina: Why are you trying to scare me?

Michelle: I'm not. I just don't want you to make a mistake that you can't undo.

Marina: Haven't you ever made a mistake before?

Michelle: That's why I know what I’m talking about.

Marina: So, what if you're making a mistake now?

Michelle: What do you mean?

Marina: With Bill. What if you're making a mistake with him? What if he's not okay with waiting until you're totally cool with everything? And even if he is, how do you know how happy he is about it?

Michelle: Good point.

Marina: What are you doing?

Michelle: I'm avoiding a mistake, I hope.

Buzz: No sweeter sound than the car's engine turning over after it's been recharged.

Ben: I like the sound of a car pulling away with your family inside it.

Bill: Any excitement while we were gone?

Michelle: Not much.

Bill: You're not going skiing like that, are you?

Michelle: No, I’m not. You were right. I don't think it's a good idea for us to be maybe in such close quarters right now. So, I'm going to go home.

Frank: So Marina, Ben tells us there's some misunderstanding about the chaperones in the skiathon.

Buzz: Yes, and it was all made up by you.

Marina: Oh, no. I think I just got the weekends mixed up. Nice try. Let's go.

Ben: Where?

Buzz: Well, you can go wherever you want to, but the Cooper’s, they're going to Springfield.

Marina: But we just got here.

Frank: Well, you know what, you lied to me again. Both of you did. What did you expect me to do, leave you up here with him?

Ben: We were only going to ski.

Buzz: Ben! Not now.

Marina: Why can't we just stay here? I mean, I know there may not be, like, official chaperones or anything, but Bill and Michelle are here to make sure everything's cool.

Frank: Really, just the four of you? Oh, how nice and cozy. I don't think so. Get your coat.

Marina: Daddy?

Frank: Don't start with me, Marina. You have no place to argue here.

Marina: What is this about? Are you afraid I’m going to sleep with him? Well, I have news for you, if I want to have sex with him, I can do it just as easily in Springfield as I could here!

Frank: You are so out of here.

Danny: Look out, look out, sharp turn. Oh, he made it, he made it. See, Robbie, you never know, you're driving along. There's going to be a big curve in the road that might surprise you and might want to make you drive off the road. Oh, but you can't let it, you can't let it. You've just got to steer through it and keep on driving.

Robbie: And put it in truck.

Danny: That's right, you just keep on driving. You can't worry about what might have happened, you just got the rest of the ride to think about.

Robbie: Put in.

Danny: No, no.

Robbie: Put in truck.

Danny: How about that?

Robbie: Put it in the truck.

Gus: Harley! Harley. Honey, what's the matter? It didn't go well with Gardner?

Harley: Oh, he had some more bad news after you left.

Gus: Why, why?

Harley: Why, because Phillip is a jerk, that's why. Because he's made this custody battle so ugly that in order to win it, Gardner thinks that I'm going to have to start hitting below the belt the way Phillip does.

Gus: So, are you saying that if I happen to get some dirt on Phillip, he'd be willing to use it in court?

Harley: It would certainly take the focus off you.

Gus: Well, are you sure you'd be all right with that? I mean, you've been 100% against that approach of mine up until now.

Harley: Yeah, well I haven't been this desperate up until now. But why don't you tell me that I won't have to use it. Tell me that Eden is going to tell the truth this time.

Gus: I can't tell you that. I mean, not that it's not possible.

Harley: But I shouldn't count on it? Sorry.

Gus: Yeah, me, too.

Harley: Well, we'll figure it out. You know, we always do. We can work it out.

Gus: I know, baby, I know, do you hear me? You won’t. Breathe.

Harley: (Laughs) I have to go wake up Jude; he's been sleeping all morning.

Gus: Hey, Doherty, it's Aitoro. Look, we keep missing each other, but I need to pull our meeting up, make it quicker. So meet me at Company tonight. And all that information you have on Phillip Spaulding, I need it quick and I really need it bad. Thanks.

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